from __future__ import generators execfile("") import types, os, tempfile, cPickle, shutil, traceback ####################################################################### # # connection - Code that deals with remote execution # class ConnectionError(Exception): pass class ConnectionReadError(ConnectionError): pass class ConnectionQuit(Exception): pass class Connection: """Connection class - represent remote execution The idea is that, if c is an instance of this class, will return the object on the remote side. For functions, will return a function that, when called, executes foo on the remote side, sending over the arguments and sending back the result. """ def __repr__(self): return self.__str__() def __str__(self): return "Simple Connection" # override later class LocalConnection(Connection): """Local connection This is a dummy connection class, so that just evaluates to foo using global scope. """ def __init__(self): """This prevents two instances of LocalConnection""" assert not Globals.local_connection self.conn_number = 0 # changed by SetConnections for server def __getattr__(self, name): try: return globals()[name] except KeyError: try: return __builtins__.__dict__[name] except KeyError: raise NameError, name def __setattr__(self, name, value): globals()[name] = value def __delattr__(self, name): del globals()[name] def __str__(self): return "LocalConnection" def reval(self, function_string, *args): return apply(eval(function_string), args) def quit(self): pass Globals.local_connection = LocalConnection() Globals.connections.append(Globals.local_connection) # Following changed by server in SetConnections Globals.connection_dict[0] = Globals.local_connection class ConnectionRequest: """Simple wrapper around a PipeConnection request""" def __init__(self, function_string, num_args): self.function_string = function_string self.num_args = num_args def __str__(self): return "ConnectionRequest: %s with %d arguments" % \ (self.function_string, self.num_args) class LowLevelPipeConnection(Connection): """Routines for just sending objects from one side of pipe to another Each thing sent down the pipe is paired with a request number, currently limited to be between 0 and 255. The size of each thing should be less than 2^56. Each thing also has a type, indicated by one of the following characters: o - generic object i - iterator/generator of RORPs f - file object b - string q - quit signal t - TempFile d - DSRPath R - RPath r - RORPath only c - PipeConnection object """ def __init__(self, inpipe, outpipe): """inpipe is a file-type open for reading, outpipe for writing""" self.inpipe = inpipe self.outpipe = outpipe def __str__(self): """Return string version This is actually an important function, because otherwise requests to represent this object would result in "__str__" being executed on the other side of the connection. """ return "LowLevelPipeConnection" def _put(self, obj, req_num): """Put an object into the pipe (will send raw if string)""" Log.conn("sending", obj, req_num) if type(obj) is types.StringType: self._putbuf(obj, req_num) elif isinstance(obj, Connection): self._putconn(obj, req_num) elif isinstance(obj, TempFile): self._puttempfile(obj, req_num) elif isinstance(obj, DSRPath): self._putdsrpath(obj, req_num) elif isinstance(obj, RPath): self._putrpath(obj, req_num) elif isinstance(obj, RORPath): self._putrorpath(obj, req_num) elif ((hasattr(obj, "read") or hasattr(obj, "write")) and hasattr(obj, "close")): self._putfile(obj, req_num) elif hasattr(obj, "next"): self._putiter(obj, req_num) else: self._putobj(obj, req_num) def _putobj(self, obj, req_num): """Send a generic python obj down the outpipe""" self._write("o", cPickle.dumps(obj, 1), req_num) def _putbuf(self, buf, req_num): """Send buffer buf down the outpipe""" self._write("b", buf, req_num) def _putfile(self, fp, req_num): """Send a file to the client using virtual files""" self._write("f", str(, req_num) def _putiter(self, iterator, req_num): """Put an iterator through the pipe""" self._write("i", str(, req_num) def _puttempfile(self, tempfile, req_num): """Put a tempfile into pipe. See _putrpath""" tf_repr = (tempfile.conn.conn_number, tempfile.base, tempfile.index, self._write("t", cPickle.dumps(tf_repr, 1), req_num) def _putdsrpath(self, dsrpath, req_num): """Put DSRPath into pipe. See _putrpath""" dsrpath_repr = (dsrpath.conn.conn_number, dsrpath.getstatedict()) self._write("d", cPickle.dumps(dsrpath_repr, 1), req_num) def _putrpath(self, rpath, req_num): """Put an rpath into the pipe The rpath's connection will be encoded as its conn_number. It and the other information is put in a tuple. """ rpath_repr = (rpath.conn.conn_number, rpath.base, rpath.index, self._write("R", cPickle.dumps(rpath_repr, 1), req_num) def _putrorpath(self, rorpath, req_num): """Put an rorpath into the pipe This is only necessary because if there is a .file attached, it must be excluded from the pickling """ rorpath_repr = (rorpath.index, self._write("r", cPickle.dumps(rorpath_repr, 1), req_num) def _putconn(self, pipeconn, req_num): """Put a connection into the pipe A pipe connection is represented just as the integer (in string form) of its connection number it is *connected to*. """ self._write("c", str(pipeconn.conn_number), req_num) def _putquit(self): """Send a string that takes down server""" self._write("q", "", 255) def _write(self, headerchar, data, req_num): """Write header and then data to the pipe""" self.outpipe.write(headerchar + chr(req_num) + self._l2s(len(data))) self.outpipe.write(data) self.outpipe.flush() def _read(self, length): """Read length bytes from inpipe, returning result""" return def _s2l(self, s): """Convert string to long int""" assert len(s) == 7 l = 0L for i in range(7): l = l*256 + ord(s[i]) return l def _l2s(self, l): """Convert long int to string""" s = "" for i in range(7): l, remainder = divmod(l, 256) s = chr(remainder) + s assert remainder == 0 return s def _get(self): """Read an object from the pipe and return (req_num, value)""" header_string = if not len(header_string) == 9: raise ConnectionReadError("Truncated header string (problem " "probably originated remotely)") try: format_string, req_num, length = (header_string[0], ord(header_string[1]), self._s2l(header_string[2:])) except IndexError: raise ConnectionError() if format_string == "q": raise ConnectionQuit("Received quit signal") data = self._read(length) if format_string == "o": result = cPickle.loads(data) elif format_string == "b": result = data elif format_string == "f": result = VirtualFile(self, int(data)) elif format_string == "i": result = RORPIter.FromFile(BufferedRead(VirtualFile(self, int(data)))) elif format_string == "t": result = self._gettempfile(data) elif format_string == "r": result = self._getrorpath(data) elif format_string == "R": result = self._getrpath(data) elif format_string == "d": result = self._getdsrpath(data) else: assert format_string == "c", header_string result = Globals.connection_dict[int(data)] Log.conn("received", result, req_num) return (req_num, result) def _getrorpath(self, raw_rorpath_buf): """Reconstruct RORPath object from raw data""" index, data = cPickle.loads(raw_rorpath_buf) return RORPath(index, data) def _gettempfile(self, raw_tf_buf): """Return TempFile object indicated by raw_tf_buf""" conn_number, base, index, data = cPickle.loads(raw_tf_buf) return TempFile(Globals.connection_dict[conn_number], base, index, data) def _getrpath(self, raw_rpath_buf): """Return RPath object indicated by raw_rpath_buf""" conn_number, base, index, data = cPickle.loads(raw_rpath_buf) return RPath(Globals.connection_dict[conn_number], base, index, data) def _getdsrpath(self, raw_dsrpath_buf): """Return DSRPath object indicated by buf""" conn_number, state_dict = cPickle.loads(raw_dsrpath_buf) empty_dsrp = DSRPath("bypass", Globals.local_connection, None) empty_dsrp.__setstate__(state_dict) empty_dsrp.conn = Globals.connection_dict[conn_number] empty_dsrp.file = None return empty_dsrp def _close(self): """Close the pipes associated with the connection""" self.outpipe.close() self.inpipe.close() class PipeConnection(LowLevelPipeConnection): """Provide server and client functions for a Pipe Connection Both sides act as modules that allows for remote execution. For instance, self.conn.pow(2,8) will execute the operation on the server side. The only difference between the client and server is that the client makes the first request, and the server listens first. """ def __init__(self, inpipe, outpipe, conn_number = 0): """Init PipeConnection conn_number should be a unique (to the session) integer to identify the connection. For instance, all connections to the client have conn_number 0. Other connections can use this number to route commands to the correct process. """ LowLevelPipeConnection.__init__(self, inpipe, outpipe) self.conn_number = conn_number self.unused_request_numbers = {} for i in range(256): self.unused_request_numbers[i] = None def __str__(self): return "PipeConnection %d" % self.conn_number def get_response(self, desired_req_num): """Read from pipe, responding to requests until req_num. Sometimes after a request is sent, the other side will make another request before responding to the original one. In that case, respond to the request. But return once the right response is given. """ while 1: try: req_num, object = self._get() except ConnectionQuit: self._put("quitting", self.get_new_req_num()) return if req_num == desired_req_num: return object else: assert isinstance(object, ConnectionRequest) self.answer_request(object, req_num) def answer_request(self, request, req_num): """Put the object requested by request down the pipe""" del self.unused_request_numbers[req_num] argument_list = [] for i in range(request.num_args): arg_req_num, arg = self._get() assert arg_req_num == req_num argument_list.append(arg) try: result = apply(eval(request.function_string), argument_list) except: result = self.extract_exception() self._put(result, req_num) self.unused_request_numbers[req_num] = None def extract_exception(self): """Return active exception""" if Log.verbosity >= 5 or Log.term_verbosity >= 5: Log("Sending back exception %s of type %s: \n%s" % (sys.exc_info()[1], sys.exc_info()[0], "".join(traceback.format_tb(sys.exc_info()[2]))), 5) return sys.exc_info()[1] def Server(self): """Start server's read eval return loop""" Globals.server = 1 Globals.connections.append(self) Log("Starting server", 6) self.get_response(-1) def reval(self, function_string, *args): """Execute command on remote side The first argument should be a string that evaluates to a function, like "pow", and the remaining are arguments to that function. """ req_num = self.get_new_req_num() self._put(ConnectionRequest(function_string, len(args)), req_num) for arg in args: self._put(arg, req_num) result = self.get_response(req_num) self.unused_request_numbers[req_num] = None if isinstance(result, Exception): raise result else: return result def get_new_req_num(self): """Allot a new request number and return it""" if not self.unused_request_numbers: raise ConnectionError("Exhaused possible connection numbers") req_num = self.unused_request_numbers.keys()[0] del self.unused_request_numbers[req_num] return req_num def quit(self): """Close the associated pipes and tell server side to quit""" assert not Globals.server self._putquit() self._get() self._close() def __getattr__(self, name): """Intercept attributes to allow for . invocation""" return EmulateCallable(self, name) class RedirectedConnection(Connection): """Represent a connection more than one move away For instance, suppose things are connected like this: S1---C---S2. If Server1 wants something done by Server2, it will have to go through the Client. So on S1's side, S2 will be represented by a RedirectedConnection. """ def __init__(self, conn_number, routing_number = 0): """RedirectedConnection initializer Returns a RedirectedConnection object for the given conn_number, where commands are routed through the connection with the given routing_number. 0 is the client, so the default shouldn't have to be changed. """ self.conn_number = conn_number self.routing_number = routing_number self.routing_conn = Globals.connection_dict[routing_number] def __str__(self): return "RedirectedConnection %d,%d" % (self.conn_number, self.routing_number) def __getattr__(self, name): return EmulateCallable(self.routing_conn, "Globals.get_dict_val('connection_dict', %d).%s" % (self.conn_number, name)) class EmulateCallable: """This is used by PipeConnection in calls like conn.os.chmod(foo)""" def __init__(self, connection, name): self.connection = connection = name def __call__(self, *args): return apply(self.connection.reval, (,) + args) def __getattr__(self, attr_name): return EmulateCallable(self.connection, "%s.%s" % (, attr_name)) class VirtualFile: """When the client asks for a file over the connection, it gets this The returned instance then forwards requests over the connection. The class's dictionary is used by the server to associate each with a unique file number. """ #### The following are used by the server vfiles = {} counter = 0 def getbyid(cls, id): return cls.vfiles[id] getbyid = classmethod(getbyid) def readfromid(cls, id, length): return cls.vfiles[id].read(length) readfromid = classmethod(readfromid) def readlinefromid(cls, id): return cls.vfiles[id].readline() readlinefromid = classmethod(readlinefromid) def writetoid(cls, id, buffer): return cls.vfiles[id].write(buffer) writetoid = classmethod(writetoid) def closebyid(cls, id): fp = cls.vfiles[id] del cls.vfiles[id] return fp.close() closebyid = classmethod(closebyid) def new(cls, fileobj): """Associate a new VirtualFile with a read fileobject, return id""" count = cls.counter cls.vfiles[count] = fileobj cls.counter = count + 1 return count new = classmethod(new) #### And these are used by the client def __init__(self, connection, id): self.connection = connection = id def read(self, length = -1): return self.connection.VirtualFile.readfromid(, length) def readline(self): return self.connection.VirtualFile.readlinefromid( def write(self, buf): return self.connection.VirtualFile.writetoid(, buf) def close(self): return self.connection.VirtualFile.closebyid( def __iter__(self): """Iterates lines in file, like normal iter(file) behavior""" while 1: line = self.readline() if not line: break yield line