# Copyright 2003 Ben Escoto # # This file is part of rdiff-backup. # # rdiff-backup is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the # Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your # option) any later version. # # rdiff-backup is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but # WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU # General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with rdiff-backup; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 # USA """Determine the capabilities of given file system rdiff-backup needs to read and write to file systems with varying abilities. For instance, some file systems and not others have ACLs, are case-sensitive, or can store ownership information. The code in this module tests the file system for various features, and returns an FSAbilities object describing it. """ import errno, os import Globals, log, TempFile, selection, robust, SetConnections, \ static, FilenameMapping class FSAbilities: """Store capabilities of given file system""" extended_filenames = None # True if filenames can handle ":" etc. case_sensitive = None # True if "foobar" and "FoObAr" are different files ownership = None # True if chown works on this filesystem acls = None # True if access control lists supported eas = None # True if extended attributes supported hardlinks = None # True if hard linking supported fsync_dirs = None # True if directories can be fsync'd dir_inc_perms = None # True if regular files can have full permissions resource_forks = None # True if system supports resource forks carbonfile = None # True if Mac Carbon file data is supported. name = None # Short string, not used for any technical purpose read_only = None # True if capabilities were determined non-destructively high_perms = None # True if suid etc perms are (read/write) supported def __init__(self, name = None): """FSAbilities initializer. name is only used in logging""" self.name = name def __str__(self): """Return pretty printable version of self""" assert self.read_only == 0 or self.read_only == 1, self.read_only s = ['-' * 65] def addline(desc, val_text): """Add description line to s""" s.append(' %s%s%s' % (desc, ' ' * (45-len(desc)), val_text)) def add_boolean_list(pair_list): """Add lines from list of (desc, boolean) pairs""" for desc, boolean in pair_list: if boolean: val_text = 'On' elif boolean is None: val_text = 'N/A' else: assert boolean == 0 val_text = 'Off' addline(desc, val_text) def get_title_line(): """Add the first line, mostly for decoration""" read_string = self.read_only and "read only" or "read/write" if self.name: return ('Detected abilities for %s (%s) file system:' % (self.name, read_string)) else: return ('Detected abilities for %s file system' % (read_string,)) s.append(get_title_line()) if not self.read_only: add_boolean_list([('Ownership changing', self.ownership), ('Hard linking', self.hardlinks), ('fsync() directories', self.fsync_dirs), ('Directory inc permissions', self.dir_inc_perms), ('High-bit permissions', self.high_perms), ('Extended filenames', self.extended_filenames)]) add_boolean_list([('Access control lists', self.acls), ('Extended attributes', self.eas), ('Case sensitivity', self.case_sensitive), ('Mac OS X style resource forks', self.resource_forks), ('Mac OS X Finder information', self.carbonfile)]) s.append(s[0]) return '\n'.join(s) def init_readonly(self, rp): """Set variables using fs tested at RPath rp. Run locally. This method does not write to the file system at all, and should be run on the file system when the file system will only need to be read. Only self.acls and self.eas are set. """ assert rp.conn is Globals.local_connection self.root_rp = rp self.read_only = 1 self.set_eas(rp, 0) self.set_acls(rp) self.set_resource_fork_readonly(rp) self.set_carbonfile() self.set_case_sensitive_readonly(rp) return self def init_readwrite(self, rbdir): """Set variables using fs tested at rp_base. Run locally. This method creates a temp directory in rp_base and writes to it in order to test various features. Use on a file system that will be written to. """ assert rbdir.conn is Globals.local_connection if not rbdir.isdir(): assert not rbdir.lstat(), (rbdir.path, rbdir.lstat()) rbdir.mkdir() self.root_rp = rbdir self.read_only = 0 subdir = TempFile.new_in_dir(rbdir) subdir.mkdir() self.set_extended_filenames(subdir) self.set_case_sensitive_readwrite(subdir) self.set_ownership(subdir) self.set_hardlinks(subdir) self.set_fsync_dirs(subdir) self.set_eas(subdir, 1) self.set_acls(subdir) self.set_dir_inc_perms(subdir) self.set_resource_fork_readwrite(subdir) self.set_carbonfile() self.set_high_perms_readwrite(subdir) subdir.delete() return self def set_ownership(self, testdir): """Set self.ownership to true iff testdir's ownership can be changed""" tmp_rp = testdir.append("foo") tmp_rp.touch() uid, gid = tmp_rp.getuidgid() try: tmp_rp.chown(uid+1, gid+1) # just choose random uid/gid tmp_rp.chown(0, 0) except (IOError, OSError): self.ownership = 0 else: self.ownership = 1 tmp_rp.delete() def set_hardlinks(self, testdir): """Set self.hardlinks to true iff hard linked files can be made""" hl_source = testdir.append("hardlinked_file1") hl_dest = testdir.append("hardlinked_file2") hl_source.touch() try: hl_dest.hardlink(hl_source.path) if hl_source.getinode() != hl_dest.getinode(): raise IOError(errno.EOPNOTSUPP, "Hard links don't compare") except (IOError, OSError): log.Log("Warning: hard linking not supported by filesystem " "at %s" % (self.root_rp.path,), 3) self.hardlinks = 0 else: self.hardlinks = 1 def set_fsync_dirs(self, testdir): """Set self.fsync_dirs if directories can be fsync'd""" assert testdir.conn is Globals.local_connection try: testdir.fsync() except (IOError, OSError): log.Log("Directories on file system at %s are not fsyncable.\n" "Assuming it's unnecessary." % (testdir.path,), 4) self.fsync_dirs = 0 else: self.fsync_dirs = 1 def set_extended_filenames(self, subdir): """Set self.extended_filenames by trying to write a path""" assert not self.read_only # Make sure ordinary filenames ok ordinary_filename = '5-_ a.' ord_rp = subdir.append(ordinary_filename) ord_rp.touch() assert ord_rp.lstat() ord_rp.delete() extended_filename = ':\\' + chr(175) try: ext_rp = subdir.append(extended_filename) ext_rp.touch() except (IOError, OSError): assert not ext_rp.lstat() self.extended_filenames = 0 else: assert ext_rp.lstat() ext_rp.delete() self.extended_filenames = 1 def set_acls(self, rp): """Set self.acls based on rp. Does not write. Needs to be local""" assert Globals.local_connection is rp.conn assert rp.lstat() try: import posix1e except ImportError: log.Log("Unable to import module posix1e from pylibacl " "package.\nACLs not supported on filesystem at %s" % (rp.path,), 4) self.acls = 0 return try: posix1e.ACL(file=rp.path) except IOError: log.Log("ACLs not supported by filesystem at %s" % (rp.path,), 4) self.acls = 0 else: self.acls = 1 def set_case_sensitive_readwrite(self, subdir): """Determine if directory at rp is case sensitive by writing""" assert not self.read_only upper_a = subdir.append("A") upper_a.touch() lower_a = subdir.append("a") if lower_a.lstat(): lower_a.delete() upper_a.setdata() assert not upper_a.lstat() self.case_sensitive = 0 else: upper_a.delete() self.case_sensitive = 1 def set_case_sensitive_readonly(self, rp): """Determine if directory at rp is case sensitive without writing""" def find_letter(subdir): """Find a (subdir_rp, dirlist) with a letter in it, or None Recurse down the directory, looking for any file that has a letter in it. Return the pair (rp, [list of filenames]) where the list is of the directory containing rp. """ l = robust.listrp(subdir) for filename in l: if filename != filename.swapcase(): return (subdir, l, filename) for filename in l: dir_rp = subdir.append(filename) if dir_rp.isdir(): subsearch = find_letter(dir_rp) if subsearch: return subsearch return None def test_triple(dir_rp, dirlist, filename): """Return 1 if filename shows system case sensitive""" letter_rp = dir_rp.append(filename) assert letter_rp.lstat(), letter_rp swapped = filename.swapcase() if swapped in dirlist: return 1 swapped_rp = dir_rp.append(swapped) if swapped_rp.lstat(): return 0 return 1 triple = find_letter(rp) if not triple: log.Log("Warning: could not determine case sensitivity of " "source directory at\n " + rp.path + "\n" "because we can't find any files with letters in them.\n" "It will be treated as case sensitive.", 2) self.case_sensitive = 1 return self.case_sensitive = test_triple(*triple) def set_eas(self, rp, write): """Set extended attributes from rp. Tests writing if write is true.""" assert Globals.local_connection is rp.conn assert rp.lstat() try: import xattr except ImportError: log.Log("Unable to import module xattr.\nExtended attributes not " "supported on filesystem at %s" % (rp.path,), 4) self.eas = 0 return try: xattr.listxattr(rp.path) if write: xattr.setxattr(rp.path, "user.test", "test val") assert xattr.getxattr(rp.path, "user.test") == "test val" except IOError: log.Log("Extended attributes not supported by " "filesystem at %s" % (rp.path,), 4) self.eas = 0 else: self.eas = 1 def set_dir_inc_perms(self, rp): """See if increments can have full permissions like a directory""" test_rp = rp.append('dir_inc_check') test_rp.touch() try: test_rp.chmod(07777) except OSError: test_rp.delete() self.dir_inc_perms = 0 return test_rp.setdata() assert test_rp.isreg() if test_rp.getperms() == 07777: self.dir_inc_perms = 1 else: self.dir_inc_perms = 0 test_rp.delete() def set_carbonfile(self): """Test for support of the Mac Carbon library. This library can be used to obtain Finder info (creator/type).""" try: import Carbon.File import MacOS except: self.carbonfile = 0 return try: x = Carbon.File.FSSpec('.') except: self.carbonfile = 0 return self.carbonfile = 1 def set_resource_fork_readwrite(self, dir_rp): """Test for resource forks by writing to regular_file/..namedfork/rsrc""" assert dir_rp.conn is Globals.local_connection reg_rp = dir_rp.append('regfile') reg_rp.touch() s = 'test string---this should end up in resource fork' try: fp_write = open(os.path.join(reg_rp.path, '..namedfork', 'rsrc'), 'wb') fp_write.write(s) assert not fp_write.close() fp_read = open(os.path.join(reg_rp.path, '..namedfork', 'rsrc'), 'rb') s_back = fp_read.read() assert not fp_read.close() except (OSError, IOError): self.resource_forks = 0 else: self.resource_forks = (s_back == s) reg_rp.delete() def set_resource_fork_readonly(self, dir_rp): """Test for resource fork support by testing an regular file Launches search for regular file in given directory. If no regular file is found, resource_fork support will be turned off by default. """ for rp in selection.Select(dir_rp).set_iter(): if rp.isreg(): try: rfork = rp.append(os.path.join('..namedfork', 'rsrc')) fp = rfork.open('rb') fp.read() assert not fp.close() except (OSError, IOError): self.resource_forks = 0 return self.resource_forks = 1 return self.resource_forks = 0 def set_high_perms_readwrite(self, dir_rp): """Test for writing high-bit permissions like suid""" tmp_rp = dir_rp.append("high_perms") tmp_rp.touch() try: tmp_rp.chmod(07000) tmp_rp.chmod(07777) except (OSError, IOError): self.high_perms = 0 else: self.high_perms = 1 tmp_rp.delete() def get_readonly_fsa(desc_string, rp): """Return an fsa with given description_string Will be initialized read_only with given RPath rp. We separate this out into a separate function so the request can be vetted by the security module. """ return FSAbilities(desc_string).init_readonly(rp) class SetGlobals: """Various functions for setting Globals vars given FSAbilities above Container for BackupSetGlobals and RestoreSetGlobals (don't use directly) """ def __init__(self, in_conn, out_conn, src_fsa, dest_fsa): """Just store some variables for use below""" self.in_conn, self.out_conn = in_conn, out_conn self.src_fsa, self.dest_fsa = src_fsa, dest_fsa def set_eas(self): self.update_triple(self.src_fsa.eas, self.dest_fsa.eas, ('eas_active', 'eas_write', 'eas_conn')) def set_acls(self): self.update_triple(self.src_fsa.acls, self.dest_fsa.acls, ('acls_active', 'acls_write', 'acls_conn')) if Globals.never_drop_acls and not Globals.acls_active: Log.FatalError("--never-drop-acls specified, but ACL support\n" "missing from destination filesystem") def set_resource_forks(self): self.update_triple(self.src_fsa.resource_forks, self.dest_fsa.resource_forks, ('resource_forks_active', 'resource_forks_write', 'resource_forks_conn')) def set_carbonfile(self): self.update_triple(self.src_fsa.carbonfile, self.dest_fsa.carbonfile, ('carbonfile_active', 'carbonfile_write', 'carbonfile_conn')) if self.src_fsa.carbonfile and not Globals.carbonfile_active: Log("Source may have carbonfile support, but support defaults to " "off.\n Use --carbonfile to enable.", 5) def set_hardlinks(self): if Globals.preserve_hardlinks != 0: SetConnections.UpdateGlobal('preserve_hardlinks', self.dest_fsa.hardlinks) def set_fsync_directories(self): SetConnections.UpdateGlobal('fsync_directories', self.dest_fsa.fsync_dirs) def set_change_ownership(self): SetConnections.UpdateGlobal('change_ownership', self.dest_fsa.ownership) def set_high_perms(self): if not self.dest_fsa.high_perms: SetConnections.UpdateGlobal('permission_mask', 0777) class BackupSetGlobals(SetGlobals): """Functions for setting fsa related globals for backup session""" def update_triple(self, src_support, dest_support, attr_triple): """Many of the settings have a common form we can handle here""" active_attr, write_attr, conn_attr = attr_triple if Globals.get(active_attr) == 0: return # don't override 0 for attr in attr_triple: SetConnections.UpdateGlobal(attr, None) if not src_support: return # if source doesn't support, nothing SetConnections.UpdateGlobal(active_attr, 1) self.in_conn.Globals.set_local(conn_attr, 1) if dest_support: SetConnections.UpdateGlobal(write_attr, 1) self.out_conn.Globals.set_local(conn_attr, 1) def set_chars_to_quote(self, rbdir): """Set chars_to_quote setting for backup session Unlike the other options, the chars_to_quote setting also depends on the current settings in the rdiff-backup-data directory, not just the current fs features. """ ctq = self.compare_ctq_file(rbdir, self.get_ctq_from_fsas()) SetConnections.UpdateGlobal('chars_to_quote', ctq) if Globals.chars_to_quote: FilenameMapping.set_init_quote_vals() def get_ctq_from_fsas(self): """Determine chars_to_quote just from filesystems, no ctq file""" if not self.src_fsa.case_sensitive and self.dest_fsa.case_sensitive: if self.dest_fsa.extended_filenames: return "A-Z;" # Quote upper case and quoting char else: return "^a-z0-9_ -." # quote everything but basic chars if self.dest_fsa.extended_filenames: return "" # Don't quote anything else: return "^A-Za-z0-9_ -." def compare_ctq_file(self, rbdir, suggested_ctq): """Compare ctq file with suggested result, return actual ctq""" ctq_rp = rbdir.append("chars_to_quote") if not ctq_rp.lstat(): if Globals.chars_to_quote is None: actual_ctq = suggested_ctq else: actual_ctq = Globals.chars_to_quote ctq_rp.write_string(actual_ctq) return actual_ctq if Globals.chars_to_quote is None: actual_ctq = ctq_rp.get_data() else: actual_ctq = Globals.chars_to_quote # Globals override if actual_ctq == suggested_ctq: return actual_ctq if suggested_ctq == "": log.Log("Warning: File system no longer needs quoting, " "but we will retain for backwards compatibility.", 2) return actual_ctq log.Log.FatalError("""New quoting requirements! The quoting this session appears to need do not match those in %s This may be caused when you copy an rdiff-backup repository from a normal file system onto a windows one that cannot support the same characters, or if you backup a case-sensitive file system onto a case-insensitive one that previously only had case-insensitive ones backed up onto it. If you want to risk it, remove the file rdiff-backup-data/chars_to_quote.""" % (ctq_rp.path,)) class RestoreSetGlobals(SetGlobals): """Functions for setting fsa-related globals for restore session""" def update_triple(self, src_support, dest_support, attr_triple): """Update global settings for feature based on fsa results This is slightly different from BackupSetGlobals.update_triple because (using the mirror_metadata file) rpaths from the source may have more information than the file system supports. """ active_attr, write_attr, conn_attr = attr_triple if Globals.get(active_attr) == 0: return # don't override 0 for attr in attr_triple: SetConnections.UpdateGlobal(attr, None) if not dest_support: return # if dest doesn't support, do nothing SetConnections.UpdateGlobal(active_attr, 1) self.out_conn.Globals.set_local(conn_attr, 1) self.out_conn.Globals.set_local(write_attr, 1) if src_support: self.in_conn.Globals.set_local(conn_attr, 1) def set_chars_to_quote(self, rbdir): """Set chars_to_quote from rdiff-backup-data dir""" if Globals.chars_to_quote is not None: return # already overridden ctq_rp = rbdir.append("chars_to_quote") if ctq_rp.lstat(): SetConnections.UpdateGlobal("chars_to_quote", ctq_rp.get_data()) else: log.Log("Warning: chars_to_quote file not found,\n" "assuming no quoting in backup repository.", 2) SetConnections.UpdateGlobal("chars_to_quote", "") class SingleSetGlobals(RestoreSetGlobals): """For setting globals when dealing only with one filesystem""" def __init__(self, conn, fsa): self.conn = conn self.dest_fsa = fsa def update_triple(self, fsa_support, attr_triple): """Update global vars from single fsa test""" active_attr, write_attr, conn_attr = attr_triple if Globals.get(active_attr) == 0: return # don't override 0 for attr in attr_triple: SetConnections.UpdateGlobal(attr, None) if not fsa_support: return SetConnections.UpdateGlobal(active_attr, 1) SetConnections.UpdateGlobal(write_attr, 1) self.conn.Globals.set_local(conn_attr, 1) def set_eas(self): self.update_triple(self.dest_fsa.eas, ('eas_active', 'eas_write', 'eas_conn')) def set_acls(self): self.update_triple(self.dest_fsa.acls, ('acls_active', 'acls_write', 'acls_conn')) def set_resource_forks(self): self.update_triple(self.dest_fsa.resource_forks, ('resource_forks_active', 'resource_forks_write', 'resource_forks_conn')) def set_carbonfile(self): self.update_triple(self.dest_fsa.carbonfile, ('carbonfile_active', 'carbonfile_write', 'carbonfile_conn')) def backup_set_globals(rpin): """Given rps for source filesystem and repository, set fsa globals This should be run on the destination connection, because we may need to write a new chars_to_quote file. """ assert Globals.rbdir.conn is Globals.local_connection src_fsa = rpin.conn.fs_abilities.get_readonly_fsa('source', rpin) log.Log(str(src_fsa), 4) dest_fsa = FSAbilities('destination').init_readwrite(Globals.rbdir) log.Log(str(dest_fsa), 4) bsg = BackupSetGlobals(rpin.conn, Globals.rbdir.conn, src_fsa, dest_fsa) bsg.set_eas() bsg.set_acls() bsg.set_resource_forks() bsg.set_carbonfile() bsg.set_hardlinks() bsg.set_fsync_directories() bsg.set_change_ownership() bsg.set_high_perms() bsg.set_chars_to_quote(Globals.rbdir) def restore_set_globals(rpout): """Set fsa related globals for restore session, given in/out rps""" assert rpout.conn is Globals.local_connection src_fsa = Globals.rbdir.conn.fs_abilities.get_readonly_fsa( 'rdiff-backup repository', Globals.rbdir) log.Log(str(src_fsa), 4) dest_fsa = FSAbilities('restore target').init_readwrite(rpout) log.Log(str(dest_fsa), 4) rsg = RestoreSetGlobals(Globals.rbdir.conn, rpout.conn, src_fsa, dest_fsa) rsg.set_eas() rsg.set_acls() rsg.set_resource_forks() rsg.set_carbonfile() rsg.set_hardlinks() # No need to fsync anything when restoring rsg.set_change_ownership() rsg.set_high_perms() rsg.set_chars_to_quote(Globals.rbdir) def single_set_globals(rp, read_only = None): """Set fsa related globals for operation on single filesystem""" if read_only: fsa = rp.conn.fs_abilities.get_readonly_fsa(rp.path, rp) else: fsa = FSAbilities(rp.path).init_readwrite(rp) log.Log(str(fsa), 4) ssg = SingleSetGlobals(rp.conn, fsa) ssg.set_eas() ssg.set_acls() ssg.set_resource_forks() ssg.set_carbonfile() if not read_only: ssg.set_hardlinks() ssg.set_change_ownership() ssg.set_high_perms() ssg.set_chars_to_quote(Globals.rbdir)