from __future__ import generators execfile("") ####################################################################### # # highlevel - High level functions for mirroring, mirror & inc, etc. # class SkipFileException(Exception): """Signal that the current file should be skipped but then continue This exception will often be raised when there is problem reading an individual file, but it makes sense for the rest of the backup to keep going. """ pass class HighLevel: """High level static functions The design of some of these functions is represented on the accompanying diagram. """ def Mirror(src_rpath, dest_rpath, checkpoint = 1, session_info = None): """Turn dest_rpath into a copy of src_rpath Checkpoint true means to checkpoint periodically, otherwise not. If session_info is given, try to resume Mirroring from that point. """ SourceS = src_rpath.conn.HLSourceStruct DestS = dest_rpath.conn.HLDestinationStruct SourceS.set_session_info(session_info) DestS.set_session_info(session_info) src_init_dsiter = SourceS.split_initial_dsiter(src_rpath) dest_sigiter = DestS.get_sigs(dest_rpath, src_init_dsiter) diffiter = SourceS.get_diffs_and_finalize(dest_sigiter) DestS.patch_and_finalize(dest_rpath, diffiter, checkpoint) dest_rpath.setdata() def Mirror_and_increment(src_rpath, dest_rpath, inc_rpath, session_info = None): """Mirror + put increments in tree based at inc_rpath""" SourceS = src_rpath.conn.HLSourceStruct DestS = dest_rpath.conn.HLDestinationStruct SourceS.set_session_info(session_info) DestS.set_session_info(session_info) if not session_info: dest_rpath.conn.SaveState.touch_last_file() src_init_dsiter = SourceS.split_initial_dsiter(src_rpath) dest_sigiter = DestS.get_sigs(dest_rpath, src_init_dsiter) diffiter = SourceS.get_diffs_and_finalize(dest_sigiter) DestS.patch_increment_and_finalize(dest_rpath, diffiter, inc_rpath) dest_rpath.setdata() inc_rpath.setdata() def Restore(rest_time, mirror_base, rel_index, baseinc_tup, target_base): """Like Restore.RestoreRecursive but check arguments""" if (Globals.preserve_hardlinks != 0 and Hardlink.retrieve_final(rest_time)): Log("Hard link information found, attempting to preserve " "hard links.", 4) SetConnections.UpdateGlobal('preserve_hardlinks', 1) else: SetConnections.UpdateGlobal('preserve_hardlinks', None) if not isinstance(target_base, DSRPath): target_base = DSRPath(target_base.conn, target_base.base, target_base.index, Restore.RestoreRecursive(rest_time, mirror_base, rel_index, baseinc_tup, target_base) MakeStatic(HighLevel) class HLSourceStruct: """Hold info used by HL on the source side""" _session_info = None # set to si if resuming def set_session_info(cls, session_info): cls._session_info = session_info def iterate_from(cls, rpath): """Supply more aruments to DestructiveStepping.Iterate_from""" if cls._session_info: return DestructiveStepping.Iterate_from(rpath, 1, cls._session_info.last_index) else: return DestructiveStepping.Iterate_from(rpath, 1) def split_initial_dsiter(cls, rpath): """Set iterators of all dsrps from rpath, returning one""" dsiter = cls.iterate_from(rpath) initial_dsiter1, cls.initial_dsiter2 = Iter.multiplex(dsiter, 2) return initial_dsiter1 def get_diffs_and_finalize(cls, sigiter): """Return diffs and finalize any dsrp changes remaining Return a rorpiterator with files included of signatures of dissimilar files. This is the last operation run on the local filestream, so finalize dsrp writes. """ collated = RORPIter.CollateIterators(cls.initial_dsiter2, sigiter) finalizer = DestructiveStepping.Finalizer() def diffs(): for dsrp, dest_sig in collated: try: if dest_sig: if dest_sig.isplaceholder(): yield dest_sig else: yield RORPIter.diffonce(dest_sig, dsrp) if dsrp: finalizer(dsrp) except (IOError, OSError, RdiffException): Log.exception() Log("Error processing %s, skipping" % str(dest_sig.index), 2) finalizer.getresult() return diffs() MakeClass(HLSourceStruct) class HLDestinationStruct: """Hold info used by HL on the destination side""" _session_info = None # set to si if resuming def set_session_info(cls, session_info): cls._session_info = session_info def iterate_from(cls, rpath): """Supply more arguments to DestructiveStepping.Iterate_from""" if cls._session_info: return DestructiveStepping.Iterate_from(rpath, None, cls._session_info.last_index) else: return DestructiveStepping.Iterate_from(rpath, None) def split_initial_dsiter(cls, rpath): """Set initial_dsiters (iteration of all dsrps from rpath)""" dsiter = cls.iterate_from(rpath) result, cls.initial_dsiter2 = Iter.multiplex(dsiter, 2) return result def get_dissimilar(cls, baserp, src_init_iter, dest_init_iter): """Get dissimilars Returns an iterator which enumerates the dsrps which are different on the source and destination ends. The dsrps do not necessarily exist on the destination end. Also, to prevent the system from getting backed up on the remote end, if we don't get enough dissimilars, stick in a placeholder every so often, like fiber. The more placeholders, the more bandwidth used, but if there aren't enough, lots of memory will be used because files will be accumulating on the source side. How much will accumulate will depend on the Globals.conn_bufsize value. """ collated = RORPIter.CollateIterators(src_init_iter, dest_init_iter) def compare(src_rorp, dest_dsrp): """Return dest_dsrp if they are different, None if the same""" if not dest_dsrp: dest_dsrp = DSRPath(baserp.conn, baserp.base, src_rorp.index) if dest_dsrp.lstat(): Log("Warning: Found unexpected destination file %s, " "not processing it." % dest_dsrp.path, 2) return None elif (src_rorp and src_rorp == dest_dsrp and (not Globals.preserve_hardlinks or Hardlink.rorp_eq(src_rorp, dest_dsrp))): return None if src_rorp and src_rorp.isreg() and Hardlink.islinked(src_rorp): dest_dsrp.flaglinked() return dest_dsrp def generate_dissimilar(): counter = 0 for src_rorp, dest_dsrp in collated: if Globals.preserve_hardlinks: if src_rorp: Hardlink.add_rorp(src_rorp, 1) if dest_dsrp: Hardlink.add_rorp(dest_dsrp, None) dsrp = compare(src_rorp, dest_dsrp) if dsrp: counter = 0 yield dsrp elif counter == 20: placeholder = RORPath(src_rorp.index) placeholder.make_placeholder() counter = 0 yield placeholder else: counter += 1 return generate_dissimilar() def get_sigs(cls, baserp, src_init_iter): """Return signatures of all dissimilar files""" dest_iters1 = cls.split_initial_dsiter(baserp) dissimilars = cls.get_dissimilar(baserp, src_init_iter, dest_iters1) return RORPIter.Signatures(dissimilars) def get_dsrp(cls, dest_rpath, index): """Return initialized dsrp based on dest_rpath with given index""" dsrp = DSRPath(dest_rpath.conn, dest_rpath.base, index) DestructiveStepping.initialize(dsrp, None) return dsrp def get_finalizer(cls): """Return finalizer, starting from session info if necessary""" init_state = cls._session_info and cls._session_info.finalizer_state return DestructiveStepping.Finalizer(init_state) def get_ITR(cls, inc_rpath): """Return ITR, starting from state if necessary""" init_state = cls._session_info and cls._session_info.ITR_state return Inc.make_patch_increment_ITR(inc_rpath, init_state) def patch_and_finalize(cls, dest_rpath, diffs, checkpoint = 1): """Apply diffs and finalize""" collated = RORPIter.CollateIterators(diffs, cls.initial_dsiter2) finalizer = cls.get_finalizer() dsrp = None def error_checked(): """Inner writing loop, check this for errors""" indexed_tuple = Log("Processing %s" % str(indexed_tuple), 7) diff_rorp, dsrp = indexed_tuple if not dsrp: dsrp = cls.get_dsrp(dest_rpath, diff_rorp.index) DestructiveStepping.initialize(dsrp, None) if diff_rorp and not diff_rorp.isplaceholder(): RORPIter.patchonce_action(None, dsrp, diff_rorp).execute() finalizer(dsrp) return dsrp try: while 1: try: dsrp = cls.check_skip_error(error_checked) except StopIteration: break if checkpoint: SaveState.checkpoint_mirror(finalizer, dsrp) except: cls.handle_last_error(dsrp, finalizer) finalizer.getresult() if Globals.preserve_hardlinks and Globals.rbdir: Hardlink.final_writedata() if checkpoint: SaveState.checkpoint_remove() def patch_increment_and_finalize(cls, dest_rpath, diffs, inc_rpath): """Apply diffs, write increment if necessary, and finalize""" collated = RORPIter.CollateIterators(diffs, cls.initial_dsiter2) finalizer, ITR = cls.get_finalizer(), cls.get_ITR(inc_rpath) dsrp = None def error_checked(): """Inner writing loop, catch variety of errors from this""" indexed_tuple = Log("Processing %s" % str(indexed_tuple), 7) diff_rorp, dsrp = indexed_tuple if not dsrp: dsrp = cls.get_dsrp(dest_rpath, indexed_tuple.index) DestructiveStepping.initialize(dsrp, None) indexed_tuple = IndexedTuple(indexed_tuple.index, (diff_rorp, dsrp)) if diff_rorp and diff_rorp.isplaceholder(): indexed_tuple = IndexedTuple(indexed_tuple.index, (None, dsrp)) ITR(indexed_tuple) finalizer(dsrp) return dsrp try: while 1: try: dsrp = cls.check_skip_error(error_checked) except StopIteration: break SaveState.checkpoint_inc_backup(ITR, finalizer, dsrp) except: cls.handle_last_error(dsrp, finalizer, ITR) ITR.getresult() finalizer.getresult() if Globals.preserve_hardlinks: Hardlink.final_writedata() SaveState.checkpoint_remove() def check_skip_error(cls, thunk): """Run thunk, catch certain errors skip files""" try: return thunk() except (IOError, OSError, SkipFileException), exp: Log.exception() if (not isinstance(exp, IOError) or (isinstance(exp, IOError) and (exp[0] in [2, # Means that a file is missing 5, # Reported by docv (see list) 13, # Permission denied IOError 26] # Requested by Campbell (see list) - # happens on some NT systems ))): Log("Skipping file", 2) return None else: raise def handle_last_error(cls, dsrp, finalizer, ITR = None): """If catch fatal error, try to checkpoint before exiting""" Log.exception(1) if ITR: SaveState.checkpoint_inc_backup(ITR, finalizer, dsrp, 1) else: SaveState.checkpoint_mirror(finalizer, dsrp, 1) if Globals.preserve_hardlinks: Hardlink.final_checkpoint(Globals.rbdir) SaveState.touch_last_file_definitive() raise MakeClass(HLDestinationStruct)