# Copyright 2002 Ben Escoto # # This file is part of rdiff-backup. # # rdiff-backup is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the # Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your # option) any later version. # # rdiff-backup is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but # WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU # General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with rdiff-backup; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 # USA """Convert an iterator to a file object and vice-versa""" import cPickle, array import Globals, C, robust, log class IterFileException(Exception): pass class UnwrapFile: """Contains some basic methods for parsing a file containing an iter""" def __init__(self, file): self.file = file def _s2l_old(self, s): """Convert string to long int""" assert len(s) == 7 l = 0L for i in range(7): l = l*256 + ord(s[i]) return l def _get(self): """Return pair (type, data) next in line on the file type is a single character which is either "o" for object, "f" for file, "c" for a continution of a file, or None if no more data can be read. Data is either the file's data, if type is "c" or "f", or the actual object if the type is "o". """ header = self.file.read(8) if not header: return None, None if len(header) != 8: assert None, "Header %s is only %d bytes" % (header, len(header)) type, length = header[0], C.str2long(header[1:]) buf = self.file.read(length) if type == "o": return type, cPickle.loads(buf) else: return type, buf class IterWrappingFile(UnwrapFile): """An iterator generated from a file. Initialize with a file type object, and then it will return the elements of the file in order. """ def __init__(self, file): UnwrapFile.__init__(self, file) self.currently_in_file = None def __iter__(self): return self def next(self): if self.currently_in_file: self.currently_in_file.close() # no error checking by this point type, data = self._get() if not type: raise StopIteration if type == "o": return data elif type == "f": file = IterVirtualFile(self, data) if data: self.currently_in_file = file else: self.currently_in_file = None return file else: raise IterFileException("Bad file type %s" % type) class IterVirtualFile(UnwrapFile): """Another version of a pretend file This is returned by IterWrappingFile when a file is embedded in the main file that the IterWrappingFile is based around. """ def __init__(self, iwf, initial_data): """Initializer initial_data is the data from the first block of the file. iwf is the iter wrapping file that spawned this IterVirtualFile. """ UnwrapFile.__init__(self, iwf.file) self.iwf = iwf self.buffer = initial_data self.closed = None def read(self, length = -1): """Read length bytes from the file, updating buffers as necessary""" assert not self.closed if self.iwf.currently_in_file: if length >= 0: while length >= len(self.buffer): if not self.addtobuffer(): break real_len = min(length, len(self.buffer)) else: while 1: if not self.addtobuffer(): break real_len = len(self.buffer) else: real_len = min(length, len(self.buffer)) return_val = self.buffer[:real_len] self.buffer = self.buffer[real_len:] return return_val def addtobuffer(self): """Read a chunk from the file and add it to the buffer""" assert self.iwf.currently_in_file type, data = self._get() assert type == "c", "Type is %s instead of c" % type if data: self.buffer += data return 1 else: self.iwf.currently_in_file = None return None def close(self): """Currently just reads whats left and discards it""" while self.iwf.currently_in_file: self.addtobuffer() self.buffer = "" self.closed = 1 class FileWrappingIter: """A file interface wrapping around an iterator This is initialized with an iterator, and then converts it into a stream of characters. The object will evaluate as little of the iterator as is necessary to provide the requested bytes. The actual file is a sequence of marshaled objects, each preceded by 8 bytes which identifies the following the type of object, and specifies its length. File objects are not marshalled, but the data is written in chunks of Globals.blocksize, and the following blocks can identify themselves as continuations. """ def __init__(self, iter): """Initialize with iter""" self.iter = iter self.array_buf = array.array('c') self.currently_in_file = None self.closed = None def read(self, length): """Return next length bytes in file""" assert not self.closed while len(self.array_buf) < length: if not self.addtobuffer(): break result = self.array_buf[:length].tostring() del self.array_buf[:length] return result def addtobuffer(self): """Updates self.buffer, adding a chunk from the iterator. Returns None if we have reached the end of the iterator, otherwise return true. """ array_buf = self.array_buf if self.currently_in_file: array_buf.fromstring("c") array_buf.fromstring(self.addfromfile()) else: try: currentobj = self.iter.next() except StopIteration: return None if hasattr(currentobj, "read") and hasattr(currentobj, "close"): self.currently_in_file = currentobj array_buf.fromstring("f") array_buf.fromstring(self.addfromfile()) else: pickle = cPickle.dumps(currentobj, 1) array_buf.fromstring("o") array_buf.fromstring(C.long2str(long(len(pickle)))) array_buf.fromstring(pickle) return 1 def addfromfile(self): """Read a chunk from the current file and return it""" # Check file read for errors, buf = "" if find one buf = robust.check_common_error(self.read_error_handler, self.currently_in_file.read, [Globals.blocksize]) if not buf: assert not self.currently_in_file.close() self.currently_in_file = None return C.long2str(long(len(buf))) + buf def read_error_handler(self, exc, blocksize): """Log error when reading from file""" log.Log("Error '%s' reading from fileobj, truncating" % (str(exc),), 2) return "" def _l2s_old(self, l): """Convert long int to string of 7 characters""" s = "" for i in range(7): l, remainder = divmod(l, 256) s = chr(remainder) + s assert remainder == 0 return s def close(self): self.closed = 1 class BufferedRead: """Buffer the .read() calls to the given file This is used to lessen overhead and latency when a file is sent over a connection. Profiling said that arrays were faster than strings here. """ def __init__(self, file): self.file = file self.array_buf = array.array('c') self.bufsize = Globals.conn_bufsize def read(self, l = -1): array_buf = self.array_buf if l < 0: # Read as much as possible result = array_buf.tostring() + self.file.read() del array_buf[:] return result if len(array_buf) < l: # Try to make buffer at least as long as l array_buf.fromstring(self.file.read(max(self.bufsize, l))) result = array_buf[:l].tostring() del array_buf[:l] return result def close(self): return self.file.close()