# Copyright 2002 2005 Ben Escoto # # This file is part of rdiff-backup. # # rdiff-backup is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the # Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your # option) any later version. # # rdiff-backup is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but # WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU # General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with rdiff-backup; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 # USA """Provides a high-level interface to some librsync functions This is a python wrapper around the lower-level _librsync module, which is written in C. The goal was to use C as little as possible... """ import types, array import _librsync blocksize = _librsync.RS_JOB_BLOCKSIZE class librsyncError(Exception): """Signifies error in internal librsync processing (bad signature, etc.) underlying _librsync.librsyncError's are regenerated using this class because the C-created exceptions are by default unPickleable. There is probably a way to fix this in _librsync, but this scheme was easier. """ pass class LikeFile: """File-like object used by SigFile, DeltaFile, and PatchFile""" mode = "rb" # This will be replaced in subclasses by an object with # appropriate cycle() method maker = None def __init__(self, infile, need_seek = None): """LikeFile initializer - zero buffers, set eofs off""" self.check_file(infile, need_seek) self.infile = infile self.closed = self.infile_closed = None self.inbuf = "" self.outbuf = array.array('c') self.eof = self.infile_eof = None def check_file(self, file, need_seek = None): """Raise type error if file doesn't have necessary attributes""" if not hasattr(file, "read"): raise TypeError("Basis file must have a read() method") if not hasattr(file, "close"): raise TypeError("Basis file must have a close() method") if need_seek and not hasattr(file, "seek"): raise TypeError("Basis file must have a seek() method") def read(self, length = -1): """Build up self.outbuf, return first length bytes""" if length == -1: while not self.eof: self._add_to_outbuf_once() real_len = len(self.outbuf) else: while not self.eof and len(self.outbuf) < length: self._add_to_outbuf_once() real_len = min(length, len(self.outbuf)) return_val = self.outbuf[:real_len].tostring() del self.outbuf[:real_len] return return_val def _add_to_outbuf_once(self): """Add one cycle's worth of output to self.outbuf""" if not self.infile_eof: self._add_to_inbuf() try: self.eof, len_inbuf_read, cycle_out = self.maker.cycle(self.inbuf) except _librsync.librsyncError, e: raise librsyncError(str(e)) self.inbuf = self.inbuf[len_inbuf_read:] self.outbuf.fromstring(cycle_out) def _add_to_inbuf(self): """Make sure len(self.inbuf) >= blocksize""" assert not self.infile_eof while len(self.inbuf) < blocksize: new_in = self.infile.read(blocksize) if not new_in: self.infile_eof = 1 self.infile_closeval = self.infile.close() self.infile_closed = 1 break self.inbuf += new_in def close(self): """Close infile and pass on infile close value""" self.closed = 1 if self.infile_closed: return self.infile_closeval else: return self.infile.close() class SigFile(LikeFile): """File-like object which incrementally generates a librsync signature""" def __init__(self, infile, blocksize = _librsync.RS_DEFAULT_BLOCK_LEN): """SigFile initializer - takes basis file basis file only needs to have read() and close() methods. It will be closed when we come to the end of the signature. """ LikeFile.__init__(self, infile) try: self.maker = _librsync.new_sigmaker(blocksize) except _librsync.librsyncError, e: raise librsyncError(str(e)) class DeltaFile(LikeFile): """File-like object which incrementally generates a librsync delta""" def __init__(self, signature, new_file): """DeltaFile initializer - call with signature and new file Signature can either be a string or a file with read() and close() methods. New_file also only needs to have read() and close() methods. It will be closed when self is closed. """ LikeFile.__init__(self, new_file) if type(signature) is types.StringType: sig_string = signature else: self.check_file(signature) sig_string = signature.read() assert not signature.close() try: self.maker = _librsync.new_deltamaker(sig_string) except _librsync.librsyncError, e: raise librsyncError(str(e)) class PatchedFile(LikeFile): """File-like object which applies a librsync delta incrementally""" def __init__(self, basis_file, delta_file): """PatchedFile initializer - call with basis delta Here basis_file must be a true Python file, because we may need to seek() around in it a lot, and this is done in C. delta_file only needs read() and close() methods. """ LikeFile.__init__(self, delta_file) if hasattr(basis_file, 'file'): basis_file = basis_file.file if type(basis_file) is not types.FileType: raise TypeError("basis_file must be a (true) file") try: self.maker = _librsync.new_patchmaker(basis_file) except _librsync.librsyncError, e: raise librsyncError(str(e)) class SigGenerator: """Calculate signature. Input and output is same as SigFile, but the interface is like md5 module, not filelike object """ def __init__(self, blocksize = _librsync.RS_DEFAULT_BLOCK_LEN): """Return new signature instance""" try: self.sig_maker = _librsync.new_sigmaker(blocksize) except _librsync.librsyncError, e: raise librsyncError(str(e)) self.gotsig = None self.buffer = "" self.sig_string = "" def update(self, buf): """Add buf to data that signature will be calculated over""" if self.gotsig: raise librsyncError("SigGenerator already provided signature") self.buffer += buf while len(self.buffer) >= blocksize: if self.process_buffer(): raise librsyncError("Premature EOF received from sig_maker") def process_buffer(self): """Run self.buffer through sig_maker, add to self.sig_string""" try: eof, len_buf_read, cycle_out = self.sig_maker.cycle(self.buffer) except _librsync.librsyncError, e: raise librsyncError(str(e)) self.buffer = self.buffer[len_buf_read:] self.sig_string += cycle_out return eof def getsig(self): """Return signature over given data""" while not self.process_buffer(): pass # keep running until eof return self.sig_string