# Copyright 2002 Ben Escoto # # This file is part of rdiff-backup. # # rdiff-backup is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the # Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your # option) any later version. # # rdiff-backup is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but # WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU # General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with rdiff-backup; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 # USA """Code for reverting the rdiff-backup directory to prev state This module is used after an aborted session, and the rdiff-backup destination directory may be in-between states. In this situation we need to bring back the directory as it was after the last successful backup. The basic strategy is to restore all the attributes from the metadata file (which we assume is intact) and delete the extra increments. For regular files we examine the mirror file and use the increment file to get the old data if the mirror file is out of date. Currently this does not recover hard links. This may make the regressed directory take up more disk space, but hard links can still be recovered. """ from __future__ import generators import Globals, restore, log, rorpiter, TempFile, metadata, rpath, C, \ Time, backup, robust # regress_time should be set to the time we want to regress back to # (usually the time of the last successful backup) regress_time = None # This should be set to the latest unsuccessful backup time unsuccessful_backup_time = None class RegressException(Exception): """Raised on any exception in regress process""" pass def Regress(mirror_rp): """Bring mirror and inc directory back to regress_to_time Also affects the rdiff-backup-data directory, so Globals.rbdir should be set. Regress should only work one step at a time (i.e. don't "regress" through two separate backup sets. This function should be run locally to the rdiff-backup-data directory. """ inc_rpath = Globals.rbdir.append_path("increments") assert mirror_rp.index == () and inc_rpath.index == () assert mirror_rp.isdir() and inc_rpath.isdir() assert mirror_rp.conn is inc_rpath.conn is Globals.local_connection set_regress_time() set_restore_times() ITR = rorpiter.IterTreeReducer(RegressITRB, []) for rf in iterate_meta_rfs(mirror_rp, inc_rpath): ITR(rf.index, rf) ITR.Finish() remove_rbdir_increments() def set_regress_time(): """Set global regress_time to previous sucessful backup If there are two current_mirror increments, then the last one corresponds to a backup session that failed. """ global regress_time, unsuccessful_backup_time curmir_incs = restore.get_inclist(Globals.rbdir.append("current_mirror")) assert len(curmir_incs) == 2, \ "Found %s current_mirror flags, expected 2" % len(curmir_incs) inctimes = [inc.getinctime() for inc in curmir_incs] inctimes.sort() regress_time = inctimes[0] unsuccessful_backup_time = inctimes[-1] log.Log("Regressing to " + Time.timetopretty(regress_time), 4) def set_restore_times(): """Set _rest_time and _mirror_time in the restore module _rest_time (restore time) corresponds to the last successful backup time. _mirror_time is the unsuccessful backup time. """ restore._mirror_time = unsuccessful_backup_time restore._rest_time = regress_time def remove_rbdir_increments(): """Delete the increments in the rdiff-backup-data directory""" old_current_mirror = None for filename in Globals.rbdir.listdir(): rp = Globals.rbdir.append(filename) if rp.isincfile() and rp.getinctime() == unsuccessful_backup_time: if rp.getincbase_str() == "current_mirror": old_current_mirror = rp else: log.Log("Removing rdiff-backup-data increment " + rp.path, 5) rp.delete() if old_current_mirror: C.sync() # Sync first, since we are marking dest dir as good now old_current_mirror.delete() def iterate_raw_rfs(mirror_rp, inc_rp): """Iterate all RegressFile objects in mirror/inc directory""" root_rf = RegressFile(mirror_rp, inc_rp, restore.get_inclist(inc_rp)) def helper(rf): yield rf if rf.mirror_rp.isdir() or rf.inc_rp.isdir(): for sub_rf in rf.yield_sub_rfs(): for sub_sub_rf in helper(sub_rf): yield sub_sub_rf return helper(root_rf) def yield_metadata(): """Iterate rorps from metadata file, if any are available""" metadata_iter = metadata.MetadataFile.get_objects_at_time(Globals.rbdir, regress_time) if metadata_iter: return metadata_iter log.Log.FatalError("No metadata for time %s found, cannot regress" % Time.timetopretty(regress_time)) def iterate_meta_rfs(mirror_rp, inc_rp): """Yield RegressFile objects with extra metadata information added Each RegressFile will have an extra object variable .metadata_rorp which will contain the metadata attributes of the mirror file at regress_time. """ raw_rfs = iterate_raw_rfs(mirror_rp, inc_rp) collated = rorpiter.Collate2Iters(raw_rfs, yield_metadata()) for raw_rf, metadata_rorp in collated: if not raw_rf: log.Log("Warning, metadata file has entry for %s,\n" "but there are no associated files." % (metadata_rorp.get_indexpath(),), 2) continue raw_rf.set_metadata_rorp(metadata_rorp) yield raw_rf class RegressFile(restore.RestoreFile): """Like RestoreFile but with metadata Hold mirror_rp and related incs, but also put metadata info for the mirror file at regress time in self.metadata_rorp. self.metadata_rorp is not set in this class. """ def __init__(self, mirror_rp, inc_rp, inc_list): restore.RestoreFile.__init__(self, mirror_rp, inc_rp, inc_list) self.set_regress_inc() def set_metadata_rorp(self, metadata_rorp): """Set self.metadata_rorp, creating empty if given None""" if metadata_rorp: self.metadata_rorp = metadata_rorp else: self.metadata_rorp = rpath.RORPath(self.index) def isdir(self): """Return true if regress needs before/after processing""" return ((self.metadata_rorp and self.metadata_rorp.isdir()) or (self.mirror_rp and self.mirror_rp.isdir())) def set_regress_inc(self): """Set self.regress_inc to increment to be removed (or None)""" newer_incs = self.get_newer_incs() assert len(newer_incs) <= 1, "Too many recent increments" if newer_incs: self.regress_inc = newer_incs[0] # first is mirror_rp else: self.regress_inc = None class RegressITRB(rorpiter.ITRBranch): """Turn back state of dest directory (use with IterTreeReducer) The arguments to the ITR will be RegressFiles. There are two main assumptions this procedure makes (besides those mentioned above): 1. The mirror_rp and the metadata_rorp equal_loose correctly iff they contain the same data. If this is the case, then the inc file is unnecessary and we can delete it. 2. If the don't match, then applying the inc file will successfully get us back to the previous state. Since the metadata file is required, the two above really only matter for regular files. """ def __init__(self): """Just initialize some variables to None""" self.rf = None # will hold RegressFile applying to a directory def can_fast_process(self, index, rf): """True if none of the rps is a directory""" return not rf.mirror_rp.isdir() and not rf.metadata_rorp.isdir() def fast_process(self, index, rf): """Process when nothing is a directory""" if not rf.metadata_rorp.equal_loose(rf.mirror_rp): log.Log("Regressing file %s" % (rf.metadata_rorp.get_indexpath()), 5) if rf.metadata_rorp.isreg(): self.restore_orig_regfile(rf) else: if rf.mirror_rp.lstat(): rf.mirror_rp.delete() if rf.metadata_rorp.isspecial(): robust.check_common_error(None, rpath.copy_with_attribs, (rf.metadata_rorp, rf.mirror_rp)) else: rpath.copy_with_attribs(rf.metadata_rorp, rf.mirror_rp) if rf.regress_inc: log.Log("Deleting increment " + rf.regress_inc.path, 5) rf.regress_inc.delete() def restore_orig_regfile(self, rf): """Restore original regular file This is the trickiest case for avoiding information loss, because we don't want to delete the increment before the mirror is fully written. """ assert rf.metadata_rorp.isreg() if rf.mirror_rp.isreg(): tf = TempFile.new(rf.mirror_rp) tf.write_from_fileobj(rf.get_restore_fp()) rpath.copy_attribs(rf.metadata_rorp, tf) tf.fsync_with_dir() # make sure tf fully written before move rpath.rename(tf, rf.mirror_rp) # move is atomic else: if rf.mirror_rp.lstat(): rf.mirror_rp.delete() rf.mirror_rp.write_from_fileobj(rf.get_restore_fp()) rpath.copy_attribs(rf.metadata_rorp, rf.mirror_rp) rf.mirror_rp.fsync_with_dir() # require move before inc delete def start_process(self, index, rf): """Start processing directory""" if rf.metadata_rorp.isdir(): # make sure mirror is a readable dir if not rf.mirror_rp.isdir(): if rf.mirror_rp.lstat(): rf.mirror_rp.delete() rf.mirror_rp.mkdir() if not rf.mirror_rp.hasfullperms(): rf.mirror_rp.chmod(0700) self.rf = rf def end_process(self): """Finish processing a directory""" rf = self.rf if rf.metadata_rorp.isdir(): if rf.mirror_rp.isdir(): rf.mirror_rp.setdata() if not rf.metadata_rorp.equal_loose(rf.mirror_rp): log.Log("Regressing attributes of " + rf.mirror_rp.path, 5) rpath.copy_attribs(rf.metadata_rorp, rf.mirror_rp) else: rf.mirror_rp.delete() log.Log("Regressing file " + rf.mirror_rp.path, 5) rpath.copy_with_attribs(rf.metadata_rorp, rf.mirror_rp) else: # replacing a dir with some other kind of file assert rf.mirror_rp.isdir() log.Log("Replacing directory " + rf.mirror_rp.path, 5) if rf.metadata_rorp.isreg(): self.restore_orig_regfile(rf) else: rf.mirror_rp.delete() rpath.copy_with_attribs(rf.metadata_rorp, rf.mirror_rp) if rf.regress_inc: log.Log("Deleting increment " + rf.regress_inc.path, 5) rf.regress_inc.delete()