from __future__ import generators execfile("") import tempfile ####################################################################### # # restore - Read increment files and restore to original # class RestoreError(Exception): pass class Restore: def RestoreFile(rest_time, rpbase, mirror_rel_index, inclist, rptarget): """Non-recursive restore function rest_time is the time in seconds to restore to, rpbase is the base name of the file being restored, mirror_rel_index is the same as in RestoreRecursive, inclist is a list of rpaths containing all the relevant increments, and rptarget is the rpath that will be written with the restored file. """ inclist = Restore.sortincseq(rest_time, inclist) if not inclist and not (rpbase and rpbase.lstat()): return # no increments were applicable Log("Restoring %s with increments %s to %s" % (rpbase and rpbase.path, Restore.inclist2str(inclist), rptarget.path), 5) if (Globals.preserve_hardlinks and Hardlink.restore_link(mirror_rel_index, rptarget)): RPath.copy_attribs(inclist and inclist[-1] or rpbase, rptarget) return if not inclist or inclist[0].getinctype() == "diff": assert rpbase and rpbase.lstat(), \ "No base to go with incs %s" % Restore.inclist2str(inclist) RPath.copy_with_attribs(rpbase, rptarget) for inc in inclist: Restore.applyinc(inc, rptarget) def inclist2str(inclist): """Return string version of inclist for logging""" return ",".join(map(lambda x: x.path, inclist)) def sortincseq(rest_time, inclist): """Sort the inc sequence, and throw away irrelevant increments""" incpairs = map(lambda rp: (Time.stringtotime(rp.getinctime()), rp), inclist) # Only consider increments at or after the time being restored incpairs = filter(lambda pair: pair[0] >= rest_time, incpairs) # Now throw away older unnecessary increments incpairs.sort() i = 0 while(i < len(incpairs)): # Only diff type increments require later versions if incpairs[i][1].getinctype() != "diff": break i = i+1 incpairs = incpairs[:i+1] # Return increments in reversed order incpairs.reverse() return map(lambda pair: pair[1], incpairs) def applyinc(inc, target): """Apply increment rp inc to targetrp target""" Log("Applying increment %s to %s" % (inc.path, target.path), 6) inctype = inc.getinctype() if inctype == "diff": if not target.lstat(): raise RestoreError("Bad increment sequence at " + inc.path) Rdiff.patch_action(target, inc, delta_compressed = inc.isinccompressed() ).execute() elif inctype == "dir": if not target.isdir(): if target.lstat(): raise RestoreError("File %s already exists" % target.path) target.mkdir() elif inctype == "missing": return elif inctype == "snapshot": if inc.isinccompressed(): target.write_from_fileobj("rb", compress = 1)) else: RPath.copy(inc, target) else: raise RestoreError("Unknown inctype %s" % inctype) RPath.copy_attribs(inc, target) def RestoreRecursive(rest_time, mirror_base, mirror_rel_index, baseinc_tup, target_base): """Recursive restore function. rest_time is the time in seconds to restore to; mirror_base is an rpath of the mirror directory corresponding to the one to be restored; mirror_rel_index is the index of the mirror_base relative to the root of the mirror directory. (The mirror_base itself always has index (), as its index must match that of target_base.) baseinc_tup is the inc tuple (incdir, list of incs) to be restored; and target_base in the dsrp of the target directory. """ assert isinstance(target_base, DSRPath) collated = RORPIter.CollateIterators( DestructiveStepping.Iterate_from(mirror_base, None), Restore.yield_inc_tuples(baseinc_tup)) mirror_finalizer = DestructiveStepping.Finalizer() target_finalizer = DestructiveStepping.Finalizer() for mirror, inc_tup in collated: if not inc_tup: inclist = [] target = target_base.new_index(mirror.index) else: inclist = inc_tup[1] target = target_base.new_index(inc_tup.index) DestructiveStepping.initialize(target, None) Restore.RestoreFile(rest_time, mirror, mirror_rel_index, inclist, target) target_finalizer(target) if mirror: mirror_finalizer(mirror) target_finalizer.getresult() mirror_finalizer.getresult() def yield_inc_tuples(inc_tuple): """Iterate increment tuples starting with inc_tuple An increment tuple is an IndexedTuple (pair). The first will be the rpath of a directory, and the second is a list of all the increments associated with that directory. If there are increments that do not correspond to a directory, the first element will be None. All the rpaths involved correspond to files in the increment directory. """ oldindex, rpath = inc_tuple.index, inc_tuple[0] yield inc_tuple if not rpath or not rpath.isdir(): return inc_list_dict = {} # Index tuple lists by index dirlist = rpath.listdir() def affirm_dict_indexed(index): """Make sure the inc_list_dict has given index""" if not inc_list_dict.has_key(index): inc_list_dict[index] = [None, []] def add_to_dict(filename): """Add filename to the inc tuple dictionary""" rp = rpath.append(filename) if rp.isincfile(): basename = rp.getincbase_str() affirm_dict_indexed(basename) inc_list_dict[basename][1].append(rp) elif rp.isdir(): affirm_dict_indexed(filename) inc_list_dict[filename][0] = rp def list2tuple(index): """Return inc_tuple version of dictionary entry by index""" inclist = inc_list_dict[index] if not inclist[1]: return None # no increments, so ignore return IndexedTuple(oldindex + (index,), inclist) for filename in dirlist: add_to_dict(filename) keys = inc_list_dict.keys() keys.sort() for index in keys: new_inc_tuple = list2tuple(index) if not new_inc_tuple: continue elif new_inc_tuple[0]: # corresponds to directory for i in Restore.yield_inc_tuples(new_inc_tuple): yield i else: yield new_inc_tuple MakeStatic(Restore)