# Copyright 2002, 2003 Ben Escoto # # This file is part of rdiff-backup. # # rdiff-backup is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the # Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your # option) any later version. # # rdiff-backup is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but # WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU # General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with rdiff-backup; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 # USA """Wrapper class around a real path like "/usr/bin/env" The RPath (short for Remote Path) and associated classes make some function calls more convenient and also make working with files on remote systems transparent. For instance, suppose rp = RPath(connection_object, "/usr/bin/env") Then rp.getperms() returns the permissions of that file, and rp.delete() deletes that file. Both of these will work the same even if "usr/bin/env" is on a different computer. So many rdiff-backup functions use rpaths so they don't have to know whether the files they are dealing with are local or remote. """ import os, stat, re, sys, shutil, gzip, socket, time import Globals, Time, static, log, user_group class SkipFileException(Exception): """Signal that the current file should be skipped but then continue This exception will often be raised when there is problem reading an individual file, but it makes sense for the rest of the backup to keep going. """ pass class RPathException(Exception): pass def copyfileobj(inputfp, outputfp): """Copies file inputfp to outputfp in blocksize intervals""" blocksize = Globals.blocksize while 1: inbuf = inputfp.read(blocksize) if not inbuf: break outputfp.write(inbuf) def cmpfileobj(fp1, fp2): """True if file objects fp1 and fp2 contain same data""" blocksize = Globals.blocksize while 1: buf1 = fp1.read(blocksize) buf2 = fp2.read(blocksize) if buf1 != buf2: return None elif not buf1: return 1 def check_for_files(*rps): """Make sure that all the rps exist, raise error if not""" for rp in rps: if not rp.lstat(): raise RPathException("File %s does not exist" % rp.get_indexpath()) def move(rpin, rpout): """Move rpin to rpout, renaming if possible""" try: rename(rpin, rpout) except os.error: copy(rpin, rpout) rpin.delete() def copy(rpin, rpout, compress = 0): """Copy RPath rpin to rpout. Works for symlinks, dirs, etc.""" log.Log("Regular copying %s to %s" % (rpin.index, rpout.path), 6) if not rpin.lstat(): if rpout.lstat(): rpout.delete() return if rpout.lstat(): if rpin.isreg() or not cmp(rpin, rpout): rpout.delete() # easier to write than compare else: return if rpin.isreg(): copy_reg_file(rpin, rpout, compress) elif rpin.isdir(): rpout.mkdir() elif rpin.issym(): rpout.symlink(rpin.readlink()) elif rpin.ischardev(): major, minor = rpin.getdevnums() rpout.makedev("c", major, minor) elif rpin.isblkdev(): major, minor = rpin.getdevnums() rpout.makedev("b", major, minor) elif rpin.isfifo(): rpout.mkfifo() elif rpin.issock(): rpout.mksock() else: raise RPathException("File %s has unknown type" % rpin.path) def copy_reg_file(rpin, rpout, compress = 0): """Copy regular file rpin to rpout, possibly avoiding connection""" try: if (rpout.conn is rpin.conn and rpout.conn is not Globals.local_connection): rpout.conn.rpath.copy_reg_file(rpin.path, rpout.path, compress) rpout.setdata() return except AttributeError: pass rpout.write_from_fileobj(rpin.open("rb"), compress = compress) def cmp(rpin, rpout): """True if rpin has the same data as rpout cmp does not compare file ownership, permissions, or times, or examine the contents of a directory. """ check_for_files(rpin, rpout) if rpin.isreg(): if not rpout.isreg(): return None fp1, fp2 = rpin.open("rb"), rpout.open("rb") result = cmpfileobj(fp1, fp2) if fp1.close() or fp2.close(): raise RPathException("Error closing file") return result elif rpin.isdir(): return rpout.isdir() elif rpin.issym(): return rpout.issym() and (rpin.readlink() == rpout.readlink()) elif rpin.ischardev(): return rpout.ischardev() and (rpin.getdevnums() == rpout.getdevnums()) elif rpin.isblkdev(): return rpout.isblkdev() and (rpin.getdevnums() == rpout.getdevnums()) elif rpin.isfifo(): return rpout.isfifo() elif rpin.issock(): return rpout.issock() else: raise RPathException("File %s has unknown type" % rpin.path) def copy_attribs(rpin, rpout): """Change file attributes of rpout to match rpin Only changes the chmoddable bits, uid/gid ownership, and timestamps, so both must already exist. """ log.Log("Copying attributes from %s to %s" % (rpin.index, rpout.path), 7) assert rpin.lstat() == rpout.lstat() is not None, "different file types" if rpin.issym(): return # symlinks have no valid attributes if Globals.write_resource_forks and rpin.isreg(): rpout.write_resource_fork(rpin.get_resource_fork()) if Globals.write_eas: rpout.write_ea(rpin.get_ea()) if Globals.change_ownership: rpout.chown(*user_group.map_rpath(rpin)) rpout.chmod(rpin.getperms()) if Globals.write_acls: rpout.write_acl(rpin.get_acl()) if not rpin.isdev(): rpout.setmtime(rpin.getmtime()) def copy_attribs_inc(rpin, rpout): """Change file attributes of rpout to match rpin Like above, but used to give increments the same attributes as the originals. Therefore, don't copy all directory acl and permissions. """ log.Log("Copying inc attrs from %s to %s" % (rpin.index, rpout.path), 7) check_for_files(rpin, rpout) if rpin.issym(): return # symlinks have no valid attributes if Globals.write_resource_forks and rpin.isreg() and rpout.isreg(): rpout.write_resource_fork(rpin.get_resource_fork()) if Globals.write_eas: rpout.write_ea(rpin.get_ea()) if Globals.change_ownership: apply(rpout.chown, rpin.getuidgid()) if rpin.isdir() and not rpout.isdir(): rpout.chmod(rpin.getperms() & 0777) else: rpout.chmod(rpin.getperms()) if Globals.write_acls: rpout.write_acl(rpin.get_acl(), map_names = 0) if not rpin.isdev(): rpout.setmtime(rpin.getmtime()) def cmp_attribs(rp1, rp2): """True if rp1 has the same file attributes as rp2 Does not compare file access times. If not changing ownership, do not check user/group id. """ check_for_files(rp1, rp2) if Globals.change_ownership and rp1.getuidgid() != rp2.getuidgid(): result = None elif rp1.getperms() != rp2.getperms(): result = None # Don't compare ctime for now, add later #elif rp1.getctime() != rp2.getctime(): result = None elif rp1.issym() and rp2.issym(): # Don't check times for some types result = 1 elif rp1.isblkdev() and rp2.isblkdev(): result = 1 elif rp1.ischardev() and rp2.ischardev(): result = 1 else: result = (rp1.getmtime() == rp2.getmtime()) log.Log("Compare attribs of %s and %s: %s" % (rp1.get_indexpath(), rp2.get_indexpath(), result), 7) return result def copy_with_attribs(rpin, rpout, compress = 0): """Copy file and then copy over attributes""" copy(rpin, rpout, compress) if rpin.lstat(): copy_attribs(rpin, rpout) def rename(rp_source, rp_dest): """Rename rp_source to rp_dest""" assert rp_source.conn is rp_dest.conn log.Log(lambda: "Renaming %s to %s" % (rp_source.path, rp_dest.path), 7) if not rp_source.lstat(): rp_dest.delete() else: if rp_dest.lstat() and rp_source.getinode() == rp_dest.getinode(): log.Log("Warning: Attempt to rename over same inode: %s to %s" % (rp_source.path, rp_dest.path), 2) # You can't rename one hard linked file over another rp_source.delete() else: rp_source.conn.os.rename(rp_source.path, rp_dest.path) rp_dest.data = rp_source.data rp_source.data = {'type': None} def tupled_lstat(filename): """Like os.lstat, but return only a tuple, or None if os.error Later versions of os.lstat return a special lstat object, which can confuse the pickler and cause errors in remote operations. This has been fixed in Python 2.2.1. """ try: return tuple(os.lstat(filename)) except os.error: return None def make_socket_local(rpath): """Make a local socket at the given path This takes an rpath so that it will be checked by Security. (Miscellaneous strings will not be.) """ assert rpath.conn is Globals.local_connection s = socket.socket(socket.AF_UNIX, socket.SOCK_STREAM) try: s.bind(rpath.path) except socket.error, exc: raise SkipFileException("Socket error: " + str(exc)) def gzip_open_local_read(rpath): """Return open GzipFile. See security note directly above""" assert rpath.conn is Globals.local_connection return gzip.GzipFile(rpath.path, "rb") def open_local_read(rpath): """Return open file (provided for security reasons)""" assert rpath.conn is Globals.local_connection return open(rpath.path, "rb") class RORPath: """Read Only RPath - carry information about a path These contain information about a file, and possible the file's data, but do not have a connection and cannot be written to or changed. The advantage of these objects is that they can be communicated by encoding their index and data dictionary. """ def __init__(self, index, data = None): self.index = index if data: self.data = data else: self.data = {'type':None} # signify empty file self.file = None def zero(self): """Set inside of self to type None""" self.data = {'type': None} self.file = None def __nonzero__(self): return 1 def __eq__(self, other): """True iff the two rorpaths are equivalent""" if self.index != other.index: return None for key in self.data.keys(): # compare dicts key by key if self.issym() and key in ('uid', 'gid', 'uname', 'gname'): pass # Don't compare gid/uid for symlinks elif key == 'atime' and not Globals.preserve_atime: pass elif key == 'ctime': pass elif key == 'devloc' or key == 'nlink': pass elif key == 'size' and not self.isreg(): pass elif key == 'ea' and not Globals.read_eas: pass elif key == 'acl' and not Globals.read_acls: pass elif key == 'resourcefork' and not Globals.read_resource_forks: pass elif (key == 'inode' and (not self.isreg() or self.getnumlinks() == 1 or not Globals.compare_inode or not Globals.preserve_hardlinks)): pass elif (not other.data.has_key(key) or self.data[key] != other.data[key]): return None return 1 def equal_loose(self, other): """True iff the two rorpaths are kinda equivalent Sometimes because permissions cannot be set, a file cannot be replicated exactly on the remote side. This function tells you whether the two files are close enough. self must be the original rpath. """ for key in self.data.keys(): # compare dicts key by key if key in ('uid', 'gid', 'uname', 'gname'): pass elif (key == 'type' and self.isspecial() and other.isreg() and other.getsize() == 0): pass # Special files may be replaced with empty regular files elif key == 'atime' and not Globals.preserve_atime: pass elif key == 'ctime': pass elif key == 'devloc' or key == 'nlink': pass elif key == 'size' and not self.isreg(): pass elif key == 'inode': pass elif key == 'ea' and not Globals.write_eas: pass elif key == 'acl' and not Globals.write_acls: pass elif key == 'resourcefork' and not Globals.write_resource_forks: pass elif (not other.data.has_key(key) or self.data[key] != other.data[key]): return 0 if self.lstat() and not self.issym() and Globals.change_ownership: # Now compare ownership. Symlinks don't have ownership if user_group.map_rpath(self) != other.getuidgid(): return 0 return 1 def equal_verbose(self, other, check_index = 1, compare_inodes = 0, compare_ownership = 0, compare_acls = 0, compare_eas = 0): """Like __eq__, but log more information. Useful when testing""" if check_index and self.index != other.index: log.Log("Index %s != index %s" % (self.index, other.index), 2) return None for key in self.data.keys(): # compare dicts key by key if (key in ('uid', 'gid', 'uname', 'gname') and (self.issym() or not compare_ownership)): # Don't compare gid/uid for symlinks, or if told not to pass elif key == 'atime' and not Globals.preserve_atime: pass elif key == 'ctime': pass elif key == 'devloc' or key == 'nlink': pass elif key == 'size' and not self.isreg(): pass elif key == 'inode' and (not self.isreg() or not compare_inodes): pass elif key == 'ea' and not compare_eas: pass elif key == 'acl' and not compare_acls: pass elif (not other.data.has_key(key) or self.data[key] != other.data[key]): if not other.data.has_key(key): log.Log("Second is missing key %s" % (key,), 2) else: log.Log("Value of %s differs: %s vs %s" % (key, self.data[key], other.data[key]), 2) return None return 1 def __ne__(self, other): return not self.__eq__(other) def __str__(self): """Pretty print file statistics""" return "Index: %s\nData: %s" % (self.index, self.data) def summary_string(self): """Return summary string""" return "%s %s" % (self.get_indexpath(), self.lstat()) def __getstate__(self): """Return picklable state This is necessary in case the RORPath is carrying around a file object, which can't/shouldn't be pickled. """ return (self.index, self.data) def __setstate__(self, rorp_state): """Reproduce RORPath from __getstate__ output""" self.index, self.data = rorp_state def getRORPath(self): """Return new rorpath based on self""" return RORPath(self.index, self.data.copy()) def lstat(self): """Returns type of file The allowable types are None if the file doesn't exist, 'reg' for a regular file, 'dir' for a directory, 'dev' for a device file, 'fifo' for a fifo, 'sock' for a socket, and 'sym' for a symlink. """ return self.data['type'] gettype = lstat def isdir(self): """True if self is a dir""" return self.data['type'] == 'dir' def isreg(self): """True if self is a regular file""" return self.data['type'] == 'reg' def issym(self): """True if path is of a symlink""" return self.data['type'] == 'sym' def isfifo(self): """True if path is a fifo""" return self.data['type'] == 'fifo' def ischardev(self): """True if path is a character device file""" return self.data['type'] == 'dev' and self.data['devnums'][0] == 'c' def isblkdev(self): """True if path is a block device file""" return self.data['type'] == 'dev' and self.data['devnums'][0] == 'b' def isdev(self): """True if path is a device file""" return self.data['type'] == 'dev' def issock(self): """True if path is a socket""" return self.data['type'] == 'sock' def isspecial(self): """True if the file is a sock, symlink, device, or fifo""" type = self.data['type'] return (type == 'dev' or type == 'sock' or type == 'fifo' or type == 'sym') def getperms(self): """Return permission block of file""" return self.data['perms'] def getuname(self): """Return username that owns the file""" return self.data['uname'] def getgname(self): """Return groupname that owns the file""" return self.data['gname'] def hassize(self): """True if rpath has a size parameter""" return self.data.has_key('size') def getsize(self): """Return length of file in bytes""" return self.data['size'] def getuidgid(self): """Return userid/groupid of file""" return self.data['uid'], self.data['gid'] def getatime(self): """Return access time in seconds""" return self.data['atime'] def getmtime(self): """Return modification time in seconds""" return self.data['mtime'] def getctime(self): """Return change time in seconds""" return self.data['ctime'] def getinode(self): """Return inode number of file""" return self.data['inode'] def getdevloc(self): """Device number file resides on""" return self.data['devloc'] def getnumlinks(self): """Number of places inode is linked to""" if self.data.has_key('nlink'): return self.data['nlink'] else: return 1 def readlink(self): """Wrapper around os.readlink()""" return self.data['linkname'] def getdevnums(self): """Return a devices major/minor numbers from dictionary""" return self.data['devnums'][1:] def setfile(self, file): """Right now just set self.file to be the already opened file""" assert file and not self.file def closing_hook(): self.file_already_open = None self.file = RPathFileHook(file, closing_hook) self.file_already_open = None def get_indexpath(self): """Return path of index portion For instance, if the index is ("a", "b"), return "a/b". """ if not self.index: return "." return "/".join(self.index) def get_attached_filetype(self): """If there is a file attached, say what it is Currently the choices are 'snapshot' meaning an exact copy of something, and 'diff' for an rdiff style diff. """ return self.data['filetype'] def set_attached_filetype(self, type): """Set the type of the attached file""" self.data['filetype'] = type def isflaglinked(self): """True if rorp is a signature/diff for a hardlink file This indicates that a file's data need not be transferred because it is hardlinked on the remote side. """ return self.data.has_key('linked') def get_link_flag(self): """Return previous index that a file is hard linked to""" return self.data['linked'] def flaglinked(self, index): """Signal that rorp is a signature/diff for a hardlink file""" self.data['linked'] = index def open(self, mode): """Return file type object if any was given using self.setfile""" if mode != "rb": raise RPathException("Bad mode %s" % mode) if self.file_already_open: raise RPathException("Attempt to open same file twice") self.file_already_open = 1 return self.file def close_if_necessary(self): """If file is present, discard data and close""" if self.file: while self.file.read(Globals.blocksize): pass assert not self.file.close(), \ "Error closing file\ndata = %s\nindex = %s\n" % (self.data, self.index) self.file_already_open = None def set_acl(self, acl): """Record access control list in dictionary. Does not write""" self.data['acl'] = acl def get_acl(self): """Return access control list object from dictionary""" return self.data['acl'] def set_ea(self, ea): """Record extended attributes in dictionary. Does not write""" self.data['ea'] = ea def get_ea(self): """Return extended attributes object""" return self.data['ea'] def has_resource_fork(self): """True if rpath has a resourcefork parameter""" return self.data.has_key('resourcefork') def get_resource_fork(self): """Return the resource fork in binary data""" return self.data['resourcefork'] def set_resource_fork(self, rfork): """Record resource fork in dictionary. Does not write""" self.data['resourcefork'] = rfork class RPath(RORPath): """Remote Path class - wrapper around a possibly non-local pathname This class contains a dictionary called "data" which should contain all the information about the file sufficient for identification (i.e. if two files have the the same (==) data dictionary, they are the same file). """ regex_chars_to_quote = re.compile("[\\\\\\\"\\$`]") def __init__(self, connection, base, index = (), data = None): """RPath constructor connection = self.conn is the Connection the RPath will use to make system calls, and index is the name of the rpath used for comparison, and should be a tuple consisting of the parts of the rpath after the base split up. For instance ("foo", "bar") for "foo/bar" (no base), and ("local", "bin") for "/usr/local/bin" if the base is "/usr". For the root directory "/", the index is empty and the base is "/". """ self.conn = connection self.index = index self.base = base if base is not None: if base == "/": self.path = "/" + "/".join(index) else: self.path = "/".join((base,) + index) self.file = None if data or base is None: self.data = data else: self.setdata() def __str__(self): return "Path: %s\nIndex: %s\nData: %s" % (self.path, self.index, self.data) def __getstate__(self): """Return picklable state The connection must be local because we can't pickle a connection. Data and any attached file also won't be saved. """ assert self.conn is Globals.local_connection return (self.index, self.base, self.data) def __setstate__(self, rpath_state): """Reproduce RPath from __getstate__ output""" self.conn = Globals.local_connection self.index, self.base, self.data = rpath_state self.path = "/".join((self.base,) + self.index) def setdata(self): """Set data dictionary using C extension""" self.data = self.conn.C.make_file_dict(self.path) if not self.lstat(): return self.data['uname'] = self.conn.user_group.uid2uname(self.data['uid']) self.data['gname'] = self.conn.user_group.gid2gname(self.data['gid']) if Globals.read_eas: self.data['ea'] = self.conn.rpath.ea_get(self) if Globals.read_acls: self.data['acl'] = self.conn.rpath.acl_get(self) if Globals.read_resource_forks and self.isreg(): self.get_resource_fork() def make_file_dict_old(self): """Create the data dictionary""" statblock = self.conn.rpath.tupled_lstat(self.path) if statblock is None: return {'type':None} data = {} mode = statblock[stat.ST_MODE] if stat.S_ISREG(mode): type = 'reg' elif stat.S_ISDIR(mode): type = 'dir' elif stat.S_ISCHR(mode): type = 'dev' data['devnums'] = ('c',) + self._getdevnums() elif stat.S_ISBLK(mode): type = 'dev' data['devnums'] = ('b',) + self._getdevnums() elif stat.S_ISFIFO(mode): type = 'fifo' elif stat.S_ISLNK(mode): type = 'sym' data['linkname'] = self.conn.os.readlink(self.path) elif stat.S_ISSOCK(mode): type = 'sock' else: raise C.UnknownFileError(self.path) data['type'] = type data['size'] = statblock[stat.ST_SIZE] data['perms'] = stat.S_IMODE(mode) data['uid'] = statblock[stat.ST_UID] data['gid'] = statblock[stat.ST_GID] data['inode'] = statblock[stat.ST_INO] data['devloc'] = statblock[stat.ST_DEV] data['nlink'] = statblock[stat.ST_NLINK] if not (type == 'sym' or type == 'dev'): # mtimes on symlinks and dev files don't work consistently data['mtime'] = long(statblock[stat.ST_MTIME]) data['atime'] = long(statblock[stat.ST_ATIME]) data['ctime'] = long(statblock[stat.ST_CTIME]) return data def check_consistency(self): """Raise an error if consistency of rp broken This is useful for debugging when the cache and disk get out of sync and you need to find out where it happened. """ temptype = self.data['type'] self.setdata() assert temptype == self.data['type'], \ "\nName: %s\nOld: %s --> New: %s\n" % \ (self.path, temptype, self.data['type']) def _getdevnums(self): """Return tuple for special file (major, minor)""" s = self.conn.reval("lambda path: os.lstat(path).st_rdev", self.path) return (s >> 8, s & 0xff) def chmod(self, permissions): """Wrapper around os.chmod""" self.conn.os.chmod(self.path, permissions) self.data['perms'] = permissions def settime(self, accesstime, modtime): """Change file modification times""" log.Log("Setting time of %s to %d" % (self.path, modtime), 7) self.conn.os.utime(self.path, (accesstime, modtime)) self.data['atime'] = accesstime self.data['mtime'] = modtime def setmtime(self, modtime): """Set only modtime (access time to present)""" log.Log(lambda: "Setting time of %s to %d" % (self.path, modtime), 7) self.conn.os.utime(self.path, (long(time.time()), modtime)) self.data['mtime'] = modtime def chown(self, uid, gid): """Set file's uid and gid""" self.conn.os.chown(self.path, uid, gid) self.data['uid'] = uid self.data['gid'] = gid def mkdir(self): log.Log("Making directory " + self.path, 6) self.conn.os.mkdir(self.path) self.setdata() def rmdir(self): log.Log("Removing directory " + self.path, 6) self.conn.os.rmdir(self.path) self.data = {'type': None} def listdir(self): """Return list of string paths returned by os.listdir""" return self.conn.os.listdir(self.path) def symlink(self, linktext): """Make symlink at self.path pointing to linktext""" self.conn.os.symlink(linktext, self.path) self.setdata() assert self.issym() def hardlink(self, linkpath): """Make self into a hardlink joined to linkpath""" self.conn.os.link(linkpath, self.path) self.setdata() def mkfifo(self): """Make a fifo at self.path""" self.conn.os.mkfifo(self.path) self.setdata() assert self.isfifo() def mksock(self): """Make a socket at self.path""" self.conn.rpath.make_socket_local(self) self.setdata() assert self.issock() def touch(self): """Make sure file at self.path exists""" log.Log("Touching " + self.path, 7) self.conn.open(self.path, "w").close() self.setdata() assert self.isreg(), self.path def hasfullperms(self): """Return true if current process has full permissions on the file""" if self.isowner(): return self.getperms() % 01000 >= 0700 elif self.isgroup(): return self.getperms() % 0100 >= 070 else: return self.getperms() % 010 >= 07 def readable(self): """Return true if current process has read permissions on the file""" if self.isowner(): return self.getperms() % 01000 >= 0400 elif self.isgroup(): return self.getperms() % 0100 >= 040 else: return self.getperms() % 010 >= 04 def executable(self): """Return true if current process has execute permissions""" if self.isowner(): return self.getperms() % 0200 >= 0100 elif self.isgroup(): return self.getperms() % 020 >= 010 else: return self.getperms() % 02 >= 01 def isowner(self): """Return true if current process is owner of rp or root""" uid = self.conn.os.getuid() return uid == 0 or uid == self.data['uid'] def isgroup(self): """Return true if current process is in group of rp""" return self.conn.Globals.get('process_gid') == self.data['gid'] def delete(self): """Delete file at self.path. Recursively deletes directories.""" log.Log("Deleting %s" % self.path, 7) if self.isdir(): try: self.rmdir() except os.error: self.conn.shutil.rmtree(self.path) else: self.conn.os.unlink(self.path) self.setdata() def quote(self): """Return quoted self.path for use with os.system()""" return '"%s"' % self.regex_chars_to_quote.sub( lambda m: "\\"+m.group(0), self.path) def normalize(self): """Return RPath canonical version of self.path This just means that redundant /'s will be removed, including the trailing one, even for directories. ".." components will be retained. """ newpath = "/".join(filter(lambda x: x and x != ".", self.path.split("/"))) if self.path[0] == "/": newpath = "/" + newpath elif not newpath: newpath = "." return self.newpath(newpath) def dirsplit(self): """Returns a tuple of strings (dirname, basename) Basename is never '' unless self is root, so it is unlike os.path.basename. If path is just above root (so dirname is root), then dirname is ''. In all other cases dirname is not the empty string. Also, dirsplit depends on the format of self, so basename could be ".." and dirname could be a subdirectory. For an atomic relative path, dirname will be '.'. """ normed = self.normalize() if normed.path.find("/") == -1: return (".", normed.path) comps = normed.path.split("/") return "/".join(comps[:-1]), comps[-1] def get_parent_rp(self): """Return new RPath of directory self is in""" if self.index: return self.__class__(self.conn, self.base, self.index[:-1]) dirname = self.dirsplit()[0] if dirname: return self.__class__(self.conn, dirname) else: return self.__class__(self.conn, "/") def newpath(self, newpath, index = ()): """Return new RPath with the same connection but different path""" return self.__class__(self.conn, newpath, index) def append(self, ext): """Return new RPath with same connection by adjoing ext""" return self.__class__(self.conn, self.base, self.index + (ext,)) def append_path(self, ext, new_index = ()): """Like append, but add ext to path instead of to index""" return self.__class__(self.conn, "/".join((self.base, ext)), new_index) def new_index(self, index): """Return similar RPath but with new index""" return self.__class__(self.conn, self.base, index) def open(self, mode, compress = None): """Return open file. Supports modes "w" and "r". If compress is true, data written/read will be gzip compressed/decompressed on the fly. The extra complications below are for security reasons - try to make the extent of the risk apparent from the remote call. """ if self.conn is Globals.local_connection: if compress: return gzip.GzipFile(self.path, mode) else: return open(self.path, mode) if compress: if mode == "r" or mode == "rb": return self.conn.rpath.gzip_open_local_read(self) else: return self.conn.gzip.GzipFile(self.path, mode) else: if mode == "r" or mode == "rb": return self.conn.rpath.open_local_read(self) else: return self.conn.open(self.path, mode) def write_from_fileobj(self, fp, compress = None): """Reads fp and writes to self.path. Closes both when done If compress is true, fp will be gzip compressed before being written to self. """ log.Log("Writing file object to " + self.path, 7) assert not self.lstat(), "File %s already exists" % self.path outfp = self.open("wb", compress = compress) copyfileobj(fp, outfp) if fp.close() or outfp.close(): raise RPathException("Error closing file") self.setdata() def write_string(self, s, compress = None): """Write string s into rpath""" assert not self.lstat(), "File %s already exists" % (self.path,) outfp = self.open("wb", compress = compress) outfp.write(s) assert not outfp.close() self.setdata() def isincfile(self): """Return true if path looks like an increment file Also sets various inc information used by the *inc* functions. """ if self.index: dotsplit = self.index[-1].split(".") else: dotsplit = self.base.split(".") if dotsplit[-1] == "gz": compressed = 1 if len(dotsplit) < 4: return None timestring, ext = dotsplit[-3:-1] else: compressed = None if len(dotsplit) < 3: return None timestring, ext = dotsplit[-2:] if Time.stringtotime(timestring) is None: return None if not (ext == "snapshot" or ext == "dir" or ext == "missing" or ext == "diff" or ext == "data"): return None self.inc_timestr = timestring self.inc_compressed = compressed self.inc_type = ext if compressed: self.inc_basestr = ".".join(dotsplit[:-3]) else: self.inc_basestr = ".".join(dotsplit[:-2]) return 1 def isinccompressed(self): """Return true if inc file is compressed""" return self.inc_compressed def getinctype(self): """Return type of an increment file""" return self.inc_type def getinctime(self): """Return time in seconds of an increment file""" return Time.stringtotime(self.inc_timestr) def getincbase(self): """Return the base filename of an increment file in rp form""" if self.index: return self.__class__(self.conn, self.base, self.index[:-1] + (self.inc_basestr,)) else: return self.__class__(self.conn, self.inc_basestr) def getincbase_str(self): """Return the base filename string of an increment file""" rp = self.getincbase() if rp.index: return rp.index[-1] else: return rp.dirsplit()[1] def makedev(self, type, major, minor): """Make a special file with specified type, and major/minor nums""" cmdlist = ['mknod', self.path, type, str(major), str(minor)] if self.conn.os.spawnvp(os.P_WAIT, 'mknod', cmdlist) != 0: raise RPathException("Error running %s" % cmdlist) if type == 'c': datatype = 'chr' elif type == 'b': datatype = 'blk' else: raise RPathException self.setdata() def fsync(self, fp = None): """fsync the current file or directory If fp is none, get the file description by opening the file. This can be useful for directories. """ if not fp: self.conn.rpath.RPath.fsync_local(self) else: os.fsync(fp.fileno()) def fsync_local(self): """fsync current file, run locally""" assert self.conn is Globals.local_connection fd = os.open(self.path, os.O_RDONLY) os.fsync(fd) os.close(fd) def fsync_with_dir(self, fp = None): """fsync self and directory self is under""" self.fsync(fp) if Globals.fsync_directories: self.get_parent_rp().fsync() def sync_delete(self): """Delete self with sync to guarantee completion On some filesystems (like linux's ext2), we must sync both the file and the directory to make sure. """ if self.lstat() and not self.issym(): fp = self.open("rb") self.delete() os.fsync(fp.fileno()) assert not fp.close() if Globals.fsync_directories: self.get_parent_rp().fsync() def get_data(self): """Open file as a regular file, read data, close, return data""" fp = self.open("rb") s = fp.read() assert not fp.close() return s def get_acl(self): """Return access control list object, setting if necessary""" try: acl = self.data['acl'] except KeyError: acl = self.data['acl'] = acl_get(self) return acl def write_acl(self, acl, map_names = 1): """Change access control list of rp If map_names is true, map the ids in acl by user/group names. """ acl.write_to_rp(self, map_names) self.data['acl'] = acl def get_ea(self): """Return extended attributes object, setting if necessary""" try: ea = self.data['ea'] except KeyError: ea = self.data['ea'] = ea_get(self) return ea def write_ea(self, ea): """Change extended attributes of rp""" ea.write_to_rp(self) self.data['ea'] = ea def get_resource_fork(self): """Return resource fork data, setting if necessary""" assert self.isreg() try: rfork = self.data['resourcefork'] except KeyError: try: rfork_fp = self.conn.open(os.path.join(self.path, 'rsrc'), 'rb') rfork = rfork_fp.read() assert not rfork_fp.close() except (IOError, OSError), e: rfork = '' self.data['resourcefork'] = rfork return rfork def write_resource_fork(self, rfork_data): """Write new resource fork to self""" log.Log("Writing resource fork to %s" % (self.index,), 7) fp = self.conn.open(os.path.join(self.path, 'rsrc'), 'wb') fp.write(rfork_data) assert not fp.close() self.set_resource_fork(rfork_data) class RPathFileHook: """Look like a file, but add closing hook""" def __init__(self, file, closing_thunk): self.file = file self.closing_thunk = closing_thunk def read(self, length = -1): return self.file.read(length) def write(self, buf): return self.file.write(buf) def close(self): """Close file and then run closing thunk""" result = self.file.close() self.closing_thunk() return result # These two are overwritten by the eas_acls.py module. We can't # import that module directory because of circular dependency # problems. def acl_get(rp): assert 0 def ea_get(rp): assert 0