from __future__ import generators import tempfile from static import * ####################################################################### # # restore - Read increment files and restore to original # class RestoreError(Exception): pass class Restore: def Restore(inc_rpath, mirror, target, rest_time): """Recursively restore inc_rpath and mirror to target at rest_time Like restore_recusive below, but with a more friendly interface (it converts to DSRPaths if necessary, finds the inc files with the appropriate base, and makes rid). rest_time is the time in seconds to restore to; inc_rpath should not be the name of an increment file, but the increment file shorn of its suffixes and thus should have the same index as mirror. """ if not isinstance(mirror, DSRPath): mirror = DSRPath(1, mirror) if not isinstance(target, DSRPath): target = DSRPath(None, target) mirror_time = Restore.get_mirror_time() rest_time = Restore.get_rest_time(rest_time, mirror_time) inc_list = Restore.get_inclist(inc_rpath) rid = RestoreIncrementData(inc_rpath.index, inc_rpath, inc_list) rid.sortincseq(rest_time, mirror_time) Restore.check_hardlinks(rest_time) Restore.restore_recursive(inc_rpath.index, mirror, rid, target, rest_time, mirror_time) def get_mirror_time(): """Return the time (in seconds) of latest mirror""" current_mirror_incs = \ Restore.get_inclist(Globals.rbdir.append("current_mirror")) if not current_mirror_incs: Log.FatalError("Could not get time of current mirror") elif len(current_mirror_incs) > 1: Log("Warning, two different dates for current mirror found", 2) return Time.stringtotime(current_mirror_incs[0].getinctime()) def get_rest_time(old_rest_time, mirror_time): """If old_rest_time is between two increments, return older time There is a slightly tricky reason for doing this: The rest of the code just ignores increments that are older than rest_time. But sometimes we want to consider the very next increment older than rest time, because rest_time will be between two increments, and what was actually on the mirror side will correspond to the older one. So here we assume all rdiff-backup events were recorded in "increments" increments, and if its in-between we pick the older one here. """ base_incs = Restore.get_inclist(Globals.rbdir.append("increments")) if not base_incs: return old_rest_time inctimes = [Time.stringtotime(inc.getinctime()) for inc in base_incs] return max(filter(lambda time: time <= old_rest_time, inctimes + [mirror_time])) def get_inclist(inc_rpath): """Returns increments with given base""" dirname, basename = inc_rpath.dirsplit() parent_dir = RPath(inc_rpath.conn, dirname, ()) index = inc_rpath.index if index: get_inc_ext = lambda filename: \ RPath(inc_rpath.conn, inc_rpath.base, inc_rpath.index[:-1] + (filename,)) else: get_inc_ext = lambda filename: \ RPath(inc_rpath.conn, os.path.join(dirname, filename)) inc_list = [] for filename in parent_dir.listdir(): inc = get_inc_ext(filename) if inc.isincfile() and inc.getincbase_str() == basename: inc_list.append(inc) return inc_list def check_hardlinks(rest_time): """Check for hard links and enable hard link support if found""" if (Globals.preserve_hardlinks != 0 and Hardlink.retrieve_final(rest_time)): Log("Hard link information found, attempting to preserve " "hard links.", 5) SetConnections.UpdateGlobal('preserve_hardlinks', 1) else: SetConnections.UpdateGlobal('preserve_hardlinks', None) def restore_recursive(index, mirror, rid, target, time, mirror_time): """Recursive restore function. rid is a RestoreIncrementData object whose inclist is already sortedincseq'd, and target is the dsrp to restore to. Note that target may have a different index than mirror and rid, because we may be restoring a file whose index is, say ('foo','bar') to a target whose path does not contain "foo/bar". """ assert isinstance(mirror, DSRPath) and isinstance(target, DSRPath) assert mirror.index == rid.index mirror_finalizer = DestructiveSteppingFinalizer() target_finalizer = DestructiveSteppingFinalizer() for rcd in Restore.yield_rcds(rid.index, mirror, rid, target, time, mirror_time): rcd.RestoreFile() if rcd.mirror: mirror_finalizer(rcd.index, rcd.mirror) target_finalizer(, target_finalizer.Finish() mirror_finalizer.Finish() def yield_rcds(index, mirrorrp, rid, target, rest_time, mirror_time): """Iterate RestoreCombinedData objects starting with given args rid is a RestoreCombinedData object. target is an rpath where the created file should go. In this case the "mirror" directory is treated as the source, and we are actually copying stuff onto what Select considers the source directory. """ select_result = Globals.select_mirror.Select(target) if select_result == 0: return if mirrorrp and not Globals.select_source.Select(mirrorrp): mirrorrp = None rcd = RestoreCombinedData(rid, mirrorrp, target) if mirrorrp and mirrorrp.isdir() or \ rid and rid.inc_rpath and rid.inc_rpath.isdir(): sub_rcds = Restore.yield_sub_rcds(index, mirrorrp, rid, target, rest_time, mirror_time) else: sub_rcds = None if select_result == 1: yield rcd if sub_rcds: for sub_rcd in sub_rcds: yield sub_rcd elif select_result == 2: if sub_rcds: try: first = except StopIteration: return # no tuples found inside, skip yield rcd yield first for sub_rcd in sub_rcds: yield sub_rcd def yield_sub_rcds(index, mirrorrp, rid, target, rest_time, mirror_time): """Yield collated tuples from inside given args""" if not Restore.check_dir_exists(mirrorrp, rid): return mirror_iter = Restore.yield_mirrorrps(mirrorrp) rid_iter = Restore.yield_rids(rid, rest_time, mirror_time) for indexed_tup in RORPIter.CollateIterators(mirror_iter, rid_iter): index = indexed_tup.index new_mirrorrp, new_rid = indexed_tup for rcd in Restore.yield_rcds(index, new_mirrorrp, new_rid, target.append(index[-1]), rest_time, mirror_time): yield rcd def check_dir_exists(mirrorrp, rid): """Return true if target should be a directory""" if rid and rid.inc_list: # Incs say dir if last (earliest) one is a dir increment return rid.inc_list[-1].getinctype() == "dir" elif mirrorrp: return mirrorrp.isdir() # if no incs, copy mirror else: return None def yield_mirrorrps(mirrorrp): """Yield mirrorrps underneath given mirrorrp""" if mirrorrp and mirrorrp.isdir(): if Globals.quoting_enabled: for rp in FilenameMapping.get_quoted_dir_children(mirrorrp): yield rp else: dirlist = mirrorrp.listdir() dirlist.sort() for filename in dirlist: yield mirrorrp.append(filename) def yield_rids(rid, rest_time, mirror_time): """Yield RestoreIncrementData objects within given rid dir If the rid doesn't correspond to a directory, don't yield any elements. If there are increments whose corresponding base doesn't exist, the first element will be None. All the rpaths involved correspond to files in the increment directory. """ if not rid or not rid.inc_rpath or not rid.inc_rpath.isdir(): return rid_dict = {} # dictionary of basenames:rids dirlist = rid.inc_rpath.listdir() if Globals.quoting_enabled: dirlist = [FilenameMapping.unquote(fn) for fn in dirlist] def affirm_dict_indexed(basename): """Make sure the rid dictionary has given basename as key""" if not rid_dict.has_key(basename): rid_dict[basename] = RestoreIncrementData( rid.index + (basename,), None, []) # init with empty rid def add_to_dict(filename): """Add filename to the inc tuple dictionary""" rp = rid.inc_rpath.append(filename) if Globals.quoting_enabled: rp.quote_path() if rp.isincfile() and rp.getinctype() != 'data': basename = rp.getincbase_str() affirm_dict_indexed(basename) rid_dict[basename].inc_list.append(rp) elif rp.isdir(): affirm_dict_indexed(filename) rid_dict[filename].inc_rpath = rp for filename in dirlist: add_to_dict(filename) keys = rid_dict.keys() keys.sort() # sortincseq now to avoid descending .missing directories later for key in keys: rid = rid_dict[key] if rid.inc_rpath or rid.inc_list: rid.sortincseq(rest_time, mirror_time) yield rid MakeStatic(Restore) class RestoreIncrementData: """Contains information about a specific index from the increments dir This is just a container class, used because it would be easier to work with than an IndexedTuple. """ def __init__(self, index, inc_rpath, inc_list): self.index = index self.inc_rpath = inc_rpath self.inc_list = inc_list def sortincseq(self, rest_time, mirror_time): """Sort self.inc_list sequence, throwing away irrelevant increments""" if not self.inc_list or rest_time >= mirror_time: self.inc_list = [] return newer_incs = self.get_newer_incs(rest_time, mirror_time) i = 0 while(i < len(newer_incs)): # Only diff type increments require later versions if newer_incs[i].getinctype() != "diff": break i = i+1 self.inc_list = newer_incs[:i+1] self.inc_list.reverse() # return in reversed order (latest first) def get_newer_incs(self, rest_time, mirror_time): """Return list of newer incs sorted by time (increasing) Also discard increments older than rest_time (rest_time we are assuming is the exact time rdiff-backup was run, so no need to consider the next oldest increment or any of that) """ incpairs = [] for inc in self.inc_list: time = Time.stringtotime(inc.getinctime()) if time >= rest_time: incpairs.append((time, inc)) incpairs.sort() return [pair[1] for pair in incpairs] class RestoreCombinedData: """Combine index information from increment and mirror directories This is similar to RestoreIncrementData but has mirror information also. """ def __init__(self, rid, mirror, target): """Init - set values from one or both if they exist mirror and target are DSRPaths of the corresponding files in the mirror and target directory respectively. rid is a RestoreIncrementData as defined above """ if rid: self.index = rid.index self.inc_rpath = rid.inc_rpath self.inc_list = rid.inc_list if mirror: self.mirror = mirror assert mirror.index == self.index else: self.mirror = None elif mirror: self.index = mirror.index self.mirror = mirror self.inc_list = [] self.inc_rpath = None else: assert None, "neither rid nor mirror given" = target def RestoreFile(self): """Non-recursive restore function """ if not self.inc_list and not (self.mirror and self.mirror.lstat()): return # no increments were applicable self.log() if self.restore_hardlink(): return if not self.inc_list or self.inc_list[0].getinctype() == "diff": assert self.mirror and self.mirror.lstat(), \ "No base to go with incs for %s" % RPath.copy_with_attribs(self.mirror, for inc in self.inc_list: self.applyinc(inc, def log(self): """Log current restore action""" inc_string = ','.join([inc.path for inc in self.inc_list]) Log("Restoring %s with increments %s to %s" % (self.mirror and self.mirror.path, inc_string,, 5) def restore_hardlink(self): """Hard link target and return true if hard linking appropriate""" if (Globals.preserve_hardlinks and Hardlink.restore_link(self.index, RPath.copy_attribs(self.inc_list and self.inc_list[-1] or self.mirror, return 1 return None def applyinc(self, inc, target): """Apply increment rp inc to targetrp target""" Log("Applying increment %s to %s" % (inc.path, target.path), 6) inctype = inc.getinctype() if inctype == "diff": if not target.lstat(): raise RestoreError("Bad increment sequence at " + inc.path) Rdiff.patch_action(target, inc, delta_compressed = inc.isinccompressed() ).execute() elif inctype == "dir": if not target.isdir(): if target.lstat(): raise RestoreError("File %s already exists" % target.path) target.mkdir() elif inctype == "missing": return elif inctype == "snapshot": if inc.isinccompressed(): target.write_from_fileobj("rb", compress = 1)) else: RPath.copy(inc, target) else: raise RestoreError("Unknown inctype %s" % inctype) RPath.copy_attribs(inc, target) from log import * from destructive_stepping import * from rpath import * from rorpiter import * import Globals, Time, Rdiff, Hardlink, FilenameMapping, SetConnections