from __future__ import generators execfile("") import re ####################################################################### # # selection - Provides the iterator-like DSRPIterator class # # Parses includes and excludes to yield correct files. More # documentation on what this code does can be found on the man page. # class SelectError(Exception): """Some error dealing with the Select class""" pass class FilePrefixError(SelectError): """Signals that a specified file doesn't start with correct prefix""" pass class GlobbingError(SelectError): """Something has gone wrong when parsing a glob string""" pass class Select: """Iterate appropriate DSRPaths in given directory This class acts as an iterator on account of its next() method. Basically, it just goes through all the files in a directory in order (depth-first) and subjects each file to a bunch of tests (selection functions) in order. The first test that includes or excludes the file means that the file gets included (iterated) or excluded. The default is include, so with no tests we would just iterate all the files in the directory in order. The one complication to this is that sometimes we don't know whether or not to include a directory until we examine its contents. For instance, if we want to include all the **.py files. If /home/ben/ exists, we should also include /home and /home/ben, but if these directories contain no **.py files, they shouldn't be included. For this reason, a test may not include or exclude a directory, but merely "scan" it. If later a file in the directory gets included, so does the directory. As mentioned above, each test takes the form of a selection function. The selection function takes a dsrp, and returns: None - means the test has nothing to say about the related file 0 - the file is excluded by the test 1 - the file is included 2 - the test says the file (must be directory) should be scanned Also, a selection function f has a variable f.exclude which should be true iff f could potentially exclude some file. This is used to signal an error if the last function only includes, which would be redundant and presumably isn't what the user intends. """ # This re should not match normal filenames, but usually just globs glob_re = re.compile("(.*[*?[]|ignorecase\\:)", re.I | re.S) def __init__(self, dsrpath, quoted_filenames = None): """DSRPIterator initializer. dsrp is the root directory When files have quoted characters in them, quoted_filenames should be true. Then RPath's index will be the unquoted version. """ assert isinstance(dsrpath, DSRPath) self.selection_functions = [] self.dsrpath = dsrpath self.prefix = self.dsrpath.path self.quoting_on = Globals.quoting_enabled and quoted_filenames def set_iter(self, starting_index = None, sel_func = None): """Initialize more variables, get ready to iterate Will iterate indicies greater than starting_index. Selection function sel_func is called on each dsrp and is usually self.Select. Returns self just for convenience. """ if not sel_func: sel_func = self.Select self.dsrpath.setdata() # this may have changed since Select init if starting_index is not None: self.starting_index = starting_index self.iter = self.iterate_starting_from(self.dsrpath, self.iterate_starting_from, sel_func) else: self.iter = self.Iterate(self.dsrpath, self.Iterate, sel_func) = self.__iter__ = lambda: self return self def Iterate(self, dsrpath, rec_func, sel_func): """Return iterator yielding dsrps in dsrpath rec_func is usually the same as this function and is what Iterate uses to find files in subdirectories. It is used in iterate_starting_from. sel_func is the selection function to use on the dsrps. It is usually self.Select. """ s = sel_func(dsrpath) if s == 0: return elif s == 1: # File is included yield dsrpath if dsrpath.isdir(): for dsrp in self.iterate_in_dir(dsrpath, rec_func, sel_func): yield dsrp elif s == 2 and dsrpath.isdir(): # Directory is merely scanned iid = self.iterate_in_dir(dsrpath, rec_func, sel_func) try: first = except StopIteration: return # no files inside; skip dsrp yield dsrpath yield first for dsrp in iid: yield dsrp def iterate_in_dir(self, dsrpath, rec_func, sel_func): """Iterate the dsrps in directory dsrpath.""" if self.quoting_on: for subdir in FilenameMapping.get_quoted_dir_children(dsrpath): for dsrp in rec_func(subdir, rec_func, sel_func): yield dsrp else: dir_listing = dsrpath.listdir() dir_listing.sort() for filename in dir_listing: for dsrp in rec_func(dsrpath.append(filename), rec_func, sel_func): yield dsrp def iterate_starting_from(self, dsrpath, rec_func, sel_func): """Like Iterate, but only yield indicies > self.starting_index""" if dsrpath.index > self.starting_index: # past starting_index for dsrp in self.Iterate(dsrpath, self.Iterate, sel_func): yield dsrp elif dsrpath.index == self.starting_index[:len(dsrpath.index)]: # May encounter starting index on this branch for dsrp in self.iterate_in_dir(dsrpath, self.iterate_starting_from, sel_func): yield dsrp def iterate_with_finalizer(self): """Like Iterate, but missing some options, and add finalizer""" finalize = DestructiveSteppingFinalizer() for dsrp in self: yield dsrp finalize(dsrp.index, dsrp) finalize.Finish() def Select(self, dsrp): """Run through the selection functions and return dominant val 0/1/2""" for sf in self.selection_functions: result = sf(dsrp) if result is not None: return result return 1 def ParseArgs(self, argtuples): """Create selection functions based on list of tuples The tuples have the form (option string, additional argument) and are created when the initial commandline arguments are read. The reason for the extra level of processing is that the filelists may only be openable by the main connection, but the selection functions need to be on the backup reader or writer side. When the initial arguments are parsed the right information is sent over the link. """ try: for opt, arg in argtuples: if opt == "--exclude": self.add_selection_func(self.glob_get_sf(arg, 0)) elif opt == "--exclude-device-files": self.add_selection_func(self.devfiles_get_sf()) elif opt == "--exclude-filelist": self.add_selection_func(self.filelist_get_sf(arg[1], 0, arg[0])) elif opt == "--exclude-regexp": self.add_selection_func(self.regexp_get_sf(arg, 0)) elif opt == "--include": self.add_selection_func(self.glob_get_sf(arg, 1)) elif opt == "--include-filelist": self.add_selection_func(self.filelist_get_sf(arg[1], 1, arg[0])) elif opt == "--include-regexp": self.add_selection_func(self.regexp_get_sf(arg, 1)) else: assert 0, "Bad selection option %s" % opt except SelectError, e: self.parse_catch_error(e) self.parse_last_excludes() self.parse_rbdir_exclude() self.parse_proc_exclude() def parse_catch_error(self, exc): """Deal with selection error exc""" if isinstance(exc, FilePrefixError): Log.FatalError( """Fatal Error: The file specification %s cannot match any files in the base directory %s Useful file specifications begin with the base directory or some pattern (such as '**') which matches the base directory.""" % (exc, self.prefix)) elif isinstance(e, GlobbingError): Log.FatalError("Fatal Error while processing expression\n" "%s" % exc) else: raise def parse_rbdir_exclude(self): """Add exclusion of rdiff-backup-data dir to front of list""" self.add_selection_func( self.glob_get_tuple_sf(("rdiff-backup-data",), 0), 1) def parse_proc_exclude(self): """Exclude the /proc directory if starting from /""" if self.prefix == "/": self.add_selection_func(self.glob_get_tuple_sf(("proc",), 0), 1) def parse_last_excludes(self): """Exit with error if last selection function isn't an exclude""" if (self.selection_functions and not self.selection_functions[-1].exclude): Log.FatalError( """Last selection expression: %s only specifies that files be included. Because the default is to include all files, the expression is redundant. Exiting because this probably isn't what you meant.""" % (self.selection_functions[-1].name, self.prefix)) def add_selection_func(self, sel_func, add_to_start = None): """Add another selection function at the end or beginning""" if add_to_start: self.selection_functions.insert(0, sel_func) else: self.selection_functions.append(sel_func) def filelist_get_sf(self, filelist_fp, inc_default, filelist_name): """Return selection function by reading list of files The format of the filelist is documented in the man page. filelist_fp should be an (open) file object. inc_default should be true if this is an include list, false for an exclude list. filelist_name is just a string used for logging. """ Log("Reading filelist %s" % filelist_name, 4) tuple_list, something_excluded = \ self.filelist_read(filelist_fp, inc_default, filelist_name) Log("Sorting filelist %s" % filelist_name, 4) tuple_list.sort() i = [0] # We have to put index in list because of stupid scoping rules def selection_function(dsrp): while 1: if i[0] >= len(tuple_list): return None include, move_on = \ self.filelist_pair_match(dsrp, tuple_list[i[0]]) if move_on: i[0] += 1 if include is None: continue # later line may match return include selection_function.exclude = something_excluded = "Filelist: " + filelist_name return selection_function def filelist_read(self, filelist_fp, include, filelist_name): """Read filelist from fp, return (tuplelist, something_excluded)""" something_excluded, tuple_list = None, [] prefix_warnings = 0 for line in filelist_fp: if not line.strip(): continue # skip blanks try: tuple = self.filelist_parse_line(line, include) except FilePrefixError, exp: prefix_warnings += 1 if prefix_warnings < 6: Log("Warning: file specification %s in filelist %s\n" "doesn't start with correct prefix %s, ignoring." % (exp, filelist_name, self.prefix), 2) if prefix_warnings == 5: Log("Future prefix errors will not be logged.", 2) tuple_list.append(tuple) if not tuple[1]: something_excluded = 1 if filelist_fp.close(): Log("Error closing filelist %s" % filelist_name, 2) return (tuple_list, something_excluded) def filelist_parse_line(self, line, include): """Parse a single line of a filelist, returning a pair pair will be of form (index, include), where index is another tuple, and include is 1 if the line specifies that we are including a file. The default is given as an argument. prefix is the string that the index is relative to. """ line = line.strip() if line[:2] == "+ ": # Check for "+ "/"- " syntax include = 1 line = line[2:] elif line[:2] == "- ": include = 0 line = line[2:] if not line.startswith(self.prefix): raise FilePrefixError(line) line = line[len(self.prefix):] # Discard prefix index = tuple(filter(lambda x: x, line.split("/"))) # remove empties return (index, include) def filelist_pair_match(self, dsrp, pair): """Matches a filelist tuple against a dsrp Returns a pair (include, move_on). include is None if the tuple doesn't match either way, and 0/1 if the tuple excludes or includes the dsrp. move_on is true if the tuple cannot match a later index, and so we should move on to the next tuple in the index. """ index, include = pair if include == 1: if index < dsrp.index: return (None, 1) if index == dsrp.index: return (1, 1) elif index[:len(dsrp.index)] == dsrp.index: return (1, None) # /foo/bar implicitly includes /foo else: return (None, None) # dsrp greater, not initial sequence elif include == 0: if dsrp.index[:len(index)] == index: return (0, None) # /foo implicitly excludes /foo/bar elif index < dsrp.index: return (None, 1) else: return (None, None) # dsrp greater, not initial sequence else: assert 0, "Include is %s, should be 0 or 1" % (include,) def regexp_get_sf(self, regexp_string, include): """Return selection function given by regexp_string""" assert include == 0 or include == 1 try: regexp = re.compile(regexp_string) except: Log("Error compiling regular expression %s" % regexp_string, 1) raise def sel_func(dsrp): if return include else: return None sel_func.exclude = not include = "Regular expression: %s" % regexp_string return sel_func def devfiles_get_sf(self): """Return a selection function to exclude all dev files""" if self.selection_functions: Log("Warning: exclude-device-files is not the first " "selector.\nThis may not be what you intended", 3) def sel_func(dsrp): if dsrp.isdev(): return 0 else: return None sel_func.exclude = 1 = "Exclude device files" return sel_func def glob_get_sf(self, glob_str, include): """Return selection function given by glob string""" assert include == 0 or include == 1 if glob_str == "**": sel_func = lambda dsrp: include elif not self.glob_re.match(glob_str): # normal file sel_func = self.glob_get_filename_sf(glob_str, include) else: sel_func = self.glob_get_normal_sf(glob_str, include) sel_func.exclude = not include = "Command-line glob: %s" % glob_str return sel_func def glob_get_filename_sf(self, filename, include): """Get a selection function given a normal filename Some of the parsing is better explained in filelist_parse_line. The reason this is split from normal globbing is things are a lot less complicated if no special globbing characters are used. """ if not filename.startswith(self.prefix): raise FilePrefixError(filename) index = tuple(filter(lambda x: x, filename[len(self.prefix):].split("/"))) return self.glob_get_tuple_sf(index, include) def glob_get_tuple_sf(self, tuple, include): """Return selection function based on tuple""" def include_sel_func(dsrp): if (dsrp.index == tuple[:len(dsrp.index)] or dsrp.index[:len(tuple)] == tuple): return 1 # /foo/bar implicitly matches /foo, vice-versa else: return None def exclude_sel_func(dsrp): if dsrp.index[:len(tuple)] == tuple: return 0 # /foo excludes /foo/bar, not vice-versa else: return None if include == 1: sel_func = include_sel_func elif include == 0: sel_func = exclude_sel_func sel_func.exclude = not include = "Tuple select %s" % (tuple,) return sel_func def glob_get_normal_sf(self, glob_str, include): """Return selection function based on glob_str The basic idea is to turn glob_str into a regular expression, and just use the normal regular expression. There is a complication because the selection function should return '2' (scan) for directories which may contain a file which matches the glob_str. So we break up the glob string into parts, and any file which matches an initial sequence of glob parts gets scanned. Thanks to Donovan Baarda who provided some code which did some things similar to this. """ if glob_str.lower().startswith("ignorecase:"): re_comp = lambda r: re.compile(r, re.I | re.S) glob_str = glob_str[len("ignorecase:"):] else: re_comp = lambda r: re.compile(r, re.S) # matches what glob matches and any files in directory glob_comp_re = re_comp("^%s($|/)" % self.glob_to_re(glob_str)) if glob_str.find("**") != -1: glob_str = glob_str[:glob_str.find("**")+2] # truncate after ** scan_comp_re = re_comp("^(%s)$" % "|".join(self.glob_get_prefix_res(glob_str))) def include_sel_func(dsrp): if glob_comp_re.match(dsrp.path): return 1 elif scan_comp_re.match(dsrp.path): return 2 else: return None def exclude_sel_func(dsrp): if glob_comp_re.match(dsrp.path): return 0 else: return None # Check to make sure prefix is ok if not include_sel_func(self.dsrpath): raise FilePrefixError(glob_str) if include: return include_sel_func else: return exclude_sel_func def glob_get_prefix_res(self, glob_str): """Return list of regexps equivalent to prefixes of glob_str""" glob_parts = glob_str.split("/") if "" in glob_parts[1:-1]: # "" OK if comes first or last, as in /foo/ raise GlobbingError("Consecutive '/'s found in globbing string " + glob_str) prefixes = map(lambda i: "/".join(glob_parts[:i+1]), range(len(glob_parts))) # we must make exception for root "/", only dir to end in slash if prefixes[0] == "": prefixes[0] = "/" return map(self.glob_to_re, prefixes) def glob_to_re(self, pat): """Returned regular expression equivalent to shell glob pat Currently only the ?, *, [], and ** expressions are supported. Ranges like [a-z] are also currently unsupported. There is no way to quote these special characters. This function taken with minor modifications from by Donovan Baarda. """ i, n, res = 0, len(pat), '' while i < n: c, s = pat[i], pat[i:i+2] i = i+1 if s == '**': res = res + '.*' i = i + 1 elif c == '*': res = res + '[^/]*' elif c == '?': res = res + '[^/]' elif c == '[': j = i if j < n and pat[j] in '!^': j = j+1 if j < n and pat[j] == ']': j = j+1 while j < n and pat[j] != ']': j = j+1 if j >= n: res = res + '\\[' # interpret the [ literally else: # Deal with inside of [..] stuff = pat[i:j].replace('\\','\\\\') i = j+1 if stuff[0] in '!^': stuff = '^' + stuff[1:] res = res + '[' + stuff + ']' else: res = res + re.escape(c) return res