from lazy import * ####################################################################### # # statistics - Generate and process aggregated backup information # class StatsException(Exception): pass class StatsObj: """Contains various statistics, provide string conversion functions""" stat_file_attrs = ('SourceFiles', 'SourceFileSize', 'MirrorFiles', 'MirrorFileSize', 'NewFiles', 'NewFileSize', 'DeletedFiles', 'DeletedFileSize', 'ChangedFiles', 'ChangedSourceSize', 'ChangedMirrorSize', 'IncrementFiles', 'IncrementFileSize') stat_misc_attrs = ('Errors',) stat_time_attrs = ('StartTime', 'EndTime', 'ElapsedTime') stat_attrs = (('Filename',) + stat_time_attrs + stat_misc_attrs + stat_file_attrs) # Below, the second value in each pair is true iff the value # indicates a number of bytes stat_file_pairs = (('SourceFiles', None), ('SourceFileSize', 1), ('MirrorFiles', None), ('MirrorFileSize', 1), ('NewFiles', None), ('NewFileSize', 1), ('DeletedFiles', None), ('DeletedFileSize', 1), ('ChangedFiles', None), ('ChangedSourceSize', 1), ('ChangedMirrorSize', 1), ('IncrementFiles', None), ('IncrementFileSize', 1)) # This is used in get_byte_summary_string below byte_abbrev_list = ((1024*1024*1024*1024, "TB"), (1024*1024*1024, "GB"), (1024*1024, "MB"), (1024, "KB")) def __init__(self): """Set attributes to None""" for attr in self.stat_attrs: self.__dict__[attr] = None def get_stat(self, attribute): """Get a statistic""" return self.__dict__[attribute] def set_stat(self, attr, value): """Set attribute to given value""" self.__dict__[attr] = value def increment_stat(self, attr): """Add 1 to value of attribute""" self.__dict__[attr] += 1 def get_stats_line(self, index, use_repr = 1): """Return one line abbreviated version of full stats string""" file_attrs = map(lambda attr: str(self.get_stat(attr)), self.stat_file_attrs) if not index: filename = "." else: filename = apply(os.path.join, index) if use_repr: # use repr to quote newlines in relative filename, then # take of leading and trailing quote. filename = repr(filename)[1:-1] return " ".join([filename,] + file_attrs) def set_stats_from_line(self, line): """Set statistics from given line""" def error(): raise StatsException("Bad line '%s'" % line) if line[-1] == "\n": line = line[:-1] lineparts = line.split(" ") if len(lineparts) < len(stat_file_attrs): error() for attr, val_string in zip(stat_file_attrs, lineparts[-len(stat_file_attrs):]): try: val = long(val_string) except ValueError: try: val = float(val_string) except ValueError: error() self.set_stat(attr, val) return self def get_stats_string(self): """Return extended string printing out statistics""" return self.get_timestats_string() + self.get_filestats_string() def get_timestats_string(self): """Return portion of statistics string dealing with time""" timelist = [] if self.StartTime is not None: timelist.append("StartTime %.2f (%s)\n" % (self.StartTime, Time.timetopretty(self.StartTime))) if self.EndTime is not None: timelist.append("EndTime %.2f (%s)\n" % (self.EndTime, Time.timetopretty(self.EndTime))) if self.ElapsedTime or (self.StartTime is not None and self.EndTime is not None): if self.ElapsedTime is None: self.ElapsedTime = self.EndTime - self.StartTime timelist.append("ElapsedTime %.2f (%s)\n" % (self.ElapsedTime, Time.inttopretty(self.ElapsedTime))) if self.Errors is not None: timelist.append("Errors %d\n" % self.Errors) return "".join(timelist) def get_filestats_string(self): """Return portion of statistics string about files and bytes""" def fileline(stat_file_pair): """Return zero or one line of the string""" attr, in_bytes = stat_file_pair val = self.get_stat(attr) if val is None: return "" if in_bytes: return "%s %s (%s)\n" % (attr, val, self.get_byte_summary_string(val)) else: return "%s %s\n" % (attr, val) return "".join(map(fileline, self.stat_file_pairs)) def get_byte_summary_string(self, byte_count): """Turn byte count into human readable string like "7.23GB" """ for abbrev_bytes, abbrev_string in self.byte_abbrev_list: if byte_count >= abbrev_bytes: # Now get 3 significant figures abbrev_count = float(byte_count)/abbrev_bytes if abbrev_count >= 100: precision = 0 elif abbrev_count >= 10: precision = 1 else: precision = 2 return "%%.%df %s" % (precision, abbrev_string) \ % (abbrev_count,) byte_count = round(byte_count) if byte_count == 1: return "1 byte" else: return "%d bytes" % (byte_count,) def get_stats_logstring(self, title): """Like get_stats_string, but add header and footer""" header = "--------------[ %s ]--------------" % title footer = "-" * len(header) return "%s\n%s%s\n" % (header, self.get_stats_string(), footer) def set_stats_from_string(self, s): """Initialize attributes from string, return self for convenience""" def error(line): raise StatsException("Bad line '%s'" % line) for line in s.split("\n"): if not line: continue line_parts = line.split() if len(line_parts) < 2: error(line) attr, value_string = line_parts[:2] if not attr in self.stat_attrs: error(line) try: try: val1 = long(value_string) except ValueError: val1 = None val2 = float(value_string) if val1 == val2: self.set_stat(attr, val1) # use integer val else: self.set_stat(attr, val2) # use float except ValueError: error(line) return self def write_stats_to_rp(self, rp): """Write statistics string to given rpath""" tf = def init_thunk(): fp ="w") fp.write(self.get_stats_string()) fp.close() Robust.make_tf_robustaction(init_thunk, (tf,), (rp,)).execute() def read_stats_from_rp(self, rp): """Set statistics from rpath, return self for convenience""" fp ="r") self.set_stats_from_string( fp.close() return self def stats_equal(self, s): """Return true if s has same statistics as self""" assert isinstance(s, StatsObj) for attr in self.stat_file_attrs: if self.get_stat(attr) != s.get_stat(attr): return None return 1 def set_to_average(self, statobj_list): """Set self's attributes to average of those in statobj_list""" for attr in self.stat_attrs: self.set_stat(attr, 0) for statobj in statobj_list: for attr in self.stat_attrs: if statobj.get_stat(attr) is None: self.set_stat(attr, None) elif self.get_stat(attr) is not None: self.set_stat(attr, statobj.get_stat(attr) + self.get_stat(attr)) # Don't compute average starting/stopping time self.StartTime = None self.EndTime = None for attr in self.stat_attrs: if self.get_stat(attr) is not None: self.set_stat(attr, self.get_stat(attr)/float(len(statobj_list))) return self def get_statsobj_copy(self): """Return new StatsObj object with same stats as self""" s = StatObj() for attr in self.stat_attrs: s.set_stat(attr, self.get_stat(attr)) return s class StatsITR(IterTreeReducer, StatsObj): """Keep track of per directory statistics This is subclassed by the mirroring and incrementing ITRs. """ def __init__(self, *args): """StatsITR initializer - zero out statistics""" attr_dict = self.__dict__ for attr in StatsObj.stat_file_attrs: attr_dict[attr] = 0 self.ElapsedTime = self.Filename = None IterTreeReducer.__init__(self, *args) def start_stats(self, mirror_dsrp): """Record status of mirror dsrp This is called before the mirror is processed so we remember the old state. """ if mirror_dsrp.lstat(): self.mirror_base_exists = 1 self.mirror_base_size = self.stats_getsize(mirror_dsrp) else: self.mirror_base_exists = None def stats_getsize(self, rp): """Return size of rp, with error checking""" try: return rp.getsize() except KeyError: return 0 def end_stats(self, diff_rorp, mirror_dsrp, inc_rp = None): """Set various statistics after mirror processed""" if mirror_dsrp.lstat(): source_size = self.stats_getsize(mirror_dsrp) self.SourceFiles += 1 self.SourceFileSize += source_size if self.mirror_base_exists: self.MirrorFiles += 1 self.MirrorFileSize += self.mirror_base_size if diff_rorp: # otherwise no change self.ChangedFiles += 1 self.ChangedSourceSize += source_size self.ChangedMirrorSize += self.mirror_base_size self.stats_incr_incfiles(inc_rp) else: # new file was created self.NewFiles += 1 self.NewFileSize += source_size self.stats_incr_incfiles(inc_rp) else: if self.mirror_base_exists: # file was deleted from mirror self.MirrorFiles += 1 self.MirrorFileSize += self.mirror_base_size self.DeletedFiles += 1 self.DeletedFileSize += self.mirror_base_size self.stats_incr_incfiles(inc_rp) def stats_incr_incfiles(self, inc_rp): """Increment IncrementFile statistics""" if inc_rp: self.IncrementFiles += 1 self.IncrementFileSize += self.stats_getsize(inc_rp) def add_file_stats(self, subinstance): """Add all file statistics from subinstance to current totals""" for attr in self.stat_file_attrs: self.__dict__[attr] += subinstance.__dict__[attr] from log import * from increment import * from robust import * import Globals