execfile("log.py") import time, types ####################################################################### # # ttime - Provide Time class, which contains time related functions. # class TimeException(Exception): pass class Time: """Functions which act on the time""" _interval_conv_dict = {"s": 1, "m": 60, "h": 3600, "D": 86400, "M": 30*86400, "Y": 365*86400} def setcurtime(cls, curtime = None): """Sets the current time in curtime and curtimestr on all systems""" t = curtime or time.time() for conn in Globals.connections: conn.Time.setcurtime_local(t, cls.timetostring(t)) def setcurtime_local(cls, timeinseconds, timestr): """Only set the current time locally""" cls.curtime = timeinseconds cls.curtimestr = timestr def setprevtime(cls, timeinseconds): """Sets the previous inc time in prevtime and prevtimestr""" assert timeinseconds > 0, timeinseconds timestr = cls.timetostring(timeinseconds) for conn in Globals.connections: conn.Time.setprevtime_local(timeinseconds, timestr) def setprevtime_local(cls, timeinseconds, timestr): """Like setprevtime but only set the local version""" cls.prevtime = timeinseconds cls.prevtimestr = timestr def timetostring(cls, timeinseconds): """Return w3 datetime compliant listing of timeinseconds""" return time.strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H" + Globals.time_separator + "%M" + Globals.time_separator + "%S", time.localtime(timeinseconds)) + cls.gettzd() def stringtotime(cls, timestring): """Return time in seconds from w3 timestring If there is an error parsing the string, or it doesn't look like a w3 datetime string, return None. """ try: date, daytime = timestring[:19].split("T") year, month, day = map(int, date.split("-")) hour, minute, second = map(int, daytime.split(Globals.time_separator)) assert 1900 < year < 2100, year assert 1 <= month <= 12 assert 1 <= day <= 31 assert 0 <= hour <= 23 assert 0 <= minute <= 59 assert 0 <= second <= 61 # leap seconds timetuple = (year, month, day, hour, minute, second, -1, -1, -1) if time.daylight: utc_in_secs = time.mktime(timetuple) - time.altzone else: utc_in_secs = time.mktime(timetuple) - time.timezone return utc_in_secs + cls.tzdtoseconds(timestring[19:]) except (TypeError, ValueError, AssertionError): return None def timetopretty(cls, timeinseconds): """Return pretty version of time""" return time.asctime(time.localtime(timeinseconds)) def stringtopretty(cls, timestring): """Return pretty version of time given w3 time string""" return cls.timetopretty(cls.stringtotime(timestring)) def intstringtoseconds(cls, interval_string): """Convert a string expressing an interval to seconds""" def error(): raise TimeException('Bad interval string "%s"' % interval_string) if len(interval_string) < 2: error() try: num, ext = int(interval_string[:-1]), interval_string[-1] except ValueError: error() if not ext in cls._interval_conv_dict or num < 0: error() return num*cls._interval_conv_dict[ext] def gettzd(cls): """Return w3's timezone identification string. Expresed as [+/-]hh:mm. For instance, PST is -08:00. Zone is coincides with what localtime(), etc., use. """ if time.daylight: offset = -1 * time.altzone/60 else: offset = -1 * time.timezone/60 if offset > 0: prefix = "+" elif offset < 0: prefix = "-" else: return "Z" # time is already in UTC hours, minutes = map(abs, divmod(offset, 60)) assert 0 <= hours <= 23 assert 0 <= minutes <= 59 return "%s%02d%s%02d" % (prefix, hours, Globals.time_separator, minutes) def tzdtoseconds(cls, tzd): """Given w3 compliant TZD, return how far ahead UTC is""" if tzd == "Z": return 0 assert len(tzd) == 6 # only accept forms like +08:00 for now assert (tzd[0] == "-" or tzd[0] == "+") and \ tzd[3] == Globals.time_separator return -60 * (60 * int(tzd[:3]) + int(tzd[4:])) def cmp(cls, time1, time2): """Compare time1 and time2 and return -1, 0, or 1""" if type(time1) is types.StringType: time1 = cls.stringtotime(time1) assert time1 is not None if type(time2) is types.StringType: time2 = cls.stringtotime(time2) assert time2 is not None if time1 < time2: return -1 elif time1 == time2: return 0 else: return 1 MakeClass(Time)