import sys, time from commontest import * from rdiff_backup import rpath, Globals """ When possible, use 'rdiff-backup' from the shell, which allows using different versions of rdiff-backup by altering the PYTHONPATH. We just use clock time, so this isn't exact at all. """ output_local = 1 output_desc = "testfiles/output" new_pythonpath = None def run_cmd(cmd): """Run the given cmd, return the amount of time it took""" if new_pythonpath: full_cmd = "PYTHONPATH=%s %s" % (new_pythonpath, cmd) else: full_cmd = cmd print "Running command '%s'" % (full_cmd,) t = time.time() assert not os.system(full_cmd) return time.time() - t def create_many_files(dirname, s, count = 1000): """Create many short files in the dirname directory There will be count files in the directory, and each file will contain the string s. """ Myrm("testfiles/many_out") dir_rp = rpath.RPath(Globals.local_connection, dirname) dir_rp.mkdir() for i in xrange(count): rp = dir_rp.append(str(i)) fp ="wb") fp.write(s) assert not fp.close() def create_nested(dirname, s, depth, branch_factor = 10): """Create many short files in branching directory""" def write(rp): fp ="wb") fp.write(s) assert not fp.close() def helper(rp, depth): rp.mkdir() sub_rps = map(lambda i: rp.append(str(i)), range(branch_factor)) if depth == 1: map(write, sub_rps) else: map(lambda rp: helper(rp, depth-1), sub_rps) Myrm("testfiles/nested_out") helper(rpath.RPath(Globals.local_connection, dirname), depth) def benchmark(backup_cmd, restore_cmd, desc, update_func = None): """Print benchmark using backup_cmd and restore_cmd If update_func is given, run it and then do backup a third time. """ print "Initially backing up %s: %ss" % (desc, run_cmd(backup_cmd)) print "Updating %s, no change: %ss" % (desc, run_cmd(backup_cmd)) if update_func: update_func() print "Updating %s, all changed: %ss" % (desc, run_cmd(backup_cmd)) Myrm("testfiles/rest_out") print "Restoring %s to empty dir: %ss" % (desc, run_cmd(restore_cmd)) print "Restoring %s to unchanged dir: %ss" % (desc, run_cmd(restore_cmd)) def many_files(): """Time backup and restore of 2000 files""" count = 2000 create_many_files("testfiles/many_out", "a", count) backup_cmd = "rdiff-backup testfiles/many_out " + output_desc restore_cmd = "rdiff-backup --force -r now %s testfiles/rest_out" % \ (output_desc,) update_func = lambda: create_many_files("testfiles/many_out", "e", count) benchmark(backup_cmd, restore_cmd, "2000 1-byte files", update_func) def many_files_rsync(): """Test rsync benchmark""" count = 2000 create_many_files("testfiles/many_out", "a", count) rsync_command = ("rsync -e ssh -aH --delete testfiles/many_out " + output_desc) print "Initial rsync: %ss" % (run_cmd(rsync_command),) print "rsync update: %ss" % (run_cmd(rsync_command),) create_many_files("testfiles/many_out", "e", count) print "Update changed rsync: %ss" % (run_cmd(rsync_command),) def nested_files(): """Time backup and restore of 10000 nested files""" depth = 4 create_nested("testfiles/nested_out", "a", depth) backup_cmd = "rdiff-backup testfiles/nested_out " + output_desc restore_cmd = "rdiff-backup --force -r now %s testfiles/rest_out" % \ (output_desc,) update_func = lambda: create_nested("testfiles/nested_out", "e", depth) benchmark(backup_cmd, restore_cmd, "10000 1-byte nested files", update_func) def nested_files_rsync(): """Test rsync on nested files""" depth = 4 create_nested("testfiles/nested_out", "a", depth) rsync_command = ("rsync -e ssh -aH --delete testfiles/nested_out " + output_desc) print "Initial rsync: %ss" % (run_cmd(rsync_command),) print "rsync update: %ss" % (run_cmd(rsync_command),) create_nested("testfiles/nested_out", "e", depth) print "Update changed rsync: %ss" % (run_cmd(rsync_command),) if len(sys.argv) < 2 or len(sys.argv) > 3: print "Syntax: benchmark_func [output_description]" print print "Where output_description defaults to 'testfiles/output'." print "Currently benchmark_func includes:" print "'many_files', 'many_files_rsync', and, 'nested_files'." sys.exit(1) if len(sys.argv) == 3: output_desc = sys.argv[2] if ":" in output_desc: output_local = None if output_local: assert not rpath.RPath(Globals.local_connection, output_desc).lstat(), \ "Outfile file %s exists, try deleting it first" % (output_desc,) if os.environ.has_key('BENCHMARKPYPATH'): new_pythonpath = os.environ['BENCHMARKPYPATH'] function_name = sys.argv[1] print "Running ", function_name eval(sys.argv[1])()