"""commontest - Some functions and constants common to several test cases""" import os SourceDir = "../src" AbsCurdir = os.getcwd() # Absolute path name of current directory AbsTFdir = AbsCurdir+"/testfiles" MiscDir = "../misc" __no_execute__ = 1 # Keeps the actual rdiff-backup program from running def rbexec(src_file): """Changes to the source directory, execfile src_file, return""" os.chdir(SourceDir) execfile(src_file, globals()) os.chdir(AbsCurdir) def Make(): """Make sure the rdiff-backup script in the source dir is up-to-date""" os.chdir(SourceDir) os.system("python ./Make") os.chdir(AbsCurdir) def rdiff_backup(source_local, dest_local, src_dir, dest_dir, current_time = None, extra_options = ""): """Run rdiff-backup with the given options source_local and dest_local are boolean values. If either is false, then rdiff-backup will be run pretending that src_dir and dest_dir, respectively, are remote. The server process will be run in directories test1 and test2/tmp respectively. src_dir and dest_dir are the source and destination (mirror) directories, relative to the testing directory. If current time is true, add the --current-time option with the given number of seconds. extra_options are just added to the command line. """ if not source_local: src_dir = ("cd test1; ../%s/rdiff-backup --server::../%s" % (SourceDir, src_dir)) if not dest_local: dest_dir = ("test2/tmp; ../../%s/rdiff-backup --server::../../%s" % (SourceDir, dest_dir)) cmdargs = [SourceDir + "/rdiff-backup", extra_options] if not (source_local and dest_local): cmdargs.append("--remote-schema %s") if current_time: cmdargs.append("--current-time %s" % current_time) os.system(" ".join(cmdargs)) def InternalBackup(source_local, dest_local, src_dir, dest_dir, current_time = None): """Backup src to dest internally This is like rdiff_backup but instead of running a separate rdiff-backup script, use the separate *.py files. This way the script doesn't have to be rebuild constantly, and stacktraces have correct line/file references. """ Globals.current_time = current_time #_reset_connections() remote_schema = '%s' if not source_local: src_dir = "cd test1; python ../server.py ../%s::../%s" % \ (SourceDir, src_dir) if not dest_local: dest_dir = "cd test2/tmp; python ../../server.py ../../%s::../../%s" \ % (SourceDir, dest_dir) rpin, rpout = SetConnections.InitRPs([src_dir, dest_dir], remote_schema) _get_main().Backup(rpin, rpout) _get_main().cleanup() def InternalMirror(source_local, dest_local, src_dir, dest_dir, checkpointing = None): """Mirror src to dest internally, like InternalBackup""" remote_schema = '%s' if not source_local: src_dir = "cd test1; python ../server.py ../%s::../%s" % \ (SourceDir, src_dir) if not dest_local: dest_dir = "cd test2/tmp; python ../../server.py ../../%s::../../%s" \ % (SourceDir, dest_dir) rpin, rpout = SetConnections.InitRPs([src_dir, dest_dir], remote_schema) if not rpout.lstat(): rpout.mkdir() if checkpointing: # rdiff-backup-data must exist to checkpoint data_dir = rpout.append("rdiff-backup-data") if not data_dir.lstat(): data_dir.mkdir() Globals.add_regexp(data_dir.path, 1) SetConnections.UpdateGlobal('rbdir', data_dir) HighLevel.Mirror(rpin, rpout, checkpointing) _get_main().cleanup() def InternalRestore(mirror_local, dest_local, mirror_dir, dest_dir, time): """Restore mirror_dir to dest_dir at given time This will automatically find the increments.XXX.dir representing the time specified. The mirror_dir and dest_dir are relative to the testing directory and will be modified for remote trials. """ remote_schema = '%s' #_reset_connections() if not mirror_local: mirror_dir = "cd test1; python ../server.py ../%s::../%s" % \ (SourceDir, mirror_dir) if not dest_local: dest_dir = "cd test2/tmp; python ../../server.py ../../%s::../../%s" \ % (SourceDir, dest_dir) mirror_rp, dest_rp = SetConnections.InitRPs([mirror_dir, dest_dir], remote_schema) def get_increment_rp(time): """Return increment rp matching time""" data_rp = mirror_rp.append("rdiff-backup-data") for filename in data_rp.listdir(): rp = data_rp.append(filename) if (rp.isincfile() and rp.getincbase_str() == "increments" and Time.stringtotime(rp.getinctime()) == time): return rp assert None, ("No increments.XXX.dir found in directory " "%s with that time" % data_rp.path) _get_main().Restore(get_increment_rp(time), dest_rp) _get_main().cleanup() def _reset_connections(src_rp, dest_rp): """Reset some global connection information""" Globals.isbackup_reader = Globals.isbackup_writer = None #Globals.connections = [Globals.local_connection] #Globals.connection_dict = {0: Globals.local_connection} SetConnections.UpdateGlobal('rbdir', None) SetConnections.UpdateGlobal('exclude_regexps', []) SetConnections.UpdateGlobal('exclude_mirror_regexps', []) Globals.add_regexp(dest_rp.append("rdiff-backup-data").path, 1) Globals.add_regexp(src_rp.append("rdiff-backup-data").path, None) def _get_main(): """Set Globals.Main if it doesn't exist, and return""" try: return Globals.Main except AttributeError: Globals.Main = Main() return Globals.Main def CompareRecursive(src_rp, dest_rp, compare_hardlinks = 1): """Compare src_rp and dest_rp, which can be directories This only compares file attributes, not the actual data. This will overwrite the hardlink dictionaries if compare_hardlinks is specified. """ if compare_hardlinks: reset_hardlink_dicts() src_rp.setdata() dest_rp.setdata() Log("Comparing %s and %s, hardlinks %s" % (src_rp.path, dest_rp.path, compare_hardlinks), 3) dsiter1, dsiter2 = map(DestructiveStepping.Iterate_with_Finalizer, [src_rp, dest_rp], [1, None]) def hardlink_equal(src_rorp, dest_rorp): if src_rorp != dest_rorp: return None if Hardlink.rorp_eq(src_rorp, dest_rorp): return 1 Log("%s: %s" % (src_rorp.index, Hardlink.get_indicies(src_rorp, 1)), 3) Log("%s: %s" % (dest_rorp.index, Hardlink.get_indicies(dest_rorp, None)), 3) return None if compare_hardlinks: dsiter1 = Hardlink.add_rorp_iter(dsiter1, 1) dsiter2 = Hardlink.add_rorp_iter(dsiter2, None) result = Iter.equal(dsiter1, dsiter2, 1, hardlink_equal) else: result = Iter.equal(dsiter1, dsiter2, 1) for i in dsiter1: pass # make sure all files processed anyway for i in dsiter2: pass return result def reset_hardlink_dicts(): """Clear the hardlink dictionaries""" Hardlink._src_inode_indicies = {} Hardlink._src_index_indicies = {} Hardlink._dest_inode_indicies = {} Hardlink._dest_index_indicies = {} def BackupRestoreSeries(source_local, dest_local, list_of_dirnames, compare_hardlinks = 1, dest_dirname = "testfiles/output", restore_dirname = "testfiles/rest_out"): """Test backing up/restoring of a series of directories The dirnames correspond to a single directory at different times. After each backup, the dest dir will be compared. After the whole set, each of the earlier directories will be recovered to the restore_dirname and compared. """ Globals.set('preserve_hardlinks', compare_hardlinks) time = 10000 dest_rp = RPath(Globals.local_connection, dest_dirname) restore_rp = RPath(Globals.local_connection, restore_dirname) os.system(MiscDir + "/myrm " + dest_dirname) for dirname in list_of_dirnames: src_rp = RPath(Globals.local_connection, dirname) reset_hardlink_dicts() _reset_connections(src_rp, dest_rp) InternalBackup(source_local, dest_local, dirname, dest_dirname, time) time += 10000 _reset_connections(src_rp, dest_rp) assert CompareRecursive(src_rp, dest_rp, compare_hardlinks) time = 10000 for dirname in list_of_dirnames[:-1]: reset_hardlink_dicts() os.system(MiscDir + "/myrm " + restore_dirname) InternalRestore(dest_local, source_local, dest_dirname, restore_dirname, time) src_rp = RPath(Globals.local_connection, dirname) assert CompareRecursive(src_rp, restore_rp) time += 10000 def MirrorTest(source_local, dest_local, list_of_dirnames, compare_hardlinks = 1, dest_dirname = "testfiles/output"): """Mirror each of list_of_dirnames, and compare after each""" Globals.set('preserve_hardlinks', compare_hardlinks) dest_rp = RPath(Globals.local_connection, dest_dirname) os.system(MiscDir + "/myrm " + dest_dirname) for dirname in list_of_dirnames: src_rp = RPath(Globals.local_connection, dirname) reset_hardlink_dicts() _reset_connections(src_rp, dest_rp) InternalMirror(source_local, dest_local, dirname, dest_dirname) _reset_connections(src_rp, dest_rp) assert CompareRecursive(src_rp, dest_rp, compare_hardlinks)