import unittest from commontest import * from rdiff_backup import C from rdiff_backup.rpath import * class CTest(unittest.TestCase): """Test the C module by comparing results to python functions""" def test_make_dict(self): """Test making stat dictionaries""" rp1 = RPath(Globals.local_connection, "/dev/ttyS1") rp2 = RPath(Globals.local_connection, "./") rp3 = RPath(Globals.local_connection, "aestu/aeutoheu/oeu") rp4 = RPath(Globals.local_connection, "testfiles/various_file_types/symbolic_link") rp5 = RPath(Globals.local_connection, "testfiles/various_file_types/fifo") for rp in [rp1, rp2, rp3, rp4, rp5]: dict1 = rp.make_file_dict_old() dict2 = C.make_file_dict(rp.path) if dict1 != dict2: print "Python dictionary: ", dict1 print "not equal to C dictionary: ", dict2 print "for path ", rp.path assert 0 def test_strlong(self): """Test str2long and long2str""" self.assertRaises(TypeError, C.long2str, "hello") self.assertRaises(TypeError, C.str2long, 34) self.assertRaises(TypeError, C.str2long, "oeuo") self.assertRaises(TypeError, C.str2long, "oeuoaoeuaoeu") for s in ["\0\0\0\0\0\0\0", "helloto", "\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff", "randoms"]: assert len(s) == 7, repr(s) s_out = C.long2str(C.str2long(s)) assert s_out == s, (s_out, C.str2long(s), s) for l in 0L, 1L, 4000000000L, 34234L, 234234234L: assert C.str2long(C.long2str(l)) == l def test_sync(self): """Test running C.sync""" C.sync() def test_acl_quoting(self): """Test the acl_quote and acl_unquote functions""" assert C.acl_quote('foo') == 'foo', C.acl_quote('foo') assert C.acl_quote('\n') == '\\012', C.acl_quote('\n') assert C.acl_unquote('\\012') == '\n' s = '\\\n\t\145\n\01==' assert C.acl_unquote(C.acl_quote(s)) == s def test_acl_quoting2(self): """This string used to segfault the quoting code, try now""" s = '\xd8\xab\xb1Wb\xae\xc5]\x8a\xbb\x15v*\xf4\x0f!\xf9>\xe2Y\x86\xbb\xab\xdbp\xb0\x84\x13k\x1d\xc2\xf1\xf5e\xa5U\x82\x9aUV\xa0\xf4\xdf4\xba\xfdX\x03\x82\x07s\xce\x9e\x8b\xb34\x04\x9f\x17 \xf4\x8f\xa6\xfa\x97\xab\xd8\xac\xda\x85\xdcKvC\xfa#\x94\x92\x9e\xc9\xb7\xc3_\x0f\x84g\x9aB\x11<=^\xdbM\x13\x96c\x8b\xa7|*"\\\'^$@#!(){}?+ ~` ' quoted = C.acl_quote(s) assert C.acl_unquote(quoted) == s def test_acl_quoting_equals(self): """Make sure the equals character is quoted""" assert C.acl_quote('=') != '=' if __name__ == "__main__": unittest.main()