import unittest, os, cStringIO, time from rdiff_backup import rpath, connection, Globals, selection, lazy from rdiff_backup.metadata import * tempdir = rpath.RPath(Globals.local_connection, "testfiles/output") class MetadataTest(unittest.TestCase): def make_temp(self): """Make temp directory testfiles/output""" global tempdir if tempdir.lstat(): tempdir.delete() tempdir.mkdir() def testQuote(self): """Test quoting and unquoting""" filenames = ["foo", ".", "hello\nthere", "\\", "\\\\\\", "h\no\t\x87\n", " "] for filename in filenames: quoted = quote_path(filename) assert not "\n" in quoted result = unquote_path(quoted) assert result == filename, (quoted, result, filename) def get_rpaths(self): """Return list of rorps""" vft = rpath.RPath(Globals.local_connection, "testfiles/various_file_types") rpaths = map(lambda x: vft.append(x), vft.listdir()) extra_rpaths = map(lambda x: rpath.RPath(Globals.local_connection, x), ['/bin/ls', '/dev/ttyS0', '/dev/hda', 'aoeuaou']) return [vft] + rpaths + extra_rpaths def testRORP2Record(self): """Test turning RORPs into records and back again""" for rp in self.get_rpaths(): record = RORP2Record(rp) #print record new_rorp = Record2RORP(record) assert new_rorp == rp, (new_rorp, rp, record) def testIterator(self): """Test writing RORPs to file and iterating them back""" def write_rorp_iter_to_file(rorp_iter, file): for rorp in rorp_iter: file.write(RORP2Record(rorp)) l = self.get_rpaths() fp = cStringIO.StringIO() write_rorp_iter_to_file(iter(l), fp) cstring = outlist = list(RorpExtractor(fp).iterate()) assert len(l) == len(outlist), (len(l), len(outlist)) for i in range(len(l)): if not l[i].equal_verbose(outlist[i]): #print cstring assert 0, (i, str(l[i]), str(outlist[i])) fp.close() def write_metadata_to_temp(self): """If necessary, write metadata of bigdir to file metadata.gz""" global tempdir temprp = tempdir.append("mirror_metadata.2005-11-03T14:51:06-06:00.snapshot.gz") if temprp.lstat(): return temprp self.make_temp() rootrp = rpath.RPath(Globals.local_connection, "testfiles/bigdir") rpath_iter = selection.Select(rootrp).set_iter() start_time = time.time() mf = MetadataFile(temprp, 'w') for rp in rpath_iter: mf.write_object(rp) mf.close() print "Writing metadata took %s seconds" % (time.time() - start_time) return temprp def testSpeed(self): """Test testIterator on 10000 files""" temprp = self.write_metadata_to_temp() mf = MetadataFile(temprp, 'r') start_time = time.time(); i = 0 for rorp in mf.get_objects(): i += 1 print "Reading %s metadata entries took %s seconds." % \ (i, time.time() - start_time) start_time = time.time() blocksize = 32 * 1024 tempfp ="rb", compress = 1) while 1: buf = if not buf: break assert not tempfp.close() print "Simply decompressing metadata file took %s seconds" % \ (time.time() - start_time) def testIterate_restricted(self): """Test getting rorps restricted to certain index In this case, get assume subdir (subdir3, subdir10) has 50 files in it. """ temprp = self.write_metadata_to_temp() mf = MetadataFile(temprp, 'r') start_time = time.time(); i = 0 for rorp in mf.get_objects(("subdir3", "subdir10")): i += 1 print "Reading %s metadata entries took %s seconds." % \ (i, time.time() - start_time) assert i == 51 def test_write(self): """Test writing to metadata file, then reading back contents""" global tempdir temprp = tempdir.append("mirror_metadata.2005-11-03T12:51:06-06:00.snapshot.gz") if temprp.lstat(): temprp.delete() self.make_temp() rootrp = rpath.RPath(Globals.local_connection, "testfiles/various_file_types") dirlisting = rootrp.listdir() dirlisting.sort() rps = map(rootrp.append, dirlisting) assert not temprp.lstat() write_mf = MetadataFile(temprp, 'w') for rp in rps: write_mf.write_object(rp) write_mf.close() assert temprp.lstat() reread_rps = list(MetadataFile(temprp, 'r').get_objects()) assert len(reread_rps) == len(rps), (len(reread_rps), len(rps)) for i in range(len(reread_rps)): assert reread_rps[i] == rps[i], i def test_patch(self): """Test combining 3 iters of metadata rorps""" self.make_temp() os.system('cp -a testfiles/various_file_types/* ' + tempdir.path) rp1 = tempdir.append('regular_file') rp2 = tempdir.append('subdir') rp3 = rp2.append('subdir_file') rp4 = tempdir.append('test') rp1new = tempdir.append('regular_file') rp1new.chmod(0) zero = rpath.RORPath(('test',)) current = [rp1, rp2, rp3] diff1 = [rp1, rp4] diff2 = [rp1new, rp2, zero] Globals.rbdir = tempdir output = PatchDiffMan().iterate_patched_meta( [iter(current), iter(diff1), iter(diff2)]) out1 = assert out1 is rp1new, out1 out2 = assert out2 is rp2, out2 out3 = assert out3 is rp3, out3 self.assertRaises(StopIteration, def test_meta_patch_cycle(self): """Create various metadata rorps, diff them, then compare""" def write_dir_to_meta(manager, rp, time): """Record the metadata under rp to a mirror_metadata file""" metawriter = man.get_meta_writer('snapshot', time) for rorp in selection.Select(rp).set_iter(): metawriter.write_object(rorp) metawriter.close() def compare(man, rootrp, time): assert lazy.Iter.equal(selection.Select(rootrp).set_iter(), man.get_meta_at_time(time, None)) self.make_temp() Globals.rbdir = tempdir man = PatchDiffMan() inc1 = rpath.RPath(Globals.local_connection, "testfiles/increment1") inc2 = rpath.RPath(Globals.local_connection, "testfiles/increment2") inc3 = rpath.RPath(Globals.local_connection, "testfiles/increment3") inc4 = rpath.RPath(Globals.local_connection, "testfiles/increment4") write_dir_to_meta(man, inc1, 10000) compare(man, inc1, 10000) write_dir_to_meta(man, inc2, 20000) compare(man, inc2, 20000) man.ConvertMetaToDiff() man = PatchDiffMan() write_dir_to_meta(man, inc3, 30000) compare(man, inc3, 30000) man.ConvertMetaToDiff() man = PatchDiffMan() man.max_diff_chain = 3 write_dir_to_meta(man, inc4, 40000) compare(man, inc4, 40000) man.ConvertMetaToDiff() man = PatchDiffMan() l = man.sorted_prefix_inclist('mirror_metadata') assert l[0].getinctype() == 'snapshot' assert l[0].getinctime() == 40000 assert l[1].getinctype() == 'snapshot' assert l[1].getinctime() == 30000 assert l[2].getinctype() == 'diff' assert l[2].getinctime() == 20000 assert l[3].getinctype() == 'diff' assert l[3].getinctime() == 10000 compare(man, inc1, 10000) compare(man, inc2, 20000) compare(man, inc3, 30000) compare(man, inc4, 40000) if __name__ == "__main__": unittest.main()