import unittest execfile("") rbexec("") Log.setverbosity(7) lc = Globals.local_connection class RestoreTest(unittest.TestCase): """Test Restore class""" prefix = "testfiles/restoretest/" def maketesttuples(self, basename): """Make testing tuples from available files starting with prefix""" dirlist = os.listdir(self.prefix) baselist = filter(lambda f: f.startswith(basename), dirlist) rps = map(lambda f: RPath(lc, self.prefix+f), baselist) incs = filter(lambda rp: rp.isincfile(), rps) tuples = map(lambda rp: (rp, RPath(lc, "%s.%s" % (rp.getincbase().path, rp.getinctime()))), incs) return tuples, incs def restoreonefiletest(self, basename): tuples, incs = self.maketesttuples(basename) rpbase = RPath(lc, self.prefix + basename) rptarget = RPath(lc, "testfiles/outfile") for pair in tuples: print "Processing file " + pair[0].path if rptarget.lstat(): rptarget.delete() rest_time = Time.stringtotime(pair[0].getinctime()) sorted_incs = Restore.sortincseq(rest_time, incs) Restore.RestoreFile(rest_time, rpbase, (), sorted_incs, rptarget) rptarget.setdata() if not rptarget.lstat(): assert not pair[1].lstat() elif not pair[1].lstat(): assert not rptarget.lstat() else: assert RPath.cmp(rptarget, pair[1]), \ "%s %s" % (rptarget.path, pair[1].path) assert RPath.cmp_attribs(rptarget, pair[1]), \ "%s %s" % (rptarget.path, pair[1].path) rptarget.delete() def testsortincseq(self): """Test the Restore.sortincseq function This test just makes sure that it comes up with the right number of increments for each base name - given a list of increments, we should eventually get sorted sequences that end in each one (each one will be the last increment once). """ for basename in ['ocaml', 'mf']: tuples, incs = self.maketesttuples(basename) completed_dict = {} for i in range(len(tuples)): pair = tuples[i] rest_time = Time.stringtotime(pair[0].getinctime()) sorted_incs = Restore.sortincseq(rest_time, incs) key = sorted_incs[-1].path assert not completed_dict.has_key(key) completed_dict[key] = 1 for inc in incs: assert completed_dict[inc.path] == 1 def testRestorefiles(self): """Testing restoration of files one at a time""" map(self.restoreonefiletest, ["ocaml", "mf"]) def testRestoreDir(self): """Test restoring from a real backup set""" Myrm("testfiles/output") InternalRestore(1, 1, "testfiles/restoretest3", "testfiles/output", 20000) src_rp = RPath(Globals.local_connection, "testfiles/increment2") restore_rp = RPath(Globals.local_connection, "testfiles/output") assert CompareRecursive(src_rp, restore_rp) def testRestoreCorrupt(self): """Test restoring a partially corrupt archive The problem here is that a directory is missing from what is to be restored, but because the previous backup was aborted in the middle, some of the files in that directory weren't marked as .missing. """ Myrm("testfiles/output") InternalRestore(1, 1, "testfiles/restoretest4", "testfiles/output", 10000) assert os.lstat("testfiles/output") self.assertRaises(OSError, os.lstat, "testfiles/output/tmp") self.assertRaises(OSError, os.lstat, "testfiles/output/rdiff-backup") if __name__ == "__main__": unittest.main()