from __future__ import generators import unittest, time, pickle from commontest import * from rdiff_backup import log, rpath, rorpiter, Globals, lazy #Log.setverbosity(8) class index: """This is just used below to test the iter tree reducer""" def __init__(self, index): self.index = index class RORPIterTest(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): = Globals.local_connection self.inc0rp = rpath.RPath(, "testfiles/empty", ()) self.inc1rp = rpath.RPath(, "testfiles/inc-reg-perms1", ()) self.inc2rp = rpath.RPath(, "testfiles/inc-reg-perms2", ()) self.output = rpath.RPath(, "testfiles/output", ()) def testCollateIterators(self): """Test basic collating""" indicies = map(index, [0,1,2,3]) helper = lambda i: indicies[i] makeiter1 = lambda: iter(indicies) makeiter2 = lambda: iter(map(helper, [0,1,3])) makeiter3 = lambda: iter(map(helper, [1,2])) outiter = rorpiter.CollateIterators(makeiter1(), makeiter2()) assert lazy.Iter.equal(outiter, iter([(indicies[0], indicies[0]), (indicies[1], indicies[1]), (indicies[2], None), (indicies[3], indicies[3])])) assert lazy.Iter.equal(rorpiter.CollateIterators(makeiter1(), makeiter2(), makeiter3()), iter([(indicies[0], indicies[0], None), (indicies[1], indicies[1], indicies[1]), (indicies[2], None, indicies[2]), (indicies[3], indicies[3], None)])) assert lazy.Iter.equal(rorpiter.CollateIterators(makeiter1(), iter([])), iter(map(lambda i: (i, None), indicies))) assert lazy.Iter.equal(iter(map(lambda i: (i, None), indicies)), rorpiter.CollateIterators(makeiter1(), iter([]))) def compare_no_times(self, src_rp, dest_rp): """Compare but disregard directories attributes""" def equal(src_rorp, dest_rorp): return ((src_rorp.isdir() and dest_rorp.isdir()) or src_rorp == dest_rorp) return CompareRecursive(src_rp, dest_rp, None, equal) class IndexedTupleTest(unittest.TestCase): def testTuple(self): """Test indexed tuple""" i = rorpiter.IndexedTuple((1,2,3), ("a", "b")) i2 = rorpiter.IndexedTuple((), ("hello", "there", "how are you")) assert i[0] == "a" assert i[1] == "b" assert i2[1] == "there" assert len(i) == 2 and len(i2) == 3 assert i2 < i, i2 < i def testTupleAssignment(self): a, b, c = rorpiter.IndexedTuple((), (1, 2, 3)) assert a == 1 assert b == 2 assert c == 3 class DirHandlerTest(unittest.TestCase): made_test_dir = 0 # Set to 1 once we have made the test dir def make_test_dir(self): """Make the test directory""" self.rootrp = RPath(Globals.local_connection, "testfiles/output") self.rootrp.delete() self.rootrp.mkdir() self.a = self.rootrp.append("a") self.b = self.rootrp.append("b") self.c = self.rootrp.append("c") self.a.mkdir() self.b.mkdir() self.b.chmod(0700) self.c.mkdir() self.c.chmod(0500) # No write permissions to c self.rootmtime = self.rootrp.getmtime() self.amtime = self.a.getmtime() self.bmtime = self.b.getmtime() self.cmtime = self.c.getmtime() self.made_test_dir = 1 def test_times_and_writes(self): """Test writing without disrupting times, and to unwriteable dir""" return self.make_test_dir() time.sleep(1) # make sure the mtimes would get updated otherwise DH = DirHandler(self.rootrp) new_a_rp = self.a.append("foo") DH(new_a_rp) new_a_rp.touch() DH(self.b) self.b.chmod(0751) new_b_rp = self.b.append("aoenuth") DH(new_b_rp) new_b_rp.touch() new_root_rp = self.rootrp.append("bb") DH(new_root_rp) new_root_rp.touch() new_c_rp = self.c.append("bar") DH(new_c_rp) new_c_rp.touch() DH.Finish() assert new_a_rp.lstat() and new_b_rp.lstat() and new_c_rp.lstat() self.a.setdata() self.b.setdata() self.c.setdata() assert self.a.getmtime() == self.amtime assert self.c.getmtime() == self.cmtime assert self.rootrp.getmtime() == self.rootmtime assert self.b.getperms() == 0751 assert self.c.getperms() == 0500 class FillTest(unittest.TestCase): def test_fill_in(self): """Test fill_in_iter""" rootrp = RPath(Globals.local_connection, "testfiles/output") def get_rpiter(): for int_index in [(1,2), (1,3), (1,4), (2,), (2,1), (3,4,5), (3,6)]: index = tuple(map(lambda i: str(i), int_index)) yield rootrp.new_index(index) filled_in = rorpiter.FillInIter(get_rpiter(), rootrp) rp_list = list(filled_in) index_list = map(lambda rp: tuple(map(int, rp.index)), rp_list) assert index_list == [(), (1,), (1,2), (1,3), (1,4), (2,), (2,1), (3,), (3,4), (3,4,5), (3,6)], index_list class ITRBadder(rorpiter.ITRBranch): def start_process(self, index): = 0 def end_process(self): if self.base_index: summand = self.base_index[-1] #print "Adding ", summand += summand def branch_process(self, subinstance): #print "Adding subinstance ", += class ITRBadder2(rorpiter.ITRBranch): def start_process(self, index): = 0 def end_process(self): #print "Adding ", self.base_index += reduce(lambda x,y: x+y, self.base_index, 0) def can_fast_process(self, index): if len(index) == 3: return 1 else: return None def fast_process(self, index): += index[0] + index[1] + index[2] def branch_process(self, subinstance): #print "Adding branch ", += class TreeReducerTest(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): self.i1 = [(), (1,), (2,), (3,)] self.i2 = [(0,), (0,1), (0,1,0), (0,1,1), (0,2), (0,2,1), (0,3)] self.i1a = [(), (1,)] self.i1b = [(2,), (3,)] self.i2a = [(0,), (0,1), (0,1,0)] self.i2b = [(0,1,1), (0,2)] self.i2c = [(0,2,1), (0,3)] def testTreeReducer(self): """testing IterTreeReducer""" itm = rorpiter.IterTreeReducer(ITRBadder, []) for index in self.i1: val = itm(index) assert val, (val, index) itm.Finish() assert == 6, itm2 = rorpiter.IterTreeReducer(ITRBadder2, []) for index in self.i2: val = itm2(index) if index == (): assert not val else: assert val itm2.Finish() assert == 12, def testTreeReducerState(self): """Test saving and recreation of an IterTreeReducer""" itm1a = rorpiter.IterTreeReducer(ITRBadder, []) for index in self.i1a: val = itm1a(index) assert val, index itm1b = pickle.loads(pickle.dumps(itm1a)) for index in self.i1b: val = itm1b(index) assert val, index itm1b.Finish() assert == 6, itm2a = rorpiter.IterTreeReducer(ITRBadder2, []) for index in self.i2a: val = itm2a(index) if index == (): assert not val else: assert val itm2b = pickle.loads(pickle.dumps(itm2a)) for index in self.i2b: val = itm2b(index) if index == (): assert not val else: assert val itm2c = pickle.loads(pickle.dumps(itm2b)) for index in self.i2c: val = itm2c(index) if index == (): assert not val else: assert val itm2c.Finish() assert == 12, if __name__ == "__main__": unittest.main()