import os, cPickle, sys, unittest execfile("") rbexec("") class RPathTest(unittest.TestCase): lc = Globals.local_connection prefix = "testfiles/various_file_types/" mainprefix = "testfiles/" rp_prefix = RPath(lc, prefix, ()) rp_main = RPath(lc, mainprefix, ()) class RORPStateTest(RPathTest): """Test Pickling of RORPaths""" def testPickle(self): rorp = RPath(, self.prefix, ("regular_file",)).getRORPath() rorp.file = sys.stdin # try to confuse pickler assert rorp.isreg() rorp2 = cPickle.loads(cPickle.dumps(rorp, 1)) assert rorp2.isreg() assert == and rorp.index == rorp2.index class CheckTypes(RPathTest): """Check to see if file types are identified correctly""" def testExist(self): """Can tell if files exist""" assert RPath(, self.prefix, ()).lstat() assert not RPath(, "asuthasetuouo", ()).lstat() def testDir(self): """Directories identified correctly""" assert RPath(, self.prefix, ()).isdir() assert not RPath(, self.prefix, ("regular_file",)).isdir() def testSym(self): """Symbolic links identified""" assert RPath(, self.prefix, ("symbolic_link",)).issym() assert not RPath(, self.prefix, ()).issym() def testReg(self): """Regular files identified""" assert RPath(, self.prefix, ("regular_file",)).isreg() assert not RPath(, self.prefix, ("symbolic_link",)).isreg() def testFifo(self): """Fifo's identified""" assert RPath(, self.prefix, ("fifo",)).isfifo() assert not RPath(, self.prefix, ()).isfifo() def testCharDev(self): """Char special files identified""" assert RPath(, "/dev/tty2", ()).ischardev() assert not RPath(, self.prefix, ("regular_file",)).ischardev() def testBlockDev(self): """Block special files identified""" assert RPath(, "/dev/hda", ()).isblkdev() assert not RPath(, self.prefix, ("regular_file",)).isblkdev() class CheckPerms(RPathTest): """Check to see if permissions are reported and set accurately""" def testExecReport(self): """Check permissions for executable files""" assert self.rp_prefix.append('executable').getperms() == 0755 assert self.rp_prefix.append('executable2').getperms() == 0700 def testOrdinaryReport(self): """Ordinary file permissions...""" assert self.rp_prefix.append("regular_file").getperms() == 0644 assert self.rp_prefix.append('two_hardlinked_files1').getperms() == 0640 def testChmod(self): """Test changing file permission""" rp = self.rp_prefix.append("changeable_permission") rp.chmod(0700) assert rp.getperms() == 0700 rp.chmod(0644) assert rp.getperms() == 0644 def testExceptions(self): """What happens when file absent""" self.assertRaises(Exception, RPath(, self.prefix, ("aoeunto",)).getperms) class CheckDir(RPathTest): """Check directory related functions""" def testCreation(self): """Test directory creation and deletion""" d = self.rp_prefix.append("tempdir") assert not d.lstat() d.mkdir() assert d.isdir() d.rmdir() assert not d.lstat() def testExceptions(self): """Should raise os.errors when no files""" d = RPath(, self.prefix, ("suthosutho",)) self.assertRaises(os.error, d.rmdir) d.mkdir() self.assertRaises(os.error, d.mkdir) d.rmdir() def testListdir(self): """Checking dir listings""" assert (RPath(, self.mainprefix, ("sampledir",)).listdir() == ["1", "2", "3", "4"]) class CheckSyms(RPathTest): """Check symlinking and reading""" def testRead(self): """symlink read""" assert (RPath(, self.prefix, ("symbolic_link",)).readlink() == "regular_file") def testMake(self): """Creating symlink""" link = RPath(, self.mainprefix, ("symlink",)) assert not link.lstat() link.symlink("abcdefg") assert link.issym() assert link.readlink() == "abcdefg" link.delete() class TouchDelete(RPathTest): """Check touching and deletion of files""" def testTouch(self): """Creation of 0 length files""" t = RPath(, self.mainprefix, ("testtouch",)) assert not t.lstat() t.touch() assert t.lstat() t.delete() def testDelete(self): """Deletion of files""" d = RPath(, self.mainprefix, ("testdelete",)) d.touch() assert d.lstat() d.delete() assert not d.lstat() class MiscFileInfo(RPathTest): """Check Miscellaneous file information""" def testFileLength(self): """File length = getsize()""" assert (RPath(, self.prefix, ("regular_file",)).getsize() == 75650) class FilenameOps(RPathTest): """Check filename operations""" weirdfilename = eval('\'\\xd8\\xab\\xb1Wb\\xae\\xc5]\\x8a\\xbb\\x15v*\\xf4\\x0f!\\xf9>\\xe2Y\\x86\\xbb\\xab\\xdbp\\xb0\\x84\\x13k\\x1d\\xc2\\xf1\\xf5e\\xa5U\\x82\\x9aUV\\xa0\\xf4\\xdf4\\xba\\xfdX\\x03\\x82\\x07s\\xce\\x9e\\x8b\\xb34\\x04\\x9f\\x17 \\xf4\\x8f\\xa6\\xfa\\x97\\xab\\xd8\\xac\\xda\\x85\\xdcKvC\\xfa#\\x94\\x92\\x9e\\xc9\\xb7\\xc3_\\x0f\\x84g\\x9aB\\x11<=^\\xdbM\\x13\\x96c\\x8b\\xa7|*"\\\\\\\'^$@#!(){}?+ ~` \'') normdict = {"/": "/", ".": ".", "//": "/", "/a/b": "/a/b", "a/b": "a/b", "a//b": "a/b", "a////b//c": "a/b/c", "..": "..", "a/": "a", "/a//b///": "/a/b"} dirsplitdict = {"/": ("", ""), "/a": ("", "a"), "/a/b": ("/a", "b"), ".": (".", "."), "b/c": ("b", "c"), "a": (".", "a")} def testQuote(self): """See if filename quoting works""" wtf = RPath(, self.prefix, (self.weirdfilename,)) reg = RPath(, self.prefix, ("regular_file",)) assert wtf.lstat() assert reg.lstat() assert not os.system("ls %s >/dev/null 2>&1" % wtf.quote()) assert not os.system("ls %s >/dev/null 2>&1" % reg.quote()) def testNormalize(self): """rpath.normalize() dictionary test""" for (before, after) in self.normdict.items(): assert RPath(, before, ()).normalize().path == after, \ "Normalize fails for %s => %s" % (before, after) def testDirsplit(self): """Test splitting of various directories""" for full, split in self.dirsplitdict.items(): result = RPath(, full, ()).dirsplit() assert result == split, \ "%s => %s instead of %s" % (full, result, split) def testGetnums(self): """Test getting file numbers""" devnums = RPath(, "/dev/hda", ()).getdevnums() assert devnums == (3, 0), devnums devnums = RPath(, "/dev/tty2", ()).getdevnums() assert devnums == (4, 2), devnums class FileIO(RPathTest): """Test file input and output""" def testRead(self): """File reading""" fp = RPath(, self.prefix, ("executable",)).open("r") assert == "#!/bin" fp.close() def testWrite(self): """File writing""" rp = RPath(, self.mainprefix, ("testfile",)) fp ="w") fp.write("hello") fp.close() fp_input ="r") assert == "hello" fp_input.close() rp.delete() def testGzipWrite(self): """Test writing of gzipped files""" try: os.mkdir("testfiles/output") except OSError: pass rp_gz = RPath(, "testfiles/output/file.gz") rp = RPath(, "testfiles/output/file") if rp.lstat(): rp.delete() s = "Hello, world!" fp_out ="wb", compress = 1) fp_out.write(s) assert not fp_out.close() assert not os.system("gunzip testfiles/output/file.gz") fp_in ="rb") assert == s fp_in.close() def testGzipRead(self): """Test reading of gzipped files""" try: os.mkdir("testfiles/output") except OSError: pass rp_gz = RPath(, "testfiles/output/file.gz") if rp_gz.lstat(): rp_gz.delete() rp = RPath(, "testfiles/output/file") s = "Hello, world!" fp_out ="wb") fp_out.write(s) assert not fp_out.close() rp.setdata() assert rp.lstat() assert not os.system("gzip testfiles/output/file") rp.setdata() rp_gz.setdata() assert not rp.lstat() assert rp_gz.lstat() fp_in ="rb", compress = 1) assert == s assert not fp_in.close() class FileCopying(RPathTest): """Test file copying and comparison""" def setUp(self): self.hl1 = RPath(, self.prefix, ("two_hardlinked_files1",)) self.hl2 = RPath(, self.prefix, ("two_hardlinked_files2",)) = RPath(, self.prefix, ("symbolic_link",)) self.dir = RPath(, self.prefix, ()) self.fifo = RPath(, self.prefix, ("fifo",)) self.rf = RPath(, self.prefix, ("regular_file",)) self.dest = RPath(, self.mainprefix, ("dest",)) if self.dest.lstat(): self.dest.delete() assert not self.dest.lstat() def testComp(self): """Test comparisons involving regular files""" assert RPath.cmp(self.hl1, self.hl2) assert not RPath.cmp(self.rf, self.hl1) assert not RPath.cmp(self.dir, self.rf) def testCompMisc(self): """Test miscellaneous comparisons""" assert RPath.cmp(self.dir, RPath(, self.mainprefix, ())) self.dest.symlink("regular_file") assert RPath.cmp(, self.dest) self.dest.delete() assert not RPath.cmp(, self.fifo) assert not RPath.cmp(self.dir, def testCopy(self): """Test copy of various files""" for rp in [, self.rf, self.fifo, self.dir]: RPath.copy(rp, self.dest) assert self.dest.lstat(), "%s doesn't exist" % self.dest.path assert RPath.cmp(rp, self.dest) assert RPath.cmp(self.dest, rp) self.dest.delete() class FileAttributes(FileCopying): """Test file attribute operations""" def setUp(self): FileCopying.setUp(self) self.noperms = RPath(, self.mainprefix, ("noperms",)) self.nowrite = RPath(, self.mainprefix, ("nowrite",)) self.exec1 = RPath(, self.prefix, ("executable",)) self.exec2 = RPath(, self.prefix, ("executable2",)) self.test = RPath(, self.prefix, ("test",)) self.nothing = RPath(, self.prefix, ("aoeunthoenuouo",)) self.sym = RPath(, self.prefix, ("symbolic_link",)) def testComp(self): """Test attribute comparison success""" testpairs = [(self.hl1, self.hl2)] for a, b in testpairs: assert RPath.cmp_attribs(a, b), "Err with %s %s" % (a.path, b.path) assert RPath.cmp_attribs(b, a), "Err with %s %s" % (b.path, a.path) def testCompFail(self): """Test attribute comparison failures""" testpairs = [(self.nowrite, self.noperms), (self.exec1, self.exec2), (self.rf, self.hl1)] for a, b in testpairs: assert not RPath.cmp_attribs(a, b), \ "Err with %s %s" % (a.path, b.path) assert not RPath.cmp_attribs(b, a), \ "Err with %s %s" % (b.path, a.path) def testCompRaise(self): """Should raise exception when file missing""" self.assertRaises(RPathException, RPath.cmp_attribs, self.nothing, self.hl1) self.assertRaises(RPathException, RPath.cmp_attribs, self.noperms, self.nothing) def testCopyAttribs(self): """Test copying attributes""" t = RPath(, self.mainprefix, ("testattribs",)) if t.lstat(): t.delete() for rp in [self.noperms, self.nowrite, self.rf, self.exec1, self.exec2, self.hl1, self.dir]: t.touch() RPath.copy_attribs(rp, t) assert RPath.cmp_attribs(t, rp), \ "Attributes for file %s not copied successfully" % rp.path t.delete() def testCopyWithAttribs(self): """Test copying with attribs (bug found earlier)""" out = RPath(, self.mainprefix, ("out",)) if out.lstat(): out.delete() for rp in [self.noperms, self.nowrite, self.rf, self.exec1, self.exec2, self.hl1, self.dir, self.sym]: RPath.copy_with_attribs(rp, out) assert RPath.cmp(rp, out) assert RPath.cmp_attribs(rp, out) out.delete() def testCopyRaise(self): """Should raise exception for non-existent files""" self.assertRaises(RPathException, RPath.copy_attribs, self.hl1, self.nothing) self.assertRaises(RPathException, RPath.copy_attribs, self.nothing, self.nowrite) if __name__ == "__main__": unittest.main()