diff options
-rwxr-xr-xbuild_tools/ (renamed from vagrant/
-rwxr-xr-xbuild_tools/ (renamed from vagrant/
-rwxr-xr-xbuild_tools/ (renamed from vagrant/
-rwxr-xr-xbuild_tools/ (renamed from vagrant/
-rw-r--r--build_tools/redis-configs/001-master (renamed from vagrant/redis-configs/001-master)2
-rw-r--r--build_tools/redis-configs/002-slave (renamed from vagrant/redis-configs/002-slave)2
-rwxr-xr-xbuild_tools/redis_init_script (renamed from vagrant/redis_init_script)6
-rwxr-xr-xbuild_tools/ (renamed from vagrant/
-rw-r--r--build_tools/sentinel-configs/001-1 (renamed from vagrant/sentinel-configs/001-1)0
-rw-r--r--build_tools/sentinel-configs/002-2 (renamed from vagrant/sentinel-configs/002-2)0
-rw-r--r--build_tools/sentinel-configs/003-3 (renamed from vagrant/sentinel-configs/003-3)0
-rwxr-xr-xbuild_tools/sentinel_init_script (renamed from vagrant/sentinel_init_script)6
43 files changed, 3014 insertions, 1161 deletions
diff --git a/.github/ b/.github/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7323c14
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.github/
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Thanks for wanting to report an issue you've found in redis-py. Please delete this text and fill in the template below.
+It is of course not always possible to reduce your code to a small test case, but it's highly appreciated to have as much data as possible. Thank you!
+**Version**: What redis-py and what redis version is the issue happening on?
+**Platform**: What platform / version? (For example Python 3.5.1 on Windows 7 / Ubuntu 15.10 / Azure)
+**Description**: Description of your issue, stack traces from errors and code that reproduces the issue
diff --git a/.github/ b/.github/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..798be44
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.github/
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+### Pull Request check-list
+_Please make sure to review and check all of these items:_
+- [ ] Does `$ python setup test` pass with this change (including linting)?
+- [ ] Does travis tests pass with this change (enable it first in your forked repo and wait for the travis build to finish)?
+- [ ] Is the new or changed code fully tested?
+- [ ] Is a documentation update included (if this change modifies existing APIs, or introduces new ones)?
+_NOTE: these things are not required to open a PR and can be done
+afterwards / while the PR is open._
+### Description of change
+_Please provide a description of the change here._
diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
index 4736334..ab39968 100644
--- a/.gitignore
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -9,3 +9,4 @@ vagrant/.vagrant
+.idea \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/.travis.yml b/.travis.yml
index fcbdbb9..1002dbc 100644
--- a/.travis.yml
+++ b/.travis.yml
@@ -1,25 +1,27 @@
+dist: xenial
+sudo: false
language: python
cache: pip
- - "3.6"
- - "3.5"
- - "3.4"
- - "3.3"
- - "2.7"
- - "2.6"
- - redis-server
+ - 3.7
+ - 3.6
+ - 3.5
+ - 3.4
+ - 2.7
+ - wget && mkdir redis_install && tar -xvzf redis-5.0.3.tar.gz -C redis_install && cd redis_install/redis-5.0.3 && make && src/redis-server --daemonize yes && cd ../..
+ - redis-cli info
- pip install -e .
- - "if [[ $TEST_PEP8 == '1' ]]; then pip install pep8; fi"
+ - "if [[ $TEST_PYCODESTYLE == '1' ]]; then pip install pycodestyle; fi"
- "if [[ $TEST_HIREDIS == '1' ]]; then pip install hiredis; fi"
-script: "if [[ $TEST_PEP8 == '1' ]]; then pep8 --repeat --show-source --exclude=.venv,.tox,dist,docs,build,*.egg .; else python test; fi"
+script: "if [[ $TEST_PYCODESTYLE == '1' ]]; then pycodestyle --repeat --show-source --exclude=.venv,.tox,dist,docs,build,*.egg,redis_install .; else python test; fi"
- - python: "2.7"
- env: TEST_PEP8=1
- - python: "3.6"
- env: TEST_PEP8=1
+ - python: 2.7
+ - python: 3.7
diff --git a/CHANGES b/CHANGES
index d048ea5..405f756 100644
@@ -1,6 +1,134 @@
+* 3.1.0 (in development)
+ * Fixed GEOHASH to return a None value when specifying a place that
+ doesn't exist on the server. Thanks @guybe7. #1126
+ * Fixed XREADGROUP to return an empty dictionary for messages that
+ have been deleted but still exist in the unacknowledged queue. Thanks
+ @xeizmendi. #1116
+ * Added an owned method to Lock objects. owned returns a boolean
+ indicating whether the current lock instance still owns the lock.
+ Thanks Dave Johansen. #1112
+ * Allow lock.acquire() to accept an optional token argument. If
+ provided, the token argument is used as the unique value used to claim
+ the lock. Thankd Dave Johansen. #1112
+ * Added a reacquire method to Lock objects. reaquire attempts to renew
+ the lock such that the timeout is extended to the same value that the
+ lock was initially acquired with. Thanks Ihor Kalnytskyi. #1014
+ * Stream names found within XREAD and XREADGROUP responses now properly
+ respect the decode_responses flag.
+ * XPENDING_RANGE now requires the user the specify the min, max and
+ count arguments. Newer versions of Redis prevent ount from being
+ infinite so it's left to the user to specify these values explicitly.
+ * ZADD now returns None when xx=True and incr=True and an element
+ is specified that doesn't exist in the sorted set. This matches
+ what the server returns in this case. #1084
+ * Added client_kill_filter that accepts various filters to identify
+ and kill clients. Thanks Theofanis Despoudis. #1098
+ * Fixed a race condition that occurred when unsubscribing and
+ resubscribing to the same channel or pattern in rapid succession.
+ Thanks Marcin RaczyƄski. #764
+ * Added a LockNotOwnedError that is raised when trying to extend or
+ release a lock that is no longer owned. This is a subclass of LockError
+ so previous code should continue to work as expected. Thanks Joshua
+ Harlow. #1095
+ * Fixed a bug in GEORADIUS that forced decoding of places without
+ respecting the decode_responses option. Thanks Bo Bayles. #1082
+* 3.0.1
+ * Fixed regression with UnixDomainSocketConnection caused by 3.0.0.
+ Thanks Jyrki Muukkonen
+ * Fixed an issue with the new asynchronous flag on flushdb and flushall.
+ Thanks rogeryen
+ * Updated Lock.locked() method to indicate whether *any* process has
+ acquired the lock, not just the current one. This is in line with
+ the behavior of threading.Lock. Thanks Alan Justino da Silva
+* 3.0.0
+ * When using a Lock as a context manager and the lock fails to be acquired
+ a LockError is now raised. This prevents the code block inside the
+ context manager from being executed if the lock could not be acquired.
+ * Renamed LuaLock to Lock.
+ * Removed the pipeline based Lock implementation in favor of the LuaLock
+ implementation.
+ * Only bytes, strings and numbers (ints, longs and floats) are acceptable
+ for keys and values. Previously redis-py attempted to cast other types
+ to str() and store the result. This caused must confusion and frustration
+ when passing boolean values (cast to 'True' and 'False') or None values
+ (cast to 'None'). It is now the user's responsibility to cast all
+ key names and values to bytes, strings or numbers before passing the
+ value to redis-py.
+ * The StrictRedis class has been renamed to Redis. StrictRedis will
+ continue to exist as an alias of Redis for the forseeable future.
+ * The legacy Redis client class has been removed. It caused much confusion
+ to users.
+ * ZINCRBY arguments 'value' and 'amount' have swapped order to match the
+ the Redis server. The new argument order is: keyname, amount, value.
+ * MGET no longer raises an error if zero keys are passed in. Instead an
+ empty list is returned.
+ * MSET and MSETNX now require all keys/values to be specified in a single
+ dictionary argument named mapping. This was changed to allow for future
+ options to these commands in the future.
+ * ZADD now requires all element names/scores be specified in a single
+ dictionary argument named mapping. This was required to allow the NX,
+ XX, CH and INCR options to be specified.
+ * ssl_cert_reqs now has a default value of 'required' by default. This
+ should make connecting to a remote Redis server over SSL more secure.
+ Thanks u2mejc
+ * Removed support for EOL Python 2.6 and 3.3. Thanks jdufresne
+ * Added missing DECRBY command. Thanks derek-dchu
+ * CLUSTER INFO and CLUSTER NODES respones are now properly decoded to
+ strings.
+ * Added a 'locked()' method to Lock objects. This method returns True
+ if the lock has been acquired and owned by the current process,
+ otherwise False.
+ * EXISTS now supports multiple keys. It's return value is now the number
+ of keys in the list that exist.
+ * Ensure all commands can accept key names as bytes. This fixes issues
+ with BLPOP, BRPOP and SORT.
+ * All errors resulting from bad user input are raised as DataError
+ exceptions. DataError is a subclass of RedisError so this should be
+ transparent to anyone previously catching these.
+ * Added support for NX, XX, CH and INCR options to ZADD
+ * Added support for the MIGRATE command
+ * Added support for the MEMORY USAGE and MEMORY PURGE commands. Thanks
+ Itamar Haber
+ * Added support for the 'asynchronous' argument to FLUSHDB and FLUSHALL
+ commands. Thanks Itamar Haber
+ * Added support for the BITFIELD command. Thanks Charles Leifer and
+ Itamar Haber
+ * Improved performance on pipeline requests with large chunks of data.
+ Thanks tzickel
+ * Fixed test suite to not fail if another client is connected to the
+ server the tests are running against.
+ * Added support for SWAPDB. Thanks Itamar Haber
+ * Added support for all STREAM commands. Thanks Roey Prat and Itamar Haber
+ * SHUTDOWN now accepts the 'save' and 'nosave' arguments. Thanks
+ dwilliams-kenzan
+ * Added support for ZPOPMAX, ZPOPMIN, BZPOPMAX, BZPOPMIN. Thanks
+ Itamar Haber
+ * Added support for the 'type' argument in CLIENT LIST. Thanks Roey Prat
+ * Added support for CLIENT PAUSE. Thanks Roey Prat
+ * Added support for CLIENT ID and CLIENT UNBLOCK. Thanks Itamar Haber
+ * GEODIST now returns a None value when referencing a place that does
+ not exist. Thanks qingping209
+ * Added a ping() method to pubsub objects. Thanks krishan-carbon
+ * Fixed a bug with keys in the INFO dict that contained ':' symbols.
+ Thanks mzalimeni
+ * Fixed the select system call retry compatibility with Python 2.x.
+ Thanks lddubeau
+ * max_connections is now a valid querystring argument for creating
+ connection pools from URLs. Thanks mmaslowskicc
+ * Added the UNLINK command. Thanks yozel
+ * Added socket_type option to Connection for configurability.
+ Thanks garlicnation
+ * Lock.do_acquire now atomically sets acquires the lock and sets the
+ expire value via set(nx=True, px=timeout). Thanks 23doors
+ * Added 'count' argument to SPOP. Thanks AlirezaSadeghi
+ * Fixed an issue parsing client_list respones that contained an '='.
+ Thanks swilly22
* 2.10.6
* Various performance improvements. Thanks cjsimpson
- * Fixed a bug with SRANDMEMBER where
+ * Fixed a bug with SRANDMEMBER where the behavior for `number=0` did
+ not match the spec. Thanks Alex Wang
* Added HSTRLEN command. Thanks Alexander Putilin
* Added the TOUCH command. Thanks Anis Jonischkeit
* Remove unnecessary calls to the server when registering Lua scripts.
@@ -190,7 +318,7 @@
for the report.
* Connections now call socket.shutdown() prior to socket.close() to
ensure communication ends immediately per the note at
Thanks to David Martin for pointing this out.
* Lock checks are now based on floats rather than ints. Thanks
Vitja Makarov.
@@ -224,11 +352,11 @@
* Prevent DISCARD from being called if MULTI wasn't also called. Thanks
Pete Aykroyd.
* SREM now returns an integer indicating the number of items removed from
- the set. Thanks
+ the set. Thanks
* Fixed a bug with BGSAVE and BGREWRITEAOF response callbacks with Python3.
Thanks Nathan Wan.
- Thanks
+ Thanks
* It's now possible to use len() on a pipeline instance to determine the
number of commands that will be executed. Thanks Jon Parise.
* Fixed a bug in INFO's parse routine with floating point numbers. Thanks
diff --git a/README.rst b/README.rst
index a21c13a..383b731 100644
--- a/README.rst
+++ b/README.rst
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ redis-py
The Python interface to the Redis key-value store.
.. image::
- :target:
+ :target:
.. image::
.. image::
@@ -14,25 +14,26 @@ Installation
redis-py requires a running Redis server. See `Redis's quickstart
-<>`_ for installation instructions.
+<>`_ for installation instructions.
-To install redis-py, simply:
-.. code-block:: bash
+redis-py can be installed using `pip` similar to other Python packages. Do not use `sudo`
+with `pip`. It is usually good to work in a
+`virtualenv <>`_ or
+`venv <>`_ to avoid conflicts with other package
+managers and Python projects. For a quick introduction see
+`Python Virtual Environments in Five Minutes <>`_.
- $ sudo pip install redis
-or alternatively (you really should be using pip though):
+To install redis-py, simply:
.. code-block:: bash
- $ sudo easy_install redis
+ $ pip install redis
or from source:
.. code-block:: bash
- $ sudo python install
+ $ python install
Getting Started
@@ -41,7 +42,7 @@ Getting Started
.. code-block:: pycon
>>> import redis
- >>> r = redis.StrictRedis(host='localhost', port=6379, db=0)
+ >>> r = redis.Redis(host='localhost', port=6379, db=0)
>>> r.set('foo', 'bar')
>>> r.get('foo')
@@ -52,23 +53,169 @@ Python 2. The user is responsible for decoding to Python 3 strings or Python 2
unicode objects.
If **all** string responses from a client should be decoded, the user can
-specify `decode_responses=True` to `StrictRedis.__init__`. In this case, any
+specify `decode_responses=True` to `Redis.__init__`. In this case, any
Redis command that returns a string type will be decoded with the `encoding`
+Upgrading from redis-py 2.X to 3.0
+redis-py 3.0 introduces many new features but required a number of backwards
+incompatible changes to be made in the process. This section attempts to
+provide an upgrade path for users migrating from 2.X to 3.0.
+Python Version Support
+redis-py 3.0 now supports Python 2.7 and Python 3.4+. Python 2.6 and 3.3
+support has been dropped.
+Client Classes: Redis and StrictRedis
+redis-py 3.0 drops support for the legacy "Redis" client class. "StrictRedis"
+has been renamed to "Redis" and an alias named "StrictRedis" is provided so
+that users previously using "StrictRedis" can continue to run unchanged.
+The 2.X "Redis" class provided alternative implementations of a few commands.
+This confused users (rightfully so) and caused a number of support issues. To
+make things easier going forward, it was decided to drop support for these
+alternate implementations and instead focus on a single client class.
+2.X users that are already using StrictRedis don't have to change the class
+name. StrictRedis will continue to work for the forseeable future.
+2.X users that are using the Redis class will have to make changes if they
+use any of the following commands:
+* SETEX: The argument order has changed. The new order is (name, time, value).
+* LREM: The argument order has changed. The new order is (name, num, value).
+* TTL and PTTL: The return value is now always an int and matches the
+ official Redis command (>0 indicates the timeout, -1 indicates that the key
+ exists but that it has no expire time set, -2 indicates that the key does
+ not exist)
+SSL Connections
+redis-py 3.0 changes the default value of the `ssl_cert_reqs` option from
+`None` to `'required'`. See
+`Issue 1016 <>`_. This
+change enforces hostname validation when accepting a cert from a remote SSL
+terminator. If the terminator doesn't properly set the hostname on the cert
+this will cause redis-py 3.0 to raise a ConnectionError.
+This check can be disabled by setting `ssl_cert_reqs` to `None`. Note that
+doing so removes the security check. Do so at your own risk.
+It has been reported that SSL certs received from AWS ElastiCache do not have
+proper hostnames and turning off hostname verification is currently required.
+These commands all accept a mapping of key/value pairs. In redis-py 2.X
+this mapping could be specified as ``*args`` or as ``**kwargs``. Both of these
+styles caused issues when Redis introduced optional flags to ZADD. Relying on
+``*args`` caused issues with the optional argument order, especially in Python
+2.7. Relying on ``**kwargs`` caused potential collision issues of user keys with
+the argument names in the method signature.
+To resolve this, redis-py 3.0 has changed these three commands to all accept
+a single positional argument named mapping that is expected to be a dict. For
+MSET and MSETNX, the dict is a mapping of key-names -> values. For ZADD, the
+dict is a mapping of element-names -> score.
+MSET, MSETNX and ZADD now look like:
+.. code-block:: pycon
+ def mset(self, mapping):
+ def msetnx(self, mapping):
+ def zadd(self, name, mapping, nx=False, xx=False, ch=False, incr=False):
+All 2.X users that use these commands must modify their code to supply
+keys and values as a dict to these commands.
+redis-py 2.X accidentily modified the argument order of ZINCRBY, swapping the
+order of value and amount. ZINCRBY now looks like:
+.. code-block:: pycon
+ def zincrby(self, name, amount, value):
+All 2.X users that rely on ZINCRBY must swap the order of amount and value
+for the command to continue to work as intended.
+Encoding of User Input
+redis-py 3.0 only accepts user data as bytes, strings or numbers (ints, longs
+and floats). Attempting to specify a key or a value as any other type will
+raise a DataError exception.
+redis-py 2.X attempted to coerce any type of input into a string. While
+occasionally convenient, this caused all sorts of hidden errors when users
+passed boolean values (which were coerced to 'True' or 'False'), a None
+value (which was coerced to 'None') or other values, such as user defined
+All 2.X users should make sure that the keys and values they pass into
+redis-py are either bytes, strings or numbers.
+redis-py 3.0 drops support for the pipeline-based Lock and now only supports
+the Lua-based lock. In doing so, LuaLock has been renamed to Lock. This also
+means that redis-py Lock objects require Redis server 2.6 or greater.
+2.X users that were explicitly referring to "LuaLock" will have to now refer
+to "Lock" instead.
+Locks as Context Managers
+redis-py 3.0 now raises a LockError when using a lock as a context manager and
+the lock cannot be acquired within the specified timeout. This is more of a
+bug fix than a backwards incompatible change. However, given an error is now
+raised where none was before, this might alarm some users.
+2.X users should make sure they're wrapping their lock code in a try/catch
+like this:
+.. code-block:: pycon
+ try:
+ with r.lock('my-lock-key', blocking_timeout=5) as lock:
+ # code you want executed only after the lock has been acquired
+ except LockError:
+ # the lock wasn't acquired
API Reference
-The `official Redis command documentation <>`_ does a
-great job of explaining each command in detail. redis-py exposes two client
-classes that implement these commands. The StrictRedis class attempts to adhere
+The `official Redis command documentation <>`_ does a
+great job of explaining each command in detail. redis-py attempts to adhere
to the official command syntax. There are a few exceptions:
* **SELECT**: Not implemented. See the explanation in the Thread Safety section
* **DEL**: 'del' is a reserved keyword in the Python syntax. Therefore redis-py
uses 'delete' instead.
-* **CONFIG GET|SET**: These are implemented separately as config_get or config_set.
* **MULTI/EXEC**: These are implemented as part of the Pipeline class. The
pipeline is wrapped with the MULTI and EXEC statements by default when it
is executed, which can be disabled by specifying transaction=False.
@@ -87,18 +234,6 @@ to the official command syntax. There are a few exceptions:
to keep track of the cursor while iterating. Use the
scan_iter/sscan_iter/hscan_iter/zscan_iter methods for this behavior.
-In addition to the changes above, the Redis class, a subclass of StrictRedis,
-overrides several other commands to provide backwards compatibility with older
-versions of redis-py:
-* **LREM**: Order of 'num' and 'value' arguments reversed such that 'num' can
- provide a default value of zero.
-* **ZADD**: Redis specifies the 'score' argument before 'value'. These were swapped
- accidentally when being implemented and not discovered until after people
- were already using it. The Redis class expects \*args in the form of:
- `name1, score1, name2, score2, ...`
-* **SETEX**: Order of 'time' and 'value' arguments reversed.
More Detail
@@ -162,19 +297,12 @@ kind enough to create Python bindings. Using Hiredis can provide up to a
performance increase is most noticeable when retrieving many pieces of data,
such as from LRANGE or SMEMBERS operations.
-Hiredis is available on PyPI, and can be installed via pip or easy_install
-just like redis-py.
+Hiredis is available on PyPI, and can be installed via pip just like redis-py.
.. code-block:: bash
$ pip install hiredis
-.. code-block:: bash
- $ easy_install hiredis
Response Callbacks
@@ -276,7 +404,7 @@ could do something like this:
.. code-block:: pycon
>>> with r.pipeline() as pipe:
- ... while 1:
+ ... while True:
... try:
... # put a WATCH on the key that holds our sequence value
@@ -309,7 +437,7 @@ explicitly calling reset():
.. code-block:: pycon
>>> pipe = r.pipeline()
- >>> while 1:
+ >>> while True:
... try:
... ...
@@ -345,7 +473,7 @@ for new messages. Creating a `PubSub` object is easy.
.. code-block:: pycon
- >>> r = redis.StrictRedis(...)
+ >>> r = redis.Redis(...)
>>> p = r.pubsub()
Once a `PubSub` instance is created, channels and patterns can be subscribed
@@ -566,7 +694,7 @@ it with the multiplier value and returns the result.
.. code-block:: pycon
- >>> r = redis.StrictRedis()
+ >>> r = redis.Redis()
>>> lua = """
... local value ='GET', KEYS[1])
... value = tonumber(value)
@@ -601,7 +729,7 @@ that points to a completely different Redis server.
.. code-block:: pycon
- >>> r2 = redis.StrictRedis('')
+ >>> r2 = redis.Redis('')
>>> r2.set('foo', 3)
>>> multiply(keys=['foo'], args=[5], client=r2)
@@ -626,7 +754,7 @@ execution.
Sentinel support
-redis-py can be used together with `Redis Sentinel <>`_
+redis-py can be used together with `Redis Sentinel <>`_
to discover Redis nodes. You need to have at least one Sentinel daemon running
in order to use redis-py's Sentinel support.
@@ -654,7 +782,7 @@ operations).
>>> slave.get('foo')
-The master and slave objects are normal StrictRedis instances with their
+The master and slave objects are normal Redis instances with their
connection pool bound to the Sentinel instance. When a Sentinel backed client
attempts to establish a connection, it first queries the Sentinel servers to
determine an appropriate host to connect to. If no server is found,
@@ -667,7 +795,7 @@ If no slaves can be connected to, a connection will be established with the
See `Guidelines for Redis clients with support for Redis Sentinel
-<>`_ to learn more about Redis Sentinel.
+<>`_ to learn more about Redis Sentinel.
Scan Iterators
@@ -691,7 +819,7 @@ Author
redis-py is developed and maintained by Andy McCurdy (
-It can be found here:
+It can be found here:
Special thanks to:
diff --git a/benchmarks/ b/benchmarks/
index a97001f..44e9341 100644
--- a/benchmarks/
+++ b/benchmarks/
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ class Benchmark(object):
pool = redis.ConnectionPool(**kwargs)
- self._client = redis.StrictRedis(connection_pool=pool)
+ self._client = redis.Redis(connection_pool=pool)
return self._client
def setup(self, **kwargs):
diff --git a/benchmarks/ b/benchmarks/
index 2f1e9f4..a4b675d 100644
--- a/benchmarks/
+++ b/benchmarks/
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ def parse_args():
def run():
args = parse_args()
- r = redis.StrictRedis()
+ r = redis.Redis()
set_str(conn=r, num=args.n, pipeline_size=args.P, data_size=args.s)
set_int(conn=r, num=args.n, pipeline_size=args.P, data_size=args.s)
@@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ def timer(func):
count = kwargs['num']
count = args[1]
- print('{0} - {1} Requests'.format(func.__name__, count))
+ print('{} - {} Requests'.format(func.__name__, count))
print('Duration = {}'.format(duration))
print('Rate = {}'.format(count/duration))
@@ -195,5 +195,6 @@ def hmset(conn, num, pipeline_size, data_size):
if pipeline_size > 1:
if __name__ == '__main__':
diff --git a/benchmarks/ b/benchmarks/
index 49f48f2..0d69bdf 100644
--- a/benchmarks/
+++ b/benchmarks/
@@ -22,17 +22,18 @@ class StringJoiningConnection(Connection):
_errno, errmsg = e.args
raise ConnectionError("Error %s while writing to socket. %s." %
(_errno, errmsg))
- except:
+ except Exception as e:
- raise
+ raise e
def pack_command(self, *args):
"Pack a series of arguments into a value Redis command"
args_output = SYM_EMPTY.join([
- SYM_EMPTY.join((SYM_DOLLAR, b(str(len(k))), SYM_CRLF, k, SYM_CRLF))
+ SYM_EMPTY.join(
+ (SYM_DOLLAR, str(len(k)).encode(), SYM_CRLF, k, SYM_CRLF))
for k in imap(self.encoder.encode, args)])
output = SYM_EMPTY.join(
- (SYM_STAR, b(str(len(args))), SYM_CRLF, args_output))
+ (SYM_STAR, str(len(args)).encode(), SYM_CRLF, args_output))
return output
@@ -54,24 +55,24 @@ class ListJoiningConnection(Connection):
_errno, errmsg = e.args
raise ConnectionError("Error %s while writing to socket. %s." %
(_errno, errmsg))
- except:
+ except Exception as e:
- raise
+ raise e
def pack_command(self, *args):
output = []
buff = SYM_EMPTY.join(
- (SYM_STAR, b(str(len(args))), SYM_CRLF))
+ (SYM_STAR, str(len(args)).encode(), SYM_CRLF))
for k in imap(self.encoder.encode, args):
if len(buff) > 6000 or len(k) > 6000:
buff = SYM_EMPTY.join(
- (buff, SYM_DOLLAR, b(str(len(k))), SYM_CRLF))
+ (buff, SYM_DOLLAR, str(len(k)).encode(), SYM_CRLF))
buff = SYM_CRLF
- buff = SYM_EMPTY.join((buff, SYM_DOLLAR, b(str(len(k))),
+ buff = SYM_EMPTY.join((buff, SYM_DOLLAR, str(len(k)).encode(),
return output
diff --git a/build_tools/.bash_profile b/build_tools/.bash_profile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b023cf7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/build_tools/.bash_profile
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/vagrant/ b/build_tools/
index a5a0d2c..a5a0d2c 100755
--- a/vagrant/
+++ b/build_tools/
diff --git a/vagrant/ b/build_tools/
index 728e617..379c6cc 100755
--- a/vagrant/
+++ b/build_tools/
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
#!/usr/bin/env bash
-source /home/vagrant/redis-py/vagrant/
+source /home/vagrant/redis-py/build_tools/
pushd /home/vagrant
diff --git a/vagrant/ b/build_tools/
index bb5f1d2..fd53a1c 100755
--- a/vagrant/
+++ b/build_tools/
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
#!/usr/bin/env bash
-source /home/vagrant/redis-py/vagrant/
+source /home/vagrant/redis-py/build_tools/
for filename in `ls $VAGRANT_REDIS_CONF_DIR`; do
# cuts the order prefix off of the filename, e.g. 001-master -> master
diff --git a/vagrant/ b/build_tools/
index 58cd808..0597208 100755
--- a/vagrant/
+++ b/build_tools/
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
#!/usr/bin/env bash
-source /home/vagrant/redis-py/vagrant/
+source /home/vagrant/redis-py/build_tools/
for filename in `ls $VAGRANT_SENTINEL_CONF_DIR`; do
# cuts the order prefix off of the filename, e.g. 001-master -> master
diff --git a/vagrant/redis-configs/001-master b/build_tools/redis-configs/001-master
index f04f23d..8591f1a 100644
--- a/vagrant/redis-configs/001-master
+++ b/build_tools/redis-configs/001-master
@@ -5,4 +5,4 @@ daemonize yes
unixsocket /tmp/redis_master.sock
unixsocketperm 777
dbfilename master.rdb
-dir /home/vagrant/redis/backups
+dir /var/lib/redis/backups
diff --git a/vagrant/redis-configs/002-slave b/build_tools/redis-configs/002-slave
index 5d302fe..13eb77e 100644
--- a/vagrant/redis-configs/002-slave
+++ b/build_tools/redis-configs/002-slave
@@ -5,6 +5,6 @@ daemonize yes
unixsocket /tmp/redis-slave.sock
unixsocketperm 777
dbfilename slave.rdb
-dir /home/vagrant/redis/backups
+dir /var/lib/redis/backups
slaveof 6379
diff --git a/vagrant/redis_init_script b/build_tools/redis_init_script
index e8bfa08..04cb2db 100755
--- a/vagrant/redis_init_script
+++ b/build_tools/redis_init_script
@@ -12,10 +12,10 @@
PIDFILE=/var/run/{{ PROCESS_NAME }}.pid
-CONF=/home/vagrant/redis/conf/{{ PROCESS_NAME }}.conf
+CONF=/var/lib/redis/conf/{{ PROCESS_NAME }}.conf
case "$1" in
diff --git a/vagrant/ b/build_tools/
index 1ec6295..c52dd4c 100755
--- a/vagrant/
+++ b/build_tools/
@@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
#!/usr/bin/env bash
diff --git a/vagrant/sentinel-configs/001-1 b/build_tools/sentinel-configs/001-1
index eccc3d1..eccc3d1 100644
--- a/vagrant/sentinel-configs/001-1
+++ b/build_tools/sentinel-configs/001-1
diff --git a/vagrant/sentinel-configs/002-2 b/build_tools/sentinel-configs/002-2
index 0cd2801..0cd2801 100644
--- a/vagrant/sentinel-configs/002-2
+++ b/build_tools/sentinel-configs/002-2
diff --git a/vagrant/sentinel-configs/003-3 b/build_tools/sentinel-configs/003-3
index c7f4fcd..c7f4fcd 100644
--- a/vagrant/sentinel-configs/003-3
+++ b/build_tools/sentinel-configs/003-3
diff --git a/vagrant/sentinel_init_script b/build_tools/sentinel_init_script
index ea93537..1d94804 100755
--- a/vagrant/sentinel_init_script
+++ b/build_tools/sentinel_init_script
@@ -12,10 +12,10 @@
PIDFILE=/var/run/{{ PROCESS_NAME }}.pid
-CONF=/home/vagrant/redis/conf/{{ PROCESS_NAME }}.conf
+CONF=/var/lib/redis/conf/{{ PROCESS_NAME }}.conf
case "$1" in
diff --git a/redis/ b/redis/
index 6607155..dc78f73 100644
--- a/redis/
+++ b/redis/
@@ -22,8 +22,15 @@ from redis.exceptions import (
-__version__ = '2.10.6'
-VERSION = tuple(map(int, __version__.split('.')))
+def int_or_str(value):
+ try:
+ return int(value)
+ except ValueError:
+ return value
+__version__ = '3.0.1'
+VERSION = tuple(map(int_or_str, __version__.split('.')))
__all__ = [
'Redis', 'StrictRedis', 'ConnectionPool', 'BlockingConnectionPool',
diff --git a/redis/ b/redis/
index 307f3cc..c9213a6 100644
--- a/redis/
+++ b/redis/
@@ -2,29 +2,21 @@
import errno
import sys
- InterruptedError = InterruptedError
- InterruptedError = OSError
# For Python older than 3.5, retry EINTR.
if sys.version_info[0] < 3 or (sys.version_info[0] == 3 and
sys.version_info[1] < 5):
# Adapted from
import socket
import time
- import errno
- from select import select as _select
+ from select import select as _select, error as select_error
def select(rlist, wlist, xlist, timeout):
while True:
return _select(rlist, wlist, xlist, timeout)
- except InterruptedError as e:
- # Python 2 does not define InterruptedError, instead
- # try to catch an OSError with errno == EINTR == 4.
- if getattr(e, 'errno', None) == getattr(errno, 'EINTR', 4):
+ except select_error as e:
+ if e.args[0] == errno.EINTR:
@@ -87,10 +79,6 @@ if sys.version_info[0] < 3:
from itertools import imap, izip
from string import letters as ascii_letters
from Queue import Queue
- try:
- from cStringIO import StringIO as BytesIO
- except ImportError:
- from StringIO import StringIO as BytesIO
# special unicode handling for python2 to avoid UnicodeDecodeError
def safe_unicode(obj, *args):
@@ -114,12 +102,6 @@ if sys.version_info[0] < 3:
def nativestr(x):
return x if isinstance(x, str) else x.encode('utf-8', 'replace')
- def u(x):
- return x.decode()
- def b(x):
- return x
def next(x):
@@ -130,11 +112,9 @@ if sys.version_info[0] < 3:
xrange = xrange
basestring = basestring
unicode = unicode
- bytes = str
long = long
from urllib.parse import parse_qs, unquote, urlparse
- from io import BytesIO
from string import ascii_letters
from queue import Queue
@@ -153,12 +133,6 @@ else:
def nativestr(x):
return x if isinstance(x, str) else x.decode('utf-8', 'replace')
- def u(x):
- return x
- def b(x):
- return x.encode('latin-1') if not isinstance(x, bytes) else x
next = next
unichr = chr
imap = map
@@ -167,32 +141,9 @@ else:
basestring = str
unicode = str
safe_unicode = str
- bytes = bytes
long = int
try: # Python 3
from queue import LifoQueue, Empty, Full
-except ImportError:
- from Queue import Empty, Full
- try: # Python 2.6 - 2.7
- from Queue import LifoQueue
- except ImportError: # Python 2.5
- from Queue import Queue
- # From the Python 2.7 lib. Python 2.5 already extracted the core
- # methods to aid implementating different queue organisations.
- class LifoQueue(Queue):
- "Override queue methods to implement a last-in first-out queue."
- def _init(self, maxsize):
- self.maxsize = maxsize
- self.queue = []
- def _qsize(self, len=len):
- return len(self.queue)
- def _put(self, item):
- self.queue.append(item)
- def _get(self):
- return self.queue.pop()
+except ImportError: # Python 2
+ from Queue import LifoQueue, Empty, Full
diff --git a/redis/ b/redis/
index 79e94d0..94b1baa 100755
--- a/redis/
+++ b/redis/
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-from __future__ import with_statement
+from __future__ import unicode_literals
from itertools import chain
import datetime
import sys
@@ -7,12 +7,11 @@ import time
import threading
import time as mod_time
import hashlib
-from redis._compat import (b, basestring, bytes, imap, iteritems, iterkeys,
- itervalues, izip, long, nativestr, unicode,
- safe_unicode)
+from redis._compat import (basestring, imap, iteritems, iterkeys,
+ itervalues, izip, long, nativestr, safe_unicode)
from redis.connection import (ConnectionPool, UnixDomainSocketConnection,
SSLConnection, Token)
-from redis.lock import Lock, LuaLock
+from redis.lock import Lock
from redis.exceptions import (
@@ -25,17 +24,20 @@ from redis.exceptions import (
-SYM_EMPTY = b('')
+SYM_EMPTY = b''
def list_or_args(keys, args):
- # returns a single list combining keys and args
+ # returns a single new list combining keys and args
# a string or bytes instance can be iterated, but indicates
# keys wasn't passed as a list
if isinstance(keys, (basestring, bytes)):
keys = [keys]
+ else:
+ keys = list(keys)
except TypeError:
keys = [keys]
if args:
@@ -71,7 +73,7 @@ def parse_debug_object(response):
# prefixed with a name
response = nativestr(response)
response = 'type:' + response
- response = dict([kv.split(':') for kv in response.split()])
+ response = dict(kv.split(':') for kv in response.split())
# parse some expected int values from the string response
# note: this cmd isn't spec'd so these may not appear in all redis versions
@@ -114,7 +116,12 @@ def parse_info(response):
for line in response.splitlines():
if line and not line.startswith('#'):
if line.find(':') != -1:
+ # Split, the info fields keys and values.
+ # Note that the value may contain ':'. but the 'host:'
+ # pseudo-command is the only case where the key contains ':'
key, value = line.split(':', 1)
+ if key == 'cmdstat_host':
+ key, value = line.rsplit(':', 1)
info[key] = get_value(value)
# if the line isn't splittable, append it to the "__raw__" key
@@ -182,10 +189,17 @@ def parse_sentinel_get_master(response):
return response and (response[0], int(response[1])) or None
-def pairs_to_dict(response):
+def pairs_to_dict(response, decode_keys=False):
"Create a dict given a list of key/value pairs"
- it = iter(response)
- return dict(izip(it, it))
+ if response is None:
+ return {}
+ if decode_keys:
+ # the iter form is faster, but I don't know how to make that work
+ # with a nativestr() map
+ return dict(izip(imap(nativestr, response[::2]), response[1::2]))
+ else:
+ it = iter(response)
+ return dict(izip(it, it))
def pairs_to_dict_typed(response, type_info):
@@ -195,7 +209,7 @@ def pairs_to_dict_typed(response, type_info):
if key in type_info:
value = type_info[key](value)
- except:
+ except Exception:
# if for some reason the value can't be coerced, just use
# the string value
@@ -220,7 +234,7 @@ def sort_return_tuples(response, **options):
If ``groups`` is specified, return the response as a list of
n-element tuples with n being the value found in options['groups']
- if not response or not options['groups']:
+ if not response or not options.get('groups'):
return response
n = options['groups']
return list(izip(*[response[i::n] for i in range(n)]))
@@ -232,6 +246,64 @@ def int_or_none(response):
return int(response)
+def nativestr_or_none(response):
+ if response is None:
+ return None
+ return nativestr(response)
+def parse_stream_list(response):
+ if response is None:
+ return None
+ return [(r[0], pairs_to_dict(r[1])) for r in response]
+def pairs_to_dict_with_nativestr_keys(response):
+ return pairs_to_dict(response, decode_keys=True)
+def parse_list_of_dicts(response):
+ return list(imap(pairs_to_dict_with_nativestr_keys, response))
+def parse_xclaim(response, **options):
+ if options.get('parse_justid', False):
+ return response
+ return parse_stream_list(response)
+def parse_xinfo_stream(response):
+ data = pairs_to_dict(response, decode_keys=True)
+ first = data['first-entry']
+ data['first-entry'] = (first[0], pairs_to_dict(first[1]))
+ last = data['last-entry']
+ data['last-entry'] = (last[0], pairs_to_dict(last[1]))
+ return data
+def parse_xread(response):
+ if response is None:
+ return []
+ return [[r[0], parse_stream_list(r[1])] for r in response]
+def parse_xpending(response, **options):
+ if options.get('parse_detail', False):
+ return parse_xpending_range(response)
+ consumers = [{'name': n, 'pending': long(p)} for n, p in response[3] or []]
+ return {
+ 'pending': response[0],
+ 'min': response[1],
+ 'max': response[2],
+ 'consumers': consumers
+ }
+def parse_xpending_range(response):
+ k = ('message_id', 'consumer', 'time_since_delivered', 'times_delivered')
+ return [dict(izip(k, r)) for r in response]
def float_or_none(response):
if response is None:
return None
@@ -242,11 +314,19 @@ def bool_ok(response):
return nativestr(response) == 'OK'
+def parse_zadd(response, **options):
+ if response is None:
+ return None
+ if options.get('as_score'):
+ return float(response)
+ return int(response)
def parse_client_list(response, **options):
clients = []
for c in nativestr(response).splitlines():
# Values might contain '='
- clients.append(dict([pair.split('=', 1) for pair in c.split(' ')]))
+ clients.append(dict(pair.split('=', 1) for pair in c.split(' ')))
return clients
@@ -277,12 +357,13 @@ def parse_slowlog_get(response, **options):
'id': item[0],
'start_time': int(item[1]),
'duration': int(item[2]),
- 'command': b(' ').join(item[3])
+ 'command': b' '.join(item[3])
} for item in response]
def parse_cluster_info(response, **options):
- return dict([line.split(':') for line in response.splitlines() if line])
+ response = nativestr(response)
+ return dict(line.split(':') for line in response.splitlines() if line)
def _parse_node_line(line):
@@ -304,10 +385,11 @@ def _parse_node_line(line):
def parse_cluster_nodes(response, **options):
+ response = nativestr(response)
raw_lines = response
if isinstance(response, basestring):
raw_lines = response.splitlines()
- return dict([_parse_node_line(line) for line in raw_lines])
+ return dict(_parse_node_line(line) for line in raw_lines)
def parse_georadius_generic(response, **options):
@@ -324,7 +406,7 @@ def parse_georadius_generic(response, **options):
if not options['withdist'] and not options['withcoord']\
and not options['withhash']:
# just a bunch of places
- return [nativestr(r) for r in response_list]
+ return response_list
cast = {
'withdist': float,
@@ -334,7 +416,7 @@ def parse_georadius_generic(response, **options):
# zip all output results with each casting functino to get
# the properly native Python value.
- f = [nativestr]
+ f = [lambda x: x]
f += [cast[o] for o in ['withdist', 'withhash', 'withcoord'] if options[o]]
return [
list(map(lambda fv: fv[0](fv[1]), zip(f, r))) for r in response_list
@@ -345,7 +427,13 @@ def parse_pubsub_numsub(response, **options):
return list(zip(response[0::2], response[1::2]))
-class StrictRedis(object):
+def parse_client_kill(response, **options):
+ if isinstance(response, (long, int)):
+ return int(response)
+ return nativestr(response) == 'OK'
+class Redis(object):
Implementation of the Redis protocol.
@@ -357,20 +445,20 @@ class StrictRedis(object):
@@ -379,10 +467,10 @@ class StrictRedis(object):
lambda r: isinstance(r, (long, int)) and r or nativestr(r) == 'OK'
string_keys_to_dict('SORT', sort_return_tuples),
- string_keys_to_dict('ZSCORE ZINCRBY', float_or_none),
+ string_keys_to_dict('ZSCORE ZINCRBY GEODIST', float_or_none),
string_keys_to_dict('BLPOP BRPOP', lambda r: r and tuple(r) or None),
@@ -391,26 +479,58 @@ class StrictRedis(object):
lambda r: r and set(r) or set()
+ string_keys_to_dict('BZPOPMIN BZPOPMAX', \
+ lambda r: r and (r[0], r[1], float(r[2])) or None),
string_keys_to_dict('ZRANK ZREVRANK', int_or_none),
+ string_keys_to_dict('XREVRANGE XRANGE', parse_stream_list),
+ string_keys_to_dict('XREAD XREADGROUP', parse_xread),
string_keys_to_dict('BGREWRITEAOF BGSAVE', lambda r: True),
'CLIENT GETNAME': lambda r: r and nativestr(r),
- 'CLIENT KILL': bool_ok,
+ 'CLIENT ID': int,
+ 'CLIENT KILL': parse_client_kill,
'CLIENT LIST': parse_client_list,
'CLIENT SETNAME': bool_ok,
+ 'CLIENT UNBLOCK': lambda r: r and int(r) == 1 or False,
+ 'CLIENT PAUSE': bool_ok,
+ 'CLUSTER ADDSLOTS': bool_ok,
+ 'CLUSTER COUNT-FAILURE-REPORTS': lambda x: int(x),
+ 'CLUSTER COUNTKEYSINSLOT': lambda x: int(x),
+ 'CLUSTER DELSLOTS': bool_ok,
+ 'CLUSTER FAILOVER': bool_ok,
+ 'CLUSTER FORGET': bool_ok,
+ 'CLUSTER INFO': parse_cluster_info,
+ 'CLUSTER KEYSLOT': lambda x: int(x),
+ 'CLUSTER MEET': bool_ok,
+ 'CLUSTER NODES': parse_cluster_nodes,
+ 'CLUSTER RESET': bool_ok,
+ 'CLUSTER SETSLOT': bool_ok,
+ 'CLUSTER SLAVES': parse_cluster_nodes,
'CONFIG GET': parse_config_get,
'CONFIG SET': bool_ok,
'DEBUG OBJECT': parse_debug_object,
+ 'GEOHASH': lambda r: list(map(nativestr_or_none, r)),
+ 'GEOPOS': lambda r: list(map(lambda ll: (float(ll[0]),
+ float(ll[1]))
+ if ll is not None else None, r)),
+ 'GEORADIUS': parse_georadius_generic,
+ 'GEORADIUSBYMEMBER': parse_georadius_generic,
'HGETALL': lambda r: r and pairs_to_dict(r) or {},
'HSCAN': parse_hscan,
'INFO': parse_info,
'LASTSAVE': timestamp_to_datetime,
+ 'MEMORY PURGE': bool_ok,
+ 'MEMORY USAGE': int_or_none,
'OBJECT': parse_object,
'PING': lambda r: nativestr(r) == 'PONG',
+ 'PUBSUB NUMSUB': parse_pubsub_numsub,
'RANDOMKEY': lambda r: r and r or None,
'SCAN': parse_scan,
'SCRIPT EXISTS': lambda r: list(imap(bool, r)),
@@ -431,46 +551,41 @@ class StrictRedis(object):
'SLOWLOG RESET': bool_ok,
'SSCAN': parse_scan,
'TIME': lambda x: (int(x[0]), int(x[1])),
+ 'XCLAIM': parse_xclaim,
+ 'XGROUP CREATE': bool_ok,
+ 'XGROUP SETID': bool_ok,
+ 'XINFO CONSUMERS': parse_list_of_dicts,
+ 'XINFO GROUPS': parse_list_of_dicts,
+ 'XINFO STREAM': parse_xinfo_stream,
+ 'XPENDING': parse_xpending,
+ 'ZADD': parse_zadd,
'ZSCAN': parse_zscan,
- 'CLUSTER ADDSLOTS': bool_ok,
- 'CLUSTER COUNT-FAILURE-REPORTS': lambda x: int(x),
- 'CLUSTER COUNTKEYSINSLOT': lambda x: int(x),
- 'CLUSTER DELSLOTS': bool_ok,
- 'CLUSTER FAILOVER': bool_ok,
- 'CLUSTER FORGET': bool_ok,
- 'CLUSTER INFO': parse_cluster_info,
- 'CLUSTER KEYSLOT': lambda x: int(x),
- 'CLUSTER MEET': bool_ok,
- 'CLUSTER NODES': parse_cluster_nodes,
- 'CLUSTER RESET': bool_ok,
- 'CLUSTER SETSLOT': bool_ok,
- 'CLUSTER SLAVES': parse_cluster_nodes,
- 'GEOPOS': lambda r: list(map(lambda ll: (float(ll[0]),
- float(ll[1]))
- if ll is not None else None, r)),
- 'GEOHASH': lambda r: list(map(nativestr, r)),
- 'GEORADIUS': parse_georadius_generic,
- 'GEORADIUSBYMEMBER': parse_georadius_generic,
- 'PUBSUB NUMSUB': parse_pubsub_numsub,
def from_url(cls, url, db=None, **kwargs):
- Return a Redis client object configured from the given URL, which must
- use either `the ``redis://`` scheme
- <>`_ for RESP
- connections or the ``unix://`` scheme for Unix domain sockets.
+ Return a Redis client object configured from the given URL
For example::
+ rediss://[:password]@localhost:6379/0
+ Three URL schemes are supported:
+ - ```redis://``
+ <>`_ creates a
+ normal TCP socket connection
+ - ```rediss://``
+ <>`_ creates a
+ SSL wrapped TCP socket connection
+ - ``unix://`` creates a Unix Domain Socket connection
There are several ways to specify a database number. The parse function
will return the first specified option:
1. A ``db`` querystring option, e.g. redis://localhost?db=0
@@ -496,7 +611,7 @@ class StrictRedis(object):
charset=None, errors=None,
decode_responses=False, retry_on_timeout=False,
ssl=False, ssl_keyfile=None, ssl_certfile=None,
- ssl_cert_reqs=None, ssl_ca_certs=None,
+ ssl_cert_reqs='required', ssl_ca_certs=None,
if not connection_pool:
if charset is not None:
@@ -544,7 +659,6 @@ class StrictRedis(object):
connection_pool = ConnectionPool(**kwargs)
self.connection_pool = connection_pool
- self._use_lua_lock = None
self.response_callbacks = self.__class__.RESPONSE_CALLBACKS.copy()
@@ -563,7 +677,7 @@ class StrictRedis(object):
atomic, pipelines are useful for reducing the back-and-forth overhead
between the client and server.
- return StrictPipeline(
+ return Pipeline(
@@ -579,7 +693,7 @@ class StrictRedis(object):
value_from_callable = kwargs.pop('value_from_callable', False)
watch_delay = kwargs.pop('watch_delay', None)
with self.pipeline(True, shard_hint) as pipe:
- while 1:
+ while True:
if watches:*watches)
@@ -637,15 +751,7 @@ class StrictRedis(object):
is that these cases aren't common and as such default to using
thread local storage. """
if lock_class is None:
- if self._use_lua_lock is None:
- # the first time .lock() is called, determine if we can use
- # Lua by attempting to register the necessary scripts
- try:
- LuaLock.register_scripts(self)
- self._use_lua_lock = True
- except ResponseError:
- self._use_lua_lock = False
- lock_class = self._use_lua_lock and LuaLock or Lock
+ lock_class = Lock
return lock_class(self, name, timeout=timeout, sleep=sleep,
@@ -678,7 +784,12 @@ class StrictRedis(object):
def parse_response(self, connection, command_name, **options):
"Parses a response from the Redis server"
- response = connection.read_response()
+ try:
+ response = connection.read_response()
+ except ResponseError:
+ if EMPTY_RESPONSE in options:
+ return options[EMPTY_RESPONSE]
+ raise
if command_name in self.response_callbacks:
return self.response_callbacks[command_name](response, **options)
return response
@@ -699,18 +810,92 @@ class StrictRedis(object):
"Disconnects the client at ``address`` (ip:port)"
return self.execute_command('CLIENT KILL', address)
- def client_list(self):
+ def client_kill_filter(self, _id=None, _type=None, addr=None, skipme=None):
+ """
+ Disconnects client(s) using a variety of filter options
+ :param id: Kills a client by its unique ID field
+ :param type: Kills a client by type where type is one of 'normal',
+ 'master', 'slave' or 'pubsub'
+ :param addr: Kills a client by its 'address:port'
+ :param skipme: If True, then the client calling the command
+ will not get killed even if it is identified by one of the filter
+ options. If skipme is not provided, the server defaults to skipme=True
+ """
+ args = []
+ if _type is not None:
+ client_types = ('normal', 'master', 'slave', 'pubsub')
+ if str(_type).lower() not in client_types:
+ raise DataError("CLIENT KILL type must be one of %r" % (
+ client_types,))
+ args.extend((Token.get_token('TYPE'), _type))
+ if skipme is not None:
+ if not isinstance(skipme, bool):
+ raise DataError("CLIENT KILL skipme must be a bool")
+ if skipme:
+ args.extend((Token.get_token('SKIPME'),
+ Token.get_token('YES')))
+ else:
+ args.extend((Token.get_token('SKIPME'),
+ Token.get_token('NO')))
+ if _id is not None:
+ args.extend((Token.get_token('ID'), _id))
+ if addr is not None:
+ args.extend((Token.get_token('ADDR'), addr))
+ if not args:
+ raise DataError("CLIENT KILL <filter> <value> ... ... <filter> "
+ "<value> must specify at least one filter")
+ return self.execute_command('CLIENT KILL', *args)
+ def client_list(self, _type=None):
+ """
+ Returns a list of currently connected clients.
+ If type of client specified, only that type will be returned.
+ :param _type: optional. one of the client types (normal, master,
+ replica, pubsub)
+ """
"Returns a list of currently connected clients"
+ if _type is not None:
+ client_types = ('normal', 'master', 'replica', 'pubsub')
+ if str(_type).lower() not in client_types:
+ raise DataError("CLIENT LIST _type must be one of %r" % (
+ client_types,))
+ return self.execute_command('CLIENT LIST', Token.get_token('TYPE'),
+ _type)
return self.execute_command('CLIENT LIST')
def client_getname(self):
"Returns the current connection name"
return self.execute_command('CLIENT GETNAME')
+ def client_id(self):
+ "Returns the current connection id"
+ return self.execute_command('CLIENT ID')
def client_setname(self, name):
"Sets the current connection name"
return self.execute_command('CLIENT SETNAME', name)
+ def client_unblock(self, client_id, error=False):
+ """
+ Unblocks a connection by its client id.
+ If ``error`` is True, unblocks the client with a special error message.
+ If ``error`` is False (default), the client is unblocked using the
+ regular timeout mechanism.
+ """
+ args = ['CLIENT UNBLOCK', int(client_id)]
+ if error:
+ args.append(Token.get_token('ERROR'))
+ return self.execute_command(*args)
+ def client_pause(self, timeout):
+ """
+ Suspend all the Redis clients for the specified amount of time
+ :param timeout: milliseconds to pause clients
+ """
+ if not isinstance(timeout, (int, long)):
+ raise DataError("CLIENT PAUSE timeout must be an integer")
+ return self.execute_command('CLIENT PAUSE', str(timeout))
def config_get(self, pattern="*"):
"Return a dictionary of configuration based on the ``pattern``"
return self.execute_command('CONFIG GET', pattern)
@@ -739,13 +924,33 @@ class StrictRedis(object):
"Echo the string back from the server"
return self.execute_command('ECHO', value)
- def flushall(self):
- "Delete all keys in all databases on the current host"
- return self.execute_command('FLUSHALL')
+ def flushall(self, asynchronous=False):
+ """
+ Delete all keys in all databases on the current host.
- def flushdb(self):
- "Delete all keys in the current database"
- return self.execute_command('FLUSHDB')
+ ``asynchronous`` indicates whether the operation is
+ executed asynchronously by the server.
+ """
+ args = []
+ if asynchronous:
+ args.append(Token.get_token('ASYNC'))
+ return self.execute_command('FLUSHALL', *args)
+ def flushdb(self, asynchronous=False):
+ """
+ Delete all keys in the current database.
+ ``asynchronous`` indicates whether the operation is
+ executed asynchronously by the server.
+ """
+ args = []
+ if asynchronous:
+ args.append(Token.get_token('ASYNC'))
+ return self.execute_command('FLUSHDB', *args)
+ def swapdb(self, first, second):
+ "Swap two databases"
+ return self.execute_command('SWAPDB', first, second)
def info(self, section=None):
@@ -769,10 +974,63 @@ class StrictRedis(object):
return self.execute_command('LASTSAVE')
+ def migrate(self, host, port, keys, destination_db, timeout,
+ copy=False, replace=False, auth=None):
+ """
+ Migrate 1 or more keys from the current Redis server to a different
+ server specified by the ``host``, ``port`` and ``destination_db``.
+ The ``timeout``, specified in milliseconds, indicates the maximum
+ time the connection between the two servers can be idle before the
+ command is interrupted.
+ If ``copy`` is True, the specified ``keys`` are NOT deleted from
+ the source server.
+ If ``replace`` is True, this operation will overwrite the keys
+ on the destination server if they exist.
+ If ``auth`` is specified, authenticate to the destination server with
+ the password provided.
+ """
+ keys = list_or_args(keys, [])
+ if not keys:
+ raise DataError('MIGRATE requires at least one key')
+ pieces = []
+ if copy:
+ pieces.append(Token.get_token('COPY'))
+ if replace:
+ pieces.append(Token.get_token('REPLACE'))
+ if auth:
+ pieces.append(Token.get_token('AUTH'))
+ pieces.append(auth)
+ pieces.append(Token.get_token('KEYS'))
+ pieces.extend(keys)
+ return self.execute_command('MIGRATE', host, port, '', destination_db,
+ timeout, *pieces)
def object(self, infotype, key):
"Return the encoding, idletime, or refcount about the key"
return self.execute_command('OBJECT', infotype, key, infotype=infotype)
+ def memory_usage(self, key, samples=None):
+ """
+ Return the total memory usage for key, its value and associated
+ administrative overheads.
+ For nested data structures, ``samples`` is the number of elements to
+ sample. If left unspecified, the server's default is 5. Use 0 to sample
+ all elements.
+ """
+ args = []
+ if isinstance(samples, int):
+ args.extend([Token.get_token('SAMPLES'), samples])
+ return self.execute_command('MEMORY USAGE', key, *args)
+ def memory_purge(self):
+ "Attempts to purge dirty pages for reclamation by allocator"
+ return self.execute_command('MEMORY PURGE')
def ping(self):
"Ping the Redis server"
return self.execute_command('PING')
@@ -822,10 +1080,22 @@ class StrictRedis(object):
"Returns a list of slaves for ``service_name``"
return self.execute_command('SENTINEL SLAVES', service_name)
- def shutdown(self):
- "Shutdown the server"
+ def shutdown(self, save=False, nosave=False):
+ """Shutdown the Redis server. If Redis has persistence configured,
+ data will be flushed before shutdown. If the "save" option is set,
+ a data flush will be attempted even if there is no persistence
+ configured. If the "nosave" option is set, no data flush will be
+ attempted. The "save" and "nosave" options cannot both be set.
+ """
+ if save and nosave:
+ raise DataError('SHUTDOWN save and nosave cannot both be set')
+ args = ['SHUTDOWN']
+ if save:
+ args.append('SAVE')
+ if nosave:
+ args.append('NOSAVE')
- self.execute_command('SHUTDOWN')
+ self.execute_command(*args)
except ConnectionError:
# a ConnectionError here is expected
@@ -896,9 +1166,16 @@ class StrictRedis(object):
elif (start is not None and end is None) or \
(end is not None and start is None):
- raise RedisError("Both start and end must be specified")
+ raise DataError("Both start and end must be specified")
return self.execute_command('BITCOUNT', *params)
+ def bitfield(self, key, default_overflow=None):
+ """
+ Return a BitFieldOperation instance to conveniently construct one or
+ more bitfield operations on ``key``.
+ """
+ return BitFieldOperation(self, key, default_overflow=default_overflow)
def bitop(self, operation, dest, *keys):
Perform a bitwise operation using ``operation`` between ``keys`` and
@@ -914,7 +1191,7 @@ class StrictRedis(object):
means to look at the first three bytes.
if bit not in (0, 1):
- raise RedisError('bit must be 0 or 1')
+ raise DataError('bit must be 0 or 1')
params = [key, bit]
start is not None and params.append(start)
@@ -922,8 +1199,8 @@ class StrictRedis(object):
if start is not None and end is not None:
elif start is None and end is not None:
- raise RedisError("start argument is not set, "
- "when end is specified")
+ raise DataError("start argument is not set, "
+ "when end is specified")
return self.execute_command('BITPOS', *params)
def decr(self, name, amount=1):
@@ -931,6 +1208,15 @@ class StrictRedis(object):
Decrements the value of ``key`` by ``amount``. If no key exists,
the value will be initialized as 0 - ``amount``
+ # An alias for ``decr()``, because it is already implemented
+ # as DECRBY redis command.
+ return self.decrby(name, amount)
+ def decrby(self, name, amount=1):
+ """
+ Decrements the value of ``key`` by ``amount``. If no key exists,
+ the value will be initialized as 0 - ``amount``
+ """
return self.execute_command('DECRBY', name, amount)
def delete(self, *names):
@@ -947,9 +1233,9 @@ class StrictRedis(object):
return self.execute_command('DUMP', name)
- def exists(self, name):
- "Returns a boolean indicating whether key ``name`` exists"
- return self.execute_command('EXISTS', name)
+ def exists(self, *names):
+ "Returns the number of ``names`` that exist"
+ return self.execute_command('EXISTS', *names)
__contains__ = exists
def expire(self, name, time):
@@ -958,7 +1244,7 @@ class StrictRedis(object):
can be represented by an integer or a Python timedelta object.
if isinstance(time, datetime.timedelta):
- time = time.seconds + time.days * 24 * 3600
+ time = int(time.total_seconds())
return self.execute_command('EXPIRE', name, time)
def expireat(self, name, when):
@@ -1009,17 +1295,16 @@ class StrictRedis(object):
Increments the value of ``key`` by ``amount``. If no key exists,
the value will be initialized as ``amount``
- return self.execute_command('INCRBY', name, amount)
+ return self.incrby(name, amount)
def incrby(self, name, amount=1):
Increments the value of ``key`` by ``amount``. If no key exists,
the value will be initialized as ``amount``
# An alias for ``incr()``, because it is already implemented
# as INCRBY redis command.
- return self.incr(name, amount)
+ return self.execute_command('INCRBY', name, amount)
def incrbyfloat(self, name, amount=1.0):
@@ -1037,35 +1322,31 @@ class StrictRedis(object):
Returns a list of values ordered identically to ``keys``
args = list_or_args(keys, args)
- return self.execute_command('MGET', *args)
+ options = {}
+ if not args:
+ options[EMPTY_RESPONSE] = []
+ return self.execute_command('MGET', *args, **options)
- def mset(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ def mset(self, mapping):
- Sets key/values based on a mapping. Mapping can be supplied as a single
- dictionary argument or as kwargs.
+ Sets key/values based on a mapping. Mapping is a dictionary of
+ key/value pairs. Both keys and values should be strings or types that
+ can be cast to a string via str().
- if args:
- if len(args) != 1 or not isinstance(args[0], dict):
- raise RedisError('MSET requires **kwargs or a single dict arg')
- kwargs.update(args[0])
items = []
- for pair in iteritems(kwargs):
+ for pair in iteritems(mapping):
return self.execute_command('MSET', *items)
- def msetnx(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ def msetnx(self, mapping):
Sets key/values based on a mapping if none of the keys are already set.
- Mapping can be supplied as a single dictionary argument or as kwargs.
+ Mapping is a dictionary of key/value pairs. Both keys and values
+ should be strings or types that can be cast to a string via str().
Returns a boolean indicating if the operation was successful.
- if args:
- if len(args) != 1 or not isinstance(args[0], dict):
- raise RedisError('MSETNX requires **kwargs or a single '
- 'dict arg')
- kwargs.update(args[0])
items = []
- for pair in iteritems(kwargs):
+ for pair in iteritems(mapping):
return self.execute_command('MSETNX', *items)
@@ -1084,8 +1365,7 @@ class StrictRedis(object):
if isinstance(time, datetime.timedelta):
- ms = int(time.microseconds / 1000)
- time = (time.seconds + time.days * 24 * 3600) * 1000 + ms
+ time = int(time.total_seconds() * 1000)
return self.execute_command('PEXPIRE', name, time)
def pexpireat(self, name, when):
@@ -1106,8 +1386,7 @@ class StrictRedis(object):
timedelta object
if isinstance(time_ms, datetime.timedelta):
- ms = int(time_ms.microseconds / 1000)
- time_ms = (time_ms.seconds + time_ms.days * 24 * 3600) * 1000 + ms
+ time_ms = int(time_ms.total_seconds() * 1000)
return self.execute_command('PSETEX', name, time_ms, value)
def pttl(self, name):
@@ -1156,13 +1435,12 @@ class StrictRedis(object):
if ex is not None:
if isinstance(ex, datetime.timedelta):
- ex = ex.seconds + ex.days * 24 * 3600
+ ex = int(ex.total_seconds())
if px is not None:
if isinstance(px, datetime.timedelta):
- ms = int(px.microseconds / 1000)
- px = (px.seconds + px.days * 24 * 3600) * 1000 + ms
+ px = int(px.total_seconds() * 1000)
if nx:
@@ -1189,7 +1467,7 @@ class StrictRedis(object):
timedelta object.
if isinstance(time, datetime.timedelta):
- time = time.seconds + time.days * 24 * 3600
+ time = int(time.total_seconds())
return self.execute_command('SETEX', name, time, value)
def setnx(self, name, value):
@@ -1248,6 +1526,10 @@ class StrictRedis(object):
DeprecationWarning('Call UNWATCH from a Pipeline object'))
+ def unlink(self, *names):
+ "Unlink one or more keys specified by ``names``"
+ return self.execute_command('UNLINK', *names)
def blpop(self, keys, timeout=0):
@@ -1262,10 +1544,7 @@ class StrictRedis(object):
if timeout is None:
timeout = 0
- if isinstance(keys, basestring):
- keys = [keys]
- else:
- keys = list(keys)
+ keys = list_or_args(keys, None)
return self.execute_command('BLPOP', *keys)
@@ -1282,10 +1561,7 @@ class StrictRedis(object):
if timeout is None:
timeout = 0
- if isinstance(keys, basestring):
- keys = [keys]
- else:
- keys = list(keys)
+ keys = list_or_args(keys, None)
return self.execute_command('BRPOP', *keys)
@@ -1420,7 +1696,7 @@ class StrictRedis(object):
if (start is not None and num is None) or \
(num is not None and start is None):
- raise RedisError("``start`` and ``num`` must both be specified")
+ raise DataError("``start`` and ``num`` must both be specified")
pieces = [name]
if by is not None:
@@ -1435,7 +1711,7 @@ class StrictRedis(object):
# Otherwise assume it's an interable and we want to get multiple
# values. We can't just iterate blindly because strings are
# iterable.
- if isinstance(get, basestring):
+ if isinstance(get, (bytes, basestring)):
@@ -1451,7 +1727,7 @@ class StrictRedis(object):
if groups:
- if not get or isinstance(get, basestring) or len(get) < 2:
+ if not get or isinstance(get, (bytes, basestring)) or len(get) < 2:
raise DataError('when using "groups" the "get" argument '
'must be specified and contain at least '
'two keys')
@@ -1675,28 +1951,375 @@ class StrictRedis(object):
args = list_or_args(keys, args)
return self.execute_command('SUNIONSTORE', dest, *args)
+ def xack(self, name, groupname, *ids):
+ """
+ Acknowledges the successful processing of one or more messages.
+ name: name of the stream.
+ groupname: name of the consumer group.
+ *ids: message ids to acknowlege.
+ """
+ return self.execute_command('XACK', name, groupname, *ids)
+ def xadd(self, name, fields, id='*', maxlen=None, approximate=True):
+ """
+ Add to a stream.
+ name: name of the stream
+ fields: dict of field/value pairs to insert into the stream
+ id: Location to insert this record. By default it is appended.
+ maxlen: truncate old stream members beyond this size
+ approximate: actual stream length may be slightly more than maxlen
+ """
+ pieces = []
+ if maxlen is not None:
+ if not isinstance(maxlen, (int, long)) or maxlen < 1:
+ raise DataError('XADD maxlen must be a positive integer')
+ pieces.append(Token.get_token('MAXLEN'))
+ if approximate:
+ pieces.append(Token.get_token('~'))
+ pieces.append(str(maxlen))
+ pieces.append(id)
+ if not isinstance(fields, dict) or len(fields) == 0:
+ raise DataError('XADD fields must be a non-empty dict')
+ for pair in iteritems(fields):
+ pieces.extend(pair)
+ return self.execute_command('XADD', name, *pieces)
+ def xclaim(self, name, groupname, consumername, min_idle_time, message_ids,
+ idle=None, time=None, retrycount=None, force=False,
+ justid=False):
+ """
+ Changes the ownership of a pending message.
+ name: name of the stream.
+ groupname: name of the consumer group.
+ consumername: name of a consumer that claims the message.
+ min_idle_time: filter messages that were idle less than this amount of
+ milliseconds
+ message_ids: non-empty list or tuple of message IDs to claim
+ idle: optional. Set the idle time (last time it was delivered) of the
+ message in ms
+ time: optional integer. This is the same as idle but instead of a
+ relative amount of milliseconds, it sets the idle time to a specific
+ Unix time (in milliseconds).
+ retrycount: optional integer. set the retry counter to the specified
+ value. This counter is incremented every time a message is delivered
+ again.
+ force: optional boolean, false by default. Creates the pending message
+ entry in the PEL even if certain specified IDs are not already in the
+ PEL assigned to a different client.
+ justid: optional boolean, false by default. Return just an array of IDs
+ of messages successfully claimed, without returning the actual message
+ """
+ if not isinstance(min_idle_time, (int, long)) or min_idle_time < 0:
+ raise DataError("XCLAIM min_idle_time must be a non negative "
+ "integer")
+ if not isinstance(message_ids, (list, tuple)) or not message_ids:
+ raise DataError("XCLAIM message_ids must be a non empty list or "
+ "tuple of message IDs to claim")
+ kwargs = {}
+ pieces = [name, groupname, consumername, str(min_idle_time)]
+ pieces.extend(list(message_ids))
+ if idle is not None:
+ if not isinstance(idle, (int, long)):
+ raise DataError("XCLAIM idle must be an integer")
+ pieces.extend((Token.get_token('IDLE'), str(idle)))
+ if time is not None:
+ if not isinstance(time, (int, long)):
+ raise DataError("XCLAIM time must be an integer")
+ pieces.extend((Token.get_token('TIME'), str(time)))
+ if retrycount is not None:
+ if not isinstance(retrycount, (int, long)):
+ raise DataError("XCLAIM retrycount must be an integer")
+ pieces.extend((Token.get_token('RETRYCOUNT'), str(retrycount)))
+ if force:
+ if not isinstance(force, bool):
+ raise DataError("XCLAIM force must be a boolean")
+ pieces.append(Token.get_token('FORCE'))
+ if justid:
+ if not isinstance(justid, bool):
+ raise DataError("XCLAIM justid must be a boolean")
+ pieces.append(Token.get_token('JUSTID'))
+ kwargs['parse_justid'] = True
+ return self.execute_command('XCLAIM', *pieces, **kwargs)
+ def xdel(self, name, *ids):
+ """
+ Deletes one or more messages from a stream.
+ name: name of the stream.
+ *ids: message ids to delete.
+ """
+ return self.execute_command('XDEL', name, *ids)
+ def xgroup_create(self, name, groupname, id='$', mkstream=False):
+ """
+ Create a new consumer group associated with a stream.
+ name: name of the stream.
+ groupname: name of the consumer group.
+ id: ID of the last item in the stream to consider already delivered.
+ """
+ pieces = ['XGROUP CREATE', name, groupname, id]
+ if mkstream:
+ pieces.append(Token.get_token('MKSTREAM'))
+ return self.execute_command(*pieces)
+ def xgroup_delconsumer(self, name, groupname, consumername):
+ """
+ Remove a specific consumer from a consumer group.
+ Returns the number of pending messages that the consumer had before it
+ was deleted.
+ name: name of the stream.
+ groupname: name of the consumer group.
+ consumername: name of consumer to delete
+ """
+ return self.execute_command('XGROUP DELCONSUMER', name, groupname,
+ consumername)
+ def xgroup_destroy(self, name, groupname):
+ """
+ Destroy a consumer group.
+ name: name of the stream.
+ groupname: name of the consumer group.
+ """
+ return self.execute_command('XGROUP DESTROY', name, groupname)
+ def xgroup_setid(self, name, groupname, id):
+ """
+ Set the consumer group last delivered ID to something else.
+ name: name of the stream.
+ groupname: name of the consumer group.
+ id: ID of the last item in the stream to consider already delivered.
+ """
+ return self.execute_command('XGROUP SETID', name, groupname, id)
+ def xinfo_consumers(self, name, groupname):
+ """
+ Returns general information about the consumers in the group.
+ name: name of the stream.
+ groupname: name of the consumer group.
+ """
+ return self.execute_command('XINFO CONSUMERS', name, groupname)
+ def xinfo_groups(self, name):
+ """
+ Returns general information about the consumer groups of the stream.
+ name: name of the stream.
+ """
+ return self.execute_command('XINFO GROUPS', name)
+ def xinfo_stream(self, name):
+ """
+ Returns general information about the stream.
+ name: name of the stream.
+ """
+ return self.execute_command('XINFO STREAM', name)
+ def xlen(self, name):
+ """
+ Returns the number of elements in a given stream.
+ """
+ return self.execute_command('XLEN', name)
+ def xpending(self, name, groupname):
+ """
+ Returns information about pending messages of a group.
+ name: name of the stream.
+ groupname: name of the consumer group.
+ """
+ return self.execute_command('XPENDING', name, groupname)
+ def xpending_range(self, name, groupname, min, max, count,
+ consumername=None):
+ """
+ Returns information about pending messages, in a range.
+ name: name of the stream.
+ groupname: name of the consumer group.
+ min: minimum stream ID.
+ max: maximum stream ID.
+ count: number of messages to return
+ consumername: name of a consumer to filter by (optional).
+ """
+ pieces = [name, groupname]
+ if min is not None or max is not None or count is not None:
+ if min is None or max is None or count is None:
+ raise DataError("XPENDING must be provided with min, max "
+ "and count parameters, or none of them. ")
+ if not isinstance(count, (int, long)) or count < -1:
+ raise DataError("XPENDING count must be a integer >= -1")
+ pieces.extend((min, max, str(count)))
+ if consumername is not None:
+ if min is None or max is None or count is None:
+ raise DataError("if XPENDING is provided with consumername,"
+ " it must be provided with min, max and"
+ " count parameters")
+ pieces.append(consumername)
+ return self.execute_command('XPENDING', *pieces, parse_detail=True)
+ def xrange(self, name, min='-', max='+', count=None):
+ """
+ Read stream values within an interval.
+ name: name of the stream.
+ start: first stream ID. defaults to '-',
+ meaning the earliest available.
+ finish: last stream ID. defaults to '+',
+ meaning the latest available.
+ count: if set, only return this many items, beginning with the
+ earliest available.
+ """
+ pieces = [min, max]
+ if count is not None:
+ if not isinstance(count, (int, long)) or count < 1:
+ raise DataError('XRANGE count must be a positive integer')
+ pieces.append(Token.get_token('COUNT'))
+ pieces.append(str(count))
+ return self.execute_command('XRANGE', name, *pieces)
+ def xread(self, streams, count=None, block=None):
+ """
+ Block and monitor multiple streams for new data.
+ streams: a dict of stream names to stream IDs, where
+ IDs indicate the last ID already seen.
+ count: if set, only return this many items, beginning with the
+ earliest available.
+ block: number of milliseconds to wait, if nothing already present.
+ """
+ pieces = []
+ if block is not None:
+ if not isinstance(block, (int, long)) or block < 0:
+ raise DataError('XREAD block must be a non-negative integer')
+ pieces.append(Token.get_token('BLOCK'))
+ pieces.append(str(block))
+ if count is not None:
+ if not isinstance(count, (int, long)) or count < 1:
+ raise DataError('XREAD count must be a positive integer')
+ pieces.append(Token.get_token('COUNT'))
+ pieces.append(str(count))
+ if not isinstance(streams, dict) or len(streams) == 0:
+ raise DataError('XREAD streams must be a non empty dict')
+ pieces.append(Token.get_token('STREAMS'))
+ keys, values = izip(*iteritems(streams))
+ pieces.extend(keys)
+ pieces.extend(values)
+ return self.execute_command('XREAD', *pieces)
+ def xreadgroup(self, groupname, consumername, streams, count=None,
+ block=None, noack=False):
+ """
+ Read from a stream via a consumer group.
+ groupname: name of the consumer group.
+ consumername: name of the requesting consumer.
+ streams: a dict of stream names to stream IDs, where
+ IDs indicate the last ID already seen.
+ count: if set, only return this many items, beginning with the
+ earliest available.
+ block: number of milliseconds to wait, if nothing already present.
+ noack: do not add messages to the PEL
+ """
+ pieces = [Token.get_token('GROUP'), groupname, consumername]
+ if count is not None:
+ if not isinstance(count, (int, long)) or count < 1:
+ raise DataError("XREADGROUP count must be a positive integer")
+ pieces.append(Token.get_token("COUNT"))
+ pieces.append(str(count))
+ if block is not None:
+ if not isinstance(block, (int, long)) or block < 0:
+ raise DataError("XREADGROUP block must be a non-negative "
+ "integer")
+ pieces.append(Token.get_token("BLOCK"))
+ pieces.append(str(block))
+ if noack:
+ pieces.append(Token.get_token("NOACK"))
+ if not isinstance(streams, dict) or len(streams) == 0:
+ raise DataError('XREADGROUP streams must be a non empty dict')
+ pieces.append(Token.get_token('STREAMS'))
+ pieces.extend(streams.keys())
+ pieces.extend(streams.values())
+ return self.execute_command('XREADGROUP', *pieces)
+ def xrevrange(self, name, max='+', min='-', count=None):
+ """
+ Read stream values within an interval, in reverse order.
+ name: name of the stream
+ start: first stream ID. defaults to '+',
+ meaning the latest available.
+ finish: last stream ID. defaults to '-',
+ meaning the earliest available.
+ count: if set, only return this many items, beginning with the
+ latest available.
+ """
+ pieces = [max, min]
+ if count is not None:
+ if not isinstance(count, (int, long)) or count < 1:
+ raise DataError('XREVRANGE count must be a positive integer')
+ pieces.append(Token.get_token('COUNT'))
+ pieces.append(str(count))
+ return self.execute_command('XREVRANGE', name, *pieces)
+ def xtrim(self, name, maxlen, approximate=True):
+ """
+ Trims old messages from a stream.
+ name: name of the stream.
+ maxlen: truncate old stream messages beyond this size
+ approximate: actual stream length may be slightly more than maxlen
+ """
+ pieces = [Token.get_token('MAXLEN')]
+ if approximate:
+ pieces.append(Token.get_token('~'))
+ pieces.append(maxlen)
+ return self.execute_command('XTRIM', name, *pieces)
- def zadd(self, name, *args, **kwargs):
+ def zadd(self, name, mapping, nx=False, xx=False, ch=False, incr=False):
- Set any number of score, element-name pairs to the key ``name``. Pairs
- can be specified in two ways:
+ Set any number of element-name, score pairs to the key ``name``. Pairs
+ are specified as a dict of element-names keys to score values.
+ ``nx`` forces ZADD to only create new elements and not to update
+ scores for elements that already exist.
- As *args, in the form of: score1, name1, score2, name2, ...
- or as **kwargs, in the form of: name1=score1, name2=score2, ...
+ ``xx`` forces ZADD to only update scores of elements that already
+ exist. New elements will not be added.
- The following example would add four values to the 'my-key' key:
- redis.zadd('my-key', 1.1, 'name1', 2.2, 'name2', name3=3.3, name4=4.4)
+ ``ch`` modifies the return value to be the numbers of elements changed.
+ Changed elements include new elements that were added and elements
+ whose scores changed.
+ ``incr`` modifies ZADD to behave like ZINCRBY. In this mode only a
+ single element/score pair can be specified and the score is the amount
+ the existing score will be incremented by. When using this mode the
+ return value of ZADD will be the new score of the element.
+ The return value of ZADD varies based on the mode specified. With no
+ options, ZADD returns the number of new elements added to the sorted
+ set.
+ if not mapping:
+ raise DataError("ZADD requires at least one element/score pair")
+ if nx and xx:
+ raise DataError("ZADD allows either 'nx' or 'xx', not both")
+ if incr and len(mapping) != 1:
+ raise DataError("ZADD option 'incr' only works when passing a "
+ "single element/score pair")
pieces = []
- if args:
- if len(args) % 2 != 0:
- raise RedisError("ZADD requires an equal number of "
- "values and scores")
- pieces.extend(args)
- for pair in iteritems(kwargs):
+ options = {}
+ if nx:
+ pieces.append(Token.get_token('NX'))
+ if xx:
+ pieces.append(Token.get_token('XX'))
+ if ch:
+ pieces.append(Token.get_token('CH'))
+ if incr:
+ pieces.append(Token.get_token('INCR'))
+ options['as_score'] = True
+ for pair in iteritems(mapping):
- return self.execute_command('ZADD', name, *pieces)
+ return self.execute_command('ZADD', name, *pieces, **options)
def zcard(self, name):
"Return the number of elements in the sorted set ``name``"
@@ -1709,7 +2332,7 @@ class StrictRedis(object):
return self.execute_command('ZCOUNT', name, min, max)
- def zincrby(self, name, value, amount=1):
+ def zincrby(self, name, amount, value):
"Increment the score of ``value`` in sorted set ``name`` by ``amount``"
return self.execute_command('ZINCRBY', name, amount, value)
@@ -1728,6 +2351,62 @@ class StrictRedis(object):
return self.execute_command('ZLEXCOUNT', name, min, max)
+ def zpopmax(self, name, count=None):
+ """
+ Remove and return up to ``count`` members with the highest scores
+ from the sorted set ``name``.
+ """
+ args = (count is not None) and [count] or []
+ options = {
+ 'withscores': True
+ }
+ return self.execute_command('ZPOPMAX', name, *args, **options)
+ def zpopmin(self, name, count=None):
+ """
+ Remove and return up to ``count`` members with the lowest scores
+ from the sorted set ``name``.
+ """
+ args = (count is not None) and [count] or []
+ options = {
+ 'withscores': True
+ }
+ return self.execute_command('ZPOPMIN', name, *args, **options)
+ def bzpopmax(self, keys, timeout=0):
+ """
+ ZPOPMAX a value off of the first non-empty sorted set
+ named in the ``keys`` list.
+ If none of the sorted sets in ``keys`` has a value to ZPOPMAX,
+ then block for ``timeout`` seconds, or until a member gets added
+ to one of the sorted sets.
+ If timeout is 0, then block indefinitely.
+ """
+ if timeout is None:
+ timeout = 0
+ keys = list_or_args(keys, None)
+ keys.append(timeout)
+ return self.execute_command('BZPOPMAX', *keys)
+ def bzpopmin(self, keys, timeout=0):
+ """
+ ZPOPMIN a value off of the first non-empty sorted set
+ named in the ``keys`` list.
+ If none of the sorted sets in ``keys`` has a value to ZPOPMIN,
+ then block for ``timeout`` seconds, or until a member gets added
+ to one of the sorted sets.
+ If timeout is 0, then block indefinitely.
+ """
+ if timeout is None:
+ timeout = 0
+ keys = list_or_args(keys, None)
+ keys.append(timeout)
+ return self.execute_command('BZPOPMIN', *keys)
def zrange(self, name, start, end, desc=False, withscores=False,
@@ -1765,7 +2444,7 @@ class StrictRedis(object):
if (start is not None and num is None) or \
(num is not None and start is None):
- raise RedisError("``start`` and ``num`` must both be specified")
+ raise DataError("``start`` and ``num`` must both be specified")
pieces = ['ZRANGEBYLEX', name, min, max]
if start is not None and num is not None:
pieces.extend([Token.get_token('LIMIT'), start, num])
@@ -1781,7 +2460,7 @@ class StrictRedis(object):
if (start is not None and num is None) or \
(num is not None and start is None):
- raise RedisError("``start`` and ``num`` must both be specified")
+ raise DataError("``start`` and ``num`` must both be specified")
pieces = ['ZREVRANGEBYLEX', name, max, min]
if start is not None and num is not None:
pieces.extend([Token.get_token('LIMIT'), start, num])
@@ -1803,7 +2482,7 @@ class StrictRedis(object):
if (start is not None and num is None) or \
(num is not None and start is None):
- raise RedisError("``start`` and ``num`` must both be specified")
+ raise DataError("``start`` and ``num`` must both be specified")
pieces = ['ZRANGEBYSCORE', name, min, max]
if start is not None and num is not None:
pieces.extend([Token.get_token('LIMIT'), start, num])
@@ -1889,7 +2568,7 @@ class StrictRedis(object):
if (start is not None and num is None) or \
(num is not None and start is None):
- raise RedisError("``start`` and ``num`` must both be specified")
+ raise DataError("``start`` and ``num`` must both be specified")
pieces = ['ZREVRANGEBYSCORE', name, max, min]
if start is not None and num is not None:
pieces.extend([Token.get_token('LIMIT'), start, num])
@@ -2118,8 +2797,8 @@ class StrictRedis(object):
the triad longitude, latitude and name.
if len(values) % 3 != 0:
- raise RedisError("GEOADD requires places with lon, lat and name"
- " values")
+ raise DataError("GEOADD requires places with lon, lat and name"
+ " values")
return self.execute_command('GEOADD', name, *values)
def geodist(self, name, place1, place2, unit=None):
@@ -2131,7 +2810,7 @@ class StrictRedis(object):
pieces = [name, place1, place2]
if unit and unit not in ('m', 'km', 'mi', 'ft'):
- raise RedisError("GEODIST invalid unit")
+ raise DataError("GEODIST invalid unit")
elif unit:
return self.execute_command('GEODIST', *pieces)
@@ -2139,14 +2818,14 @@ class StrictRedis(object):
def geohash(self, name, *values):
Return the geo hash string for each item of ``values`` members of
- the specified key identified by the ``name``argument.
+ the specified key identified by the ``name`` argument.
return self.execute_command('GEOHASH', name, *values)
def geopos(self, name, *values):
Return the positions of each item of ``values`` as members of
- the specified key identified by the ``name``argument. Each position
+ the specified key identified by the ``name`` argument. Each position
is represented by the pairs lon and lat.
return self.execute_command('GEOPOS', name, *values)
@@ -2208,7 +2887,7 @@ class StrictRedis(object):
def _georadiusgeneric(self, command, *args, **kwargs):
pieces = list(args)
if kwargs['unit'] and kwargs['unit'] not in ('m', 'km', 'mi', 'ft'):
- raise RedisError("GEORADIUS invalid unit")
+ raise DataError("GEORADIUS invalid unit")
elif kwargs['unit']:
@@ -2222,13 +2901,13 @@ class StrictRedis(object):
pieces.extend([Token('COUNT'), kwargs['count']])
if kwargs['sort'] and kwargs['sort'] not in ('ASC', 'DESC'):
- raise RedisError("GEORADIUS invalid sort")
+ raise DataError("GEORADIUS invalid sort")
elif kwargs['sort']:
if kwargs['store'] and kwargs['store_dist']:
- raise RedisError("GEORADIUS store and store_dist cant be set"
- " together")
+ raise DataError("GEORADIUS store and store_dist cant be set"
+ " together")
if kwargs['store']:
pieces.extend([Token('STORE'), kwargs['store']])
@@ -2239,88 +2918,7 @@ class StrictRedis(object):
return self.execute_command(command, *pieces, **kwargs)
-class Redis(StrictRedis):
- """
- Provides backwards compatibility with older versions of redis-py that
- changed arguments to some commands to be more Pythonic, sane, or by
- accident.
- """
- # Overridden callbacks
- RESPONSE_CALLBACKS = dict_merge(
- {
- 'TTL': lambda r: r >= 0 and r or None,
- 'PTTL': lambda r: r >= 0 and r or None,
- }
- )
- def pipeline(self, transaction=True, shard_hint=None):
- """
- Return a new pipeline object that can queue multiple commands for
- later execution. ``transaction`` indicates whether all commands
- should be executed atomically. Apart from making a group of operations
- atomic, pipelines are useful for reducing the back-and-forth overhead
- between the client and server.
- """
- return Pipeline(
- self.connection_pool,
- self.response_callbacks,
- transaction,
- shard_hint)
- def setex(self, name, value, time):
- """
- Set the value of key ``name`` to ``value`` that expires in ``time``
- seconds. ``time`` can be represented by an integer or a Python
- timedelta object.
- """
- if isinstance(time, datetime.timedelta):
- time = time.seconds + time.days * 24 * 3600
- return self.execute_command('SETEX', name, time, value)
- def lrem(self, name, value, num=0):
- """
- Remove the first ``num`` occurrences of elements equal to ``value``
- from the list stored at ``name``.
- The ``num`` argument influences the operation in the following ways:
- num > 0: Remove elements equal to value moving from head to tail.
- num < 0: Remove elements equal to value moving from tail to head.
- num = 0: Remove all elements equal to value.
- """
- return self.execute_command('LREM', name, num, value)
- def zadd(self, name, *args, **kwargs):
- """
- NOTE: The order of arguments differs from that of the official ZADD
- command. For backwards compatability, this method accepts arguments
- in the form of name1, score1, name2, score2, while the official Redis
- documents expects score1, name1, score2, name2.
- If you're looking to use the standard syntax, consider using the
- StrictRedis class. See the API Reference section of the docs for more
- information.
- Set any number of element-name, score pairs to the key ``name``. Pairs
- can be specified in two ways:
- As *args, in the form of: name1, score1, name2, score2, ...
- or as **kwargs, in the form of: name1=score1, name2=score2, ...
- The following example would add four values to the 'my-key' key:
- redis.zadd('my-key', 'name1', 1.1, 'name2', 2.2, name3=3.3, name4=4.4)
- """
- pieces = []
- if args:
- if len(args) % 2 != 0:
- raise RedisError("ZADD requires an equal number of "
- "values and scores")
- pieces.extend(reversed(args))
- for pair in iteritems(kwargs):
- pieces.append(pair[1])
- pieces.append(pair[0])
- return self.execute_command('ZADD', name, *pieces)
+StrictRedis = Redis
class PubSub(object):
@@ -2361,7 +2959,9 @@ class PubSub(object):
self.connection = None
self.channels = {}
+ self.pending_unsubscribe_channels = set()
self.patterns = {}
+ self.pending_unsubscribe_patterns = set()
def close(self):
@@ -2371,6 +2971,8 @@ class PubSub(object):
# NOTE: for python3, we can't pass bytestrings as keyword arguments
# so we need to decode channel/pattern names back to unicode strings
# before passing them to [p]subscribe.
+ self.pending_unsubscribe_channels.clear()
+ self.pending_unsubscribe_patterns.clear()
if self.channels:
channels = {}
for k, v in iteritems(self.channels):
@@ -2439,7 +3041,7 @@ class PubSub(object):
encode = self.encoder.encode
decode = self.encoder.decode
- return dict([(decode(encode(k)), v) for k, v in iteritems(data)])
+ return {decode(encode(k)): v for k, v in iteritems(data)}
def psubscribe(self, *args, **kwargs):
@@ -2457,17 +3059,25 @@ class PubSub(object):
# update the patterns dict AFTER we send the command. we don't want to
# subscribe twice to these patterns, once for the command and again
# for the reconnection.
- self.patterns.update(self._normalize_keys(new_patterns))
+ new_patterns = self._normalize_keys(new_patterns)
+ self.patterns.update(new_patterns)
+ self.pending_unsubscribe_patterns.difference_update(new_patterns)
return ret_val
def punsubscribe(self, *args):
- Unsubscribe from the supplied patterns. If empy, unsubscribe from
+ Unsubscribe from the supplied patterns. If empty, unsubscribe from
all patterns.
if args:
args = list_or_args(args[0], args[1:])
- return self.execute_command('PUNSUBSCRIBE', *args)
+ retval = self.execute_command('PUNSUBSCRIBE', *args)
+ if args:
+ patterns = self._normalize_keys(dict.fromkeys(args))
+ else:
+ patterns = self.patterns
+ self.pending_unsubscribe_patterns.update(patterns)
+ return retval
def subscribe(self, *args, **kwargs):
@@ -2485,7 +3095,9 @@ class PubSub(object):
# update the channels dict AFTER we send the command. we don't want to
# subscribe twice to these channels, once for the command and again
# for the reconnection.
- self.channels.update(self._normalize_keys(new_channels))
+ new_channels = self._normalize_keys(new_channels)
+ self.channels.update(new_channels)
+ self.pending_unsubscribe_channels.difference_update(new_channels)
return ret_val
def unsubscribe(self, *args):
@@ -2495,7 +3107,13 @@ class PubSub(object):
if args:
args = list_or_args(args[0], args[1:])
- return self.execute_command('UNSUBSCRIBE', *args)
+ retval = self.execute_command('UNSUBSCRIBE', *args)
+ if args:
+ channels = self._normalize_keys(dict.fromkeys(args))
+ else:
+ channels = self.channels
+ self.pending_unsubscribe_channels.update(channels)
+ return retval
def listen(self):
"Listen for messages on channels this client has been subscribed to"
@@ -2517,6 +3135,13 @@ class PubSub(object):
return self.handle_message(response, ignore_subscribe_messages)
return None
+ def ping(self, message=None):
+ """
+ Ping the Redis server
+ """
+ message = '' if message is None else message
+ return self.execute_command('PING', message)
def handle_message(self, response, ignore_subscribe_messages=False):
Parses a pub/sub message. If the channel or pattern was subscribed to
@@ -2531,6 +3156,13 @@ class PubSub(object):
'channel': response[2],
'data': response[3]
+ elif message_type == 'pong':
+ message = {
+ 'type': message_type,
+ 'pattern': None,
+ 'channel': None,
+ 'data': response[1]
+ }
message = {
'type': message_type,
@@ -2538,22 +3170,21 @@ class PubSub(object):
'channel': response[1],
'data': response[2]
# if this is an unsubscribe message, remove it from memory
if message_type in self.UNSUBSCRIBE_MESSAGE_TYPES:
- subscribed_dict = None
if message_type == 'punsubscribe':
- subscribed_dict = self.patterns
+ pattern = response[1]
+ if pattern in self.pending_unsubscribe_patterns:
+ self.pending_unsubscribe_patterns.remove(pattern)
+ self.patterns.pop(pattern, None)
- subscribed_dict = self.channels
- try:
- del subscribed_dict[message['channel']]
- except KeyError:
- pass
+ channel = response[1]
+ if channel in self.pending_unsubscribe_channels:
+ self.pending_unsubscribe_channels.remove(channel)
+ self.channels.pop(channel, None)
if message_type in self.PUBLISH_MESSAGE_TYPES:
# if there's a message handler, invoke it
- handler = None
if message_type == 'pmessage':
handler = self.patterns.get(message['pattern'], None)
@@ -2561,7 +3192,7 @@ class PubSub(object):
if handler:
return None
- else:
+ elif message_type != 'pong':
# this is a subscribe/unsubscribe message. ignore if we don't
# want them
if ignore_subscribe_messages or self.ignore_subscribe_messages:
@@ -2572,10 +3203,12 @@ class PubSub(object):
def run_in_thread(self, sleep_time=0, daemon=False):
for channel, handler in iteritems(self.channels):
if handler is None:
- raise PubSubError("Channel: '%s' has no handler registered")
+ raise PubSubError("Channel: '%s' has no handler registered" %
+ channel)
for pattern, handler in iteritems(self.patterns):
if handler is None:
- raise PubSubError("Pattern: '%s' has no handler registered")
+ raise PubSubError("Pattern: '%s' has no handler registered" %
+ pattern)
thread = PubSubWorkerThread(self, sleep_time, daemon=daemon)
@@ -2610,7 +3243,7 @@ class PubSubWorkerThread(threading.Thread):
-class BasePipeline(object):
+class Pipeline(Redis):
Pipelines provide a way to transmit multiple commands to the Redis server
in one transmission. This is convenient for batch processing, such as
@@ -2629,7 +3262,7 @@ class BasePipeline(object):
on a key of a different datatype.
def __init__(self, connection_pool, response_callbacks, transaction,
@@ -2747,7 +3380,8 @@ class BasePipeline(object):
def _execute_transaction(self, connection, commands, raise_on_error):
cmds = chain([(('MULTI', ), {})], commands, [(('EXEC', ), {})])
- all_cmds = connection.pack_commands([args for args, _ in cmds])
+ all_cmds = connection.pack_commands([args for args, options in cmds
+ if EMPTY_RESPONSE not in options])
errors = []
@@ -2762,12 +3396,15 @@ class BasePipeline(object):
# and all the other commands
for i, command in enumerate(commands):
- try:
- self.parse_response(connection, '_')
- except ResponseError:
- ex = sys.exc_info()[1]
- self.annotate_exception(ex, i + 1, command[0])
- errors.append((i, ex))
+ if EMPTY_RESPONSE in command[1]:
+ errors.append((i, command[1][EMPTY_RESPONSE]))
+ else:
+ try:
+ self.parse_response(connection, '_')
+ except ResponseError:
+ ex = sys.exc_info()[1]
+ self.annotate_exception(ex, i + 1, command[0])
+ errors.append((i, ex))
# parse the EXEC.
@@ -2830,13 +3467,13 @@ class BasePipeline(object):
raise r
def annotate_exception(self, exception, number, command):
- cmd = safe_unicode(' ').join(imap(safe_unicode, command))
- msg = unicode('Command # %d (%s) of pipeline caused error: %s') % (
+ cmd = ' '.join(imap(safe_unicode, command))
+ msg = 'Command # %d (%s) of pipeline caused error: %s' % (
number, cmd, safe_unicode(exception.args[0]))
exception.args = (msg,) + exception.args[1:]
def parse_response(self, connection, command_name, **options):
- result = StrictRedis.parse_response(
+ result = Redis.parse_response(
self, connection, command_name, **options)
if command_name in self.UNWATCH_COMMANDS:
self.watching = False
@@ -2908,16 +3545,6 @@ class BasePipeline(object):
return self.watching and self.execute_command('UNWATCH') or True
-class StrictPipeline(BasePipeline, StrictRedis):
- "Pipeline for the StrictRedis class"
- pass
-class Pipeline(BasePipeline, Redis):
- "Pipeline for the Redis class"
- pass
class Script(object):
"An executable Lua script object returned by ``register_script``"
@@ -2939,7 +3566,7 @@ class Script(object):
client = self.registered_client
args = tuple(keys) + tuple(args)
# make sure the Redis server knows about the script
- if isinstance(client, BasePipeline):
+ if isinstance(client, Pipeline):
# Make sure the pipeline can register the script before executing.
@@ -2950,3 +3577,100 @@ class Script(object):
# Overwrite the sha just in case there was a discrepancy.
self.sha = client.script_load(self.script)
return client.evalsha(self.sha, len(keys), *args)
+class BitFieldOperation(object):
+ """
+ Command builder for BITFIELD commands.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, client, key, default_overflow=None):
+ self.client = client
+ self.key = key
+ self._default_overflow = default_overflow
+ self.reset()
+ def reset(self):
+ """
+ Reset the state of the instance to when it was constructed
+ """
+ self.operations = []
+ self._last_overflow = 'WRAP'
+ self.overflow(self._default_overflow or self._last_overflow)
+ def overflow(self, overflow):
+ """
+ Update the overflow algorithm of successive INCRBY operations
+ :param overflow: Overflow algorithm, one of WRAP, SAT, FAIL. See the
+ Redis docs for descriptions of these algorithmsself.
+ :returns: a :py:class:`BitFieldOperation` instance.
+ """
+ overflow = overflow.upper()
+ if overflow != self._last_overflow:
+ self._last_overflow = overflow
+ self.operations.append(('OVERFLOW', overflow))
+ return self
+ def incrby(self, fmt, offset, increment, overflow=None):
+ """
+ Increment a bitfield by a given amount.
+ :param fmt: format-string for the bitfield being updated, e.g. 'u8'
+ for an unsigned 8-bit integer.
+ :param offset: offset (in number of bits). If prefixed with a
+ '#', this is an offset multiplier, e.g. given the arguments
+ fmt='u8', offset='#2', the offset will be 16.
+ :param int increment: value to increment the bitfield by.
+ :param str overflow: overflow algorithm. Defaults to WRAP, but other
+ acceptable values are SAT and FAIL. See the Redis docs for
+ descriptions of these algorithms.
+ :returns: a :py:class:`BitFieldOperation` instance.
+ """
+ if overflow is not None:
+ self.overflow(overflow)
+ self.operations.append(('INCRBY', fmt, offset, increment))
+ return self
+ def get(self, fmt, offset):
+ """
+ Get the value of a given bitfield.
+ :param fmt: format-string for the bitfield being read, e.g. 'u8' for
+ an unsigned 8-bit integer.
+ :param offset: offset (in number of bits). If prefixed with a
+ '#', this is an offset multiplier, e.g. given the arguments
+ fmt='u8', offset='#2', the offset will be 16.
+ :returns: a :py:class:`BitFieldOperation` instance.
+ """
+ self.operations.append(('GET', fmt, offset))
+ return self
+ def set(self, fmt, offset, value):
+ """
+ Set the value of a given bitfield.
+ :param fmt: format-string for the bitfield being read, e.g. 'u8' for
+ an unsigned 8-bit integer.
+ :param offset: offset (in number of bits). If prefixed with a
+ '#', this is an offset multiplier, e.g. given the arguments
+ fmt='u8', offset='#2', the offset will be 16.
+ :param int value: value to set at the given position.
+ :returns: a :py:class:`BitFieldOperation` instance.
+ """
+ self.operations.append(('SET', fmt, offset, value))
+ return self
+ @property
+ def command(self):
+ cmd = ['BITFIELD', self.key]
+ for ops in self.operations:
+ cmd.extend(ops)
+ return cmd
+ def execute(self):
+ """
+ Execute the operation(s) in a single BITFIELD command. The return value
+ is a list of values corresponding to each operation. If the client
+ used to create this instance was a pipeline, the list of values
+ will be present within the pipeline's execute.
+ """
+ command = self.command
+ self.reset()
+ return self.client.execute_command(*command)
diff --git a/redis/ b/redis/
index c155333..9181fba 100755
--- a/redis/
+++ b/redis/
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
-from __future__ import with_statement
+from __future__ import unicode_literals
from distutils.version import StrictVersion
from itertools import chain
+import io
import os
import socket
import sys
@@ -13,11 +14,12 @@ try:
except ImportError:
ssl_available = False
-from redis._compat import (b, xrange, imap, byte_to_chr, unicode, bytes, long,
- BytesIO, nativestr, basestring, iteritems,
+from redis._compat import (xrange, imap, byte_to_chr, unicode, long,
+ nativestr, basestring, iteritems,
LifoQueue, Empty, Full, urlparse, parse_qs,
recv, recv_into, select, unquote)
from redis.exceptions import (
+ DataError,
@@ -45,16 +47,14 @@ if HIREDIS_AVAILABLE:
- # only use byte buffer if hiredis supports it and the Python version
- # is >= 2.7
- sys.version_info[0] == 2 and sys.version_info[1] < 7):
+ # only use byte buffer if hiredis supports it
-SYM_STAR = b('*')
-SYM_DOLLAR = b('$')
-SYM_CRLF = b('\r\n')
-SYM_EMPTY = b('')
+SYM_STAR = b'*'
+SYM_DOLLAR = b'$'
+SYM_CRLF = b'\r\n'
+SYM_EMPTY = b''
SERVER_CLOSED_CONNECTION_ERROR = "Connection closed by server."
@@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ class Token(object):
if isinstance(value, Token):
value = value.value
self.value = value
- self.encoded_value = b(value)
+ self.encoded_value = value.encode()
def __repr__(self):
return self.value
@@ -108,13 +108,20 @@ class Encoder(object):
return value.encoded_value
elif isinstance(value, bytes):
return value
- elif isinstance(value, (int, long)):
- value = b(str(value))
+ elif isinstance(value, bool):
+ # special case bool since it is a subclass of int
+ raise DataError("Invalid input of type: 'bool'. Convert to a "
+ "byte, string or number first.")
elif isinstance(value, float):
- value = b(repr(value))
+ value = repr(value).encode()
+ elif isinstance(value, (int, long)):
+ # python 2 repr() on longs is '123L', so use str() instead
+ value = str(value).encode()
elif not isinstance(value, basestring):
- # an object we don't know how to deal with. default to unicode()
- value = unicode(value)
+ # a value we don't know how to deal with. throw an error
+ typename = type(value).__name__
+ raise DataError("Invalid input of type: '%s'. Convert to a "
+ "byte, string or number first." % typename)
if isinstance(value, unicode):
value = value.encode(self.encoding, self.encoding_errors)
return value
@@ -153,7 +160,7 @@ class SocketBuffer(object):
def __init__(self, socket, socket_read_size):
self._sock = socket
self.socket_read_size = socket_read_size
- self._buffer = BytesIO()
+ self._buffer = io.BytesIO()
# number of bytes written to the buffer from the socket
self.bytes_written = 0
# number of bytes read from the buffer
@@ -236,7 +243,7 @@ class SocketBuffer(object):
- except:
+ except Exception:
# issue #633 suggests the purge/close somehow raised a
# BadFileDescriptor error. Perhaps the client ran out of
# memory or something else? It's probably OK to ignore
@@ -461,6 +468,7 @@ class Connection(object):
'db': self.db,
self._connect_callbacks = []
+ self._buffer_cutoff = 6000
def __repr__(self):
return self.description_format % self._description_args
@@ -602,9 +610,9 @@ class Connection(object):
errmsg = e.args[1]
raise ConnectionError("Error %s while writing to socket. %s." %
(errno, errmsg))
- except:
+ except Exception as e:
- raise
+ raise e
def send_command(self, *args):
"Pack and send a command to the Redis server"
@@ -623,9 +631,9 @@ class Connection(object):
"Read the response from a previously sent command"
response = self._parser.read_response()
- except:
+ except Exception as e:
- raise
+ raise e
if isinstance(response, ResponseError):
raise response
return response
@@ -640,26 +648,27 @@ class Connection(object):
# to prevent them from being encoded.
command = args[0]
if ' ' in command:
- args = tuple([Token.get_token(s)
- for s in command.split()]) + args[1:]
+ args = tuple(Token.get_token(s)
+ for s in command.split()) + args[1:]
args = (Token.get_token(command),) + args[1:]
- buff = SYM_EMPTY.join(
- (SYM_STAR, b(str(len(args))), SYM_CRLF))
+ buff = SYM_EMPTY.join((SYM_STAR, str(len(args)).encode(), SYM_CRLF))
+ buffer_cutoff = self._buffer_cutoff
for arg in imap(self.encoder.encode, args):
# to avoid large string mallocs, chunk the command into the
# output list if we're sending large values
- if len(buff) > 6000 or len(arg) > 6000:
+ if len(buff) > buffer_cutoff or len(arg) > buffer_cutoff:
buff = SYM_EMPTY.join(
- (buff, SYM_DOLLAR, b(str(len(arg))), SYM_CRLF))
+ (buff, SYM_DOLLAR, str(len(arg)).encode(), SYM_CRLF))
buff = SYM_CRLF
- buff = SYM_EMPTY.join((buff, SYM_DOLLAR, b(str(len(arg))),
+ buff = SYM_EMPTY.join(
+ (buff, SYM_DOLLAR, str(len(arg)).encode(),
return output
@@ -668,16 +677,21 @@ class Connection(object):
output = []
pieces = []
buffer_length = 0
+ buffer_cutoff = self._buffer_cutoff
for cmd in commands:
for chunk in self.pack_command(*cmd):
- pieces.append(chunk)
- buffer_length += len(chunk)
- if buffer_length > 6000:
- output.append(SYM_EMPTY.join(pieces))
- buffer_length = 0
- pieces = []
+ chunklen = len(chunk)
+ if buffer_length > buffer_cutoff or chunklen > buffer_cutoff:
+ output.append(SYM_EMPTY.join(pieces))
+ buffer_length = 0
+ pieces = []
+ if chunklen > self._buffer_cutoff:
+ output.append(chunk)
+ else:
+ pieces.append(chunk)
+ buffer_length += chunklen
if pieces:
@@ -687,8 +701,8 @@ class Connection(object):
class SSLConnection(Connection):
description_format = "SSLConnection<host=%(host)s,port=%(port)s,db=%(db)s>"
- def __init__(self, ssl_keyfile=None, ssl_certfile=None, ssl_cert_reqs=None,
- ssl_ca_certs=None, **kwargs):
+ def __init__(self, ssl_keyfile=None, ssl_certfile=None,
+ ssl_cert_reqs='required', ssl_ca_certs=None, **kwargs):
if not ssl_available:
raise RedisError("Python wasn't built with SSL support")
@@ -745,6 +759,7 @@ class UnixDomainSocketConnection(Connection):
'db': self.db,
self._connect_callbacks = []
+ self._buffer_cutoff = 6000
def _connect(self):
"Create a Unix domain socket connection"
@@ -779,7 +794,8 @@ URL_QUERY_ARGUMENT_PARSERS = {
'socket_timeout': float,
'socket_connect_timeout': float,
'socket_keepalive': to_bool,
- 'retry_on_timeout': to_bool
+ 'retry_on_timeout': to_bool,
+ 'max_connections': int,
@@ -799,11 +815,11 @@ class ConnectionPool(object):
Three URL schemes are supported:
- ```redis://``
- <>`_ creates a
+ <>`_ creates a
normal TCP socket connection
- ```rediss://``
- <>`_ creates a
- SSL wrapped TCP socket connection
+ <>`_ creates
+ a SSL wrapped TCP socket connection
- ``unix://`` creates a Unix Domain Socket connection
There are several ways to specify a database number. The parse function
@@ -829,24 +845,12 @@ class ConnectionPool(object):
True/False, Yes/No values to indicate state. Invalid types cause a
``UserWarning`` to be raised. In the case of conflicting arguments,
querystring arguments always win.
- url_string = url
url = urlparse(url)
- qs = ''
- # in python2.6, custom URL schemes don't recognize querystring values
- # they're left as part of the url.path.
- if '?' in url.path and not url.query:
- # chop the querystring including the ? off the end of the url
- # and reparse it.
- qs = url.path.split('?', 1)[1]
- url = urlparse(url_string[:-(len(qs) + 1)])
- else:
- qs = url.query
url_options = {}
- for name, value in iteritems(parse_qs(qs)):
+ for name, value in iteritems(parse_qs(url.query)):
if value and len(value) > 0:
if parser:
diff --git a/redis/ b/redis/
index a8518c7..35bfbe5 100644
--- a/redis/
+++ b/redis/
@@ -1,21 +1,10 @@
"Core exceptions raised by the Redis client"
-from redis._compat import unicode
class RedisError(Exception):
-# python 2.5 doesn't implement Exception.__unicode__. Add it here to all
-# our exception types
-if not hasattr(RedisError, '__unicode__'):
- def __unicode__(self):
- if isinstance(self.args[0], unicode):
- return self.args[0]
- return unicode(self.args[0])
- RedisError.__unicode__ = __unicode__
class AuthenticationError(RedisError):
@@ -69,3 +58,8 @@ class LockError(RedisError, ValueError):
# NOTE: For backwards compatability, this class derives from ValueError.
# This was originally chosen to behave like threading.Lock.
+class LockNotOwnedError(LockError):
+ "Error trying to extend or release a lock that is (no longer) owned"
+ pass
diff --git a/redis/ b/redis/
index 732568b..8d481d7 100644
--- a/redis/
+++ b/redis/
@@ -1,9 +1,8 @@
import threading
import time as mod_time
import uuid
-from redis.exceptions import LockError, WatchError
+from redis.exceptions import LockError, LockNotOwnedError
from redis.utils import dummy
-from redis._compat import b
class Lock(object):
@@ -14,6 +13,56 @@ class Lock(object):
It's left to the user to resolve deadlock issues and make sure
multiple clients play nicely together.
+ lua_release = None
+ lua_extend = None
+ lua_reacquire = None
+ # KEYS[1] - lock name
+ # ARGS[1] - token
+ # return 1 if the lock was released, otherwise 0
+ local token ='get', KEYS[1])
+ if not token or token ~= ARGV[1] then
+ return 0
+ end
+'del', KEYS[1])
+ return 1
+ """
+ # KEYS[1] - lock name
+ # ARGS[1] - token
+ # ARGS[2] - additional milliseconds
+ # return 1 if the locks time was extended, otherwise 0
+ local token ='get', KEYS[1])
+ if not token or token ~= ARGV[1] then
+ return 0
+ end
+ local expiration ='pttl', KEYS[1])
+ if not expiration then
+ expiration = 0
+ end
+ if expiration < 0 then
+ return 0
+ end
+'pexpire', KEYS[1], expiration + ARGV[2])
+ return 1
+ """
+ # KEYS[1] - lock name
+ # ARGS[1] - token
+ # ARGS[2] - milliseconds
+ # return 1 if the locks time was reacquired, otherwise 0
+ local token ='get', KEYS[1])
+ if not token or token ~= ARGV[1] then
+ return 0
+ end
+'pexpire', KEYS[1], ARGV[2])
+ return 1
+ """
def __init__(self, redis, name, timeout=None, sleep=0.1,
blocking=True, blocking_timeout=None, thread_local=True):
@@ -77,17 +126,30 @@ class Lock(object):
self.local.token = None
if self.timeout and self.sleep > self.timeout:
raise LockError("'sleep' must be less than 'timeout'")
+ self.register_scripts()
+ def register_scripts(self):
+ cls = self.__class__
+ client = self.redis
+ if cls.lua_release is None:
+ cls.lua_release = client.register_script(cls.LUA_RELEASE_SCRIPT)
+ if cls.lua_extend is None:
+ cls.lua_extend = client.register_script(cls.LUA_EXTEND_SCRIPT)
+ if cls.lua_reacquire is None:
+ cls.lua_reacquire = \
+ client.register_script(cls.LUA_REACQUIRE_SCRIPT)
def __enter__(self):
# force blocking, as otherwise the user would have to check whether
# the lock was actually acquired or not.
- self.acquire(blocking=True)
- return self
+ if self.acquire(blocking=True):
+ return self
+ raise LockError("Unable to acquire lock within the time specified")
def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback):
- def acquire(self, blocking=None, blocking_timeout=None):
+ def acquire(self, blocking=None, blocking_timeout=None, token=None):
Use Redis to hold a shared, distributed lock named ``name``.
Returns True once the lock is acquired.
@@ -97,9 +159,18 @@ class Lock(object):
``blocking_timeout`` specifies the maximum number of seconds to
wait trying to acquire the lock.
+ ``token`` specifies the token value to be used. If provided, token
+ must be a bytes object or a string that can be encoded to a bytes
+ object with the default encoding. If a token isn't specified, a UUID
+ will be generated.
sleep = self.sleep
- token = b(uuid.uuid1().hex)
+ if token is None:
+ token = uuid.uuid1().hex.encode()
+ else:
+ encoder = self.redis.connection_pool.get_encoder()
+ token = encoder.encode(token)
if blocking is None:
blocking = self.blocking
if blocking_timeout is None:
@@ -107,7 +178,7 @@ class Lock(object):
stop_trying_at = None
if blocking_timeout is not None:
stop_trying_at = mod_time.time() + blocking_timeout
- while 1:
+ while True:
if self.do_acquire(token):
self.local.token = token
return True
@@ -127,6 +198,25 @@ class Lock(object):
return True
return False
+ def locked(self):
+ """
+ Returns True if this key is locked by any process, otherwise False.
+ """
+ return self.redis.get( is not None
+ def owned(self):
+ """
+ Returns True if this key is locked by this lock, otherwise False.
+ """
+ stored_token = self.redis.get(
+ # need to always compare bytes to bytes
+ # TODO: this can be simplified when the context manager is finished
+ if stored_token and not isinstance(stored_token, bytes):
+ encoder = self.redis.connection_pool.get_encoder()
+ stored_token = encoder.encode(stored_token)
+ return self.local.token is not None and \
+ stored_token == self.local.token
def release(self):
"Releases the already acquired lock"
expected_token = self.local.token
@@ -136,15 +226,11 @@ class Lock(object):
def do_release(self, expected_token):
- name =
- def execute_release(pipe):
- lock_value = pipe.get(name)
- if lock_value != expected_token:
- raise LockError("Cannot release a lock that's no longer owned")
- pipe.delete(name)
- self.redis.transaction(execute_release, name)
+ if not bool(self.lua_release(keys=[],
+ args=[expected_token],
+ client=self.redis)):
+ raise LockNotOwnedError("Cannot release a lock"
+ " that's no longer owned")
def extend(self, additional_time):
@@ -160,91 +246,29 @@ class Lock(object):
return self.do_extend(additional_time)
def do_extend(self, additional_time):
- pipe = self.redis.pipeline()
- lock_value = pipe.get(
- if lock_value != self.local.token:
- raise LockError("Cannot extend a lock that's no longer owned")
- expiration = pipe.pttl(
- if expiration is None or expiration < 0:
- # Redis evicted the lock key between the previous get() and now
- # we'll handle this when we call pexpire()
- expiration = 0
- pipe.multi()
- pipe.pexpire(, expiration + int(additional_time * 1000))
- try:
- response = pipe.execute()
- except WatchError:
- # someone else acquired the lock
- raise LockError("Cannot extend a lock that's no longer owned")
- if not response[0]:
- # pexpire returns False if the key doesn't exist
- raise LockError("Cannot extend a lock that's no longer owned")
- return True
-class LuaLock(Lock):
- """
- A lock implementation that uses Lua scripts rather than pipelines
- and watches.
- """
- lua_release = None
- lua_extend = None
- # KEYS[1] - lock name
- # ARGS[1] - token
- # return 1 if the lock was released, otherwise 0
- local token ='get', KEYS[1])
- if not token or token ~= ARGV[1] then
- return 0
- end
-'del', KEYS[1])
- return 1
- """
- # KEYS[1] - lock name
- # ARGS[1] - token
- # ARGS[2] - additional milliseconds
- # return 1 if the locks time was extended, otherwise 0
- local token ='get', KEYS[1])
- if not token or token ~= ARGV[1] then
- return 0
- end
- local expiration ='pttl', KEYS[1])
- if not expiration then
- expiration = 0
- end
- if expiration < 0 then
- return 0
- end
-'pexpire', KEYS[1], expiration + ARGV[2])
- return 1
- """
- def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
- super(LuaLock, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
- LuaLock.register_scripts(self.redis)
- @classmethod
- def register_scripts(cls, redis):
- if cls.lua_release is None:
- cls.lua_release = redis.register_script(cls.LUA_RELEASE_SCRIPT)
- if cls.lua_extend is None:
- cls.lua_extend = redis.register_script(cls.LUA_EXTEND_SCRIPT)
- def do_release(self, expected_token):
- if not bool(self.lua_release(keys=[],
- args=[expected_token],
- client=self.redis)):
- raise LockError("Cannot release a lock that's no longer owned")
- def do_extend(self, additional_time):
additional_time = int(additional_time * 1000)
if not bool(self.lua_extend(keys=[],
args=[self.local.token, additional_time],
- raise LockError("Cannot extend a lock that's no longer owned")
+ raise LockNotOwnedError("Cannot extend a lock that's"
+ " no longer owned")
+ return True
+ def reacquire(self):
+ """
+ Resets a TTL of an already acquired lock back to a timeout value.
+ """
+ if self.local.token is None:
+ raise LockError("Cannot reacquire an unlocked lock")
+ if self.timeout is None:
+ raise LockError("Cannot reacquire a lock with no timeout")
+ return self.do_reacquire()
+ def do_reacquire(self):
+ timeout = int(self.timeout * 1000)
+ if not bool(self.lua_reacquire(keys=[],
+ args=[self.local.token, timeout],
+ client=self.redis)):
+ raise LockNotOwnedError("Cannot reacquire a lock that's"
+ " no longer owned")
return True
diff --git a/redis/ b/redis/
index 518fec5..9df2997 100644
--- a/redis/
+++ b/redis/
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ import os
import random
import weakref
-from redis.client import StrictRedis
+from redis.client import Redis
from redis.connection import ConnectionPool, Connection
from redis.exceptions import (ConnectionError, ResponseError, ReadOnlyError,
@@ -171,13 +171,14 @@ class Sentinel(object):
# if sentinel_kwargs isn't defined, use the socket_* options from
# connection_kwargs
if sentinel_kwargs is None:
- sentinel_kwargs = dict([(k, v)
- for k, v in iteritems(connection_kwargs)
- if k.startswith('socket_')
- ])
+ sentinel_kwargs = {
+ k: v
+ for k, v in iteritems(connection_kwargs)
+ if k.startswith('socket_')
+ }
self.sentinel_kwargs = sentinel_kwargs
- self.sentinels = [StrictRedis(hostname, port, **self.sentinel_kwargs)
+ self.sentinels = [Redis(hostname, port, **self.sentinel_kwargs)
for hostname, port in sentinels]
self.min_other_sentinels = min_other_sentinels
self.connection_kwargs = connection_kwargs
@@ -243,7 +244,7 @@ class Sentinel(object):
return slaves
return []
- def master_for(self, service_name, redis_class=StrictRedis,
+ def master_for(self, service_name, redis_class=Redis,
connection_pool_class=SentinelConnectionPool, **kwargs):
Returns a redis client instance for the ``service_name`` master.
@@ -254,7 +255,7 @@ class Sentinel(object):
NOTE: If the master's address has changed, any cached connections to
the old master are closed.
- By default clients will be a redis.StrictRedis instance. Specify a
+ By default clients will be a redis.Redis instance. Specify a
different class to the ``redis_class`` argument if you desire
something different.
@@ -271,7 +272,7 @@ class Sentinel(object):
return redis_class(connection_pool=connection_pool_class(
service_name, self, **connection_kwargs))
- def slave_for(self, service_name, redis_class=StrictRedis,
+ def slave_for(self, service_name, redis_class=Redis,
connection_pool_class=SentinelConnectionPool, **kwargs):
Returns redis client instance for the ``service_name`` slave(s).
@@ -279,7 +280,7 @@ class Sentinel(object):
A SentinelConnectionPool class is used to retrive the slave's
address before establishing a new connection.
- By default clients will be a redis.StrictRedis instance. Specify a
+ By default clients will be a redis.Redis instance. Specify a
different class to the ``redis_class`` argument if you desire
something different.
diff --git a/setup.cfg b/setup.cfg
index cdae7c4..089b37c 100644
--- a/setup.cfg
+++ b/setup.cfg
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
show-source = 1
exclude = .venv,.tox,dist,docs,build,*.egg
diff --git a/ b/
index 0e8f07d..d8eb9ce 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -1,31 +1,24 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python
import os
import sys
+from setuptools import setup
+from setuptools.command.test import test as TestCommand
from redis import __version__
- from setuptools import setup
- from setuptools.command.test import test as TestCommand
- class PyTest(TestCommand):
- def finalize_options(self):
- TestCommand.finalize_options(self)
- self.test_args = []
- self.test_suite = True
+class PyTest(TestCommand):
+ def finalize_options(self):
+ TestCommand.finalize_options(self)
+ self.test_args = []
+ self.test_suite = True
- def run_tests(self):
- # import here, because outside the eggs aren't loaded
- import pytest
- errno = pytest.main(self.test_args)
- sys.exit(errno)
+ def run_tests(self):
+ # import here, because outside the eggs aren't loaded
+ import pytest
+ errno = pytest.main(self.test_args)
+ sys.exit(errno)
-except ImportError:
- from distutils.core import setup
- def PyTest(x):
- x
f = open(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'README.rst'))
long_description =
@@ -36,7 +29,8 @@ setup(
description='Python client for Redis key-value store',
- url='',
+ long_description_content_type='text/x-rst',
+ url='',
author='Andy McCurdy',
maintainer='Andy McCurdy',
@@ -44,6 +38,7 @@ setup(
keywords=['Redis', 'key-value store'],
+ python_requires=">=2.7, !=3.0.*, !=3.1.*, !=3.2.*, !=3.3.*",
'hiredis': [
@@ -51,7 +46,7 @@ setup(
- 'pytest>=2.5.0',
+ 'pytest>=2.7.0',
cmdclass={'test': PyTest},
@@ -62,12 +57,11 @@ setup(
'Operating System :: OS Independent',
'Programming Language :: Python',
'Programming Language :: Python :: 2',
- 'Programming Language :: Python :: 2.6',
'Programming Language :: Python :: 2.7',
'Programming Language :: Python :: 3',
- 'Programming Language :: Python :: 3.3',
'Programming Language :: Python :: 3.4',
'Programming Language :: Python :: 3.5',
'Programming Language :: Python :: 3.6',
+ 'Programming Language :: Python :: 3.7',
diff --git a/tests/ b/tests/
index 006697f..6e046f2 100644
--- a/tests/
+++ b/tests/
@@ -48,8 +48,11 @@ def r(request, **kwargs):
-def sr(request, **kwargs):
- return _get_client(redis.StrictRedis, request, **kwargs)
+def r2(request, **kwargs):
+ return [
+ _get_client(redis.Redis, request, **kwargs),
+ _get_client(redis.Redis, request, **kwargs),
+ ]
def _gen_cluster_mock_resp(r, response):
diff --git a/tests/ b/tests/
index b9b9b66..0c9430d 100644
--- a/tests/
+++ b/tests/
@@ -1,12 +1,13 @@
-from __future__ import with_statement
+from __future__ import unicode_literals
import binascii
import datetime
import pytest
+import re
import redis
import time
-from redis._compat import (unichr, u, b, ascii_letters, iteritems, iterkeys,
- itervalues)
+from redis._compat import (unichr, ascii_letters, iteritems, iterkeys,
+ itervalues, long)
from redis.client import parse_info
from redis import exceptions
@@ -34,6 +35,13 @@ def redis_server_time(client):
return datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(timestamp)
+def get_stream_message(client, stream, message_id):
+ "Fetch a stream message and format it as a (message_id, fields) pair"
+ response = client.xrange(stream, min=message_id, max=message_id)
+ assert len(response) == 1
+ return response[0]
class TestResponseCallbacks(object):
"Tests for the response callback system"
@@ -59,6 +67,25 @@ class TestRedisCommands(object):
assert isinstance(clients[0], dict)
assert 'addr' in clients[0]
+ @skip_if_server_version_lt('5.0.0')
+ def test_client_list_type(self, r):
+ with pytest.raises(exceptions.RedisError):
+ r.client_list(_type='not a client type')
+ for client_type in ['normal', 'master', 'replica', 'pubsub']:
+ clients = r.client_list(_type=client_type)
+ assert isinstance(clients, list)
+ @skip_if_server_version_lt('5.0.0')
+ def test_client_id(self, r):
+ assert r.client_id() > 0
+ @skip_if_server_version_lt('5.0.0')
+ def test_client_unblock(self, r):
+ myid = r.client_id()
+ assert not r.client_unblock(myid)
+ assert not r.client_unblock(myid, error=True)
+ assert not r.client_unblock(myid, error=False)
def test_client_getname(self, r):
assert r.client_getname() is None
@@ -69,12 +96,71 @@ class TestRedisCommands(object):
assert r.client_getname() == 'redis_py_test'
+ def test_client_kill(self, r, r2):
+ r.client_setname('redis-py-c1')
+ r2[0].client_setname('redis-py-c2')
+ r2[1].client_setname('redis-py-c3')
+ test_clients = [client for client in r.client_list()
+ if client.get('name')
+ in ['redis-py-c1', 'redis-py-c2', 'redis-py-c3']]
+ assert len(test_clients) == 3
+ resp = r.client_kill(test_clients[1].get('addr'))
+ assert isinstance(resp, bool) and resp is True
+ test_clients = [client for client in r.client_list()
+ if client.get('name')
+ in ['redis-py-c1', 'redis-py-c2', 'redis-py-c3']]
+ assert len(test_clients) == 2
+ @skip_if_server_version_lt('2.8.12')
+ def test_client_kill_filter_invalid_params(self, r):
+ # empty
+ with pytest.raises(exceptions.DataError):
+ r.client_kill_filter()
+ # invalid skipme
+ with pytest.raises(exceptions.DataError):
+ r.client_kill_filter(skipme="yeah")
+ # invalid type
+ with pytest.raises(exceptions.DataError):
+ r.client_kill_filter(_type="caster")
+ @skip_if_server_version_lt('2.8.12')
+ def test_client_kill_filter(self, r, r2):
+ r.client_setname('redis-py-c1')
+ r2[0].client_setname('redis-py-c2')
+ r2[1].client_setname('redis-py-c3')
+ test_clients = [client for client in r.client_list()
+ if client.get('name')
+ in ['redis-py-c1', 'redis-py-c2', 'redis-py-c3']]
+ assert len(test_clients) == 3
+ resp = r.client_kill_filter(_id=test_clients[1].get('id'))
+ assert isinstance(resp, int) and resp == 1
+ resp = r.client_kill_filter(addr=test_clients[2].get('addr'))
+ assert isinstance(resp, int) and resp == 1
+ test_clients = [client for client in r.client_list()
+ if client.get('name')
+ in ['redis-py-c1', 'redis-py-c2', 'redis-py-c3']]
+ assert len(test_clients) == 1
+ @skip_if_server_version_lt('2.6.9')
def test_client_list_after_client_setname(self, r):
- r.client_setname('cl=i=ent')
+ r.client_setname('redis_py_test')
clients = r.client_list()
- assert isinstance(clients[0], dict)
- assert 'name' in clients[0]
- assert clients[0]['name'] == 'cl=i=ent'
+ # we don't know which client ours will be
+ assert 'redis_py_test' in [c['name'] for c in clients]
+ @skip_if_server_version_lt('2.9.50')
+ def test_client_pause(self, r):
+ assert r.client_pause(1)
+ assert r.client_pause(timeout=1)
+ with pytest.raises(exceptions.RedisError):
+ r.client_pause(timeout='not an integer')
def test_config_get(self, r):
data = r.config_get()
@@ -104,7 +190,7 @@ class TestRedisCommands(object):
assert r.dbsize() == 2
def test_echo(self, r):
- assert r.echo('foo bar') == b('foo bar')
+ assert r.echo('foo bar') == b'foo bar'
def test_info(self, r):
r['a'] = 'foo'
@@ -120,7 +206,7 @@ class TestRedisCommands(object):
r['a'] = 'foo'
assert isinstance(r.object('refcount', 'a'), int)
assert isinstance(r.object('idletime', 'a'), int)
- assert r.object('encoding', 'a') in (b('raw'), b('embstr'))
+ assert r.object('encoding', 'a') in (b'raw', b'embstr')
assert r.object('idletime', 'invalid-key') is None
def test_ping(self, r):
@@ -128,20 +214,20 @@ class TestRedisCommands(object):
def test_slowlog_get(self, r, slowlog):
assert r.slowlog_reset()
- unicode_string = unichr(3456) + u('abcd') + unichr(3421)
+ unicode_string = unichr(3456) + 'abcd' + unichr(3421)
slowlog = r.slowlog_get()
assert isinstance(slowlog, list)
commands = [log['command'] for log in slowlog]
- get_command = b(' ').join((b('GET'), unicode_string.encode('utf-8')))
+ get_command = b' '.join((b'GET', unicode_string.encode('utf-8')))
assert get_command in commands
- assert b('SLOWLOG RESET') in commands
+ assert b'SLOWLOG RESET' in commands
# the order should be ['GET <uni string>', 'SLOWLOG RESET'],
# but if other clients are executing commands at the same time, there
# could be commands, before, between, or after, so just check that
# the two we care about are in the appropriate order.
- assert commands.index(get_command) < commands.index(b('SLOWLOG RESET'))
+ assert commands.index(get_command) < commands.index(b'SLOWLOG RESET')
# make sure other attributes are typed correctly
assert isinstance(slowlog[0]['start_time'], int)
@@ -154,8 +240,8 @@ class TestRedisCommands(object):
slowlog = r.slowlog_get(1)
assert isinstance(slowlog, list)
commands = [log['command'] for log in slowlog]
- assert b('GET foo') not in commands
- assert b('GET bar') in commands
+ assert b'GET foo' not in commands
+ assert b'GET bar' in commands
def test_slowlog_length(self, r, slowlog):
@@ -171,9 +257,9 @@ class TestRedisCommands(object):
def test_append(self, r):
assert r.append('a', 'a1') == 2
- assert r['a'] == b('a1')
+ assert r['a'] == b'a1'
assert r.append('a', 'a2') == 4
- assert r['a'] == b('a1a2')
+ assert r['a'] == b'a1a2'
def test_bitcount(self, r):
@@ -202,7 +288,7 @@ class TestRedisCommands(object):
def test_bitop_not(self, r):
- test_str = b('\xAA\x00\xFF\x55')
+ test_str = b'\xAA\x00\xFF\x55'
correct = ~0xAA00FF55 & 0xFFFFFFFF
r['a'] = test_str
r.bitop('not', 'r', 'a')
@@ -210,7 +296,7 @@ class TestRedisCommands(object):
def test_bitop_not_in_place(self, r):
- test_str = b('\xAA\x00\xFF\x55')
+ test_str = b'\xAA\x00\xFF\x55'
correct = ~0xAA00FF55 & 0xFFFFFFFF
r['a'] = test_str
r.bitop('not', 'a', 'a')
@@ -218,7 +304,7 @@ class TestRedisCommands(object):
def test_bitop_single_string(self, r):
- test_str = b('\x01\x02\xFF')
+ test_str = b'\x01\x02\xFF'
r['a'] = test_str
r.bitop('and', 'res1', 'a')
r.bitop('or', 'res2', 'a')
@@ -229,8 +315,8 @@ class TestRedisCommands(object):
def test_bitop_string_operands(self, r):
- r['a'] = b('\x01\x02\xFF\xFF')
- r['b'] = b('\x01\x02\xFF')
+ r['a'] = b'\x01\x02\xFF\xFF'
+ r['b'] = b'\x01\x02\xFF'
r.bitop('and', 'res1', 'a', 'b')
r.bitop('or', 'res2', 'a', 'b')
r.bitop('xor', 'res3', 'a', 'b')
@@ -241,20 +327,20 @@ class TestRedisCommands(object):
def test_bitpos(self, r):
key = 'key:bitpos'
- r.set(key, b('\xff\xf0\x00'))
+ r.set(key, b'\xff\xf0\x00')
assert r.bitpos(key, 0) == 12
assert r.bitpos(key, 0, 2, -1) == 16
assert r.bitpos(key, 0, -2, -1) == 12
- r.set(key, b('\x00\xff\xf0'))
+ r.set(key, b'\x00\xff\xf0')
assert r.bitpos(key, 1, 0) == 8
assert r.bitpos(key, 1, 1) == 8
- r.set(key, b('\x00\x00\x00'))
+ r.set(key, b'\x00\x00\x00')
assert r.bitpos(key, 1) == -1
def test_bitpos_wrong_arguments(self, r):
key = 'key:bitpos:wrong:args'
- r.set(key, b('\xff\xf0\x00'))
+ r.set(key, b'\xff\xf0\x00')
with pytest.raises(exceptions.RedisError):
r.bitpos(key, 0, end=1) == 12
with pytest.raises(exceptions.RedisError):
@@ -262,11 +348,16 @@ class TestRedisCommands(object):
def test_decr(self, r):
assert r.decr('a') == -1
- assert r['a'] == b('-1')
+ assert r['a'] == b'-1'
assert r.decr('a') == -2
- assert r['a'] == b('-2')
+ assert r['a'] == b'-2'
assert r.decr('a', amount=5) == -7
- assert r['a'] == b('-7')
+ assert r['a'] == b'-7'
+ def test_decrby(self, r):
+ assert r.decrby('a', amount=2) == -2
+ assert r.decrby('a', amount=3) == -5
+ assert r['a'] == b'-5'
def test_delete(self, r):
assert r.delete('a') == 0
@@ -285,13 +376,28 @@ class TestRedisCommands(object):
del r['a']
assert r.get('a') is None
+ @skip_if_server_version_lt('4.0.0')
+ def test_unlink(self, r):
+ assert r.unlink('a') == 0
+ r['a'] = 'foo'
+ assert r.unlink('a') == 1
+ assert r.get('a') is None
+ @skip_if_server_version_lt('4.0.0')
+ def test_unlink_with_multiple_keys(self, r):
+ r['a'] = 'foo'
+ r['b'] = 'bar'
+ assert r.unlink('a', 'b') == 2
+ assert r.get('a') is None
+ assert r.get('b') is None
def test_dump_and_restore(self, r):
r['a'] = 'foo'
dumped = r.dump('a')
del r['a']
r.restore('a', 0, dumped)
- assert r['a'] == b('foo')
+ assert r['a'] == b'foo'
def test_dump_and_restore_and_replace(self, r):
@@ -301,12 +407,14 @@ class TestRedisCommands(object):
r.restore('a', 0, dumped)
r.restore('a', 0, dumped, replace=True)
- assert r['a'] == b('bar')
+ assert r['a'] == b'bar'
def test_exists(self, r):
- assert not r.exists('a')
+ assert r.exists('a') == 0
r['a'] = 'foo'
- assert r.exists('a')
+ r['b'] = 'bar'
+ assert r.exists('a') == 1
+ assert r.exists('a', 'b') == 2
def test_exists_contains(self, r):
assert 'a' not in r
@@ -319,7 +427,7 @@ class TestRedisCommands(object):
assert r.expire('a', 10)
assert 0 < r.ttl('a') <= 10
assert r.persist('a')
- assert not r.ttl('a')
+ assert r.ttl('a') == -1
def test_expireat_datetime(self, r):
expire_at = redis_server_time(r) + datetime.timedelta(minutes=1)
@@ -341,27 +449,27 @@ class TestRedisCommands(object):
def test_get_and_set(self, r):
# get and set can't be tested independently of each other
assert r.get('a') is None
- byte_string = b('value')
+ byte_string = b'value'
integer = 5
- unicode_string = unichr(3456) + u('abcd') + unichr(3421)
+ unicode_string = unichr(3456) + 'abcd' + unichr(3421)
assert r.set('byte_string', byte_string)
assert r.set('integer', 5)
assert r.set('unicode_string', unicode_string)
assert r.get('byte_string') == byte_string
- assert r.get('integer') == b(str(integer))
+ assert r.get('integer') == str(integer).encode()
assert r.get('unicode_string').decode('utf-8') == unicode_string
def test_getitem_and_setitem(self, r):
r['a'] = 'bar'
- assert r['a'] == b('bar')
+ assert r['a'] == b'bar'
def test_getitem_raises_keyerror_for_missing_key(self, r):
with pytest.raises(KeyError):
def test_getitem_does_not_raise_keyerror_for_empty_string(self, r):
- r['a'] = b("")
- assert r['a'] == b("")
+ r['a'] = b""
+ assert r['a'] == b""
def test_get_set_bit(self, r):
# no value
@@ -381,81 +489,67 @@ class TestRedisCommands(object):
def test_getrange(self, r):
r['a'] = 'foo'
- assert r.getrange('a', 0, 0) == b('f')
- assert r.getrange('a', 0, 2) == b('foo')
- assert r.getrange('a', 3, 4) == b('')
+ assert r.getrange('a', 0, 0) == b'f'
+ assert r.getrange('a', 0, 2) == b'foo'
+ assert r.getrange('a', 3, 4) == b''
def test_getset(self, r):
assert r.getset('a', 'foo') is None
- assert r.getset('a', 'bar') == b('foo')
- assert r.get('a') == b('bar')
+ assert r.getset('a', 'bar') == b'foo'
+ assert r.get('a') == b'bar'
def test_incr(self, r):
assert r.incr('a') == 1
- assert r['a'] == b('1')
+ assert r['a'] == b'1'
assert r.incr('a') == 2
- assert r['a'] == b('2')
+ assert r['a'] == b'2'
assert r.incr('a', amount=5) == 7
- assert r['a'] == b('7')
+ assert r['a'] == b'7'
def test_incrby(self, r):
assert r.incrby('a') == 1
assert r.incrby('a', 4) == 5
- assert r['a'] == b('5')
+ assert r['a'] == b'5'
def test_incrbyfloat(self, r):
assert r.incrbyfloat('a') == 1.0
- assert r['a'] == b('1')
+ assert r['a'] == b'1'
assert r.incrbyfloat('a', 1.1) == 2.1
assert float(r['a']) == float(2.1)
def test_keys(self, r):
assert r.keys() == []
- keys_with_underscores = set([b('test_a'), b('test_b')])
- keys = keys_with_underscores.union(set([b('testc')]))
+ keys_with_underscores = {b'test_a', b'test_b'}
+ keys = keys_with_underscores.union({b'testc'})
for key in keys:
r[key] = 1
assert set(r.keys(pattern='test_*')) == keys_with_underscores
assert set(r.keys(pattern='test*')) == keys
def test_mget(self, r):
+ assert r.mget([]) == []
assert r.mget(['a', 'b']) == [None, None]
r['a'] = '1'
r['b'] = '2'
r['c'] = '3'
- assert r.mget('a', 'other', 'b', 'c') == [b('1'), None, b('2'), b('3')]
+ assert r.mget('a', 'other', 'b', 'c') == [b'1', None, b'2', b'3']
def test_mset(self, r):
- d = {'a': b('1'), 'b': b('2'), 'c': b('3')}
+ d = {'a': b'1', 'b': b'2', 'c': b'3'}
assert r.mset(d)
for k, v in iteritems(d):
assert r[k] == v
- def test_mset_kwargs(self, r):
- d = {'a': b('1'), 'b': b('2'), 'c': b('3')}
- assert r.mset(**d)
- for k, v in iteritems(d):
- assert r[k] == v
def test_msetnx(self, r):
- d = {'a': b('1'), 'b': b('2'), 'c': b('3')}
+ d = {'a': b'1', 'b': b'2', 'c': b'3'}
assert r.msetnx(d)
- d2 = {'a': b('x'), 'd': b('4')}
+ d2 = {'a': b'x', 'd': b'4'}
assert not r.msetnx(d2)
for k, v in iteritems(d):
assert r[k] == v
assert r.get('d') is None
- def test_msetnx_kwargs(self, r):
- d = {'a': b('1'), 'b': b('2'), 'c': b('3')}
- assert r.msetnx(**d)
- d2 = {'a': b('x'), 'd': b('4')}
- assert not r.msetnx(**d2)
- for k, v in iteritems(d):
- assert r[k] == v
- assert r.get('d') is None
def test_pexpire(self, r):
assert not r.pexpire('a', 60000)
@@ -463,7 +557,7 @@ class TestRedisCommands(object):
assert r.pexpire('a', 60000)
assert 0 < r.pttl('a') <= 60000
assert r.persist('a')
- assert r.pttl('a') is None
+ assert r.pttl('a') == -1
def test_pexpireat_datetime(self, r):
@@ -488,40 +582,54 @@ class TestRedisCommands(object):
def test_psetex(self, r):
assert r.psetex('a', 1000, 'value')
- assert r['a'] == b('value')
+ assert r['a'] == b'value'
assert 0 < r.pttl('a') <= 1000
def test_psetex_timedelta(self, r):
expire_at = datetime.timedelta(milliseconds=1000)
assert r.psetex('a', expire_at, 'value')
- assert r['a'] == b('value')
+ assert r['a'] == b'value'
assert 0 < r.pttl('a') <= 1000
+ @skip_if_server_version_lt('2.6.0')
+ def test_pttl(self, r):
+ assert not r.pexpire('a', 10000)
+ r['a'] = '1'
+ assert r.pexpire('a', 10000)
+ assert 0 < r.pttl('a') <= 10000
+ assert r.persist('a')
+ assert r.pttl('a') == -1
+ @skip_if_server_version_lt('2.8.0')
+ def test_pttl_no_key(self, r):
+ "PTTL on servers 2.8 and after return -2 when the key doesn't exist"
+ assert r.pttl('a') == -2
def test_randomkey(self, r):
assert r.randomkey() is None
for key in ('a', 'b', 'c'):
r[key] = 1
- assert r.randomkey() in (b('a'), b('b'), b('c'))
+ assert r.randomkey() in (b'a', b'b', b'c')
def test_rename(self, r):
r['a'] = '1'
assert r.rename('a', 'b')
assert r.get('a') is None
- assert r['b'] == b('1')
+ assert r['b'] == b'1'
def test_renamenx(self, r):
r['a'] = '1'
r['b'] = '2'
assert not r.renamenx('a', 'b')
- assert r['a'] == b('1')
- assert r['b'] == b('2')
+ assert r['a'] == b'1'
+ assert r['b'] == b'2'
def test_set_nx(self, r):
assert r.set('a', '1', nx=True)
assert not r.set('a', '2', nx=True)
- assert r['a'] == b('1')
+ assert r['a'] == b'1'
def test_set_xx(self, r):
@@ -529,12 +637,12 @@ class TestRedisCommands(object):
assert r.get('a') is None
r['a'] = 'bar'
assert r.set('a', '2', xx=True)
- assert r.get('a') == b('2')
+ assert r.get('a') == b'2'
def test_set_px(self, r):
assert r.set('a', '1', px=10000)
- assert r['a'] == b('1')
+ assert r['a'] == b'1'
assert 0 < r.pttl('a') <= 10000
assert 0 < r.ttl('a') <= 10
@@ -563,22 +671,22 @@ class TestRedisCommands(object):
assert 0 < r.ttl('a') <= 10
def test_setex(self, r):
- assert r.setex('a', '1', 60)
- assert r['a'] == b('1')
+ assert r.setex('a', 60, '1')
+ assert r['a'] == b'1'
assert 0 < r.ttl('a') <= 60
def test_setnx(self, r):
assert r.setnx('a', '1')
- assert r['a'] == b('1')
+ assert r['a'] == b'1'
assert not r.setnx('a', '2')
- assert r['a'] == b('1')
+ assert r['a'] == b'1'
def test_setrange(self, r):
assert r.setrange('a', 5, 'foo') == 8
- assert r['a'] == b('\0\0\0\0\0foo')
+ assert r['a'] == b'\0\0\0\0\0foo'
r['a'] = 'abcdefghijh'
assert r.setrange('a', 6, '12345') == 11
- assert r['a'] == b('abcdef12345')
+ assert r['a'] == b'abcdef12345'
def test_strlen(self, r):
r['a'] = 'foo'
@@ -586,74 +694,86 @@ class TestRedisCommands(object):
def test_substr(self, r):
r['a'] = '0123456789'
- assert r.substr('a', 0) == b('0123456789')
- assert r.substr('a', 2) == b('23456789')
- assert r.substr('a', 3, 5) == b('345')
- assert r.substr('a', 3, -2) == b('345678')
+ assert r.substr('a', 0) == b'0123456789'
+ assert r.substr('a', 2) == b'23456789'
+ assert r.substr('a', 3, 5) == b'345'
+ assert r.substr('a', 3, -2) == b'345678'
+ def test_ttl(self, r):
+ r['a'] = '1'
+ assert r.expire('a', 10)
+ assert 0 < r.ttl('a') <= 10
+ assert r.persist('a')
+ assert r.ttl('a') == -1
+ @skip_if_server_version_lt('2.8.0')
+ def test_ttl_nokey(self, r):
+ "TTL on servers 2.8 and after return -2 when the key doesn't exist"
+ assert r.ttl('a') == -2
def test_type(self, r):
- assert r.type('a') == b('none')
+ assert r.type('a') == b'none'
r['a'] = '1'
- assert r.type('a') == b('string')
+ assert r.type('a') == b'string'
del r['a']
r.lpush('a', '1')
- assert r.type('a') == b('list')
+ assert r.type('a') == b'list'
del r['a']
r.sadd('a', '1')
- assert r.type('a') == b('set')
+ assert r.type('a') == b'set'
del r['a']
- r.zadd('a', **{'1': 1})
- assert r.type('a') == b('zset')
+ r.zadd('a', {'1': 1})
+ assert r.type('a') == b'zset'
def test_blpop(self, r):
r.rpush('a', '1', '2')
r.rpush('b', '3', '4')
- assert r.blpop(['b', 'a'], timeout=1) == (b('b'), b('3'))
- assert r.blpop(['b', 'a'], timeout=1) == (b('b'), b('4'))
- assert r.blpop(['b', 'a'], timeout=1) == (b('a'), b('1'))
- assert r.blpop(['b', 'a'], timeout=1) == (b('a'), b('2'))
+ assert r.blpop(['b', 'a'], timeout=1) == (b'b', b'3')
+ assert r.blpop(['b', 'a'], timeout=1) == (b'b', b'4')
+ assert r.blpop(['b', 'a'], timeout=1) == (b'a', b'1')
+ assert r.blpop(['b', 'a'], timeout=1) == (b'a', b'2')
assert r.blpop(['b', 'a'], timeout=1) is None
r.rpush('c', '1')
- assert r.blpop('c', timeout=1) == (b('c'), b('1'))
+ assert r.blpop('c', timeout=1) == (b'c', b'1')
def test_brpop(self, r):
r.rpush('a', '1', '2')
r.rpush('b', '3', '4')
- assert r.brpop(['b', 'a'], timeout=1) == (b('b'), b('4'))
- assert r.brpop(['b', 'a'], timeout=1) == (b('b'), b('3'))
- assert r.brpop(['b', 'a'], timeout=1) == (b('a'), b('2'))
- assert r.brpop(['b', 'a'], timeout=1) == (b('a'), b('1'))
+ assert r.brpop(['b', 'a'], timeout=1) == (b'b', b'4')
+ assert r.brpop(['b', 'a'], timeout=1) == (b'b', b'3')
+ assert r.brpop(['b', 'a'], timeout=1) == (b'a', b'2')
+ assert r.brpop(['b', 'a'], timeout=1) == (b'a', b'1')
assert r.brpop(['b', 'a'], timeout=1) is None
r.rpush('c', '1')
- assert r.brpop('c', timeout=1) == (b('c'), b('1'))
+ assert r.brpop('c', timeout=1) == (b'c', b'1')
def test_brpoplpush(self, r):
r.rpush('a', '1', '2')
r.rpush('b', '3', '4')
- assert r.brpoplpush('a', 'b') == b('2')
- assert r.brpoplpush('a', 'b') == b('1')
+ assert r.brpoplpush('a', 'b') == b'2'
+ assert r.brpoplpush('a', 'b') == b'1'
assert r.brpoplpush('a', 'b', timeout=1) is None
assert r.lrange('a', 0, -1) == []
- assert r.lrange('b', 0, -1) == [b('1'), b('2'), b('3'), b('4')]
+ assert r.lrange('b', 0, -1) == [b'1', b'2', b'3', b'4']
def test_brpoplpush_empty_string(self, r):
r.rpush('a', '')
- assert r.brpoplpush('a', 'b') == b('')
+ assert r.brpoplpush('a', 'b') == b''
def test_lindex(self, r):
r.rpush('a', '1', '2', '3')
- assert r.lindex('a', '0') == b('1')
- assert r.lindex('a', '1') == b('2')
- assert r.lindex('a', '2') == b('3')
+ assert r.lindex('a', '0') == b'1'
+ assert r.lindex('a', '1') == b'2'
+ assert r.lindex('a', '2') == b'3'
def test_linsert(self, r):
r.rpush('a', '1', '2', '3')
assert r.linsert('a', 'after', '2', '2.5') == 4
- assert r.lrange('a', 0, -1) == [b('1'), b('2'), b('2.5'), b('3')]
+ assert r.lrange('a', 0, -1) == [b'1', b'2', b'2.5', b'3']
assert r.linsert('a', 'before', '2', '1.5') == 5
assert r.lrange('a', 0, -1) == \
- [b('1'), b('1.5'), b('2'), b('2.5'), b('3')]
+ [b'1', b'1.5', b'2', b'2.5', b'3']
def test_llen(self, r):
r.rpush('a', '1', '2', '3')
@@ -661,74 +781,79 @@ class TestRedisCommands(object):
def test_lpop(self, r):
r.rpush('a', '1', '2', '3')
- assert r.lpop('a') == b('1')
- assert r.lpop('a') == b('2')
- assert r.lpop('a') == b('3')
+ assert r.lpop('a') == b'1'
+ assert r.lpop('a') == b'2'
+ assert r.lpop('a') == b'3'
assert r.lpop('a') is None
def test_lpush(self, r):
assert r.lpush('a', '1') == 1
assert r.lpush('a', '2') == 2
assert r.lpush('a', '3', '4') == 4
- assert r.lrange('a', 0, -1) == [b('4'), b('3'), b('2'), b('1')]
+ assert r.lrange('a', 0, -1) == [b'4', b'3', b'2', b'1']
def test_lpushx(self, r):
assert r.lpushx('a', '1') == 0
assert r.lrange('a', 0, -1) == []
r.rpush('a', '1', '2', '3')
assert r.lpushx('a', '4') == 4
- assert r.lrange('a', 0, -1) == [b('4'), b('1'), b('2'), b('3')]
+ assert r.lrange('a', 0, -1) == [b'4', b'1', b'2', b'3']
def test_lrange(self, r):
r.rpush('a', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5')
- assert r.lrange('a', 0, 2) == [b('1'), b('2'), b('3')]
- assert r.lrange('a', 2, 10) == [b('3'), b('4'), b('5')]
- assert r.lrange('a', 0, -1) == [b('1'), b('2'), b('3'), b('4'), b('5')]
+ assert r.lrange('a', 0, 2) == [b'1', b'2', b'3']
+ assert r.lrange('a', 2, 10) == [b'3', b'4', b'5']
+ assert r.lrange('a', 0, -1) == [b'1', b'2', b'3', b'4', b'5']
def test_lrem(self, r):
- r.rpush('a', '1', '1', '1', '1')
- assert r.lrem('a', '1', 1) == 1
- assert r.lrange('a', 0, -1) == [b('1'), b('1'), b('1')]
- assert r.lrem('a', '1') == 3
- assert r.lrange('a', 0, -1) == []
+ r.rpush('a', 'Z', 'b', 'Z', 'Z', 'c', 'Z', 'Z')
+ # remove the first 'Z' item
+ assert r.lrem('a', 1, 'Z') == 1
+ assert r.lrange('a', 0, -1) == [b'b', b'Z', b'Z', b'c', b'Z', b'Z']
+ # remove the last 2 'Z' items
+ assert r.lrem('a', -2, 'Z') == 2
+ assert r.lrange('a', 0, -1) == [b'b', b'Z', b'Z', b'c']
+ # remove all 'Z' items
+ assert r.lrem('a', 0, 'Z') == 2
+ assert r.lrange('a', 0, -1) == [b'b', b'c']
def test_lset(self, r):
r.rpush('a', '1', '2', '3')
- assert r.lrange('a', 0, -1) == [b('1'), b('2'), b('3')]
+ assert r.lrange('a', 0, -1) == [b'1', b'2', b'3']
assert r.lset('a', 1, '4')
- assert r.lrange('a', 0, 2) == [b('1'), b('4'), b('3')]
+ assert r.lrange('a', 0, 2) == [b'1', b'4', b'3']
def test_ltrim(self, r):
r.rpush('a', '1', '2', '3')
assert r.ltrim('a', 0, 1)
- assert r.lrange('a', 0, -1) == [b('1'), b('2')]
+ assert r.lrange('a', 0, -1) == [b'1', b'2']
def test_rpop(self, r):
r.rpush('a', '1', '2', '3')
- assert r.rpop('a') == b('3')
- assert r.rpop('a') == b('2')
- assert r.rpop('a') == b('1')
+ assert r.rpop('a') == b'3'
+ assert r.rpop('a') == b'2'
+ assert r.rpop('a') == b'1'
assert r.rpop('a') is None
def test_rpoplpush(self, r):
r.rpush('a', 'a1', 'a2', 'a3')
r.rpush('b', 'b1', 'b2', 'b3')
- assert r.rpoplpush('a', 'b') == b('a3')
- assert r.lrange('a', 0, -1) == [b('a1'), b('a2')]
- assert r.lrange('b', 0, -1) == [b('a3'), b('b1'), b('b2'), b('b3')]
+ assert r.rpoplpush('a', 'b') == b'a3'
+ assert r.lrange('a', 0, -1) == [b'a1', b'a2']
+ assert r.lrange('b', 0, -1) == [b'a3', b'b1', b'b2', b'b3']
def test_rpush(self, r):
assert r.rpush('a', '1') == 1
assert r.rpush('a', '2') == 2
assert r.rpush('a', '3', '4') == 4
- assert r.lrange('a', 0, -1) == [b('1'), b('2'), b('3'), b('4')]
+ assert r.lrange('a', 0, -1) == [b'1', b'2', b'3', b'4']
def test_rpushx(self, r):
assert r.rpushx('a', 'b') == 0
assert r.lrange('a', 0, -1) == []
r.rpush('a', '1', '2', '3')
assert r.rpushx('a', '4') == 4
- assert r.lrange('a', 0, -1) == [b('1'), b('2'), b('3'), b('4')]
+ assert r.lrange('a', 0, -1) == [b'1', b'2', b'3', b'4']
@@ -738,9 +863,9 @@ class TestRedisCommands(object):
r.set('c', 3)
cursor, keys = r.scan()
assert cursor == 0
- assert set(keys) == set([b('a'), b('b'), b('c')])
+ assert set(keys) == {b'a', b'b', b'c'}
_, keys = r.scan(match='a')
- assert set(keys) == set([b('a')])
+ assert set(keys) == {b'a'}
def test_scan_iter(self, r):
@@ -748,64 +873,64 @@ class TestRedisCommands(object):
r.set('b', 2)
r.set('c', 3)
keys = list(r.scan_iter())
- assert set(keys) == set([b('a'), b('b'), b('c')])
+ assert set(keys) == {b'a', b'b', b'c'}
keys = list(r.scan_iter(match='a'))
- assert set(keys) == set([b('a')])
+ assert set(keys) == {b'a'}
def test_sscan(self, r):
r.sadd('a', 1, 2, 3)
cursor, members = r.sscan('a')
assert cursor == 0
- assert set(members) == set([b('1'), b('2'), b('3')])
- _, members = r.sscan('a', match=b('1'))
- assert set(members) == set([b('1')])
+ assert set(members) == {b'1', b'2', b'3'}
+ _, members = r.sscan('a', match=b'1')
+ assert set(members) == {b'1'}
def test_sscan_iter(self, r):
r.sadd('a', 1, 2, 3)
members = list(r.sscan_iter('a'))
- assert set(members) == set([b('1'), b('2'), b('3')])
- members = list(r.sscan_iter('a', match=b('1')))
- assert set(members) == set([b('1')])
+ assert set(members) == {b'1', b'2', b'3'}
+ members = list(r.sscan_iter('a', match=b'1'))
+ assert set(members) == {b'1'}
def test_hscan(self, r):
r.hmset('a', {'a': 1, 'b': 2, 'c': 3})
cursor, dic = r.hscan('a')
assert cursor == 0
- assert dic == {b('a'): b('1'), b('b'): b('2'), b('c'): b('3')}
+ assert dic == {b'a': b'1', b'b': b'2', b'c': b'3'}
_, dic = r.hscan('a', match='a')
- assert dic == {b('a'): b('1')}
+ assert dic == {b'a': b'1'}
def test_hscan_iter(self, r):
r.hmset('a', {'a': 1, 'b': 2, 'c': 3})
dic = dict(r.hscan_iter('a'))
- assert dic == {b('a'): b('1'), b('b'): b('2'), b('c'): b('3')}
+ assert dic == {b'a': b'1', b'b': b'2', b'c': b'3'}
dic = dict(r.hscan_iter('a', match='a'))
- assert dic == {b('a'): b('1')}
+ assert dic == {b'a': b'1'}
def test_zscan(self, r):
- r.zadd('a', 'a', 1, 'b', 2, 'c', 3)
+ r.zadd('a', {'a': 1, 'b': 2, 'c': 3})
cursor, pairs = r.zscan('a')
assert cursor == 0
- assert set(pairs) == set([(b('a'), 1), (b('b'), 2), (b('c'), 3)])
+ assert set(pairs) == {(b'a', 1), (b'b', 2), (b'c', 3)}
_, pairs = r.zscan('a', match='a')
- assert set(pairs) == set([(b('a'), 1)])
+ assert set(pairs) == {(b'a', 1)}
def test_zscan_iter(self, r):
- r.zadd('a', 'a', 1, 'b', 2, 'c', 3)
+ r.zadd('a', {'a': 1, 'b': 2, 'c': 3})
pairs = list(r.zscan_iter('a'))
- assert set(pairs) == set([(b('a'), 1), (b('b'), 2), (b('c'), 3)])
+ assert set(pairs) == {(b'a', 1), (b'b', 2), (b'c', 3)}
pairs = list(r.zscan_iter('a', match='a'))
- assert set(pairs) == set([(b('a'), 1)])
+ assert set(pairs) == {(b'a', 1)}
def test_sadd(self, r):
- members = set([b('1'), b('2'), b('3')])
+ members = {b'1', b'2', b'3'}
r.sadd('a', *members)
assert r.smembers('a') == members
@@ -815,23 +940,23 @@ class TestRedisCommands(object):
def test_sdiff(self, r):
r.sadd('a', '1', '2', '3')
- assert r.sdiff('a', 'b') == set([b('1'), b('2'), b('3')])
+ assert r.sdiff('a', 'b') == {b'1', b'2', b'3'}
r.sadd('b', '2', '3')
- assert r.sdiff('a', 'b') == set([b('1')])
+ assert r.sdiff('a', 'b') == {b'1'}
def test_sdiffstore(self, r):
r.sadd('a', '1', '2', '3')
assert r.sdiffstore('c', 'a', 'b') == 3
- assert r.smembers('c') == set([b('1'), b('2'), b('3')])
+ assert r.smembers('c') == {b'1', b'2', b'3'}
r.sadd('b', '2', '3')
assert r.sdiffstore('c', 'a', 'b') == 1
- assert r.smembers('c') == set([b('1')])
+ assert r.smembers('c') == {b'1'}
def test_sinter(self, r):
r.sadd('a', '1', '2', '3')
assert r.sinter('a', 'b') == set()
r.sadd('b', '2', '3')
- assert r.sinter('a', 'b') == set([b('2'), b('3')])
+ assert r.sinter('a', 'b') == {b'2', b'3'}
def test_sinterstore(self, r):
r.sadd('a', '1', '2', '3')
@@ -839,7 +964,7 @@ class TestRedisCommands(object):
assert r.smembers('c') == set()
r.sadd('b', '2', '3')
assert r.sinterstore('c', 'a', 'b') == 2
- assert r.smembers('c') == set([b('2'), b('3')])
+ assert r.smembers('c') == {b'2', b'3'}
def test_sismember(self, r):
r.sadd('a', '1', '2', '3')
@@ -850,24 +975,24 @@ class TestRedisCommands(object):
def test_smembers(self, r):
r.sadd('a', '1', '2', '3')
- assert r.smembers('a') == set([b('1'), b('2'), b('3')])
+ assert r.smembers('a') == {b'1', b'2', b'3'}
def test_smove(self, r):
r.sadd('a', 'a1', 'a2')
r.sadd('b', 'b1', 'b2')
assert r.smove('a', 'b', 'a1')
- assert r.smembers('a') == set([b('a2')])
- assert r.smembers('b') == set([b('b1'), b('b2'), b('a1')])
+ assert r.smembers('a') == {b'a2'}
+ assert r.smembers('b') == {b'b1', b'b2', b'a1'}
def test_spop(self, r):
- s = [b('1'), b('2'), b('3')]
+ s = [b'1', b'2', b'3']
r.sadd('a', *s)
value = r.spop('a')
assert value in s
- assert r.smembers('a') == set(s) - set([value])
+ assert r.smembers('a') == set(s) - {value}
def test_spop_multi_value(self, r):
- s = [b('1'), b('2'), b('3')]
+ s = [b'1', b'2', b'3']
r.sadd('a', *s)
values = r.spop('a', 2)
assert len(values) == 2
@@ -878,13 +1003,13 @@ class TestRedisCommands(object):
assert r.spop('a', 1) == list(set(s) - set(values))
def test_srandmember(self, r):
- s = [b('1'), b('2'), b('3')]
+ s = [b'1', b'2', b'3']
r.sadd('a', *s)
assert r.srandmember('a') in s
def test_srandmember_multi_value(self, r):
- s = [b('1'), b('2'), b('3')]
+ s = [b'1', b'2', b'3']
r.sadd('a', *s)
randoms = r.srandmember('a', number=2)
assert len(randoms) == 2
@@ -894,30 +1019,72 @@ class TestRedisCommands(object):
r.sadd('a', '1', '2', '3', '4')
assert r.srem('a', '5') == 0
assert r.srem('a', '2', '4') == 2
- assert r.smembers('a') == set([b('1'), b('3')])
+ assert r.smembers('a') == {b'1', b'3'}
def test_sunion(self, r):
r.sadd('a', '1', '2')
r.sadd('b', '2', '3')
- assert r.sunion('a', 'b') == set([b('1'), b('2'), b('3')])
+ assert r.sunion('a', 'b') == {b'1', b'2', b'3'}
def test_sunionstore(self, r):
r.sadd('a', '1', '2')
r.sadd('b', '2', '3')
assert r.sunionstore('c', 'a', 'b') == 3
- assert r.smembers('c') == set([b('1'), b('2'), b('3')])
+ assert r.smembers('c') == {b'1', b'2', b'3'}
def test_zadd(self, r):
- r.zadd('a', a1=1, a2=2, a3=3)
- assert r.zrange('a', 0, -1) == [b('a1'), b('a2'), b('a3')]
+ mapping = {'a1': 1.0, 'a2': 2.0, 'a3': 3.0}
+ r.zadd('a', mapping)
+ assert r.zrange('a', 0, -1, withscores=True) == \
+ [(b'a1', 1.0), (b'a2', 2.0), (b'a3', 3.0)]
+ # error cases
+ with pytest.raises(exceptions.DataError):
+ r.zadd('a', {})
+ # cannot use both nx and xx options
+ with pytest.raises(exceptions.DataError):
+ r.zadd('a', mapping, nx=True, xx=True)
+ # cannot use the incr options with more than one value
+ with pytest.raises(exceptions.DataError):
+ r.zadd('a', mapping, incr=True)
+ def test_zadd_nx(self, r):
+ assert r.zadd('a', {'a1': 1}) == 1
+ assert r.zadd('a', {'a1': 99, 'a2': 2}, nx=True) == 1
+ assert r.zrange('a', 0, -1, withscores=True) == \
+ [(b'a1', 1.0), (b'a2', 2.0)]
+ def test_zadd_xx(self, r):
+ assert r.zadd('a', {'a1': 1}) == 1
+ assert r.zadd('a', {'a1': 99, 'a2': 2}, xx=True) == 0
+ assert r.zrange('a', 0, -1, withscores=True) == \
+ [(b'a1', 99.0)]
+ def test_zadd_ch(self, r):
+ assert r.zadd('a', {'a1': 1}) == 1
+ assert r.zadd('a', {'a1': 99, 'a2': 2}, ch=True) == 2
+ assert r.zrange('a', 0, -1, withscores=True) == \
+ [(b'a2', 2.0), (b'a1', 99.0)]
+ def test_zadd_incr(self, r):
+ assert r.zadd('a', {'a1': 1}) == 1
+ assert r.zadd('a', {'a1': 4.5}, incr=True) == 5.5
+ def test_zadd_incr_with_xx(self, r):
+ # this asks zadd to incr 'a1' only if it exists, but it clearly
+ # doesn't. Redis returns a null value in this case and so should
+ # redis-py
+ assert r.zadd('a', {'a1': 1}, xx=True, incr=True) is None
def test_zcard(self, r):
- r.zadd('a', a1=1, a2=2, a3=3)
+ r.zadd('a', {'a1': 1, 'a2': 2, 'a3': 3})
assert r.zcard('a') == 3
def test_zcount(self, r):
- r.zadd('a', a1=1, a2=2, a3=3)
+ r.zadd('a', {'a1': 1, 'a2': 2, 'a3': 3})
assert r.zcount('a', '-inf', '+inf') == 3
assert r.zcount('a', 1, 2) == 2
assert r.zcount('a', '(' + str(1), 2) == 1
@@ -925,243 +1092,285 @@ class TestRedisCommands(object):
assert r.zcount('a', 10, 20) == 0
def test_zincrby(self, r):
- r.zadd('a', a1=1, a2=2, a3=3)
- assert r.zincrby('a', 'a2') == 3.0
- assert r.zincrby('a', 'a3', amount=5) == 8.0
+ r.zadd('a', {'a1': 1, 'a2': 2, 'a3': 3})
+ assert r.zincrby('a', 1, 'a2') == 3.0
+ assert r.zincrby('a', 5, 'a3') == 8.0
assert r.zscore('a', 'a2') == 3.0
assert r.zscore('a', 'a3') == 8.0
def test_zlexcount(self, r):
- r.zadd('a', a=0, b=0, c=0, d=0, e=0, f=0, g=0)
+ r.zadd('a', {'a': 0, 'b': 0, 'c': 0, 'd': 0, 'e': 0, 'f': 0, 'g': 0})
assert r.zlexcount('a', '-', '+') == 7
assert r.zlexcount('a', '[b', '[f') == 5
def test_zinterstore_sum(self, r):
- r.zadd('a', a1=1, a2=1, a3=1)
- r.zadd('b', a1=2, a2=2, a3=2)
- r.zadd('c', a1=6, a3=5, a4=4)
+ r.zadd('a', {'a1': 1, 'a2': 1, 'a3': 1})
+ r.zadd('b', {'a1': 2, 'a2': 2, 'a3': 2})
+ r.zadd('c', {'a1': 6, 'a3': 5, 'a4': 4})
assert r.zinterstore('d', ['a', 'b', 'c']) == 2
assert r.zrange('d', 0, -1, withscores=True) == \
- [(b('a3'), 8), (b('a1'), 9)]
+ [(b'a3', 8), (b'a1', 9)]
def test_zinterstore_max(self, r):
- r.zadd('a', a1=1, a2=1, a3=1)
- r.zadd('b', a1=2, a2=2, a3=2)
- r.zadd('c', a1=6, a3=5, a4=4)
+ r.zadd('a', {'a1': 1, 'a2': 1, 'a3': 1})
+ r.zadd('b', {'a1': 2, 'a2': 2, 'a3': 2})
+ r.zadd('c', {'a1': 6, 'a3': 5, 'a4': 4})
assert r.zinterstore('d', ['a', 'b', 'c'], aggregate='MAX') == 2
assert r.zrange('d', 0, -1, withscores=True) == \
- [(b('a3'), 5), (b('a1'), 6)]
+ [(b'a3', 5), (b'a1', 6)]
def test_zinterstore_min(self, r):
- r.zadd('a', a1=1, a2=2, a3=3)
- r.zadd('b', a1=2, a2=3, a3=5)
- r.zadd('c', a1=6, a3=5, a4=4)
+ r.zadd('a', {'a1': 1, 'a2': 2, 'a3': 3})
+ r.zadd('b', {'a1': 2, 'a2': 3, 'a3': 5})
+ r.zadd('c', {'a1': 6, 'a3': 5, 'a4': 4})
assert r.zinterstore('d', ['a', 'b', 'c'], aggregate='MIN') == 2
assert r.zrange('d', 0, -1, withscores=True) == \
- [(b('a1'), 1), (b('a3'), 3)]
+ [(b'a1', 1), (b'a3', 3)]
def test_zinterstore_with_weight(self, r):
- r.zadd('a', a1=1, a2=1, a3=1)
- r.zadd('b', a1=2, a2=2, a3=2)
- r.zadd('c', a1=6, a3=5, a4=4)
+ r.zadd('a', {'a1': 1, 'a2': 1, 'a3': 1})
+ r.zadd('b', {'a1': 2, 'a2': 2, 'a3': 2})
+ r.zadd('c', {'a1': 6, 'a3': 5, 'a4': 4})
assert r.zinterstore('d', {'a': 1, 'b': 2, 'c': 3}) == 2
assert r.zrange('d', 0, -1, withscores=True) == \
- [(b('a3'), 20), (b('a1'), 23)]
+ [(b'a3', 20), (b'a1', 23)]
+ @skip_if_server_version_lt('4.9.0')
+ def test_zpopmax(self, r):
+ r.zadd('a', {'a1': 1, 'a2': 2, 'a3': 3})
+ assert r.zpopmax('a') == [(b'a3', 3)]
+ # with count
+ assert r.zpopmax('a', count=2) == \
+ [(b'a2', 2), (b'a1', 1)]
+ @skip_if_server_version_lt('4.9.0')
+ def test_zpopmin(self, r):
+ r.zadd('a', {'a1': 1, 'a2': 2, 'a3': 3})
+ assert r.zpopmin('a') == [(b'a1', 1)]
+ # with count
+ assert r.zpopmin('a', count=2) == \
+ [(b'a2', 2), (b'a3', 3)]
+ @skip_if_server_version_lt('4.9.0')
+ def test_bzpopmax(self, r):
+ r.zadd('a', {'a1': 1, 'a2': 2})
+ r.zadd('b', {'b1': 10, 'b2': 20})
+ assert r.bzpopmax(['b', 'a'], timeout=1) == (b'b', b'b2', 20)
+ assert r.bzpopmax(['b', 'a'], timeout=1) == (b'b', b'b1', 10)
+ assert r.bzpopmax(['b', 'a'], timeout=1) == (b'a', b'a2', 2)
+ assert r.bzpopmax(['b', 'a'], timeout=1) == (b'a', b'a1', 1)
+ assert r.bzpopmax(['b', 'a'], timeout=1) is None
+ r.zadd('c', {'c1': 100})
+ assert r.bzpopmax('c', timeout=1) == (b'c', b'c1', 100)
+ @skip_if_server_version_lt('4.9.0')
+ def test_bzpopmin(self, r):
+ r.zadd('a', {'a1': 1, 'a2': 2})
+ r.zadd('b', {'b1': 10, 'b2': 20})
+ assert r.bzpopmin(['b', 'a'], timeout=1) == (b'b', b'b1', 10)
+ assert r.bzpopmin(['b', 'a'], timeout=1) == (b'b', b'b2', 20)
+ assert r.bzpopmin(['b', 'a'], timeout=1) == (b'a', b'a1', 1)
+ assert r.bzpopmin(['b', 'a'], timeout=1) == (b'a', b'a2', 2)
+ assert r.bzpopmin(['b', 'a'], timeout=1) is None
+ r.zadd('c', {'c1': 100})
+ assert r.bzpopmin('c', timeout=1) == (b'c', b'c1', 100)
def test_zrange(self, r):
- r.zadd('a', a1=1, a2=2, a3=3)
- assert r.zrange('a', 0, 1) == [b('a1'), b('a2')]
- assert r.zrange('a', 1, 2) == [b('a2'), b('a3')]
+ r.zadd('a', {'a1': 1, 'a2': 2, 'a3': 3})
+ assert r.zrange('a', 0, 1) == [b'a1', b'a2']
+ assert r.zrange('a', 1, 2) == [b'a2', b'a3']
# withscores
assert r.zrange('a', 0, 1, withscores=True) == \
- [(b('a1'), 1.0), (b('a2'), 2.0)]
+ [(b'a1', 1.0), (b'a2', 2.0)]
assert r.zrange('a', 1, 2, withscores=True) == \
- [(b('a2'), 2.0), (b('a3'), 3.0)]
+ [(b'a2', 2.0), (b'a3', 3.0)]
# custom score function
assert r.zrange('a', 0, 1, withscores=True, score_cast_func=int) == \
- [(b('a1'), 1), (b('a2'), 2)]
+ [(b'a1', 1), (b'a2', 2)]
def test_zrangebylex(self, r):
- r.zadd('a', a=0, b=0, c=0, d=0, e=0, f=0, g=0)
- assert r.zrangebylex('a', '-', '[c') == [b('a'), b('b'), b('c')]
- assert r.zrangebylex('a', '-', '(c') == [b('a'), b('b')]
+ r.zadd('a', {'a': 0, 'b': 0, 'c': 0, 'd': 0, 'e': 0, 'f': 0, 'g': 0})
+ assert r.zrangebylex('a', '-', '[c') == [b'a', b'b', b'c']
+ assert r.zrangebylex('a', '-', '(c') == [b'a', b'b']
assert r.zrangebylex('a', '[aaa', '(g') == \
- [b('b'), b('c'), b('d'), b('e'), b('f')]
- assert r.zrangebylex('a', '[f', '+') == [b('f'), b('g')]
- assert r.zrangebylex('a', '-', '+', start=3, num=2) == [b('d'), b('e')]
+ [b'b', b'c', b'd', b'e', b'f']
+ assert r.zrangebylex('a', '[f', '+') == [b'f', b'g']
+ assert r.zrangebylex('a', '-', '+', start=3, num=2) == [b'd', b'e']
def test_zrevrangebylex(self, r):
- r.zadd('a', a=0, b=0, c=0, d=0, e=0, f=0, g=0)
- assert r.zrevrangebylex('a', '[c', '-') == [b('c'), b('b'), b('a')]
- assert r.zrevrangebylex('a', '(c', '-') == [b('b'), b('a')]
+ r.zadd('a', {'a': 0, 'b': 0, 'c': 0, 'd': 0, 'e': 0, 'f': 0, 'g': 0})
+ assert r.zrevrangebylex('a', '[c', '-') == [b'c', b'b', b'a']
+ assert r.zrevrangebylex('a', '(c', '-') == [b'b', b'a']
assert r.zrevrangebylex('a', '(g', '[aaa') == \
- [b('f'), b('e'), b('d'), b('c'), b('b')]
- assert r.zrevrangebylex('a', '+', '[f') == [b('g'), b('f')]
+ [b'f', b'e', b'd', b'c', b'b']
+ assert r.zrevrangebylex('a', '+', '[f') == [b'g', b'f']
assert r.zrevrangebylex('a', '+', '-', start=3, num=2) == \
- [b('d'), b('c')]
+ [b'd', b'c']
def test_zrangebyscore(self, r):
- r.zadd('a', a1=1, a2=2, a3=3, a4=4, a5=5)
- assert r.zrangebyscore('a', 2, 4) == [b('a2'), b('a3'), b('a4')]
+ r.zadd('a', {'a1': 1, 'a2': 2, 'a3': 3, 'a4': 4, 'a5': 5})
+ assert r.zrangebyscore('a', 2, 4) == [b'a2', b'a3', b'a4']
# slicing with start/num
assert r.zrangebyscore('a', 2, 4, start=1, num=2) == \
- [b('a3'), b('a4')]
+ [b'a3', b'a4']
# withscores
assert r.zrangebyscore('a', 2, 4, withscores=True) == \
- [(b('a2'), 2.0), (b('a3'), 3.0), (b('a4'), 4.0)]
+ [(b'a2', 2.0), (b'a3', 3.0), (b'a4', 4.0)]
# custom score function
assert r.zrangebyscore('a', 2, 4, withscores=True,
score_cast_func=int) == \
- [(b('a2'), 2), (b('a3'), 3), (b('a4'), 4)]
+ [(b'a2', 2), (b'a3', 3), (b'a4', 4)]
def test_zrank(self, r):
- r.zadd('a', a1=1, a2=2, a3=3, a4=4, a5=5)
+ r.zadd('a', {'a1': 1, 'a2': 2, 'a3': 3, 'a4': 4, 'a5': 5})
assert r.zrank('a', 'a1') == 0
assert r.zrank('a', 'a2') == 1
assert r.zrank('a', 'a6') is None
def test_zrem(self, r):
- r.zadd('a', a1=1, a2=2, a3=3)
+ r.zadd('a', {'a1': 1, 'a2': 2, 'a3': 3})
assert r.zrem('a', 'a2') == 1
- assert r.zrange('a', 0, -1) == [b('a1'), b('a3')]
+ assert r.zrange('a', 0, -1) == [b'a1', b'a3']
assert r.zrem('a', 'b') == 0
- assert r.zrange('a', 0, -1) == [b('a1'), b('a3')]
+ assert r.zrange('a', 0, -1) == [b'a1', b'a3']
def test_zrem_multiple_keys(self, r):
- r.zadd('a', a1=1, a2=2, a3=3)
+ r.zadd('a', {'a1': 1, 'a2': 2, 'a3': 3})
assert r.zrem('a', 'a1', 'a2') == 2
- assert r.zrange('a', 0, 5) == [b('a3')]
+ assert r.zrange('a', 0, 5) == [b'a3']
def test_zremrangebylex(self, r):
- r.zadd('a', a=0, b=0, c=0, d=0, e=0, f=0, g=0)
+ r.zadd('a', {'a': 0, 'b': 0, 'c': 0, 'd': 0, 'e': 0, 'f': 0, 'g': 0})
assert r.zremrangebylex('a', '-', '[c') == 3
- assert r.zrange('a', 0, -1) == [b('d'), b('e'), b('f'), b('g')]
+ assert r.zrange('a', 0, -1) == [b'd', b'e', b'f', b'g']
assert r.zremrangebylex('a', '[f', '+') == 2
- assert r.zrange('a', 0, -1) == [b('d'), b('e')]
+ assert r.zrange('a', 0, -1) == [b'd', b'e']
assert r.zremrangebylex('a', '[h', '+') == 0
- assert r.zrange('a', 0, -1) == [b('d'), b('e')]
+ assert r.zrange('a', 0, -1) == [b'd', b'e']
def test_zremrangebyrank(self, r):
- r.zadd('a', a1=1, a2=2, a3=3, a4=4, a5=5)
+ r.zadd('a', {'a1': 1, 'a2': 2, 'a3': 3, 'a4': 4, 'a5': 5})
assert r.zremrangebyrank('a', 1, 3) == 3
- assert r.zrange('a', 0, 5) == [b('a1'), b('a5')]
+ assert r.zrange('a', 0, 5) == [b'a1', b'a5']
def test_zremrangebyscore(self, r):
- r.zadd('a', a1=1, a2=2, a3=3, a4=4, a5=5)
+ r.zadd('a', {'a1': 1, 'a2': 2, 'a3': 3, 'a4': 4, 'a5': 5})
assert r.zremrangebyscore('a', 2, 4) == 3
- assert r.zrange('a', 0, -1) == [b('a1'), b('a5')]
+ assert r.zrange('a', 0, -1) == [b'a1', b'a5']
assert r.zremrangebyscore('a', 2, 4) == 0
- assert r.zrange('a', 0, -1) == [b('a1'), b('a5')]
+ assert r.zrange('a', 0, -1) == [b'a1', b'a5']
def test_zrevrange(self, r):
- r.zadd('a', a1=1, a2=2, a3=3)
- assert r.zrevrange('a', 0, 1) == [b('a3'), b('a2')]
- assert r.zrevrange('a', 1, 2) == [b('a2'), b('a1')]
+ r.zadd('a', {'a1': 1, 'a2': 2, 'a3': 3})
+ assert r.zrevrange('a', 0, 1) == [b'a3', b'a2']
+ assert r.zrevrange('a', 1, 2) == [b'a2', b'a1']
# withscores
assert r.zrevrange('a', 0, 1, withscores=True) == \
- [(b('a3'), 3.0), (b('a2'), 2.0)]
+ [(b'a3', 3.0), (b'a2', 2.0)]
assert r.zrevrange('a', 1, 2, withscores=True) == \
- [(b('a2'), 2.0), (b('a1'), 1.0)]
+ [(b'a2', 2.0), (b'a1', 1.0)]
# custom score function
assert r.zrevrange('a', 0, 1, withscores=True,
score_cast_func=int) == \
- [(b('a3'), 3.0), (b('a2'), 2.0)]
+ [(b'a3', 3.0), (b'a2', 2.0)]
def test_zrevrangebyscore(self, r):
- r.zadd('a', a1=1, a2=2, a3=3, a4=4, a5=5)
- assert r.zrevrangebyscore('a', 4, 2) == [b('a4'), b('a3'), b('a2')]
+ r.zadd('a', {'a1': 1, 'a2': 2, 'a3': 3, 'a4': 4, 'a5': 5})
+ assert r.zrevrangebyscore('a', 4, 2) == [b'a4', b'a3', b'a2']
# slicing with start/num
assert r.zrevrangebyscore('a', 4, 2, start=1, num=2) == \
- [b('a3'), b('a2')]
+ [b'a3', b'a2']
# withscores
assert r.zrevrangebyscore('a', 4, 2, withscores=True) == \
- [(b('a4'), 4.0), (b('a3'), 3.0), (b('a2'), 2.0)]
+ [(b'a4', 4.0), (b'a3', 3.0), (b'a2', 2.0)]
# custom score function
assert r.zrevrangebyscore('a', 4, 2, withscores=True,
score_cast_func=int) == \
- [(b('a4'), 4), (b('a3'), 3), (b('a2'), 2)]
+ [(b'a4', 4), (b'a3', 3), (b'a2', 2)]
def test_zrevrank(self, r):
- r.zadd('a', a1=1, a2=2, a3=3, a4=4, a5=5)
+ r.zadd('a', {'a1': 1, 'a2': 2, 'a3': 3, 'a4': 4, 'a5': 5})
assert r.zrevrank('a', 'a1') == 4
assert r.zrevrank('a', 'a2') == 3
assert r.zrevrank('a', 'a6') is None
def test_zscore(self, r):
- r.zadd('a', a1=1, a2=2, a3=3)
+ r.zadd('a', {'a1': 1, 'a2': 2, 'a3': 3})
assert r.zscore('a', 'a1') == 1.0
assert r.zscore('a', 'a2') == 2.0
assert r.zscore('a', 'a4') is None
def test_zunionstore_sum(self, r):
- r.zadd('a', a1=1, a2=1, a3=1)
- r.zadd('b', a1=2, a2=2, a3=2)
- r.zadd('c', a1=6, a3=5, a4=4)
+ r.zadd('a', {'a1': 1, 'a2': 1, 'a3': 1})
+ r.zadd('b', {'a1': 2, 'a2': 2, 'a3': 2})
+ r.zadd('c', {'a1': 6, 'a3': 5, 'a4': 4})
assert r.zunionstore('d', ['a', 'b', 'c']) == 4
assert r.zrange('d', 0, -1, withscores=True) == \
- [(b('a2'), 3), (b('a4'), 4), (b('a3'), 8), (b('a1'), 9)]
+ [(b'a2', 3), (b'a4', 4), (b'a3', 8), (b'a1', 9)]
def test_zunionstore_max(self, r):
- r.zadd('a', a1=1, a2=1, a3=1)
- r.zadd('b', a1=2, a2=2, a3=2)
- r.zadd('c', a1=6, a3=5, a4=4)
+ r.zadd('a', {'a1': 1, 'a2': 1, 'a3': 1})
+ r.zadd('b', {'a1': 2, 'a2': 2, 'a3': 2})
+ r.zadd('c', {'a1': 6, 'a3': 5, 'a4': 4})
assert r.zunionstore('d', ['a', 'b', 'c'], aggregate='MAX') == 4
assert r.zrange('d', 0, -1, withscores=True) == \
- [(b('a2'), 2), (b('a4'), 4), (b('a3'), 5), (b('a1'), 6)]
+ [(b'a2', 2), (b'a4', 4), (b'a3', 5), (b'a1', 6)]
def test_zunionstore_min(self, r):
- r.zadd('a', a1=1, a2=2, a3=3)
- r.zadd('b', a1=2, a2=2, a3=4)
- r.zadd('c', a1=6, a3=5, a4=4)
+ r.zadd('a', {'a1': 1, 'a2': 2, 'a3': 3})
+ r.zadd('b', {'a1': 2, 'a2': 2, 'a3': 4})
+ r.zadd('c', {'a1': 6, 'a3': 5, 'a4': 4})
assert r.zunionstore('d', ['a', 'b', 'c'], aggregate='MIN') == 4
assert r.zrange('d', 0, -1, withscores=True) == \
- [(b('a1'), 1), (b('a2'), 2), (b('a3'), 3), (b('a4'), 4)]
+ [(b'a1', 1), (b'a2', 2), (b'a3', 3), (b'a4', 4)]
def test_zunionstore_with_weight(self, r):
- r.zadd('a', a1=1, a2=1, a3=1)
- r.zadd('b', a1=2, a2=2, a3=2)
- r.zadd('c', a1=6, a3=5, a4=4)
+ r.zadd('a', {'a1': 1, 'a2': 1, 'a3': 1})
+ r.zadd('b', {'a1': 2, 'a2': 2, 'a3': 2})
+ r.zadd('c', {'a1': 6, 'a3': 5, 'a4': 4})
assert r.zunionstore('d', {'a': 1, 'b': 2, 'c': 3}) == 4
assert r.zrange('d', 0, -1, withscores=True) == \
- [(b('a2'), 5), (b('a4'), 12), (b('a3'), 20), (b('a1'), 23)]
+ [(b'a2', 5), (b'a4', 12), (b'a3', 20), (b'a1', 23)]
def test_pfadd(self, r):
- members = set([b('1'), b('2'), b('3')])
+ members = {b'1', b'2', b'3'}
assert r.pfadd('a', *members) == 1
assert r.pfadd('a', *members) == 0
assert r.pfcount('a') == len(members)
def test_pfcount(self, r):
- members = set([b('1'), b('2'), b('3')])
+ members = {b'1', b'2', b'3'}
r.pfadd('a', *members)
assert r.pfcount('a') == len(members)
- members_b = set([b('2'), b('3'), b('4')])
+ members_b = {b'2', b'3', b'4'}
r.pfadd('b', *members_b)
assert r.pfcount('b') == len(members_b)
assert r.pfcount('a', 'b') == len(members_b.union(members))
def test_pfmerge(self, r):
- mema = set([b('1'), b('2'), b('3')])
- memb = set([b('2'), b('3'), b('4')])
- memc = set([b('5'), b('6'), b('7')])
+ mema = {b'1', b'2', b'3'}
+ memb = {b'2', b'3', b'4'}
+ memc = {b'5', b'6', b'7'}
r.pfadd('a', *mema)
r.pfadd('b', *memb)
r.pfadd('c', *memc)
@@ -1173,17 +1382,17 @@ class TestRedisCommands(object):
def test_hget_and_hset(self, r):
r.hmset('a', {'1': 1, '2': 2, '3': 3})
- assert r.hget('a', '1') == b('1')
- assert r.hget('a', '2') == b('2')
- assert r.hget('a', '3') == b('3')
+ assert r.hget('a', '1') == b'1'
+ assert r.hget('a', '2') == b'2'
+ assert r.hget('a', '3') == b'3'
# field was updated, redis returns 0
assert r.hset('a', '2', 5) == 0
- assert r.hget('a', '2') == b('5')
+ assert r.hget('a', '2') == b'5'
# field is new, redis returns 1
assert r.hset('a', '4', 4) == 1
- assert r.hget('a', '4') == b('4')
+ assert r.hget('a', '4') == b'4'
# key inside of hash that doesn't exist returns null value
assert r.hget('a', 'b') is None
@@ -1201,7 +1410,7 @@ class TestRedisCommands(object):
assert not r.hexists('a', '4')
def test_hgetall(self, r):
- h = {b('a1'): b('1'), b('a2'): b('2'), b('a3'): b('3')}
+ h = {b'a1': b'1', b'a2': b'2', b'a3': b'3'}
r.hmset('a', h)
assert r.hgetall('a') == h
@@ -1217,7 +1426,7 @@ class TestRedisCommands(object):
assert r.hincrbyfloat('a', '1', 1.2) == 3.2
def test_hkeys(self, r):
- h = {b('a1'): b('1'), b('a2'): b('2'), b('a3'): b('3')}
+ h = {b'a1': b'1', b'a2': b'2', b'a3': b'3'}
r.hmset('a', h)
local_keys = list(iterkeys(h))
remote_keys = r.hkeys('a')
@@ -1229,22 +1438,22 @@ class TestRedisCommands(object):
def test_hmget(self, r):
assert r.hmset('a', {'a': 1, 'b': 2, 'c': 3})
- assert r.hmget('a', 'a', 'b', 'c') == [b('1'), b('2'), b('3')]
+ assert r.hmget('a', 'a', 'b', 'c') == [b'1', b'2', b'3']
def test_hmset(self, r):
- h = {b('a'): b('1'), b('b'): b('2'), b('c'): b('3')}
+ h = {b'a': b'1', b'b': b'2', b'c': b'3'}
assert r.hmset('a', h)
assert r.hgetall('a') == h
def test_hsetnx(self, r):
# Initially set the hash field
assert r.hsetnx('a', '1', 1)
- assert r.hget('a', '1') == b('1')
+ assert r.hget('a', '1') == b'1'
assert not r.hsetnx('a', '1', 2)
- assert r.hget('a', '1') == b('1')
+ assert r.hget('a', '1') == b'1'
def test_hvals(self, r):
- h = {b('a1'): b('1'), b('a2'): b('2'), b('a3'): b('3')}
+ h = {b'a1': b'1', b'a2': b'2', b'a3': b'3'}
r.hmset('a', h)
local_vals = list(itervalues(h))
remote_vals = r.hvals('a')
@@ -1259,25 +1468,25 @@ class TestRedisCommands(object):
def test_sort_basic(self, r):
r.rpush('a', '3', '2', '1', '4')
- assert r.sort('a') == [b('1'), b('2'), b('3'), b('4')]
+ assert r.sort('a') == [b'1', b'2', b'3', b'4']
def test_sort_limited(self, r):
r.rpush('a', '3', '2', '1', '4')
- assert r.sort('a', start=1, num=2) == [b('2'), b('3')]
+ assert r.sort('a', start=1, num=2) == [b'2', b'3']
def test_sort_by(self, r):
r['score:1'] = 8
r['score:2'] = 3
r['score:3'] = 5
r.rpush('a', '3', '2', '1')
- assert r.sort('a', by='score:*') == [b('2'), b('3'), b('1')]
+ assert r.sort('a', by='score:*') == [b'2', b'3', b'1']
def test_sort_get(self, r):
r['user:1'] = 'u1'
r['user:2'] = 'u2'
r['user:3'] = 'u3'
r.rpush('a', '2', '3', '1')
- assert r.sort('a', get='user:*') == [b('u1'), b('u2'), b('u3')]
+ assert r.sort('a', get='user:*') == [b'u1', b'u2', b'u3']
def test_sort_get_multi(self, r):
r['user:1'] = 'u1'
@@ -1285,7 +1494,7 @@ class TestRedisCommands(object):
r['user:3'] = 'u3'
r.rpush('a', '2', '3', '1')
assert r.sort('a', get=('user:*', '#')) == \
- [b('u1'), b('1'), b('u2'), b('2'), b('u3'), b('3')]
+ [b'u1', b'1', b'u2', b'2', b'u3', b'3']
def test_sort_get_groups_two(self, r):
r['user:1'] = 'u1'
@@ -1293,7 +1502,7 @@ class TestRedisCommands(object):
r['user:3'] = 'u3'
r.rpush('a', '2', '3', '1')
assert r.sort('a', get=('user:*', '#'), groups=True) == \
- [(b('u1'), b('1')), (b('u2'), b('2')), (b('u3'), b('3'))]
+ [(b'u1', b'1'), (b'u2', b'2'), (b'u3', b'3')]
def test_sort_groups_string_get(self, r):
r['user:1'] = 'u1'
@@ -1329,24 +1538,24 @@ class TestRedisCommands(object):
r.rpush('a', '2', '3', '1')
assert r.sort('a', get=('user:*', 'door:*', '#'), groups=True) == \
- (b('u1'), b('d1'), b('1')),
- (b('u2'), b('d2'), b('2')),
- (b('u3'), b('d3'), b('3'))
+ (b'u1', b'd1', b'1'),
+ (b'u2', b'd2', b'2'),
+ (b'u3', b'd3', b'3')
def test_sort_desc(self, r):
r.rpush('a', '2', '3', '1')
- assert r.sort('a', desc=True) == [b('3'), b('2'), b('1')]
+ assert r.sort('a', desc=True) == [b'3', b'2', b'1']
def test_sort_alpha(self, r):
r.rpush('a', 'e', 'c', 'b', 'd', 'a')
assert r.sort('a', alpha=True) == \
- [b('a'), b('b'), b('c'), b('d'), b('e')]
+ [b'a', b'b', b'c', b'd', b'e']
def test_sort_store(self, r):
r.rpush('a', '2', '3', '1')
assert r.sort('a', store='sorted_values') == 3
- assert r.lrange('sorted_values', 0, -1) == [b('1'), b('2'), b('3')]
+ assert r.lrange('sorted_values', 0, -1) == [b'1', b'2', b'3']
def test_sort_all_options(self, r):
r['user:1:username'] = 'zeus'
@@ -1373,7 +1582,12 @@ class TestRedisCommands(object):
assert num == 4
assert r.lrange('sorted', 0, 10) == \
- [b('vodka'), b('milk'), b('gin'), b('apple juice')]
+ [b'vodka', b'milk', b'gin', b'apple juice']
+ def test_sort_issue_924(self, r):
+ # Tests for issue
+ r.execute_command('SADD', 'issue#924', 1)
+ r.execute_command('SORT', 'issue#924')
def test_cluster_addslots(self, mock_cluster_resp_ok):
assert mock_cluster_resp_ok.cluster('ADDSLOTS', 1) is True
@@ -1456,6 +1670,12 @@ class TestRedisCommands(object):
assert r.geodist('barcelona', 'place1', 'place2', 'km') == 3.0674
+ def test_geodist_missing_one_member(self, r):
+ values = (2.1909389952632, 41.433791470673, 'place1')
+ r.geoadd('barcelona', *values)
+ assert r.geodist('barcelona', 'place1', 'missing_member', 'km') is None
+ @skip_if_server_version_lt('3.2.0')
def test_geodist_invalid_units(self, r):
with pytest.raises(exceptions.RedisError):
assert r.geodist('x', 'y', 'z', 'inches')
@@ -1466,8 +1686,8 @@ class TestRedisCommands(object):
(2.1873744593677, 41.406342043777, 'place2')
r.geoadd('barcelona', *values)
- assert r.geohash('barcelona', 'place1', 'place2') ==\
- ['sp3e9yg3kd0', 'sp3e9cbc3t0']
+ assert r.geohash('barcelona', 'place1', 'place2', 'place3') ==\
+ ['sp3e9yg3kd0', 'sp3e9cbc3t0', None]
def test_geopos(self, r):
@@ -1492,10 +1712,11 @@ class TestRedisCommands(object):
def test_georadius(self, r):
values = (2.1909389952632, 41.433791470673, 'place1') +\
- (2.1873744593677, 41.406342043777, 'place2')
+ (2.1873744593677, 41.406342043777, b'\x80place2')
r.geoadd('barcelona', *values)
- assert r.georadius('barcelona', 2.191, 41.433, 1000) == ['place1']
+ assert r.georadius('barcelona', 2.191, 41.433, 1000) == [b'place1']
+ assert r.georadius('barcelona', 2.187, 41.406, 1000) == [b'\x80place2']
def test_georadius_no_values(self, r):
@@ -1512,7 +1733,7 @@ class TestRedisCommands(object):
r.geoadd('barcelona', *values)
assert r.georadius('barcelona', 2.191, 41.433, 1, unit='km') ==\
- ['place1']
+ [b'place1']
def test_georadius_with(self, r):
@@ -1525,17 +1746,17 @@ class TestRedisCommands(object):
# function.
assert r.georadius('barcelona', 2.191, 41.433, 1, unit='km',
withdist=True, withcoord=True, withhash=True) ==\
- [['place1', 0.0881, 3471609698139488,
+ [[b'place1', 0.0881, 3471609698139488,
(2.19093829393386841, 41.43379028184083523)]]
assert r.georadius('barcelona', 2.191, 41.433, 1, unit='km',
withdist=True, withcoord=True) ==\
- [['place1', 0.0881,
+ [[b'place1', 0.0881,
(2.19093829393386841, 41.43379028184083523)]]
assert r.georadius('barcelona', 2.191, 41.433, 1, unit='km',
withhash=True, withcoord=True) ==\
- [['place1', 3471609698139488,
+ [[b'place1', 3471609698139488,
(2.19093829393386841, 41.43379028184083523)]]
# test no values.
@@ -1549,7 +1770,7 @@ class TestRedisCommands(object):
r.geoadd('barcelona', *values)
assert r.georadius('barcelona', 2.191, 41.433, 3000, count=1) ==\
- ['place1']
+ [b'place1']
def test_georadius_sort(self, r):
@@ -1558,9 +1779,9 @@ class TestRedisCommands(object):
r.geoadd('barcelona', *values)
assert r.georadius('barcelona', 2.191, 41.433, 3000, sort='ASC') ==\
- ['place1', 'place2']
+ [b'place1', b'place2']
assert r.georadius('barcelona', 2.191, 41.433, 3000, sort='DESC') ==\
- ['place2', 'place1']
+ [b'place2', b'place1']
def test_georadius_store(self, r):
@@ -1585,71 +1806,554 @@ class TestRedisCommands(object):
def test_georadiusmember(self, r):
values = (2.1909389952632, 41.433791470673, 'place1') +\
- (2.1873744593677, 41.406342043777, 'place2')
+ (2.1873744593677, 41.406342043777, b'\x80place2')
r.geoadd('barcelona', *values)
assert r.georadiusbymember('barcelona', 'place1', 4000) ==\
- ['place2', 'place1']
- assert r.georadiusbymember('barcelona', 'place1', 10) == ['place1']
+ [b'\x80place2', b'place1']
+ assert r.georadiusbymember('barcelona', 'place1', 10) == [b'place1']
assert r.georadiusbymember('barcelona', 'place1', 4000,
withdist=True, withcoord=True,
withhash=True) ==\
- [['place2', 3067.4157, 3471609625421029,
+ [[b'\x80place2', 3067.4157, 3471609625421029,
(2.187376320362091, 41.40634178640635)],
- ['place1', 0.0, 3471609698139488,
+ [b'place1', 0.0, 3471609698139488,
(2.1909382939338684, 41.433790281840835)]]
+ @skip_if_server_version_lt('5.0.0')
+ def test_xack(self, r):
+ stream = 'stream'
+ group = 'group'
+ consumer = 'consumer'
+ # xack on a stream that doesn't exist
+ assert r.xack(stream, group, '0-0') == 0
+ m1 = r.xadd(stream, {'one': 'one'})
+ m2 = r.xadd(stream, {'two': 'two'})
+ m3 = r.xadd(stream, {'three': 'three'})
+ # xack on a group that doesn't exist
+ assert r.xack(stream, group, m1) == 0
+ r.xgroup_create(stream, group, 0)
+ r.xreadgroup(group, consumer, streams={stream: '>'})
+ # xack returns the number of ack'd elements
+ assert r.xack(stream, group, m1) == 1
+ assert r.xack(stream, group, m2, m3) == 2
+ @skip_if_server_version_lt('5.0.0')
+ def test_xadd(self, r):
+ stream = 'stream'
+ message_id = r.xadd(stream, {'foo': 'bar'})
+ assert re.match(br'[0-9]+\-[0-9]+', message_id)
+ # explicit message id
+ message_id = b'9999999999999999999-0'
+ assert message_id == r.xadd(stream, {'foo': 'bar'}, id=message_id)
+ # with maxlen, the list evicts the first message
+ r.xadd(stream, {'foo': 'bar'}, maxlen=2, approximate=False)
+ assert r.xlen(stream) == 2
+ @skip_if_server_version_lt('5.0.0')
+ def test_xclaim(self, r):
+ stream = 'stream'
+ group = 'group'
+ consumer1 = 'consumer1'
+ consumer2 = 'consumer2'
+ message_id = r.xadd(stream, {'john': 'wick'})
+ message = get_stream_message(r, stream, message_id)
+ r.xgroup_create(stream, group, 0)
+ # trying to claim a message that isn't already pending doesn't
+ # do anything
+ response = r.xclaim(stream, group, consumer2,
+ min_idle_time=0, message_ids=(message_id,))
+ assert response == []
+ # read the group as consumer1 to initially claim the messages
+ r.xreadgroup(group, consumer1, streams={stream: '>'})
+ # claim the message as consumer2
+ response = r.xclaim(stream, group, consumer2,
+ min_idle_time=0, message_ids=(message_id,))
+ assert response[0] == message
+ # reclaim the message as consumer1, but use the justid argument
+ # which only returns message ids
+ assert r.xclaim(stream, group, consumer1,
+ min_idle_time=0, message_ids=(message_id,),
+ justid=True) == [message_id]
+ @skip_if_server_version_lt('5.0.0')
+ def test_xdel(self, r):
+ stream = 'stream'
+ # deleting from an empty stream doesn't do anything
+ assert r.xdel(stream, 1) == 0
+ m1 = r.xadd(stream, {'foo': 'bar'})
+ m2 = r.xadd(stream, {'foo': 'bar'})
+ m3 = r.xadd(stream, {'foo': 'bar'})
+ # xdel returns the number of deleted elements
+ assert r.xdel(stream, m1) == 1
+ assert r.xdel(stream, m2, m3) == 2
+ @skip_if_server_version_lt('5.0.0')
+ def test_xgroup_create(self, r):
+ # tests xgroup_create and xinfo_groups
+ stream = 'stream'
+ group = 'group'
+ r.xadd(stream, {'foo': 'bar'})
+ # no group is setup yet, no info to obtain
+ assert r.xinfo_groups(stream) == []
+ assert r.xgroup_create(stream, group, 0)
+ expected = [{
+ 'name': group.encode(),
+ 'consumers': 0,
+ 'pending': 0,
+ 'last-delivered-id': b'0-0'
+ }]
+ assert r.xinfo_groups(stream) == expected
+ @skip_if_server_version_lt('5.0.0')
+ def test_xgroup_create_mkstream(self, r):
+ # tests xgroup_create and xinfo_groups
+ stream = 'stream'
+ group = 'group'
+ # an error is raised if a group is created on a stream that
+ # doesn't already exist
+ with pytest.raises(exceptions.ResponseError):
+ r.xgroup_create(stream, group, 0)
+ # however, with mkstream=True, the underlying stream is created
+ # automatically
+ assert r.xgroup_create(stream, group, 0, mkstream=True)
+ expected = [{
+ 'name': group.encode(),
+ 'consumers': 0,
+ 'pending': 0,
+ 'last-delivered-id': b'0-0'
+ }]
+ assert r.xinfo_groups(stream) == expected
+ @skip_if_server_version_lt('5.0.0')
+ def test_xgroup_delconsumer(self, r):
+ stream = 'stream'
+ group = 'group'
+ consumer = 'consumer'
+ r.xadd(stream, {'foo': 'bar'})
+ r.xadd(stream, {'foo': 'bar'})
+ r.xgroup_create(stream, group, 0)
+ # a consumer that hasn't yet read any messages doesn't do anything
+ assert r.xgroup_delconsumer(stream, group, consumer) == 0
+ # read all messages from the group
+ r.xreadgroup(group, consumer, streams={stream: '>'})
+ # deleting the consumer should return 2 pending messages
+ assert r.xgroup_delconsumer(stream, group, consumer) == 2
+ @skip_if_server_version_lt('5.0.0')
+ def test_xgroup_destroy(self, r):
+ stream = 'stream'
+ group = 'group'
+ r.xadd(stream, {'foo': 'bar'})
+ # destroying a nonexistent group returns False
+ assert not r.xgroup_destroy(stream, group)
+ r.xgroup_create(stream, group, 0)
+ assert r.xgroup_destroy(stream, group)
+ @skip_if_server_version_lt('5.0.0')
+ def test_xgroup_setid(self, r):
+ stream = 'stream'
+ group = 'group'
+ message_id = r.xadd(stream, {'foo': 'bar'})
+ r.xgroup_create(stream, group, 0)
+ # advance the last_delivered_id to the message_id
+ r.xgroup_setid(stream, group, message_id)
+ expected = [{
+ 'name': group.encode(),
+ 'consumers': 0,
+ 'pending': 0,
+ 'last-delivered-id': message_id
+ }]
+ assert r.xinfo_groups(stream) == expected
+ @skip_if_server_version_lt('5.0.0')
+ def test_xinfo_consumers(self, r):
+ stream = 'stream'
+ group = 'group'
+ consumer1 = 'consumer1'
+ consumer2 = 'consumer2'
+ r.xadd(stream, {'foo': 'bar'})
+ r.xadd(stream, {'foo': 'bar'})
+ r.xadd(stream, {'foo': 'bar'})
+ r.xgroup_create(stream, group, 0)
+ r.xreadgroup(group, consumer1, streams={stream: '>'}, count=1)
+ r.xreadgroup(group, consumer2, streams={stream: '>'})
+ info = r.xinfo_consumers(stream, group)
+ assert len(info) == 2
+ expected = [
+ {'name': consumer1.encode(), 'pending': 1},
+ {'name': consumer2.encode(), 'pending': 2},
+ ]
-class TestStrictCommands(object):
+ # we can't determine the idle time, so just make sure it's an int
+ assert isinstance(info[0].pop('idle'), (int, long))
+ assert isinstance(info[1].pop('idle'), (int, long))
+ assert info == expected
+ @skip_if_server_version_lt('5.0.0')
+ def test_xinfo_stream(self, r):
+ stream = 'stream'
+ m1 = r.xadd(stream, {'foo': 'bar'})
+ m2 = r.xadd(stream, {'foo': 'bar'})
+ info = r.xinfo_stream(stream)
+ assert info['length'] == 2
+ assert info['first-entry'] == get_stream_message(r, stream, m1)
+ assert info['last-entry'] == get_stream_message(r, stream, m2)
+ @skip_if_server_version_lt('5.0.0')
+ def test_xlen(self, r):
+ stream = 'stream'
+ assert r.xlen(stream) == 0
+ r.xadd(stream, {'foo': 'bar'})
+ r.xadd(stream, {'foo': 'bar'})
+ assert r.xlen(stream) == 2
+ @skip_if_server_version_lt('5.0.0')
+ def test_xpending(self, r):
+ stream = 'stream'
+ group = 'group'
+ consumer1 = 'consumer1'
+ consumer2 = 'consumer2'
+ m1 = r.xadd(stream, {'foo': 'bar'})
+ m2 = r.xadd(stream, {'foo': 'bar'})
+ r.xgroup_create(stream, group, 0)
+ # xpending on a group that has no consumers yet
+ expected = {
+ 'pending': 0,
+ 'min': None,
+ 'max': None,
+ 'consumers': []
+ }
+ assert r.xpending(stream, group) == expected
+ # read 1 message from the group with each consumer
+ r.xreadgroup(group, consumer1, streams={stream: '>'}, count=1)
+ r.xreadgroup(group, consumer2, streams={stream: '>'}, count=1)
+ expected = {
+ 'pending': 2,
+ 'min': m1,
+ 'max': m2,
+ 'consumers': [
+ {'name': consumer1.encode(), 'pending': 1},
+ {'name': consumer2.encode(), 'pending': 1},
+ ]
+ }
+ assert r.xpending(stream, group) == expected
+ @skip_if_server_version_lt('5.0.0')
+ def test_xpending_range(self, r):
+ stream = 'stream'
+ group = 'group'
+ consumer1 = 'consumer1'
+ consumer2 = 'consumer2'
+ m1 = r.xadd(stream, {'foo': 'bar'})
+ m2 = r.xadd(stream, {'foo': 'bar'})
+ r.xgroup_create(stream, group, 0)
+ # xpending range on a group that has no consumers yet
+ assert r.xpending_range(stream, group, min='-', max='+', count=5) == []
+ # read 1 message from the group with each consumer
+ r.xreadgroup(group, consumer1, streams={stream: '>'}, count=1)
+ r.xreadgroup(group, consumer2, streams={stream: '>'}, count=1)
+ response = r.xpending_range(stream, group,
+ min='-', max='+', count=5)
+ assert len(response) == 2
+ assert response[0]['message_id'] == m1
+ assert response[0]['consumer'] == consumer1.encode()
+ assert response[1]['message_id'] == m2
+ assert response[1]['consumer'] == consumer2.encode()
+ @skip_if_server_version_lt('5.0.0')
+ def test_xrange(self, r):
+ stream = 'stream'
+ m1 = r.xadd(stream, {'foo': 'bar'})
+ m2 = r.xadd(stream, {'foo': 'bar'})
+ m3 = r.xadd(stream, {'foo': 'bar'})
+ m4 = r.xadd(stream, {'foo': 'bar'})
+ def get_ids(results):
+ return [result[0] for result in results]
+ results = r.xrange(stream, min=m1)
+ assert get_ids(results) == [m1, m2, m3, m4]
+ results = r.xrange(stream, min=m2, max=m3)
+ assert get_ids(results) == [m2, m3]
+ results = r.xrange(stream, max=m3)
+ assert get_ids(results) == [m1, m2, m3]
+ results = r.xrange(stream, max=m2, count=1)
+ assert get_ids(results) == [m1]
+ @skip_if_server_version_lt('5.0.0')
+ def test_xread(self, r):
+ stream = 'stream'
+ m1 = r.xadd(stream, {'foo': 'bar'})
+ m2 = r.xadd(stream, {'bing': 'baz'})
+ expected = [
+ [
+ stream.encode(),
+ [
+ get_stream_message(r, stream, m1),
+ get_stream_message(r, stream, m2),
+ ]
+ ]
+ ]
+ # xread starting at 0 returns both messages
+ assert r.xread(streams={stream: 0}) == expected
- def test_strict_zadd(self, sr):
- sr.zadd('a', 1.0, 'a1', 2.0, 'a2', a3=3.0)
- assert sr.zrange('a', 0, -1, withscores=True) == \
- [(b('a1'), 1.0), (b('a2'), 2.0), (b('a3'), 3.0)]
+ expected = [
+ [
+ stream.encode(),
+ [
+ get_stream_message(r, stream, m1),
+ ]
+ ]
+ ]
+ # xread starting at 0 and count=1 returns only the first message
+ assert r.xread(streams={stream: 0}, count=1) == expected
- def test_strict_lrem(self, sr):
- sr.rpush('a', 'a1', 'a2', 'a3', 'a1')
- sr.lrem('a', 0, 'a1')
- assert sr.lrange('a', 0, -1) == [b('a2'), b('a3')]
+ expected = [
+ [
+ stream.encode(),
+ [
+ get_stream_message(r, stream, m2),
+ ]
+ ]
+ ]
+ # xread starting at m1 returns only the second message
+ assert r.xread(streams={stream: m1}) == expected
+ # xread starting at the last message returns an empty list
+ assert r.xread(streams={stream: m2}) == []
+ @skip_if_server_version_lt('5.0.0')
+ def test_xreadgroup(self, r):
+ stream = 'stream'
+ group = 'group'
+ consumer = 'consumer'
+ m1 = r.xadd(stream, {'foo': 'bar'})
+ m2 = r.xadd(stream, {'bing': 'baz'})
+ r.xgroup_create(stream, group, 0)
+ expected = [
+ [
+ stream.encode(),
+ [
+ get_stream_message(r, stream, m1),
+ get_stream_message(r, stream, m2),
+ ]
+ ]
+ ]
+ # xread starting at 0 returns both messages
+ assert r.xreadgroup(group, consumer, streams={stream: '>'}) == expected
- def test_strict_setex(self, sr):
- assert sr.setex('a', 60, '1')
- assert sr['a'] == b('1')
- assert 0 < sr.ttl('a') <= 60
+ r.xgroup_destroy(stream, group)
+ r.xgroup_create(stream, group, 0)
- def test_strict_ttl(self, sr):
- assert not sr.expire('a', 10)
- sr['a'] = '1'
- assert sr.expire('a', 10)
- assert 0 < sr.ttl('a') <= 10
- assert sr.persist('a')
- assert sr.ttl('a') == -1
+ expected = [
+ [
+ stream.encode(),
+ [
+ get_stream_message(r, stream, m1),
+ ]
+ ]
+ ]
+ # xread with count=1 returns only the first message
+ assert r.xreadgroup(group, consumer,
+ streams={stream: '>'}, count=1) == expected
+ r.xgroup_destroy(stream, group)
+ # create the group using $ as the last id meaning subsequent reads
+ # will only find messages added after this
+ r.xgroup_create(stream, group, '$')
+ expected = []
+ # xread starting after the last message returns an empty message list
+ assert r.xreadgroup(group, consumer, streams={stream: '>'}) == expected
+ # xreadgroup with noack does not have any items in the PEL
+ r.xgroup_destroy(stream, group)
+ r.xgroup_create(stream, group, '0')
+ assert len(r.xreadgroup(group, consumer, streams={stream: '>'},
+ noack=True)[0][1]) == 2
+ # now there should be nothing pending
+ assert len(r.xreadgroup(group, consumer,
+ streams={stream: '0'})[0][1]) == 0
+ r.xgroup_destroy(stream, group)
+ r.xgroup_create(stream, group, '0')
+ # delete all the messages in the stream
+ expected = [
+ [
+ stream.encode(),
+ [
+ (m1, {}),
+ (m2, {}),
+ ]
+ ]
+ ]
+ r.xreadgroup(group, consumer, streams={stream: '>'})
+ r.xtrim(stream, 0)
+ assert r.xreadgroup(group, consumer, streams={stream: '0'}) == expected
+ @skip_if_server_version_lt('5.0.0')
+ def test_xrevrange(self, r):
+ stream = 'stream'
+ m1 = r.xadd(stream, {'foo': 'bar'})
+ m2 = r.xadd(stream, {'foo': 'bar'})
+ m3 = r.xadd(stream, {'foo': 'bar'})
+ m4 = r.xadd(stream, {'foo': 'bar'})
+ def get_ids(results):
+ return [result[0] for result in results]
+ results = r.xrevrange(stream, max=m4)
+ assert get_ids(results) == [m4, m3, m2, m1]
+ results = r.xrevrange(stream, max=m3, min=m2)
+ assert get_ids(results) == [m3, m2]
+ results = r.xrevrange(stream, min=m3)
+ assert get_ids(results) == [m4, m3]
+ results = r.xrevrange(stream, min=m2, count=1)
+ assert get_ids(results) == [m4]
+ @skip_if_server_version_lt('5.0.0')
+ def test_xtrim(self, r):
+ stream = 'stream'
+ # trimming an empty key doesn't do anything
+ assert r.xtrim(stream, 1000) == 0
+ r.xadd(stream, {'foo': 'bar'})
+ r.xadd(stream, {'foo': 'bar'})
+ r.xadd(stream, {'foo': 'bar'})
+ r.xadd(stream, {'foo': 'bar'})
+ # trimming an amount large than the number of messages
+ # doesn't do anything
+ assert r.xtrim(stream, 5, approximate=False) == 0
+ # 1 message is trimmed
+ assert r.xtrim(stream, 3, approximate=False) == 1
+ def test_bitfield_operations(self, r):
+ # comments show affected bits
+ bf = r.bitfield('a')
+ resp = (bf
+ .set('u8', 8, 255) # 00000000 11111111
+ .get('u8', 0) # 00000000
+ .get('u4', 8) # 1111
+ .get('u4', 12) # 1111
+ .get('u4', 13) # 111 0
+ .execute())
+ assert resp == [0, 0, 15, 15, 14]
+ # .set() returns the previous value...
+ resp = (bf
+ .set('u8', 4, 1) # 0000 0001
+ .get('u16', 0) # 00000000 00011111
+ .set('u16', 0, 0) # 00000000 00000000
+ .execute())
+ assert resp == [15, 31, 31]
+ # incrby adds to the value
+ resp = (bf
+ .incrby('u8', 8, 254) # 00000000 11111110
+ .incrby('u8', 8, 1) # 00000000 11111111
+ .get('u16', 0) # 00000000 11111111
+ .execute())
+ assert resp == [254, 255, 255]
+ # Verify overflow protection works as a method:
+ r.delete('a')
+ resp = (bf
+ .set('u8', 8, 254) # 00000000 11111110
+ .overflow('fail')
+ .incrby('u8', 8, 2) # incrby 2 would overflow, None returned
+ .incrby('u8', 8, 1) # 00000000 11111111
+ .incrby('u8', 8, 1) # incrby 1 would overflow, None returned
+ .get('u16', 0) # 00000000 11111111
+ .execute())
+ assert resp == [0, None, 255, None, 255]
+ # Verify overflow protection works as arg to incrby:
+ r.delete('a')
+ resp = (bf
+ .set('u8', 8, 255) # 00000000 11111111
+ .incrby('u8', 8, 1) # 00000000 00000000 wrap default
+ .set('u8', 8, 255) # 00000000 11111111
+ .incrby('u8', 8, 1, 'FAIL') # 00000000 11111111 fail
+ .incrby('u8', 8, 1) # 00000000 11111111 still fail
+ .get('u16', 0) # 00000000 11111111
+ .execute())
+ assert resp == [0, 0, 0, None, None, 255]
+ # test default default_overflow
+ r.delete('a')
+ bf = r.bitfield('a', default_overflow='FAIL')
+ resp = (bf
+ .set('u8', 8, 255) # 00000000 11111111
+ .incrby('u8', 8, 1) # 00000000 11111111 fail default
+ .get('u16', 0) # 00000000 11111111
+ .execute())
+ assert resp == [0, None, 255]
- @skip_if_server_version_lt('2.6.0')
- def test_strict_pttl(self, sr):
- assert not sr.pexpire('a', 10000)
- sr['a'] = '1'
- assert sr.pexpire('a', 10000)
- assert 0 < sr.pttl('a') <= 10000
- assert sr.persist('a')
- assert sr.pttl('a') == -1
+ @skip_if_server_version_lt('4.0.0')
+ def test_memory_usage(self, r):
+ r.set('foo', 'bar')
+ assert isinstance(r.memory_usage('foo'), int)
class TestBinarySave(object):
def test_binary_get_set(self, r):
assert r.set(' foo bar ', '123')
- assert r.get(' foo bar ') == b('123')
+ assert r.get(' foo bar ') == b'123'
assert r.set(' foo\r\nbar\r\n ', '456')
- assert r.get(' foo\r\nbar\r\n ') == b('456')
+ assert r.get(' foo\r\nbar\r\n ') == b'456'
assert r.set(' \r\n\t\x07\x13 ', '789')
- assert r.get(' \r\n\t\x07\x13 ') == b('789')
+ assert r.get(' \r\n\t\x07\x13 ') == b'789'
assert sorted(r.keys('*')) == \
- [b(' \r\n\t\x07\x13 '), b(' foo\r\nbar\r\n '), b(' foo bar ')]
+ [b' \r\n\t\x07\x13 ', b' foo\r\nbar\r\n ', b' foo bar ']
assert r.delete(' foo bar ')
assert r.delete(' foo\r\nbar\r\n ')
@@ -1657,9 +2361,9 @@ class TestBinarySave(object):
def test_binary_lists(self, r):
mapping = {
- b('foo bar'): [b('1'), b('2'), b('3')],
- b('foo\r\nbar\r\n'): [b('4'), b('5'), b('6')],
- b('foo\tbar\x07'): [b('7'), b('8'), b('9')],
+ b'foo bar': [b'1', b'2', b'3'],
+ b'foo\r\nbar\r\n': [b'4', b'5', b'6'],
+ b'foo\tbar\x07': [b'7', b'8', b'9'],
# fill in lists
for key, value in iteritems(mapping):
@@ -1711,7 +2415,7 @@ class TestBinarySave(object):
# load up 5MB of data into a key
data = ''.join([ascii_letters] * (5000000 // len(ascii_letters)))
r['a'] = data
- assert r['a'] == b(data)
+ assert r['a'] == data.encode()
def test_floating_point_encoding(self, r):
@@ -1719,5 +2423,5 @@ class TestBinarySave(object):
timestamp = 1349673917.939762
- r.zadd('a', 'a1', timestamp)
+ r.zadd('a', {'a1': timestamp})
assert r.zscore('a', 'a1') == timestamp
diff --git a/tests/ b/tests/
index 11c2008..b0dec67 100644
--- a/tests/
+++ b/tests/
@@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
-from __future__ import with_statement
import os
import pytest
import redis
@@ -240,7 +239,7 @@ class TestConnectionPoolURLParsing(object):
def test_extra_typed_querystring_options(self):
pool = redis.ConnectionPool.from_url(
- '&socket_keepalive=&retry_on_timeout=Yes'
+ '&socket_keepalive=&retry_on_timeout=Yes&max_connections=10'
assert pool.connection_class == redis.Connection
@@ -253,6 +252,7 @@ class TestConnectionPoolURLParsing(object):
'retry_on_timeout': True,
'password': None,
+ assert pool.max_connections == 10
def test_boolean_parsing(self):
for expected, value in (
@@ -299,7 +299,7 @@ class TestConnectionPoolURLParsing(object):
assert isinstance(pool, redis.BlockingConnectionPool)
def test_client_creates_connection_pool(self):
- r = redis.StrictRedis.from_url('redis://myhost')
+ r = redis.Redis.from_url('redis://myhost')
assert r.connection_pool.connection_class == redis.Connection
assert r.connection_pool.connection_kwargs == {
'host': 'myhost',
diff --git a/tests/ b/tests/
index 8b5bf5a..283fc6e 100644
--- a/tests/
+++ b/tests/
@@ -1,40 +1,55 @@
-from __future__ import with_statement
+from __future__ import unicode_literals
import pytest
+import redis
-from redis._compat import unichr, u, unicode
-from .conftest import r as _redis_client
+from redis._compat import unichr, unicode
+from .conftest import _get_client
class TestEncoding(object):
def r(self, request):
- return _redis_client(request=request, decode_responses=True)
+ return _get_client(redis.Redis, request=request, decode_responses=True)
def test_simple_encoding(self, r):
- unicode_string = unichr(3456) + u('abcd') + unichr(3421)
+ unicode_string = unichr(3456) + 'abcd' + unichr(3421)
r['unicode-string'] = unicode_string
cached_val = r['unicode-string']
assert isinstance(cached_val, unicode)
assert unicode_string == cached_val
def test_list_encoding(self, r):
- unicode_string = unichr(3456) + u('abcd') + unichr(3421)
+ unicode_string = unichr(3456) + 'abcd' + unichr(3421)
result = [unicode_string, unicode_string, unicode_string]
r.rpush('a', *result)
assert r.lrange('a', 0, -1) == result
- def test_object_value(self, r):
- unicode_string = unichr(3456) + u('abcd') + unichr(3421)
- r['unicode-string'] = Exception(unicode_string)
- cached_val = r['unicode-string']
- assert isinstance(cached_val, unicode)
- assert unicode_string == cached_val
class TestCommandsAndTokensArentEncoded(object):
def r(self, request):
- return _redis_client(request=request, encoding='utf-16')
+ return _get_client(redis.Redis, request=request, encoding='utf-16')
def test_basic_command(self, r):
r.set('hello', 'world')
+class TestInvalidUserInput(object):
+ def test_boolean_fails(self, r):
+ with pytest.raises(redis.DataError):
+ r.set('a', True)
+ def test_none_fails(self, r):
+ with pytest.raises(redis.DataError):
+ r.set('a', None)
+ def test_user_type_fails(self, r):
+ class Foo(object):
+ def __str__(self):
+ return 'Foo'
+ def __unicode__(self):
+ return 'Foo'
+ with pytest.raises(redis.DataError):
+ r.set('a', Foo())
diff --git a/tests/ b/tests/
index d732ae1..f92afec 100644
--- a/tests/
+++ b/tests/
@@ -1,29 +1,74 @@
-from __future__ import with_statement
import pytest
import time
-from redis.exceptions import LockError, ResponseError
-from redis.lock import Lock, LuaLock
+from redis.exceptions import LockError, LockNotOwnedError
+from redis.client import Redis
+from redis.lock import Lock
+from .conftest import _get_client
class TestLock(object):
- lock_class = Lock
+ @pytest.fixture()
+ def r_decoded(self, request):
+ return _get_client(Redis, request=request, decode_responses=True)
def get_lock(self, redis, *args, **kwargs):
- kwargs['lock_class'] = self.lock_class
+ kwargs['lock_class'] = Lock
return redis.lock(*args, **kwargs)
- def test_lock(self, sr):
- lock = self.get_lock(sr, 'foo')
+ def test_lock(self, r):
+ lock = self.get_lock(r, 'foo')
assert lock.acquire(blocking=False)
- assert sr.get('foo') == lock.local.token
- assert sr.ttl('foo') == -1
+ assert r.get('foo') == lock.local.token
+ assert r.ttl('foo') == -1
- assert sr.get('foo') is None
+ assert r.get('foo') is None
+ def test_lock_token(self, r):
+ lock = self.get_lock(r, 'foo')
+ assert lock.acquire(blocking=False, token='test')
+ assert r.get('foo') == b'test'
+ assert lock.local.token == b'test'
+ assert r.ttl('foo') == -1
+ lock.release()
+ assert r.get('foo') is None
+ assert lock.local.token is None
- def test_competing_locks(self, sr):
- lock1 = self.get_lock(sr, 'foo')
- lock2 = self.get_lock(sr, 'foo')
+ def test_locked(self, r):
+ lock = self.get_lock(r, 'foo')
+ assert lock.locked() is False
+ lock.acquire(blocking=False)
+ assert lock.locked() is True
+ lock.release()
+ assert lock.locked() is False
+ def _test_owned(self, client):
+ lock = self.get_lock(client, 'foo')
+ assert lock.owned() is False
+ lock.acquire(blocking=False)
+ assert lock.owned() is True
+ lock.release()
+ assert lock.owned() is False
+ lock2 = self.get_lock(client, 'foo')
+ assert lock.owned() is False
+ assert lock2.owned() is False
+ lock2.acquire(blocking=False)
+ assert lock.owned() is False
+ assert lock2.owned() is True
+ lock2.release()
+ assert lock.owned() is False
+ assert lock2.owned() is False
+ def test_owned(self, r):
+ self._test_owned(r)
+ def test_owned_with_decoded_responses(self, r_decoded):
+ self._test_owned(r_decoded)
+ def test_competing_locks(self, r):
+ lock1 = self.get_lock(r, 'foo')
+ lock2 = self.get_lock(r, 'foo')
assert lock1.acquire(blocking=False)
assert not lock2.acquire(blocking=False)
@@ -31,137 +76,129 @@ class TestLock(object):
assert not lock1.acquire(blocking=False)
- def test_timeout(self, sr):
- lock = self.get_lock(sr, 'foo', timeout=10)
+ def test_timeout(self, r):
+ lock = self.get_lock(r, 'foo', timeout=10)
assert lock.acquire(blocking=False)
- assert 8 < sr.ttl('foo') <= 10
+ assert 8 < r.ttl('foo') <= 10
- def test_float_timeout(self, sr):
- lock = self.get_lock(sr, 'foo', timeout=9.5)
+ def test_float_timeout(self, r):
+ lock = self.get_lock(r, 'foo', timeout=9.5)
assert lock.acquire(blocking=False)
- assert 8 < sr.pttl('foo') <= 9500
+ assert 8 < r.pttl('foo') <= 9500
- def test_blocking_timeout(self, sr):
- lock1 = self.get_lock(sr, 'foo')
+ def test_blocking_timeout(self, r):
+ lock1 = self.get_lock(r, 'foo')
assert lock1.acquire(blocking=False)
- lock2 = self.get_lock(sr, 'foo', blocking_timeout=0.2)
+ lock2 = self.get_lock(r, 'foo', blocking_timeout=0.2)
start = time.time()
assert not lock2.acquire()
assert (time.time() - start) > 0.2
- def test_context_manager(self, sr):
+ def test_context_manager(self, r):
# blocking_timeout prevents a deadlock if the lock can't be acquired
# for some reason
- with self.get_lock(sr, 'foo', blocking_timeout=0.2) as lock:
- assert sr.get('foo') == lock.local.token
- assert sr.get('foo') is None
+ with self.get_lock(r, 'foo', blocking_timeout=0.2) as lock:
+ assert r.get('foo') == lock.local.token
+ assert r.get('foo') is None
+ def test_context_manager_raises_when_locked_not_acquired(self, r):
+ r.set('foo', 'bar')
+ with pytest.raises(LockError):
+ with self.get_lock(r, 'foo', blocking_timeout=0.1):
+ pass
- def test_high_sleep_raises_error(self, sr):
+ def test_high_sleep_raises_error(self, r):
"If sleep is higher than timeout, it should raise an error"
with pytest.raises(LockError):
- self.get_lock(sr, 'foo', timeout=1, sleep=2)
+ self.get_lock(r, 'foo', timeout=1, sleep=2)
- def test_releasing_unlocked_lock_raises_error(self, sr):
- lock = self.get_lock(sr, 'foo')
+ def test_releasing_unlocked_lock_raises_error(self, r):
+ lock = self.get_lock(r, 'foo')
with pytest.raises(LockError):
- def test_releasing_lock_no_longer_owned_raises_error(self, sr):
- lock = self.get_lock(sr, 'foo')
+ def test_releasing_lock_no_longer_owned_raises_error(self, r):
+ lock = self.get_lock(r, 'foo')
# manually change the token
- sr.set('foo', 'a')
- with pytest.raises(LockError):
+ r.set('foo', 'a')
+ with pytest.raises(LockNotOwnedError):
# even though we errored, the token is still cleared
assert lock.local.token is None
- def test_extend_lock(self, sr):
- lock = self.get_lock(sr, 'foo', timeout=10)
+ def test_extend_lock(self, r):
+ lock = self.get_lock(r, 'foo', timeout=10)
assert lock.acquire(blocking=False)
- assert 8000 < sr.pttl('foo') <= 10000
+ assert 8000 < r.pttl('foo') <= 10000
assert lock.extend(10)
- assert 16000 < sr.pttl('foo') <= 20000
+ assert 16000 < r.pttl('foo') <= 20000
- def test_extend_lock_float(self, sr):
- lock = self.get_lock(sr, 'foo', timeout=10.0)
+ def test_extend_lock_float(self, r):
+ lock = self.get_lock(r, 'foo', timeout=10.0)
assert lock.acquire(blocking=False)
- assert 8000 < sr.pttl('foo') <= 10000
+ assert 8000 < r.pttl('foo') <= 10000
assert lock.extend(10.0)
- assert 16000 < sr.pttl('foo') <= 20000
+ assert 16000 < r.pttl('foo') <= 20000
- def test_extending_unlocked_lock_raises_error(self, sr):
- lock = self.get_lock(sr, 'foo', timeout=10)
+ def test_extending_unlocked_lock_raises_error(self, r):
+ lock = self.get_lock(r, 'foo', timeout=10)
with pytest.raises(LockError):
- def test_extending_lock_with_no_timeout_raises_error(self, sr):
- lock = self.get_lock(sr, 'foo')
+ def test_extending_lock_with_no_timeout_raises_error(self, r):
+ lock = self.get_lock(r, 'foo')
assert lock.acquire(blocking=False)
with pytest.raises(LockError):
- def test_extending_lock_no_longer_owned_raises_error(self, sr):
- lock = self.get_lock(sr, 'foo')
+ def test_extending_lock_no_longer_owned_raises_error(self, r):
+ lock = self.get_lock(r, 'foo', timeout=10)
assert lock.acquire(blocking=False)
- sr.set('foo', 'a')
- with pytest.raises(LockError):
+ r.set('foo', 'a')
+ with pytest.raises(LockNotOwnedError):
+ def test_reacquire_lock(self, r):
+ lock = self.get_lock(r, 'foo', timeout=10)
+ assert lock.acquire(blocking=False)
+ assert r.pexpire('foo', 5000)
+ assert r.pttl('foo') <= 5000
+ assert lock.reacquire()
+ assert 8000 < r.pttl('foo') <= 10000
+ lock.release()
+ def test_reacquiring_unlocked_lock_raises_error(self, r):
+ lock = self.get_lock(r, 'foo', timeout=10)
+ with pytest.raises(LockError):
+ lock.reacquire()
+ def test_reacquiring_lock_with_no_timeout_raises_error(self, r):
+ lock = self.get_lock(r, 'foo')
+ assert lock.acquire(blocking=False)
+ with pytest.raises(LockError):
+ lock.reacquire()
+ lock.release()
-class TestLuaLock(TestLock):
- lock_class = LuaLock
+ def test_reacquiring_lock_no_longer_owned_raises_error(self, r):
+ lock = self.get_lock(r, 'foo', timeout=10)
+ assert lock.acquire(blocking=False)
+ r.set('foo', 'a')
+ with pytest.raises(LockNotOwnedError):
+ lock.reacquire()
class TestLockClassSelection(object):
- def test_lock_class_argument(self, sr):
- lock = sr.lock('foo', lock_class=Lock)
- assert type(lock) == Lock
- lock = sr.lock('foo', lock_class=LuaLock)
- assert type(lock) == LuaLock
- def test_cached_lualock_flag(self, sr):
- try:
- sr._use_lua_lock = True
- lock = sr.lock('foo')
- assert type(lock) == LuaLock
- finally:
- sr._use_lua_lock = None
- def test_cached_lock_flag(self, sr):
- try:
- sr._use_lua_lock = False
- lock = sr.lock('foo')
- assert type(lock) == Lock
- finally:
- sr._use_lua_lock = None
- def test_lua_compatible_server(self, sr, monkeypatch):
- @classmethod
- def mock_register(cls, redis):
- return
- monkeypatch.setattr(LuaLock, 'register_scripts', mock_register)
- try:
- lock = sr.lock('foo')
- assert type(lock) == LuaLock
- assert sr._use_lua_lock is True
- finally:
- sr._use_lua_lock = None
- def test_lua_unavailable(self, sr, monkeypatch):
- @classmethod
- def mock_register(cls, redis):
- raise ResponseError()
- monkeypatch.setattr(LuaLock, 'register_scripts', mock_register)
- try:
- lock = sr.lock('foo')
- assert type(lock) == Lock
- assert sr._use_lua_lock is False
- finally:
- sr._use_lua_lock = None
+ def test_lock_class_argument(self, r):
+ class MyLock(object):
+ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ pass
+ lock = r.lock('foo', lock_class=MyLock)
+ assert type(lock) == MyLock
diff --git a/tests/ b/tests/
index 46fc994..2e2507a 100644
--- a/tests/
+++ b/tests/
@@ -1,23 +1,27 @@
-from __future__ import with_statement
+from __future__ import unicode_literals
import pytest
import redis
-from redis._compat import b, u, unichr, unicode
+from redis._compat import unichr, unicode
class TestPipeline(object):
def test_pipeline(self, r):
with r.pipeline() as pipe:
- pipe.set('a', 'a1').get('a').zadd('z', z1=1).zadd('z', z2=4)
- pipe.zincrby('z', 'z1').zrange('z', 0, 5, withscores=True)
+ (pipe.set('a', 'a1')
+ .get('a')
+ .zadd('z', {'z1': 1})
+ .zadd('z', {'z2': 4})
+ .zincrby('z', 1, 'z1')
+ .zrange('z', 0, 5, withscores=True))
assert pipe.execute() == \
- b('a1'),
+ b'a1',
- [(b('z1'), 2.0), (b('z2'), 4)],
+ [(b'z1', 2.0), (b'z2', 4)],
def test_pipeline_length(self, r):
@@ -40,9 +44,9 @@ class TestPipeline(object):
with r.pipeline(transaction=False) as pipe:
pipe.set('a', 'a1').set('b', 'b1').set('c', 'c1')
assert pipe.execute() == [True, True, True]
- assert r['a'] == b('a1')
- assert r['b'] == b('b1')
- assert r['c'] == b('c1')
+ assert r['a'] == b'a1'
+ assert r['b'] == b'b1'
+ assert r['c'] == b'c1'
def test_pipeline_no_transaction_watch(self, r):
r['a'] = 0
@@ -70,7 +74,7 @@ class TestPipeline(object):
with pytest.raises(redis.WatchError):
- assert r['a'] == b('bad')
+ assert r['a'] == b'bad'
def test_exec_error_in_response(self, r):
@@ -83,23 +87,23 @@ class TestPipeline(object):
result = pipe.execute(raise_on_error=False)
assert result[0]
- assert r['a'] == b('1')
+ assert r['a'] == b'1'
assert result[1]
- assert r['b'] == b('2')
+ assert r['b'] == b'2'
# we can't lpush to a key that's a string value, so this should
# be a ResponseError exception
assert isinstance(result[2], redis.ResponseError)
- assert r['c'] == b('a')
+ assert r['c'] == b'a'
# since this isn't a transaction, the other commands after the
# error are still executed
assert result[3]
- assert r['d'] == b('4')
+ assert r['d'] == b'4'
# make sure the pipe was restored to a working state
assert pipe.set('z', 'zzz').execute() == [True]
- assert r['z'] == b('zzz')
+ assert r['z'] == b'zzz'
def test_exec_error_raised(self, r):
r['c'] = 'a'
@@ -112,7 +116,35 @@ class TestPipeline(object):
# make sure the pipe was restored to a working state
assert pipe.set('z', 'zzz').execute() == [True]
- assert r['z'] == b('zzz')
+ assert r['z'] == b'zzz'
+ def test_transaction_with_empty_error_command(self, r):
+ """
+ Commands with custom EMPTY_ERROR functionality return their default
+ values in the pipeline no matter the raise_on_error preference
+ """
+ for error_switch in (True, False):
+ with r.pipeline() as pipe:
+ pipe.set('a', 1).mget([]).set('c', 3)
+ result = pipe.execute(raise_on_error=error_switch)
+ assert result[0]
+ assert result[1] == []
+ assert result[2]
+ def test_pipeline_with_empty_error_command(self, r):
+ """
+ Commands with custom EMPTY_ERROR functionality return their default
+ values in the pipeline no matter the raise_on_error preference
+ """
+ for error_switch in (True, False):
+ with r.pipeline(transaction=False) as pipe:
+ pipe.set('a', 1).mget([]).set('c', 3)
+ result = pipe.execute(raise_on_error=error_switch)
+ assert result[0]
+ assert result[1] == []
+ assert result[2]
def test_parse_error_raised(self, r):
with r.pipeline() as pipe:
@@ -126,7 +158,7 @@ class TestPipeline(object):
# make sure the pipe was restored to a working state
assert pipe.set('z', 'zzz').execute() == [True]
- assert r['z'] == b('zzz')
+ assert r['z'] == b'zzz'
def test_watch_succeed(self, r):
r['a'] = 1
@@ -137,8 +169,8 @@ class TestPipeline(object):
assert pipe.watching
a_value = pipe.get('a')
b_value = pipe.get('b')
- assert a_value == b('1')
- assert b_value == b('2')
+ assert a_value == b'1'
+ assert b_value == b'2'
pipe.set('c', 3)
@@ -169,7 +201,7 @@ class TestPipeline(object):
assert not pipe.watching
- assert pipe.execute() == [b('1')]
+ assert pipe.execute() == [b'1']
def test_transaction_callable(self, r):
r['a'] = 1
@@ -178,9 +210,9 @@ class TestPipeline(object):
def my_transaction(pipe):
a_value = pipe.get('a')
- assert a_value in (b('1'), b('2'))
+ assert a_value in (b'1', b'2')
b_value = pipe.get('b')
- assert b_value == b('2')
+ assert b_value == b'2'
# silly run-once code... incr's "a" so WatchError should be raised
# forcing this all to run again. this should incr "a" once to "2"
@@ -193,7 +225,7 @@ class TestPipeline(object):
result = r.transaction(my_transaction, 'a', 'b')
assert result == [True]
- assert r['c'] == b('4')
+ assert r['c'] == b'4'
def test_exec_error_in_no_transaction_pipeline(self, r):
r['a'] = 1
@@ -207,10 +239,10 @@ class TestPipeline(object):
assert unicode(ex.value).startswith('Command # 1 (LLEN a) of '
'pipeline caused error: ')
- assert r['a'] == b('1')
+ assert r['a'] == b'1'
def test_exec_error_in_no_transaction_pipeline_unicode_command(self, r):
- key = unichr(3456) + u('abcd') + unichr(3421)
+ key = unichr(3456) + 'abcd' + unichr(3421)
r[key] = 1
with r.pipeline(transaction=False) as pipe:
@@ -223,4 +255,21 @@ class TestPipeline(object):
'error: ') % key
assert unicode(ex.value).startswith(expected)
- assert r[key] == b('1')
+ assert r[key] == b'1'
+ def test_pipeline_with_bitfield(self, r):
+ with r.pipeline() as pipe:
+ pipe.set('a', '1')
+ bf = pipe.bitfield('b')
+ pipe2 = (bf
+ .set('u8', 8, 255)
+ .get('u8', 0)
+ .get('u4', 8) # 1111
+ .get('u4', 12) # 1111
+ .get('u4', 13) # 1110
+ .execute())
+ pipe.get('a')
+ response = pipe.execute()
+ assert pipe == pipe2
+ assert response == [True, [0, 0, 15, 15, 14], b'1']
diff --git a/tests/ b/tests/
index a240248..fc91abf 100644
--- a/tests/
+++ b/tests/
@@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
-from __future__ import with_statement
+from __future__ import unicode_literals
import pytest
import time
import redis
from redis.exceptions import ConnectionError
-from redis._compat import basestring, u, unichr, b
+from redis._compat import basestring, unichr
-from .conftest import r as _redis_client
+from .conftest import _get_client
from .conftest import skip_if_server_version_lt
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ def make_message(type, channel, data, pattern=None):
return {
'type': type,
'pattern': pattern and pattern.encode('utf-8') or None,
- 'channel': channel.encode('utf-8'),
+ 'channel': channel and channel.encode('utf-8') or None,
'data': data.encode('utf-8') if isinstance(data, basestring) else data
@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ def make_subscribe_test_data(pubsub, type):
'unsub_type': 'unsubscribe',
'sub_func': pubsub.subscribe,
'unsub_func': pubsub.unsubscribe,
- 'keys': ['foo', 'bar', u('uni') + unichr(4456) + u('code')]
+ 'keys': ['foo', 'bar', 'uni' + unichr(4456) + 'code']
elif type == 'pattern':
return {
@@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ def make_subscribe_test_data(pubsub, type):
'unsub_type': 'punsubscribe',
'sub_func': pubsub.psubscribe,
'unsub_func': pubsub.punsubscribe,
- 'keys': ['f*', 'b*', u('uni') + unichr(4456) + u('*')]
+ 'keys': ['f*', 'b*', 'uni' + unichr(4456) + '*']
assert False, 'invalid subscribe type: %s' % type
@@ -212,6 +212,48 @@ class TestPubSubSubscribeUnsubscribe(object):
assert message is None
assert p.subscribed is False
+ def test_sub_unsub_resub_channels(self, r):
+ kwargs = make_subscribe_test_data(r.pubsub(), 'channel')
+ self._test_sub_unsub_resub(**kwargs)
+ def test_sub_unsub_resub_patterns(self, r):
+ kwargs = make_subscribe_test_data(r.pubsub(), 'pattern')
+ self._test_sub_unsub_resub(**kwargs)
+ def _test_sub_unsub_resub(self, p, sub_type, unsub_type, sub_func,
+ unsub_func, keys):
+ #
+ key = keys[0]
+ sub_func(key)
+ unsub_func(key)
+ sub_func(key)
+ assert p.subscribed is True
+ assert wait_for_message(p) == make_message(sub_type, key, 1)
+ assert wait_for_message(p) == make_message(unsub_type, key, 0)
+ assert wait_for_message(p) == make_message(sub_type, key, 1)
+ assert p.subscribed is True
+ def test_sub_unsub_all_resub_channels(self, r):
+ kwargs = make_subscribe_test_data(r.pubsub(), 'channel')
+ self._test_sub_unsub_all_resub(**kwargs)
+ def test_sub_unsub_all_resub_patterns(self, r):
+ kwargs = make_subscribe_test_data(r.pubsub(), 'pattern')
+ self._test_sub_unsub_all_resub(**kwargs)
+ def _test_sub_unsub_all_resub(self, p, sub_type, unsub_type, sub_func,
+ unsub_func, keys):
+ #
+ key = keys[0]
+ sub_func(key)
+ unsub_func()
+ sub_func(key)
+ assert p.subscribed is True
+ assert wait_for_message(p) == make_message(sub_type, key, 1)
+ assert wait_for_message(p) == make_message(unsub_type, key, 0)
+ assert wait_for_message(p) == make_message(sub_type, key, 1)
+ assert p.subscribed is True
class TestPubSubMessages(object):
def setup_method(self, method):
@@ -267,7 +309,7 @@ class TestPubSubMessages(object):
def test_unicode_channel_message_handler(self, r):
p = r.pubsub(ignore_subscribe_messages=True)
- channel = u('uni') + unichr(4456) + u('code')
+ channel = 'uni' + unichr(4456) + 'code'
channels = {channel: self.message_handler}
assert r.publish(channel, 'test message') == 1
@@ -276,8 +318,8 @@ class TestPubSubMessages(object):
def test_unicode_pattern_message_handler(self, r):
p = r.pubsub(ignore_subscribe_messages=True)
- pattern = u('uni') + unichr(4456) + u('*')
- channel = u('uni') + unichr(4456) + u('code')
+ pattern = 'uni' + unichr(4456) + '*'
+ channel = 'uni' + unichr(4456) + 'code'
p.psubscribe(**{pattern: self.message_handler})
assert r.publish(channel, 'test message') == 1
assert wait_for_message(p) is None
@@ -296,9 +338,9 @@ class TestPubSubMessages(object):
class TestPubSubAutoDecoding(object):
"These tests only validate that we get unicode values back"
- channel = u('uni') + unichr(4456) + u('code')
- pattern = u('uni') + unichr(4456) + u('*')
- data = u('abc') + unichr(4458) + u('123')
+ channel = 'uni' + unichr(4456) + 'code'
+ pattern = 'uni' + unichr(4456) + '*'
+ data = 'abc' + unichr(4458) + '123'
def make_message(self, type, channel, data, pattern=None):
return {
@@ -316,7 +358,7 @@ class TestPubSubAutoDecoding(object):
def r(self, request):
- return _redis_client(request=request, decode_responses=True)
+ return _get_client(redis.Redis, request=request, decode_responses=True)
def test_channel_subscribe_unsubscribe(self, r):
p = r.pubsub()
@@ -366,7 +408,7 @@ class TestPubSubAutoDecoding(object):
# test that we reconnected to the correct channel
assert wait_for_message(p) is None # should reconnect
- new_data = + u('new data')
+ new_data = + 'new data'
r.publish(, new_data)
assert wait_for_message(p) is None
assert self.message == self.make_message('message',,
@@ -384,7 +426,7 @@ class TestPubSubAutoDecoding(object):
# test that we reconnected to the correct pattern
assert wait_for_message(p) is None # should reconnect
- new_data = + u('new data')
+ new_data = + 'new data'
r.publish(, new_data)
assert wait_for_message(p) is None
assert self.message == self.make_message('pmessage',,
@@ -408,7 +450,7 @@ class TestPubSubPubSubSubcommands(object):
p = r.pubsub(ignore_subscribe_messages=True)
p.subscribe('foo', 'bar', 'baz', 'quux')
channels = sorted(r.pubsub_channels())
- assert channels == [b('bar'), b('baz'), b('foo'), b('quux')]
+ assert channels == [b'bar', b'baz', b'foo', b'quux']
def test_pubsub_numsub(self, r):
@@ -419,7 +461,7 @@ class TestPubSubPubSubSubcommands(object):
p3 = r.pubsub(ignore_subscribe_messages=True)
- channels = [(b('foo'), 1), (b('bar'), 2), (b('baz'), 3)]
+ channels = [(b'foo', 1), (b'bar', 2), (b'baz', 3)]
assert channels == r.pubsub_numsub('foo', 'bar', 'baz')
@@ -427,3 +469,24 @@ class TestPubSubPubSubSubcommands(object):
p = r.pubsub(ignore_subscribe_messages=True)
p.psubscribe('*oo', '*ar', 'b*z')
assert r.pubsub_numpat() == 3
+class TestPubSubPings(object):
+ @skip_if_server_version_lt('3.0.0')
+ def test_send_pubsub_ping(self, r):
+ p = r.pubsub(ignore_subscribe_messages=True)
+ p.subscribe('foo')
+ assert wait_for_message(p) == make_message(type='pong', channel=None,
+ data='',
+ pattern=None)
+ @skip_if_server_version_lt('3.0.0')
+ def test_send_pubsub_ping_message(self, r):
+ p = r.pubsub(ignore_subscribe_messages=True)
+ p.subscribe('foo')
+'hello world')
+ assert wait_for_message(p) == make_message(type='pong', channel=None,
+ data='hello world',
+ pattern=None)
diff --git a/tests/ b/tests/
index 9131de8..b3d52a5 100644
--- a/tests/
+++ b/tests/
@@ -1,8 +1,7 @@
-from __future__ import with_statement
+from __future__ import unicode_literals
import pytest
from redis import exceptions
-from redis._compat import b
multiply_script = """
@@ -79,7 +78,7 @@ class TestScripting(object):
multiply(keys=['a'], args=[3], client=pipe)
assert r.script_exists(multiply.sha) == [False]
# [SET worked, GET 'a', result of multiple script]
- assert pipe.execute() == [True, b('2'), 6]
+ assert pipe.execute() == [True, b'2', 6]
# The script should have been loaded by pipe.execute()
assert r.script_exists(multiply.sha) == [True]
# The precalculated sha should have been the correct one
@@ -94,7 +93,7 @@ class TestScripting(object):
multiply(keys=['a'], args=[3], client=pipe)
assert r.script_exists(multiply.sha) == [False]
# [SET worked, GET 'a', result of multiple script]
- assert pipe.execute() == [True, b('2'), 6]
+ assert pipe.execute() == [True, b'2', 6]
assert r.script_exists(multiply.sha) == [True]
def test_eval_msgpack_pipeline_error_in_lua(self, r):
diff --git a/tests/ b/tests/
index 220cbcf..1081e2b 100644
--- a/tests/
+++ b/tests/
@@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
-from __future__ import with_statement
import pytest
from redis import exceptions
@@ -57,10 +56,10 @@ class SentinelTestCluster(object):
def cluster(request):
def teardown():
- redis.sentinel.StrictRedis = saved_StrictRedis
+ redis.sentinel.Redis = saved_Redis
cluster = SentinelTestCluster()
- saved_StrictRedis = redis.sentinel.StrictRedis
- redis.sentinel.StrictRedis = cluster.client
+ saved_Redis = redis.sentinel.Redis
+ redis.sentinel.Redis = cluster.client
return cluster
diff --git a/tox.ini b/tox.ini
index a0945d2..c5e3e97 100644
--- a/tox.ini
+++ b/tox.ini
@@ -1,17 +1,18 @@
-minversion = 1.8
-envlist = {py26,py27,py32,py33,py34,py35,py36}-{plain,hiredis}, pep8
+minversion = 2.4
+envlist = {py27,py34,py35,py36,py37}-{plain,hiredis}, pycodestyle
deps =
- pytest==2.9.2
- mock==2.0.0
- hiredis: hiredis >= 0.1.3
+ mock
+ pytest >= 2.7.0
+extras =
+ hiredis: hiredis
commands = py.test {posargs}
-basepython = python2.6
-deps = pep8
-commands = pep8
+basepython = python3.6
+deps = pycodestyle
+commands = pycodestyle
skipsdist = true
skip_install = true
diff --git a/vagrant/.bash_profile b/vagrant/.bash_profile
deleted file mode 100644
index e3d9bca..0000000
--- a/vagrant/.bash_profile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/vagrant/Vagrantfile b/vagrant/Vagrantfile
index 7465ccd..3ee7aee 100644
--- a/vagrant/Vagrantfile
+++ b/vagrant/Vagrantfile
@@ -12,11 +12,11 @@ Vagrant.configure(VAGRANTFILE_API_VERSION) do |config|
config.vm.synced_folder "../", "/home/vagrant/redis-py"
# install the redis server
- config.vm.provision :shell, :path => ""
- config.vm.provision :shell, :path => ""
- config.vm.provision :shell, :path => ""
- config.vm.provision :shell, :path => ""
- config.vm.provision :file, :source => ".bash_profile", :destination => "/home/vagrant/.bash_profile"
+ config.vm.provision :shell, :path => "../build_tools/"
+ config.vm.provision :shell, :path => "../build_tools/"
+ config.vm.provision :shell, :path => "../build_tools/"
+ config.vm.provision :shell, :path => "../build_tools/"
+ config.vm.provision :file, :source => "../build_tools/.bash_profile", :destination => "/home/vagrant/.bash_profile"
# setup forwarded ports "forwarded_port", guest: 6379, host: 6379