path: root/redis/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'redis/')
1 files changed, 2066 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/redis/ b/redis/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..91a4d55
--- /dev/null
+++ b/redis/
@@ -0,0 +1,2066 @@
+import copy
+import logging
+import random
+import socket
+import time
+import threading
+import sys
+from collections import OrderedDict
+from redis.client import CaseInsensitiveDict, Redis, PubSub
+from redis.commands import (
+ ClusterCommands,
+ CommandsParser
+from redis.connection import DefaultParser, ConnectionPool, Encoder, parse_url
+from redis.crc import key_slot, REDIS_CLUSTER_HASH_SLOTS
+from redis.exceptions import (
+ AskError,
+ BusyLoadingError,
+ ClusterCrossSlotError,
+ ClusterDownError,
+ ClusterError,
+ DataError,
+ MasterDownError,
+ MovedError,
+ RedisClusterException,
+ RedisError,
+ ResponseError,
+ SlotNotCoveredError,
+ TimeoutError,
+ TryAgainError,
+from redis.utils import (
+ dict_merge,
+ list_keys_to_dict,
+ merge_result,
+ str_if_bytes,
+ safe_str
+log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+def get_node_name(host, port):
+ return '{0}:{1}'.format(host, port)
+def get_connection(redis_node, *args, **options):
+ return redis_node.connection or redis_node.connection_pool.get_connection(
+ args[0], **options
+ )
+def parse_scan_result(command, res, **options):
+ keys_list = []
+ for primary_res in res.values():
+ keys_list += primary_res[1]
+ return 0, keys_list
+def parse_pubsub_numsub(command, res, **options):
+ numsub_d = OrderedDict()
+ for numsub_tups in res.values():
+ for channel, numsubbed in numsub_tups:
+ try:
+ numsub_d[channel] += numsubbed
+ except KeyError:
+ numsub_d[channel] = numsubbed
+ ret_numsub = [
+ (channel, numsub)
+ for channel, numsub in numsub_d.items()
+ ]
+ return ret_numsub
+def parse_cluster_slots(resp, **options):
+ current_host = options.get('current_host', '')
+ def fix_server(*args):
+ return str_if_bytes(args[0]) or current_host, args[1]
+ slots = {}
+ for slot in resp:
+ start, end, primary = slot[:3]
+ replicas = slot[3:]
+ slots[start, end] = {
+ 'primary': fix_server(*primary),
+ 'replicas': [fix_server(*replica) for replica in replicas],
+ }
+ return slots
+PRIMARY = "primary"
+REPLICA = "replica"
+SLOT_ID = "slot-id"
+ "charset",
+ "connection_class",
+ "connection_pool",
+ "db",
+ "decode_responses",
+ "encoding",
+ "encoding_errors",
+ "errors",
+ "host",
+ "max_connections",
+ "nodes_flag",
+ "redis_connect_func",
+ "password",
+ "port",
+ "retry",
+ "retry_on_timeout",
+ "socket_connect_timeout",
+ "socket_keepalive",
+ "socket_keepalive_options",
+ "socket_timeout",
+ "ssl",
+ "ssl_ca_certs",
+ "ssl_certfile",
+ "ssl_cert_reqs",
+ "ssl_keyfile",
+ "unix_socket_path",
+ "username",
+ "host",
+ "port",
+# Not complete, but covers the major ones
+READ_COMMANDS = frozenset([
+ "GET",
+ "HGET",
+ "HKEYS",
+ "HLEN",
+ "HMGET",
+ "HVALS",
+ "KEYS",
+ "LLEN",
+ "MGET",
+ "PTTL",
+ "SCARD",
+ "SDIFF",
+ "TTL",
+ "ZCARD",
+def cleanup_kwargs(**kwargs):
+ """
+ Remove unsupported or disabled keys from kwargs
+ """
+ connection_kwargs = {
+ k: v
+ for k, v in kwargs.items()
+ }
+ return connection_kwargs
+class ClusterParser(DefaultParser):
+ EXCEPTION_CLASSES = dict_merge(
+ DefaultParser.EXCEPTION_CLASSES, {
+ 'ASK': AskError,
+ 'TRYAGAIN': TryAgainError,
+ 'MOVED': MovedError,
+ 'CLUSTERDOWN': ClusterDownError,
+ 'CROSSSLOT': ClusterCrossSlotError,
+ 'MASTERDOWN': MasterDownError,
+ })
+class RedisCluster(ClusterCommands, object):
+ RedisClusterRequestTTL = 16
+ PRIMARIES = "primaries"
+ REPLICAS = "replicas"
+ ALL_NODES = "all"
+ RANDOM = "random"
+ DEFAULT_NODE = "default-node"
+ }
+ COMMAND_FLAGS = dict_merge(
+ list_keys_to_dict(
+ [
+ "TIME",
+ "PING",
+ "INFO",
+ "KEYS",
+ "SCAN",
+ "WAIT",
+ "SAVE",
+ "DEBUG",
+ "TIME",
+ ],
+ ),
+ list_keys_to_dict(
+ [
+ ],
+ ),
+ )
+ 'CLUSTER MEET': bool,
+ 'CLUSTER RESET': bool,
+ 'CLUSTER SLOTS': parse_cluster_slots,
+ 'ASKING': bool,
+ 'READONLY': bool,
+ 'READWRITE': bool,
+ }
+ RESULT_CALLBACKS = dict_merge(
+ list_keys_to_dict([
+ ], parse_pubsub_numsub),
+ list_keys_to_dict([
+ ], lambda command, res: sum(list(res.values()))),
+ list_keys_to_dict([
+ "KEYS",
+ ], merge_result),
+ list_keys_to_dict([
+ "PING",
+ "SAVE",
+ ], lambda command, res: all(res.values()) if isinstance(res, dict)
+ else res),
+ list_keys_to_dict([
+ "WAIT",
+ ], lambda command, res: sum(res.values()) if isinstance(res, dict)
+ else res),
+ list_keys_to_dict([
+ ], lambda command, res: 1 if sum(res.values()) > 0 else 0),
+ list_keys_to_dict([
+ "SCAN",
+ ], parse_scan_result)
+ )
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ host=None,
+ port=6379,
+ startup_nodes=None,
+ cluster_error_retry_attempts=3,
+ require_full_coverage=True,
+ skip_full_coverage_check=False,
+ reinitialize_steps=10,
+ read_from_replicas=False,
+ url=None,
+ retry_on_timeout=False,
+ retry=None,
+ **kwargs
+ ):
+ """
+ Initialize a new RedisCluster client.
+ :startup_nodes: 'list[ClusterNode]'
+ List of nodes from which initial bootstrapping can be done
+ :host: 'str'
+ Can be used to point to a startup node
+ :port: 'int'
+ Can be used to point to a startup node
+ :require_full_coverage: 'bool'
+ If set to True, as it is by default, all slots must be covered.
+ If set to False and not all slots are covered, the instance
+ creation will succeed only if 'cluster-require-full-coverage'
+ configuration is set to 'no' in all of the cluster's nodes.
+ Otherwise, RedisClusterException will be thrown.
+ :skip_full_coverage_check: 'bool'
+ If require_full_coverage is set to False, a check of
+ cluster-require-full-coverage config will be executed against all
+ nodes. Set skip_full_coverage_check to True to skip this check.
+ Useful for clusters without the CONFIG command (like ElastiCache)
+ :read_from_replicas: 'bool'
+ Enable read from replicas in READONLY mode. You can read possibly
+ stale data.
+ When set to true, read commands will be assigned between the
+ primary and its replications in a Round-Robin manner.
+ :cluster_error_retry_attempts: 'int'
+ Retry command execution attempts when encountering ClusterDownError
+ or ConnectionError
+ :retry_on_timeout: 'bool'
+ To specify a retry policy, first set `retry_on_timeout` to `True`
+ then set `retry` to a valid `Retry` object
+ :retry: 'Retry'
+ a `Retry` object
+ :**kwargs:
+ Extra arguments that will be sent into Redis instance when created
+ (See Official redis-py doc for supported kwargs
+ [])
+ Some kwargs are not supported and will raise a
+ RedisClusterException:
+ - db (Redis do not support database SELECT in cluster mode)
+ """
+"Creating a new instance of RedisCluster client")
+ if startup_nodes is None:
+ startup_nodes = []
+ if "db" in kwargs:
+ # Argument 'db' is not possible to use in cluster mode
+ raise RedisClusterException(
+ "Argument 'db' is not possible to use in cluster mode"
+ )
+ if retry_on_timeout:
+ kwargs.update({'retry_on_timeout': retry_on_timeout,
+ 'retry': retry})
+ # Get the startup node/s
+ from_url = False
+ if url is not None:
+ from_url = True
+ url_options = parse_url(url)
+ if "path" in url_options:
+ raise RedisClusterException(
+ "RedisCluster does not currently support Unix Domain "
+ "Socket connections")
+ if "db" in url_options and url_options["db"] != 0:
+ # Argument 'db' is not possible to use in cluster mode
+ raise RedisClusterException(
+ "A ``db`` querystring option can only be 0 in cluster mode"
+ )
+ kwargs.update(url_options)
+ host = kwargs.get('host')
+ port = kwargs.get('port', port)
+ startup_nodes.append(ClusterNode(host, port))
+ elif host is not None and port is not None:
+ startup_nodes.append(ClusterNode(host, port))
+ elif len(startup_nodes) == 0:
+ # No startup node was provided
+ raise RedisClusterException(
+ "RedisCluster requires at least one node to discover the "
+ "cluster. Please provide one of the followings:\n"
+ "1. host and port, for example:\n"
+ " RedisCluster(host='localhost', port=6379)\n"
+ "2. list of startup nodes, for example:\n"
+ " RedisCluster(startup_nodes=[ClusterNode('localhost', 6379),"
+ " ClusterNode('localhost', 6378)])")
+ log.debug("startup_nodes : {0}".format(startup_nodes))
+ # Update the connection arguments
+ # Whenever a new connection is established, RedisCluster's on_connect
+ # method should be run
+ # If the user passed on_connect function we'll save it and run it
+ # inside the RedisCluster.on_connect() function
+ self.user_on_connect_func = kwargs.pop("redis_connect_func", None)
+ kwargs.update({"redis_connect_func": self.on_connect})
+ kwargs = cleanup_kwargs(**kwargs)
+ self.encoder = Encoder(
+ kwargs.get("encoding", "utf-8"),
+ kwargs.get("encoding_errors", "strict"),
+ kwargs.get("decode_responses", False),
+ )
+ self.cluster_error_retry_attempts = cluster_error_retry_attempts
+ self.command_flags = self.__class__.COMMAND_FLAGS.copy()
+ self.node_flags = self.__class__.NODE_FLAGS.copy()
+ self.read_from_replicas = read_from_replicas
+ self.reinitialize_counter = 0
+ self.reinitialize_steps = reinitialize_steps
+ self.nodes_manager = None
+ self.nodes_manager = NodesManager(
+ startup_nodes=startup_nodes,
+ from_url=from_url,
+ require_full_coverage=require_full_coverage,
+ skip_full_coverage_check=skip_full_coverage_check,
+ **kwargs,
+ )
+ self.cluster_response_callbacks = CaseInsensitiveDict(
+ self.result_callbacks = CaseInsensitiveDict(
+ self.__class__.RESULT_CALLBACKS)
+ self.commands_parser = CommandsParser(self)
+ self._lock = threading.Lock()
+ def __enter__(self):
+ return self
+ def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback):
+ self.close()
+ def __del__(self):
+ self.close()
+ def disconnect_connection_pools(self):
+ for node in self.get_nodes():
+ if node.redis_connection:
+ try:
+ node.redis_connection.connection_pool.disconnect()
+ except OSError:
+ # Client was already disconnected. do nothing
+ pass
+ @classmethod
+ def from_url(cls, url, **kwargs):
+ """
+ Return a Redis client object configured from the given URL
+ For example::
+ redis://[[username]:[password]]@localhost:6379/0
+ rediss://[[username]:[password]]@localhost:6379/0
+ unix://[[username]:[password]]@/path/to/socket.sock?db=0
+ Three URL schemes are supported:
+ - `redis://` creates a TCP socket connection. See more at:
+ <>
+ - `rediss://` creates a SSL wrapped TCP socket connection. See more at:
+ <>
+ - ``unix://``: creates a Unix Domain Socket connection.
+ The username, password, hostname, path and all querystring values
+ are passed through urllib.parse.unquote in order to replace any
+ percent-encoded values with their corresponding characters.
+ There are several ways to specify a database number. The first value
+ found will be used:
+ 1. A ``db`` querystring option, e.g. redis://localhost?db=0
+ 2. If using the redis:// or rediss:// schemes, the path argument
+ of the url, e.g. redis://localhost/0
+ 3. A ``db`` keyword argument to this function.
+ If none of these options are specified, the default db=0 is used.
+ All querystring options are cast to their appropriate Python types.
+ Boolean arguments can be specified with string values "True"/"False"
+ or "Yes"/"No". Values that cannot be properly cast cause a
+ ``ValueError`` to be raised. Once parsed, the querystring arguments
+ and keyword arguments are passed to the ``ConnectionPool``'s
+ class initializer. In the case of conflicting arguments, querystring
+ arguments always win.
+ """
+ return cls(url=url, **kwargs)
+ def on_connect(self, connection):
+ """
+ Initialize the connection, authenticate and select a database and send
+ READONLY if it is set during object initialization.
+ """
+ connection.set_parser(ClusterParser)
+ connection.on_connect()
+ if self.read_from_replicas:
+ # Sending READONLY command to server to configure connection as
+ # readonly. Since each cluster node may change its server type due
+ # to a failover, we should establish a READONLY connection
+ # regardless of the server type. If this is a primary connection,
+ # READONLY would not affect executing write commands.
+ connection.send_command('READONLY')
+ if str_if_bytes(connection.read_response()) != 'OK':
+ raise ConnectionError('READONLY command failed')
+ if self.user_on_connect_func is not None:
+ self.user_on_connect_func(connection)
+ def get_redis_connection(self, node):
+ if not node.redis_connection:
+ with self._lock:
+ if not node.redis_connection:
+ self.nodes_manager.create_redis_connections([node])
+ return node.redis_connection
+ def get_node(self, host=None, port=None, node_name=None):
+ return self.nodes_manager.get_node(host, port, node_name)
+ def get_primaries(self):
+ return self.nodes_manager.get_nodes_by_server_type(PRIMARY)
+ def get_replicas(self):
+ return self.nodes_manager.get_nodes_by_server_type(REPLICA)
+ def get_random_node(self):
+ return random.choice(list(self.nodes_manager.nodes_cache.values()))
+ def get_nodes(self):
+ return list(self.nodes_manager.nodes_cache.values())
+ def get_node_from_key(self, key, replica=False):
+ """
+ Get the node that holds the key's slot.
+ If replica set to True but the slot doesn't have any replicas, None is
+ returned.
+ """
+ slot = self.keyslot(key)
+ slot_cache = self.nodes_manager.slots_cache.get(slot)
+ if slot_cache is None or len(slot_cache) == 0:
+ raise SlotNotCoveredError(
+ 'Slot "{0}" is not covered by the cluster.'.format(slot)
+ )
+ if replica and len(self.nodes_manager.slots_cache[slot]) < 2:
+ return None
+ elif replica:
+ node_idx = 1
+ else:
+ # primary
+ node_idx = 0
+ return slot_cache[node_idx]
+ def get_default_node(self):
+ """
+ Get the cluster's default node
+ """
+ return self.nodes_manager.default_node
+ def set_default_node(self, node):
+ """
+ Set the default node of the cluster.
+ :param node: 'ClusterNode'
+ :return True if the default node was set, else False
+ """
+ if node is None or self.get_node( is None:
+"The requested node does not exist in the cluster, so "
+ "the default node was not changed.")
+ return False
+ self.nodes_manager.default_node = node
+"Changed the default cluster node to {0}".format(node))
+ return True
+ def pubsub(self, node=None, host=None, port=None, **kwargs):
+ """
+ Allows passing a ClusterNode, or host&port, to get a pubsub instance
+ connected to the specified node
+ """
+ return ClusterPubSub(self, node=node, host=host, port=port, **kwargs)
+ def pipeline(self, transaction=None, shard_hint=None):
+ """
+ Cluster impl:
+ Pipelines do not work in cluster mode the same way they
+ do in normal mode. Create a clone of this object so
+ that simulating pipelines will work correctly. Each
+ command will be called directly when used and
+ when calling execute() will only return the result stack.
+ """
+ if shard_hint:
+ raise RedisClusterException(
+ "shard_hint is deprecated in cluster mode")
+ if transaction:
+ raise RedisClusterException(
+ "transaction is deprecated in cluster mode")
+ return ClusterPipeline(
+ nodes_manager=self.nodes_manager,
+ startup_nodes=self.nodes_manager.startup_nodes,
+ result_callbacks=self.result_callbacks,
+ cluster_response_callbacks=self.cluster_response_callbacks,
+ cluster_error_retry_attempts=self.cluster_error_retry_attempts,
+ read_from_replicas=self.read_from_replicas,
+ reinitialize_steps=self.reinitialize_steps
+ )
+ def _determine_nodes(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ command = args[0]
+ nodes_flag = kwargs.pop("nodes_flag", None)
+ if nodes_flag is not None:
+ # nodes flag passed by the user
+ command_flag = nodes_flag
+ else:
+ # get the nodes group for this command if it was predefined
+ command_flag = self.command_flags.get(command)
+ if command_flag:
+ log.debug("Target node/s for {0}: {1}".
+ format(command, command_flag))
+ if command_flag == self.__class__.RANDOM:
+ # return a random node
+ return [self.get_random_node()]
+ elif command_flag == self.__class__.PRIMARIES:
+ # return all primaries
+ return self.get_primaries()
+ elif command_flag == self.__class__.REPLICAS:
+ # return all replicas
+ return self.get_replicas()
+ elif command_flag == self.__class__.ALL_NODES:
+ # return all nodes
+ return self.get_nodes()
+ elif command_flag == self.__class__.DEFAULT_NODE:
+ # return the cluster's default node
+ return [self.nodes_manager.default_node]
+ else:
+ # get the node that holds the key's slot
+ slot = self.determine_slot(*args)
+ node = self.nodes_manager.get_node_from_slot(
+ slot, self.read_from_replicas and command in READ_COMMANDS)
+ log.debug("Target for {0}: slot {1}".format(args, slot))
+ return [node]
+ def _should_reinitialized(self):
+ # In order not to reinitialize the cluster, the user can set
+ # reinitialize_steps to 0.
+ if self.reinitialize_steps == 0:
+ return False
+ else:
+ return self.reinitialize_counter % self.reinitialize_steps == 0
+ def keyslot(self, key):
+ """
+ Calculate keyslot for a given key.
+ See Keys distribution model in
+ """
+ k = self.encoder.encode(key)
+ return key_slot(k)
+ def _get_command_keys(self, *args):
+ """
+ Get the keys in the command. If the command has no keys in in, None is
+ returned.
+ """
+ redis_conn = self.get_default_node().redis_connection
+ return self.commands_parser.get_keys(redis_conn, *args)
+ def determine_slot(self, *args):
+ """
+ Figure out what slot based on command and args
+ """
+ if self.command_flags.get(args[0]) == SLOT_ID:
+ # The command contains the slot ID
+ return args[1]
+ # Get the keys in the command
+ keys = self._get_command_keys(*args)
+ if keys is None or len(keys) == 0:
+ raise RedisClusterException(
+ "No way to dispatch this command to Redis Cluster. "
+ "Missing key.\nYou can execute the command by specifying "
+ "target nodes.\nCommand: {0}".format(args)
+ )
+ if len(keys) > 1:
+ # multi-key command, we need to make sure all keys are mapped to
+ # the same slot
+ slots = {self.keyslot(key) for key in keys}
+ if len(slots) != 1:
+ raise RedisClusterException("{0} - all keys must map to the "
+ "same key slot".format(args[0]))
+ return slots.pop()
+ else:
+ # single key command
+ return self.keyslot(keys[0])
+ def reinitialize_caches(self):
+ self.nodes_manager.initialize()
+ def _is_nodes_flag(self, target_nodes):
+ return isinstance(target_nodes, str) \
+ and target_nodes in self.node_flags
+ def _parse_target_nodes(self, target_nodes):
+ if isinstance(target_nodes, list):
+ nodes = target_nodes
+ elif isinstance(target_nodes, ClusterNode):
+ # Supports passing a single ClusterNode as a variable
+ nodes = [target_nodes]
+ elif isinstance(target_nodes, dict):
+ # Supports dictionaries of the format {node_name: node}.
+ # It enables to execute commands with multi nodes as follows:
+ # rc.cluster_save_config(rc.get_primaries())
+ nodes = target_nodes.values()
+ else:
+ raise TypeError("target_nodes type can be one of the "
+ "followings: node_flag (PRIMARIES, "
+ "ClusterNode, list<ClusterNode>, or "
+ "dict<any, ClusterNode>. The passed type is {0}".
+ format(type(target_nodes)))
+ return nodes
+ def execute_command(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ """
+ Wrapper for ClusterDownError and ConnectionError error handling.
+ It will try the number of times specified by the config option
+ "self.cluster_error_retry_attempts" which defaults to 3 unless manually
+ configured.
+ If it reaches the number of times, the command will raise the exception
+ Key argument :target_nodes: can be passed with the following types:
+ ClusterNode
+ list<ClusterNode>
+ dict<Any, ClusterNode>
+ """
+ target_nodes_specified = False
+ target_nodes = kwargs.pop("target_nodes", None)
+ if target_nodes is not None and not self._is_nodes_flag(target_nodes):
+ target_nodes = self._parse_target_nodes(target_nodes)
+ target_nodes_specified = True
+ # If ClusterDownError/ConnectionError were thrown, the nodes
+ # and slots cache were reinitialized. We will retry executing the
+ # command with the updated cluster setup only when the target nodes
+ # can be determined again with the new cache tables. Therefore,
+ # when target nodes were passed to this function, we cannot retry
+ # the command execution since the nodes may not be valid anymore
+ # after the tables were reinitialized. So in case of passed target
+ # nodes, retry_attempts will be set to 1.
+ retry_attempts = 1 if target_nodes_specified else \
+ self.cluster_error_retry_attempts
+ exception = None
+ for _ in range(0, retry_attempts):
+ try:
+ res = {}
+ if not target_nodes_specified:
+ # Determine the nodes to execute the command on
+ target_nodes = self._determine_nodes(
+ *args, **kwargs, nodes_flag=target_nodes)
+ if not target_nodes:
+ raise RedisClusterException(
+ "No targets were found to execute"
+ " {} command on".format(args))
+ for node in target_nodes:
+ res[] = self._execute_command(
+ node, *args, **kwargs)
+ # Return the processed result
+ return self._process_result(args[0], res, **kwargs)
+ except (ClusterDownError, ConnectionError) as e:
+ # The nodes and slots cache were reinitialized.
+ # Try again with the new cluster setup. All other errors
+ # should be raised.
+ exception = e
+ # If it fails the configured number of times then raise exception back
+ # to caller of this method
+ raise exception
+ def _execute_command(self, target_node, *args, **kwargs):
+ """
+ Send a command to a node in the cluster
+ """
+ command = args[0]
+ redis_node = None
+ connection = None
+ redirect_addr = None
+ asking = False
+ moved = False
+ ttl = int(self.RedisClusterRequestTTL)
+ connection_error_retry_counter = 0
+ while ttl > 0:
+ ttl -= 1
+ try:
+ if asking:
+ target_node = self.get_node(node_name=redirect_addr)
+ elif moved:
+ # MOVED occurred and the slots cache was updated,
+ # refresh the target node
+ slot = self.determine_slot(*args)
+ target_node = self.nodes_manager. \
+ get_node_from_slot(slot, self.read_from_replicas and
+ command in READ_COMMANDS)
+ moved = False
+ log.debug("Executing command {0} on target node: {1} {2}".
+ format(command, target_node.server_type,
+ redis_node = self.get_redis_connection(target_node)
+ connection = get_connection(redis_node, *args, **kwargs)
+ if asking:
+ connection.send_command("ASKING")
+ redis_node.parse_response(connection, "ASKING", **kwargs)
+ asking = False
+ connection.send_command(*args)
+ response = redis_node.parse_response(connection, command,
+ **kwargs)
+ if command in self.cluster_response_callbacks:
+ response = self.cluster_response_callbacks[command](
+ response, **kwargs)
+ return response
+ except (RedisClusterException, BusyLoadingError):
+ log.exception("RedisClusterException || BusyLoadingError")
+ raise
+ except ConnectionError:
+ log.exception("ConnectionError")
+ # ConnectionError can also be raised if we couldn't get a
+ # connection from the pool before timing out, so check that
+ # this is an actual connection before attempting to disconnect.
+ if connection is not None:
+ connection.disconnect()
+ connection_error_retry_counter += 1
+ # Give the node 0.25 seconds to get back up and retry again
+ # with same node and configuration. After 5 attempts then try
+ # to reinitialize the cluster and see if the nodes
+ # configuration has changed or not
+ if connection_error_retry_counter < 5:
+ time.sleep(0.25)
+ else:
+ # Hard force of reinitialize of the node/slots setup
+ # and try again with the new setup
+ self.nodes_manager.initialize()
+ raise
+ except TimeoutError:
+ log.exception("TimeoutError")
+ if connection is not None:
+ connection.disconnect()
+ if ttl < self.RedisClusterRequestTTL / 2:
+ time.sleep(0.05)
+ except MovedError as e:
+ # First, we will try to patch the slots/nodes cache with the
+ # redirected node output and try again. If MovedError exceeds
+ # 'reinitialize_steps' number of times, we will force
+ # reinitializing the tables, and then try again.
+ # 'reinitialize_steps' counter will increase faster when the
+ # same client object is shared between multiple threads. To
+ # reduce the frequency you can set this variable in the
+ # RedisCluster constructor.
+ log.exception("MovedError")
+ self.reinitialize_counter += 1
+ if self._should_reinitialized():
+ self.nodes_manager.initialize()
+ else:
+ self.nodes_manager.update_moved_exception(e)
+ moved = True
+ except TryAgainError:
+ log.exception("TryAgainError")
+ if ttl < self.RedisClusterRequestTTL / 2:
+ time.sleep(0.05)
+ except AskError as e:
+ log.exception("AskError")
+ redirect_addr = get_node_name(, port=e.port)
+ asking = True
+ except ClusterDownError as e:
+ log.exception("ClusterDownError")
+ # ClusterDownError can occur during a failover and to get
+ # self-healed, we will try to reinitialize the cluster layout
+ # and retry executing the command
+ time.sleep(0.05)
+ self.nodes_manager.initialize()
+ raise e
+ except ResponseError as e:
+ message = e.__str__()
+ log.exception("ResponseError: {0}".format(message))
+ raise e
+ except BaseException as e:
+ log.exception("BaseException")
+ if connection:
+ connection.disconnect()
+ raise e
+ finally:
+ if connection is not None:
+ redis_node.connection_pool.release(connection)
+ raise ClusterError("TTL exhausted.")
+ def close(self):
+ try:
+ with self._lock:
+ if self.nodes_manager:
+ self.nodes_manager.close()
+ except AttributeError:
+ # RedisCluster's __init__ can fail before nodes_manager is set
+ pass
+ def _process_result(self, command, res, **kwargs):
+ """
+ Process the result of the executed command.
+ The function would return a dict or a single value.
+ :type command: str
+ :type res: dict
+ `res` should be in the following format:
+ Dict<node_name, command_result>
+ """
+ if command in self.result_callbacks:
+ return self.result_callbacks[command](command, res, **kwargs)
+ elif len(res) == 1:
+ # When we execute the command on a single node, we can
+ # remove the dictionary and return a single response
+ return list(res.values())[0]
+ else:
+ return res
+class ClusterNode(object):
+ def __init__(self, host, port, server_type=None, redis_connection=None):
+ if host == 'localhost':
+ host = socket.gethostbyname(host)
+ = host
+ self.port = port
+ = get_node_name(host, port)
+ self.server_type = server_type
+ self.redis_connection = redis_connection
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return '[host={0},port={1},' \
+ 'name={2},server_type={3},redis_connection={4}]' \
+ .format(,
+ self.port,
+ self.server_type,
+ self.redis_connection)
+ def __eq__(self, obj):
+ return isinstance(obj, ClusterNode) and ==
+class LoadBalancer:
+ """
+ Round-Robin Load Balancing
+ """
+ def __init__(self, start_index=0):
+ self.primary_to_idx = {}
+ self.start_index = start_index
+ def get_server_index(self, primary, list_size):
+ server_index = self.primary_to_idx.setdefault(primary,
+ self.start_index)
+ # Update the index
+ self.primary_to_idx[primary] = (server_index + 1) % list_size
+ return server_index
+ def reset(self):
+ self.primary_to_idx.clear()
+class NodesManager:
+ def __init__(self, startup_nodes, from_url=False,
+ require_full_coverage=True, skip_full_coverage_check=False,
+ lock=None, **kwargs):
+ self.nodes_cache = {}
+ self.slots_cache = {}
+ self.startup_nodes = {}
+ self.default_node = None
+ self.populate_startup_nodes(startup_nodes)
+ self.from_url = from_url
+ self._require_full_coverage = require_full_coverage
+ self._skip_full_coverage_check = skip_full_coverage_check
+ self._moved_exception = None
+ self.connection_kwargs = kwargs
+ self.read_load_balancer = LoadBalancer()
+ if lock is None:
+ lock = threading.Lock()
+ self._lock = lock
+ self.initialize()
+ def get_node(self, host=None, port=None, node_name=None):
+ """
+ Get the requested node from the cluster's nodes.
+ nodes.
+ :return: ClusterNode if the node exists, else None
+ """
+ if host and port:
+ # the user passed host and port
+ if host == "localhost":
+ host = socket.gethostbyname(host)
+ return self.nodes_cache.get(get_node_name(host=host, port=port))
+ elif node_name:
+ return self.nodes_cache.get(node_name)
+ else:
+ log.error(
+ "get_node requires one of the following: "
+ "1. node name "
+ "2. host and port"
+ )
+ return None
+ def update_moved_exception(self, exception):
+ self._moved_exception = exception
+ def _update_moved_slots(self):
+ """
+ Update the slot's node with the redirected one
+ """
+ e = self._moved_exception
+ redirected_node = self.get_node(, port=e.port)
+ if redirected_node is not None:
+ # The node already exists
+ if redirected_node.server_type is not PRIMARY:
+ # Update the node's server type
+ redirected_node.server_type = PRIMARY
+ else:
+ # This is a new node, we will add it to the nodes cache
+ redirected_node = ClusterNode(, e.port, PRIMARY)
+ self.nodes_cache[] = redirected_node
+ if redirected_node in self.slots_cache[e.slot_id]:
+ # The MOVED error resulted from a failover, and the new slot owner
+ # had previously been a replica.
+ old_primary = self.slots_cache[e.slot_id][0]
+ # Update the old primary to be a replica and add it to the end of
+ # the slot's node list
+ old_primary.server_type = REPLICA
+ self.slots_cache[e.slot_id].append(old_primary)
+ # Remove the old replica, which is now a primary, from the slot's
+ # node list
+ self.slots_cache[e.slot_id].remove(redirected_node)
+ # Override the old primary with the new one
+ self.slots_cache[e.slot_id][0] = redirected_node
+ if self.default_node == old_primary:
+ # Update the default node with the new primary
+ self.default_node = redirected_node
+ else:
+ # The new slot owner is a new server, or a server from a different
+ # shard. We need to remove all current nodes from the slot's list
+ # (including replications) and add just the new node.
+ self.slots_cache[e.slot_id] = [redirected_node]
+ # Reset moved_exception
+ self._moved_exception = None
+ def get_node_from_slot(self, slot, read_from_replicas=False,
+ server_type=None):
+ """
+ Gets a node that servers this hash slot
+ """
+ if self._moved_exception:
+ with self._lock:
+ if self._moved_exception:
+ self._update_moved_slots()
+ if self.slots_cache.get(slot) is None or \
+ len(self.slots_cache[slot]) == 0:
+ raise SlotNotCoveredError(
+ 'Slot "{0}" not covered by the cluster. '
+ '"require_full_coverage={1}"'.format(
+ slot, self._require_full_coverage)
+ )
+ if read_from_replicas is True:
+ # get the server index in a Round-Robin manner
+ primary_name = self.slots_cache[slot][0].name
+ node_idx = self.read_load_balancer.get_server_index(
+ primary_name, len(self.slots_cache[slot]))
+ elif (
+ server_type is None
+ or server_type == PRIMARY
+ or len(self.slots_cache[slot]) == 1
+ ):
+ # return a primary
+ node_idx = 0
+ else:
+ # return a replica
+ # randomly choose one of the replicas
+ node_idx = random.randint(
+ 1, len(self.slots_cache[slot]) - 1)
+ return self.slots_cache[slot][node_idx]
+ def get_nodes_by_server_type(self, server_type):
+ """
+ Get all nodes with the specified server type
+ :param server_type: 'primary' or 'replica'
+ :return: list of ClusterNode
+ """
+ return [
+ node
+ for node in self.nodes_cache.values()
+ if node.server_type == server_type
+ ]
+ def populate_startup_nodes(self, nodes):
+ """
+ Populate all startup nodes and filters out any duplicates
+ """
+ for n in nodes:
+ self.startup_nodes[] = n
+ def cluster_require_full_coverage(self, cluster_nodes):
+ """
+ if exists 'cluster-require-full-coverage no' config on redis servers,
+ then even all slots are not covered, cluster still will be able to
+ respond
+ """
+ def node_require_full_coverage(node):
+ try:
+ return ("yes" in node.redis_connection.config_get(
+ "cluster-require-full-coverage").values()
+ )
+ except ConnectionError:
+ return False
+ except Exception as e:
+ raise RedisClusterException(
+ 'ERROR sending "config get cluster-require-full-coverage"'
+ ' command to redis server: {0}, {1}'.format(, e)
+ )
+ # at least one node should have cluster-require-full-coverage yes
+ return any(node_require_full_coverage(node)
+ for node in cluster_nodes.values())
+ def check_slots_coverage(self, slots_cache):
+ # Validate if all slots are covered or if we should try next
+ # startup node
+ for i in range(0, REDIS_CLUSTER_HASH_SLOTS):
+ if i not in slots_cache:
+ return False
+ return True
+ def create_redis_connections(self, nodes):
+ """
+ This function will create a redis connection to all nodes in :nodes:
+ """
+ for node in nodes:
+ if node.redis_connection is None:
+ node.redis_connection = self.create_redis_node(
+ port=node.port,
+ **self.connection_kwargs,
+ )
+ def create_redis_node(self, host, port, **kwargs):
+ if self.from_url:
+ # Create a redis node with a costumed connection pool
+ kwargs.update({"host": host})
+ kwargs.update({"port": port})
+ r = Redis(connection_pool=ConnectionPool(**kwargs))
+ else:
+ r = Redis(
+ host=host,
+ port=port,
+ **kwargs
+ )
+ return r
+ def initialize(self):
+ """
+ Initializes the nodes cache, slots cache and redis connections.
+ :startup_nodes:
+ Responsible for discovering other nodes in the cluster
+ """
+ log.debug("Initializing the nodes' topology of the cluster")
+ self.reset()
+ tmp_nodes_cache = {}
+ tmp_slots = {}
+ disagreements = []
+ startup_nodes_reachable = False
+ kwargs = self.connection_kwargs
+ for startup_node in self.startup_nodes.values():
+ try:
+ if startup_node.redis_connection:
+ r = startup_node.redis_connection
+ else:
+ # Create a new Redis connection and let Redis decode the
+ # responses so we won't need to handle that
+ copy_kwargs = copy.deepcopy(kwargs)
+ copy_kwargs.update({"decode_responses": True,
+ "encoding": "utf-8"})
+ r = self.create_redis_node(
+, startup_node.port, **copy_kwargs)
+ self.startup_nodes[].redis_connection = r
+ cluster_slots = r.execute_command("CLUSTER SLOTS")
+ startup_nodes_reachable = True
+ except (ConnectionError, TimeoutError) as e:
+ msg = e.__str__
+ log.exception('An exception occurred while trying to'
+ ' initialize the cluster using the seed node'
+ ' {0}:\n{1}'.format(, msg))
+ continue
+ except ResponseError as e:
+ log.exception(
+ 'ReseponseError sending "cluster slots" to redis server')
+ # Isn't a cluster connection, so it won't parse these
+ # exceptions automatically
+ message = e.__str__()
+ if "CLUSTERDOWN" in message or "MASTERDOWN" in message:
+ continue
+ else:
+ raise RedisClusterException(
+ 'ERROR sending "cluster slots" command to redis '
+ 'server: {0}. error: {1}'.format(
+ startup_node, message)
+ )
+ except Exception as e:
+ message = e.__str__()
+ raise RedisClusterException(
+ 'ERROR sending "cluster slots" command to redis '
+ 'server: {0}. error: {1}'.format(
+ startup_node, message)
+ )
+ # CLUSTER SLOTS command results in the following output:
+ # [[slot_section[from_slot,to_slot,master,replica1,...,replicaN]]]
+ # where each node contains the following list: [IP, port, node_id]
+ # Therefore, cluster_slots[0][2][0] will be the IP address of the
+ # primary node of the first slot section.
+ # If there's only one server in the cluster, its ``host`` is ''
+ # Fix it to the host in startup_nodes
+ if (len(cluster_slots) == 1
+ and len(cluster_slots[0][2][0]) == 0
+ and len(self.startup_nodes) == 1):
+ cluster_slots[0][2][0] =
+ for slot in cluster_slots:
+ primary_node = slot[2]
+ host = primary_node[0]
+ if host == "":
+ host =
+ port = int(primary_node[1])
+ target_node = tmp_nodes_cache.get(get_node_name(host, port))
+ if target_node is None:
+ target_node = ClusterNode(host, port, PRIMARY)
+ # add this node to the nodes cache
+ tmp_nodes_cache[] = target_node
+ for i in range(int(slot[0]), int(slot[1]) + 1):
+ if i not in tmp_slots:
+ tmp_slots[i] = []
+ tmp_slots[i].append(target_node)
+ replica_nodes = [slot[j] for j in range(3, len(slot))]
+ for replica_node in replica_nodes:
+ host = replica_node[0]
+ port = replica_node[1]
+ target_replica_node = tmp_nodes_cache.get(
+ get_node_name(host, port))
+ if target_replica_node is None:
+ target_replica_node = ClusterNode(
+ host, port, REPLICA)
+ tmp_slots[i].append(target_replica_node)
+ # add this node to the nodes cache
+ tmp_nodes_cache[
+ ] = target_replica_node
+ else:
+ # Validate that 2 nodes want to use the same slot cache
+ # setup
+ if tmp_slots[i][0].name !=
+ disagreements.append(
+ '{0} vs {1} on slot: {2}'.format(
+ tmp_slots[i][0].name,, i)
+ )
+ if len(disagreements) > 5:
+ raise RedisClusterException(
+ 'startup_nodes could not agree on a valid'
+ ' slots cache: {0}'.format(
+ ", ".join(disagreements))
+ )
+ if not startup_nodes_reachable:
+ raise RedisClusterException(
+ "Redis Cluster cannot be connected. Please provide at least "
+ "one reachable node. "
+ )
+ # Create Redis connections to all nodes
+ self.create_redis_connections(list(tmp_nodes_cache.values()))
+ fully_covered = self.check_slots_coverage(tmp_slots)
+ # Check if the slots are not fully covered
+ if not fully_covered and self._require_full_coverage:
+ # Despite the requirement that the slots be covered, there
+ # isn't a full coverage
+ raise RedisClusterException(
+ 'All slots are not covered after query all startup_nodes.'
+ ' {0} of {1} covered...'.format(
+ len(self.slots_cache), REDIS_CLUSTER_HASH_SLOTS)
+ )
+ elif not fully_covered and not self._require_full_coverage:
+ # The user set require_full_coverage to False.
+ # In case of full coverage requirement in the cluster's Redis
+ # configurations, we will raise an exception. Otherwise, we may
+ # continue with partial coverage.
+ # see Redis Cluster configuration parameters in
+ #
+ if not self._skip_full_coverage_check and \
+ self.cluster_require_full_coverage(tmp_nodes_cache):
+ raise RedisClusterException(
+ 'Not all slots are covered but the cluster\'s '
+ 'configuration requires full coverage. Set '
+ 'cluster-require-full-coverage configuration to no on '
+ 'all of the cluster nodes if you wish the cluster to '
+ 'be able to serve without being fully covered.'
+ ' {0} of {1} covered...'.format(
+ len(self.slots_cache), REDIS_CLUSTER_HASH_SLOTS)
+ )
+ # Set the tmp variables to the real variables
+ self.nodes_cache = tmp_nodes_cache
+ self.slots_cache = tmp_slots
+ # Set the default node
+ self.default_node = self.get_nodes_by_server_type(PRIMARY)[0]
+ # Populate the startup nodes with all discovered nodes
+ self.populate_startup_nodes(self.nodes_cache.values())
+ def close(self):
+ self.default_node = None
+ for node in self.nodes_cache.values():
+ if node.redis_connection:
+ node.redis_connection.close()
+ def reset(self):
+ try:
+ self.read_load_balancer.reset()
+ except TypeError:
+ # The read_load_balancer is None, do nothing
+ pass
+class ClusterPubSub(PubSub):
+ """
+ Wrapper for PubSub class.
+ IMPORTANT: before using ClusterPubSub, read about the known limitations
+ with pubsub in Cluster mode and learn how to workaround them:
+ """
+ def __init__(self, redis_cluster, node=None, host=None, port=None,
+ **kwargs):
+ """
+ When a pubsub instance is created without specifying a node, a single
+ node will be transparently chosen for the pubsub connection on the
+ first command execution. The node will be determined by:
+ 1. Hashing the channel name in the request to find its keyslot
+ 2. Selecting a node that handles the keyslot: If read_from_replicas is
+ set to true, a replica can be selected.
+ :type redis_cluster: RedisCluster
+ :type node: ClusterNode
+ :type host: str
+ :type port: int
+ """
+"Creating new instance of ClusterPubSub")
+ self.node = None
+ self.set_pubsub_node(redis_cluster, node, host, port)
+ connection_pool = None if self.node is None else \
+ redis_cluster.get_redis_connection(self.node).connection_pool
+ self.cluster = redis_cluster
+ super().__init__(**kwargs, connection_pool=connection_pool,
+ encoder=redis_cluster.encoder)
+ def set_pubsub_node(self, cluster, node=None, host=None, port=None):
+ """
+ The pubsub node will be set according to the passed node, host and port
+ When none of the node, host, or port are specified - the node is set
+ to None and will be determined by the keyslot of the channel in the
+ first command to be executed.
+ RedisClusterException will be thrown if the passed node does not exist
+ in the cluster.
+ If host is passed without port, or vice versa, a DataError will be
+ thrown.
+ :type cluster: RedisCluster
+ :type node: ClusterNode
+ :type host: str
+ :type port: int
+ """
+ if node is not None:
+ # node is passed by the user
+ self._raise_on_invalid_node(cluster, node,, node.port)
+ pubsub_node = node
+ elif host is not None and port is not None:
+ # host and port passed by the user
+ node = cluster.get_node(host=host, port=port)
+ self._raise_on_invalid_node(cluster, node, host, port)
+ pubsub_node = node
+ elif any([host, port]) is True:
+ # only 'host' or 'port' passed
+ raise DataError('Passing a host requires passing a port, '
+ 'and vice versa')
+ else:
+ # nothing passed by the user. set node to None
+ pubsub_node = None
+ self.node = pubsub_node
+ def get_pubsub_node(self):
+ """
+ Get the node that is being used as the pubsub connection
+ """
+ return self.node
+ def _raise_on_invalid_node(self, redis_cluster, node, host, port):
+ """
+ Raise a RedisClusterException if the node is None or doesn't exist in
+ the cluster.
+ """
+ if node is None or redis_cluster.get_node( is None:
+ raise RedisClusterException(
+ "Node {0}:{1} doesn't exist in the cluster"
+ .format(host, port))
+ def execute_command(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ """
+ Execute a publish/subscribe command.
+ Taken code from redis-py and tweak to make it work within a cluster.
+ """
+ # NOTE: don't parse the response in this function -- it could pull a
+ # legitimate message off the stack if the connection is already
+ # subscribed to one or more channels
+ if self.connection is None:
+ if self.connection_pool is None:
+ if len(args) > 1:
+ # Hash the first channel and get one of the nodes holding
+ # this slot
+ channel = args[1]
+ slot = self.cluster.keyslot(channel)
+ node = self.cluster.nodes_manager. \
+ get_node_from_slot(slot, self.cluster.
+ read_from_replicas)
+ else:
+ # Get a random node
+ node = self.cluster.get_random_node()
+ self.node = node
+ redis_connection = self.cluster.get_redis_connection(node)
+ self.connection_pool = redis_connection.connection_pool
+ self.connection = self.connection_pool.get_connection(
+ 'pubsub',
+ self.shard_hint
+ )
+ # register a callback that re-subscribes to any channels we
+ # were listening to when we were disconnected
+ self.connection.register_connect_callback(self.on_connect)
+ connection = self.connection
+ self._execute(connection, connection.send_command, *args)
+ def get_redis_connection(self):
+ """
+ Get the Redis connection of the pubsub connected node.
+ """
+ if self.node is not None:
+ return self.node.redis_connection
+ERRORS_ALLOW_RETRY = (ConnectionError, TimeoutError,
+ MovedError, AskError, TryAgainError)
+class ClusterPipeline(RedisCluster):
+ """
+ Support for Redis pipeline
+ in cluster mode
+ """
+ def __init__(self, nodes_manager, result_callbacks=None,
+ cluster_response_callbacks=None, startup_nodes=None,
+ read_from_replicas=False, cluster_error_retry_attempts=3,
+ reinitialize_steps=10, **kwargs):
+ """
+ """
+"Creating new instance of ClusterPipeline")
+ self.command_stack = []
+ self.nodes_manager = nodes_manager
+ self.refresh_table_asap = False
+ self.result_callbacks = (result_callbacks or
+ self.__class__.RESULT_CALLBACKS.copy())
+ self.startup_nodes = startup_nodes if startup_nodes else []
+ self.read_from_replicas = read_from_replicas
+ self.command_flags = self.__class__.COMMAND_FLAGS.copy()
+ self.cluster_response_callbacks = cluster_response_callbacks
+ self.cluster_error_retry_attempts = cluster_error_retry_attempts
+ self.reinitialize_counter = 0
+ self.reinitialize_steps = reinitialize_steps
+ self.encoder = Encoder(
+ kwargs.get("encoding", "utf-8"),
+ kwargs.get("encoding_errors", "strict"),
+ kwargs.get("decode_responses", False),
+ )
+ # The commands parser refers to the parent
+ # so that we don't push the COMMAND command
+ # onto the stack
+ self.commands_parser = CommandsParser(super())
+ def __repr__(self):
+ """
+ """
+ return "{0}".format(type(self).__name__)
+ def __enter__(self):
+ """
+ """
+ return self
+ def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback):
+ """
+ """
+ self.reset()
+ def __del__(self):
+ try:
+ self.reset()
+ except Exception:
+ pass
+ def __len__(self):
+ """
+ """
+ return len(self.command_stack)
+ def __nonzero__(self):
+ "Pipeline instances should always evaluate to True on Python 2.7"
+ return True
+ def __bool__(self):
+ "Pipeline instances should always evaluate to True on Python 3+"
+ return True
+ def execute_command(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ """
+ Wrapper function for pipeline_execute_command
+ """
+ return self.pipeline_execute_command(*args, **kwargs)
+ def pipeline_execute_command(self, *args, **options):
+ """
+ Appends the executed command to the pipeline's command stack
+ """
+ self.command_stack.append(
+ PipelineCommand(args, options, len(self.command_stack)))
+ return self
+ def raise_first_error(self, stack):
+ """
+ Raise the first exception on the stack
+ """
+ for c in stack:
+ r = c.result
+ if isinstance(r, Exception):
+ self.annotate_exception(r, c.position + 1, c.args)
+ raise r
+ def annotate_exception(self, exception, number, command):
+ """
+ Provides extra context to the exception prior to it being handled
+ """
+ cmd = ' '.join(map(safe_str, command))
+ msg = 'Command # %d (%s) of pipeline caused error: %s' % (
+ number, cmd, exception.args[0])
+ exception.args = (msg,) + exception.args[1:]
+ def execute(self, raise_on_error=True):
+ """
+ Execute all the commands in the current pipeline
+ """
+ stack = self.command_stack
+ try:
+ return self.send_cluster_commands(stack, raise_on_error)
+ finally:
+ self.reset()
+ def reset(self):
+ """
+ Reset back to empty pipeline.
+ """
+ self.command_stack = []
+ self.scripts = set()
+ # TODO: Implement
+ # make sure to reset the connection state in the event that we were
+ # watching something
+ # if self.watching and self.connection:
+ # try:
+ # # call this manually since our unwatch or
+ # # immediate_execute_command methods can call reset()
+ # self.connection.send_command('UNWATCH')
+ # self.connection.read_response()
+ # except ConnectionError:
+ # # disconnect will also remove any previous WATCHes
+ # self.connection.disconnect()
+ # clean up the other instance attributes
+ self.watching = False
+ self.explicit_transaction = False
+ # TODO: Implement
+ # we can safely return the connection to the pool here since we're
+ # sure we're no longer WATCHing anything
+ # if self.connection:
+ # self.connection_pool.release(self.connection)
+ # self.connection = None
+ def send_cluster_commands(self, stack,
+ raise_on_error=True, allow_redirections=True):
+ """
+ Wrapper for CLUSTERDOWN error handling.
+ If the cluster reports it is down it is assumed that:
+ - connection_pool was disconnected
+ - connection_pool was reseted
+ - refereh_table_asap set to True
+ It will try the number of times specified by
+ the config option "self.cluster_error_retry_attempts"
+ which defaults to 3 unless manually configured.
+ If it reaches the number of times, the command will
+ raises ClusterDownException.
+ """
+ if not stack:
+ return []
+ for _ in range(0, self.cluster_error_retry_attempts):
+ try:
+ return self._send_cluster_commands(
+ stack,
+ raise_on_error=raise_on_error,
+ allow_redirections=allow_redirections,
+ )
+ except ClusterDownError:
+ # Try again with the new cluster setup. All other errors
+ # should be raised.
+ pass
+ # If it fails the configured number of times then raise
+ # exception back to caller of this method
+ raise ClusterDownError(
+ "CLUSTERDOWN error. Unable to rebuild the cluster")
+ def _send_cluster_commands(self, stack,
+ raise_on_error=True,
+ allow_redirections=True):
+ """
+ Send a bunch of cluster commands to the redis cluster.
+ `allow_redirections` If the pipeline should follow
+ `ASK` & `MOVED` responses automatically. If set
+ to false it will raise RedisClusterException.
+ """
+ # the first time sending the commands we send all of
+ # the commands that were queued up.
+ # if we have to run through it again, we only retry
+ # the commands that failed.
+ attempt = sorted(stack, key=lambda x: x.position)
+ # build a list of node objects based on node names we need to
+ nodes = {}
+ # as we move through each command that still needs to be processed,
+ # we figure out the slot number that command maps to, then from
+ # the slot determine the node.
+ for c in attempt:
+ # refer to our internal node -> slot table that
+ # tells us where a given
+ # command should route to.
+ slot = self.determine_slot(*c.args)
+ node = self.nodes_manager.get_node_from_slot(
+ slot, self.read_from_replicas and c.args[0] in READ_COMMANDS)
+ # now that we know the name of the node
+ # ( it's just a string in the form of host:port )
+ # we can build a list of commands for each node.
+ node_name =
+ if node_name not in nodes:
+ redis_node = self.get_redis_connection(node)
+ connection = get_connection(redis_node, c.args)
+ nodes[node_name] = NodeCommands(redis_node.parse_response,
+ redis_node.connection_pool,
+ connection)
+ nodes[node_name].append(c)
+ # send the commands in sequence.
+ # we write to all the open sockets for each node first,
+ # before reading anything
+ # this allows us to flush all the requests out across the
+ # network essentially in parallel
+ # so that we can read them all in parallel as they come back.
+ # we dont' multiplex on the sockets as they come available,
+ # but that shouldn't make too much difference.
+ node_commands = nodes.values()
+ for n in node_commands:
+ n.write()
+ for n in node_commands:
+ # release all of the redis connections we allocated earlier
+ # back into the connection pool.
+ # we used to do this step as part of a try/finally block,
+ # but it is really dangerous to
+ # release connections back into the pool if for some
+ # reason the socket has data still left in it
+ # from a previous operation. The write and
+ # read operations already have try/catch around them for
+ # all known types of errors including connection
+ # and socket level errors.
+ # So if we hit an exception, something really bad
+ # happened and putting any oF
+ # these connections back into the pool is a very bad idea.
+ # the socket might have unread buffer still sitting in it,
+ # and then the next time we read from it we pass the
+ # buffered result back from a previous command and
+ # every single request after to that connection will always get
+ # a mismatched result.
+ for n in nodes.values():
+ n.connection_pool.release(n.connection)
+ # if the response isn't an exception it is a
+ # valid response from the node
+ # we're all done with that command, YAY!
+ # if we have more commands to attempt, we've run into problems.
+ # collect all the commands we are allowed to retry.
+ # (MOVED, ASK, or connection errors or timeout errors)
+ attempt = sorted([c for c in attempt
+ if isinstance(c.result, ERRORS_ALLOW_RETRY)],
+ key=lambda x: x.position)
+ if attempt and allow_redirections:
+ # send these remaing comamnds one at a time using `execute_command`
+ # in the main client. This keeps our retry logic
+ # in one place mostly,
+ # and allows us to be more confident in correctness of behavior.
+ # at this point any speed gains from pipelining have been lost
+ # anyway, so we might as well make the best
+ # attempt to get the correct behavior.
+ #
+ # The client command will handle retries for each
+ # individual command sequentially as we pass each
+ # one into `execute_command`. Any exceptions
+ # that bubble out should only appear once all
+ # retries have been exhausted.
+ #
+ # If a lot of commands have failed, we'll be setting the
+ # flag to rebuild the slots table from scratch.
+ # So MOVED errors should correct themselves fairly quickly.
+ msg = 'An exception occurred during pipeline execution. ' \
+ 'args: {0}, error: {1} {2}'.\
+ format(attempt[-1].args,
+ type(attempt[-1].result).__name__,
+ str(attempt[-1].result))
+ log.exception(msg)
+ self.reinitialize_counter += 1
+ if self._should_reinitialized():
+ self.nodes_manager.initialize()
+ for c in attempt:
+ try:
+ # send each command individually like we
+ # do in the main client.
+ c.result = super(ClusterPipeline, self). \
+ execute_command(*c.args, **c.options)
+ except RedisError as e:
+ c.result = e
+ # turn the response back into a simple flat array that corresponds
+ # to the sequence of commands issued in the stack in pipeline.execute()
+ response = [c.result for c in sorted(stack, key=lambda x: x.position)]
+ if raise_on_error:
+ self.raise_first_error(stack)
+ return response
+ def _fail_on_redirect(self, allow_redirections):
+ """
+ """
+ if not allow_redirections:
+ raise RedisClusterException(
+ "ASK & MOVED redirection not allowed in this pipeline")
+ def eval(self):
+ """
+ """
+ raise RedisClusterException("method eval() is not implemented")
+ def multi(self):
+ """
+ """
+ raise RedisClusterException("method multi() is not implemented")
+ def immediate_execute_command(self, *args, **options):
+ """
+ """
+ raise RedisClusterException(
+ "method immediate_execute_command() is not implemented")
+ def _execute_transaction(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ """
+ """
+ raise RedisClusterException(
+ "method _execute_transaction() is not implemented")
+ def load_scripts(self):
+ """
+ """
+ raise RedisClusterException(
+ "method load_scripts() is not implemented")
+ def watch(self, *names):
+ """
+ """
+ raise RedisClusterException("method watch() is not implemented")
+ def unwatch(self):
+ """
+ """
+ raise RedisClusterException("method unwatch() is not implemented")
+ def script_load_for_pipeline(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ """
+ """
+ raise RedisClusterException(
+ "method script_load_for_pipeline() is not implemented")
+ def delete(self, *names):
+ """
+ "Delete a key specified by ``names``"
+ """
+ if len(names) != 1:
+ raise RedisClusterException(
+ "deleting multiple keys is not "
+ "implemented in pipeline command")
+ return self.execute_command('DEL', names[0])
+def block_pipeline_command(func):
+ """
+ Prints error because some pipelined commands should
+ be blocked when running in cluster-mode
+ """
+ def inner(*args, **kwargs):
+ raise RedisClusterException(
+ "ERROR: Calling pipelined function {0} is blocked when "
+ "running redis in cluster mode...".format(func.__name__))
+ return inner
+# Blocked pipeline commands
+ClusterPipeline.bitop = block_pipeline_command(RedisCluster.bitop)
+ClusterPipeline.brpoplpush = block_pipeline_command(RedisCluster.brpoplpush)
+ClusterPipeline.client_getname = \
+ block_pipeline_command(RedisCluster.client_getname)
+ClusterPipeline.client_list = block_pipeline_command(RedisCluster.client_list)
+ClusterPipeline.client_setname = \
+ block_pipeline_command(RedisCluster.client_setname)
+ClusterPipeline.config_set = block_pipeline_command(RedisCluster.config_set)
+ClusterPipeline.dbsize = block_pipeline_command(RedisCluster.dbsize)
+ClusterPipeline.flushall = block_pipeline_command(RedisCluster.flushall)
+ClusterPipeline.flushdb = block_pipeline_command(RedisCluster.flushdb)
+ClusterPipeline.keys = block_pipeline_command(RedisCluster.keys)
+ClusterPipeline.mget = block_pipeline_command(RedisCluster.mget)
+ClusterPipeline.move = block_pipeline_command(RedisCluster.move)
+ClusterPipeline.mset = block_pipeline_command(RedisCluster.mset)
+ClusterPipeline.msetnx = block_pipeline_command(RedisCluster.msetnx)
+ClusterPipeline.pfmerge = block_pipeline_command(RedisCluster.pfmerge)
+ClusterPipeline.pfcount = block_pipeline_command(RedisCluster.pfcount) = block_pipeline_command(
+ClusterPipeline.publish = block_pipeline_command(RedisCluster.publish)
+ClusterPipeline.randomkey = block_pipeline_command(RedisCluster.randomkey)
+ClusterPipeline.rename = block_pipeline_command(RedisCluster.rename)
+ClusterPipeline.renamenx = block_pipeline_command(RedisCluster.renamenx)
+ClusterPipeline.rpoplpush = block_pipeline_command(RedisCluster.rpoplpush)
+ClusterPipeline.scan = block_pipeline_command(RedisCluster.scan)
+ClusterPipeline.sdiff = block_pipeline_command(RedisCluster.sdiff)
+ClusterPipeline.sdiffstore = block_pipeline_command(RedisCluster.sdiffstore)
+ClusterPipeline.sinter = block_pipeline_command(RedisCluster.sinter)
+ClusterPipeline.sinterstore = block_pipeline_command(RedisCluster.sinterstore)
+ClusterPipeline.smove = block_pipeline_command(RedisCluster.smove)
+ClusterPipeline.sort = block_pipeline_command(RedisCluster.sort)
+ClusterPipeline.sunion = block_pipeline_command(RedisCluster.sunion)
+ClusterPipeline.sunionstore = block_pipeline_command(RedisCluster.sunionstore)
+ClusterPipeline.readwrite = block_pipeline_command(RedisCluster.readwrite)
+ClusterPipeline.readonly = block_pipeline_command(RedisCluster.readonly)
+class PipelineCommand(object):
+ """
+ """
+ def __init__(self, args, options=None, position=None):
+ self.args = args
+ if options is None:
+ options = {}
+ self.options = options
+ self.position = position
+ self.result = None
+ self.node = None
+ self.asking = False
+class NodeCommands(object):
+ """
+ """
+ def __init__(self, parse_response, connection_pool, connection):
+ """
+ """
+ self.parse_response = parse_response
+ self.connection_pool = connection_pool
+ self.connection = connection
+ self.commands = []
+ def append(self, c):
+ """
+ """
+ self.commands.append(c)
+ def write(self):
+ """
+ Code borrowed from Redis so it can be fixed
+ """
+ connection = self.connection
+ commands = self.commands
+ # We are going to clobber the commands with the write, so go ahead
+ # and ensure that nothing is sitting there from a previous run.
+ for c in commands:
+ c.result = None
+ # build up all commands into a single request to increase network perf
+ # send all the commands and catch connection and timeout errors.
+ try:
+ connection.send_packed_command(
+ connection.pack_commands([c.args for c in commands]))
+ except (ConnectionError, TimeoutError) as e:
+ for c in commands:
+ c.result = e
+ def read(self):
+ """
+ """
+ connection = self.connection
+ for c in self.commands:
+ # if there is a result on this command,
+ # it means we ran into an exception
+ # like a connection error. Trying to parse
+ # a response on a connection that
+ # is no longer open will result in a
+ # connection error raised by redis-py.
+ # but redis-py doesn't check in parse_response
+ # that the sock object is
+ # still set and if you try to
+ # read from a closed connection, it will
+ # result in an AttributeError because
+ # it will do a readline() call on None.
+ # This can have all kinds of nasty side-effects.
+ # Treating this case as a connection error
+ # is fine because it will dump
+ # the connection object back into the
+ # pool and on the next write, it will
+ # explicitly open the connection and all will be well.
+ if c.result is None:
+ try:
+ c.result = self.parse_response(
+ connection, c.args[0], **c.options)
+ except (ConnectionError, TimeoutError) as e:
+ for c in self.commands:
+ c.result = e
+ return
+ except RedisError:
+ c.result = sys.exc_info()[1]