path: root/redis/commands/search/
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Diffstat (limited to 'redis/commands/search/')
1 files changed, 328 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/redis/commands/search/ b/redis/commands/search/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e2db7a4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/redis/commands/search/
@@ -0,0 +1,328 @@
+import six
+class Query(object):
+ """
+ Query is used to build complex queries that have more parameters than just
+ the query string. The query string is set in the constructor, and other
+ options have setter functions.
+ The setter functions return the query object, so they can be chained,
+ i.e. `Query("foo").verbatim().filter(...)` etc.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, query_string):
+ """
+ Create a new query object.
+ The query string is set in the constructor, and other options have
+ setter functions.
+ """
+ self._query_string = query_string
+ self._offset = 0
+ self._num = 10
+ self._no_content = False
+ self._no_stopwords = False
+ self._fields = None
+ self._verbatim = False
+ self._with_payloads = False
+ self._with_scores = False
+ self._scorer = False
+ self._filters = list()
+ self._ids = None
+ self._slop = -1
+ self._in_order = False
+ self._sortby = None
+ self._return_fields = []
+ self._summarize_fields = []
+ self._highlight_fields = []
+ self._language = None
+ self._expander = None
+ def query_string(self):
+ """Return the query string of this query only."""
+ return self._query_string
+ def limit_ids(self, *ids):
+ """Limit the results to a specific set of pre-known document
+ ids of any length."""
+ self._ids = ids
+ return self
+ def return_fields(self, *fields):
+ """Add fields to return fields."""
+ self._return_fields += fields
+ return self
+ def return_field(self, field, as_field=None):
+ """Add field to return fields (Optional: add 'AS' name
+ to the field)."""
+ self._return_fields.append(field)
+ if as_field is not None:
+ self._return_fields += ("AS", as_field)
+ return self
+ def _mk_field_list(self, fields):
+ if not fields:
+ return []
+ return \
+ [fields] if isinstance(fields, six.string_types) else list(fields)
+ def summarize(self, fields=None, context_len=None,
+ num_frags=None, sep=None):
+ """
+ Return an abridged format of the field, containing only the segments of
+ the field which contain the matching term(s).
+ If `fields` is specified, then only the mentioned fields are
+ summarized; otherwise all results are summarized.
+ Server side defaults are used for each option (except `fields`)
+ if not specified
+ - **fields** List of fields to summarize. All fields are summarized
+ if not specified
+ - **context_len** Amount of context to include with each fragment
+ - **num_frags** Number of fragments per document
+ - **sep** Separator string to separate fragments
+ """
+ args = ["SUMMARIZE"]
+ fields = self._mk_field_list(fields)
+ if fields:
+ args += ["FIELDS", str(len(fields))] + fields
+ if context_len is not None:
+ args += ["LEN", str(context_len)]
+ if num_frags is not None:
+ args += ["FRAGS", str(num_frags)]
+ if sep is not None:
+ args += ["SEPARATOR", sep]
+ self._summarize_fields = args
+ return self
+ def highlight(self, fields=None, tags=None):
+ """
+ Apply specified markup to matched term(s) within the returned field(s).
+ - **fields** If specified then only those mentioned fields are
+ highlighted, otherwise all fields are highlighted
+ - **tags** A list of two strings to surround the match.
+ """
+ args = ["HIGHLIGHT"]
+ fields = self._mk_field_list(fields)
+ if fields:
+ args += ["FIELDS", str(len(fields))] + fields
+ if tags:
+ args += ["TAGS"] + list(tags)
+ self._highlight_fields = args
+ return self
+ def language(self, language):
+ """
+ Analyze the query as being in the specified language.
+ :param language: The language (e.g. `chinese` or `english`)
+ """
+ self._language = language
+ return self
+ def slop(self, slop):
+ """Allow a maximum of N intervening non matched terms between
+ phrase terms (0 means exact phrase).
+ """
+ self._slop = slop
+ return self
+ def in_order(self):
+ """
+ Match only documents where the query terms appear in
+ the same order in the document.
+ i.e. for the query "hello world", we do not match "world hello"
+ """
+ self._in_order = True
+ return self
+ def scorer(self, scorer):
+ """
+ Use a different scoring function to evaluate document relevance.
+ Default is `TFIDF`.
+ :param scorer: The scoring function to use
+ (e.g. `TFIDF.DOCNORM` or `BM25`)
+ """
+ self._scorer = scorer
+ return self
+ def get_args(self):
+ """Format the redis arguments for this query and return them."""
+ args = [self._query_string]
+ args += self._get_args_tags()
+ args += self._summarize_fields + self._highlight_fields
+ args += ["LIMIT", self._offset, self._num]
+ return args
+ def _get_args_tags(self):
+ args = []
+ if self._no_content:
+ args.append("NOCONTENT")
+ if self._fields:
+ args.append("INFIELDS")
+ args.append(len(self._fields))
+ args += self._fields
+ if self._verbatim:
+ args.append("VERBATIM")
+ if self._no_stopwords:
+ args.append("NOSTOPWORDS")
+ if self._filters:
+ for flt in self._filters:
+ if not isinstance(flt, Filter):
+ raise AttributeError("Did not receive a Filter object.")
+ args += flt.args
+ if self._with_payloads:
+ args.append("WITHPAYLOADS")
+ if self._scorer:
+ args += ["SCORER", self._scorer]
+ if self._with_scores:
+ args.append("WITHSCORES")
+ if self._ids:
+ args.append("INKEYS")
+ args.append(len(self._ids))
+ args += self._ids
+ if self._slop >= 0:
+ args += ["SLOP", self._slop]
+ if self._in_order:
+ args.append("INORDER")
+ if self._return_fields:
+ args.append("RETURN")
+ args.append(len(self._return_fields))
+ args += self._return_fields
+ if self._sortby:
+ if not isinstance(self._sortby, SortbyField):
+ raise AttributeError("Did not receive a SortByField.")
+ args.append("SORTBY")
+ args += self._sortby.args
+ if self._language:
+ args += ["LANGUAGE", self._language]
+ if self._expander:
+ args += ["EXPANDER", self._expander]
+ return args
+ def paging(self, offset, num):
+ """
+ Set the paging for the query (defaults to 0..10).
+ - **offset**: Paging offset for the results. Defaults to 0
+ - **num**: How many results do we want
+ """
+ self._offset = offset
+ self._num = num
+ return self
+ def verbatim(self):
+ """Set the query to be verbatim, i.e. use no query expansion
+ or stemming.
+ """
+ self._verbatim = True
+ return self
+ def no_content(self):
+ """Set the query to only return ids and not the document content."""
+ self._no_content = True
+ return self
+ def no_stopwords(self):
+ """
+ Prevent the query from being filtered for stopwords.
+ Only useful in very big queries that you are certain contain
+ no stopwords.
+ """
+ self._no_stopwords = True
+ return self
+ def with_payloads(self):
+ """Ask the engine to return document payloads."""
+ self._with_payloads = True
+ return self
+ def with_scores(self):
+ """Ask the engine to return document search scores."""
+ self._with_scores = True
+ return self
+ def limit_fields(self, *fields):
+ """
+ Limit the search to specific TEXT fields only.
+ - **fields**: A list of strings, case sensitive field names
+ from the defined schema.
+ """
+ self._fields = fields
+ return self
+ def add_filter(self, flt):
+ """
+ Add a numeric or geo filter to the query.
+ **Currently only one of each filter is supported by the engine**
+ - **flt**: A NumericFilter or GeoFilter object, used on a
+ corresponding field
+ """
+ self._filters.append(flt)
+ return self
+ def sort_by(self, field, asc=True):
+ """
+ Add a sortby field to the query.
+ - **field** - the name of the field to sort by
+ - **asc** - when `True`, sorting will be done in asceding order
+ """
+ self._sortby = SortbyField(field, asc)
+ return self
+ def expander(self, expander):
+ """
+ Add a expander field to the query.
+ - **expander** - the name of the expander
+ """
+ self._expander = expander
+ return self
+class Filter(object):
+ def __init__(self, keyword, field, *args):
+ self.args = [keyword, field] + list(args)
+class NumericFilter(Filter):
+ INF = "+inf"
+ NEG_INF = "-inf"
+ def __init__(self, field, minval, maxval, minExclusive=False,
+ maxExclusive=False):
+ args = [
+ minval if not minExclusive else "({}".format(minval),
+ maxval if not maxExclusive else "({}".format(maxval),
+ ]
+ Filter.__init__(self, "FILTER", field, *args)
+class GeoFilter(Filter):
+ METERS = "m"
+ FEET = "ft"
+ MILES = "mi"
+ def __init__(self, field, lon, lat, radius, unit=KILOMETERS):
+ Filter.__init__(self, "GEOFILTER", field, lon, lat, radius, unit)
+class SortbyField(object):
+ def __init__(self, field, asc=True):
+ self.args = [field, "ASC" if asc else "DESC"]