* 2.6.1 * Python 3.x support! Big thanks to Alex Grönholm. * Fixed a bug in the PythonParser's read_response that could hide an error from the client (#251). * 2.6.0 * Changed (p)subscribe and (p)unsubscribe to no longer return messages indicating the channel was subscribed/unsubscribed to. These messages are available in the listen() loop instead. This is to prevent the following scenario: * Client A is subscribed to "foo" * Client B publishes message to "foo" * Client A subscribes to channel "bar" at the same time. Prior to this change, the subscribe() call would return the published messages on "foo" rather than the subscription confirmation to "bar". * Added support for GETRANGE, thanks Jean-Philippe Caruana * A new setting "decode_responses" specifies whether return values from Redis commands get decoded automatically using the client's charset value. Thanks to Frankie Dintino for the patch. * 2.4.13 * redis.from_url() can take an URL representing a Redis connection string and return a client object. Thanks Kenneth Reitz for the patch. * 2.4.12 * ConnectionPool is now fork-safe. Thanks Josiah Carson for the patch. * 2.4.11 * AuthenticationError will now be correctly raised if an invalid password is supplied. * If Hiredis is unavailable, the HiredisParser will raise a RedisError if selected manually. * Made the INFO command more tolerant of Redis changes formatting. Fix for #217. * 2.4.10 * Buffer reads from socket in the PythonParser. Fix for a Windows-specific bug (#205). * Added the OBJECT and DEBUG OBJECT commands. * Added __del__ methods for classes that hold on to resources that need to be cleaned up. This should prevent resource leakage when these objects leave scope due to misuse or unhandled exceptions. Thanks David Wolever for the suggestion. * Added the ECHO command for completeness. * Fixed a bug where attempting to subscribe to a PubSub channel of a Redis server that's down would blow out the stack. Fixes #179 and #195. Thanks Ovidiu Predescu for the test case. * StrictRedis's TTL command now returns a -1 when querying a key with no expiration. The Redis class continues to return None. * ZADD and SADD now return integer values indicating the number of items added. Thanks Homer Strong. * Renamed the base client class to StrictRedis, replacing ZADD and LREM in favor of their official argument order. The Redis class is now a subclass of StrictRedis, implementing the legacy redis-py implementations of ZADD and LREM. Docs have been updated to suggesting the use of StrictRedis. * SETEX in StrictRedis is now compliant with official Redis SETEX command. the name, value, time implementation moved to "Redis" for backwards compatability. * 2.4.9 * Removed socket retry logic in Connection. This is the responsbility of the caller to determine if the command is safe and can be retried. Thanks David Wolver. * Added some extra guards around various types of exceptions being raised when sending or parsing data. Thanks David Wolver and Denis Bilenko. * 2.4.8 * Imported with_statement from __future__ for Python 2.5 compatability. * 2.4.7 * Fixed a bug where some connections were not getting released back to the connection pool after pipeline execution. * Pipelines can now be used as context managers. This is the preferred way of use to ensure that connections get cleaned up properly. Thanks David Wolever. * Added a convenience method called transaction() on the base Redis class. This method eliminates much of the boilerplate used when using pipelines to watch Redis keys. See the documentation for details on usage. * 2.4.6 * Variadic arguments for SADD, SREM, ZREN, HDEL, LPUSH, and RPUSH. Thanks Raphaël Vinot. * (CRITICAL) Fixed an error in the Hiredis parser that occasionally caused the socket connection to become corrupted and unusable. This became noticeable once connection pools started to be used. * ZRANGE, ZREVRANGE, ZRANGEBYSCORE, and ZREVRANGEBYSCORE now take an additional optional argument, score_cast_func, which is a callable used to cast the score value in the return type. The default is float. * Removed the PUBLISH method from the PubSub class. Connections that are [P]SUBSCRIBEd cannot issue PUBLISH commands, so it doesn't make sense to have it here. * Pipelines now contain WATCH and UNWATCH. Calling WATCH or UNWATCH from the base client class will result in a deprecation warning. After WATCHing one or more keys, the pipeline will be placed in immediate execution mode until UNWATCH or MULTI are called. Refer to the new pipeline docs in the README for more information. Thanks to David Wolever and Randall Leeds for greatly helping with this. * 2.4.5 * The PythonParser now works better when reading zero length strings. * 2.4.4 * Fixed a typo introduced in 2.4.3 * 2.4.3 * Fixed a bug in the UnixDomainSocketConnection caused when trying to form an error message after a socket error. * 2.4.2 * Fixed a bug in pipeline that caused an exception while trying to reconnect after a connection timeout. * 2.4.1 * Fixed a bug in the PythonParser if disconnect is called before connect. * 2.4.0 * WARNING: 2.4 contains several backwards incompatible changes. * Completely refactored Connection objects. Moved much of the Redis protocol packing for requests here, and eliminated the nasty dependencies it had on the client to do AUTH and SELECT commands on connect. * Connection objects now have a parser attribute. Parsers are responsible for reading data Redis sends. Two parsers ship with redis-py: a PythonParser and the HiRedis parser. redis-py will automatically use the HiRedis parser if you have the Python hiredis module installed, otherwise it will fall back to the PythonParser. You can force or the other, or even an external one by passing the `parser_class` argument to ConnectionPool. * Added a UnixDomainSocketConnection for users wanting to talk to the Redis instance running on a local machine only. You can use this connection by passing it to the `connection_class` argument of the ConnectionPool. * Connections no longer derive from threading.local. See threading.local note below. * ConnectionPool has been comletely refactored. The ConnectionPool now maintains a list of connections. The redis-py client only hangs on to a ConnectionPool instance, calling get_connection() anytime it needs to send a command. When get_connection() is called, the command name and any keys involved in the command are passed as arguments. Subclasses of ConnectionPool could use this information to identify the shard the keys belong to and return a connection to it. ConnectionPool also implements disconnect() to force all connections in the pool to disconnect from the Redis server. * redis-py no longer support the SELECT command. You can still connect to a specific database by specifing it when instantiating a client instance or by creating a connection pool. If you need to talk to multiplate databases within your application, you should use a separate client instance for each database you want to talk to. * Completely refactored Publish/Subscribe support. The subscribe and listen commands are no longer available on the redis-py Client class. Instead, the `pubsub` method returns an instance of the PubSub class which contains all publish/subscribe support. Note, you can still PUBLISH from the redis-py client class if you desire. * Removed support for all previously deprecated commands or options. * redis-py no longer uses threading.local in any way. Since the Client class no longer holds on to a connection, it's no longer needed. You can now pass client instances between threads, and commands run on those threads will retrieve an available connection from the pool, use it and release it. It should now be trivial to use redis-py with eventlet or greenlet. * ZADD now accepts pairs of value=score keyword arguements. This should help resolve the long standing #72. The older value and score arguements have been deprecated in favor of the keyword argument style. * Client instances now get their own copy of RESPONSE_CALLBACKS. The new set_response_callback method adds a user defined callback to the instance. * Support Jython, fixing #97. Thanks to Adam Vandenberg for the patch. * Using __getitem__ now properly raises a KeyError when the key is not found. Thanks Ionuț Arțăriși for the patch. * Newer Redis versions return a LOADING message for some commands while the database is loading from disk during server start. This could cause problems with SELECT. We now force a socket disconnection prior to raising a ResponseError so subsuquent connections have to reconnect and re-select the appropriate database. Thanks to Benjamin Anderson for finding this and fixing. * 2.2.4 * WARNING: Potential backwards incompatible change - Changed order of parameters of ZREVRANGEBYSCORE to match those of the actual Redis command. This is only backwards-incompatible if you were passing max and min via keyword args. If passing by normal args, nothing in user code should have to change. Thanks Stéphane Angel for the fix. * Fixed INFO to properly parse the Redis data correctly for both 2.2.x and 2.3+. Thanks Stéphane Angel for the fix. * Lock objects now store their timeout value as a float. This allows floats to be used as timeout values. No changes to existing code required. * WATCH now supports multiple keys. Thanks Rich Schumacher. * Broke out some code that was Python 2.4 incompatible. redis-py should now be useable on 2.4, but this hasn't actually been tested. Thanks Dan Colish for the patch. * Optimized some code using izip and islice. Should have a pretty good speed up on larger data sets. Thanks Dan Colish. * Better error handling when submitting an empty mapping to HMSET. Thanks Dan Colish. * Subscription status is now reset after every (re)connection. * 2.2.3 * Added support for Hiredis. To use, simply "pip install hiredis" or "easy_install hiredis". Thanks for Pieter Noordhuis for the hiredis-py bindings and the patch to redis-py. * The connection class is chosen based on whether hiredis is installed or not. To force the use of the PythonConnection, simply create your own ConnectionPool instance with the connection_class argument assigned to to PythonConnection class. * Added missing command ZREVRANGEBYSCORE. Thanks Jay Baird for the patch. * The INFO command should be parsed correctly on 2.2.x server versions and is backwards compatible with older versions. Thanks Brett Hoerner. * 2.2.2 * Fixed a bug in ZREVRANK where retriving the rank of a value not in the zset would raise an error. * Fixed a bug in Connection.send where the errno import was getting overwritten by a local variable. * Fixed a bug in SLAVEOF when promoting an existing slave to a master. * Reverted change of download URL back to redis-VERSION.tar.gz. 2.2.1's change of this actually broke Pypi for Pip installs. Sorry! * 2.2.1 * Changed archive name to redis-py-VERSION.tar.gz to not conflict with the Redis server archive. * 2.2.0 * Implemented SLAVEOF * Implemented CONFIG as config_get and config_set * Implemented GETBIT/SETBIT * Implemented BRPOPLPUSH * Implemented STRLEN * Implemented PERSIST * Implemented SETRANGE