from json import JSONEncoder, JSONDecoder from redis.exceptions import ModuleError class RedisModuleCommands: """This class contains the wrapper functions to bring supported redis modules into the command namepsace. """ def json(self, encoder=JSONEncoder(), decoder=JSONDecoder()): """Access the json namespace, providing support for redis json. """ if 'JSON.SET' not in self.__commands__: raise ModuleError("redisjson is not loaded in redis. " "For more information visit " "") from .json import JSON jj = JSON( client=self, encoder=encoder, decoder=decoder) return jj def ft(self, index_name="idx"): """Access the search namespace, providing support for redis search. """ if 'FT.INFO' not in self.__commands__: raise ModuleError("redisearch is not loaded in redis. " "For more information visit " "") from .search import Search s = Search(client=self, index_name=index_name) return s def ts(self): """Access the timeseries namespace, providing support for redis timeseries data. """ if 'TS.INFO' not in self.__commands__: raise ModuleError("reditimeseries is not loaded in redis. " "For more information visit " "") from .timeseries import TimeSeries s = TimeSeries(client=self) return s