from .utils import list_to_dict from ..helpers import nativestr class TSInfo(object): """ Hold information and statistics on the time-series. Can be created using ``tsinfo`` command """ rules = [] labels = [] sourceKey = None chunk_count = None memory_usage = None total_samples = None retention_msecs = None last_time_stamp = None first_time_stamp = None max_samples_per_chunk = None chunk_size = None duplicate_policy = None def __init__(self, args): """ Hold information and statistics on the time-series. The supported params that can be passed as args: rules: A list of compaction rules of the time series. sourceKey: Key name for source time series in case the current series is a target of a rule. chunkCount: Number of Memory Chunks used for the time series. memoryUsage: Total number of bytes allocated for the time series. totalSamples: Total number of samples in the time series. labels: A list of label-value pairs that represent the metadata labels of the time series. retentionTime: Retention time, in milliseconds, for the time series. lastTimestamp: Last timestamp present in the time series. firstTimestamp: First timestamp present in the time series. maxSamplesPerChunk: Deprecated. chunkSize: Amount of memory, in bytes, allocated for data. duplicatePolicy: Policy that will define handling of duplicate samples. Can read more about on """ response = dict(zip(map(nativestr, args[::2]), args[1::2])) self.rules = response["rules"] self.source_key = response["sourceKey"] self.chunk_count = response["chunkCount"] self.memory_usage = response["memoryUsage"] self.total_samples = response["totalSamples"] self.labels = list_to_dict(response["labels"]) self.retention_msecs = response["retentionTime"] self.lastTimeStamp = response["lastTimestamp"] self.first_time_stamp = response["firstTimestamp"] if "maxSamplesPerChunk" in response: self.max_samples_per_chunk = response["maxSamplesPerChunk"] self.chunk_size = ( self.max_samples_per_chunk * 16 ) # backward compatible changes if "chunkSize" in response: self.chunk_size = response["chunkSize"] if "duplicatePolicy" in response: self.duplicate_policy = response["duplicatePolicy"] if type(self.duplicate_policy) == bytes: self.duplicate_policy = self.duplicate_policy.decode()