from contextlib import contextmanager try: import hiredis # noqa HIREDIS_AVAILABLE = True except ImportError: HIREDIS_AVAILABLE = False try: import cryptography # noqa CRYPTOGRAPHY_AVAILABLE = True except ImportError: CRYPTOGRAPHY_AVAILABLE = False def from_url(url, **kwargs): """ Returns an active Redis client generated from the given database URL. Will attempt to extract the database id from the path url fragment, if none is provided. """ from redis.client import Redis return Redis.from_url(url, **kwargs) @contextmanager def pipeline(redis_obj): p = redis_obj.pipeline() yield p p.execute() def str_if_bytes(value): return ( value.decode("utf-8", errors="replace") if isinstance(value, bytes) else value ) def safe_str(value): return str(str_if_bytes(value)) def dict_merge(*dicts): """ Merge all provided dicts into 1 dict. *dicts : `dict` dictionaries to merge """ merged = {} for d in dicts: merged.update(d) return merged def list_keys_to_dict(key_list, callback): return dict.fromkeys(key_list, callback) def merge_result(command, res): """ Merge all items in `res` into a list. This command is used when sending a command to multiple nodes and they result from each node should be merged into a single list. res : 'dict' """ result = set() for v in res.values(): for value in v: result.add(value) return list(result)