import binascii import datetime import pytest import re import redis import time from string import ascii_letters from redis.client import parse_info from redis import exceptions from .conftest import ( _get_client, skip_if_server_version_gte, skip_if_server_version_lt, skip_if_redis_enterprise, skip_unless_arch_bits, ) @pytest.fixture() def slowlog(request, r): current_config = r.config_get() old_slower_than_value = current_config['slowlog-log-slower-than'] old_max_legnth_value = current_config['slowlog-max-len'] def cleanup(): r.config_set('slowlog-log-slower-than', old_slower_than_value) r.config_set('slowlog-max-len', old_max_legnth_value) request.addfinalizer(cleanup) r.config_set('slowlog-log-slower-than', 0) r.config_set('slowlog-max-len', 128) def redis_server_time(client): seconds, milliseconds = client.time() timestamp = float('%s.%s' % (seconds, milliseconds)) return datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(timestamp) def get_stream_message(client, stream, message_id): "Fetch a stream message and format it as a (message_id, fields) pair" response = client.xrange(stream, min=message_id, max=message_id) assert len(response) == 1 return response[0] # RESPONSE CALLBACKS class TestResponseCallbacks: "Tests for the response callback system" def test_response_callbacks(self, r): assert r.response_callbacks == redis.Redis.RESPONSE_CALLBACKS assert id(r.response_callbacks) != id(redis.Redis.RESPONSE_CALLBACKS) r.set_response_callback('GET', lambda x: 'static') r['a'] = 'foo' assert r['a'] == 'static' def test_case_insensitive_command_names(self, r): assert r.response_callbacks['del'] == r.response_callbacks['DEL'] class TestRedisCommands: def test_command_on_invalid_key_type(self, r): r.lpush('a', '1') with pytest.raises(redis.ResponseError): r['a'] # SERVER INFORMATION @skip_if_server_version_lt("6.0.0") def test_acl_cat_no_category(self, r): categories = r.acl_cat() assert isinstance(categories, list) assert 'read' in categories @skip_if_server_version_lt("6.0.0") def test_acl_cat_with_category(self, r): commands = r.acl_cat('read') assert isinstance(commands, list) assert 'get' in commands @skip_if_server_version_lt("6.0.0") @skip_if_redis_enterprise def test_acl_deluser(self, r, request): username = 'redis-py-user' def teardown(): r.acl_deluser(username) request.addfinalizer(teardown) assert r.acl_deluser(username) == 0 assert r.acl_setuser(username, enabled=False, reset=True) assert r.acl_deluser(username) == 1 # now, a group of users users = ['bogususer_%d' % r for r in range(0, 5)] for u in users: r.acl_setuser(u, enabled=False, reset=True) assert r.acl_deluser(*users) > 1 assert r.acl_getuser(users[0]) is None assert r.acl_getuser(users[1]) is None assert r.acl_getuser(users[2]) is None assert r.acl_getuser(users[3]) is None assert r.acl_getuser(users[4]) is None @skip_if_server_version_lt("6.0.0") @skip_if_redis_enterprise def test_acl_genpass(self, r): password = r.acl_genpass() assert isinstance(password, str) with pytest.raises(exceptions.DataError): r.acl_genpass('value') r.acl_genpass(-5) r.acl_genpass(5555) r.acl_genpass(555) assert isinstance(password, str) @skip_if_server_version_lt("6.0.0") @skip_if_redis_enterprise def test_acl_getuser_setuser(self, r, request): username = 'redis-py-user' def teardown(): r.acl_deluser(username) request.addfinalizer(teardown) # test enabled=False assert r.acl_setuser(username, enabled=False, reset=True) acl = r.acl_getuser(username) assert acl['categories'] == ['-@all'] assert acl['commands'] == [] assert acl['keys'] == [] assert acl['passwords'] == [] assert 'off' in acl['flags'] assert acl['enabled'] is False # test nopass=True assert r.acl_setuser(username, enabled=True, reset=True, nopass=True) acl = r.acl_getuser(username) assert acl['categories'] == ['-@all'] assert acl['commands'] == [] assert acl['keys'] == [] assert acl['passwords'] == [] assert 'on' in acl['flags'] assert 'nopass' in acl['flags'] assert acl['enabled'] is True # test all args assert r.acl_setuser(username, enabled=True, reset=True, passwords=['+pass1', '+pass2'], categories=['+set', '+@hash', '-geo'], commands=['+get', '+mget', '-hset'], keys=['cache:*', 'objects:*']) acl = r.acl_getuser(username) assert set(acl['categories']) == set(['-@all', '+@set', '+@hash']) assert set(acl['commands']) == set(['+get', '+mget', '-hset']) assert acl['enabled'] is True assert 'on' in acl['flags'] assert set(acl['keys']) == set([b'cache:*', b'objects:*']) assert len(acl['passwords']) == 2 # test reset=False keeps existing ACL and applies new ACL on top assert r.acl_setuser(username, enabled=True, reset=True, passwords=['+pass1'], categories=['+@set'], commands=['+get'], keys=['cache:*']) assert r.acl_setuser(username, enabled=True, passwords=['+pass2'], categories=['+@hash'], commands=['+mget'], keys=['objects:*']) acl = r.acl_getuser(username) assert set(acl['categories']) == set(['-@all', '+@set', '+@hash']) assert set(acl['commands']) == set(['+get', '+mget']) assert acl['enabled'] is True assert 'on' in acl['flags'] assert set(acl['keys']) == set([b'cache:*', b'objects:*']) assert len(acl['passwords']) == 2 # test removal of passwords assert r.acl_setuser(username, enabled=True, reset=True, passwords=['+pass1', '+pass2']) assert len(r.acl_getuser(username)['passwords']) == 2 assert r.acl_setuser(username, enabled=True, passwords=['-pass2']) assert len(r.acl_getuser(username)['passwords']) == 1 # Resets and tests that hashed passwords are set properly. hashed_password = ('5e884898da28047151d0e56f8dc629' '2773603d0d6aabbdd62a11ef721d1542d8') assert r.acl_setuser(username, enabled=True, reset=True, hashed_passwords=['+' + hashed_password]) acl = r.acl_getuser(username) assert acl['passwords'] == [hashed_password] # test removal of hashed passwords assert r.acl_setuser(username, enabled=True, reset=True, hashed_passwords=['+' + hashed_password], passwords=['+pass1']) assert len(r.acl_getuser(username)['passwords']) == 2 assert r.acl_setuser(username, enabled=True, hashed_passwords=['-' + hashed_password]) assert len(r.acl_getuser(username)['passwords']) == 1 @skip_if_server_version_lt("6.0.0") def test_acl_help(self, r): res = r.acl_help() assert isinstance(res, list) assert len(res) != 0 @skip_if_server_version_lt("6.0.0") @skip_if_redis_enterprise def test_acl_list(self, r, request): username = 'redis-py-user' def teardown(): r.acl_deluser(username) request.addfinalizer(teardown) assert r.acl_setuser(username, enabled=False, reset=True) users = r.acl_list() assert len(users) == 2 @skip_if_server_version_lt("6.0.0") @skip_if_redis_enterprise def test_acl_log(self, r, request): username = 'redis-py-user' def teardown(): r.acl_deluser(username) request.addfinalizer(teardown) r.acl_setuser(username, enabled=True, reset=True, commands=['+get', '+set', '+select'], keys=['cache:*'], nopass=True) r.acl_log_reset() user_client = _get_client(redis.Redis, request, flushdb=False, username=username) # Valid operation and key assert user_client.set('cache:0', 1) assert user_client.get('cache:0') == b'1' # Invalid key with pytest.raises(exceptions.NoPermissionError): user_client.get('violated_cache:0') # Invalid operation with pytest.raises(exceptions.NoPermissionError): user_client.hset('cache:0', 'hkey', 'hval') assert isinstance(r.acl_log(), list) assert len(r.acl_log()) == 2 assert len(r.acl_log(count=1)) == 1 assert isinstance(r.acl_log()[0], dict) assert 'client-info' in r.acl_log(count=1)[0] assert r.acl_log_reset() @skip_if_server_version_lt("6.0.0") @skip_if_redis_enterprise def test_acl_setuser_categories_without_prefix_fails(self, r, request): username = 'redis-py-user' def teardown(): r.acl_deluser(username) request.addfinalizer(teardown) with pytest.raises(exceptions.DataError): r.acl_setuser(username, categories=['list']) @skip_if_server_version_lt("6.0.0") @skip_if_redis_enterprise def test_acl_setuser_commands_without_prefix_fails(self, r, request): username = 'redis-py-user' def teardown(): r.acl_deluser(username) request.addfinalizer(teardown) with pytest.raises(exceptions.DataError): r.acl_setuser(username, commands=['get']) @skip_if_server_version_lt("6.0.0") @skip_if_redis_enterprise def test_acl_setuser_add_passwords_and_nopass_fails(self, r, request): username = 'redis-py-user' def teardown(): r.acl_deluser(username) request.addfinalizer(teardown) with pytest.raises(exceptions.DataError): r.acl_setuser(username, passwords='+mypass', nopass=True) @skip_if_server_version_lt("6.0.0") def test_acl_users(self, r): users = r.acl_users() assert isinstance(users, list) assert len(users) > 0 @skip_if_server_version_lt("6.0.0") def test_acl_whoami(self, r): username = r.acl_whoami() assert isinstance(username, str) def test_client_list(self, r): clients = r.client_list() assert isinstance(clients[0], dict) assert 'addr' in clients[0] @skip_if_server_version_lt('6.2.0') def test_client_info(self, r): info = r.client_info() assert isinstance(info, dict) assert 'addr' in info @skip_if_server_version_lt('5.0.0') def test_client_list_types_not_replica(self, r): with pytest.raises(exceptions.RedisError): r.client_list(_type='not a client type') for client_type in ['normal', 'master', 'pubsub']: clients = r.client_list(_type=client_type) assert isinstance(clients, list) @skip_if_redis_enterprise def test_client_list_replica(self, r): clients = r.client_list(_type='replica') assert isinstance(clients, list) @skip_if_server_version_lt('6.2.0') def test_client_list_client_id(self, r, request): clients = r.client_list() clients = r.client_list(client_id=[clients[0]['id']]) assert len(clients) == 1 assert 'addr' in clients[0] # testing multiple client ids _get_client(redis.Redis, request, flushdb=False) _get_client(redis.Redis, request, flushdb=False) _get_client(redis.Redis, request, flushdb=False) clients_listed = r.client_list(client_id=clients[:-1]) assert len(clients_listed) > 1 @skip_if_server_version_lt('5.0.0') def test_client_id(self, r): assert r.client_id() > 0 @skip_if_server_version_lt('6.2.0') def test_client_trackinginfo(self, r): res = r.client_trackinginfo() assert len(res) > 2 assert 'prefixes' in res @skip_if_server_version_lt('5.0.0') def test_client_unblock(self, r): myid = r.client_id() assert not r.client_unblock(myid) assert not r.client_unblock(myid, error=True) assert not r.client_unblock(myid, error=False) @skip_if_server_version_lt('2.6.9') def test_client_getname(self, r): assert r.client_getname() is None @skip_if_server_version_lt('2.6.9') def test_client_setname(self, r): assert r.client_setname('redis_py_test') assert r.client_getname() == 'redis_py_test' @skip_if_server_version_lt('2.6.9') def test_client_kill(self, r, r2): r.client_setname('redis-py-c1') r2.client_setname('redis-py-c2') clients = [client for client in r.client_list() if client.get('name') in ['redis-py-c1', 'redis-py-c2']] assert len(clients) == 2 clients_by_name = dict([(client.get('name'), client) for client in clients]) client_addr = clients_by_name['redis-py-c2'].get('addr') assert r.client_kill(client_addr) is True clients = [client for client in r.client_list() if client.get('name') in ['redis-py-c1', 'redis-py-c2']] assert len(clients) == 1 assert clients[0].get('name') == 'redis-py-c1' @skip_if_server_version_lt('2.8.12') def test_client_kill_filter_invalid_params(self, r): # empty with pytest.raises(exceptions.DataError): r.client_kill_filter() # invalid skipme with pytest.raises(exceptions.DataError): r.client_kill_filter(skipme="yeah") # invalid type with pytest.raises(exceptions.DataError): r.client_kill_filter(_type="caster") @skip_if_server_version_lt('2.8.12') def test_client_kill_filter_by_id(self, r, r2): r.client_setname('redis-py-c1') r2.client_setname('redis-py-c2') clients = [client for client in r.client_list() if client.get('name') in ['redis-py-c1', 'redis-py-c2']] assert len(clients) == 2 clients_by_name = dict([(client.get('name'), client) for client in clients]) client_2_id = clients_by_name['redis-py-c2'].get('id') resp = r.client_kill_filter(_id=client_2_id) assert resp == 1 clients = [client for client in r.client_list() if client.get('name') in ['redis-py-c1', 'redis-py-c2']] assert len(clients) == 1 assert clients[0].get('name') == 'redis-py-c1' @skip_if_server_version_lt('2.8.12') def test_client_kill_filter_by_addr(self, r, r2): r.client_setname('redis-py-c1') r2.client_setname('redis-py-c2') clients = [client for client in r.client_list() if client.get('name') in ['redis-py-c1', 'redis-py-c2']] assert len(clients) == 2 clients_by_name = dict([(client.get('name'), client) for client in clients]) client_2_addr = clients_by_name['redis-py-c2'].get('addr') resp = r.client_kill_filter(addr=client_2_addr) assert resp == 1 clients = [client for client in r.client_list() if client.get('name') in ['redis-py-c1', 'redis-py-c2']] assert len(clients) == 1 assert clients[0].get('name') == 'redis-py-c1' @skip_if_server_version_lt('2.6.9') def test_client_list_after_client_setname(self, r): r.client_setname('redis_py_test') clients = r.client_list() # we don't know which client ours will be assert 'redis_py_test' in [c['name'] for c in clients] @skip_if_server_version_lt('6.2.0') def test_client_kill_filter_by_laddr(self, r, r2): r.client_setname('redis-py-c1') r2.client_setname('redis-py-c2') clients = [client for client in r.client_list() if client.get('name') in ['redis-py-c1', 'redis-py-c2']] assert len(clients) == 2 clients_by_name = dict([(client.get('name'), client) for client in clients]) client_2_addr = clients_by_name['redis-py-c2'].get('laddr') assert r.client_kill_filter(laddr=client_2_addr) @skip_if_server_version_lt('6.0.0') @skip_if_redis_enterprise def test_client_kill_filter_by_user(self, r, request): killuser = 'user_to_kill' r.acl_setuser(killuser, enabled=True, reset=True, commands=['+get', '+set', '+select'], keys=['cache:*'], nopass=True) _get_client(redis.Redis, request, flushdb=False, username=killuser) r.client_kill_filter(user=killuser) clients = r.client_list() for c in clients: assert c['user'] != killuser r.acl_deluser(killuser) @skip_if_server_version_lt('2.9.50') @skip_if_redis_enterprise def test_client_pause(self, r): assert r.client_pause(1) assert r.client_pause(timeout=1) with pytest.raises(exceptions.RedisError): r.client_pause(timeout='not an integer') @skip_if_server_version_lt('6.2.0') @skip_if_redis_enterprise def test_client_unpause(self, r): assert r.client_unpause() == b'OK' @skip_if_server_version_lt('3.2.0') def test_client_reply(self, r, r_timeout): assert r_timeout.client_reply('ON') == b'OK' with pytest.raises(exceptions.TimeoutError): r_timeout.client_reply('OFF') r_timeout.client_reply('SKIP') assert r_timeout.set('foo', 'bar') # validate it was set assert r.get('foo') == b'bar' @skip_if_server_version_lt('6.0.0') @skip_if_redis_enterprise def test_client_getredir(self, r): assert isinstance(r.client_getredir(), int) assert r.client_getredir() == -1 def test_config_get(self, r): data = r.config_get() assert len(data.keys()) > 10 # # assert 'maxmemory' in data # assert data['maxmemory'].isdigit() @skip_if_redis_enterprise def test_config_resetstat(self, r): prior_commands_processed = int(['total_commands_processed']) assert prior_commands_processed >= 1 r.config_resetstat() reset_commands_processed = int(['total_commands_processed']) assert reset_commands_processed < prior_commands_processed @skip_if_redis_enterprise def test_config_set(self, r): r.config_set('timeout', 70) assert r.config_get()['timeout'] == '70' assert r.config_set('timeout', 0) assert r.config_get()['timeout'] == '0' def test_dbsize(self, r): r['a'] = 'foo' r['b'] = 'bar' assert r.dbsize() == 2 def test_echo(self, r): assert r.echo('foo bar') == b'foo bar' def test_info(self, r): r['a'] = 'foo' r['b'] = 'bar' info = assert isinstance(info, dict) assert 'arch_bits' in info.keys() assert 'redis_version' in info.keys() @skip_if_redis_enterprise def test_lastsave(self, r): assert isinstance(r.lastsave(), datetime.datetime) @skip_if_server_version_lt('5.0.0') def test_lolwut(self, r): lolwut = r.lolwut().decode('utf-8') assert 'Redis ver.' in lolwut lolwut = r.lolwut(5, 6, 7, 8).decode('utf-8') assert 'Redis ver.' in lolwut def test_object(self, r): r['a'] = 'foo' assert isinstance(r.object('refcount', 'a'), int) assert isinstance(r.object('idletime', 'a'), int) assert r.object('encoding', 'a') in (b'raw', b'embstr') assert r.object('idletime', 'invalid-key') is None def test_ping(self, r): assert def test_quit(self, r): assert r.quit() def test_slowlog_get(self, r, slowlog): assert r.slowlog_reset() unicode_string = chr(3456) + 'abcd' + chr(3421) r.get(unicode_string) slowlog = r.slowlog_get() assert isinstance(slowlog, list) commands = [log['command'] for log in slowlog] get_command = b' '.join((b'GET', unicode_string.encode('utf-8'))) assert get_command in commands assert b'SLOWLOG RESET' in commands # the order should be ['GET ', 'SLOWLOG RESET'], # but if other clients are executing commands at the same time, there # could be commands, before, between, or after, so just check that # the two we care about are in the appropriate order. assert commands.index(get_command) < commands.index(b'SLOWLOG RESET') # make sure other attributes are typed correctly assert isinstance(slowlog[0]['start_time'], int) assert isinstance(slowlog[0]['duration'], int) # Mock result if we didn't get slowlog complexity info. if 'complexity' not in slowlog[0]: # monkey patch parse_response() COMPLEXITY_STATEMENT = "Complexity info: N:4712,M:3788" old_parse_response = r.parse_response def parse_response(connection, command_name, **options): if command_name != 'SLOWLOG GET': return old_parse_response(connection, command_name, **options) responses = connection.read_response() for response in responses: # Complexity info stored as fourth item in list response.insert(3, COMPLEXITY_STATEMENT) return r.response_callbacks[command_name](responses, **options) r.parse_response = parse_response # test slowlog = r.slowlog_get() assert isinstance(slowlog, list) commands = [log['command'] for log in slowlog] assert get_command in commands idx = commands.index(get_command) assert slowlog[idx]['complexity'] == COMPLEXITY_STATEMENT # tear down monkeypatch r.parse_response = old_parse_response def test_slowlog_get_limit(self, r, slowlog): assert r.slowlog_reset() r.get('foo') slowlog = r.slowlog_get(1) assert isinstance(slowlog, list) # only one command, based on the number we passed to slowlog_get() assert len(slowlog) == 1 def test_slowlog_length(self, r, slowlog): r.get('foo') assert isinstance(r.slowlog_len(), int) @skip_if_server_version_lt('2.6.0') def test_time(self, r): t = r.time() assert len(t) == 2 assert isinstance(t[0], int) assert isinstance(t[1], int) @skip_if_redis_enterprise def test_bgsave(self, r): assert r.bgsave() time.sleep(0.3) assert r.bgsave(True) # BASIC KEY COMMANDS def test_append(self, r): assert r.append('a', 'a1') == 2 assert r['a'] == b'a1' assert r.append('a', 'a2') == 4 assert r['a'] == b'a1a2' @skip_if_server_version_lt('2.6.0') def test_bitcount(self, r): r.setbit('a', 5, True) assert r.bitcount('a') == 1 r.setbit('a', 6, True) assert r.bitcount('a') == 2 r.setbit('a', 5, False) assert r.bitcount('a') == 1 r.setbit('a', 9, True) r.setbit('a', 17, True) r.setbit('a', 25, True) r.setbit('a', 33, True) assert r.bitcount('a') == 5 assert r.bitcount('a', 0, -1) == 5 assert r.bitcount('a', 2, 3) == 2 assert r.bitcount('a', 2, -1) == 3 assert r.bitcount('a', -2, -1) == 2 assert r.bitcount('a', 1, 1) == 1 @skip_if_server_version_lt('2.6.0') def test_bitop_not_empty_string(self, r): r['a'] = '' r.bitop('not', 'r', 'a') assert r.get('r') is None @skip_if_server_version_lt('2.6.0') def test_bitop_not(self, r): test_str = b'\xAA\x00\xFF\x55' correct = ~0xAA00FF55 & 0xFFFFFFFF r['a'] = test_str r.bitop('not', 'r', 'a') assert int(binascii.hexlify(r['r']), 16) == correct @skip_if_server_version_lt('2.6.0') def test_bitop_not_in_place(self, r): test_str = b'\xAA\x00\xFF\x55' correct = ~0xAA00FF55 & 0xFFFFFFFF r['a'] = test_str r.bitop('not', 'a', 'a') assert int(binascii.hexlify(r['a']), 16) == correct @skip_if_server_version_lt('2.6.0') def test_bitop_single_string(self, r): test_str = b'\x01\x02\xFF' r['a'] = test_str r.bitop('and', 'res1', 'a') r.bitop('or', 'res2', 'a') r.bitop('xor', 'res3', 'a') assert r['res1'] == test_str assert r['res2'] == test_str assert r['res3'] == test_str @skip_if_server_version_lt('2.6.0') def test_bitop_string_operands(self, r): r['a'] = b'\x01\x02\xFF\xFF' r['b'] = b'\x01\x02\xFF' r.bitop('and', 'res1', 'a', 'b') r.bitop('or', 'res2', 'a', 'b') r.bitop('xor', 'res3', 'a', 'b') assert int(binascii.hexlify(r['res1']), 16) == 0x0102FF00 assert int(binascii.hexlify(r['res2']), 16) == 0x0102FFFF assert int(binascii.hexlify(r['res3']), 16) == 0x000000FF @skip_if_server_version_lt('2.8.7') def test_bitpos(self, r): key = 'key:bitpos' r.set(key, b'\xff\xf0\x00') assert r.bitpos(key, 0) == 12 assert r.bitpos(key, 0, 2, -1) == 16 assert r.bitpos(key, 0, -2, -1) == 12 r.set(key, b'\x00\xff\xf0') assert r.bitpos(key, 1, 0) == 8 assert r.bitpos(key, 1, 1) == 8 r.set(key, b'\x00\x00\x00') assert r.bitpos(key, 1) == -1 @skip_if_server_version_lt('2.8.7') def test_bitpos_wrong_arguments(self, r): key = 'key:bitpos:wrong:args' r.set(key, b'\xff\xf0\x00') with pytest.raises(exceptions.RedisError): r.bitpos(key, 0, end=1) == 12 with pytest.raises(exceptions.RedisError): r.bitpos(key, 7) == 12 @skip_if_server_version_lt('6.2.0') def test_copy(self, r): assert r.copy("a", "b") == 0 r.set("a", "foo") assert r.copy("a", "b") == 1 assert r.get("a") == b"foo" assert r.get("b") == b"foo" @skip_if_server_version_lt('6.2.0') def test_copy_and_replace(self, r): r.set("a", "foo1") r.set("b", "foo2") assert r.copy("a", "b") == 0 assert r.copy("a", "b", replace=True) == 1 @skip_if_server_version_lt('6.2.0') def test_copy_to_another_database(self, request): r0 = _get_client(redis.Redis, request, db=0) r1 = _get_client(redis.Redis, request, db=1) r0.set("a", "foo") assert r0.copy("a", "b", destination_db=1) == 1 assert r1.get("b") == b"foo" def test_decr(self, r): assert r.decr('a') == -1 assert r['a'] == b'-1' assert r.decr('a') == -2 assert r['a'] == b'-2' assert r.decr('a', amount=5) == -7 assert r['a'] == b'-7' def test_decrby(self, r): assert r.decrby('a', amount=2) == -2 assert r.decrby('a', amount=3) == -5 assert r['a'] == b'-5' def test_delete(self, r): assert r.delete('a') == 0 r['a'] = 'foo' assert r.delete('a') == 1 def test_delete_with_multiple_keys(self, r): r['a'] = 'foo' r['b'] = 'bar' assert r.delete('a', 'b') == 2 assert r.get('a') is None assert r.get('b') is None def test_delitem(self, r): r['a'] = 'foo' del r['a'] assert r.get('a') is None @skip_if_server_version_lt('4.0.0') def test_unlink(self, r): assert r.unlink('a') == 0 r['a'] = 'foo' assert r.unlink('a') == 1 assert r.get('a') is None @skip_if_server_version_lt('4.0.0') def test_unlink_with_multiple_keys(self, r): r['a'] = 'foo' r['b'] = 'bar' assert r.unlink('a', 'b') == 2 assert r.get('a') is None assert r.get('b') is None @skip_if_server_version_lt('2.6.0') def test_dump_and_restore(self, r): r['a'] = 'foo' dumped = r.dump('a') del r['a'] r.restore('a', 0, dumped) assert r['a'] == b'foo' @skip_if_server_version_lt('3.0.0') def test_dump_and_restore_and_replace(self, r): r['a'] = 'bar' dumped = r.dump('a') with pytest.raises(redis.ResponseError): r.restore('a', 0, dumped) r.restore('a', 0, dumped, replace=True) assert r['a'] == b'bar' @skip_if_server_version_lt('5.0.0') def test_dump_and_restore_absttl(self, r): r['a'] = 'foo' dumped = r.dump('a') del r['a'] ttl = int( (redis_server_time(r) + datetime.timedelta(minutes=1)).timestamp() * 1000 ) r.restore('a', ttl, dumped, absttl=True) assert r['a'] == b'foo' assert 0 < r.ttl('a') <= 61 def test_exists(self, r): assert r.exists('a') == 0 r['a'] = 'foo' r['b'] = 'bar' assert r.exists('a') == 1 assert r.exists('a', 'b') == 2 def test_exists_contains(self, r): assert 'a' not in r r['a'] = 'foo' assert 'a' in r def test_expire(self, r): assert r.expire('a', 10) is False r['a'] = 'foo' assert r.expire('a', 10) is True assert 0 < r.ttl('a') <= 10 assert r.persist('a') assert r.ttl('a') == -1 def test_expireat_datetime(self, r): expire_at = redis_server_time(r) + datetime.timedelta(minutes=1) r['a'] = 'foo' assert r.expireat('a', expire_at) is True assert 0 < r.ttl('a') <= 61 def test_expireat_no_key(self, r): expire_at = redis_server_time(r) + datetime.timedelta(minutes=1) assert r.expireat('a', expire_at) is False def test_expireat_unixtime(self, r): expire_at = redis_server_time(r) + datetime.timedelta(minutes=1) r['a'] = 'foo' expire_at_seconds = int(time.mktime(expire_at.timetuple())) assert r.expireat('a', expire_at_seconds) is True assert 0 < r.ttl('a') <= 61 def test_get_and_set(self, r): # get and set can't be tested independently of each other assert r.get('a') is None byte_string = b'value' integer = 5 unicode_string = chr(3456) + 'abcd' + chr(3421) assert r.set('byte_string', byte_string) assert r.set('integer', 5) assert r.set('unicode_string', unicode_string) assert r.get('byte_string') == byte_string assert r.get('integer') == str(integer).encode() assert r.get('unicode_string').decode('utf-8') == unicode_string @skip_if_server_version_lt('6.2.0') def test_getdel(self, r): assert r.getdel('a') is None r.set('a', 1) assert r.getdel('a') == b'1' assert r.getdel('a') is None @skip_if_server_version_lt('6.2.0') def test_getex(self, r): r.set('a', 1) assert r.getex('a') == b'1' assert r.ttl('a') == -1 assert r.getex('a', ex=60) == b'1' assert r.ttl('a') == 60 assert r.getex('a', px=6000) == b'1' assert r.ttl('a') == 6 expire_at = redis_server_time(r) + datetime.timedelta(minutes=1) assert r.getex('a', pxat=expire_at) == b'1' assert r.ttl('a') <= 61 assert r.getex('a', persist=True) == b'1' assert r.ttl('a') == -1 def test_getitem_and_setitem(self, r): r['a'] = 'bar' assert r['a'] == b'bar' def test_getitem_raises_keyerror_for_missing_key(self, r): with pytest.raises(KeyError): r['a'] def test_getitem_does_not_raise_keyerror_for_empty_string(self, r): r['a'] = b"" assert r['a'] == b"" def test_get_set_bit(self, r): # no value assert not r.getbit('a', 5) # set bit 5 assert not r.setbit('a', 5, True) assert r.getbit('a', 5) # unset bit 4 assert not r.setbit('a', 4, False) assert not r.getbit('a', 4) # set bit 4 assert not r.setbit('a', 4, True) assert r.getbit('a', 4) # set bit 5 again assert r.setbit('a', 5, True) assert r.getbit('a', 5) def test_getrange(self, r): r['a'] = 'foo' assert r.getrange('a', 0, 0) == b'f' assert r.getrange('a', 0, 2) == b'foo' assert r.getrange('a', 3, 4) == b'' def test_getset(self, r): assert r.getset('a', 'foo') is None assert r.getset('a', 'bar') == b'foo' assert r.get('a') == b'bar' def test_incr(self, r): assert r.incr('a') == 1 assert r['a'] == b'1' assert r.incr('a') == 2 assert r['a'] == b'2' assert r.incr('a', amount=5) == 7 assert r['a'] == b'7' def test_incrby(self, r): assert r.incrby('a') == 1 assert r.incrby('a', 4) == 5 assert r['a'] == b'5' @skip_if_server_version_lt('2.6.0') def test_incrbyfloat(self, r): assert r.incrbyfloat('a') == 1.0 assert r['a'] == b'1' assert r.incrbyfloat('a', 1.1) == 2.1 assert float(r['a']) == float(2.1) def test_keys(self, r): assert r.keys() == [] keys_with_underscores = {b'test_a', b'test_b'} keys = keys_with_underscores.union({b'testc'}) for key in keys: r[key] = 1 assert set(r.keys(pattern='test_*')) == keys_with_underscores assert set(r.keys(pattern='test*')) == keys def test_mget(self, r): assert r.mget([]) == [] assert r.mget(['a', 'b']) == [None, None] r['a'] = '1' r['b'] = '2' r['c'] = '3' assert r.mget('a', 'other', 'b', 'c') == [b'1', None, b'2', b'3'] @skip_if_server_version_lt('6.2.0') def test_lmove(self, r): r.rpush('a', 'one', 'two', 'three', 'four') assert r.lmove('a', 'b') assert r.lmove('a', 'b', 'right', 'left') @skip_if_server_version_lt('6.2.0') def test_blmove(self, r): r.rpush('a', 'one', 'two', 'three', 'four') assert r.blmove('a', 'b', 5) assert r.blmove('a', 'b', 1, 'RIGHT', 'LEFT') def test_mset(self, r): d = {'a': b'1', 'b': b'2', 'c': b'3'} assert r.mset(d) for k, v in d.items(): assert r[k] == v def test_msetnx(self, r): d = {'a': b'1', 'b': b'2', 'c': b'3'} assert r.msetnx(d) d2 = {'a': b'x', 'd': b'4'} assert not r.msetnx(d2) for k, v in d.items(): assert r[k] == v assert r.get('d') is None @skip_if_server_version_lt('2.6.0') def test_pexpire(self, r): assert r.pexpire('a', 60000) is False r['a'] = 'foo' assert r.pexpire('a', 60000) is True assert 0 < r.pttl('a') <= 60000 assert r.persist('a') assert r.pttl('a') == -1 @skip_if_server_version_lt('2.6.0') def test_pexpireat_datetime(self, r): expire_at = redis_server_time(r) + datetime.timedelta(minutes=1) r['a'] = 'foo' assert r.pexpireat('a', expire_at) is True assert 0 < r.pttl('a') <= 61000 @skip_if_server_version_lt('2.6.0') def test_pexpireat_no_key(self, r): expire_at = redis_server_time(r) + datetime.timedelta(minutes=1) assert r.pexpireat('a', expire_at) is False @skip_if_server_version_lt('2.6.0') def test_pexpireat_unixtime(self, r): expire_at = redis_server_time(r) + datetime.timedelta(minutes=1) r['a'] = 'foo' expire_at_seconds = int(time.mktime(expire_at.timetuple())) * 1000 assert r.pexpireat('a', expire_at_seconds) is True assert 0 < r.pttl('a') <= 61000 @skip_if_server_version_lt('2.6.0') def test_psetex(self, r): assert r.psetex('a', 1000, 'value') assert r['a'] == b'value' assert 0 < r.pttl('a') <= 1000 @skip_if_server_version_lt('2.6.0') def test_psetex_timedelta(self, r): expire_at = datetime.timedelta(milliseconds=1000) assert r.psetex('a', expire_at, 'value') assert r['a'] == b'value' assert 0 < r.pttl('a') <= 1000 @skip_if_server_version_lt('2.6.0') def test_pttl(self, r): assert r.pexpire('a', 10000) is False r['a'] = '1' assert r.pexpire('a', 10000) is True assert 0 < r.pttl('a') <= 10000 assert r.persist('a') assert r.pttl('a') == -1 @skip_if_server_version_lt('2.8.0') def test_pttl_no_key(self, r): "PTTL on servers 2.8 and after return -2 when the key doesn't exist" assert r.pttl('a') == -2 @skip_if_server_version_lt('6.2.0') def test_hrandfield(self, r): assert r.hrandfield('key') is None r.hset('key', mapping={'a': 1, 'b': 2, 'c': 3, 'd': 4, 'e': 5}) assert r.hrandfield('key') is not None assert len(r.hrandfield('key', 2)) == 2 # with values assert len(r.hrandfield('key', 2, True)) == 4 # without duplications assert len(r.hrandfield('key', 10)) == 5 # with duplications assert len(r.hrandfield('key', -10)) == 10 def test_randomkey(self, r): assert r.randomkey() is None for key in ('a', 'b', 'c'): r[key] = 1 assert r.randomkey() in (b'a', b'b', b'c') def test_rename(self, r): r['a'] = '1' assert r.rename('a', 'b') assert r.get('a') is None assert r['b'] == b'1' def test_renamenx(self, r): r['a'] = '1' r['b'] = '2' assert not r.renamenx('a', 'b') assert r['a'] == b'1' assert r['b'] == b'2' @skip_if_server_version_lt('2.6.0') def test_set_nx(self, r): assert r.set('a', '1', nx=True) assert not r.set('a', '2', nx=True) assert r['a'] == b'1' @skip_if_server_version_lt('2.6.0') def test_set_xx(self, r): assert not r.set('a', '1', xx=True) assert r.get('a') is None r['a'] = 'bar' assert r.set('a', '2', xx=True) assert r.get('a') == b'2' @skip_if_server_version_lt('2.6.0') def test_set_px(self, r): assert r.set('a', '1', px=10000) assert r['a'] == b'1' assert 0 < r.pttl('a') <= 10000 assert 0 < r.ttl('a') <= 10 with pytest.raises(exceptions.DataError): assert r.set('a', '1', px=10.0) @skip_if_server_version_lt('2.6.0') def test_set_px_timedelta(self, r): expire_at = datetime.timedelta(milliseconds=1000) assert r.set('a', '1', px=expire_at) assert 0 < r.pttl('a') <= 1000 assert 0 < r.ttl('a') <= 1 @skip_if_server_version_lt('2.6.0') def test_set_ex(self, r): assert r.set('a', '1', ex=10) assert 0 < r.ttl('a') <= 10 with pytest.raises(exceptions.DataError): assert r.set('a', '1', ex=10.0) @skip_if_server_version_lt('2.6.0') def test_set_ex_timedelta(self, r): expire_at = datetime.timedelta(seconds=60) assert r.set('a', '1', ex=expire_at) assert 0 < r.ttl('a') <= 60 @skip_if_server_version_lt('6.2.0') def test_set_exat_timedelta(self, r): expire_at = redis_server_time(r) + datetime.timedelta(seconds=10) assert r.set('a', '1', exat=expire_at) assert 0 < r.ttl('a') <= 10 @skip_if_server_version_lt('6.2.0') def test_set_pxat_timedelta(self, r): expire_at = redis_server_time(r) + datetime.timedelta(seconds=50) assert r.set('a', '1', pxat=expire_at) assert 0 < r.ttl('a') <= 100 @skip_if_server_version_lt('2.6.0') def test_set_multipleoptions(self, r): r['a'] = 'val' assert r.set('a', '1', xx=True, px=10000) assert 0 < r.ttl('a') <= 10 @skip_if_server_version_lt("6.0.0") def test_set_keepttl(self, r): r['a'] = 'val' assert r.set('a', '1', xx=True, px=10000) assert 0 < r.ttl('a') <= 10 r.set('a', '2', keepttl=True) assert r.get('a') == b'2' assert 0 < r.ttl('a') <= 10 @skip_if_server_version_lt('6.2.0') def test_set_get(self, r): assert r.set('a', 'True', get=True) is None assert r.set('a', 'True', get=True) == b'True' assert r.set('a', 'foo') is True assert r.set('a', 'bar', get=True) == b'foo' assert r.get('a') == b'bar' def test_setex(self, r): assert r.setex('a', 60, '1') assert r['a'] == b'1' assert 0 < r.ttl('a') <= 60 def test_setnx(self, r): assert r.setnx('a', '1') assert r['a'] == b'1' assert not r.setnx('a', '2') assert r['a'] == b'1' def test_setrange(self, r): assert r.setrange('a', 5, 'foo') == 8 assert r['a'] == b'\0\0\0\0\0foo' r['a'] = 'abcdefghijh' assert r.setrange('a', 6, '12345') == 11 assert r['a'] == b'abcdef12345' @skip_if_server_version_lt('6.0.0') def test_stralgo_lcs(self, r): key1 = 'key1' key2 = 'key2' value1 = 'ohmytext' value2 = 'mynewtext' res = 'mytext' # test LCS of strings assert r.stralgo('LCS', value1, value2) == res # test using keys r.mset({key1: value1, key2: value2}) assert r.stralgo('LCS', key1, key2, specific_argument="keys") == res # test other labels assert r.stralgo('LCS', value1, value2, len=True) == len(res) assert r.stralgo('LCS', value1, value2, idx=True) == \ { 'len': len(res), 'matches': [[(4, 7), (5, 8)], [(2, 3), (0, 1)]] } assert r.stralgo('LCS', value1, value2, idx=True, withmatchlen=True) == \ { 'len': len(res), 'matches': [[4, (4, 7), (5, 8)], [2, (2, 3), (0, 1)]] } assert r.stralgo('LCS', value1, value2, idx=True, minmatchlen=4, withmatchlen=True) == \ { 'len': len(res), 'matches': [[4, (4, 7), (5, 8)]] } @skip_if_server_version_lt('6.0.0') def test_stralgo_negative(self, r): with pytest.raises(exceptions.DataError): r.stralgo('ISSUB', 'value1', 'value2') with pytest.raises(exceptions.DataError): r.stralgo('LCS', 'value1', 'value2', len=True, idx=True) with pytest.raises(exceptions.DataError): r.stralgo('LCS', 'value1', 'value2', specific_argument="INT") with pytest.raises(ValueError): r.stralgo('LCS', 'value1', 'value2', idx=True, minmatchlen="one") def test_strlen(self, r): r['a'] = 'foo' assert r.strlen('a') == 3 def test_substr(self, r): r['a'] = '0123456789' assert r.substr('a', 0) == b'0123456789' assert r.substr('a', 2) == b'23456789' assert r.substr('a', 3, 5) == b'345' assert r.substr('a', 3, -2) == b'345678' def test_ttl(self, r): r['a'] = '1' assert r.expire('a', 10) assert 0 < r.ttl('a') <= 10 assert r.persist('a') assert r.ttl('a') == -1 @skip_if_server_version_lt('2.8.0') def test_ttl_nokey(self, r): "TTL on servers 2.8 and after return -2 when the key doesn't exist" assert r.ttl('a') == -2 def test_type(self, r): assert r.type('a') == b'none' r['a'] = '1' assert r.type('a') == b'string' del r['a'] r.lpush('a', '1') assert r.type('a') == b'list' del r['a'] r.sadd('a', '1') assert r.type('a') == b'set' del r['a'] r.zadd('a', {'1': 1}) assert r.type('a') == b'zset' # LIST COMMANDS def test_blpop(self, r): r.rpush('a', '1', '2') r.rpush('b', '3', '4') assert r.blpop(['b', 'a'], timeout=1) == (b'b', b'3') assert r.blpop(['b', 'a'], timeout=1) == (b'b', b'4') assert r.blpop(['b', 'a'], timeout=1) == (b'a', b'1') assert r.blpop(['b', 'a'], timeout=1) == (b'a', b'2') assert r.blpop(['b', 'a'], timeout=1) is None r.rpush('c', '1') assert r.blpop('c', timeout=1) == (b'c', b'1') def test_brpop(self, r): r.rpush('a', '1', '2') r.rpush('b', '3', '4') assert r.brpop(['b', 'a'], timeout=1) == (b'b', b'4') assert r.brpop(['b', 'a'], timeout=1) == (b'b', b'3') assert r.brpop(['b', 'a'], timeout=1) == (b'a', b'2') assert r.brpop(['b', 'a'], timeout=1) == (b'a', b'1') assert r.brpop(['b', 'a'], timeout=1) is None r.rpush('c', '1') assert r.brpop('c', timeout=1) == (b'c', b'1') def test_brpoplpush(self, r): r.rpush('a', '1', '2') r.rpush('b', '3', '4') assert r.brpoplpush('a', 'b') == b'2' assert r.brpoplpush('a', 'b') == b'1' assert r.brpoplpush('a', 'b', timeout=1) is None assert r.lrange('a', 0, -1) == [] assert r.lrange('b', 0, -1) == [b'1', b'2', b'3', b'4'] def test_brpoplpush_empty_string(self, r): r.rpush('a', '') assert r.brpoplpush('a', 'b') == b'' def test_lindex(self, r): r.rpush('a', '1', '2', '3') assert r.lindex('a', '0') == b'1' assert r.lindex('a', '1') == b'2' assert r.lindex('a', '2') == b'3' def test_linsert(self, r): r.rpush('a', '1', '2', '3') assert r.linsert('a', 'after', '2', '2.5') == 4 assert r.lrange('a', 0, -1) == [b'1', b'2', b'2.5', b'3'] assert r.linsert('a', 'before', '2', '1.5') == 5 assert r.lrange('a', 0, -1) == \ [b'1', b'1.5', b'2', b'2.5', b'3'] def test_llen(self, r): r.rpush('a', '1', '2', '3') assert r.llen('a') == 3 def test_lpop(self, r): r.rpush('a', '1', '2', '3') assert r.lpop('a') == b'1' assert r.lpop('a') == b'2' assert r.lpop('a') == b'3' assert r.lpop('a') is None @skip_if_server_version_lt('6.2.0') def test_lpop_count(self, r): r.rpush('a', '1', '2', '3') assert r.lpop('a', 2) == [b'1', b'2'] assert r.lpop('a', 1) == [b'3'] assert r.lpop('a') is None assert r.lpop('a', 3) is None def test_lpush(self, r): assert r.lpush('a', '1') == 1 assert r.lpush('a', '2') == 2 assert r.lpush('a', '3', '4') == 4 assert r.lrange('a', 0, -1) == [b'4', b'3', b'2', b'1'] def test_lpushx(self, r): assert r.lpushx('a', '1') == 0 assert r.lrange('a', 0, -1) == [] r.rpush('a', '1', '2', '3') assert r.lpushx('a', '4') == 4 assert r.lrange('a', 0, -1) == [b'4', b'1', b'2', b'3'] @skip_if_server_version_lt('4.0.0') def test_lpushx_with_list(self, r): # now with a list r.lpush('somekey', 'a') r.lpush('somekey', 'b') assert r.lpushx('somekey', 'foo', 'asdasd', 55, 'asdasdas') == 6 res = r.lrange('somekey', 0, -1) assert res == [b'asdasdas', b'55', b'asdasd', b'foo', b'b', b'a'] def test_lrange(self, r): r.rpush('a', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5') assert r.lrange('a', 0, 2) == [b'1', b'2', b'3'] assert r.lrange('a', 2, 10) == [b'3', b'4', b'5'] assert r.lrange('a', 0, -1) == [b'1', b'2', b'3', b'4', b'5'] def test_lrem(self, r): r.rpush('a', 'Z', 'b', 'Z', 'Z', 'c', 'Z', 'Z') # remove the first 'Z' item assert r.lrem('a', 1, 'Z') == 1 assert r.lrange('a', 0, -1) == [b'b', b'Z', b'Z', b'c', b'Z', b'Z'] # remove the last 2 'Z' items assert r.lrem('a', -2, 'Z') == 2 assert r.lrange('a', 0, -1) == [b'b', b'Z', b'Z', b'c'] # remove all 'Z' items assert r.lrem('a', 0, 'Z') == 2 assert r.lrange('a', 0, -1) == [b'b', b'c'] def test_lset(self, r): r.rpush('a', '1', '2', '3') assert r.lrange('a', 0, -1) == [b'1', b'2', b'3'] assert r.lset('a', 1, '4') assert r.lrange('a', 0, 2) == [b'1', b'4', b'3'] def test_ltrim(self, r): r.rpush('a', '1', '2', '3') assert r.ltrim('a', 0, 1) assert r.lrange('a', 0, -1) == [b'1', b'2'] def test_rpop(self, r): r.rpush('a', '1', '2', '3') assert r.rpop('a') == b'3' assert r.rpop('a') == b'2' assert r.rpop('a') == b'1' assert r.rpop('a') is None @skip_if_server_version_lt('6.2.0') def test_rpop_count(self, r): r.rpush('a', '1', '2', '3') assert r.rpop('a', 2) == [b'3', b'2'] assert r.rpop('a', 1) == [b'1'] assert r.rpop('a') is None assert r.rpop('a', 3) is None def test_rpoplpush(self, r): r.rpush('a', 'a1', 'a2', 'a3') r.rpush('b', 'b1', 'b2', 'b3') assert r.rpoplpush('a', 'b') == b'a3' assert r.lrange('a', 0, -1) == [b'a1', b'a2'] assert r.lrange('b', 0, -1) == [b'a3', b'b1', b'b2', b'b3'] def test_rpush(self, r): assert r.rpush('a', '1') == 1 assert r.rpush('a', '2') == 2 assert r.rpush('a', '3', '4') == 4 assert r.lrange('a', 0, -1) == [b'1', b'2', b'3', b'4'] @skip_if_server_version_lt('6.0.6') def test_lpos(self, r): assert r.rpush('a', 'a', 'b', 'c', '1', '2', '3', 'c', 'c') == 8 assert r.lpos('a', 'a') == 0 assert r.lpos('a', 'c') == 2 assert r.lpos('a', 'c', rank=1) == 2 assert r.lpos('a', 'c', rank=2) == 6 assert r.lpos('a', 'c', rank=4) is None assert r.lpos('a', 'c', rank=-1) == 7 assert r.lpos('a', 'c', rank=-2) == 6 assert r.lpos('a', 'c', count=0) == [2, 6, 7] assert r.lpos('a', 'c', count=1) == [2] assert r.lpos('a', 'c', count=2) == [2, 6] assert r.lpos('a', 'c', count=100) == [2, 6, 7] assert r.lpos('a', 'c', count=0, rank=2) == [6, 7] assert r.lpos('a', 'c', count=2, rank=-1) == [7, 6] assert r.lpos('axxx', 'c', count=0, rank=2) == [] assert r.lpos('axxx', 'c') is None assert r.lpos('a', 'x', count=2) == [] assert r.lpos('a', 'x') is None assert r.lpos('a', 'a', count=0, maxlen=1) == [0] assert r.lpos('a', 'c', count=0, maxlen=1) == [] assert r.lpos('a', 'c', count=0, maxlen=3) == [2] assert r.lpos('a', 'c', count=0, maxlen=3, rank=-1) == [7, 6] assert r.lpos('a', 'c', count=0, maxlen=7, rank=2) == [6] def test_rpushx(self, r): assert r.rpushx('a', 'b') == 0 assert r.lrange('a', 0, -1) == [] r.rpush('a', '1', '2', '3') assert r.rpushx('a', '4') == 4 assert r.lrange('a', 0, -1) == [b'1', b'2', b'3', b'4'] # SCAN COMMANDS @skip_if_server_version_lt('2.8.0') def test_scan(self, r): r.set('a', 1) r.set('b', 2) r.set('c', 3) cursor, keys = r.scan() assert cursor == 0 assert set(keys) == {b'a', b'b', b'c'} _, keys = r.scan(match='a') assert set(keys) == {b'a'} @skip_if_server_version_lt("6.0.0") def test_scan_type(self, r): r.sadd('a-set', 1) r.hset('a-hash', 'foo', 2) r.lpush('a-list', 'aux', 3) _, keys = r.scan(match='a*', _type='SET') assert set(keys) == {b'a-set'} @skip_if_server_version_lt('2.8.0') def test_scan_iter(self, r): r.set('a', 1) r.set('b', 2) r.set('c', 3) keys = list(r.scan_iter()) assert set(keys) == {b'a', b'b', b'c'} keys = list(r.scan_iter(match='a')) assert set(keys) == {b'a'} @skip_if_server_version_lt('2.8.0') def test_sscan(self, r): r.sadd('a', 1, 2, 3) cursor, members = r.sscan('a') assert cursor == 0 assert set(members) == {b'1', b'2', b'3'} _, members = r.sscan('a', match=b'1') assert set(members) == {b'1'} @skip_if_server_version_lt('2.8.0') def test_sscan_iter(self, r): r.sadd('a', 1, 2, 3) members = list(r.sscan_iter('a')) assert set(members) == {b'1', b'2', b'3'} members = list(r.sscan_iter('a', match=b'1')) assert set(members) == {b'1'} @skip_if_server_version_lt('2.8.0') def test_hscan(self, r): r.hset('a', mapping={'a': 1, 'b': 2, 'c': 3}) cursor, dic = r.hscan('a') assert cursor == 0 assert dic == {b'a': b'1', b'b': b'2', b'c': b'3'} _, dic = r.hscan('a', match='a') assert dic == {b'a': b'1'} @skip_if_server_version_lt('2.8.0') def test_hscan_iter(self, r): r.hset('a', mapping={'a': 1, 'b': 2, 'c': 3}) dic = dict(r.hscan_iter('a')) assert dic == {b'a': b'1', b'b': b'2', b'c': b'3'} dic = dict(r.hscan_iter('a', match='a')) assert dic == {b'a': b'1'} @skip_if_server_version_lt('2.8.0') def test_zscan(self, r): r.zadd('a', {'a': 1, 'b': 2, 'c': 3}) cursor, pairs = r.zscan('a') assert cursor == 0 assert set(pairs) == {(b'a', 1), (b'b', 2), (b'c', 3)} _, pairs = r.zscan('a', match='a') assert set(pairs) == {(b'a', 1)} @skip_if_server_version_lt('2.8.0') def test_zscan_iter(self, r): r.zadd('a', {'a': 1, 'b': 2, 'c': 3}) pairs = list(r.zscan_iter('a')) assert set(pairs) == {(b'a', 1), (b'b', 2), (b'c', 3)} pairs = list(r.zscan_iter('a', match='a')) assert set(pairs) == {(b'a', 1)} # SET COMMANDS def test_sadd(self, r): members = {b'1', b'2', b'3'} r.sadd('a', *members) assert r.smembers('a') == members def test_scard(self, r): r.sadd('a', '1', '2', '3') assert r.scard('a') == 3 def test_sdiff(self, r): r.sadd('a', '1', '2', '3') assert r.sdiff('a', 'b') == {b'1', b'2', b'3'} r.sadd('b', '2', '3') assert r.sdiff('a', 'b') == {b'1'} def test_sdiffstore(self, r): r.sadd('a', '1', '2', '3') assert r.sdiffstore('c', 'a', 'b') == 3 assert r.smembers('c') == {b'1', b'2', b'3'} r.sadd('b', '2', '3') assert r.sdiffstore('c', 'a', 'b') == 1 assert r.smembers('c') == {b'1'} def test_sinter(self, r): r.sadd('a', '1', '2', '3') assert r.sinter('a', 'b') == set() r.sadd('b', '2', '3') assert r.sinter('a', 'b') == {b'2', b'3'} def test_sinterstore(self, r): r.sadd('a', '1', '2', '3') assert r.sinterstore('c', 'a', 'b') == 0 assert r.smembers('c') == set() r.sadd('b', '2', '3') assert r.sinterstore('c', 'a', 'b') == 2 assert r.smembers('c') == {b'2', b'3'} def test_sismember(self, r): r.sadd('a', '1', '2', '3') assert r.sismember('a', '1') assert r.sismember('a', '2') assert r.sismember('a', '3') assert not r.sismember('a', '4') def test_smembers(self, r): r.sadd('a', '1', '2', '3') assert r.smembers('a') == {b'1', b'2', b'3'} @skip_if_server_version_lt('6.2.0') def test_smismember(self, r): r.sadd('a', '1', '2', '3') result_list = [True, False, True, True] assert r.smismember('a', '1', '4', '2', '3') == result_list assert r.smismember('a', ['1', '4', '2', '3']) == result_list def test_smove(self, r): r.sadd('a', 'a1', 'a2') r.sadd('b', 'b1', 'b2') assert r.smove('a', 'b', 'a1') assert r.smembers('a') == {b'a2'} assert r.smembers('b') == {b'b1', b'b2', b'a1'} def test_spop(self, r): s = [b'1', b'2', b'3'] r.sadd('a', *s) value = r.spop('a') assert value in s assert r.smembers('a') == set(s) - {value} @skip_if_server_version_lt('3.2.0') def test_spop_multi_value(self, r): s = [b'1', b'2', b'3'] r.sadd('a', *s) values = r.spop('a', 2) assert len(values) == 2 for value in values: assert value in s assert r.spop('a', 1) == list(set(s) - set(values)) def test_srandmember(self, r): s = [b'1', b'2', b'3'] r.sadd('a', *s) assert r.srandmember('a') in s @skip_if_server_version_lt('2.6.0') def test_srandmember_multi_value(self, r): s = [b'1', b'2', b'3'] r.sadd('a', *s) randoms = r.srandmember('a', number=2) assert len(randoms) == 2 assert set(randoms).intersection(s) == set(randoms) def test_srem(self, r): r.sadd('a', '1', '2', '3', '4') assert r.srem('a', '5') == 0 assert r.srem('a', '2', '4') == 2 assert r.smembers('a') == {b'1', b'3'} def test_sunion(self, r): r.sadd('a', '1', '2') r.sadd('b', '2', '3') assert r.sunion('a', 'b') == {b'1', b'2', b'3'} def test_sunionstore(self, r): r.sadd('a', '1', '2') r.sadd('b', '2', '3') assert r.sunionstore('c', 'a', 'b') == 3 assert r.smembers('c') == {b'1', b'2', b'3'} @skip_if_server_version_lt('1.0.0') def test_debug_segfault(self, r): with pytest.raises(NotImplementedError): r.debug_segfault() @skip_if_server_version_lt('3.2.0') def test_script_debug(self, r): with pytest.raises(NotImplementedError): r.script_debug() # SORTED SET COMMANDS def test_zadd(self, r): mapping = {'a1': 1.0, 'a2': 2.0, 'a3': 3.0} r.zadd('a', mapping) assert r.zrange('a', 0, -1, withscores=True) == \ [(b'a1', 1.0), (b'a2', 2.0), (b'a3', 3.0)] # error cases with pytest.raises(exceptions.DataError): r.zadd('a', {}) # cannot use both nx and xx options with pytest.raises(exceptions.DataError): r.zadd('a', mapping, nx=True, xx=True) # cannot use the incr options with more than one value with pytest.raises(exceptions.DataError): r.zadd('a', mapping, incr=True) def test_zadd_nx(self, r): assert r.zadd('a', {'a1': 1}) == 1 assert r.zadd('a', {'a1': 99, 'a2': 2}, nx=True) == 1 assert r.zrange('a', 0, -1, withscores=True) == \ [(b'a1', 1.0), (b'a2', 2.0)] def test_zadd_xx(self, r): assert r.zadd('a', {'a1': 1}) == 1 assert r.zadd('a', {'a1': 99, 'a2': 2}, xx=True) == 0 assert r.zrange('a', 0, -1, withscores=True) == \ [(b'a1', 99.0)] def test_zadd_ch(self, r): assert r.zadd('a', {'a1': 1}) == 1 assert r.zadd('a', {'a1': 99, 'a2': 2}, ch=True) == 2 assert r.zrange('a', 0, -1, withscores=True) == \ [(b'a2', 2.0), (b'a1', 99.0)] def test_zadd_incr(self, r): assert r.zadd('a', {'a1': 1}) == 1 assert r.zadd('a', {'a1': 4.5}, incr=True) == 5.5 def test_zadd_incr_with_xx(self, r): # this asks zadd to incr 'a1' only if it exists, but it clearly # doesn't. Redis returns a null value in this case and so should # redis-py assert r.zadd('a', {'a1': 1}, xx=True, incr=True) is None @skip_if_server_version_lt('6.2.0') def test_zadd_gt_lt(self, r): for i in range(1, 20): r.zadd('a', {'a%s' % i: i}) assert r.zadd('a', {'a20': 5}, gt=3) == 1 for i in range(1, 20): r.zadd('a', {'a%s' % i: i}) assert r.zadd('a', {'a2': 5}, lt=1) == 0 # cannot use both nx and xx options with pytest.raises(exceptions.DataError): r.zadd('a', {'a15': 155}, nx=True, lt=True) r.zadd('a', {'a15': 155}, nx=True, gt=True) r.zadd('a', {'a15': 155}, lt=True, gt=True) def test_zcard(self, r): r.zadd('a', {'a1': 1, 'a2': 2, 'a3': 3}) assert r.zcard('a') == 3 def test_zcount(self, r): r.zadd('a', {'a1': 1, 'a2': 2, 'a3': 3}) assert r.zcount('a', '-inf', '+inf') == 3 assert r.zcount('a', 1, 2) == 2 assert r.zcount('a', '(' + str(1), 2) == 1 assert r.zcount('a', 1, '(' + str(2)) == 1 assert r.zcount('a', 10, 20) == 0 @skip_if_server_version_lt('6.2.0') def test_zdiff(self, r): r.zadd('a', {'a1': 1, 'a2': 2, 'a3': 3}) r.zadd('b', {'a1': 1, 'a2': 2}) assert r.zdiff(['a', 'b']) == [b'a3'] assert r.zdiff(['a', 'b'], withscores=True) == [b'a3', b'3'] @skip_if_server_version_lt('6.2.0') def test_zdiffstore(self, r): r.zadd('a', {'a1': 1, 'a2': 2, 'a3': 3}) r.zadd('b', {'a1': 1, 'a2': 2}) assert r.zdiffstore("out", ['a', 'b']) assert r.zrange("out", 0, -1) == [b'a3'] assert r.zrange("out", 0, -1, withscores=True) == [(b'a3', 3.0)] def test_zincrby(self, r): r.zadd('a', {'a1': 1, 'a2': 2, 'a3': 3}) assert r.zincrby('a', 1, 'a2') == 3.0 assert r.zincrby('a', 5, 'a3') == 8.0 assert r.zscore('a', 'a2') == 3.0 assert r.zscore('a', 'a3') == 8.0 @skip_if_server_version_lt('2.8.9') def test_zlexcount(self, r): r.zadd('a', {'a': 0, 'b': 0, 'c': 0, 'd': 0, 'e': 0, 'f': 0, 'g': 0}) assert r.zlexcount('a', '-', '+') == 7 assert r.zlexcount('a', '[b', '[f') == 5 @skip_if_server_version_lt('6.2.0') def test_zinter(self, r): r.zadd('a', {'a1': 1, 'a2': 2, 'a3': 1}) r.zadd('b', {'a1': 2, 'a2': 2, 'a3': 2}) r.zadd('c', {'a1': 6, 'a3': 5, 'a4': 4}) assert r.zinter(['a', 'b', 'c']) == [b'a3', b'a1'] # invalid aggregation with pytest.raises(exceptions.DataError): r.zinter(['a', 'b', 'c'], aggregate='foo', withscores=True) # aggregate with SUM assert r.zinter(['a', 'b', 'c'], withscores=True) \ == [(b'a3', 8), (b'a1', 9)] # aggregate with MAX assert r.zinter(['a', 'b', 'c'], aggregate='MAX', withscores=True) \ == [(b'a3', 5), (b'a1', 6)] # aggregate with MIN assert r.zinter(['a', 'b', 'c'], aggregate='MIN', withscores=True) \ == [(b'a1', 1), (b'a3', 1)] # with weights assert r.zinter({'a': 1, 'b': 2, 'c': 3}, withscores=True) \ == [(b'a3', 20), (b'a1', 23)] def test_zinterstore_sum(self, r): r.zadd('a', {'a1': 1, 'a2': 1, 'a3': 1}) r.zadd('b', {'a1': 2, 'a2': 2, 'a3': 2}) r.zadd('c', {'a1': 6, 'a3': 5, 'a4': 4}) assert r.zinterstore('d', ['a', 'b', 'c']) == 2 assert r.zrange('d', 0, -1, withscores=True) == \ [(b'a3', 8), (b'a1', 9)] def test_zinterstore_max(self, r): r.zadd('a', {'a1': 1, 'a2': 1, 'a3': 1}) r.zadd('b', {'a1': 2, 'a2': 2, 'a3': 2}) r.zadd('c', {'a1': 6, 'a3': 5, 'a4': 4}) assert r.zinterstore('d', ['a', 'b', 'c'], aggregate='MAX') == 2 assert r.zrange('d', 0, -1, withscores=True) == \ [(b'a3', 5), (b'a1', 6)] def test_zinterstore_min(self, r): r.zadd('a', {'a1': 1, 'a2': 2, 'a3': 3}) r.zadd('b', {'a1': 2, 'a2': 3, 'a3': 5}) r.zadd('c', {'a1': 6, 'a3': 5, 'a4': 4}) assert r.zinterstore('d', ['a', 'b', 'c'], aggregate='MIN') == 2 assert r.zrange('d', 0, -1, withscores=True) == \ [(b'a1', 1), (b'a3', 3)] def test_zinterstore_with_weight(self, r): r.zadd('a', {'a1': 1, 'a2': 1, 'a3': 1}) r.zadd('b', {'a1': 2, 'a2': 2, 'a3': 2}) r.zadd('c', {'a1': 6, 'a3': 5, 'a4': 4}) assert r.zinterstore('d', {'a': 1, 'b': 2, 'c': 3}) == 2 assert r.zrange('d', 0, -1, withscores=True) == \ [(b'a3', 20), (b'a1', 23)] @skip_if_server_version_lt('4.9.0') def test_zpopmax(self, r): r.zadd('a', {'a1': 1, 'a2': 2, 'a3': 3}) assert r.zpopmax('a') == [(b'a3', 3)] # with count assert r.zpopmax('a', count=2) == \ [(b'a2', 2), (b'a1', 1)] @skip_if_server_version_lt('4.9.0') def test_zpopmin(self, r): r.zadd('a', {'a1': 1, 'a2': 2, 'a3': 3}) assert r.zpopmin('a') == [(b'a1', 1)] # with count assert r.zpopmin('a', count=2) == \ [(b'a2', 2), (b'a3', 3)] @skip_if_server_version_lt('6.2.0') def test_zrandemember(self, r): r.zadd('a', {'a1': 1, 'a2': 2, 'a3': 3, 'a4': 4, 'a5': 5}) assert r.zrandmember('a') is not None assert len(r.zrandmember('a', 2)) == 2 # with scores assert len(r.zrandmember('a', 2, True)) == 4 # without duplications assert len(r.zrandmember('a', 10)) == 5 # with duplications assert len(r.zrandmember('a', -10)) == 10 @skip_if_server_version_lt('4.9.0') def test_bzpopmax(self, r): r.zadd('a', {'a1': 1, 'a2': 2}) r.zadd('b', {'b1': 10, 'b2': 20}) assert r.bzpopmax(['b', 'a'], timeout=1) == (b'b', b'b2', 20) assert r.bzpopmax(['b', 'a'], timeout=1) == (b'b', b'b1', 10) assert r.bzpopmax(['b', 'a'], timeout=1) == (b'a', b'a2', 2) assert r.bzpopmax(['b', 'a'], timeout=1) == (b'a', b'a1', 1) assert r.bzpopmax(['b', 'a'], timeout=1) is None r.zadd('c', {'c1': 100}) assert r.bzpopmax('c', timeout=1) == (b'c', b'c1', 100) @skip_if_server_version_lt('4.9.0') def test_bzpopmin(self, r): r.zadd('a', {'a1': 1, 'a2': 2}) r.zadd('b', {'b1': 10, 'b2': 20}) assert r.bzpopmin(['b', 'a'], timeout=1) == (b'b', b'b1', 10) assert r.bzpopmin(['b', 'a'], timeout=1) == (b'b', b'b2', 20) assert r.bzpopmin(['b', 'a'], timeout=1) == (b'a', b'a1', 1) assert r.bzpopmin(['b', 'a'], timeout=1) == (b'a', b'a2', 2) assert r.bzpopmin(['b', 'a'], timeout=1) is None r.zadd('c', {'c1': 100}) assert r.bzpopmin('c', timeout=1) == (b'c', b'c1', 100) def test_zrange(self, r): r.zadd('a', {'a1': 1, 'a2': 2, 'a3': 3}) assert r.zrange('a', 0, 1) == [b'a1', b'a2'] assert r.zrange('a', 1, 2) == [b'a2', b'a3'] assert r.zrange('a', 0, 2) == [b'a1', b'a2', b'a3'] assert r.zrange('a', 0, 2, desc=True) == [b'a3', b'a2', b'a1'] # withscores assert r.zrange('a', 0, 1, withscores=True) == \ [(b'a1', 1.0), (b'a2', 2.0)] assert r.zrange('a', 1, 2, withscores=True) == \ [(b'a2', 2.0), (b'a3', 3.0)] # custom score function assert r.zrange('a', 0, 1, withscores=True, score_cast_func=int) == \ [(b'a1', 1), (b'a2', 2)] def test_zrange_errors(self, r): with pytest.raises(exceptions.DataError): r.zrange('a', 0, 1, byscore=True, bylex=True) with pytest.raises(exceptions.DataError): r.zrange('a', 0, 1, bylex=True, withscores=True) with pytest.raises(exceptions.DataError): r.zrange('a', 0, 1, byscore=True, withscores=True, offset=4) with pytest.raises(exceptions.DataError): r.zrange('a', 0, 1, byscore=True, withscores=True, num=2) @skip_if_server_version_lt('6.2.0') def test_zrange_params(self, r): # bylex r.zadd('a', {'a': 0, 'b': 0, 'c': 0, 'd': 0, 'e': 0, 'f': 0, 'g': 0}) assert r.zrange('a', '[aaa', '(g', bylex=True) == \ [b'b', b'c', b'd', b'e', b'f'] assert r.zrange('a', '[f', '+', bylex=True) == [b'f', b'g'] assert r.zrange('a', '+', '[f', desc=True, bylex=True) == [b'g', b'f'] assert r.zrange('a', '-', '+', bylex=True, offset=3, num=2) == \ [b'd', b'e'] assert r.zrange('a', '+', '-', desc=True, bylex=True, offset=3, num=2) == \ [b'd', b'c'] # byscore r.zadd('a', {'a1': 1, 'a2': 2, 'a3': 3, 'a4': 4, 'a5': 5}) assert r.zrange('a', 2, 4, byscore=True, offset=1, num=2) == \ [b'a3', b'a4'] assert r.zrange('a', 4, 2, desc=True, byscore=True, offset=1, num=2) == \ [b'a3', b'a2'] assert r.zrange('a', 2, 4, byscore=True, withscores=True) == \ [(b'a2', 2.0), (b'a3', 3.0), (b'a4', 4.0)] assert r.zrange('a', 4, 2, desc=True, byscore=True, withscores=True, score_cast_func=int) == \ [(b'a4', 4), (b'a3', 3), (b'a2', 2)] # rev assert r.zrange('a', 0, 1, desc=True) == [b'a5', b'a4'] @skip_if_server_version_lt('6.2.0') def test_zrangestore(self, r): r.zadd('a', {'a1': 1, 'a2': 2, 'a3': 3}) assert r.zrangestore('b', 'a', 0, 1) assert r.zrange('b', 0, -1) == [b'a1', b'a2'] assert r.zrangestore('b', 'a', 1, 2) assert r.zrange('b', 0, -1) == [b'a2', b'a3'] assert r.zrange('b', 0, -1, withscores=True) == \ [(b'a2', 2), (b'a3', 3)] # reversed order assert r.zrangestore('b', 'a', 1, 2, desc=True) assert r.zrange('b', 0, -1) == [b'a1', b'a2'] # by score assert r.zrangestore('b', 'a', 2, 1, byscore=True, offset=0, num=1, desc=True) assert r.zrange('b', 0, -1) == [b'a2'] # by lex assert r.zrangestore('b', 'a', '[a2', '(a3', bylex=True, offset=0, num=1) assert r.zrange('b', 0, -1) == [b'a2'] @skip_if_server_version_lt('2.8.9') def test_zrangebylex(self, r): r.zadd('a', {'a': 0, 'b': 0, 'c': 0, 'd': 0, 'e': 0, 'f': 0, 'g': 0}) assert r.zrangebylex('a', '-', '[c') == [b'a', b'b', b'c'] assert r.zrangebylex('a', '-', '(c') == [b'a', b'b'] assert r.zrangebylex('a', '[aaa', '(g') == \ [b'b', b'c', b'd', b'e', b'f'] assert r.zrangebylex('a', '[f', '+') == [b'f', b'g'] assert r.zrangebylex('a', '-', '+', start=3, num=2) == [b'd', b'e'] @skip_if_server_version_lt('2.9.9') def test_zrevrangebylex(self, r): r.zadd('a', {'a': 0, 'b': 0, 'c': 0, 'd': 0, 'e': 0, 'f': 0, 'g': 0}) assert r.zrevrangebylex('a', '[c', '-') == [b'c', b'b', b'a'] assert r.zrevrangebylex('a', '(c', '-') == [b'b', b'a'] assert r.zrevrangebylex('a', '(g', '[aaa') == \ [b'f', b'e', b'd', b'c', b'b'] assert r.zrevrangebylex('a', '+', '[f') == [b'g', b'f'] assert r.zrevrangebylex('a', '+', '-', start=3, num=2) == \ [b'd', b'c'] def test_zrangebyscore(self, r): r.zadd('a', {'a1': 1, 'a2': 2, 'a3': 3, 'a4': 4, 'a5': 5}) assert r.zrangebyscore('a', 2, 4) == [b'a2', b'a3', b'a4'] # slicing with start/num assert r.zrangebyscore('a', 2, 4, start=1, num=2) == \ [b'a3', b'a4'] # withscores assert r.zrangebyscore('a', 2, 4, withscores=True) == \ [(b'a2', 2.0), (b'a3', 3.0), (b'a4', 4.0)] assert r.zrangebyscore('a', 2, 4, withscores=True, score_cast_func=int) == \ [(b'a2', 2), (b'a3', 3), (b'a4', 4)] def test_zrank(self, r): r.zadd('a', {'a1': 1, 'a2': 2, 'a3': 3, 'a4': 4, 'a5': 5}) assert r.zrank('a', 'a1') == 0 assert r.zrank('a', 'a2') == 1 assert r.zrank('a', 'a6') is None def test_zrem(self, r): r.zadd('a', {'a1': 1, 'a2': 2, 'a3': 3}) assert r.zrem('a', 'a2') == 1 assert r.zrange('a', 0, -1) == [b'a1', b'a3'] assert r.zrem('a', 'b') == 0 assert r.zrange('a', 0, -1) == [b'a1', b'a3'] def test_zrem_multiple_keys(self, r): r.zadd('a', {'a1': 1, 'a2': 2, 'a3': 3}) assert r.zrem('a', 'a1', 'a2') == 2 assert r.zrange('a', 0, 5) == [b'a3'] @skip_if_server_version_lt('2.8.9') def test_zremrangebylex(self, r): r.zadd('a', {'a': 0, 'b': 0, 'c': 0, 'd': 0, 'e': 0, 'f': 0, 'g': 0}) assert r.zremrangebylex('a', '-', '[c') == 3 assert r.zrange('a', 0, -1) == [b'd', b'e', b'f', b'g'] assert r.zremrangebylex('a', '[f', '+') == 2 assert r.zrange('a', 0, -1) == [b'd', b'e'] assert r.zremrangebylex('a', '[h', '+') == 0 assert r.zrange('a', 0, -1) == [b'd', b'e'] def test_zremrangebyrank(self, r): r.zadd('a', {'a1': 1, 'a2': 2, 'a3': 3, 'a4': 4, 'a5': 5}) assert r.zremrangebyrank('a', 1, 3) == 3 assert r.zrange('a', 0, 5) == [b'a1', b'a5'] def test_zremrangebyscore(self, r): r.zadd('a', {'a1': 1, 'a2': 2, 'a3': 3, 'a4': 4, 'a5': 5}) assert r.zremrangebyscore('a', 2, 4) == 3 assert r.zrange('a', 0, -1) == [b'a1', b'a5'] assert r.zremrangebyscore('a', 2, 4) == 0 assert r.zrange('a', 0, -1) == [b'a1', b'a5'] def test_zrevrange(self, r): r.zadd('a', {'a1': 1, 'a2': 2, 'a3': 3}) assert r.zrevrange('a', 0, 1) == [b'a3', b'a2'] assert r.zrevrange('a', 1, 2) == [b'a2', b'a1'] # withscores assert r.zrevrange('a', 0, 1, withscores=True) == \ [(b'a3', 3.0), (b'a2', 2.0)] assert r.zrevrange('a', 1, 2, withscores=True) == \ [(b'a2', 2.0), (b'a1', 1.0)] # custom score function assert r.zrevrange('a', 0, 1, withscores=True, score_cast_func=int) == \ [(b'a3', 3.0), (b'a2', 2.0)] def test_zrevrangebyscore(self, r): r.zadd('a', {'a1': 1, 'a2': 2, 'a3': 3, 'a4': 4, 'a5': 5}) assert r.zrevrangebyscore('a', 4, 2) == [b'a4', b'a3', b'a2'] # slicing with start/num assert r.zrevrangebyscore('a', 4, 2, start=1, num=2) == \ [b'a3', b'a2'] # withscores assert r.zrevrangebyscore('a', 4, 2, withscores=True) == \ [(b'a4', 4.0), (b'a3', 3.0), (b'a2', 2.0)] # custom score function assert r.zrevrangebyscore('a', 4, 2, withscores=True, score_cast_func=int) == \ [(b'a4', 4), (b'a3', 3), (b'a2', 2)] def test_zrevrank(self, r): r.zadd('a', {'a1': 1, 'a2': 2, 'a3': 3, 'a4': 4, 'a5': 5}) assert r.zrevrank('a', 'a1') == 4 assert r.zrevrank('a', 'a2') == 3 assert r.zrevrank('a', 'a6') is None def test_zscore(self, r): r.zadd('a', {'a1': 1, 'a2': 2, 'a3': 3}) assert r.zscore('a', 'a1') == 1.0 assert r.zscore('a', 'a2') == 2.0 assert r.zscore('a', 'a4') is None @skip_if_server_version_lt('6.2.0') def test_zunion(self, r): r.zadd('a', {'a1': 1, 'a2': 1, 'a3': 1}) r.zadd('b', {'a1': 2, 'a2': 2, 'a3': 2}) r.zadd('c', {'a1': 6, 'a3': 5, 'a4': 4}) # sum assert r.zunion(['a', 'b', 'c']) == \ [b'a2', b'a4', b'a3', b'a1'] assert r.zunion(['a', 'b', 'c'], withscores=True) == \ [(b'a2', 3), (b'a4', 4), (b'a3', 8), (b'a1', 9)] # max assert r.zunion(['a', 'b', 'c'], aggregate='MAX', withscores=True)\ == [(b'a2', 2), (b'a4', 4), (b'a3', 5), (b'a1', 6)] # min assert r.zunion(['a', 'b', 'c'], aggregate='MIN', withscores=True)\ == [(b'a1', 1), (b'a2', 1), (b'a3', 1), (b'a4', 4)] # with weight assert r.zunion({'a': 1, 'b': 2, 'c': 3}, withscores=True)\ == [(b'a2', 5), (b'a4', 12), (b'a3', 20), (b'a1', 23)] def test_zunionstore_sum(self, r): r.zadd('a', {'a1': 1, 'a2': 1, 'a3': 1}) r.zadd('b', {'a1': 2, 'a2': 2, 'a3': 2}) r.zadd('c', {'a1': 6, 'a3': 5, 'a4': 4}) assert r.zunionstore('d', ['a', 'b', 'c']) == 4 assert r.zrange('d', 0, -1, withscores=True) == \ [(b'a2', 3), (b'a4', 4), (b'a3', 8), (b'a1', 9)] def test_zunionstore_max(self, r): r.zadd('a', {'a1': 1, 'a2': 1, 'a3': 1}) r.zadd('b', {'a1': 2, 'a2': 2, 'a3': 2}) r.zadd('c', {'a1': 6, 'a3': 5, 'a4': 4}) assert r.zunionstore('d', ['a', 'b', 'c'], aggregate='MAX') == 4 assert r.zrange('d', 0, -1, withscores=True) == \ [(b'a2', 2), (b'a4', 4), (b'a3', 5), (b'a1', 6)] def test_zunionstore_min(self, r): r.zadd('a', {'a1': 1, 'a2': 2, 'a3': 3}) r.zadd('b', {'a1': 2, 'a2': 2, 'a3': 4}) r.zadd('c', {'a1': 6, 'a3': 5, 'a4': 4}) assert r.zunionstore('d', ['a', 'b', 'c'], aggregate='MIN') == 4 assert r.zrange('d', 0, -1, withscores=True) == \ [(b'a1', 1), (b'a2', 2), (b'a3', 3), (b'a4', 4)] def test_zunionstore_with_weight(self, r): r.zadd('a', {'a1': 1, 'a2': 1, 'a3': 1}) r.zadd('b', {'a1': 2, 'a2': 2, 'a3': 2}) r.zadd('c', {'a1': 6, 'a3': 5, 'a4': 4}) assert r.zunionstore('d', {'a': 1, 'b': 2, 'c': 3}) == 4 assert r.zrange('d', 0, -1, withscores=True) == \ [(b'a2', 5), (b'a4', 12), (b'a3', 20), (b'a1', 23)] @skip_if_server_version_lt('6.1.240') def test_zmscore(self, r): with pytest.raises(exceptions.DataError): r.zmscore('invalid_key', []) assert r.zmscore('invalid_key', ['invalid_member']) == [None] r.zadd('a', {'a1': 1, 'a2': 2, 'a3': 3.5}) assert r.zmscore('a', ['a1', 'a2', 'a3', 'a4']) == \ [1.0, 2.0, 3.5, None] # HYPERLOGLOG TESTS @skip_if_server_version_lt('2.8.9') def test_pfadd(self, r): members = {b'1', b'2', b'3'} assert r.pfadd('a', *members) == 1 assert r.pfadd('a', *members) == 0 assert r.pfcount('a') == len(members) @skip_if_server_version_lt('2.8.9') def test_pfcount(self, r): members = {b'1', b'2', b'3'} r.pfadd('a', *members) assert r.pfcount('a') == len(members) members_b = {b'2', b'3', b'4'} r.pfadd('b', *members_b) assert r.pfcount('b') == len(members_b) assert r.pfcount('a', 'b') == len(members_b.union(members)) @skip_if_server_version_lt('2.8.9') def test_pfmerge(self, r): mema = {b'1', b'2', b'3'} memb = {b'2', b'3', b'4'} memc = {b'5', b'6', b'7'} r.pfadd('a', *mema) r.pfadd('b', *memb) r.pfadd('c', *memc) r.pfmerge('d', 'c', 'a') assert r.pfcount('d') == 6 r.pfmerge('d', 'b') assert r.pfcount('d') == 7 # HASH COMMANDS def test_hget_and_hset(self, r): r.hset('a', mapping={'1': 1, '2': 2, '3': 3}) assert r.hget('a', '1') == b'1' assert r.hget('a', '2') == b'2' assert r.hget('a', '3') == b'3' # field was updated, redis returns 0 assert r.hset('a', '2', 5) == 0 assert r.hget('a', '2') == b'5' # field is new, redis returns 1 assert r.hset('a', '4', 4) == 1 assert r.hget('a', '4') == b'4' # key inside of hash that doesn't exist returns null value assert r.hget('a', 'b') is None # keys with bool(key) == False assert r.hset('a', 0, 10) == 1 assert r.hset('a', '', 10) == 1 def test_hset_with_multi_key_values(self, r): r.hset('a', mapping={'1': 1, '2': 2, '3': 3}) assert r.hget('a', '1') == b'1' assert r.hget('a', '2') == b'2' assert r.hget('a', '3') == b'3' r.hset('b', "foo", "bar", mapping={'1': 1, '2': 2}) assert r.hget('b', '1') == b'1' assert r.hget('b', '2') == b'2' assert r.hget('b', 'foo') == b'bar' def test_hset_without_data(self, r): with pytest.raises(exceptions.DataError): r.hset("x") def test_hdel(self, r): r.hset('a', mapping={'1': 1, '2': 2, '3': 3}) assert r.hdel('a', '2') == 1 assert r.hget('a', '2') is None assert r.hdel('a', '1', '3') == 2 assert r.hlen('a') == 0 def test_hexists(self, r): r.hset('a', mapping={'1': 1, '2': 2, '3': 3}) assert r.hexists('a', '1') assert not r.hexists('a', '4') def test_hgetall(self, r): h = {b'a1': b'1', b'a2': b'2', b'a3': b'3'} r.hset('a', mapping=h) assert r.hgetall('a') == h def test_hincrby(self, r): assert r.hincrby('a', '1') == 1 assert r.hincrby('a', '1', amount=2) == 3 assert r.hincrby('a', '1', amount=-2) == 1 @skip_if_server_version_lt('2.6.0') def test_hincrbyfloat(self, r): assert r.hincrbyfloat('a', '1') == 1.0 assert r.hincrbyfloat('a', '1') == 2.0 assert r.hincrbyfloat('a', '1', 1.2) == 3.2 def test_hkeys(self, r): h = {b'a1': b'1', b'a2': b'2', b'a3': b'3'} r.hset('a', mapping=h) local_keys = list(h.keys()) remote_keys = r.hkeys('a') assert (sorted(local_keys) == sorted(remote_keys)) def test_hlen(self, r): r.hset('a', mapping={'1': 1, '2': 2, '3': 3}) assert r.hlen('a') == 3 def test_hmget(self, r): assert r.hset('a', mapping={'a': 1, 'b': 2, 'c': 3}) assert r.hmget('a', 'a', 'b', 'c') == [b'1', b'2', b'3'] def test_hmset(self, r): warning_message = (r'^Redis\.hmset\(\) is deprecated\. ' r'Use Redis\.hset\(\) instead\.$') h = {b'a': b'1', b'b': b'2', b'c': b'3'} with pytest.warns(DeprecationWarning, match=warning_message): assert r.hmset('a', h) assert r.hgetall('a') == h def test_hsetnx(self, r): # Initially set the hash field assert r.hsetnx('a', '1', 1) assert r.hget('a', '1') == b'1' assert not r.hsetnx('a', '1', 2) assert r.hget('a', '1') == b'1' def test_hvals(self, r): h = {b'a1': b'1', b'a2': b'2', b'a3': b'3'} r.hset('a', mapping=h) local_vals = list(h.values()) remote_vals = r.hvals('a') assert sorted(local_vals) == sorted(remote_vals) @skip_if_server_version_lt('3.2.0') def test_hstrlen(self, r): r.hset('a', mapping={'1': '22', '2': '333'}) assert r.hstrlen('a', '1') == 2 assert r.hstrlen('a', '2') == 3 # SORT def test_sort_basic(self, r): r.rpush('a', '3', '2', '1', '4') assert r.sort('a') == [b'1', b'2', b'3', b'4'] def test_sort_limited(self, r): r.rpush('a', '3', '2', '1', '4') assert r.sort('a', start=1, num=2) == [b'2', b'3'] def test_sort_by(self, r): r['score:1'] = 8 r['score:2'] = 3 r['score:3'] = 5 r.rpush('a', '3', '2', '1') assert r.sort('a', by='score:*') == [b'2', b'3', b'1'] def test_sort_get(self, r): r['user:1'] = 'u1' r['user:2'] = 'u2' r['user:3'] = 'u3' r.rpush('a', '2', '3', '1') assert r.sort('a', get='user:*') == [b'u1', b'u2', b'u3'] def test_sort_get_multi(self, r): r['user:1'] = 'u1' r['user:2'] = 'u2' r['user:3'] = 'u3' r.rpush('a', '2', '3', '1') assert r.sort('a', get=('user:*', '#')) == \ [b'u1', b'1', b'u2', b'2', b'u3', b'3'] def test_sort_get_groups_two(self, r): r['user:1'] = 'u1' r['user:2'] = 'u2' r['user:3'] = 'u3' r.rpush('a', '2', '3', '1') assert r.sort('a', get=('user:*', '#'), groups=True) == \ [(b'u1', b'1'), (b'u2', b'2'), (b'u3', b'3')] def test_sort_groups_string_get(self, r): r['user:1'] = 'u1' r['user:2'] = 'u2' r['user:3'] = 'u3' r.rpush('a', '2', '3', '1') with pytest.raises(exceptions.DataError): r.sort('a', get='user:*', groups=True) def test_sort_groups_just_one_get(self, r): r['user:1'] = 'u1' r['user:2'] = 'u2' r['user:3'] = 'u3' r.rpush('a', '2', '3', '1') with pytest.raises(exceptions.DataError): r.sort('a', get=['user:*'], groups=True) def test_sort_groups_no_get(self, r): r['user:1'] = 'u1' r['user:2'] = 'u2' r['user:3'] = 'u3' r.rpush('a', '2', '3', '1') with pytest.raises(exceptions.DataError): r.sort('a', groups=True) def test_sort_groups_three_gets(self, r): r['user:1'] = 'u1' r['user:2'] = 'u2' r['user:3'] = 'u3' r['door:1'] = 'd1' r['door:2'] = 'd2' r['door:3'] = 'd3' r.rpush('a', '2', '3', '1') assert r.sort('a', get=('user:*', 'door:*', '#'), groups=True) == \ [ (b'u1', b'd1', b'1'), (b'u2', b'd2', b'2'), (b'u3', b'd3', b'3') ] def test_sort_desc(self, r): r.rpush('a', '2', '3', '1') assert r.sort('a', desc=True) == [b'3', b'2', b'1'] def test_sort_alpha(self, r): r.rpush('a', 'e', 'c', 'b', 'd', 'a') assert r.sort('a', alpha=True) == \ [b'a', b'b', b'c', b'd', b'e'] def test_sort_store(self, r): r.rpush('a', '2', '3', '1') assert r.sort('a', store='sorted_values') == 3 assert r.lrange('sorted_values', 0, -1) == [b'1', b'2', b'3'] def test_sort_all_options(self, r): r['user:1:username'] = 'zeus' r['user:2:username'] = 'titan' r['user:3:username'] = 'hermes' r['user:4:username'] = 'hercules' r['user:5:username'] = 'apollo' r['user:6:username'] = 'athena' r['user:7:username'] = 'hades' r['user:8:username'] = 'dionysus' r['user:1:favorite_drink'] = 'yuengling' r['user:2:favorite_drink'] = 'rum' r['user:3:favorite_drink'] = 'vodka' r['user:4:favorite_drink'] = 'milk' r['user:5:favorite_drink'] = 'pinot noir' r['user:6:favorite_drink'] = 'water' r['user:7:favorite_drink'] = 'gin' r['user:8:favorite_drink'] = 'apple juice' r.rpush('gods', '5', '8', '3', '1', '2', '7', '6', '4') num = r.sort('gods', start=2, num=4, by='user:*:username', get='user:*:favorite_drink', desc=True, alpha=True, store='sorted') assert num == 4 assert r.lrange('sorted', 0, 10) == \ [b'vodka', b'milk', b'gin', b'apple juice'] def test_sort_issue_924(self, r): # Tests for issue r.execute_command('SADD', 'issue#924', 1) r.execute_command('SORT', 'issue#924') def test_cluster_addslots(self, mock_cluster_resp_ok): assert mock_cluster_resp_ok.cluster('ADDSLOTS', 1) is True def test_cluster_count_failure_reports(self, mock_cluster_resp_int): assert isinstance(mock_cluster_resp_int.cluster( 'COUNT-FAILURE-REPORTS', 'node'), int) def test_cluster_countkeysinslot(self, mock_cluster_resp_int): assert isinstance(mock_cluster_resp_int.cluster( 'COUNTKEYSINSLOT', 2), int) def test_cluster_delslots(self, mock_cluster_resp_ok): assert mock_cluster_resp_ok.cluster('DELSLOTS', 1) is True def test_cluster_failover(self, mock_cluster_resp_ok): assert mock_cluster_resp_ok.cluster('FAILOVER', 1) is True def test_cluster_forget(self, mock_cluster_resp_ok): assert mock_cluster_resp_ok.cluster('FORGET', 1) is True def test_cluster_info(self, mock_cluster_resp_info): assert isinstance(mock_cluster_resp_info.cluster('info'), dict) def test_cluster_keyslot(self, mock_cluster_resp_int): assert isinstance(mock_cluster_resp_int.cluster( 'keyslot', 'asdf'), int) def test_cluster_meet(self, mock_cluster_resp_ok): assert mock_cluster_resp_ok.cluster('meet', 'ip', 'port', 1) is True def test_cluster_nodes(self, mock_cluster_resp_nodes): assert isinstance(mock_cluster_resp_nodes.cluster('nodes'), dict) def test_cluster_replicate(self, mock_cluster_resp_ok): assert mock_cluster_resp_ok.cluster('replicate', 'nodeid') is True def test_cluster_reset(self, mock_cluster_resp_ok): assert mock_cluster_resp_ok.cluster('reset', 'hard') is True def test_cluster_saveconfig(self, mock_cluster_resp_ok): assert mock_cluster_resp_ok.cluster('saveconfig') is True def test_cluster_setslot(self, mock_cluster_resp_ok): assert mock_cluster_resp_ok.cluster('setslot', 1, 'IMPORTING', 'nodeid') is True def test_cluster_slaves(self, mock_cluster_resp_slaves): assert isinstance(mock_cluster_resp_slaves.cluster( 'slaves', 'nodeid'), dict) @skip_if_server_version_lt('3.0.0') @skip_if_redis_enterprise def test_readwrite(self, r): assert r.readwrite() @skip_if_server_version_lt('3.0.0') def test_readonly_invalid_cluster_state(self, r): with pytest.raises(exceptions.RedisError): r.readonly() @skip_if_server_version_lt('3.0.0') def test_readonly(self, mock_cluster_resp_ok): assert mock_cluster_resp_ok.readonly() is True # GEO COMMANDS @skip_if_server_version_lt('3.2.0') def test_geoadd(self, r): values = (2.1909389952632, 41.433791470673, 'place1') + \ (2.1873744593677, 41.406342043777, 'place2') assert r.geoadd('barcelona', values) == 2 assert r.zcard('barcelona') == 2 @skip_if_server_version_lt('6.2.0') def test_geoadd_nx(self, r): values = (2.1909389952632, 41.433791470673, 'place1') + \ (2.1873744593677, 41.406342043777, 'place2') assert r.geoadd('a', values) == 2 values = (2.1909389952632, 41.433791470673, 'place1') + \ (2.1873744593677, 41.406342043777, 'place2') + \ (2.1804738294738, 41.405647879212, 'place3') assert r.geoadd('a', values, nx=True) == 1 assert r.zrange('a', 0, -1) == [b'place3', b'place2', b'place1'] @skip_if_server_version_lt('6.2.0') def test_geoadd_xx(self, r): values = (2.1909389952632, 41.433791470673, 'place1') assert r.geoadd('a', values) == 1 values = (2.1909389952632, 41.433791470673, 'place1') + \ (2.1873744593677, 41.406342043777, 'place2') assert r.geoadd('a', values, xx=True) == 0 assert r.zrange('a', 0, -1) == \ [b'place1'] @skip_if_server_version_lt('6.2.0') def test_geoadd_ch(self, r): values = (2.1909389952632, 41.433791470673, 'place1') assert r.geoadd('a', values) == 1 values = (2.1909389952632, 31.433791470673, 'place1') + \ (2.1873744593677, 41.406342043777, 'place2') assert r.geoadd('a', values, ch=True) == 2 assert r.zrange('a', 0, -1) == \ [b'place1', b'place2'] @skip_if_server_version_lt('3.2.0') def test_geoadd_invalid_params(self, r): with pytest.raises(exceptions.RedisError): r.geoadd('barcelona', (1, 2)) @skip_if_server_version_lt('3.2.0') def test_geodist(self, r): values = (2.1909389952632, 41.433791470673, 'place1') + \ (2.1873744593677, 41.406342043777, 'place2') assert r.geoadd('barcelona', values) == 2 assert r.geodist('barcelona', 'place1', 'place2') == 3067.4157 @skip_if_server_version_lt('3.2.0') def test_geodist_units(self, r): values = (2.1909389952632, 41.433791470673, 'place1') + \ (2.1873744593677, 41.406342043777, 'place2') r.geoadd('barcelona', values) assert r.geodist('barcelona', 'place1', 'place2', 'km') == 3.0674 @skip_if_server_version_lt('3.2.0') def test_geodist_missing_one_member(self, r): values = (2.1909389952632, 41.433791470673, 'place1') r.geoadd('barcelona', values) assert r.geodist('barcelona', 'place1', 'missing_member', 'km') is None @skip_if_server_version_lt('3.2.0') def test_geodist_invalid_units(self, r): with pytest.raises(exceptions.RedisError): assert r.geodist('x', 'y', 'z', 'inches') @skip_if_server_version_lt('3.2.0') def test_geohash(self, r): values = (2.1909389952632, 41.433791470673, 'place1') + \ (2.1873744593677, 41.406342043777, 'place2') r.geoadd('barcelona', values) assert r.geohash('barcelona', 'place1', 'place2', 'place3') == \ ['sp3e9yg3kd0', 'sp3e9cbc3t0', None] @skip_unless_arch_bits(64) @skip_if_server_version_lt('3.2.0') def test_geopos(self, r): values = (2.1909389952632, 41.433791470673, 'place1') + \ (2.1873744593677, 41.406342043777, 'place2') r.geoadd('barcelona', values) # redis uses 52 bits precision, hereby small errors may be introduced. assert r.geopos('barcelona', 'place1', 'place2') == \ [(2.19093829393386841, 41.43379028184083523), (2.18737632036209106, 41.40634178640635099)] @skip_if_server_version_lt('4.0.0') def test_geopos_no_value(self, r): assert r.geopos('barcelona', 'place1', 'place2') == [None, None] @skip_if_server_version_lt('3.2.0') @skip_if_server_version_gte('4.0.0') def test_old_geopos_no_value(self, r): assert r.geopos('barcelona', 'place1', 'place2') == [] @skip_if_server_version_lt('6.2.0') def test_geosearch(self, r): values = (2.1909389952632, 41.433791470673, 'place1') + \ (2.1873744593677, 41.406342043777, b'\x80place2') + \ (2.583333, 41.316667, 'place3') r.geoadd('barcelona', values) assert r.geosearch('barcelona', longitude=2.191, latitude=41.433, radius=1000) == [b'place1'] assert r.geosearch('barcelona', longitude=2.187, latitude=41.406, radius=1000) == [b'\x80place2'] assert r.geosearch('barcelona', longitude=2.191, latitude=41.433, height=1000, width=1000) == [b'place1'] assert r.geosearch('barcelona', member='place3', radius=100, unit='km') == [b'\x80place2', b'place1', b'place3'] # test count assert r.geosearch('barcelona', member='place3', radius=100, unit='km', count=2) == [b'place3', b'\x80place2'] assert r.geosearch('barcelona', member='place3', radius=100, unit='km', count=1, any=1)[0] \ in [b'place1', b'place3', b'\x80place2'] @skip_unless_arch_bits(64) @skip_if_server_version_lt('6.2.0') def test_geosearch_member(self, r): values = (2.1909389952632, 41.433791470673, 'place1') + \ (2.1873744593677, 41.406342043777, b'\x80place2') r.geoadd('barcelona', values) assert r.geosearch('barcelona', member='place1', radius=4000) == \ [b'\x80place2', b'place1'] assert r.geosearch('barcelona', member='place1', radius=10) == \ [b'place1'] assert r.geosearch('barcelona', member='place1', radius=4000, withdist=True, withcoord=True, withhash=True) == \ [[b'\x80place2', 3067.4157, 3471609625421029, (2.187376320362091, 41.40634178640635)], [b'place1', 0.0, 3471609698139488, (2.1909382939338684, 41.433790281840835)]] @skip_if_server_version_lt('6.2.0') def test_geosearch_sort(self, r): values = (2.1909389952632, 41.433791470673, 'place1') + \ (2.1873744593677, 41.406342043777, 'place2') r.geoadd('barcelona', values) assert r.geosearch('barcelona', longitude=2.191, latitude=41.433, radius=3000, sort='ASC') == \ [b'place1', b'place2'] assert r.geosearch('barcelona', longitude=2.191, latitude=41.433, radius=3000, sort='DESC') == \ [b'place2', b'place1'] @skip_unless_arch_bits(64) @skip_if_server_version_lt('6.2.0') def test_geosearch_with(self, r): values = (2.1909389952632, 41.433791470673, 'place1') + \ (2.1873744593677, 41.406342043777, 'place2') r.geoadd('barcelona', values) # test a bunch of combinations to test the parse response # function. assert r.geosearch('barcelona', longitude=2.191, latitude=41.433, radius=1, unit='km', withdist=True, withcoord=True, withhash=True) == \ [[b'place1', 0.0881, 3471609698139488, (2.19093829393386841, 41.43379028184083523)]] assert r.geosearch('barcelona', longitude=2.191, latitude=41.433, radius=1, unit='km', withdist=True, withcoord=True) == \ [[b'place1', 0.0881, (2.19093829393386841, 41.43379028184083523)]] assert r.geosearch('barcelona', longitude=2.191, latitude=41.433, radius=1, unit='km', withhash=True, withcoord=True) == \ [[b'place1', 3471609698139488, (2.19093829393386841, 41.43379028184083523)]] # test no values. assert r.geosearch('barcelona', longitude=2, latitude=1, radius=1, unit='km', withdist=True, withcoord=True, withhash=True) == [] @skip_if_server_version_lt('6.2.0') def test_geosearch_negative(self, r): # not specifying member nor longitude and latitude with pytest.raises(exceptions.DataError): assert r.geosearch('barcelona') # specifying member and longitude and latitude with pytest.raises(exceptions.DataError): assert r.geosearch('barcelona', member="Paris", longitude=2, latitude=1) # specifying one of longitude and latitude with pytest.raises(exceptions.DataError): assert r.geosearch('barcelona', longitude=2) with pytest.raises(exceptions.DataError): assert r.geosearch('barcelona', latitude=2) # not specifying radius nor width and height with pytest.raises(exceptions.DataError): assert r.geosearch('barcelona', member="Paris") # specifying radius and width and height with pytest.raises(exceptions.DataError): assert r.geosearch('barcelona', member="Paris", radius=3, width=2, height=1) # specifying one of width and height with pytest.raises(exceptions.DataError): assert r.geosearch('barcelona', member="Paris", width=2) with pytest.raises(exceptions.DataError): assert r.geosearch('barcelona', member="Paris", height=2) # invalid sort with pytest.raises(exceptions.DataError): assert r.geosearch('barcelona', member="Paris", width=2, height=2, sort="wrong") # invalid unit with pytest.raises(exceptions.DataError): assert r.geosearch('barcelona', member="Paris", width=2, height=2, unit="miles") # use any without count with pytest.raises(exceptions.DataError): assert r.geosearch('barcelona', member='place3', radius=100, any=1) @skip_if_server_version_lt('6.2.0') def test_geosearchstore(self, r): values = (2.1909389952632, 41.433791470673, 'place1') + \ (2.1873744593677, 41.406342043777, 'place2') r.geoadd('barcelona', values) r.geosearchstore('places_barcelona', 'barcelona', longitude=2.191, latitude=41.433, radius=1000) assert r.zrange('places_barcelona', 0, -1) == [b'place1'] @skip_unless_arch_bits(64) @skip_if_server_version_lt('6.2.0') def test_geosearchstore_dist(self, r): values = (2.1909389952632, 41.433791470673, 'place1') + \ (2.1873744593677, 41.406342043777, 'place2') r.geoadd('barcelona', values) r.geosearchstore('places_barcelona', 'barcelona', longitude=2.191, latitude=41.433, radius=1000, storedist=True) # instead of save the geo score, the distance is saved. assert r.zscore('places_barcelona', 'place1') == 88.05060698409301 @skip_if_server_version_lt('3.2.0') def test_georadius(self, r): values = (2.1909389952632, 41.433791470673, 'place1') + \ (2.1873744593677, 41.406342043777, b'\x80place2') r.geoadd('barcelona', values) assert r.georadius('barcelona', 2.191, 41.433, 1000) == [b'place1'] assert r.georadius('barcelona', 2.187, 41.406, 1000) == [b'\x80place2'] @skip_if_server_version_lt('3.2.0') def test_georadius_no_values(self, r): values = (2.1909389952632, 41.433791470673, 'place1') + \ (2.1873744593677, 41.406342043777, 'place2') r.geoadd('barcelona', values) assert r.georadius('barcelona', 1, 2, 1000) == [] @skip_if_server_version_lt('3.2.0') def test_georadius_units(self, r): values = (2.1909389952632, 41.433791470673, 'place1') + \ (2.1873744593677, 41.406342043777, 'place2') r.geoadd('barcelona', values) assert r.georadius('barcelona', 2.191, 41.433, 1, unit='km') == \ [b'place1'] @skip_unless_arch_bits(64) @skip_if_server_version_lt('3.2.0') def test_georadius_with(self, r): values = (2.1909389952632, 41.433791470673, 'place1') + \ (2.1873744593677, 41.406342043777, 'place2') r.geoadd('barcelona', values) # test a bunch of combinations to test the parse response # function. assert r.georadius('barcelona', 2.191, 41.433, 1, unit='km', withdist=True, withcoord=True, withhash=True) == \ [[b'place1', 0.0881, 3471609698139488, (2.19093829393386841, 41.43379028184083523)]] assert r.georadius('barcelona', 2.191, 41.433, 1, unit='km', withdist=True, withcoord=True) == \ [[b'place1', 0.0881, (2.19093829393386841, 41.43379028184083523)]] assert r.georadius('barcelona', 2.191, 41.433, 1, unit='km', withhash=True, withcoord=True) == \ [[b'place1', 3471609698139488, (2.19093829393386841, 41.43379028184083523)]] # test no values. assert r.georadius('barcelona', 2, 1, 1, unit='km', withdist=True, withcoord=True, withhash=True) == [] @skip_if_server_version_lt('6.2.0') def test_georadius_count(self, r): values = (2.1909389952632, 41.433791470673, 'place1') + \ (2.1873744593677, 41.406342043777, 'place2') r.geoadd('barcelona', values) assert r.georadius('barcelona', 2.191, 41.433, 3000, count=1) == \ [b'place1'] assert r.georadius('barcelona', 2.191, 41.433, 3000, count=1, any=True) == \ [b'place2'] @skip_if_server_version_lt('3.2.0') def test_georadius_sort(self, r): values = (2.1909389952632, 41.433791470673, 'place1') + \ (2.1873744593677, 41.406342043777, 'place2') r.geoadd('barcelona', values) assert r.georadius('barcelona', 2.191, 41.433, 3000, sort='ASC') == \ [b'place1', b'place2'] assert r.georadius('barcelona', 2.191, 41.433, 3000, sort='DESC') == \ [b'place2', b'place1'] @skip_if_server_version_lt('3.2.0') def test_georadius_store(self, r): values = (2.1909389952632, 41.433791470673, 'place1') + \ (2.1873744593677, 41.406342043777, 'place2') r.geoadd('barcelona', values) r.georadius('barcelona', 2.191, 41.433, 1000, store='places_barcelona') assert r.zrange('places_barcelona', 0, -1) == [b'place1'] @skip_unless_arch_bits(64) @skip_if_server_version_lt('3.2.0') def test_georadius_store_dist(self, r): values = (2.1909389952632, 41.433791470673, 'place1') + \ (2.1873744593677, 41.406342043777, 'place2') r.geoadd('barcelona', values) r.georadius('barcelona', 2.191, 41.433, 1000, store_dist='places_barcelona') # instead of save the geo score, the distance is saved. assert r.zscore('places_barcelona', 'place1') == 88.05060698409301 @skip_unless_arch_bits(64) @skip_if_server_version_lt('3.2.0') def test_georadiusmember(self, r): values = (2.1909389952632, 41.433791470673, 'place1') + \ (2.1873744593677, 41.406342043777, b'\x80place2') r.geoadd('barcelona', values) assert r.georadiusbymember('barcelona', 'place1', 4000) == \ [b'\x80place2', b'place1'] assert r.georadiusbymember('barcelona', 'place1', 10) == [b'place1'] assert r.georadiusbymember('barcelona', 'place1', 4000, withdist=True, withcoord=True, withhash=True) == \ [[b'\x80place2', 3067.4157, 3471609625421029, (2.187376320362091, 41.40634178640635)], [b'place1', 0.0, 3471609698139488, (2.1909382939338684, 41.433790281840835)]] @skip_if_server_version_lt('6.2.0') def test_georadiusmember_count(self, r): values = (2.1909389952632, 41.433791470673, 'place1') + \ (2.1873744593677, 41.406342043777, b'\x80place2') r.geoadd('barcelona', values) assert r.georadiusbymember('barcelona', 'place1', 4000, count=1, any=True) == \ [b'\x80place2'] @skip_if_server_version_lt('5.0.0') def test_xack(self, r): stream = 'stream' group = 'group' consumer = 'consumer' # xack on a stream that doesn't exist assert r.xack(stream, group, '0-0') == 0 m1 = r.xadd(stream, {'one': 'one'}) m2 = r.xadd(stream, {'two': 'two'}) m3 = r.xadd(stream, {'three': 'three'}) # xack on a group that doesn't exist assert r.xack(stream, group, m1) == 0 r.xgroup_create(stream, group, 0) r.xreadgroup(group, consumer, streams={stream: '>'}) # xack returns the number of ack'd elements assert r.xack(stream, group, m1) == 1 assert r.xack(stream, group, m2, m3) == 2 @skip_if_server_version_lt('5.0.0') def test_xadd(self, r): stream = 'stream' message_id = r.xadd(stream, {'foo': 'bar'}) assert re.match(br'[0-9]+\-[0-9]+', message_id) # explicit message id message_id = b'9999999999999999999-0' assert message_id == r.xadd(stream, {'foo': 'bar'}, id=message_id) # with maxlen, the list evicts the first message r.xadd(stream, {'foo': 'bar'}, maxlen=2, approximate=False) assert r.xlen(stream) == 2 @skip_if_server_version_lt('6.2.0') def test_xadd_nomkstream(self, r): # nomkstream option stream = 'stream' r.xadd(stream, {'foo': 'bar'}) r.xadd(stream, {'some': 'other'}, nomkstream=False) assert r.xlen(stream) == 2 r.xadd(stream, {'some': 'other'}, nomkstream=True) assert r.xlen(stream) == 3 @skip_if_server_version_lt('6.2.0') def test_xadd_minlen_and_limit(self, r): stream = 'stream' r.xadd(stream, {'foo': 'bar'}) r.xadd(stream, {'foo': 'bar'}) r.xadd(stream, {'foo': 'bar'}) r.xadd(stream, {'foo': 'bar'}) # Future self: No limits without approximate, according to the api with pytest.raises(redis.ResponseError): assert r.xadd(stream, {'foo': 'bar'}, maxlen=3, approximate=False, limit=2) # limit can not be provided without maxlen or minid with pytest.raises(redis.ResponseError): assert r.xadd(stream, {'foo': 'bar'}, limit=2) # maxlen with a limit assert r.xadd(stream, {'foo': 'bar'}, maxlen=3, approximate=True, limit=2) r.delete(stream) # maxlen and minid can not be provided together with pytest.raises(redis.DataError): assert r.xadd(stream, {'foo': 'bar'}, maxlen=3, minid="sometestvalue") # minid with a limit m1 = r.xadd(stream, {'foo': 'bar'}) r.xadd(stream, {'foo': 'bar'}) r.xadd(stream, {'foo': 'bar'}) r.xadd(stream, {'foo': 'bar'}) assert r.xadd(stream, {'foo': 'bar'}, approximate=True, minid=m1, limit=3) # pure minid r.xadd(stream, {'foo': 'bar'}) r.xadd(stream, {'foo': 'bar'}) r.xadd(stream, {'foo': 'bar'}) m4 = r.xadd(stream, {'foo': 'bar'}) assert r.xadd(stream, {'foo': 'bar'}, approximate=False, minid=m4) # minid approximate r.xadd(stream, {'foo': 'bar'}) r.xadd(stream, {'foo': 'bar'}) m3 = r.xadd(stream, {'foo': 'bar'}) r.xadd(stream, {'foo': 'bar'}) assert r.xadd(stream, {'foo': 'bar'}, approximate=True, minid=m3) @skip_if_server_version_lt('6.2.0') def test_xautoclaim(self, r): stream = 'stream' group = 'group' consumer1 = 'consumer1' consumer2 = 'consumer2' message_id1 = r.xadd(stream, {'john': 'wick'}) message_id2 = r.xadd(stream, {'johny': 'deff'}) message = get_stream_message(r, stream, message_id1) r.xgroup_create(stream, group, 0) # trying to claim a message that isn't already pending doesn't # do anything response = r.xautoclaim(stream, group, consumer2, min_idle_time=0) assert response == [] # read the group as consumer1 to initially claim the messages r.xreadgroup(group, consumer1, streams={stream: '>'}) # claim one message as consumer2 response = r.xautoclaim(stream, group, consumer2, min_idle_time=0, count=1) assert response == [message] # reclaim the messages as consumer1, but use the justid argument # which only returns message ids assert r.xautoclaim(stream, group, consumer1, min_idle_time=0, start_id=0, justid=True) == \ [message_id1, message_id2] assert r.xautoclaim(stream, group, consumer1, min_idle_time=0, start_id=message_id2, justid=True) == \ [message_id2] @skip_if_server_version_lt('6.2.0') def test_xautoclaim_negative(self, r): stream = 'stream' group = 'group' consumer = 'consumer' with pytest.raises(redis.DataError): r.xautoclaim(stream, group, consumer, min_idle_time=-1) with pytest.raises(ValueError): r.xautoclaim(stream, group, consumer, min_idle_time="wrong") with pytest.raises(redis.DataError): r.xautoclaim(stream, group, consumer, min_idle_time=0, count=-1) @skip_if_server_version_lt('5.0.0') def test_xclaim(self, r): stream = 'stream' group = 'group' consumer1 = 'consumer1' consumer2 = 'consumer2' message_id = r.xadd(stream, {'john': 'wick'}) message = get_stream_message(r, stream, message_id) r.xgroup_create(stream, group, 0) # trying to claim a message that isn't already pending doesn't # do anything response = r.xclaim(stream, group, consumer2, min_idle_time=0, message_ids=(message_id,)) assert response == [] # read the group as consumer1 to initially claim the messages r.xreadgroup(group, consumer1, streams={stream: '>'}) # claim the message as consumer2 response = r.xclaim(stream, group, consumer2, min_idle_time=0, message_ids=(message_id,)) assert response[0] == message # reclaim the message as consumer1, but use the justid argument # which only returns message ids assert r.xclaim(stream, group, consumer1, min_idle_time=0, message_ids=(message_id,), justid=True) == [message_id] @skip_if_server_version_lt('5.0.0') def test_xclaim_trimmed(self, r): # xclaim should not raise an exception if the item is not there stream = 'stream' group = 'group' r.xgroup_create(stream, group, id="$", mkstream=True) # add a couple of new items sid1 = r.xadd(stream, {"item": 0}) sid2 = r.xadd(stream, {"item": 0}) # read them from consumer1 r.xreadgroup(group, 'consumer1', {stream: ">"}) # add a 3rd and trim the stream down to 2 items r.xadd(stream, {"item": 3}, maxlen=2, approximate=False) # xclaim them from consumer2 # the item that is still in the stream should be returned item = r.xclaim(stream, group, 'consumer2', 0, [sid1, sid2]) assert len(item) == 2 assert item[0] == (None, None) assert item[1][0] == sid2 @skip_if_server_version_lt('5.0.0') def test_xdel(self, r): stream = 'stream' # deleting from an empty stream doesn't do anything assert r.xdel(stream, 1) == 0 m1 = r.xadd(stream, {'foo': 'bar'}) m2 = r.xadd(stream, {'foo': 'bar'}) m3 = r.xadd(stream, {'foo': 'bar'}) # xdel returns the number of deleted elements assert r.xdel(stream, m1) == 1 assert r.xdel(stream, m2, m3) == 2 @skip_if_server_version_lt('5.0.0') def test_xgroup_create(self, r): # tests xgroup_create and xinfo_groups stream = 'stream' group = 'group' r.xadd(stream, {'foo': 'bar'}) # no group is setup yet, no info to obtain assert r.xinfo_groups(stream) == [] assert r.xgroup_create(stream, group, 0) expected = [{ 'name': group.encode(), 'consumers': 0, 'pending': 0, 'last-delivered-id': b'0-0' }] assert r.xinfo_groups(stream) == expected @skip_if_server_version_lt('5.0.0') def test_xgroup_create_mkstream(self, r): # tests xgroup_create and xinfo_groups stream = 'stream' group = 'group' # an error is raised if a group is created on a stream that # doesn't already exist with pytest.raises(exceptions.ResponseError): r.xgroup_create(stream, group, 0) # however, with mkstream=True, the underlying stream is created # automatically assert r.xgroup_create(stream, group, 0, mkstream=True) expected = [{ 'name': group.encode(), 'consumers': 0, 'pending': 0, 'last-delivered-id': b'0-0' }] assert r.xinfo_groups(stream) == expected @skip_if_server_version_lt('5.0.0') def test_xgroup_delconsumer(self, r): stream = 'stream' group = 'group' consumer = 'consumer' r.xadd(stream, {'foo': 'bar'}) r.xadd(stream, {'foo': 'bar'}) r.xgroup_create(stream, group, 0) # a consumer that hasn't yet read any messages doesn't do anything assert r.xgroup_delconsumer(stream, group, consumer) == 0 # read all messages from the group r.xreadgroup(group, consumer, streams={stream: '>'}) # deleting the consumer should return 2 pending messages assert r.xgroup_delconsumer(stream, group, consumer) == 2 @skip_if_server_version_lt('6.2.0') def test_xgroup_createconsumer(self, r): stream = 'stream' group = 'group' consumer = 'consumer' r.xadd(stream, {'foo': 'bar'}) r.xadd(stream, {'foo': 'bar'}) r.xgroup_create(stream, group, 0) assert r.xgroup_createconsumer(stream, group, consumer) == 1 # read all messages from the group r.xreadgroup(group, consumer, streams={stream: '>'}) # deleting the consumer should return 2 pending messages assert r.xgroup_delconsumer(stream, group, consumer) == 2 @skip_if_server_version_lt('5.0.0') def test_xgroup_destroy(self, r): stream = 'stream' group = 'group' r.xadd(stream, {'foo': 'bar'}) # destroying a nonexistent group returns False assert not r.xgroup_destroy(stream, group) r.xgroup_create(stream, group, 0) assert r.xgroup_destroy(stream, group) @skip_if_server_version_lt('5.0.0') def test_xgroup_setid(self, r): stream = 'stream' group = 'group' message_id = r.xadd(stream, {'foo': 'bar'}) r.xgroup_create(stream, group, 0) # advance the last_delivered_id to the message_id r.xgroup_setid(stream, group, message_id) expected = [{ 'name': group.encode(), 'consumers': 0, 'pending': 0, 'last-delivered-id': message_id }] assert r.xinfo_groups(stream) == expected @skip_if_server_version_lt('5.0.0') def test_xinfo_consumers(self, r): stream = 'stream' group = 'group' consumer1 = 'consumer1' consumer2 = 'consumer2' r.xadd(stream, {'foo': 'bar'}) r.xadd(stream, {'foo': 'bar'}) r.xadd(stream, {'foo': 'bar'}) r.xgroup_create(stream, group, 0) r.xreadgroup(group, consumer1, streams={stream: '>'}, count=1) r.xreadgroup(group, consumer2, streams={stream: '>'}) info = r.xinfo_consumers(stream, group) assert len(info) == 2 expected = [ {'name': consumer1.encode(), 'pending': 1}, {'name': consumer2.encode(), 'pending': 2}, ] # we can't determine the idle time, so just make sure it's an int assert isinstance(info[0].pop('idle'), int) assert isinstance(info[1].pop('idle'), int) assert info == expected @skip_if_server_version_lt('5.0.0') def test_xinfo_stream(self, r): stream = 'stream' m1 = r.xadd(stream, {'foo': 'bar'}) m2 = r.xadd(stream, {'foo': 'bar'}) info = r.xinfo_stream(stream) assert info['length'] == 2 assert info['first-entry'] == get_stream_message(r, stream, m1) assert info['last-entry'] == get_stream_message(r, stream, m2) @skip_if_server_version_lt('6.0.0') def test_xinfo_stream_full(self, r): stream = 'stream' group = 'group' m1 = r.xadd(stream, {'foo': 'bar'}) r.xgroup_create(stream, group, 0) info = r.xinfo_stream(stream, full=True) assert info['length'] == 1 assert m1 in info['entries'] assert len(info['groups']) == 1 @skip_if_server_version_lt('5.0.0') def test_xlen(self, r): stream = 'stream' assert r.xlen(stream) == 0 r.xadd(stream, {'foo': 'bar'}) r.xadd(stream, {'foo': 'bar'}) assert r.xlen(stream) == 2 @skip_if_server_version_lt('5.0.0') def test_xpending(self, r): stream = 'stream' group = 'group' consumer1 = 'consumer1' consumer2 = 'consumer2' m1 = r.xadd(stream, {'foo': 'bar'}) m2 = r.xadd(stream, {'foo': 'bar'}) r.xgroup_create(stream, group, 0) # xpending on a group that has no consumers yet expected = { 'pending': 0, 'min': None, 'max': None, 'consumers': [] } assert r.xpending(stream, group) == expected # read 1 message from the group with each consumer r.xreadgroup(group, consumer1, streams={stream: '>'}, count=1) r.xreadgroup(group, consumer2, streams={stream: '>'}, count=1) expected = { 'pending': 2, 'min': m1, 'max': m2, 'consumers': [ {'name': consumer1.encode(), 'pending': 1}, {'name': consumer2.encode(), 'pending': 1}, ] } assert r.xpending(stream, group) == expected @skip_if_server_version_lt('5.0.0') def test_xpending_range(self, r): stream = 'stream' group = 'group' consumer1 = 'consumer1' consumer2 = 'consumer2' m1 = r.xadd(stream, {'foo': 'bar'}) m2 = r.xadd(stream, {'foo': 'bar'}) r.xgroup_create(stream, group, 0) # xpending range on a group that has no consumers yet assert r.xpending_range(stream, group, min='-', max='+', count=5) == [] # read 1 message from the group with each consumer r.xreadgroup(group, consumer1, streams={stream: '>'}, count=1) r.xreadgroup(group, consumer2, streams={stream: '>'}, count=1) response = r.xpending_range(stream, group, min='-', max='+', count=5) assert len(response) == 2 assert response[0]['message_id'] == m1 assert response[0]['consumer'] == consumer1.encode() assert response[1]['message_id'] == m2 assert response[1]['consumer'] == consumer2.encode() # test with consumer name response = r.xpending_range(stream, group, min='-', max='+', count=5, consumername=consumer1) assert response[0]['message_id'] == m1 assert response[0]['consumer'] == consumer1.encode() @skip_if_server_version_lt('6.2.0') def test_xpending_range_idle(self, r): stream = 'stream' group = 'group' consumer1 = 'consumer1' consumer2 = 'consumer2' r.xadd(stream, {'foo': 'bar'}) r.xadd(stream, {'foo': 'bar'}) r.xgroup_create(stream, group, 0) # read 1 message from the group with each consumer r.xreadgroup(group, consumer1, streams={stream: '>'}, count=1) r.xreadgroup(group, consumer2, streams={stream: '>'}, count=1) response = r.xpending_range(stream, group, min='-', max='+', count=5) assert len(response) == 2 response = r.xpending_range(stream, group, min='-', max='+', count=5, idle=1000) assert len(response) == 0 def test_xpending_range_negative(self, r): stream = 'stream' group = 'group' with pytest.raises(redis.DataError): r.xpending_range(stream, group, min='-', max='+', count=None) with pytest.raises(ValueError): r.xpending_range(stream, group, min='-', max='+', count="one") with pytest.raises(redis.DataError): r.xpending_range(stream, group, min='-', max='+', count=-1) with pytest.raises(ValueError): r.xpending_range(stream, group, min='-', max='+', count=5, idle="one") with pytest.raises(redis.exceptions.ResponseError): r.xpending_range(stream, group, min='-', max='+', count=5, idle=1.5) with pytest.raises(redis.DataError): r.xpending_range(stream, group, min='-', max='+', count=5, idle=-1) with pytest.raises(redis.DataError): r.xpending_range(stream, group, min=None, max=None, count=None, idle=0) with pytest.raises(redis.DataError): r.xpending_range(stream, group, min=None, max=None, count=None, consumername=0) @skip_if_server_version_lt('5.0.0') def test_xrange(self, r): stream = 'stream' m1 = r.xadd(stream, {'foo': 'bar'}) m2 = r.xadd(stream, {'foo': 'bar'}) m3 = r.xadd(stream, {'foo': 'bar'}) m4 = r.xadd(stream, {'foo': 'bar'}) def get_ids(results): return [result[0] for result in results] results = r.xrange(stream, min=m1) assert get_ids(results) == [m1, m2, m3, m4] results = r.xrange(stream, min=m2, max=m3) assert get_ids(results) == [m2, m3] results = r.xrange(stream, max=m3) assert get_ids(results) == [m1, m2, m3] results = r.xrange(stream, max=m2, count=1) assert get_ids(results) == [m1] @skip_if_server_version_lt('5.0.0') def test_xread(self, r): stream = 'stream' m1 = r.xadd(stream, {'foo': 'bar'}) m2 = r.xadd(stream, {'bing': 'baz'}) expected = [ [ stream.encode(), [ get_stream_message(r, stream, m1), get_stream_message(r, stream, m2), ] ] ] # xread starting at 0 returns both messages assert r.xread(streams={stream: 0}) == expected expected = [ [ stream.encode(), [ get_stream_message(r, stream, m1), ] ] ] # xread starting at 0 and count=1 returns only the first message assert r.xread(streams={stream: 0}, count=1) == expected expected = [ [ stream.encode(), [ get_stream_message(r, stream, m2), ] ] ] # xread starting at m1 returns only the second message assert r.xread(streams={stream: m1}) == expected # xread starting at the last message returns an empty list assert r.xread(streams={stream: m2}) == [] @skip_if_server_version_lt('5.0.0') def test_xreadgroup(self, r): stream = 'stream' group = 'group' consumer = 'consumer' m1 = r.xadd(stream, {'foo': 'bar'}) m2 = r.xadd(stream, {'bing': 'baz'}) r.xgroup_create(stream, group, 0) expected = [ [ stream.encode(), [ get_stream_message(r, stream, m1), get_stream_message(r, stream, m2), ] ] ] # xread starting at 0 returns both messages assert r.xreadgroup(group, consumer, streams={stream: '>'}) == expected r.xgroup_destroy(stream, group) r.xgroup_create(stream, group, 0) expected = [ [ stream.encode(), [ get_stream_message(r, stream, m1), ] ] ] # xread with count=1 returns only the first message assert r.xreadgroup(group, consumer, streams={stream: '>'}, count=1) == expected r.xgroup_destroy(stream, group) # create the group using $ as the last id meaning subsequent reads # will only find messages added after this r.xgroup_create(stream, group, '$') expected = [] # xread starting after the last message returns an empty message list assert r.xreadgroup(group, consumer, streams={stream: '>'}) == expected # xreadgroup with noack does not have any items in the PEL r.xgroup_destroy(stream, group) r.xgroup_create(stream, group, '0') assert len(r.xreadgroup(group, consumer, streams={stream: '>'}, noack=True)[0][1]) == 2 # now there should be nothing pending assert len(r.xreadgroup(group, consumer, streams={stream: '0'})[0][1]) == 0 r.xgroup_destroy(stream, group) r.xgroup_create(stream, group, '0') # delete all the messages in the stream expected = [ [ stream.encode(), [ (m1, {}), (m2, {}), ] ] ] r.xreadgroup(group, consumer, streams={stream: '>'}) r.xtrim(stream, 0) assert r.xreadgroup(group, consumer, streams={stream: '0'}) == expected @skip_if_server_version_lt('5.0.0') def test_xrevrange(self, r): stream = 'stream' m1 = r.xadd(stream, {'foo': 'bar'}) m2 = r.xadd(stream, {'foo': 'bar'}) m3 = r.xadd(stream, {'foo': 'bar'}) m4 = r.xadd(stream, {'foo': 'bar'}) def get_ids(results): return [result[0] for result in results] results = r.xrevrange(stream, max=m4) assert get_ids(results) == [m4, m3, m2, m1] results = r.xrevrange(stream, max=m3, min=m2) assert get_ids(results) == [m3, m2] results = r.xrevrange(stream, min=m3) assert get_ids(results) == [m4, m3] results = r.xrevrange(stream, min=m2, count=1) assert get_ids(results) == [m4] @skip_if_server_version_lt('5.0.0') def test_xtrim(self, r): stream = 'stream' # trimming an empty key doesn't do anything assert r.xtrim(stream, 1000) == 0 r.xadd(stream, {'foo': 'bar'}) r.xadd(stream, {'foo': 'bar'}) r.xadd(stream, {'foo': 'bar'}) r.xadd(stream, {'foo': 'bar'}) # trimming an amount large than the number of messages # doesn't do anything assert r.xtrim(stream, 5, approximate=False) == 0 # 1 message is trimmed assert r.xtrim(stream, 3, approximate=False) == 1 @skip_if_server_version_lt('6.2.4') def test_xtrim_minlen_and_length_args(self, r): stream = 'stream' r.xadd(stream, {'foo': 'bar'}) r.xadd(stream, {'foo': 'bar'}) r.xadd(stream, {'foo': 'bar'}) r.xadd(stream, {'foo': 'bar'}) # Future self: No limits without approximate, according to the api with pytest.raises(redis.ResponseError): assert r.xtrim(stream, 3, approximate=False, limit=2) # maxlen with a limit assert r.xtrim(stream, 3, approximate=True, limit=2) == 0 r.delete(stream) with pytest.raises(redis.DataError): assert r.xtrim(stream, maxlen=3, minid="sometestvalue") # minid with a limit m1 = r.xadd(stream, {'foo': 'bar'}) r.xadd(stream, {'foo': 'bar'}) r.xadd(stream, {'foo': 'bar'}) r.xadd(stream, {'foo': 'bar'}) assert r.xtrim(stream, None, approximate=True, minid=m1, limit=3) == 0 # pure minid r.xadd(stream, {'foo': 'bar'}) r.xadd(stream, {'foo': 'bar'}) r.xadd(stream, {'foo': 'bar'}) m4 = r.xadd(stream, {'foo': 'bar'}) assert r.xtrim(stream, None, approximate=False, minid=m4) == 7 # minid approximate r.xadd(stream, {'foo': 'bar'}) r.xadd(stream, {'foo': 'bar'}) m3 = r.xadd(stream, {'foo': 'bar'}) r.xadd(stream, {'foo': 'bar'}) assert r.xtrim(stream, None, approximate=True, minid=m3) == 0 def test_bitfield_operations(self, r): # comments show affected bits bf = r.bitfield('a') resp = (bf .set('u8', 8, 255) # 00000000 11111111 .get('u8', 0) # 00000000 .get('u4', 8) # 1111 .get('u4', 12) # 1111 .get('u4', 13) # 111 0 .execute()) assert resp == [0, 0, 15, 15, 14] # .set() returns the previous value... resp = (bf .set('u8', 4, 1) # 0000 0001 .get('u16', 0) # 00000000 00011111 .set('u16', 0, 0) # 00000000 00000000 .execute()) assert resp == [15, 31, 31] # incrby adds to the value resp = (bf .incrby('u8', 8, 254) # 00000000 11111110 .incrby('u8', 8, 1) # 00000000 11111111 .get('u16', 0) # 00000000 11111111 .execute()) assert resp == [254, 255, 255] # Verify overflow protection works as a method: r.delete('a') resp = (bf .set('u8', 8, 254) # 00000000 11111110 .overflow('fail') .incrby('u8', 8, 2) # incrby 2 would overflow, None returned .incrby('u8', 8, 1) # 00000000 11111111 .incrby('u8', 8, 1) # incrby 1 would overflow, None returned .get('u16', 0) # 00000000 11111111 .execute()) assert resp == [0, None, 255, None, 255] # Verify overflow protection works as arg to incrby: r.delete('a') resp = (bf .set('u8', 8, 255) # 00000000 11111111 .incrby('u8', 8, 1) # 00000000 00000000 wrap default .set('u8', 8, 255) # 00000000 11111111 .incrby('u8', 8, 1, 'FAIL') # 00000000 11111111 fail .incrby('u8', 8, 1) # 00000000 11111111 still fail .get('u16', 0) # 00000000 11111111 .execute()) assert resp == [0, 0, 0, None, None, 255] # test default default_overflow r.delete('a') bf = r.bitfield('a', default_overflow='FAIL') resp = (bf .set('u8', 8, 255) # 00000000 11111111 .incrby('u8', 8, 1) # 00000000 11111111 fail default .get('u16', 0) # 00000000 11111111 .execute()) assert resp == [0, None, 255] @skip_if_server_version_lt('4.0.0') def test_memory_help(self, r): with pytest.raises(NotImplementedError): r.memory_help() @skip_if_server_version_lt('4.0.0') def test_memory_doctor(self, r): with pytest.raises(NotImplementedError): r.memory_doctor() @skip_if_server_version_lt('4.0.0') def test_memory_malloc_stats(self, r): assert r.memory_malloc_stats() @skip_if_server_version_lt('4.0.0') def test_memory_stats(self, r): # put a key into the current db to make sure that "db." # has data r.set('foo', 'bar') stats = r.memory_stats() assert isinstance(stats, dict) for key, value in stats.items(): if key.startswith('db.'): assert isinstance(value, dict) @skip_if_server_version_lt('4.0.0') def test_memory_usage(self, r): r.set('foo', 'bar') assert isinstance(r.memory_usage('foo'), int) @skip_if_server_version_lt('4.0.0') @skip_if_redis_enterprise def test_module_list(self, r): assert isinstance(r.module_list(), list) for x in r.module_list(): assert isinstance(x, dict) @skip_if_server_version_lt('2.8.13') def test_command_count(self, r): res = r.command_count() assert isinstance(res, int) assert res >= 100 @skip_if_server_version_lt('4.0.0') @skip_if_redis_enterprise def test_module(self, r): with pytest.raises(redis.exceptions.ModuleError) as excinfo: r.module_load('/some/fake/path') assert "Error loading the extension." in str(excinfo.value) with pytest.raises(redis.exceptions.ModuleError) as excinfo: r.module_load('/some/fake/path', 'arg1', 'arg2', 'arg3', 'arg4') assert "Error loading the extension." in str(excinfo.value) @skip_if_server_version_lt('2.6.0') def test_restore(self, r): # standard restore key = 'foo' r.set(key, 'bar') dumpdata = r.dump(key) r.delete(key) assert r.restore(key, 0, dumpdata) assert r.get(key) == b'bar' # overwrite restore with pytest.raises(redis.exceptions.ResponseError): assert r.restore(key, 0, dumpdata) r.set(key, 'a new value!') assert r.restore(key, 0, dumpdata, replace=True) assert r.get(key) == b'bar' # ttl check key2 = 'another' r.set(key2, 'blee!') dumpdata = r.dump(key2) r.delete(key2) assert r.restore(key2, 0, dumpdata) assert r.ttl(key2) == -1 @skip_if_server_version_lt('5.0.0') def test_restore_idletime(self, r): key = 'yayakey' r.set(key, 'blee!') dumpdata = r.dump(key) r.delete(key) assert r.restore(key, 0, dumpdata, idletime=5) assert r.get(key) == b'blee!' @skip_if_server_version_lt('5.0.0') def test_restore_frequency(self, r): key = 'yayakey' r.set(key, 'blee!') dumpdata = r.dump(key) r.delete(key) assert r.restore(key, 0, dumpdata, frequency=5) assert r.get(key) == b'blee!' @skip_if_server_version_lt('5.0.0') @skip_if_redis_enterprise def test_replicaof(self, r): with pytest.raises(redis.ResponseError): assert r.replicaof("NO ONE") assert r.replicaof("NO", "ONE") class TestBinarySave: def test_binary_get_set(self, r): assert r.set(' foo bar ', '123') assert r.get(' foo bar ') == b'123' assert r.set(' foo\r\nbar\r\n ', '456') assert r.get(' foo\r\nbar\r\n ') == b'456' assert r.set(' \r\n\t\x07\x13 ', '789') assert r.get(' \r\n\t\x07\x13 ') == b'789' assert sorted(r.keys('*')) == \ [b' \r\n\t\x07\x13 ', b' foo\r\nbar\r\n ', b' foo bar '] assert r.delete(' foo bar ') assert r.delete(' foo\r\nbar\r\n ') assert r.delete(' \r\n\t\x07\x13 ') def test_binary_lists(self, r): mapping = { b'foo bar': [b'1', b'2', b'3'], b'foo\r\nbar\r\n': [b'4', b'5', b'6'], b'foo\tbar\x07': [b'7', b'8', b'9'], } # fill in lists for key, value in mapping.items(): r.rpush(key, *value) # check that KEYS returns all the keys as they are assert sorted(r.keys('*')) == sorted(mapping.keys()) # check that it is possible to get list content by key name for key, value in mapping.items(): assert r.lrange(key, 0, -1) == value def test_22_info(self, r): """ Older Redis versions contained 'allocation_stats' in INFO that was the cause of a number of bugs when parsing. """ info = "allocation_stats:6=1,7=1,8=7141,9=180,10=92,11=116,12=5330," \ "13=123,14=3091,15=11048,16=225842,17=1784,18=814,19=12020," \ "20=2530,21=645,22=15113,23=8695,24=142860,25=318,26=3303," \ "27=20561,28=54042,29=37390,30=1884,31=18071,32=31367,33=160," \ "34=169,35=201,36=10155,37=1045,38=15078,39=22985,40=12523," \ "41=15588,42=265,43=1287,44=142,45=382,46=945,47=426,48=171," \ "49=56,50=516,51=43,52=41,53=46,54=54,55=75,56=647,57=332," \ "58=32,59=39,60=48,61=35,62=62,63=32,64=221,65=26,66=30," \ "67=36,68=41,69=44,70=26,71=144,72=169,73=24,74=37,75=25," \ "76=42,77=21,78=126,79=374,80=27,81=40,82=43,83=47,84=46," \ "85=114,86=34,87=37,88=7240,89=34,90=38,91=18,92=99,93=20," \ "94=18,95=17,96=15,97=22,98=18,99=69,100=17,101=22,102=15," \ "103=29,104=39,105=30,106=70,107=22,108=21,109=26,110=52," \ "111=45,112=33,113=67,114=41,115=44,116=48,117=53,118=54," \ "119=51,120=75,121=44,122=57,123=44,124=66,125=56,126=52," \ "127=81,128=108,129=70,130=50,131=51,132=53,133=45,134=62," \ "135=12,136=13,137=7,138=15,139=21,140=11,141=20,142=6,143=7," \ "144=11,145=6,146=16,147=19,148=1112,149=1,151=83,154=1," \ "155=1,156=1,157=1,160=1,161=1,162=2,166=1,169=1,170=1,171=2," \ "172=1,174=1,176=2,177=9,178=34,179=73,180=30,181=1,185=3," \ "187=1,188=1,189=1,192=1,196=1,198=1,200=1,201=1,204=1,205=1," \ "207=1,208=1,209=1,214=2,215=31,216=78,217=28,218=5,219=2," \ "220=1,222=1,225=1,227=1,234=1,242=1,250=1,252=1,253=1," \ ">=256=203" parsed = parse_info(info) assert 'allocation_stats' in parsed assert '6' in parsed['allocation_stats'] assert '>=256' in parsed['allocation_stats'] @skip_if_redis_enterprise def test_large_responses(self, r): "The PythonParser has some special cases for return values > 1MB" # load up 5MB of data into a key data = ''.join([ascii_letters] * (5000000 // len(ascii_letters))) r['a'] = data assert r['a'] == data.encode() def test_floating_point_encoding(self, r): """ High precision floating point values sent to the server should keep precision. """ timestamp = 1349673917.939762 r.zadd('a', {'a1': timestamp}) assert r.zscore('a', 'a1') == timestamp