import pytest from .conftest import ( skip_if_redis_enterprise, skip_ifnot_redis_enterprise, wait_for_command, ) @pytest.mark.onlynoncluster class TestMonitor: def test_wait_command_not_found(self, r): "Make sure the wait_for_command func works when command is not found" with r.monitor() as m: response = wait_for_command(r, m, "nothing") assert response is None def test_response_values(self, r): db = r.connection_pool.connection_kwargs.get("db", 0) with r.monitor() as m: response = wait_for_command(r, m, "PING") assert isinstance(response["time"], float) assert response["db"] == db assert response["client_type"] in ("tcp", "unix") assert isinstance(response["client_address"], str) assert isinstance(response["client_port"], str) assert response["command"] == "PING" def test_command_with_quoted_key(self, r): with r.monitor() as m: r.get('foo"bar') response = wait_for_command(r, m, 'GET foo"bar') assert response["command"] == 'GET foo"bar' def test_command_with_binary_data(self, r): with r.monitor() as m: byte_string = b"foo\x92" r.get(byte_string) response = wait_for_command(r, m, "GET foo\\x92") assert response["command"] == "GET foo\\x92" def test_command_with_escaped_data(self, r): with r.monitor() as m: byte_string = b"foo\\x92" r.get(byte_string) response = wait_for_command(r, m, "GET foo\\\\x92") assert response["command"] == "GET foo\\\\x92" @skip_if_redis_enterprise() def test_lua_script(self, r): with r.monitor() as m: script = 'return"GET", "foo")' assert r.eval(script, 0) is None response = wait_for_command(r, m, "GET foo") assert response["command"] == "GET foo" assert response["client_type"] == "lua" assert response["client_address"] == "lua" assert response["client_port"] == "" @skip_ifnot_redis_enterprise() def test_lua_script_in_enterprise(self, r): with r.monitor() as m: script = 'return"GET", "foo")' assert r.eval(script, 0) is None response = wait_for_command(r, m, "GET foo") assert response is None