import pytest import multiprocessing import contextlib import redis from redis.connection import Connection, ConnectionPool from redis.exceptions import ConnectionError from .conftest import _get_client @contextlib.contextmanager def exit_callback(callback, *args): try: yield finally: callback(*args) class TestMultiprocessing: # Test connection sharing between forks. # See issue #1085 for details. # use a multi-connection client as that's the only type that is # actually fork/process-safe @pytest.fixture() def r(self, request): return _get_client( redis.Redis, request=request, single_connection_client=False) def test_close_connection_in_child(self, master_host): """ A connection owned by a parent and closed by a child doesn't destroy the file descriptors so a parent can still use it. """ conn = Connection(host=master_host) conn.send_command('ping') assert conn.read_response() == b'PONG' def target(conn): conn.send_command('ping') assert conn.read_response() == b'PONG' conn.disconnect() proc = multiprocessing.Process(target=target, args=(conn,)) proc.start() proc.join(3) assert proc.exitcode == 0 # The connection was created in the parent but disconnected in the # child. The child called socket.close() but did not call # socket.shutdown() because it wasn't the "owning" process. # Therefore the connection still works in the parent. conn.send_command('ping') assert conn.read_response() == b'PONG' def test_close_connection_in_parent(self, master_host): """ A connection owned by a parent is unusable by a child if the parent (the owning process) closes the connection. """ conn = Connection(host=master_host) conn.send_command('ping') assert conn.read_response() == b'PONG' def target(conn, ev): ev.wait() # the parent closed the connection. because it also created the # connection, the connection is shutdown and the child # cannot use it. with pytest.raises(ConnectionError): conn.send_command('ping') ev = multiprocessing.Event() proc = multiprocessing.Process(target=target, args=(conn, ev)) proc.start() conn.disconnect() ev.set() proc.join(3) assert proc.exitcode == 0 @pytest.mark.parametrize('max_connections', [1, 2, None]) def test_pool(self, max_connections, master_host): """ A child will create its own connections when using a pool created by a parent. """ pool = ConnectionPool.from_url('redis://{}'.format(master_host), max_connections=max_connections) conn = pool.get_connection('ping') main_conn_pid = with exit_callback(pool.release, conn): conn.send_command('ping') assert conn.read_response() == b'PONG' def target(pool): with exit_callback(pool.disconnect): conn = pool.get_connection('ping') assert != main_conn_pid with exit_callback(pool.release, conn): assert conn.send_command('ping') is None assert conn.read_response() == b'PONG' proc = multiprocessing.Process(target=target, args=(pool,)) proc.start() proc.join(3) assert proc.exitcode == 0 # Check that connection is still alive after fork process has exited # and disconnected the connections in its pool conn = pool.get_connection('ping') with exit_callback(pool.release, conn): assert conn.send_command('ping') is None assert conn.read_response() == b'PONG' @pytest.mark.parametrize('max_connections', [1, 2, None]) def test_close_pool_in_main(self, max_connections, master_host): """ A child process that uses the same pool as its parent isn't affected when the parent disconnects all connections within the pool. """ pool = ConnectionPool.from_url('redis://{}'.format(master_host), max_connections=max_connections) conn = pool.get_connection('ping') assert conn.send_command('ping') is None assert conn.read_response() == b'PONG' def target(pool, disconnect_event): conn = pool.get_connection('ping') with exit_callback(pool.release, conn): assert conn.send_command('ping') is None assert conn.read_response() == b'PONG' disconnect_event.wait() assert conn.send_command('ping') is None assert conn.read_response() == b'PONG' ev = multiprocessing.Event() proc = multiprocessing.Process(target=target, args=(pool, ev)) proc.start() pool.disconnect() ev.set() proc.join(3) assert proc.exitcode == 0 def test_redis_client(self, r): "A redis client created in a parent can also be used in a child" assert is True def target(client): assert is True del client proc = multiprocessing.Process(target=target, args=(r,)) proc.start() proc.join(3) assert proc.exitcode == 0 assert is True