import pytest from redis import exceptions from tests.conftest import skip_if_server_version_lt multiply_script = """ local value ='GET', KEYS[1]) value = tonumber(value) return value * ARGV[1]""" msgpack_hello_script = """ local message = cmsgpack.unpack(ARGV[1]) local name = message['name'] return "hello " .. name """ msgpack_hello_script_broken = """ local message = cmsgpack.unpack(ARGV[1]) local names = message['name'] return "hello " .. name """ @pytest.mark.onlynoncluster class TestScripting: @pytest.fixture(autouse=True) def reset_scripts(self, r): r.script_flush() def test_eval(self, r): r.set("a", 2) # 2 * 3 == 6 assert r.eval(multiply_script, 1, "a", 3) == 6 @skip_if_server_version_lt("6.2.0") def test_script_flush_620(self, r): r.set("a", 2) r.script_load(multiply_script) r.script_flush("ASYNC") r.set("a", 2) r.script_load(multiply_script) r.script_flush("SYNC") r.set("a", 2) r.script_load(multiply_script) r.script_flush() with pytest.raises(exceptions.DataError): r.set("a", 2) r.script_load(multiply_script) r.script_flush("NOTREAL") def test_script_flush(self, r): r.set("a", 2) r.script_load(multiply_script) r.script_flush(None) with pytest.raises(exceptions.DataError): r.set("a", 2) r.script_load(multiply_script) r.script_flush("NOTREAL") def test_evalsha(self, r): r.set("a", 2) sha = r.script_load(multiply_script) # 2 * 3 == 6 assert r.evalsha(sha, 1, "a", 3) == 6 def test_evalsha_script_not_loaded(self, r): r.set("a", 2) sha = r.script_load(multiply_script) # remove the script from Redis's cache r.script_flush() with pytest.raises(exceptions.NoScriptError): r.evalsha(sha, 1, "a", 3) def test_script_loading(self, r): # get the sha, then clear the cache sha = r.script_load(multiply_script) r.script_flush() assert r.script_exists(sha) == [False] r.script_load(multiply_script) assert r.script_exists(sha) == [True] def test_script_object(self, r): r.set("a", 2) multiply = r.register_script(multiply_script) precalculated_sha = multiply.sha assert precalculated_sha assert r.script_exists(multiply.sha) == [False] # Test second evalsha block (after NoScriptError) assert multiply(keys=["a"], args=[3]) == 6 # At this point, the script should be loaded assert r.script_exists(multiply.sha) == [True] # Test that the precalculated sha matches the one from redis assert multiply.sha == precalculated_sha # Test first evalsha block assert multiply(keys=["a"], args=[3]) == 6 def test_script_object_in_pipeline(self, r): multiply = r.register_script(multiply_script) precalculated_sha = multiply.sha assert precalculated_sha pipe = r.pipeline() pipe.set("a", 2) pipe.get("a") multiply(keys=["a"], args=[3], client=pipe) assert r.script_exists(multiply.sha) == [False] # [SET worked, GET 'a', result of multiple script] assert pipe.execute() == [True, b"2", 6] # The script should have been loaded by pipe.execute() assert r.script_exists(multiply.sha) == [True] # The precalculated sha should have been the correct one assert multiply.sha == precalculated_sha # purge the script from redis's cache and re-run the pipeline # the multiply script should be reloaded by pipe.execute() r.script_flush() pipe = r.pipeline() pipe.set("a", 2) pipe.get("a") multiply(keys=["a"], args=[3], client=pipe) assert r.script_exists(multiply.sha) == [False] # [SET worked, GET 'a', result of multiple script] assert pipe.execute() == [True, b"2", 6] assert r.script_exists(multiply.sha) == [True] def test_eval_msgpack_pipeline_error_in_lua(self, r): msgpack_hello = r.register_script(msgpack_hello_script) assert msgpack_hello.sha pipe = r.pipeline() # avoiding a dependency to msgpack, this is the output of # msgpack.dumps({"name": "joe"}) msgpack_message_1 = b"\x81\xa4name\xa3Joe" msgpack_hello(args=[msgpack_message_1], client=pipe) assert r.script_exists(msgpack_hello.sha) == [False] assert pipe.execute()[0] == b"hello Joe" assert r.script_exists(msgpack_hello.sha) == [True] msgpack_hello_broken = r.register_script(msgpack_hello_script_broken) msgpack_hello_broken(args=[msgpack_message_1], client=pipe) with pytest.raises(exceptions.ResponseError) as excinfo: pipe.execute() assert excinfo.type == exceptions.ResponseError