[tool.poetry] name = "requests-cache" version = "1.0.1" description = "A persistent cache for python requests" authors = ["Roman Haritonov", "Jordan Cook"] license = "BSD-2-Clause" readme = "README.md" documentation = "https://requests-cache.readthedocs.io" homepage = "https://github.com/requests-cache/requests-cache" repository = "https://github.com/requests-cache/requests-cache" keywords = ["requests", "python-requests", "cache", "http", "http-client", "web", "webscraping", "performance", "sqlite", "redis", "mongodb", "gridfs", "dynamodb"] classifiers = [ "Development Status :: 5 - Production/Stable", "Intended Audience :: Developers", "Topic :: Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules", "Typing :: Typed", ] include = [ {format="sdist", path="*.md"}, {format="sdist", path="*.yml"}, {format="sdist", path="docs"}, {format="sdist", path="examples"}, {format="sdist", path="tests"}, ] [tool.poetry.urls] "Changelog" = "https://requests-cache.readthedocs.io/en/stable/project_info/history.html" "Issues" = "https://github.com/requests-cache/requests-cache/issues" [tool.poetry.dependencies] python = "^3.7" # requests requires python >=3.7, <4.0 # Required dependencies requests = ">=2.22" # Needs no introduction urllib3 = ">=1.25.5" # Use a slightly newer version than required by requests (for bugfixes) attrs = ">=21.2" # For response data models cattrs = ">=22.2" # For response serialization platformdirs = ">=2.5" # For features that use platform-specific system directories url-normalize = ">=1.4" # For more accurate request matching # Optional backend dependencies boto3 = {optional=true, version=">=1.15"} botocore = {optional=true, version=">=1.18"} pymongo = {optional=true, version=">=3"} redis = {optional=true, version=">=3"} # Optional serialization dependencies bson = {optional=true, version=">=0.5"} itsdangerous = {optional=true, version=">=2.0"} pyyaml = {optional=true, version=">=5.4"} ujson = {optional=true, version=">=5.4"} # Dependencies for building documentation; # defined here because readthedocs doesn't (yet?) support poetry.dev-dependencies furo = {optional=true, version="^2023.3"} linkify-it-py = {optional=true, version="^2.0"} myst-parser = {optional=true, version="^1.0"} sphinx = {optional=true, version="^5.0.2"} sphinx-autodoc-typehints = {optional=true, version=">=1.19"} sphinx-automodapi = {optional=true, version=">=0.14"} sphinx-copybutton = {optional=true, version=">=0.5"} sphinx-design = {optional=true, version=">=0.2"} sphinx-notfound-page = {optional=true, version=">=0.8"} sphinxcontrib-apidoc = {optional=true, version=">=0.3"} sphinxext-opengraph = {optional=true, version=">=0.6"} [tool.poetry.extras] # Package extras for optional backend dependencies dynamodb = ["boto3", "botocore"] mongodb = ["pymongo"] redis = ["redis"] # Package extras for optional seriazliation dependencies bson = ["bson"] # BSON comes with pymongo, but can also be used as a standalone codec json = ["ujson"] # Will optionally be used by JSON serializer for improved performance security = ["itsdangerous"] yaml = ["pyyaml"] # All optional packages combined, for demo/evaluation purposes all = ["boto3", "botocore", "itsdangerous", "pymongo", "pyyaml", "redis", "ujson"] # Documentation docs = ["furo", "linkify-it-py", "myst-parser", "sphinx", "sphinx-autodoc-typehints", "sphinx-automodapi", "sphinx-copybutton", "sphinx-design", "sphinx-notfound-page", "sphinxcontrib-apidoc", "sphinxext-opengraph"] [tool.poetry.dev-dependencies] # For unit + integration tests coverage = "^7.1" psutil = "^5.0" pytest = "^7.2" pytest-clarity = "^1.0.1" pytest-cov = ">=3.0" pytest-rerunfailures = "^10.1" pytest-xdist = ">=2.2" requests-mock = "^1.9" responses = "0.19.0" tenacity = "^8.0" timeout-decorator = "^0.5" time-machine = {version = "^2.9", markers = "implementation_name != 'pypy'"} # Tools for linting, type checking, etc. are managed with pre-commit pre-commit = "^2.19" # For convenience in local development nox = "^2022.1.7" nox-poetry = "^1.0.0" rich = ">=10.0" sphinx-autobuild = "^2021.3.14" # Workaround for missing dependency on python 3.7 zipp = {version = ">=3.8", python = "<3.8"} [build-system] requires = ["poetry-core>=1.0.0"] build-backend = "poetry.core.masonry.api" [tool.black] line-length = 100 skip-string-normalization = true [tool.coverage.html] directory = 'test-reports' [tool.coverage.xml] output = 'test-reports/coverage.xml' [tool.coverage.run] branch = true source = ['requests_cache'] omit = [ 'requests_cache/__init__.py', 'requests_cache/backends/__init__.py', 'requests_cache/models/__init__.py', 'requests_cache/serializers/__init__.py', ] [tool.coverage.report] exclude_lines = [ 'pragma: no cover', 'if TYPE_CHECKING:', 'if logger.level', 'except ImportError:', ] [tool.isort] profile = 'black' line_length = 100 skip_gitignore = true skip = [ 'examples/', 'tests/compat/', ] known_first_party = ['tests'] [tool.mypy] ignore_missing_imports = true