""" Utilities to break down :py:class:`.CachedResponse` objects into a dict of python builtin types using `cattrs `_. This does the majority of the work needed for all serialization formats. .. automodsumm:: requests_cache.serializers.cattrs :classes-only: :nosignatures: .. automodsumm:: requests_cache.serializers.cattrs :functions-only: :nosignatures: """ from datetime import datetime, timedelta from decimal import Decimal from json import JSONDecodeError from typing import Callable, Dict, ForwardRef, MutableMapping, Optional from cattr import Converter from requests.cookies import RequestsCookieJar, cookiejar_from_dict from requests.exceptions import RequestException from requests.structures import CaseInsensitiveDict from ..models import CachedResponse, DecodedContent from .pipeline import Stage try: import ujson as json except ImportError: import json # type: ignore class CattrStage(Stage): """Base serializer class that does pre/post-processing with ``cattrs``. This can be used either on its own, or as a stage within a :py:class:`.SerializerPipeline`. Args: factory: A callable that returns a ``cattrs`` converter to start from instead of a new ``Converter``. Mainly useful for preconf converters. decode_content: Save response body in human-readable format, if possible Notes on ``decode_content`` option: * Response body will be decoded into a human-readable format (if possible) during serialization, and re-encoded during deserialization to reconstruct the original response. * Supported Content-Types are ``application/json`` and ``text/*``. All other types will be saved as-is. * Decoded responses are saved in a separate ``_decoded_content`` attribute, to ensure that ``_content`` is always binary. * This is the default behavior for Filesystem, DynamoDB, and MongoDB backends. """ def __init__( self, factory: Optional[Callable[..., Converter]] = None, decode_content: bool = False, **kwargs ): self.converter = init_converter(factory, **kwargs) self.decode_content = decode_content def dumps(self, value: CachedResponse) -> Dict: if not isinstance(value, CachedResponse): return value response_dict = self.converter.unstructure(value) return _decode_content(value, response_dict) if self.decode_content else response_dict def loads(self, value: Dict) -> CachedResponse: if not isinstance(value, MutableMapping): return value return _encode_content(self.converter.structure(value, cl=CachedResponse)) def init_converter( factory: Optional[Callable[..., Converter]] = None, convert_datetime: bool = True, convert_timedelta: bool = True, ) -> Converter: """Make a converter to structure and unstructure nested objects within a :py:class:`.CachedResponse` Args: factory: An optional factory function that returns a ``cattrs`` converter convert_datetime: May be set to ``False`` for pre-configured converters that already have datetime support """ factory = factory or Converter try: converter = factory(omit_if_default=True) # Handle previous versions of cattrs (<22.2) that don't support this argument except TypeError: converter = factory() # Convert datetimes to and from iso-formatted strings if convert_datetime: converter.register_unstructure_hook(datetime, lambda obj: obj.isoformat() if obj else None) converter.register_structure_hook(datetime, _to_datetime) # Convert timedeltas to and from float values in seconds if convert_timedelta: converter.register_unstructure_hook( timedelta, lambda obj: obj.total_seconds() if obj else None ) converter.register_structure_hook(timedelta, _to_timedelta) # Convert dict-like objects to and from plain dicts converter.register_unstructure_hook(RequestsCookieJar, lambda obj: dict(obj.items())) converter.register_structure_hook(RequestsCookieJar, lambda obj, cls: cookiejar_from_dict(obj)) converter.register_unstructure_hook(CaseInsensitiveDict, dict) converter.register_structure_hook( CaseInsensitiveDict, lambda obj, cls: CaseInsensitiveDict(obj) ) # Convert decoded JSON body back to string converter.register_structure_hook( DecodedContent, lambda obj, cls: json.dumps(obj) if isinstance(obj, dict) else obj ) # Resolve forward references (required for CachedResponse.history) converter.register_unstructure_hook_func( lambda cls: cls.__class__ is ForwardRef, lambda obj, cls=None: converter.unstructure(obj, cls.__forward_value__ if cls else None), ) converter.register_structure_hook_func( lambda cls: cls.__class__ is ForwardRef, lambda obj, cls: converter.structure(obj, cls.__forward_value__), ) return converter def make_decimal_timedelta_converter(**kwargs) -> Converter: """Make a converter that uses Decimals instead of floats to represent timedelta objects""" converter = Converter(**kwargs) converter.register_unstructure_hook( timedelta, lambda obj: Decimal(str(obj.total_seconds())) if obj else None ) converter.register_structure_hook(timedelta, _to_timedelta) return converter def _decode_content(response: CachedResponse, response_dict: Dict) -> Dict: """Decode response body into a human-readable format, if possible""" # Decode body as JSON if response.headers.get('Content-Type') == 'application/json': try: response_dict['_decoded_content'] = response.json() response_dict.pop('_content', None) except (JSONDecodeError, RequestException): pass # Decode body as text if response.headers.get('Content-Type', '').startswith('text/'): response_dict['_decoded_content'] = response.text response_dict.pop('_content', None) # Otherwise, it is most likely a binary body return response_dict def _encode_content(response: CachedResponse) -> CachedResponse: """Re-encode response body if saved as JSON or text; has no effect for a binary response body""" if isinstance(response._decoded_content, str): response._content = response._decoded_content.encode('utf-8') response._decoded_content = None response.encoding = 'utf-8' # Set encoding explicitly so requests doesn't have to guess response.headers['Content-Length'] = str(len(response._content)) # Size may have changed return response def _to_datetime(obj, cls) -> datetime: if isinstance(obj, str): obj = datetime.fromisoformat(obj) return obj def _to_timedelta(obj, cls) -> timedelta: if isinstance(obj, (int, float)): obj = timedelta(seconds=obj) elif isinstance(obj, Decimal): obj = timedelta(seconds=float(obj)) return obj