"""Fixtures that will be automatically picked up by pytest Short description: * The ``mock_session`` fixture uses pre-configured mock requests, and should be used for unit tests. * The ``tempfile_session`` fixture makes real HTTP requests, and should be used for integration tests. Note: The protocol ``http(s)+mock://`` helps :py:class:`requests_mock.Adapter` play nicely with :py:class:`requests.PreparedRequest`. More info here: https://requests-mock.readthedocs.io/en/latest/adapter.html """ import os import platform import warnings from contextlib import contextmanager from datetime import datetime, timedelta from functools import wraps from importlib import import_module from logging import basicConfig, getLogger from pathlib import Path from unittest.mock import MagicMock, patch from uuid import uuid4 import pytest import requests from requests import Request from requests_mock import ANY as ANY_METHOD from requests_mock import Adapter from rich.logging import RichHandler from timeout_decorator import timeout from requests_cache import ALL_METHODS, CachedSession, install_cache, uninstall_cache # Configure logging to show log output when tests fail (or with pytest -s) basicConfig( level='INFO', format='%(message)s', datefmt='[%m-%d %H:%M:%S]', handlers=[RichHandler(rich_tracebacks=True, markup=True)], ) # getLogger('requests_cache').setLevel('DEBUG') logger = getLogger(__name__) # Allow running longer stress tests with an environment variable STRESS_TEST_MULTIPLIER = int(os.getenv('STRESS_TEST_MULTIPLIER', '1')) N_WORKERS = 2 * STRESS_TEST_MULTIPLIER N_ITERATIONS = 4 * STRESS_TEST_MULTIPLIER N_REQUESTS_PER_ITERATION = 10 + 10 * STRESS_TEST_MULTIPLIER HTTPBIN_METHODS = ['GET', 'POST', 'PUT', 'PATCH', 'DELETE'] HTTPBIN_FORMATS = [ 'brotli', 'deflate', 'deny', 'encoding/utf8', 'gzip', 'html', 'image/jpeg', 'image/png', 'image/svg', 'image/webp', 'json', 'robots.txt', 'xml', ] HTTPDATE_STR = 'Fri, 16 APR 2021 21:13:00 GMT' HTTPDATE_DATETIME = datetime(2021, 4, 16, 21, 13) EXPIRED_DT = datetime.utcnow() - timedelta(1) ETAG = '"644b5b0155e6404a9cc4bd9d8b1ae730"' LAST_MODIFIED = 'Thu, 05 Jul 2012 15:31:30 GMT' MOCKED_URL = 'http+mock://requests-cache.com/text' MOCKED_URL_ETAG = 'http+mock://requests-cache.com/etag' MOCKED_URL_HTTPS = 'https+mock://requests-cache.com/text' MOCKED_URL_JSON = 'http+mock://requests-cache.com/json' MOCKED_URL_REDIRECT = 'http+mock://requests-cache.com/redirect' MOCKED_URL_REDIRECT_TARGET = 'http+mock://requests-cache.com/redirect_target' MOCKED_URL_VARY = 'http+mock://requests-cache.com/vary' MOCKED_URL_404 = 'http+mock://requests-cache.com/nonexistent' MOCKED_URL_500 = 'http+mock://requests-cache.com/answer?q=this-statement-is-false' MOCK_PROTOCOLS = ['mock://', 'http+mock://', 'https+mock://'] CACHE_NAME = 'pytest_cache' PROJECT_DIR = Path(__file__).parent.parent.absolute() SAMPLE_DATA_DIR = PROJECT_DIR / 'tests' / 'sample_data' SAMPLE_CACHE_FILES = list(SAMPLE_DATA_DIR.glob('sample.db.*')) def httpbin(path): """Get the url for either a local or remote httpbin instance""" base_url = os.getenv('HTTPBIN_URL', 'http://localhost:80').rstrip('/') return f'{base_url}/{path}' try: import pytest_httpbin # noqa: F401 USE_PYTEST_HTTPBIN = os.getenv('USE_PYTEST_HTTPBIN', '').lower() == 'true' except ImportError: USE_PYTEST_HTTPBIN = False @pytest.fixture(scope='session', autouse=USE_PYTEST_HTTPBIN) def httpbin_wrapper(httpbin): """Allow pytest-httpbin to be used instead of the httpbin Docker container. This fixture does not need to be used manually. It will be autoused if both: * pytest-httpbin is installed * The environment variable USE_PYTEST_HTTPBIN is set to 'true' """ logger.info('Using pytest-httpin for integration tests') os.environ['HTTPBIN_URL'] = httpbin.url return httpbin @pytest.fixture(scope='function') def mock_session(tempfile_session) -> CachedSession: """Fixture for combining requests-cache with requests-mock. This will behave the same as a CachedSession, except it will make mock requests for ``mock://`` URLs, if it hasn't been cached already. For example, ``mock_session.get(MOCKED_URL)`` will return a mock response on the first call, and a cached mock response on the second call. Additional mock responses can be added via ``mock_session.mock_adapter.register_uri()``. This uses a temporary SQLite db stored in ``/tmp``, which will be removed after the fixture has exited. """ yield mount_mock_adapter(tempfile_session) @pytest.fixture(scope='function') def tempfile_session(tempfile_path) -> CachedSession: """Get a CachedSession using a temporary SQLite db""" yield CachedSession( cache_name=tempfile_path, backend='sqlite', allowable_methods=ALL_METHODS, ) @pytest.fixture(scope='function') def tempfile_path(tmpdir) -> str: """Get a unique tempfile path""" yield str(tmpdir / f'{uuid4()}.db') @pytest.fixture(scope='function') def installed_session(tempfile_path) -> CachedSession: """Get a CachedSession using a temporary SQLite db, with global patching. Installs cache before test and uninstalls after. """ install_cache( cache_name=tempfile_path, backend='sqlite', allowable_methods=ALL_METHODS, ) yield requests.Session() uninstall_cache() def mount_mock_adapter(session: CachedSession) -> CachedSession: adapter = get_mock_adapter() for protocol in MOCK_PROTOCOLS: session.mount(protocol, adapter) session.mock_adapter = adapter return session def get_mock_adapter() -> Adapter: """Get a requests-mock Adapter with some URLs mocked by default""" adapter = Adapter() adapter.register_uri( ANY_METHOD, MOCKED_URL, headers={'Content-Type': 'text/plain'}, text='mock response', status_code=200, ) adapter.register_uri( ANY_METHOD, MOCKED_URL_ETAG, headers={'ETag': ETAG}, status_code=200, ) adapter.register_uri( ANY_METHOD, MOCKED_URL_HTTPS, headers={'Content-Type': 'text/plain'}, text='mock https response', status_code=200, ) adapter.register_uri( ANY_METHOD, MOCKED_URL_JSON, headers={'Content-Type': 'application/json'}, json={'message': 'mock json response'}, status_code=200, ) adapter.register_uri( ANY_METHOD, MOCKED_URL_REDIRECT, headers={'Content-Type': 'text/plain', 'Location': MOCKED_URL_REDIRECT_TARGET}, text='mock redirect response', status_code=302, ) adapter.register_uri( ANY_METHOD, MOCKED_URL_REDIRECT_TARGET, headers={'Content-Type': 'text/plain'}, text='mock redirected response', status_code=200, ) adapter.register_uri( ANY_METHOD, MOCKED_URL_VARY, headers={'Content-Type': 'text/plain', 'Vary': 'Accept'}, text='mock response with Vary header', status_code=200, ) adapter.register_uri(ANY_METHOD, MOCKED_URL_404, status_code=404) adapter.register_uri(ANY_METHOD, MOCKED_URL_500, status_code=500) return adapter def get_mock_response( method='GET', url='https://img.site.com/base/img.jpg', status_code=200, headers={}, request_headers={}, ): return MagicMock( url=url, status_code=status_code, headers=headers, request=Request(method=method, url=url, headers=request_headers), ) def assert_delta_approx_equal(dt1: datetime, dt2: datetime, target_delta, threshold_seconds=2): """Assert that the given datetimes are approximately ``target_delta`` seconds apart""" diff_in_seconds = (dt2 - dt1).total_seconds() assert abs(diff_in_seconds - target_delta) <= threshold_seconds def fail_if_no_connection(connect_timeout: float = 1.0) -> bool: """Decorator for testing a backend connection. This will intentionally cause a test failure if the wrapped function doesn't have dependencies installed, doesn't connect after a short timeout, or raises any exceptions. This allows us to fail quickly for backends that aren't set up, rather than hanging for an extended period of time. """ def decorator(func): @wraps(func) def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): try: timeout(connect_timeout, use_signals=False)(func)(*args, **kwargs) except Exception as e: logger.error(e) pytest.fail('Could not connect to backend') return wrapper return decorator def is_installed(module_name: str) -> bool: """Check if a given dependency is installed""" try: import_module(module_name) return True except ImportError: return False def skip_missing_deps(module_name: str) -> pytest.Mark: return pytest.mark.skipif( not is_installed(module_name), reason=f'{module_name} is not installed' ) @contextmanager def ignore_deprecation(): """Temporarily ilence deprecation warnings""" with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter('ignore', category=DeprecationWarning) yield # Some tests must disable url normalization to retain the custom `http+mock://` protocol patch_normalize_url = patch('requests_cache.cache_keys.normalize_url', side_effect=lambda x, y: x) # TODO: Debug OperationalErrors with pypy skip_pypy = pytest.mark.skipif( platform.python_implementation() == 'PyPy', reason='pypy-specific database locking issue', )