from concurrent.futures import ProcessPoolExecutor, ThreadPoolExecutor from logging import getLogger from time import sleep from unittest.mock import patch import pytest from tenacity import retry, retry_if_exception_type, stop_after_attempt, wait_fixed from requests_cache.backends import GridFSCache, GridFSDict, MongoCache, MongoDict from requests_cache.policy import NEVER_EXPIRE from tests.conftest import N_ITERATIONS, fail_if_no_connection, httpbin from tests.integration.base_cache_test import BaseCacheTest from tests.integration.base_storage_test import BaseStorageTest try: from pymongo.errors import ServerSelectionTimeoutError except ImportError: pass logger = getLogger(__name__) @pytest.fixture(scope='module', autouse=True) @fail_if_no_connection(connect_timeout=2) def ensure_connection(): """Fail all tests in this module if MongoDB is not running""" from pymongo import MongoClient client = MongoClient(serverSelectionTimeoutMS=2000) client.server_info() class TestMongoDict(BaseStorageTest): storage_class = MongoDict def test_connection_kwargs(self): """A spot check to make sure optional connection kwargs gets passed to connection""" # MongoClient prevents direct access to private members like __init_kwargs; # need to test indirectly using its repr cache = MongoDict( 'test', host='mongodb://', port=2222, tz_aware=True, connect=False, invalid_kwarg='???', ) assert "host=['']" in repr(cache.connection) assert "tz_aware=True" in repr(cache.connection) class TestMongoCache(BaseCacheTest): backend_class = MongoCache def test_ttl(self): session = self.init_session() session.cache.set_ttl(1) session.get(httpbin('get')) response = session.get(httpbin('get')) assert response.from_cache is True # Wait for removal background process to run # Unfortunately there doesn't seem to be a way to manually trigger it for i in range(70): if response.cache_key not in session.cache.responses: logger.debug(f'Removed {response.cache_key} after {i} seconds') break sleep(1) assert response.cache_key not in session.cache.responses def test_ttl__overwrite(self): session = self.init_session() session.cache.set_ttl(60) # Should have no effect session.cache.set_ttl(360) assert session.cache.get_ttl() == 60 # Should create new index session.cache.set_ttl(360, overwrite=True) assert session.cache.get_ttl() == 360 # Should drop index session.cache.set_ttl(None, overwrite=True) assert session.cache.get_ttl() is None # Should attempt to drop non-existent index and ignore error session.cache.set_ttl(NEVER_EXPIRE, overwrite=True) assert session.cache.get_ttl() is None @retry( retry=retry_if_exception_type(ServerSelectionTimeoutError), reraise=True, stop=stop_after_attempt(5), wait=wait_fixed(5), ) @pytest.mark.parametrize('executor_class', [ThreadPoolExecutor, ProcessPoolExecutor]) @pytest.mark.parametrize('iteration', range(N_ITERATIONS)) def test_concurrency(self, iteration, executor_class): """On GitHub runners, sometimes the MongoDB container is not ready yet by the time this, runs, so some retries are added here. """ super().test_concurrency(iteration, executor_class) class TestGridFSDict(BaseStorageTest): storage_class = GridFSDict picklable = True num_instances = 1 # Only test a single collecton instead of multiple def test_connection_kwargs(self): """A spot check to make sure optional connection kwargs gets passed to connection""" cache = GridFSDict( 'test', host='mongodb://', port=2222, tz_aware=True, connect=False, invalid_kwarg='???', ) assert "host=['']" in repr(cache.connection) assert "tz_aware=True" in repr(cache.connection) def test_corrupt_file(self): """A corrupted file should be handled and raise a KeyError instead""" from gridfs import GridFS from gridfs.errors import CorruptGridFile cache = self.init_cache() cache['key'] = 'value' with pytest.raises(KeyError), patch.object(GridFS, 'find_one', side_effect=CorruptGridFile): cache['key'] def test_file_exists(self): from gridfs import GridFS from gridfs.errors import FileExists cache = self.init_cache() # This write should just quiety fail with patch.object(GridFS, 'put', side_effect=FileExists): cache['key'] = 'value_1' assert 'key' not in cache class TestGridFSCache(BaseCacheTest): backend_class = GridFSCache