import os import pickle from datetime import datetime, timedelta from os.path import join from tempfile import NamedTemporaryFile, gettempdir from threading import Thread from unittest.mock import patch import pytest from platformdirs import user_cache_dir from requests_cache.backends import BaseCache, SQLiteCache, SQLiteDict from requests_cache.backends.sqlite import MEMORY_URI from requests_cache.models import CachedResponse from tests.conftest import skip_pypy from tests.integration.base_cache_test import BaseCacheTest from tests.integration.base_storage_test import CACHE_NAME, BaseStorageTest class TestSQLiteDict(BaseStorageTest): storage_class = SQLiteDict init_kwargs = {'use_temp': True} @classmethod def teardown_class(cls): try: os.unlink(f'{CACHE_NAME}.sqlite') except Exception: pass @patch('requests_cache.backends.sqlite.sqlite3') def test_connection_kwargs(self, mock_sqlite): """A spot check to make sure optional connection kwargs gets passed to connection""" cache = self.storage_class('test', use_temp=True, timeout=0.5, invalid_kwarg='???') mock_sqlite.connect.assert_called_with(cache.db_path, timeout=0.5) def test_use_cache_dir(self): relative_path = self.storage_class(CACHE_NAME).db_path cache_dir_path = self.storage_class(CACHE_NAME, use_cache_dir=True).db_path assert not str(relative_path).startswith(user_cache_dir()) assert str(cache_dir_path).startswith(user_cache_dir()) def test_use_temp(self): relative_path = self.storage_class(CACHE_NAME).db_path temp_path = self.storage_class(CACHE_NAME, use_temp=True).db_path assert not str(relative_path).startswith(gettempdir()) assert str(temp_path).startswith(gettempdir()) def test_use_memory(self): cache = self.init_cache(use_memory=True) assert cache.db_path == MEMORY_URI for i in range(20): cache[f'key_{i}'] = f'value_{i}' for i in range(5): del cache[f'key_{i}'] assert len(cache) == 15 assert set(cache.keys()) == {f'key_{i}' for i in range(5, 20)} assert set(cache.values()) == {f'value_{i}' for i in range(5, 20)} cache.clear() assert len(cache) == 0 def test_use_memory__uri(self): assert self.init_cache(':memory:').db_path == ':memory:' def test_non_dir_parent_exists(self): """Expect a custom error message if a parent path already exists but isn't a directory""" with NamedTemporaryFile() as tmp: with pytest.raises(FileExistsError) as exc_info: self.storage_class(join(, 'invalid_path')) assert 'not a directory' in str(exc_info.value) def test_bulk_commit(self): cache = self.init_cache() with cache.bulk_commit(): pass n_items = 1000 with cache.bulk_commit(): for i in range(n_items): cache[f'key_{i}'] = f'value_{i}' assert set(cache.keys()) == {f'key_{i}' for i in range(n_items)} assert set(cache.values()) == {f'value_{i}' for i in range(n_items)} def test_bulk_delete__chunked(self): """When deleting more items than SQLite can handle in a single statement, it should be chunked into multiple smaller statements """ # Populate the cache with more items than can fit in a single delete statement cache = self.init_cache() with cache.bulk_commit(): for i in range(2000): cache[f'key_{i}'] = f'value_{i}' keys = list(cache.keys()) # First pass to ensure that bulk_delete is split across three statements with patch.object(cache, 'connection') as mock_connection: con = mock_connection().__enter__.return_value cache.bulk_delete(keys) assert con.execute.call_count == 3 # Second pass to actually delete keys and make sure it doesn't explode cache.bulk_delete(keys) assert len(cache) == 0 def test_bulk_commit__noop(self): def do_noop_bulk(cache): with cache.bulk_commit(): pass del cache cache = self.init_cache() thread = Thread(target=do_noop_bulk, args=(cache,)) thread.start() thread.join() # make sure connection is not closed by the thread cache['key_1'] = 'value_1' assert list(cache.keys()) == ['key_1'] def test_switch_commit(self): cache = self.init_cache() cache['key_1'] = 'value_1' cache = self.init_cache(clear=False) assert 'key_1' in cache cache._can_commit = False cache['key_2'] = 'value_2' cache = self.init_cache(clear=False) assert 2 not in cache assert cache._can_commit is True @skip_pypy @pytest.mark.parametrize('kwargs', [{'fast_save': True}, {'wal': True}]) def test_pragma(self, kwargs): """Test settings that make additional PRAGMA statements""" cache_1 = self.init_cache('cache_1', **kwargs) cache_2 = self.init_cache('cache_2', **kwargs) n = 500 for i in range(n): cache_1[f'key_{i}'] = f'value_{i}' cache_2[f'key_{i*2}'] = f'value_{i}' assert set(cache_1.keys()) == {f'key_{i}' for i in range(n)} assert set(cache_2.values()) == {f'value_{i}' for i in range(n)} @skip_pypy @pytest.mark.parametrize('limit', [None, 50]) def test_sorted__by_size(self, limit): cache = self.init_cache() # Insert items with decreasing size for i in range(100): suffix = 'padding' * (100 - i) cache[f'key_{i}'] = f'value_{i}_{suffix}' # Sorted items should be in ascending order by size items = list(cache.sorted(key='size')) assert len(items) == limit or 100 prev_item = None for i, item in enumerate(items): assert prev_item is None or len(prev_item) > len(item) @skip_pypy def test_sorted__reversed(self): cache = self.init_cache() for i in range(100): cache[f'key_{i+1:03}'] = f'value_{i+1}' items = list(cache.sorted(key='key', reversed=True)) assert len(items) == 100 for i, item in enumerate(items): assert item == f'value_{100-i}' @skip_pypy def test_sorted__invalid_sort_key(self): cache = self.init_cache() cache['key_1'] = 'value_1' with pytest.raises(ValueError): list(cache.sorted(key='invalid_key')) @skip_pypy @pytest.mark.parametrize('limit', [None, 50]) def test_sorted__by_expires(self, limit): cache = self.init_cache() now = datetime.utcnow() # Insert items with decreasing expiration time for i in range(100): response = CachedResponse(expires=now + timedelta(seconds=101 - i)) cache[f'key_{i}'] = response # Sorted items should be in ascending order by expiration time items = list(cache.sorted(key='expires')) assert len(items) == limit or 100 prev_item = None for i, item in enumerate(items): assert prev_item is None or prev_item.expires < item.expires @skip_pypy def test_sorted__exclude_expired(self): cache = self.init_cache() now = datetime.utcnow() # Make only odd numbered items expired for i in range(100): delta = 101 - i if i % 2 == 1: delta -= 101 response = CachedResponse(status_code=i, expires=now + timedelta(seconds=delta)) cache[f'key_{i}'] = response # Items should only include unexpired (even numbered) items, and still be in sorted order items = list(cache.sorted(key='expires', expired=False)) assert len(items) == 50 prev_item = None for i, item in enumerate(items): assert prev_item is None or prev_item.expires < item.expires assert item.status_code % 2 == 0 @skip_pypy def test_sorted__error(self): """sorted() should handle deserialization errors and not return invalid responses""" class BadSerializer: def loads(self, value): response = pickle.loads(value) if response.cache_key == 'key_42': raise pickle.PickleError() return response def dumps(self, value): return pickle.dumps(value) cache = self.init_cache(serializer=BadSerializer()) for i in range(100): response = CachedResponse(status_code=i) response.cache_key = f'key_{i}' cache[f'key_{i}'] = response # Items should only include unexpired (even numbered) items, and still be in sorted order items = list(cache.sorted()) assert len(items) == 99 @pytest.mark.parametrize( 'db_path, use_temp', [ ('filesize_test', True), (':memory:', False), ], ) def test_size(self, db_path, use_temp): """Test approximate expected size of a database, for both file-based and in-memory databases""" cache = self.init_cache(db_path, use_temp=use_temp) for i in range(100): cache[f'key_{i}'] = f'value_{i}' assert 10000 < cache.size() < 200000 class TestSQLiteCache(BaseCacheTest): backend_class = SQLiteCache init_kwargs = {'use_temp': True} @classmethod def teardown_class(cls): try: os.unlink(CACHE_NAME) except Exception: pass @patch.object(BaseCache, 'clear', side_effect=IOError) @patch('requests_cache.backends.sqlite.unlink', side_effect=os.unlink) def test_clear__failure(self, mock_unlink, mock_clear): """When a corrupted cache prevents a normal DROP TABLE, clear() should still succeed""" session = self.init_session(clear=False) session.cache.responses['key_1'] = 'value_1' session.cache.clear() assert len(session.cache.responses) == 0 assert mock_unlink.call_count == 1 @patch.object(BaseCache, 'clear', side_effect=IOError) def test_clear__file_already_deleted(self, mock_clear): session = self.init_session(clear=False) session.cache.responses['key_1'] = 'value_1' os.unlink(session.cache.responses.db_path) session.cache.clear() assert len(session.cache.responses) == 0 def test_db_path(self): """This is just provided as an alias, since both requests and redirects share the same db file """ session = self.init_session() assert session.cache.db_path == session.cache.responses.db_path def test_count(self): """count() should work the same as len(), but with the option to exclude expired responses""" session = self.init_session() now = datetime.utcnow() session.cache.responses['key_1'] = CachedResponse(expires=now + timedelta(1)) session.cache.responses['key_2'] = CachedResponse(expires=now - timedelta(1)) assert session.cache.count() == 2 assert session.cache.count(expired=False) == 1 @patch.object(SQLiteDict, 'sorted') def test_filter__expired(self, mock_sorted): """Filtering by expired should use a more efficient SQL query""" session = self.init_session() session.cache.filter() mock_sorted.assert_called_with(expired=True) session.cache.filter(expired=False) mock_sorted.assert_called_with(expired=False) def test_sorted(self): """Test wrapper method for SQLiteDict.sorted(), with all arguments combined""" session = self.init_session(clear=False) now = datetime.utcnow() # Insert items with decreasing expiration time for i in range(500): delta = 1000 - i if i > 400: delta -= 2000 response = CachedResponse(status_code=i, expires=now + timedelta(seconds=delta)) session.cache.responses[f'key_{i}'] = response # Sorted items should be in ascending order by expiration time items = list(session.cache.sorted(key='expires', expired=False, reversed=True, limit=100)) assert len(items) == 100 prev_item = None for i, item in enumerate(items): assert prev_item is None or prev_item.expires < item.expires assert item.cache_key assert not item.is_expired