path: root/routes/
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authorBen Bangert <>2008-06-05 18:33:53 -0700
committerBen Bangert <>2008-06-05 18:33:53 -0700
commit49a7a7f6e67f681ddc1255b51858acca6f3789b8 (patch)
tree00886c089e27d7ec5d05c60fa0358c052e64a857 /routes/
parent3d7363e00da1fc890c0481b2d45e01cb4c62df54 (diff)
Refactored Route and Mapper into their own classes
--HG-- branch : trunk
Diffstat (limited to 'routes/')
1 files changed, 2 insertions, 1361 deletions
diff --git a/routes/ b/routes/
index 0002841..f9e2f64 100644
--- a/routes/
+++ b/routes/
@@ -1,1363 +1,4 @@
"""Route and Mapper core classes"""
-import re
-import sys
-import threading
-import urllib
-from util import _url_quote as url_quote
-from util import controller_scan, RouteException
from routes import request_config
-if sys.version < '2.4':
- from sets import ImmutableSet as frozenset
-import threadinglocal
-def strip_slashes(name):
- """Remove slashes from the beginning and end of a part/URL."""
- if name.startswith('/'):
- name = name[1:]
- if name.endswith('/'):
- name = name[:-1]
- return name
-class Route(object):
- """The Route object holds a route recognition and generation routine.
- See Route.__init__ docs for usage.
- """
- def __init__(self, routepath, **kargs):
- """Initialize a route, with a given routepath for matching/generation
- The set of keyword args will be used as defaults.
- Usage::
- >>> from routes.base import Route
- >>> newroute = Route(':controller/:action/:id')
- >>> newroute.defaults
- {'action': 'index', 'id': None}
- >>> newroute = Route('date/:year/:month/:day', controller="blog",
- ... action="view")
- >>> newroute = Route('archives/:page', controller="blog",
- ... action="by_page", requirements = { 'page':'\d{1,2}' })
- >>> newroute.reqs
- {'page': '\\\d{1,2}'}
- .. Note::
- Route is generally not called directly, a Mapper instance connect
- method should be used to add routes.
- """
- self.routepath = routepath
- self.sub_domains = False
- self.prior = None
- self.minimization = kargs.pop('_minimize', True)
- self.encoding = kargs.pop('_encoding', 'utf-8')
- self.reqs = kargs.get('requirements', {})
- self.decode_errors = 'replace'
- # Don't bother forming stuff we don't need if its a static route
- self.static = kargs.get('_static', False)
- self.filter = kargs.pop('_filter', None)
- self.absolute = kargs.pop('_absolute', False)
- # Pull out the member/collection name if present, this applies only to
- # map.resource
- self.member_name = kargs.pop('_member_name', None)
- self.collection_name = kargs.pop('_collection_name', None)
- self.parent_resource = kargs.pop('_parent_resource', None)
- # Pull out route conditions
- self.conditions = kargs.pop('conditions', None)
- # Determine if explicit behavior should be used
- self.explicit = kargs.pop('_explicit', False)
- # reserved keys that don't count
- reserved_keys = ['requirements']
- # special chars to indicate a natural split in the URL
- self.done_chars = ('/', ',', ';', '.', '#')
- # Strip preceding '/' if present, and not minimizing
- if routepath.startswith('/') and self.minimization:
- routepath = routepath[1:]
- # Build our routelist, and the keys used in the route
- self.routelist = routelist = self._pathkeys(routepath)
- routekeys = frozenset([key['name'] for key in routelist \
- if isinstance(key, dict)])
- if not self.minimization:
- self.make_full_route()
- # Build a req list with all the regexp requirements for our args
- self.req_regs = {}
- for key, val in self.reqs.iteritems():
- self.req_regs[key] = re.compile('^' + val + '$')
- # Update our defaults and set new default keys if needed. defaults
- # needs to be saved
- (self.defaults, defaultkeys) = self._defaults(routekeys,
- reserved_keys, kargs)
- # Save the maximum keys we could utilize
- self.maxkeys = defaultkeys | routekeys
- # Populate our minimum keys, and save a copy of our backward keys for
- # quicker generation later
- (self.minkeys, self.routebackwards) = self._minkeys(routelist[:])
- # Populate our hardcoded keys, these are ones that are set and don't
- # exist in the route
- self.hardcoded = frozenset([key for key in self.maxkeys \
- if key not in routekeys and self.defaults[key] is not None])
- def make_full_route(self):
- """Make a full routelist string for use with non-minimized
- generation"""
- regpath = ''
- for part in self.routelist:
- if isinstance(part, dict):
- regpath += '%(' + part['name'] + ')s'
- else:
- regpath += part
- self.regpath = regpath
- def make_unicode(self, s):
- """Transform the given argument into a unicode string."""
- if isinstance(s, unicode):
- return s
- elif isinstance(s, str):
- return s.decode(self.encoding)
- elif callable(s):
- return s
- else:
- return unicode(s)
- def _pathkeys(self, routepath):
- """Utility function to walk the route, and pull out the valid
- dynamic/wildcard keys."""
- collecting = False
- current = ''
- done_on = ''
- var_type = ''
- just_started = False
- routelist = []
- for char in routepath:
- if char in [':', '*', '{'] and not collecting:
- just_started = True
- collecting = True
- var_type = char
- if char == '{':
- done_on = '}'
- just_started = False
- if len(current) > 0:
- routelist.append(current)
- current = ''
- elif collecting and just_started:
- just_started = False
- if char == '(':
- done_on = ')'
- else:
- current = char
- done_on = self.done_chars + ('-',)
- elif collecting and char not in done_on:
- current += char
- elif collecting:
- collecting = False
- if var_type == '{':
- opts = current.split(':')
- if len(opts) > 1:
- current = opts[0]
- self.reqs[current] = opts[1]
- var_type = ':'
- routelist.append(dict(type=var_type, name=current))
- if char in self.done_chars:
- routelist.append(char)
- done_on = var_type = current = ''
- else:
- current += char
- if collecting:
- routelist.append(dict(type=var_type, name=current))
- elif current:
- routelist.append(current)
- return routelist
- def _minkeys(self, routelist):
- """Utility function to walk the route backwards
- Will also determine the minimum keys we can handle to generate a
- working route.
- routelist is a list of the '/' split route path
- defaults is a dict of all the defaults provided for the route
- """
- minkeys = []
- backcheck = routelist[:]
- # If we don't honor minimization, we need all the keys in the
- # route path
- if not self.minimization:
- for part in backcheck:
- if isinstance(part, dict):
- minkeys.append(part['name'])
- return (frozenset(minkeys), backcheck)
- gaps = False
- backcheck.reverse()
- for part in backcheck:
- if not isinstance(part, dict) and part not in self.done_chars:
- gaps = True
- continue
- elif not isinstance(part, dict):
- continue
- key = part['name']
- if self.defaults.has_key(key) and not gaps:
- continue
- minkeys.append(key)
- gaps = True
- return (frozenset(minkeys), backcheck)
- def _defaults(self, routekeys, reserved_keys, kargs):
- """Creates default set with values stringified
- Put together our list of defaults, stringify non-None values
- and add in our action/id default if they use it and didn't specify it
- defaultkeys is a list of the currently assumed default keys
- routekeys is a list of the keys found in the route path
- reserved_keys is a list of keys that are not
- """
- defaults = {}
- # Add in a controller/action default if they don't exist
- if 'controller' not in routekeys and 'controller' not in kargs \
- and not self.explicit:
- kargs['controller'] = 'content'
- if 'action' not in routekeys and 'action' not in kargs \
- and not self.explicit:
- kargs['action'] = 'index'
- defaultkeys = frozenset([key for key in kargs.keys() \
- if key not in reserved_keys])
- for key in defaultkeys:
- if kargs[key] is not None:
- defaults[key] = self.make_unicode(kargs[key])
- else:
- defaults[key] = None
- if 'action' in routekeys and not defaults.has_key('action') \
- and not self.explicit:
- defaults['action'] = 'index'
- if 'id' in routekeys and not defaults.has_key('id') \
- and not self.explicit:
- defaults['id'] = None
- newdefaultkeys = frozenset([key for key in defaults.keys() \
- if key not in reserved_keys])
- return (defaults, newdefaultkeys)
- def makeregexp(self, clist):
- """Create a regular expression for matching purposes
- Note: This MUST be called before match can function properly.
- clist should be a list of valid controller strings that can be
- matched, for this reason makeregexp should be called by the web
- framework after it knows all available controllers that can be
- utilized.
- """
- if self.minimization:
- (reg, noreqs, allblank) = self.buildnextreg(self.routelist, clist)
- if not reg:
- reg = '/'
- reg = reg + '(/)?' + '$'
- if not reg.startswith('/'):
- reg = '/' + reg
- else:
- reg = self.buildfullreg(clist)
- reg = '^' + reg
- self.regexp = reg
- self.regmatch = re.compile(reg)
- def buildfullreg(self, clist):
- """Build the regexp by iterating through the routelist and replacing
- dicts with the appropriate regexp match"""
- regparts = []
- for part in self.routelist:
- if isinstance(part, dict):
- var = part['name']
- if var == 'controller':
- partmatch = '|'.join(map(re.escape, clist))
- elif part['type'] == ':':
- partmatch = self.reqs.get(var) or '[^/]+?'
- else:
- partmatch = self.reqs.get(var) or '.+?'
- regparts.append('(?P<%s>%s)' % (var, partmatch))
- else:
- regparts.append(re.escape(part))
- regexp = ''.join(regparts) + '$'
- return regexp
- def buildnextreg(self, path, clist):
- """Recursively build our regexp given a path, and a controller list.
- Returns the regular expression string, and two booleans that can be
- ignored as they're only used internally by buildnextreg.
- """
- if path:
- part = path[0]
- else:
- part = ''
- reg = ''
- # noreqs will remember whether the remainder has either a string
- # match, or a non-defaulted regexp match on a key, allblank remembers
- # if the rest could possible be completely empty
- (rest, noreqs, allblank) = ('', True, True)
- if len(path[1:]) > 0:
- self.prior = part
- (rest, noreqs, allblank) = self.buildnextreg(path[1:], clist)
- if isinstance(part, dict) and part['type'] == ':':
- var = part['name']
- partreg = ''
- # First we plug in the proper part matcher
- if self.reqs.has_key(var):
- partreg = '(?P<' + var + '>' + self.reqs[var] + ')'
- elif var == 'controller':
- partreg = '(?P<' + var + '>' + '|'.join(map(re.escape, clist))
- partreg += ')'
- elif self.prior in ['/', '#']:
- partreg = '(?P<' + var + '>[^' + self.prior + ']+?)'
- else:
- if not rest:
- partreg = '(?P<' + var + '>[^%s]+?)' % '/'
- else:
- end = ''.join(self.done_chars)
- rem = rest
- if rem[0] == '\\' and len(rem) > 1:
- rem = rem[1]
- elif rem.startswith('(\\') and len(rem) > 2:
- rem = rem[2]
- else:
- rem = end
- rem = frozenset(rem) | frozenset(['/'])
- partreg = '(?P<' + var + '>[^%s]+?)' % ''.join(rem)
- if self.reqs.has_key(var):
- noreqs = False
- if not self.defaults.has_key(var):
- allblank = False
- noreqs = False
- # Now we determine if its optional, or required. This changes
- # depending on what is in the rest of the match. If noreqs is
- # true, then its possible the entire thing is optional as there's
- # no reqs or string matches.
- if noreqs:
- # The rest is optional, but now we have an optional with a
- # regexp. Wrap to ensure that if we match anything, we match
- # our regexp first. It's still possible we could be completely
- # blank as we have a default
- if self.reqs.has_key(var) and self.defaults.has_key(var):
- reg = '(' + partreg + rest + ')?'
- # Or we have a regexp match with no default, so now being
- # completely blank form here on out isn't possible
- elif self.reqs.has_key(var):
- allblank = False
- reg = partreg + rest
- # If the character before this is a special char, it has to be
- # followed by this
- elif self.defaults.has_key(var) and \
- self.prior in (',', ';', '.'):
- reg = partreg + rest
- # Or we have a default with no regexp, don't touch the allblank
- elif self.defaults.has_key(var):
- reg = partreg + '?' + rest
- # Or we have a key with no default, and no reqs. Not possible
- # to be all blank from here
- else:
- allblank = False
- reg = partreg + rest
- # In this case, we have something dangling that might need to be
- # matched
- else:
- # If they can all be blank, and we have a default here, we know
- # its safe to make everything from here optional. Since
- # something else in the chain does have req's though, we have
- # to make the partreg here required to continue matching
- if allblank and self.defaults.has_key(var):
- reg = '(' + partreg + rest + ')?'
- # Same as before, but they can't all be blank, so we have to
- # require it all to ensure our matches line up right
- else:
- reg = partreg + rest
- elif isinstance(part, dict) and part['type'] == '*':
- var = part['name']
- if noreqs:
- if self.defaults.has_key(var):
- reg = '(?P<' + var + '>.*)' + rest
- else:
- reg = '(?P<' + var + '>.*)' + rest
- allblank = False
- noreqs = False
- else:
- if allblank and self.defaults.has_key(var):
- reg = '(?P<' + var + '>.*)' + rest
- elif self.defaults.has_key(var):
- reg = '(?P<' + var + '>.*)' + rest
- else:
- allblank = False
- noreqs = False
- reg = '(?P<' + var + '>.*)' + rest
- elif part and part[-1] in self.done_chars:
- if allblank:
- reg = re.escape(part[:-1]) + '(' + re.escape(part[-1]) + rest
- reg += ')?'
- else:
- allblank = False
- reg = re.escape(part) + rest
- # We have a normal string here, this is a req, and it prevents us from
- # being all blank
- else:
- noreqs = False
- allblank = False
- reg = re.escape(part) + rest
- return (reg, noreqs, allblank)
- def match(self, url, environ=None, sub_domains=False,
- sub_domains_ignore=None, domain_match=''):
- """Match a url to our regexp.
- While the regexp might match, this operation isn't
- guaranteed as there's other factors that can cause a match to fail
- even though the regexp succeeds (Default that was relied on wasn't
- given, requirement regexp doesn't pass, etc.).
- Therefore the calling function shouldn't assume this will return a
- valid dict, the other possible return is False if a match doesn't work
- out.
- """
- # Static routes don't match, they generate only
- if self.static:
- return False
- if url.endswith('/') and len(url) > 1:
- url = url[:-1]
- match = self.regmatch.match(url)
- if not match:
- return False
- if not environ:
- environ = {}
- sub_domain = None
- if environ.get('HTTP_HOST') and sub_domains:
- host = environ['HTTP_HOST'].split(':')[0]
- sub_match = re.compile('^(.+?)\.%s$' % domain_match)
- subdomain = re.sub(sub_match, r'\1', host)
- if subdomain not in sub_domains_ignore and host != subdomain:
- sub_domain = subdomain
- if self.conditions:
- if self.conditions.has_key('method') and \
- environ.get('REQUEST_METHOD') not in self.conditions['method']:
- return False
- # Check sub-domains?
- use_sd = self.conditions.get('sub_domain')
- if use_sd and not sub_domain:
- return False
- if isinstance(use_sd, list) and sub_domain not in use_sd:
- return False
- matchdict = match.groupdict()
- result = {}
- extras = frozenset(self.defaults.keys()) - frozenset(matchdict.keys())
- for key, val in matchdict.iteritems():
- if key != 'path_info' and self.encoding:
- # change back into python unicode objects from the URL
- # representation
- try:
- val = val and val.decode(self.encoding, self.decode_errors)
- except UnicodeDecodeError:
- return False
- if not val and self.defaults.has_key(key) and self.defaults[key]:
- result[key] = self.defaults[key]
- else:
- result[key] = val
- for key in extras:
- result[key] = self.defaults[key]
- # Add the sub-domain if there is one
- if sub_domains:
- result['sub_domain'] = sub_domain
- # If there's a function, call it with environ and expire if it
- # returns False
- if self.conditions and self.conditions.has_key('function') and \
- not self.conditions['function'](environ, result):
- return False
- return result
- def generate_non_minimized(self, kargs):
- """Generate a non-minimal version of the URL"""
- url = ''
- all_args = self.defaults.copy()
- for part in self.routelist:
- if isinstance(part, dict):
- arg = part['name']
- # Ensure that our dict is updated if its not None and
- if arg in kargs and kargs[arg] is not None:
- all_args[arg] = kargs[arg]
- # Otherwise, we weren't passed the arg, but we can't use
- # None when making the URL, so remove it from the dict
- elif arg in self.defaults and all_args[arg] is None:
- del all_args[arg]
- if bool(self.minkeys - frozenset(all_args.keys())):
- return False
- else:
- return self.regpath % all_args
- def generate_minimized(self, kargs):
- """Generate a minimized version of the URL"""
- routelist = self.routebackwards
- urllist = []
- gaps = False
- for part in routelist:
- if isinstance(part, dict) and part['type'] == ':':
- arg = part['name']
- # For efficiency, check these just once
- has_arg = kargs.has_key(arg)
- has_default = self.defaults.has_key(arg)
- # Determine if we can leave this part off
- # First check if the default exists and wasn't provided in the
- # call (also no gaps)
- if has_default and not has_arg and not gaps:
- continue
- # Now check to see if there's a default and it matches the
- # incoming call arg
- if (has_default and has_arg) and self.make_unicode(kargs[arg]) == \
- self.make_unicode(self.defaults[arg]) and not gaps:
- continue
- # We need to pull the value to append, if the arg is None and
- # we have a default, use that
- if has_arg and kargs[arg] is None and has_default and not gaps:
- continue
- # Otherwise if we do have an arg, use that
- elif has_arg:
- val = kargs[arg]
- elif has_default and self.defaults[arg] is not None:
- val = self.defaults[arg]
- # No arg at all? This won't work
- else:
- return False
- urllist.append(url_quote(val, self.encoding))
- if has_arg:
- del kargs[arg]
- gaps = True
- elif isinstance(part, dict) and part['type'] == '*':
- arg = part['name']
- kar = kargs.get(arg)
- if kar is not None:
- urllist.append(url_quote(kar, self.encoding))
- gaps = True
- elif part and part[-1] in self.done_chars:
- if not gaps and part in self.done_chars:
- continue
- elif not gaps:
- urllist.append(part[:-1])
- gaps = True
- else:
- gaps = True
- urllist.append(part)
- else:
- gaps = True
- urllist.append(part)
- urllist.reverse()
- url = ''.join(urllist)
- return url
- def generate(self, _ignore_req_list=False, _append_slash=False, **kargs):
- """Generate a URL from ourself given a set of keyword arguments
- Toss an exception if this
- set of keywords would cause a gap in the url.
- """
- # Verify that our args pass any regexp requirements
- if not _ignore_req_list:
- for key in self.reqs.keys():
- val = kargs.get(key)
- if val and not self.req_regs[key].match(self.make_unicode(val)):
- return False
- # Verify that if we have a method arg, its in the method accept list.
- # Also, method will be changed to _method for route generation
- meth = kargs.get('method')
- if meth:
- if self.conditions and 'method' in self.conditions \
- and meth.upper() not in self.conditions['method']:
- return False
- kargs.pop('method')
- if self.minimization:
- url = self.generate_minimized(kargs)
- else:
- url = self.generate_non_minimized(kargs)
- if url is False:
- return url
- if not url.startswith('/'):
- url = '/' + url
- extras = frozenset(kargs.keys()) - self.maxkeys
- if extras:
- if _append_slash and not url.endswith('/'):
- url += '/'
- url += '?'
- fragments = []
- # don't assume the 'extras' set preserves order: iterate
- # through the ordered kargs instead
- for key in kargs:
- if key not in extras:
- continue
- if key == 'action' or key == 'controller':
- continue
- val = kargs[key]
- if isinstance(val, (tuple, list)):
- for value in val:
- fragments.append((key, value))
- else:
- fragments.append((key, val))
- url += urllib.urlencode(fragments)
- elif _append_slash and not url.endswith('/'):
- url += '/'
- return url
-class Mapper(object):
- """Mapper handles URL generation and URL recognition in a web application.
- Mapper is built handling dictionary's. It is assumed that the web application will handle
- the dictionary returned by URL recognition to dispatch appropriately.
- URL generation is done by passing keyword parameters into the generate function, a URL is then
- returned.
- """
- def __init__(self, controller_scan=controller_scan, directory=None,
- always_scan=False, register=True, explicit=False):
- """Create a new Mapper instance
- All keyword arguments are optional.
- ``controller_scan``
- Function reference that will be used to return a list of valid
- controllers used during URL matching. If ``directory`` keyword arg
- is present, it will be passed into the function during its call.
- This option defaults to a function that will scan a directory for
- controllers.
- ``directory``
- Passed into controller_scan for the directory to scan. It should be
- an absolute path if using the default ``controller_scan`` function.
- ``always_scan``
- Whether or not the ``controller_scan`` function should be run
- during every URL match. This is typically a good idea during
- development so the server won't need to be restarted anytime a
- controller is added.
- ``register``
- Boolean used to determine if the Mapper should use
- ``request_config`` to register itself as the mapper. Since it's
- done on a thread-local basis, this is typically best used during
- testing though it won't hurt in other cases.
- ``explicit``
- Boolean used to determine if routes should be connected with
- implicit defaults of::
- {'controller':'content','action':'index','id':None}
- When set to True, these defaults will not be added to route
- connections and ``url_for`` will not use Route memory.
- Additional attributes that may be set after mapper initialization (ie,
- map.ATTRIBUTE = 'something'):
- ``encoding``
- Used to indicate alternative encoding/decoding systems to use with
- both incoming URL's, and during Route generation when passed a
- Unicode string. Defaults to 'utf-8'.
- ``decode_errors``
- How to handle errors in the encoding, generally ignoring any chars
- that don't convert should be sufficient. Defaults to 'ignore'.
- ``hardcode_names``
- Whether or not Named Routes result in the default options for the
- route being used *or* if they actually force url generation to use
- the route. Defaults to False.
- """
- self.matchlist = []
- self.maxkeys = {}
- self.minkeys = {}
- self.urlcache = {}
- self._created_regs = False
- self._created_gens = False
- self.prefix = None
- self.req_data = threadinglocal.local()
- = directory
- self.always_scan = always_scan
- self.controller_scan = controller_scan
- self._regprefix = None
- self._routenames = {}
- self.debug = False
- self.append_slash = False
- self.sub_domains = False
- self.sub_domains_ignore = []
- self.domain_match = '[^\.\/]+?\.[^\.\/]+'
- self.explicit = explicit
- self.encoding = 'utf-8'
- self.decode_errors = 'ignore'
- self.hardcode_names = True
- self.minimization = True
- self.create_regs_lock = threading.Lock()
- if register:
- config = request_config()
- config.mapper = self
- def _envget(self):
- return getattr(self.req_data, 'environ', None)
- def _envset(self, env):
- self.req_data.environ = env
- def _envdel(self):
- del self.req_data.environ
- environ = property(_envget, _envset, _envdel)
- def connect(self, *args, **kargs):
- """Create and connect a new Route to the Mapper.
- Usage:
- .. code-block:: python
- m = Mapper()
- m.connect(':controller/:action/:id')
- m.connect('date/:year/:month/:day', controller="blog", action="view")
- m.connect('archives/:page', controller="blog", action="by_page",
- requirements = { 'page':'\d{1,2}' })
- m.connect('category_list', 'archives/category/:section', controller='blog', action='category',
- section='home', type='list')
- m.connect('home', '', controller='blog', action='view', section='home')
- """
- routename = None
- if len(args) > 1:
- routename = args[0]
- args = args[1:]
- if '_explicit' not in kargs:
- kargs['_explicit'] = self.explicit
- if '_minimize' not in kargs:
- kargs['_minimize'] = self.minimization
- route = Route(*args, **kargs)
- # Apply encoding and errors if its not the defaults and the route
- # didn't have one passed in.
- if (self.encoding != 'utf-8' or self.decode_errors != 'ignore') and \
- '_encoding' not in kargs:
- route.encoding = self.encoding
- route.decode_errors = self.decode_errors
- self.matchlist.append(route)
- if routename:
- self._routenames[routename] = route
- if route.static:
- return
- exists = False
- for key in self.maxkeys:
- if key == route.maxkeys:
- self.maxkeys[key].append(route)
- exists = True
- break
- if not exists:
- self.maxkeys[route.maxkeys] = [route]
- self._created_gens = False
- def _create_gens(self):
- """Create the generation hashes for route lookups"""
- # Use keys temporailly to assemble the list to avoid excessive
- # list iteration testing with "in"
- controllerlist = {}
- actionlist = {}
- # Assemble all the hardcoded/defaulted actions/controllers used
- for route in self.matchlist:
- if route.static:
- continue
- if route.defaults.has_key('controller'):
- controllerlist[route.defaults['controller']] = True
- if route.defaults.has_key('action'):
- actionlist[route.defaults['action']] = True
- # Setup the lists of all controllers/actions we'll add each route
- # to. We include the '*' in the case that a generate contains a
- # controller/action that has no hardcodes
- controllerlist = controllerlist.keys() + ['*']
- actionlist = actionlist.keys() + ['*']
- # Go through our list again, assemble the controllers/actions we'll
- # add each route to. If its hardcoded, we only add it to that dict key.
- # Otherwise we add it to every hardcode since it can be changed.
- gendict = {} # Our generated two-deep hash
- for route in self.matchlist:
- if route.static:
- continue
- clist = controllerlist
- alist = actionlist
- if 'controller' in route.hardcoded:
- clist = [route.defaults['controller']]
- if 'action' in route.hardcoded:
- alist = [unicode(route.defaults['action'])]
- for controller in clist:
- for action in alist:
- actiondict = gendict.setdefault(controller, {})
- actiondict.setdefault(action, ([], {}))[0].append(route)
- self._gendict = gendict
- self._created_gens = True
- def create_regs(self, *args, **kwargs):
- """Atomically creates regular expressions for all connected
- routes
- """
- self.create_regs_lock.acquire()
- try:
- self._create_regs(*args, **kwargs)
- finally:
- self.create_regs_lock.release()
- def _create_regs(self, clist=None):
- """Creates regular expressions for all connected routes"""
- if clist is None:
- if
- clist = self.controller_scan(
- else:
- clist = self.controller_scan()
- for key, val in self.maxkeys.iteritems():
- for route in val:
- route.makeregexp(clist)
- # Create our regexp to strip the prefix
- if self.prefix:
- self._regprefix = re.compile(self.prefix + '(.*)')
- self._created_regs = True
- def _match(self, url):
- """Internal Route matcher
- Matches a URL against a route, and returns a tuple of the match dict
- and the route object if a match is successfull, otherwise it returns
- empty.
- For internal use only.
- """
- if not self._created_regs and self.controller_scan:
- self.create_regs()
- elif not self._created_regs:
- raise RouteException("You must generate the regular expressions before matching.")
- if self.always_scan:
- self.create_regs()
- matchlog = []
- if self.prefix:
- if re.match(self._regprefix, url):
- url = re.sub(self._regprefix, r'\1', url)
- if not url:
- url = '/'
- else:
- return (None, None, matchlog)
- for route in self.matchlist:
- if route.static:
- if self.debug:
- matchlog.append(dict(route=route, static=True))
- continue
- match = route.match(url, self.environ, self.sub_domains,
- self.sub_domains_ignore, self.domain_match)
- if self.debug:
- matchlog.append(dict(route=route, regexp=bool(match)))
- if match:
- return (match, route, matchlog)
- return (None, None, matchlog)
- def match(self, url):
- """Match a URL against against one of the routes contained.
- Will return None if no valid match is found.
- .. code-block:: python
- resultdict = m.match('/joe/sixpack')
- """
- if not url:
- raise RouteException('No URL provided, the minimum URL necessary'
- ' to match is "/".')
- result = self._match(url)
- if self.debug:
- return result[0], result[1], result[2]
- if result[0]:
- return result[0]
- return None
- def routematch(self, url):
- """Match a URL against against one of the routes contained.
- Will return None if no valid match is found, otherwise a
- result dict and a route object is returned.
- .. code-block:: python
- resultdict, route_obj = m.match('/joe/sixpack')
- """
- result = self._match(url)
- if self.debug:
- return result[0], result[1], result[2]
- if result[0]:
- return result[0], result[1]
- return None
- def generate(self, *args, **kargs):
- """Generate a route from a set of keywords
- Returns the url text, or None if no URL could be generated.
- .. code-block:: python
- m.generate(controller='content',action='view',id=10)
- """
- # Generate ourself if we haven't already
- if not self._created_gens:
- self._create_gens()
- if self.append_slash:
- kargs['_append_slash'] = True
- if not self.explicit:
- if 'controller' not in kargs:
- kargs['controller'] = 'content'
- if 'action' not in kargs:
- kargs['action'] = 'index'
- controller = kargs.get('controller', None)
- action = kargs.get('action', None)
- # If the URL didn't depend on the SCRIPT_NAME, we'll cache it
- # keyed by just by kargs; otherwise we need to cache it with
- # both SCRIPT_NAME and kargs:
- cache_key = unicode(args).encode('utf8') + unicode(kargs).encode('utf8')
- if self.urlcache is not None:
- if self.environ:
- cache_key_script_name = '%s:%s' % (
- self.environ.get('SCRIPT_NAME', ''), cache_key)
- else:
- cache_key_script_name = cache_key
- # Check the url cache to see if it exists, use it if it does
- for key in [cache_key, cache_key_script_name]:
- if key in self.urlcache:
- return self.urlcache[key]
- actionlist = self._gendict.get(controller) or self._gendict.get('*')
- if not actionlist:
- return None
- (keylist, sortcache) = actionlist.get(action) or \
- actionlist.get('*', (None, None))
- if not keylist:
- return None
- keys = frozenset(kargs.keys())
- cacheset = False
- cachekey = unicode(keys)
- cachelist = sortcache.get(cachekey)
- if args:
- keylist = args
- elif cachelist:
- keylist = cachelist
- else:
- cacheset = True
- newlist = []
- for route in keylist:
- if len(route.minkeys-keys) == 0:
- newlist.append(route)
- keylist = newlist
- def keysort(a, b):
- """Sorts two sets of sets, to order them ideally for
- matching."""
- am = a.minkeys
- a = a.maxkeys
- b = b.maxkeys
- lendiffa = len(keys^a)
- lendiffb = len(keys^b)
- # If they both match, don't switch them
- if lendiffa == 0 and lendiffb == 0:
- return 0
- # First, if a matches exactly, use it
- if lendiffa == 0:
- return -1
- # Or b matches exactly, use it
- if lendiffb == 0:
- return 1
- # Neither matches exactly, return the one with the most in
- # common
- if cmp(lendiffa, lendiffb) != 0:
- return cmp(lendiffa, lendiffb)
- # Neither matches exactly, but if they both have just as much
- # in common
- if len(keys&b) == len(keys&a):
- # Then we return the shortest of the two
- return cmp(len(a), len(b))
- # Otherwise, we return the one that has the most in common
- else:
- return cmp(len(keys&b), len(keys&a))
- keylist.sort(keysort)
- if cacheset:
- sortcache[cachekey] = keylist
- # Iterate through the keylist of sorted routes (or a single route if
- # it was passed in explicitly for hardcoded named routes)
- for route in keylist:
- fail = False
- for key in route.hardcoded:
- kval = kargs.get(key)
- if not kval:
- continue
- if kval != route.defaults[key]:
- fail = True
- break
- if fail:
- continue
- path = route.generate(**kargs)
- if path:
- if self.prefix:
- path = self.prefix + path
- if self.environ and self.environ.get('SCRIPT_NAME', '') != '' \
- and not route.absolute:
- path = self.environ['SCRIPT_NAME'] + path
- key = cache_key_script_name
- else:
- key = cache_key
- if self.urlcache is not None:
- self.urlcache[key] = str(path)
- return str(path)
- else:
- continue
- return None
- def resource(self, member_name, collection_name, **kwargs):
- """Generate routes for a controller resource
- The member_name name should be the appropriate singular version of the
- resource given your locale and used with members of the collection.
- The collection_name name will be used to refer to the resource
- collection methods and should be a plural version of the member_name
- argument. By default, the member_name name will also be assumed to map
- to a controller you create.
- The concept of a web resource maps somewhat directly to 'CRUD'
- operations. The overlying things to keep in mind is that mapping a
- resource is about handling creating, viewing, and editing that
- resource.
- All keyword arguments are optional.
- ``controller``
- If specified in the keyword args, the controller will be the actual
- controller used, but the rest of the naming conventions used for
- the route names and URL paths are unchanged.
- ``collection``
- Additional action mappings used to manipulate/view the entire set of
- resources provided by the controller.
- Example::
- map.resource('message', 'messages', collection={'rss':'GET'})
- # GET /message/rss (maps to the rss action)
- # also adds named route "rss_message"
- ``member``
- Additional action mappings used to access an individual 'member'
- of this controllers resources.
- Example::
- map.resource('message', 'messages', member={'mark':'POST'})
- # POST /message/1/mark (maps to the mark action)
- # also adds named route "mark_message"
- ``new``
- Action mappings that involve dealing with a new member in the
- controller resources.
- Example::
- map.resource('message', 'messages', new={'preview':'POST'})
- # POST /message/new/preview (maps to the preview action)
- # also adds a url named "preview_new_message"
- ``path_prefix``
- Prepends the URL path for the Route with the path_prefix given.
- This is most useful for cases where you want to mix resources
- or relations between resources.
- ``name_prefix``
- Perpends the route names that are generated with the name_prefix
- given. Combined with the path_prefix option, it's easy to
- generate route names and paths that represent resources that are
- in relations.
- Example::
- map.resource('message', 'messages', controller='categories',
- path_prefix='/category/:category_id',
- name_prefix="category_")
- # GET /category/7/message/1
- # has named route "category_message"
- ``parent_resource``
- A ``dict`` containing information about the parent resource, for
- creating a nested resource. It should contain the ``member_name``
- and ``collection_name`` of the parent resource. This ``dict`` will
- be available via the associated ``Route`` object which can be
- accessed during a request via ``request.environ['routes.route']``
- If ``parent_resource`` is supplied and ``path_prefix`` isn't,
- ``path_prefix`` will be generated from ``parent_resource`` as
- "<parent collection name>/:<parent member name>_id".
- If ``parent_resource`` is supplied and ``name_prefix`` isn't,
- ``name_prefix`` will be generated from ``parent_resource`` as
- "<parent member name>_".
- Example::
- >>> from routes.util import url_for
- >>> m = Mapper()
- >>> m.resource('location', 'locations',
- ... parent_resource=dict(member_name='region',
- ... collection_name='regions'))
- >>> # path_prefix is "regions/:region_id"
- >>> # name prefix is "region_"
- >>> url_for('region_locations', region_id=13)
- '/regions/13/locations'
- >>> url_for('region_new_location', region_id=13)
- '/regions/13/locations/new'
- >>> url_for('region_location', region_id=13, id=60)
- '/regions/13/locations/60'
- >>> url_for('region_edit_location', region_id=13, id=60)
- '/regions/13/locations/60/edit'
- Overriding generated ``path_prefix``::
- >>> m = Mapper()
- >>> m.resource('location', 'locations',
- ... parent_resource=dict(member_name='region',
- ... collection_name='regions'),
- ... path_prefix='areas/:area_id')
- >>> # name prefix is "region_"
- >>> url_for('region_locations', area_id=51)
- '/areas/51/locations'
- Overriding generated ``name_prefix``::
- >>> m = Mapper()
- >>> m.resource('location', 'locations',
- ... parent_resource=dict(member_name='region',
- ... collection_name='regions'),
- ... name_prefix='')
- >>> # path_prefix is "regions/:region_id"
- >>> url_for('locations', region_id=51)
- '/regions/51/locations'
- """
- collection = kwargs.pop('collection', {})
- member = kwargs.pop('member', {})
- new = kwargs.pop('new', {})
- path_prefix = kwargs.pop('path_prefix', None)
- name_prefix = kwargs.pop('name_prefix', None)
- parent_resource = kwargs.pop('parent_resource', None)
- # Generate ``path_prefix`` if ``path_prefix`` wasn't specified and
- # ``parent_resource`` was. Likewise for ``name_prefix``. Make sure
- # that ``path_prefix`` and ``name_prefix`` *always* take precedence if
- # they are specified--in particular, we need to be careful when they
- # are explicitly set to "".
- if parent_resource is not None:
- if path_prefix is None:
- path_prefix = '%s/:%s_id' % (parent_resource['collection_name'],
- parent_resource['member_name'])
- if name_prefix is None:
- name_prefix = '%s_' % parent_resource['member_name']
- else:
- if path_prefix is None: path_prefix = ''
- if name_prefix is None: name_prefix = ''
- # Ensure the edit and new actions are in and GET
- member['edit'] = 'GET'
- new.update({'new': 'GET'})
- # Make new dict's based off the old, except the old values become keys,
- # and the old keys become items in a list as the value
- def swap(dct, newdct):
- """Swap the keys and values in the dict, and uppercase the values
- from the dict during the swap."""
- for key, val in dct.iteritems():
- newdct.setdefault(val.upper(), []).append(key)
- return newdct
- collection_methods = swap(collection, {})
- member_methods = swap(member, {})
- new_methods = swap(new, {})
- # Insert create, update, and destroy methods
- collection_methods.setdefault('POST', []).insert(0, 'create')
- member_methods.setdefault('PUT', []).insert(0, 'update')
- member_methods.setdefault('DELETE', []).insert(0, 'delete')
- # If there's a path prefix option, use it with the controller
- controller = strip_slashes(collection_name)
- path_prefix = strip_slashes(path_prefix)
- if path_prefix:
- path = path_prefix + '/' + controller
- else:
- path = controller
- collection_path = path
- new_path = path + "/new"
- member_path = path + "/:(id)"
- options = {
- 'controller': kwargs.get('controller', controller),
- '_member_name': member_name,
- '_collection_name': collection_name,
- '_parent_resource': parent_resource,
- }
- def requirements_for(meth):
- """Returns a new dict to be used for all route creation as the
- route options"""
- opts = options.copy()
- if method != 'any':
- opts['conditions'] = {'method':[meth.upper()]}
- return opts
- # Add the routes for handling collection methods
- for method, lst in collection_methods.iteritems():
- primary = (method != 'GET' and lst.pop(0)) or None
- route_options = requirements_for(method)
- for action in lst:
- route_options['action'] = action
- route_name = "%s%s_%s" % (name_prefix, action, collection_name)
- self.connect(route_name, "%s/%s" % (collection_path, action),
- **route_options)
- self.connect("formatted_" + route_name, "%s/%s.:(format)" % \
- (collection_path, action), **route_options)
- if primary:
- route_options['action'] = primary
- self.connect(collection_path, **route_options)
- self.connect("%s.:(format)" % collection_path, **route_options)
- # Specifically add in the built-in 'index' collection method and its
- # formatted version
- self.connect(name_prefix + collection_name, collection_path,
- action='index', conditions={'method':['GET']}, **options)
- self.connect("formatted_" + name_prefix + collection_name,
- collection_path + ".:(format)", action='index',
- conditions={'method':['GET']}, **options)
- # Add the routes that deal with new resource methods
- for method, lst in new_methods.iteritems():
- route_options = requirements_for(method)
- for action in lst:
- path = (action == 'new' and new_path) or "%s/%s" % (new_path,
- action)
- name = "new_" + member_name
- if action != 'new':
- name = action + "_" + name
- route_options['action'] = action
- self.connect(name_prefix + name, path, **route_options)
- path = (action == 'new' and new_path + '.:(format)') or \
- "%s/%s.:(format)" % (new_path, action)
- self.connect("formatted_" + name_prefix + name, path,
- **route_options)
- requirements_regexp = '[^\/]+'
- # Add the routes that deal with member methods of a resource
- for method, lst in member_methods.iteritems():
- route_options = requirements_for(method)
- route_options['requirements'] = {'id':requirements_regexp}
- if method not in ['POST', 'GET', 'any']:
- primary = lst.pop(0)
- else:
- primary = None
- for action in lst:
- route_options['action'] = action
- self.connect("%s%s_%s" % (name_prefix, action, member_name),
- "%s/%s" % (member_path, action), **route_options)
- self.connect("formatted_%s%s_%s" % (name_prefix, action,
- member_name),
- "%s/%s.:(format)" % (member_path, action), **route_options)
- if primary:
- route_options['action'] = primary
- self.connect(member_path, **route_options)
- # Specifically add the member 'show' method
- route_options = requirements_for('GET')
- route_options['action'] = 'show'
- route_options['requirements'] = {'id':requirements_regexp}
- self.connect(name_prefix + member_name, member_path, **route_options)
- self.connect("formatted_" + name_prefix + member_name,
- member_path + ".:(format)", **route_options)
+from routes.mapper import Mapper
+from routes.route import Route