path: root/docs/docs/
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Diffstat (limited to 'docs/docs/')
1 files changed, 25 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/docs/docs/ b/docs/docs/
index e39f9b8..0748846 100644
--- a/docs/docs/
+++ b/docs/docs/
@@ -155,9 +155,33 @@ baz_job = queue.enqueue(baz, depends_on=[foo_job, bar_job])
The ability to handle job dependencies allows you to split a big job into
-several smaller ones. A job that is dependent on another is enqueued only when
+several smaller ones. By default, a job that is dependent on another is enqueued only when
its dependency finishes *successfully*.
+_New in 1.11.0._
+If you want a job's dependencies to execute regardless if the job completes or fails, RQ provides
+the `Dependency` class that will allow you to dictate how to handle job failures.
+The `Dependency(jobs=...)` parameter accepts:
+- a string representing a single job id
+- a Job object
+- an iteratable of job id strings and/or Job objects
+from redis import Redis
+from rq.job import Dependency
+from rq import Queue
+queue = Queue(connection=Redis())
+job_1 = queue.enqueue(div_by_zero)
+dependency = Dependency(jobs=[job_1], allow_failure=True) # allow_failure defaults to False
+job_2 = queue.enqueue(say_hello, depends_on=dependency)
+# job_2 will execute even though its dependency (job_1) fails
## Job Callbacks
_New in version 1.9.0._