import asyncio import inspect import json import logging import warnings import zlib from datetime import datetime, timedelta, timezone from enum import Enum from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Callable, Dict, Iterable, List, Optional, Tuple, Type, Union from uuid import uuid4 from redis import WatchError from .defaults import CALLBACK_TIMEOUT, UNSERIALIZABLE_RETURN_VALUE_PAYLOAD from .timeouts import BaseDeathPenalty, JobTimeoutException if TYPE_CHECKING: from redis import Redis from redis.client import Pipeline from .queue import Queue from .results import Result from .connections import resolve_connection from .exceptions import DeserializationError, InvalidJobOperation, NoSuchJobError from .local import LocalStack from .serializers import resolve_serializer from .types import FunctionReferenceType, JobDependencyType from .utils import ( as_text, decode_redis_hash, ensure_list, get_call_string, get_version, import_attribute, parse_timeout, str_to_date, utcformat, utcnow, ) logger = logging.getLogger("rq.job") class JobStatus(str, Enum): """The Status of Job within its lifecycle at any given time.""" QUEUED = 'queued' FINISHED = 'finished' FAILED = 'failed' STARTED = 'started' DEFERRED = 'deferred' SCHEDULED = 'scheduled' STOPPED = 'stopped' CANCELED = 'canceled' class Dependency: def __init__(self, jobs: List[Union['Job', str]], allow_failure: bool = False, enqueue_at_front: bool = False): """The definition of a Dependency. Args: jobs (List[Union[Job, str]]): A list of Job instances or Job IDs. Anything different will raise a ValueError allow_failure (bool, optional): Whether to allow for failure when running the depency, meaning, the dependencies should continue running even after one of them failed. Defaults to False. enqueue_at_front (bool, optional): Whether this dependecy should be enqueued at the front of the queue. Defaults to False. Raises: ValueError: If the `jobs` param has anything different than `str` or `Job` class or the job list is empty """ dependent_jobs = ensure_list(jobs) if not all(isinstance(job, Job) or isinstance(job, str) for job in dependent_jobs if job): raise ValueError("jobs: must contain objects of type Job and/or strings representing Job ids") elif len(dependent_jobs) < 1: raise ValueError("jobs: cannot be empty.") self.dependencies = dependent_jobs self.allow_failure = allow_failure self.enqueue_at_front = enqueue_at_front UNEVALUATED = object() """Sentinel value to mark that some of our lazily evaluated properties have not yet been evaluated. """ def cancel_job(job_id: str, connection: Optional['Redis'] = None, serializer=None, enqueue_dependents: bool = False): """Cancels the job with the given job ID, preventing execution. Use with caution. This will discard any job info (i.e. it can't be requeued later). Args: job_id (str): The Job ID connection (Optional[Redis], optional): The Redis Connection. Defaults to None. serializer (str, optional): The string of the path to the serializer to use. Defaults to None. enqueue_dependents (bool, optional): Whether dependents should still be enqueued. Defaults to False. """ Job.fetch(job_id, connection=connection, serializer=serializer).cancel(enqueue_dependents=enqueue_dependents) def get_current_job(connection: Optional['Redis'] = None, job_class: Optional['Job'] = None) -> Optional['Job']: """Returns the Job instance that is currently being executed. If this function is invoked from outside a job context, None is returned. Args: connection (Optional[Redis], optional): The connection to use. Defaults to None. job_class (Optional[Job], optional): The job class (DEPRECATED). Defaults to None. Returns: job (Optional[Job]): The current Job running """ if connection: warnings.warn("connection argument for get_current_job is deprecated.", DeprecationWarning) if job_class: warnings.warn("job_class argument for get_current_job is deprecated.", DeprecationWarning) return def requeue_job(job_id: str, connection: 'Redis', serializer=None) -> 'Job': """Fetches a Job by ID and requeues it using the `requeue()` method. Args: job_id (str): The Job ID that should be requeued. connection (Redis): The Redis Connection to use serializer (Optional[str], optional): The serializer. Defaults to None. Returns: Job: The requeued Job object. """ job = Job.fetch(job_id, connection=connection, serializer=serializer) return job.requeue() class Job: """A Job is just a convenient datastructure to pass around job (meta) data.""" redis_job_namespace_prefix = 'rq:job:' @classmethod def create( cls, func: FunctionReferenceType, args: Union[List[Any], Optional[Tuple]] = None, kwargs: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, connection: Optional['Redis'] = None, result_ttl: Optional[int] = None, ttl: Optional[int] = None, status: Optional[JobStatus] = None, description: Optional[str] = None, depends_on: Optional[JobDependencyType] = None, timeout: Optional[int] = None, id: Optional[str] = None, origin=None, meta: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, failure_ttl: Optional[int] = None, serializer=None, *, on_success: Optional[Union['Callback', Callable[..., Any]]] = None, on_failure: Optional[Union['Callback', Callable[..., Any]]] = None, ) -> 'Job': """Creates a new Job instance for the given function, arguments, and keyword arguments. Args: func (FunctionReference): The function/method/callable for the Job. This can be a reference to a concrete callable or a string representing the path of function/method to be imported. Effectively this is the only required attribute when creating a new Job. args (Union[List[Any], Optional[Tuple]], optional): A Tuple / List of positional arguments to pass the callable. Defaults to None, meaning no args being passed. kwargs (Optional[Dict], optional): A Dictionary of keyword arguments to pass the callable. Defaults to None, meaning no kwargs being passed. connection (Optional[Redis], optional): The Redis connection to use. Defaults to None. This will be "resolved" using the `resolve_connection` function when initialzing the Job Class. result_ttl (Optional[int], optional): The amount of time in seconds the results should live. Defaults to None. ttl (Optional[int], optional): The Time To Live (TTL) for the job itself. Defaults to None. status (JobStatus, optional): The Job Status. Defaults to None. description (Optional[str], optional): The Job Description. Defaults to None. depends_on (Union['Dependency', List[Union['Dependency', 'Job']]], optional): What the jobs depends on. This accepts a variaty of different arguments including a `Dependency`, a list of `Dependency` or a `Job` list of `Job`. Defaults to None. timeout (Optional[int], optional): The amount of time in seconds that should be a hardlimit for a job execution. Defaults to None. id (Optional[str], optional): An Optional ID (str) for the Job. Defaults to None. origin (Optional[str], optional): The queue of origin. Defaults to None. meta (Optional[Dict[str, Any]], optional): Custom metadata about the job, takes a dictioanry. Defaults to None. failure_ttl (Optional[int], optional): THe time to live in seconds for failed-jobs information. Defaults to None. serializer (Optional[str], optional): The serializer class path to use. Should be a string with the import path for the serializer to use. eg. `mymodule.myfile.MySerializer` Defaults to None. on_success (Optional[Callable[..., Any]], optional): A callback function, should be a callable to run when/if the Job finishes sucessfully. Defaults to None. on_failure (Optional[Callable[..., Any]], optional): A callback function, should be a callable to run when/if the Job fails. Defaults to None. Raises: TypeError: If `args` is not a tuple/list TypeError: If `kwargs` is not a dict TypeError: If the `func` is something other than a string or a Callable reference ValueError: If `on_failure` is not a function ValueError: If `on_success` is not a function Returns: Job: A job instance. """ if args is None: args = () if kwargs is None: kwargs = {} if not isinstance(args, (tuple, list)): raise TypeError('{0!r} is not a valid args list'.format(args)) if not isinstance(kwargs, dict): raise TypeError('{0!r} is not a valid kwargs dict'.format(kwargs)) job = cls(connection=connection, serializer=serializer) if id is not None: job.set_id(id) if origin is not None: job.origin = origin # Set the core job tuple properties job._instance = None if inspect.ismethod(func): job._instance = func.__self__ job._func_name = func.__name__ elif inspect.isfunction(func) or inspect.isbuiltin(func): job._func_name = '{0}.{1}'.format(func.__module__, func.__qualname__) elif isinstance(func, str): job._func_name = as_text(func) elif not inspect.isclass(func) and hasattr(func, '__call__'): # a callable class instance job._instance = func job._func_name = '__call__' else: raise TypeError('Expected a callable or a string, but got: {0}'.format(func)) job._args = args job._kwargs = kwargs if on_success: if not isinstance(on_success, Callback): warnings.warn( 'Passing a `Callable` `on_success` is deprecated, pass `Callback` instead', DeprecationWarning ) on_success = Callback(on_success) # backward compatibility job._success_callback_name = job._success_callback_timeout = on_success.timeout if on_failure: if not isinstance(on_failure, Callback): warnings.warn( 'Passing a `Callable` `on_failure` is deprecated, pass `Callback` instead', DeprecationWarning ) on_failure = Callback(on_failure) # backward compatibility job._failure_callback_name = job._failure_callback_timeout = on_failure.timeout # Extra meta data job.description = description or job.get_call_string() job.result_ttl = parse_timeout(result_ttl) job.failure_ttl = parse_timeout(failure_ttl) job.ttl = parse_timeout(ttl) job.timeout = parse_timeout(timeout) job._status = status job.meta = meta or {} # dependency could be job instance or id, or iterable thereof if depends_on is not None: depends_on = ensure_list(depends_on) depends_on_list = [] for depends_on_item in depends_on: if isinstance(depends_on_item, Dependency): # If a Dependency has enqueue_at_front or allow_failure set to True, these behaviors are used for # all dependencies. job.enqueue_at_front = job.enqueue_at_front or depends_on_item.enqueue_at_front job.allow_dependency_failures = job.allow_dependency_failures or depends_on_item.allow_failure depends_on_list.extend(depends_on_item.dependencies) else: depends_on_list.extend(ensure_list(depends_on_item)) job._dependency_ids = [ if isinstance(dep, Job) else dep for dep in depends_on_list] return job def get_position(self) -> Optional[int]: """Get's the job's position on the queue Returns: position (Optional[int]): The position """ from .queue import Queue if self.origin: q = Queue(name=self.origin, connection=self.connection) return q.get_job_position(self._id) return None def get_status(self, refresh: bool = True) -> JobStatus: """Gets the Job Status Args: refresh (bool, optional): Whether to refresh the Job. Defaults to True. Returns: status (JobStatus): The Job Status """ if refresh: status = self.connection.hget(self.key, 'status') self._status = as_text(status) if status else None return self._status def set_status(self, status: JobStatus, pipeline: Optional['Pipeline'] = None) -> None: """Set's the Job Status Args: status (JobStatus): The Job Status to be set pipeline (Optional[Pipeline], optional): Optional Redis Pipeline to use. Defaults to None. """ self._status = status connection: 'Redis' = pipeline if pipeline is not None else self.connection connection.hset(self.key, 'status', self._status) def get_meta(self, refresh: bool = True) -> Dict: """Get's the metadata for a Job, an arbitrary dictionary. Args: refresh (bool, optional): Whether to refresh. Defaults to True. Returns: meta (Dict): The dictionary of metadata """ if refresh: meta = self.connection.hget(self.key, 'meta') self.meta = self.serializer.loads(meta) if meta else {} return self.meta @property def is_finished(self) -> bool: return self.get_status() == JobStatus.FINISHED @property def is_queued(self) -> bool: return self.get_status() == JobStatus.QUEUED @property def is_failed(self) -> bool: return self.get_status() == JobStatus.FAILED @property def is_started(self) -> bool: return self.get_status() == JobStatus.STARTED @property def is_deferred(self) -> bool: return self.get_status() == JobStatus.DEFERRED @property def is_canceled(self) -> bool: return self.get_status() == JobStatus.CANCELED @property def is_scheduled(self) -> bool: return self.get_status() == JobStatus.SCHEDULED @property def is_stopped(self) -> bool: return self.get_status() == JobStatus.STOPPED @property def _dependency_id(self): """Returns the first item in self._dependency_ids. Present to preserve compatibility with third party packages. """ if self._dependency_ids: return self._dependency_ids[0] @property def dependency(self) -> Optional['Job']: """Returns a job's first dependency. To avoid repeated Redis fetches, we cache job.dependency as job._dependency. """ if not self._dependency_ids: return None if hasattr(self, '_dependency'): return self._dependency job = self.fetch(self._dependency_ids[0], connection=self.connection, serializer=self.serializer) self._dependency = job return job @property def dependent_ids(self) -> List[str]: """Returns a list of ids of jobs whose execution depends on this job's successful execution.""" return list(map(as_text, self.connection.smembers(self.dependents_key))) @property def func(self): func_name = self.func_name if func_name is None: return None if self.instance: return getattr(self.instance, func_name) return import_attribute(self.func_name) @property def success_callback(self): if self._success_callback is UNEVALUATED: if self._success_callback_name: self._success_callback = import_attribute(self._success_callback_name) else: self._success_callback = None return self._success_callback @property def success_callback_timeout(self) -> int: if self._success_callback_timeout is None: return CALLBACK_TIMEOUT return self._success_callback_timeout @property def failure_callback(self): if self._failure_callback is UNEVALUATED: if self._failure_callback_name: self._failure_callback = import_attribute(self._failure_callback_name) else: self._failure_callback = None return self._failure_callback @property def failure_callback_timeout(self) -> int: if self._failure_callback_timeout is None: return CALLBACK_TIMEOUT return self._failure_callback_timeout def _deserialize_data(self): """Deserializes the Job `data` into a tuple. This includes the `_func_name`, `_instance`, `_args` and `_kwargs` Raises: DeserializationError: Cathes any deserialization error (since serializers are generic) """ try: self._func_name, self._instance, self._args, self._kwargs = self.serializer.loads( except Exception as e: raise DeserializationError() from e @property def data(self): if self._data is UNEVALUATED: if self._func_name is UNEVALUATED: raise ValueError('Cannot build the job data') if self._instance is UNEVALUATED: self._instance = None if self._args is UNEVALUATED: self._args = () if self._kwargs is UNEVALUATED: self._kwargs = {} job_tuple = self._func_name, self._instance, self._args, self._kwargs self._data = self.serializer.dumps(job_tuple) return self._data @data.setter def data(self, value): self._data = value self._func_name = UNEVALUATED self._instance = UNEVALUATED self._args = UNEVALUATED self._kwargs = UNEVALUATED @property def func_name(self): if self._func_name is UNEVALUATED: self._deserialize_data() return self._func_name @func_name.setter def func_name(self, value): self._func_name = value self._data = UNEVALUATED @property def instance(self): if self._instance is UNEVALUATED: self._deserialize_data() return self._instance @instance.setter def instance(self, value): self._instance = value self._data = UNEVALUATED @property def args(self): if self._args is UNEVALUATED: self._deserialize_data() return self._args @args.setter def args(self, value): self._args = value self._data = UNEVALUATED @property def kwargs(self): if self._kwargs is UNEVALUATED: self._deserialize_data() return self._kwargs @kwargs.setter def kwargs(self, value): self._kwargs = value self._data = UNEVALUATED @classmethod def exists(cls, job_id: str, connection: Optional['Redis'] = None) -> bool: """Checks whether a Job Hash exists for the given Job ID Args: job_id (str): The Job ID connection (Optional[Redis], optional): Optional connection to use. Defaults to None. Returns: job_exists (bool): Whether the Job exists """ if not connection: connection = resolve_connection() job_key = cls.key_for(job_id) job_exists = connection.exists(job_key) return bool(job_exists) @classmethod def fetch(cls, id: str, connection: Optional['Redis'] = None, serializer=None) -> 'Job': """Fetches a persisted Job from its corresponding Redis key and instantiates it Args: id (str): The Job to fetch connection (Optional['Redis'], optional): An optional Redis connection. Defaults to None. serializer (_type_, optional): The serializer to use. Defaults to None. Returns: Job: The Job instance """ job = cls(id, connection=connection, serializer=serializer) job.refresh() return job @classmethod def fetch_many(cls, job_ids: Iterable[str], connection: 'Redis', serializer=None) -> List['Job']: """ Bulk version of Job.fetch For any job_ids which a job does not exist, the corresponding item in the returned list will be None. Args: job_ids (Iterable[str]): A list of job ids. connection (Redis): Redis connection serializer (Callable): A serializer Returns: jobs (list[Job]): A list of Jobs instances. """ with connection.pipeline() as pipeline: for job_id in job_ids: pipeline.hgetall(cls.key_for(job_id)) results = pipeline.execute() jobs: List[Optional['Job']] = [] for i, job_id in enumerate(job_ids): if not results[i]: jobs.append(None) continue job = cls(job_id, connection=connection, serializer=serializer) job.restore(results[i]) jobs.append(job) return jobs def __init__(self, id: Optional[str] = None, connection: Optional['Redis'] = None, serializer=None): if connection: self.connection = connection else: self.connection = resolve_connection() self._id = id self.created_at = utcnow() self._data = UNEVALUATED self._func_name = UNEVALUATED self._instance = UNEVALUATED self._args = UNEVALUATED self._kwargs = UNEVALUATED self._success_callback_name = None self._success_callback = UNEVALUATED self._failure_callback_name = None self._failure_callback = UNEVALUATED self.description: Optional[str] = None self.origin: Optional[str] = None self.enqueued_at: Optional[datetime] = None self.started_at: Optional[datetime] = None self.ended_at: Optional[datetime] = None self._result = None self._exc_info = None self.timeout: Optional[float] = None self._success_callback_timeout: Optional[int] = None self._failure_callback_timeout: Optional[int] = None self.result_ttl: Optional[int] = None self.failure_ttl: Optional[int] = None self.ttl: Optional[int] = None self.worker_name: Optional[str] = None self._status = None self._dependency_ids: List[str] = [] self.meta: Optional[Dict] = {} self.serializer = resolve_serializer(serializer) self.retries_left: Optional[int] = None self.retry_intervals: Optional[List[int]] = None self.redis_server_version: Optional[Tuple[int, int, int]] = None self.last_heartbeat: Optional[datetime] = None self.allow_dependency_failures: Optional[bool] = None self.enqueue_at_front: Optional[bool] = None from .results import Result self._cached_result: Optional[Result] = None def __repr__(self): # noqa # pragma: no cover return '{0}({1!r}, enqueued_at={2!r})'.format(self.__class__.__name__, self._id, self.enqueued_at) def __str__(self): return '<{0} {1}: {2}>'.format(self.__class__.__name__,, self.description) def __eq__(self, other): # noqa return isinstance(other, self.__class__) and == def __hash__(self): # pragma: no cover return hash( # Data access def get_id(self) -> str: # noqa """The job ID for this job instance. Generates an ID lazily the first time the ID is requested. Returns: job_id (str): The Job ID """ if self._id is None: self._id = str(uuid4()) return self._id def set_id(self, value: str) -> None: """Sets a job ID for the given job Args: value (str): The value to set as Job ID """ if not isinstance(value, str): raise TypeError('id must be a string, not {0}'.format(type(value))) self._id = value def heartbeat(self, timestamp: datetime, ttl: int, pipeline: Optional['Pipeline'] = None, xx: bool = False): """Sets the heartbeat for a job. It will set a hash in Redis with the `last_heartbeat` key and datetime value. If a Redis' pipeline is passed, it will use that, else, it will use the job's own connection. Args: timestamp (datetime): The timestamp to use ttl (int): The time to live pipeline (Optional[Pipeline], optional): Can receive a Redis' pipeline to use. Defaults to None. xx (bool, optional): Only sets the key if already exists. Defaults to False. """ self.last_heartbeat = timestamp connection = pipeline if pipeline is not None else self.connection connection.hset(self.key, 'last_heartbeat', utcformat(self.last_heartbeat)) self.started_job_registry.add(self, ttl, pipeline=pipeline, xx=xx) id = property(get_id, set_id) @classmethod def key_for(cls, job_id: str) -> bytes: """The Redis key that is used to store job hash under. Args: job_id (str): The Job ID Returns: redis_job_key (bytes): The Redis fully qualified key for the job """ return (cls.redis_job_namespace_prefix + job_id).encode('utf-8') @classmethod def dependents_key_for(cls, job_id: str) -> str: """The Redis key that is used to store job dependents hash under. Args: job_id (str): The "parent" job id Returns: dependents_key (str): The dependents key """ return '{0}{1}:dependents'.format(cls.redis_job_namespace_prefix, job_id) @property def key(self): """The Redis key that is used to store job hash under.""" return self.key_for( @property def dependents_key(self): """The Redis key that is used to store job dependents hash under.""" return self.dependents_key_for( @property def dependencies_key(self): return '{0}:{1}:dependencies'.format(self.redis_job_namespace_prefix, def fetch_dependencies(self, watch: bool = False, pipeline: Optional['Pipeline'] = None) -> List['Job']: """Fetch all of a job's dependencies. If a pipeline is supplied, and watch is true, then set WATCH on all the keys of all dependencies. Returned jobs will use self's connection, not the pipeline supplied. If a job has been deleted from redis, it is not returned. Args: watch (bool, optional): Wether to WATCH the keys. Defaults to False. pipeline (Optional[Pipeline]): The Redis' pipeline to use. Defaults to None. Returns: jobs (list[Job]): A list of Jobs """ connection = pipeline if pipeline is not None else self.connection if watch and self._dependency_ids:*[self.key_for(dependency_id) for dependency_id in self._dependency_ids]) dependencies_list = self.fetch_many( self._dependency_ids, connection=self.connection, serializer=self.serializer ) jobs = [job for job in dependencies_list if job] return jobs @property def exc_info(self) -> Optional[str]: """ Get the latest result and returns `exc_info` only if the latest result is a failure. """ warnings.warn("job.exc_info is deprecated, use job.latest_result() instead.", DeprecationWarning) from .results import Result if self.supports_redis_streams: if not self._cached_result: self._cached_result = self.latest_result() if self._cached_result and self._cached_result.type == Result.Type.FAILED: return self._cached_result.exc_string return self._exc_info def return_value(self, refresh: bool = False) -> Optional[Any]: """Returns the return value of the latest execution, if it was successful Args: refresh (bool, optional): Whether to refresh the current status. Defaults to False. Returns: result (Optional[Any]): The job return value. """ from .results import Result if refresh: self._cached_result = None if not self.supports_redis_streams: if self._result is not None: return self._result rv = self.connection.hget(self.key, 'result') if rv is not None: # cache the result self._result = self.serializer.loads(rv) return self._result return None if not self._cached_result: self._cached_result = self.latest_result() if self._cached_result and self._cached_result.type == Result.Type.SUCCESSFUL: return self._cached_result.return_value return None @property def result(self) -> Any: """Returns the return value of the job. Initially, right after enqueueing a job, the return value will be None. But when the job has been executed, and had a return value or exception, this will return that value or exception. Note that, when the job has no return value (i.e. returns None), the ReadOnlyJob object is useless, as the result won't be written back to Redis. Also note that you cannot draw the conclusion that a job has _not_ been executed when its return value is None, since return values written back to Redis will expire after a given amount of time (500 seconds by default). """ warnings.warn("job.result is deprecated, use job.return_value instead.", DeprecationWarning) from .results import Result if self.supports_redis_streams: if not self._cached_result: self._cached_result = self.latest_result() if self._cached_result and self._cached_result.type == Result.Type.SUCCESSFUL: return self._cached_result.return_value # Fallback to old behavior of getting result from job hash if self._result is None: rv = self.connection.hget(self.key, 'result') if rv is not None: # cache the result self._result = self.serializer.loads(rv) return self._result def results(self) -> List['Result']: """Returns all Result objects Returns: all_results (List[Result]): A list of 'Result' objects """ from .results import Result return Result.all(self, serializer=self.serializer) def latest_result(self) -> Optional['Result']: """Get the latest job result. Returns: result (Result): The Result object """ """Returns the latest Result object""" from .results import Result return Result.fetch_latest(self, serializer=self.serializer) def restore(self, raw_data) -> Any: """Overwrite properties with the provided values stored in Redis. Args: raw_data (_type_): The raw data to load the job data from Raises: NoSuchJobError: If there way an error getting the job data """ obj = decode_redis_hash(raw_data) try: raw_data = obj['data'] except KeyError: raise NoSuchJobError('Unexpected job format: {0}'.format(obj)) try: = zlib.decompress(raw_data) except zlib.error: # Fallback to uncompressed string = raw_data self.created_at = str_to_date(obj.get('created_at')) self.origin = as_text(obj.get('origin')) if obj.get('origin') else None self.worker_name = obj.get('worker_name').decode() if obj.get('worker_name') else None self.description = as_text(obj.get('description')) if obj.get('description') else None self.enqueued_at = str_to_date(obj.get('enqueued_at')) self.started_at = str_to_date(obj.get('started_at')) self.ended_at = str_to_date(obj.get('ended_at')) self.last_heartbeat = str_to_date(obj.get('last_heartbeat')) result = obj.get('result') if result: try: self._result = self.serializer.loads(result) except Exception: self._result = UNSERIALIZABLE_RETURN_VALUE_PAYLOAD self.timeout = parse_timeout(obj.get('timeout')) if obj.get('timeout') else None self.result_ttl = int(obj.get('result_ttl')) if obj.get('result_ttl') else None self.failure_ttl = int(obj.get('failure_ttl')) if obj.get('failure_ttl') else None self._status = obj.get('status').decode() if obj.get('status') else None if obj.get('success_callback_name'): self._success_callback_name = obj.get('success_callback_name').decode() if 'success_callback_timeout' in obj: self._success_callback_timeout = int(obj.get('success_callback_timeout')) if obj.get('failure_callback_name'): self._failure_callback_name = obj.get('failure_callback_name').decode() if 'failure_callback_timeout' in obj: self._failure_callback_timeout = int(obj.get('failure_callback_timeout')) dep_ids = obj.get('dependency_ids') dep_id = obj.get('dependency_id') # for backwards compatibility self._dependency_ids = json.loads(dep_ids.decode()) if dep_ids else [dep_id.decode()] if dep_id else [] allow_failures = obj.get('allow_dependency_failures') self.allow_dependency_failures = bool(int(allow_failures)) if allow_failures else None self.enqueue_at_front = bool(int(obj['enqueue_at_front'])) if 'enqueue_at_front' in obj else None self.ttl = int(obj.get('ttl')) if obj.get('ttl') else None try: self.meta = self.serializer.loads(obj.get('meta')) if obj.get('meta') else {} except Exception: # depends on the serializer self.meta = {'unserialized': obj.get('meta', {})} self.retries_left = int(obj.get('retries_left')) if obj.get('retries_left') else None if obj.get('retry_intervals'): self.retry_intervals = json.loads(obj.get('retry_intervals').decode()) raw_exc_info = obj.get('exc_info') if raw_exc_info: try: self._exc_info = as_text(zlib.decompress(raw_exc_info)) except zlib.error: # Fallback to uncompressed string self._exc_info = as_text(raw_exc_info) # Persistence def refresh(self): # noqa """Overwrite the current instance's properties with the values in the corresponding Redis key. Will raise a NoSuchJobError if no corresponding Redis key exists. """ data = self.connection.hgetall(self.key) if not data: raise NoSuchJobError('No such job: {0}'.format(self.key)) self.restore(data) def to_dict(self, include_meta: bool = True, include_result: bool = True) -> dict: """Returns a serialization of the current job instance You can exclude serializing the `meta` dictionary by setting `include_meta=False`. Args: include_meta (bool, optional): Whether to include the Job's metadata. Defaults to True. include_result (bool, optional): Whether to include the Job's result. Defaults to True. Returns: dict: The Job serialized as a dictionary """ obj = { 'created_at': utcformat(self.created_at or utcnow()), 'data': zlib.compress(, 'success_callback_name': self._success_callback_name if self._success_callback_name else '', 'failure_callback_name': self._failure_callback_name if self._failure_callback_name else '', 'started_at': utcformat(self.started_at) if self.started_at else '', 'ended_at': utcformat(self.ended_at) if self.ended_at else '', 'last_heartbeat': utcformat(self.last_heartbeat) if self.last_heartbeat else '', 'worker_name': self.worker_name or '', } if self.retries_left is not None: obj['retries_left'] = self.retries_left if self.retry_intervals is not None: obj['retry_intervals'] = json.dumps(self.retry_intervals) if self.origin is not None: obj['origin'] = self.origin if self.description is not None: obj['description'] = self.description if self.enqueued_at is not None: obj['enqueued_at'] = utcformat(self.enqueued_at) if self._result is not None and include_result: try: obj['result'] = self.serializer.dumps(self._result) except: # noqa obj['result'] = "Unserializable return value" if self._exc_info is not None and include_result: obj['exc_info'] = zlib.compress(str(self._exc_info).encode('utf-8')) if self.timeout is not None: obj['timeout'] = self.timeout if self._success_callback_timeout is not None: obj['success_callback_timeout'] = self._success_callback_timeout if self._failure_callback_timeout is not None: obj['failure_callback_timeout'] = self._failure_callback_timeout if self.result_ttl is not None: obj['result_ttl'] = self.result_ttl if self.failure_ttl is not None: obj['failure_ttl'] = self.failure_ttl if self._status is not None: obj['status'] = self._status if self._dependency_ids: obj['dependency_id'] = self._dependency_ids[0] # for backwards compatibility obj['dependency_ids'] = json.dumps(self._dependency_ids) if self.meta and include_meta: obj['meta'] = self.serializer.dumps(self.meta) if self.ttl: obj['ttl'] = self.ttl if self.allow_dependency_failures is not None: # convert boolean to integer to avoid redis.exception.DataError obj["allow_dependency_failures"] = int(self.allow_dependency_failures) if self.enqueue_at_front is not None: obj["enqueue_at_front"] = int(self.enqueue_at_front) return obj def save(self, pipeline: Optional['Pipeline'] = None, include_meta: bool = True, include_result: bool = True): """Dumps the current job instance to its corresponding Redis key. Exclude saving the `meta` dictionary by setting `include_meta=False`. This is useful to prevent clobbering user metadata without an expensive `refresh()` call first. Redis key persistence may be altered by `cleanup()` method. Args: pipeline (Optional[Pipeline], optional): The Redis' pipeline to use. Defaults to None. include_meta (bool, optional): Whether to include the job's metadata. Defaults to True. include_result (bool, optional): Whether to include the job's result. Defaults to True. """ key = self.key connection = pipeline if pipeline is not None else self.connection mapping = self.to_dict(include_meta=include_meta, include_result=include_result) if self.get_redis_server_version() >= (4, 0, 0): connection.hset(key, mapping=mapping) else: connection.hmset(key, mapping) @property def supports_redis_streams(self) -> bool: """Only supported by Redis server >= 5.0 is required.""" return self.get_redis_server_version() >= (5, 0, 0) def get_redis_server_version(self) -> Tuple[int, int, int]: """Return Redis server version of connection Returns: redis_server_version (Tuple[int, int, int]): The Redis version within a Tuple of integers, eg (5, 0, 9) """ if self.redis_server_version is None: self.redis_server_version = get_version(self.connection) return self.redis_server_version def save_meta(self): """Stores job meta from the job instance to the corresponding Redis key.""" meta = self.serializer.dumps(self.meta) self.connection.hset(self.key, 'meta', meta) def cancel(self, pipeline: Optional['Pipeline'] = None, enqueue_dependents: bool = False): """Cancels the given job, which will prevent the job from ever being ran (or inspected). This method merely exists as a high-level API call to cancel jobs without worrying about the internals required to implement job cancellation. You can enqueue the jobs dependents optionally, Same pipelining behavior as Queue.enqueue_dependents on whether or not a pipeline is passed in. Args: pipeline (Optional[Pipeline], optional): The Redis' pipeline to use. Defaults to None. enqueue_dependents (bool, optional): Whether to enqueue dependents jobs. Defaults to False. Raises: InvalidJobOperation: If the job has already been cancelled. """ if self.is_canceled: raise InvalidJobOperation("Cannot cancel already canceled job: {}".format(self.get_id())) from .queue import Queue from .registry import CanceledJobRegistry pipe = pipeline or self.connection.pipeline() while True: try: q = Queue( name=self.origin, connection=self.connection, job_class=self.__class__, serializer=self.serializer ) self.set_status(JobStatus.CANCELED, pipeline=pipe) if enqueue_dependents: # Only WATCH if no pipeline passed, otherwise caller is responsible if pipeline is None: q.enqueue_dependents(self, pipeline=pipeline, self._remove_from_registries(pipeline=pipe, remove_from_queue=True) registry = CanceledJobRegistry( self.origin, self.connection, job_class=self.__class__, serializer=self.serializer ) registry.add(self, pipeline=pipe) if pipeline is None: pipe.execute() break except WatchError: if pipeline is None: continue else: # if the pipeline comes from the caller, we re-raise the # exception as it is the responsibility of the caller to # handle it raise def requeue(self, at_front: bool = False) -> 'Job': """Requeues job Args: at_front (bool, optional): Whether the job should be requeued at the front of the queue. Defaults to False. Returns: job (Job): The requeued Job instance """ return self.failed_job_registry.requeue(self, at_front=at_front) def _remove_from_registries(self, pipeline: Optional['Pipeline'] = None, remove_from_queue: bool = True): from .registry import BaseRegistry if remove_from_queue: from .queue import Queue q = Queue(name=self.origin, connection=self.connection, serializer=self.serializer) q.remove(self, pipeline=pipeline) registry: BaseRegistry if self.is_finished: from .registry import FinishedJobRegistry registry = FinishedJobRegistry( self.origin, connection=self.connection, job_class=self.__class__, serializer=self.serializer ) registry.remove(self, pipeline=pipeline) elif self.is_deferred: from .registry import DeferredJobRegistry registry = DeferredJobRegistry( self.origin, connection=self.connection, job_class=self.__class__, serializer=self.serializer ) registry.remove(self, pipeline=pipeline) elif self.is_started: from .registry import StartedJobRegistry registry = StartedJobRegistry( self.origin, connection=self.connection, job_class=self.__class__, serializer=self.serializer ) registry.remove(self, pipeline=pipeline) elif self.is_scheduled: from .registry import ScheduledJobRegistry registry = ScheduledJobRegistry( self.origin, connection=self.connection, job_class=self.__class__, serializer=self.serializer ) registry.remove(self, pipeline=pipeline) elif self.is_failed or self.is_stopped: self.failed_job_registry.remove(self, pipeline=pipeline) elif self.is_canceled: from .registry import CanceledJobRegistry registry = CanceledJobRegistry( self.origin, connection=self.connection, job_class=self.__class__, serializer=self.serializer ) registry.remove(self, pipeline=pipeline) def delete( self, pipeline: Optional['Pipeline'] = None, remove_from_queue: bool = True, delete_dependents: bool = False ): """Cancels the job and deletes the job hash from Redis. Jobs depending on this job can optionally be deleted as well. Args: pipeline (Optional[Pipeline], optional): Redis' piepline. Defaults to None. remove_from_queue (bool, optional): Whether the job should be removed from the queue. Defaults to True. delete_dependents (bool, optional): Whether job dependents should also be deleted. Defaults to False. """ connection = pipeline if pipeline is not None else self.connection self._remove_from_registries(pipeline=pipeline, remove_from_queue=remove_from_queue) if delete_dependents: self.delete_dependents(pipeline=pipeline) connection.delete(self.key, self.dependents_key, self.dependencies_key) def delete_dependents(self, pipeline: Optional['Pipeline'] = None): """Delete jobs depending on this job. Args: pipeline (Optional[Pipeline], optional): Redis' piepline. Defaults to None. """ connection = pipeline if pipeline is not None else self.connection for dependent_id in self.dependent_ids: try: job = Job.fetch(dependent_id, connection=self.connection, serializer=self.serializer) job.delete(pipeline=pipeline, remove_from_queue=False) except NoSuchJobError: # It could be that the dependent job was never saved to redis pass connection.delete(self.dependents_key) # Job execution def perform(self) -> Any: # noqa """The main execution method. Invokes the job function with the job arguments. This is the method that actually performs the job - it's what its called by the worker. Returns: result (Any): The job result """ self.connection.persist(self.key) _job_stack.push(self) try: self._result = self._execute() finally: assert self is _job_stack.pop() return self._result def prepare_for_execution(self, worker_name: str, pipeline: 'Pipeline'): """Prepares the job for execution, setting the worker name, heartbeat information, status and other metadata before execution begins. Args: worker_name (str): The worker that will perform the job pipeline (Pipeline): The Redis' piipeline to use """ self.worker_name = worker_name self.last_heartbeat = utcnow() self.started_at = self.last_heartbeat self._status = JobStatus.STARTED mapping = { 'last_heartbeat': utcformat(self.last_heartbeat), 'status': self._status, 'started_at': utcformat(self.started_at), # type: ignore 'worker_name': worker_name, } if self.get_redis_server_version() >= (4, 0, 0): pipeline.hset(self.key, mapping=mapping) else: pipeline.hmset(self.key, mapping=mapping) def _execute(self) -> Any: """Actually runs the function with it's *args and **kwargs. It will use the `func` property, which was already resolved and ready to run at this point. If the function is a coroutine (it's an async function/method), then the `result` will have to be awaited within an event loop. Returns: result (Any): The function result """ result = self.func(*self.args, **self.kwargs) if asyncio.iscoroutine(result): loop = asyncio.new_event_loop() coro_result = loop.run_until_complete(result) return coro_result return result def get_ttl(self, default_ttl: Optional[int] = None) -> Optional[int]: """Returns ttl for a job that determines how long a job will be persisted. In the future, this method will also be responsible for determining ttl for repeated jobs. Args: default_ttl (Optional[int]): The default time to live for the job Returns: ttl (int): The time to live """ return default_ttl if self.ttl is None else self.ttl def get_result_ttl(self, default_ttl: int) -> int: """Returns ttl for a job that determines how long a jobs result will be persisted. In the future, this method will also be responsible for determining ttl for repeated jobs. Args: default_ttl (Optional[int]): The default time to live for the job result Returns: ttl (int): The time to live for the result """ return default_ttl if self.result_ttl is None else self.result_ttl # Representation def get_call_string(self) -> Optional[str]: # noqa """Returns a string representation of the call, formatted as a regular Python function invocation statement. Returns: call_repr (str): The string representation """ call_repr = get_call_string(self.func_name, self.args, self.kwargs, max_length=75) return call_repr def cleanup(self, ttl: Optional[int] = None, pipeline: Optional['Pipeline'] = None, remove_from_queue: bool = True): """Prepare job for eventual deletion (if needed). This method is usually called after successful execution. How long we persist the job and its result depends on the value of ttl: - If ttl is 0, cleanup the job immediately. - If it's a positive number, set the job to expire in X seconds. - If ttl is negative, don't set an expiry to it (persist forever) Args: ttl (Optional[int], optional): Time to live. Defaults to None. pipeline (Optional[Pipeline], optional): Redis' pipeline. Defaults to None. remove_from_queue (bool, optional): Whether the job should be removed from the queue. Defaults to True. """ if ttl == 0: self.delete(pipeline=pipeline, remove_from_queue=remove_from_queue) elif not ttl: return elif ttl > 0: connection = pipeline if pipeline is not None else self.connection connection.expire(self.key, ttl) connection.expire(self.dependents_key, ttl) connection.expire(self.dependencies_key, ttl) @property def started_job_registry(self): from .registry import StartedJobRegistry return StartedJobRegistry( self.origin, connection=self.connection, job_class=self.__class__, serializer=self.serializer ) @property def failed_job_registry(self): from .registry import FailedJobRegistry return FailedJobRegistry( self.origin, connection=self.connection, job_class=self.__class__, serializer=self.serializer ) @property def finished_job_registry(self): from .registry import FinishedJobRegistry return FinishedJobRegistry( self.origin, connection=self.connection, job_class=self.__class__, serializer=self.serializer ) def execute_success_callback(self, death_penalty_class: Type[BaseDeathPenalty], result: Any): """Executes success_callback for a job. with timeout . Args: death_penalty_class (Type[BaseDeathPenalty]): The penalty class to use for timeout result (Any): The job's result. """ if not self.success_callback: return logger.debug('Running success callbacks for %s', with death_penalty_class(self.success_callback_timeout, JobTimeoutException, self.success_callback(self, self.connection, result) def execute_failure_callback(self, death_penalty_class: Type[BaseDeathPenalty], *exc_info): """Executes failure_callback with possible timeout""" if not self.failure_callback: return logger.debug('Running failure callbacks for %s', try: with death_penalty_class(self.failure_callback_timeout, JobTimeoutException, self.failure_callback(self, self.connection, *exc_info) except Exception: # noqa logger.exception(f'Job {}: error while executing failure callback') raise def _handle_success(self, result_ttl: int, pipeline: 'Pipeline'): """Saves and cleanup job after successful execution""" # self.log.debug('Setting job %s status to finished', self.set_status(JobStatus.FINISHED, pipeline=pipeline) # Result should be saved in job hash only if server # doesn't support Redis streams include_result = not self.supports_redis_streams # Don't clobber user's meta dictionary!, include_meta=False, include_result=include_result) # Result creation should eventually be moved to after support # for Redis < 5.0 is dropped. is used to test # for backward compatibility if self.supports_redis_streams: from .results import Result Result.create(self, Result.Type.SUCCESSFUL, return_value=self._result, ttl=result_ttl, pipeline=pipeline) if result_ttl != 0: finished_job_registry = self.finished_job_registry finished_job_registry.add(self, result_ttl, pipeline) def _handle_failure(self, exc_string: str, pipeline: 'Pipeline'): failed_job_registry = self.failed_job_registry # Exception should be saved in job hash if server # doesn't support Redis streams _save_exc_to_job = not self.supports_redis_streams failed_job_registry.add( self, ttl=self.failure_ttl, exc_string=exc_string, pipeline=pipeline, _save_exc_to_job=_save_exc_to_job, ) if self.supports_redis_streams: from .results import Result Result.create_failure(self, self.failure_ttl, exc_string=exc_string, pipeline=pipeline) def get_retry_interval(self) -> int: """Returns the desired retry interval. If number of retries is bigger than length of intervals, the first value in the list will be used multiple times. Returns: retry_interval (int): The desired retry interval """ if self.retry_intervals is None: return 0 number_of_intervals = len(self.retry_intervals) index = max(number_of_intervals - self.retries_left, 0) return self.retry_intervals[index] def retry(self, queue: 'Queue', pipeline: 'Pipeline'): """Requeue or schedule this job for execution. If the the `retry_interval` was set on the job itself, it will calculate a scheduled time for the job to run, and instead of just regularly `enqueing` the job, it will `schedule` it. Args: queue (Queue): The queue to retry the job on pipeline (Pipeline): The Redis' pipeline to use """ retry_interval = self.get_retry_interval() self.retries_left = self.retries_left - 1 if retry_interval: scheduled_datetime = + timedelta(seconds=retry_interval) self.set_status(JobStatus.SCHEDULED) queue.schedule_job(self, scheduled_datetime, pipeline=pipeline) else: queue._enqueue_job(self, pipeline=pipeline) def register_dependency(self, pipeline: Optional['Pipeline'] = None): """Jobs may have dependencies. Jobs are enqueued only if the jobs they depend on are successfully performed. We record this relation as a reverse dependency (a Redis set), with a key that looks something like: ..codeblock:python:: rq:job:job_id:dependents = {'job_id_1', 'job_id_2'} This method adds the job in its dependencies' dependents sets, and adds the job to DeferredJobRegistry. Args: pipeline (Optional[Pipeline]): The Redis' pipeline. Defaults to None """ from .registry import DeferredJobRegistry registry = DeferredJobRegistry( self.origin, connection=self.connection, job_class=self.__class__, serializer=self.serializer ) registry.add(self, pipeline=pipeline) connection = pipeline if pipeline is not None else self.connection for dependency_id in self._dependency_ids: dependents_key = self.dependents_key_for(dependency_id) connection.sadd(dependents_key, connection.sadd(self.dependencies_key, dependency_id) @property def dependency_ids(self) -> List[bytes]: dependencies = self.connection.smembers(self.dependencies_key) return [Job.key_for(_id.decode()) for _id in dependencies] def dependencies_are_met( self, parent_job: Optional['Job'] = None, pipeline: Optional['Pipeline'] = None, exclude_job_id: Optional[str] = None, ) -> bool: """Returns a boolean indicating if all of this job's dependencies are `FINISHED` If a pipeline is passed, all dependencies are WATCHed. `parent_job` allows us to directly pass parent_job for the status check. This is useful when enqueueing the dependents of a _successful_ job -- that status of `FINISHED` may not be yet set in redis, but said job is indeed _done_ and this method is _called_ in the _stack_ of its dependents are being enqueued. Args: parent_job (Optional[Job], optional): The parent Job. Defaults to None. pipeline (Optional[Pipeline], optional): The Redis' pipeline. Defaults to None. exclude_job_id (Optional[str], optional): Whether to exclude the job id.. Defaults to None. Returns: are_met (bool): Whether the dependencies were met. """ connection = pipeline if pipeline is not None else self.connection if pipeline is not None:*[self.key_for(dependency_id) for dependency_id in self._dependency_ids]) dependencies_ids = {_id.decode() for _id in connection.smembers(self.dependencies_key)} if exclude_job_id: dependencies_ids.discard(exclude_job_id) if parent_job and == exclude_job_id: parent_job = None if parent_job: # If parent job is canceled, treat dependency as failed # If parent job is not finished, we should only continue # if this job allows parent job to fail dependencies_ids.discard( if parent_job._status == JobStatus.CANCELED: return False elif parent_job._status == JobStatus.FAILED and not self.allow_dependency_failures: return False # If the only dependency is parent job, dependency has been met if not dependencies_ids: return True with connection.pipeline() as pipeline: for key in dependencies_ids: pipeline.hget(self.key_for(key), 'status') dependencies_statuses = pipeline.execute() allowed_statuses = [JobStatus.FINISHED] if self.allow_dependency_failures: allowed_statuses.append(JobStatus.FAILED) return all(status.decode() in allowed_statuses for status in dependencies_statuses if status) _job_stack = LocalStack() class Retry: def __init__(self, max: int, interval: Union[int, List[int]] = 0): """The main object to defined Retry logics for jobs. Args: max (int): The max number of times a job should be retried interval (Union[int, List[int]], optional): The interval between retries. Can be a positive number (int) or a list of ints. Defaults to 0 (meaning no interval between retries). Raises: ValueError: If the `max` argument is lower than 1 ValueError: If the interval param is negative or the list contains negative numbers """ super().__init__() if max < 1: raise ValueError('max: please enter a value greater than 0') if isinstance(interval, int): if interval < 0: raise ValueError('interval: negative numbers are not allowed') intervals = [interval] elif isinstance(interval, Iterable): for i in interval: if i < 0: raise ValueError('interval: negative numbers are not allowed') intervals = interval self.max = max self.intervals = intervals class Callback: def __init__(self, func: Callable[..., Any], timeout: Optional[Any] = None): if not inspect.isfunction(func) and not inspect.isbuiltin(func): raise ValueError('Callback func must be a function') self.func = func self.timeout = parse_timeout(timeout) if timeout else CALLBACK_TIMEOUT @property def name(self) -> str: return '{0}.{1}'.format(self.func.__module__, self.func.__qualname__)