''' Implements the RTS generic Target fabric classes. This file is part of RTSLib. Copyright (c) 2011-2013 by Datera, Inc. Copyright (c) 2011-2014 by Red Hat, Inc. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. ''' import re import os from glob import iglob as glob import uuid from node import CFSNode from os.path import isdir from utils import RTSLibError, RTSLibBrokenLink from utils import fread, fwrite, normalize_wwn, generate_wwn from utils import dict_remove, set_attributes, set_parameters, ignored from utils import _get_auth_attr, _set_auth_attr import tcm from functools import partial auth_params = ('userid', 'password', 'mutual_userid', 'mutual_password') class Target(CFSNode): ''' This is an interface to Targets in configFS. A Target is identified by its wwn. To a Target is attached a list of TPG objects. ''' # Target private stuff def __repr__(self): return "" % (self.fabric_module.name, self.wwn) def __init__(self, fabric_module, wwn=None, mode='any'): ''' @param fabric_module: The target's fabric module. @type fabric_module: FabricModule @param wwn: The optional Target's wwn. If no wwn is specified, one will be generated. @type wwn: string @param mode:An optionnal string containing the object creation mode: - I{'any'} means the configFS object will be either looked up or created. - I{'lookup'} means the object MUST already exist configFS. - I{'create'} means the object must NOT already exist in configFS. @type mode:string @return: A Target object. ''' super(Target, self).__init__() self.fabric_module = fabric_module fabric_module._check_self() if wwn is not None: # old versions used wrong NAA prefix, fixup if wwn.startswith("naa.6"): wwn = "naa.5" + wwn[5:] self.wwn, self.wwn_type = fabric_module.to_normalized_wwn(wwn) elif not fabric_module.wwns: self.wwn = generate_wwn(fabric_module.wwn_types[0]) self.wwn_type = fabric_module.wwn_types[0] else: raise RTSLibError("Fabric cannot generate WWN but it was not given") # Checking is done, convert to format the fabric wants fabric_wwn = fabric_module.to_fabric_wwn(self.wwn) self._path = "%s/%s" % (self.fabric_module.path, fabric_wwn) self._create_in_cfs_ine(mode) def _list_tpgs(self): self._check_self() for tpg_dir in glob("%s/tpgt*" % self.path): tag = os.path.basename(tpg_dir).split('_')[1] tag = int(tag) yield TPG(self, tag, 'lookup') # Target public stuff def has_feature(self, feature): ''' Whether or not this Target has a certain feature. ''' return self.fabric_module.has_feature(feature) def delete(self): ''' Recursively deletes a Target object. This will delete all attached TPG objects and then the Target itself. ''' self._check_self() for tpg in self.tpgs: tpg.delete() super(Target, self).delete() tpgs = property(_list_tpgs, doc="Get the list of TPG for the Target.") @classmethod def setup(cls, fm_obj, t, err_func): ''' Set up target objects based upon t dict, from saved config. Guard against missing or bad dict items, but keep going. Call 'err_func' for each error. ''' if 'wwn' not in t: err_func("'wwn' not defined for Target") return try: t_obj = Target(fm_obj, t['wwn']) except RTSLibError as e: err_func("Could not create Target object: %s" % e) return for tpg in t.get('tpgs', []): TPG.setup(t_obj, tpg, err_func) def dump(self): d = super(Target, self).dump() d['wwn'] = self.wwn d['fabric'] = self.fabric_module.name d['tpgs'] = [tpg.dump() for tpg in self.tpgs] return d class TPG(CFSNode): ''' This is a an interface to Target Portal Groups in configFS. A TPG is identified by its parent Target object and its TPG Tag. To a TPG object is attached a list of NetworkPortals. Targets without the 'tpgts' feature cannot have more than a single TPG, so attempts to create more will raise an exception. ''' # TPG private stuff def __repr__(self): return "" % self.tag def __init__(self, parent_target, tag=None, mode='any'): ''' @param parent_target: The parent Target object of the TPG. @type parent_target: Target @param tag: The TPG Tag (TPGT). @type tag: int > 0 @param mode:An optionnal string containing the object creation mode: - I{'any'} means the configFS object will be either looked up or created. - I{'lookup'} means the object MUST already exist configFS. - I{'create'} means the object must NOT already exist in configFS. @type mode:string @return: A TPG object. ''' super(TPG, self).__init__() if tag is None: tags = [tpg.tag for tpg in parent_target.tpgs] for index in xrange(1048576): if index not in tags and index > 0: tag = index break if tag is None: raise RTSLibError("Cannot find an available TPG Tag") else: tag = int(tag) if not tag > 0: raise RTSLibError("The TPG Tag must be >0") self._tag = tag if isinstance(parent_target, Target): self._parent_target = parent_target else: raise RTSLibError("Invalid parent Target") self._path = "%s/tpgt_%d" % (self.parent_target.path, self.tag) target_path = self.parent_target.path if not self.has_feature('tpgts') and not os.path.isdir(self._path): for filename in os.listdir(target_path): if filename.startswith("tpgt_") \ and os.path.isdir("%s/%s" % (target_path, filename)) \ and filename != "tpgt_%d" % self.tag: raise RTSLibError("Target cannot have multiple TPGs") self._create_in_cfs_ine(mode) if self.has_feature('nexus') and not self._get_nexus(): self._set_nexus() def _get_tag(self): return self._tag def _get_parent_target(self): return self._parent_target def _list_network_portals(self): self._check_self() if not self.has_feature('nps'): return for network_portal_dir in os.listdir("%s/np" % self.path): (ip_address, port) = \ os.path.basename(network_portal_dir).rsplit(":", 1) port = int(port) yield NetworkPortal(self, ip_address, port, 'lookup') def _get_enable(self): self._check_self() path = "%s/enable" % self.path # If the TPG does not have the enable attribute, then it is always # enabled. if os.path.isfile(path): return bool(int(fread(path))) else: return True def _set_enable(self, boolean): ''' Enables or disables the TPG. If the TPG doesn't support the enable attribute, do nothing. ''' self._check_self() path = "%s/enable" % self.path if os.path.isfile(path) and (boolean != self._get_enable()): try: fwrite(path, str(int(boolean))) except IOError as e: raise RTSLibError("Cannot change enable state: %s" % e) def _get_nexus(self): ''' Gets the nexus initiator WWN, or None if the TPG does not have one. ''' self._check_self() if self.has_feature('nexus'): try: nexus_wwn = fread("%s/nexus" % self.path) except IOError: nexus_wwn = '' return nexus_wwn else: return None def _set_nexus(self, nexus_wwn=None): ''' Sets the nexus initiator WWN. Raises an exception if the nexus is already set or if the TPG does not use a nexus. ''' self._check_self() if not self.has_feature('nexus'): raise RTSLibError("The TPG does not use a nexus") if self._get_nexus(): raise RTSLibError("The TPG's nexus initiator WWN is already set") fm = self.parent_target.fabric_module if nexus_wwn: nexus_wwn = fm.to_normalized_wwn(nexus_wwn)[0] else: # Nexus wwn type should match parent target nexus_wwn = generate_wwn(self.parent_target.wwn_type) fwrite("%s/nexus" % self.path, fm.to_fabric_wwn(nexus_wwn)) def _list_node_acls(self): self._check_self() if not self.has_feature('acls'): return node_acl_dirs = [os.path.basename(path) for path in os.listdir("%s/acls" % self.path)] for node_acl_dir in node_acl_dirs: fm = self.parent_target.fabric_module yield NodeACL(self, fm.from_fabric_wwn(node_acl_dir), 'lookup') def _list_node_acl_groups(self): self._check_self() if not self.has_feature('acls'): return names = set([]) for na in self.node_acls: tag = na.tag if tag: names.add(tag) return (NodeACLGroup(self, n) for n in names) def _list_luns(self): self._check_self() lun_dirs = [os.path.basename(path) for path in os.listdir("%s/lun" % self.path)] for lun_dir in lun_dirs: lun = lun_dir.split('_')[1] lun = int(lun) yield LUN(self, lun) def _control(self, command): self._check_self() path = "%s/control" % self.path fwrite(path, "%s\n" % str(command)) # TPG public stuff def has_feature(self, feature): ''' Whether or not this TPG has a certain feature. ''' return self.parent_target.has_feature(feature) def delete(self): ''' Recursively deletes a TPG object. This will delete all attached LUN, NetworkPortal and Node ACL objects and then the TPG itself. Before starting the actual deletion process, all sessions will be disconnected. ''' self._check_self() self.enable = False for acl in self.node_acls: acl.delete() for lun in self.luns: lun.delete() for portal in self.network_portals: portal.delete() super(TPG, self).delete() def node_acl(self, node_wwn, mode='any'): ''' Same as NodeACL() but without specifying the parent_tpg. ''' self._check_self() return NodeACL(self, node_wwn=node_wwn, mode=mode) def network_portal(self, ip_address, port, mode='any'): ''' Same as NetworkPortal() but without specifying the parent_tpg. ''' self._check_self() return NetworkPortal(self, ip_address=ip_address, port=port, mode=mode) def lun(self, lun, storage_object=None, alias=None): ''' Same as LUN() but without specifying the parent_tpg. ''' self._check_self() return LUN(self, lun=lun, storage_object=storage_object, alias=alias) tag = property(_get_tag, doc="Get the TPG Tag as an int.") parent_target = property(_get_parent_target, doc="Get the parent Target object to which the " \ + "TPG is attached.") enable = property(_get_enable, _set_enable, doc="Get or set a boolean value representing the " \ + "enable status of the TPG. " \ + "True means the TPG is enabled, False means it is " \ + "disabled.") network_portals = property(_list_network_portals, doc="Get the list of NetworkPortal objects currently attached " \ + "to the TPG.") node_acls = property(_list_node_acls, doc="Get the list of NodeACL objects currently " \ + "attached to the TPG.") node_acl_groups = property(_list_node_acl_groups, doc="Get the list of NodeACL groups currently " \ + "attached to the TPG.") luns = property(_list_luns, doc="Get the list of LUN objects currently attached " \ + "to the TPG.") nexus = property(_get_nexus, _set_nexus, doc="Get or set (once) the TPG's Nexus is used.") chap_userid = property(partial(_get_auth_attr, attribute='auth/userid', ignore=True), partial(_set_auth_attr, attribute='auth/userid', ignore=True), doc="Set or get the initiator CHAP auth userid.") chap_password = property(partial(_get_auth_attr, attribute='auth/password', ignore=True), partial(_set_auth_attr, attribute='auth/password', ignore=True), doc="Set or get the initiator CHAP auth password.") chap_mutual_userid = property(partial(_get_auth_attr, attribute='auth/userid_mutual', ignore=True), partial(_set_auth_attr, attribute='auth/userid_mutual', ignore=True), doc="Set or get the initiator CHAP auth userid.") chap_mutual_password = property(partial(_get_auth_attr, attribute='auth/password_mutual', ignore=True), partial(_set_auth_attr, attribute='auth/password_mutual', ignore=True), doc="Set or get the initiator CHAP auth password.") def _get_authenticate_target(self): self._check_self() path = "%s/auth/authenticate_target" % self.path try: return bool(int(fread(path))) except: return None authenticate_target = property(_get_authenticate_target, doc="Get the boolean authenticate target flag.") @classmethod def setup(cls, t_obj, tpg, err_func): tpg_obj = cls(t_obj, tag=tpg.get("tag", None)) set_attributes(tpg_obj, tpg.get('attributes', {}), err_func) set_parameters(tpg_obj, tpg.get('parameters', {}), err_func) for lun in tpg.get('luns', []): LUN.setup(tpg_obj, lun, err_func) for p in tpg.get('portals', []): NetworkPortal.setup(tpg_obj, p, err_func) for acl in tpg.get('node_acls', []): NodeACL.setup(tpg_obj, acl, err_func) tpg_obj.enable = tpg.get('enable', True) dict_remove(tpg, ('luns', 'portals', 'node_acls', 'tag', 'attributes', 'parameters', 'enable')) for name, value in tpg.iteritems(): if value: try: setattr(tpg_obj, name, value) except: err_func("Could not set tpg %s attribute '%s'" % (tpg_obj.tag, name)) def dump(self): d = super(TPG, self).dump() d['tag'] = self.tag d['enable'] = self.enable d['luns'] = [lun.dump() for lun in self.luns] d['portals'] = [portal.dump() for portal in self.network_portals] d['node_acls'] = [acl.dump() for acl in self.node_acls] if self.has_feature("auth"): for attr in auth_params: val = getattr(self, "chap_" + attr, None) if val: d["chap_" + attr] = val return d class LUN(CFSNode): ''' This is an interface to RTS Target LUNs in configFS. A LUN is identified by its parent TPG and LUN index. ''' MAX_LUN = 255 # LUN private stuff def __repr__(self): return "" % (self.lun, self.storage_object.plugin, self.storage_object.name) def __init__(self, parent_tpg, lun=None, storage_object=None, alias=None): ''' A LUN object can be instanciated in two ways: - B{Creation mode}: If I{storage_object} is specified, the underlying configFS object will be created with that parameter. No LUN with the same I{lun} index can pre-exist in the parent TPG in that mode, or instanciation will fail. - B{Lookup mode}: If I{storage_object} is not set, then the LUN will be bound to the existing configFS LUN object of the parent TPG having the specified I{lun} index. The underlying configFS object must already exist in that mode. @param parent_tpg: The parent TPG object. @type parent_tpg: TPG @param lun: The LUN index. @type lun: 0-255 @param storage_object: The storage object to be exported as a LUN. @type storage_object: StorageObject subclass @param alias: An optional parameter to manually specify the LUN alias. You probably do not need this. @type alias: string @return: A LUN object. ''' super(LUN, self).__init__() if isinstance(parent_tpg, TPG): self._parent_tpg = parent_tpg else: raise RTSLibError("Invalid parent TPG") if lun is None: luns = [l.lun for l in self.parent_tpg.luns] for index in xrange(self.MAX_LUN+1): if index not in luns: lun = index break if lun is None: raise RTSLibError("All LUNs 0-%d in use" % self.MAX_LUN) else: lun = int(lun) if lun < 0 or lun > self.MAX_LUN: raise RTSLibError("LUN must be 0 to %d" % self.MAX_LUN) self._lun = lun self._path = "%s/lun/lun_%d" % (self.parent_tpg.path, self.lun) if storage_object is None and alias is not None: raise RTSLibError("The alias parameter has no meaning " \ + "without the storage_object parameter") if storage_object is not None: self._create_in_cfs_ine('create') try: self._configure(storage_object, alias) except: self.delete() raise else: self._create_in_cfs_ine('lookup') def _configure(self, storage_object, alias): self._check_self() if alias is None: alias = str(uuid.uuid4())[-10:] else: alias = str(alias).strip() if '/' in alias: raise RTSLibError("Invalid alias: %s", alias) destination = "%s/%s" % (self.path, alias) if storage_object.exists: source = storage_object.path else: raise RTSLibError("storage_object does not exist in configFS") os.symlink(source, destination) def _get_alias(self): self._check_self() for path in os.listdir(self.path): if os.path.islink("%s/%s" % (self.path, path)): return os.path.basename(path) raise RTSLibBrokenLink("Broken LUN in configFS, no storage object") def _get_storage_object(self): self._check_self() alias_path = os.path.realpath("%s/%s" % (self.path, self.alias)) return tcm.StorageObject.so_from_path(alias_path) def _get_parent_tpg(self): return self._parent_tpg def _get_lun(self): return self._lun def _list_mapped_luns(self): self._check_self() tpg = self.parent_tpg if not tpg.has_feature('acls'): return for na in tpg.node_acls: for mlun in na.mapped_luns: if os.path.realpath("%s/%s" % (mlun.path, mlun.alias)) == self.path: yield mlun # LUN public stuff def delete(self): ''' If the underlying configFS object does not exist, this method does nothing. If the underlying configFS object exists, this method attempts to delete it along with all MappedLUN objects referencing that LUN. ''' self._check_self() for mlun in self.mapped_luns: mlun.delete() try: link = self.alias except RTSLibBrokenLink: pass else: if os.path.islink("%s/%s" % (self.path, link)): os.unlink("%s/%s" % (self.path, link)) super(LUN, self).delete() parent_tpg = property(_get_parent_tpg, doc="Get the parent TPG object.") lun = property(_get_lun, doc="Get the LUN index as an int.") storage_object = property(_get_storage_object, doc="Get the storage object attached to the LUN.") alias = property(_get_alias, doc="Get the LUN alias.") mapped_luns = property(_list_mapped_luns, doc="List all MappedLUN objects referencing this LUN.") @classmethod def setup(cls, tpg_obj, lun, err_func): if 'index' not in lun: err_func("'index' missing from a LUN in TPG %d" % tpg_obj.tag) return try: bs_name, so_name = lun['storage_object'].split('/')[2:] except: err_func("Malformed storage object field for LUN %d" % lun['index']) return for so in tcm.StorageObject.all(): if so_name == so.name and bs_name == so.plugin: match_so = so break else: err_func("Could not find matching StorageObject for LUN %d" % lun['index']) return try: cls(tpg_obj, lun['index'], storage_object=match_so) except (RTSLibError, KeyError): err_func("Creating TPG %d LUN index %d failed" % (tpg_obj.tag, lun['index'])) def dump(self): d = super(LUN, self).dump() d['storage_object'] = "/backstores/%s/%s" % \ (self.storage_object.plugin, self.storage_object.name) d['index'] = self.lun return d class NetworkPortal(CFSNode): ''' This is an interface to NetworkPortals in configFS. A NetworkPortal is identified by its IP and port, but here we also require the parent TPG, so instance objects represent both the NetworkPortal and its association to a TPG. This is necessary to get path information in order to create the portal in the proper configFS hierarchy. ''' # NetworkPortal private stuff def __repr__(self): return "" % (self.ip_address, self.port) def __init__(self, parent_tpg, ip_address, port=3260, mode='any'): ''' @param parent_tpg: The parent TPG object. @type parent_tpg: TPG @param ip_address: The ipv4/v6 IP address of the NetworkPortal. ipv6 addresses should be surrounded by '[]'. @type ip_address: string @param port: The optional (defaults to 3260) NetworkPortal TCP/IP port. @type port: int @param mode: An optionnal string containing the object creation mode: - I{'any'} means the configFS object will be either looked up or created. - I{'lookup'} means the object MUST already exist configFS. - I{'create'} means the object must NOT already exist in configFS. @type mode:string @return: A NetworkPortal object. ''' super(NetworkPortal, self).__init__() self._ip_address = str(ip_address) try: self._port = int(port) except ValueError: raise RTSLibError("Invalid port") if isinstance(parent_tpg, TPG): self._parent_tpg = parent_tpg else: raise RTSLibError("Invalid parent TPG") self._path = "%s/np/%s:%d" \ % (self.parent_tpg.path, self.ip_address, self.port) try: self._create_in_cfs_ine(mode) except OSError as msg: raise RTSLibError(msg) def _get_ip_address(self): return self._ip_address def _get_port(self): return self._port def _get_parent_tpg(self): return self._parent_tpg def _get_iser(self): try: return bool(int(fread("%s/iser" % self.path))) except IOError: return False def _set_iser(self, boolean): path = "%s/iser" % self.path try: fwrite(path, str(int(boolean))) except IOError: # b/w compat: don't complain if iser entry is missing if os.path.isfile(path): raise RTSLibError("Cannot change iser") # NetworkPortal public stuff def delete(self): self.iser = False super(NetworkPortal, self).delete() parent_tpg = property(_get_parent_tpg, doc="Get the parent TPG object.") port = property(_get_port, doc="Get the NetworkPortal's TCP port as an int.") ip_address = property(_get_ip_address, doc="Get the NetworkPortal's IP address as a string.") iser = property(_get_iser, _set_iser, doc="Get or set a boolean value representing if this " \ + "NetworkPortal supports iSER.") @classmethod def setup(cls, tpg_obj, p, err_func): if 'ip_address' not in p: err_func("'ip_address' field missing from a portal in TPG %d" % tpg_obj.tag) return if 'port' not in p: err_func("'port' field missing from a portal in TPG %d" % tpg_obj.tag) return try: np = cls(tpg_obj, p['ip_address'], p['port']) np.iser = p.get('iser', False) except (RTSLibError, KeyError) as e: err_func("Creating NetworkPortal object %s:%s failed: %s" % (p['ip_address'], p['port'], e)) def dump(self): d = super(NetworkPortal, self).dump() d['port'] = self.port d['ip_address'] = self.ip_address d['iser'] = self.iser return d class NodeACL(CFSNode): ''' This is an interface to node ACLs in configFS. A NodeACL is identified by the initiator node wwn and parent TPG. ''' # NodeACL private stuff def __repr__(self): return "" % self.node_wwn def __init__(self, parent_tpg, node_wwn, mode='any'): ''' @param parent_tpg: The parent TPG object. @type parent_tpg: TPG @param node_wwn: The wwn of the initiator node for which the ACL is created. @type node_wwn: string @param mode:An optionnal string containing the object creation mode: - I{'any'} means the configFS object will be either looked up or created. - I{'lookup'} means the object MUST already exist configFS. - I{'create'} means the object must NOT already exist in configFS. @type mode:string @return: A NodeACL object. ''' super(NodeACL, self).__init__() if isinstance(parent_tpg, TPG): self._parent_tpg = parent_tpg else: raise RTSLibError("Invalid parent TPG") fm = self.parent_tpg.parent_target.fabric_module self._node_wwn, self.wwn_type = normalize_wwn(fm.wwn_types, node_wwn) self._path = "%s/acls/%s" % (self.parent_tpg.path, fm.to_fabric_wwn(self.node_wwn)) self._create_in_cfs_ine(mode) def _get_node_wwn(self): return self._node_wwn def _get_parent_tpg(self): return self._parent_tpg def _get_tcq_depth(self): self._check_self() path = "%s/cmdsn_depth" % self.path return fread(path) def _set_tcq_depth(self, depth): self._check_self() path = "%s/cmdsn_depth" % self.path try: fwrite(path, "%s" % depth) except IOError as msg: msg = msg[1] raise RTSLibError("Cannot set tcq_depth: %s" % str(msg)) def _get_tag(self): self._check_self() try: tag = fread("%s/tag" % self.path) if tag: return tag return None except IOError: return None def _set_tag(self, tag_str): with ignored(IOError): if tag_str is None: fwrite("%s/tag" % self.path, 'NULL') else: fwrite("%s/tag" % self.path, tag_str) def _list_mapped_luns(self): self._check_self() for mapped_lun_dir in glob("%s/lun_*" % self.path): mapped_lun = int(os.path.basename(mapped_lun_dir).split("_")[1]) yield MappedLUN(self, mapped_lun) def _get_session(self): try: lines = fread("%s/info" % self.path).splitlines() except IOError: return None if lines[0].startswith("No active"): return None session = {} for line in lines: if line.startswith("InitiatorName:"): session['parent_nodeacl'] = self session['connections'] = [] elif line.startswith("InitiatorAlias:"): session['alias'] = line.split(":")[1].strip() elif line.startswith("LIO Session ID:"): session['id'] = int(line.split(":")[1].split()[0]) session['type'] = line.split("SessionType:")[1].split()[0].strip() elif "TARG_SESS_STATE_" in line: session['state'] = line.split("_STATE_")[1].split()[0] elif "TARG_CONN_STATE_" in line: cid = int(line.split(":")[1].split()[0]) cstate = line.split("_STATE_")[1].split()[0] session['connections'].append(dict(cid=cid, cstate=cstate)) elif "Address" in line: session['connections'][-1]['address'] = line.split()[1] session['connections'][-1]['transport'] = line.split()[2] return session # NodeACL public stuff def has_feature(self, feature): ''' Whether or not this NodeACL has a certain feature. ''' return self.parent_tpg.has_feature(feature) def delete(self): ''' Delete the NodeACL, including all MappedLUN objects. If the underlying configFS object does not exist, this method does nothing. ''' self._check_self() for mapped_lun in self.mapped_luns: mapped_lun.delete() super(NodeACL, self).delete() def mapped_lun(self, mapped_lun, tpg_lun=None, write_protect=None): ''' Same as MappedLUN() but without the parent_nodeacl parameter. ''' self._check_self() return MappedLUN(self, mapped_lun=mapped_lun, tpg_lun=tpg_lun, write_protect=write_protect) tcq_depth = property(_get_tcq_depth, _set_tcq_depth, doc="Set or get the TCQ depth for the initiator " \ + "sessions matching this NodeACL.") tag = property(_get_tag, _set_tag, doc="Set or get the NodeACL tag. If not supported, return None") parent_tpg = property(_get_parent_tpg, doc="Get the parent TPG object.") node_wwn = property(_get_node_wwn, doc="Get the node wwn.") mapped_luns = property(_list_mapped_luns, doc="Get the list of all MappedLUN objects in this NodeACL.") session = property(_get_session, doc="Gives a snapshot of the current session or C{None}") chap_userid = property(partial(_get_auth_attr, attribute='auth/userid'), partial(_set_auth_attr, attribute='auth/userid'), doc="Set or get the initiator CHAP auth userid.") chap_password = property(partial(_get_auth_attr, attribute='auth/password'), partial(_set_auth_attr, attribute='auth/password',), doc="Set or get the initiator CHAP auth password.") chap_mutual_userid = property(partial(_get_auth_attr, attribute='auth/userid_mutual'), partial(_set_auth_attr, attribute='auth/userid_mutual'), doc="Set or get the initiator CHAP auth userid.") chap_mutual_password = property(partial(_get_auth_attr, attribute='auth/password_mutual'), partial(_set_auth_attr, attribute='auth/password_mutual'), doc="Set or get the initiator CHAP auth password.") def _get_authenticate_target(self): self._check_self() path = "%s/auth/authenticate_target" % self.path return bool(int(fread(path))) authenticate_target = property(_get_authenticate_target, doc="Get the boolean authenticate target flag.") @classmethod def setup(cls, tpg_obj, acl, err_func): if 'node_wwn' not in acl: err_func("'node_wwn' missing in node_acl") return try: acl_obj = cls(tpg_obj, acl['node_wwn']) except RTSLibError as e: err_func("Error when creating NodeACL for %s: %s" % (acl['node_wwn'], e)) return set_attributes(acl_obj, acl.get('attributes', {}), err_func) for mlun in acl.get('mapped_luns', []): MappedLUN.setup(tpg_obj, acl_obj, mlun, err_func) dict_remove(acl, ('attributes', 'mapped_luns', 'node_wwn')) for name, value in acl.iteritems(): if value: try: setattr(acl_obj, name, value) except: err_func("Could not set nodeacl %s attribute '%s'" % (acl['node_wwn'], name)) def dump(self): d = super(NodeACL, self).dump() d['node_wwn'] = self.node_wwn d['mapped_luns'] = [lun.dump() for lun in self.mapped_luns] if self.tag: d['tag'] = self.tag if self.has_feature("auth"): for attr in auth_params: val = getattr(self, "chap_" + attr, None) if val: d["chap_" + attr] = val return d class MappedLUN(CFSNode): ''' This is an interface to RTS Target Mapped LUNs. A MappedLUN is a mapping of a TPG LUN to a specific initiator node, and is part of a NodeACL. It allows the initiator to actually access the TPG LUN if ACLs are enabled for the TPG. The initial TPG LUN will then be seen by the initiator node as the MappedLUN. ''' # MappedLUN private stuff def __repr__(self): return " tpg%d lun %d>" % \ (self.parent_nodeacl.node_wwn, self.mapped_lun, self.parent_nodeacl.parent_tpg.tag, self.tpg_lun.lun) def __init__(self, parent_nodeacl, mapped_lun, tpg_lun=None, write_protect=None): ''' A MappedLUN object can be instanciated in two ways: - B{Creation mode}: If I{tpg_lun} is specified, the underlying configFS object will be created with that parameter. No MappedLUN with the same I{mapped_lun} index can pre-exist in the parent NodeACL in that mode, or instanciation will fail. - B{Lookup mode}: If I{tpg_lun} is not set, then the MappedLUN will be bound to the existing configFS MappedLUN object of the parent NodeACL having the specified I{mapped_lun} index. The underlying configFS object must already exist in that mode. @param mapped_lun: The mapped LUN index. @type mapped_lun: int @param tpg_lun: The TPG LUN index to map, or directly a LUN object that belong to the same TPG as the parent NodeACL. @type tpg_lun: int or LUN @param write_protect: The write-protect flag value, defaults to False (write-protection disabled). @type write_protect: bool ''' super(MappedLUN, self).__init__() if not isinstance(parent_nodeacl, NodeACL): raise RTSLibError("The parent_nodeacl parameter must be " \ + "a NodeACL object") else: self._parent_nodeacl = parent_nodeacl if not parent_nodeacl.exists: raise RTSLibError("The parent_nodeacl does not exist") try: self._mapped_lun = int(mapped_lun) except ValueError: raise RTSLibError("The mapped_lun parameter must be an " \ + "integer value") self._path = "%s/lun_%d" % (self.parent_nodeacl.path, self.mapped_lun) if tpg_lun is None and write_protect is not None: raise RTSLibError("The write_protect parameter has no " \ + "meaning without the tpg_lun parameter") if tpg_lun is not None: self._create_in_cfs_ine('create') try: self._configure(tpg_lun, write_protect) except: self.delete() raise else: self._create_in_cfs_ine('lookup') def _configure(self, tpg_lun, write_protect): self._check_self() if isinstance(tpg_lun, LUN): tpg_lun = tpg_lun.lun else: try: tpg_lun = int(tpg_lun) except ValueError: raise RTSLibError("The tpg_lun must be either an " + "integer or a LUN object") # Check that the tpg_lun exists in the TPG for lun in self.parent_nodeacl.parent_tpg.luns: if lun.lun == tpg_lun: tpg_lun = lun break if not (isinstance(tpg_lun, LUN) and tpg_lun): raise RTSLibError("LUN %s does not exist in this TPG" % str(tpg_lun)) os.symlink(tpg_lun.path, "%s/%s" % (self.path, str(uuid.uuid4())[-10:])) try: self.write_protect = int(write_protect) > 0 except: self.write_protect = False def _get_alias(self): self._check_self() for path in os.listdir(self.path): if os.path.islink("%s/%s" % (self.path, path)): return os.path.basename(path) raise RTSLibBrokenLink("Broken LUN in configFS, no storage object") def _get_mapped_lun(self): return self._mapped_lun def _get_parent_nodeacl(self): return self._parent_nodeacl def _set_write_protect(self, write_protect): self._check_self() path = "%s/write_protect" % self.path if write_protect: fwrite(path, "1") else: fwrite(path, "0") def _get_write_protect(self): self._check_self() path = "%s/write_protect" % self.path return bool(int(fread(path))) def _get_tpg_lun(self): self._check_self() path = os.path.realpath("%s/%s" % (self.path, self.alias)) for lun in self.parent_nodeacl.parent_tpg.luns: if lun.path == path: return lun raise RTSLibBrokenLink("Broken MappedLUN, no TPG LUN found") def _get_node_wwn(self): self._check_self() return self.parent_nodeacl.node_wwn # MappedLUN public stuff def delete(self): ''' Delete the MappedLUN. ''' self._check_self() try: lun_link = "%s/%s" % (self.path, self.alias) except RTSLibBrokenLink: pass else: if os.path.islink(lun_link): os.unlink(lun_link) super(MappedLUN, self).delete() mapped_lun = property(_get_mapped_lun, doc="Get the integer MappedLUN mapped_lun index.") parent_nodeacl = property(_get_parent_nodeacl, doc="Get the parent NodeACL object.") write_protect = property(_get_write_protect, _set_write_protect, doc="Get or set the boolean write protection.") tpg_lun = property(_get_tpg_lun, doc="Get the TPG LUN object the MappedLUN is pointing at.") node_wwn = property(_get_node_wwn, doc="Get the wwn of the node for which the TPG LUN is mapped.") alias = property(_get_alias, doc="Get the MappedLUN alias.") @classmethod def setup(cls, tpg_obj, acl_obj, mlun, err_func): if 'tpg_lun' not in mlun: err_func("'tpg_lun' not in a mapped_lun") return if 'index' not in mlun: err_func("'index' not in a mapped_lun") return # Mapped lun needs to correspond with already-created # TPG lun for lun in tpg_obj.luns: if lun.lun == mlun['tpg_lun']: tpg_lun_obj = lun break else: err_func("Could not find matching TPG LUN %d for MappedLUN %s" % (mlun['tpg_lun'], mlun['index'])) return try: mlun_obj = cls(acl_obj, mlun['index'], tpg_lun_obj, mlun.get('write_protect')) mlun_obj.tag = mlun.get("tag", None) except (RTSLibError, KeyError): err_func("Creating MappedLUN object %d failed" % mlun['index']) def dump(self): d = super(MappedLUN, self).dump() d['write_protect'] = self.write_protect d['index'] = self.mapped_lun d['tpg_lun'] = self.tpg_lun.lun return d class Group(object): ''' An abstract base class akin to CFSNode, but for classes that emulate a higher-level group object across the actual NodeACL configfs structure. ''' def __init__(self, members_func): ''' members_func is a function that takes a self argument and returns an iterator of the objects that the derived Group class is grouping. ''' self._mem_func = members_func def _get_first_member(self): try: return self._mem_func(self).next() except StopIteration: raise IndexError("Group is empty") def _get_prop(self, prop): ''' Helper fn to use with partial() to support getting a property value from the first member of the group. (All members of the group should be identical.) ''' return getattr(self._get_first_member(), prop) def _set_prop(self, value, prop): ''' Helper fn to use with partial() to support setting a property value in all members of the group. Caution: Arguments reversed! This is so partial() can be used on property name. ''' for mem in self._mem_func(self): setattr(mem, prop, value) def list_attributes(self, writable=None): return self._get_first_member().list_attributes(writable) def list_parameters(self, writable=None): return self._get_first_member().list_parameters(writable) def set_attribute(self, attribute, value): for obj in self._mem_func(self): obj.set_attribute(attribute, value) def set_parameter(self, parameter, value): for obj in self._mem_func(self): obj.set_parameter(parameter, value) def get_attribute(self, attribute): return self._get_first_member().get_attribute(attribute) def get_parameter(self, parameter): return self._get_first_member().get_parameter(parameter) def delete(self): ''' Delete all members of the group. ''' for mem in self._mem_func(self): mem.delete() @property def exists(self): return any(self._mem_func(self)) def _check_group_name(name): # Since all WWNs have a '.' in them, let's avoid confusion. if '.' in name: raise ExecutionError("'.' not permitted in group names.") class NodeACLGroup(Group): ''' Allow a group of NodeACLs that share a tag to be managed collectively. ''' def __repr__(self): return "" % self.name def __init__(self, parent_tpg, name): super(NodeACLGroup, self).__init__(NodeACLGroup._node_acls.fget) _check_group_name(name) self._name = name self._parent_tpg = parent_tpg def _get_name(self): return self._name def _set_name(self, name): _check_group_name(name) for na in self._node_acls: na.tag = name self._name = name @property def parent_tpg(self): ''' Get the parent TPG object. ''' return self._parent_tpg def add_acl(self, node_wwn): ''' Add a WWN to the NodeACLGroup. If a NodeACL already exists for this WWN, its configuration will be changed to match the NodeACLGroup, except for its auth parameters, which can vary among group members. @param node_wwn: An initiator WWN @type node_wwn: string ''' nacl = NodeACL(self.parent_tpg, node_wwn) if nacl in self._node_acls: return # if joining a group, take its config try: model = self._node_acls.next() except StopIteration: pass else: for mlun in nacl.mapped_luns: mlun.delete() for mlun in model.mapped_luns: MappedLUN(nacl, mlun.mapped_lun, mlun.tpg_lun, mlun.write_protect) for item in model.list_attributes(writable=True): nacl.set_attribute(item, model.get_attribute(item)) for item in model.list_parameters(writable=True): nacl.set_parameter(item, model.get_parameter(item)) finally: nacl.tag = self.name def remove_acl(self, node_wwn): ''' Remove a WWN from the NodeACLGroup. @param node_wwn: An initiator WWN @type node_wwn: string ''' nacl = NodeACL(self.parent_tpg, node_wwn, mode='lookup') nacl.delete() @property def _node_acls(self): ''' Gives access to the underlying NodeACLs within this group. ''' for na in self.parent_tpg.node_acls: if na.tag == self.name: yield na @property def wwns(self): ''' Give the Node WWNs of members of this group. ''' return (na.node_wwn for na in self._node_acls) def has_feature(self, feature): ''' Whether or not this NodeACL has a certain feature. ''' return self._parent_tpg.has_feature(feature) @property def sessions(self): ''' Yields any current sessions. ''' for na in self._node_acls: session = na.session if session: yield session def mapped_lun_group(self, mapped_lun, tpg_lun=None, write_protect=None): ''' Add a mapped lun to all group members. ''' return MappedLUNGroup(self, mapped_lun=mapped_lun, tpg_lun=tpg_lun, write_protect=write_protect) @property def mapped_lun_groups(self): ''' Generates all MappedLUNGroup objects in this NodeACLGroup. ''' try: first = self._get_first_member() except IndexError: return for mlun in first.mapped_luns: yield MappedLUNGroup(self, mlun.mapped_lun) name = property(_get_name, _set_name, doc="Get/set NodeACLGroup name.") def _get_chap(self, name): for na in self._node_acls: yield (na.node_wwn, getattr(na, "chap_" + name)) def _set_chap(self, name, value, wwn): for na in self._node_acls: if not wwn: setattr(na, "chap_" + name, value) elif wwn == na.node_wwn: setattr(na, "chap_" + name, value) break def get_userids(self): ''' Returns a (wwn, userid) tuple for each member of the group. ''' return self._get_chap(name="userid") def set_userids(self, value, wwn=None): ''' If wwn, set the userid for just that wwn, otherwise set it for all group members. ''' return self._set_chap("userid", value, wwn) def get_passwords(self): ''' Returns a (wwn, password) tuple for each member of the group. ''' return self._get_chap(name="password") def set_passwords(self, value, wwn=None): ''' If wwn, set the password for just that wwn, otherwise set it for all group members. ''' return self._set_chap("password", value, wwn) def get_mutual_userids(self): ''' Returns a (wwn, mutual_userid) tuple for each member of the group. ''' return self._get_chap(name="mutual_userid") def set_mutual_userids(self, value, wwn=None): ''' If wwn, set the mutual_userid for just that wwn, otherwise set it for all group members. ''' return self._set_chap("mutual_userid", value, wwn) def get_mutual_passwords(self): ''' Returns a (wwn, mutual_password) tuple for each member of the group. ''' return self._get_chap(name="mutual_password") def set_mutual_passwords(self, value, wwn=None): ''' If wwn, set the mutual_password for just that wwn, otherwise set it for all group members. ''' return self._set_chap("mutual_password", value, wwn) tcq_depth = property(partial(Group._get_prop, prop="tcq_depth"), partial(Group._set_prop, prop="tcq_depth"), doc="Set or get the TCQ depth for the initiator " + "sessions matching this NodeACLGroup") authenticate_target = property(partial(Group._get_prop, prop="authenticate_target"), doc="Get the boolean authenticate target flag.") class MappedLUNGroup(Group): ''' Used with NodeACLGroup, this aggregates all MappedLUNs with the same LUN so that it can be configured across all members of the NodeACLGroup. ''' def __repr__(self): return "" % (self._nag.name, self._mapped_lun) def __init__(self, nodeaclgroup, mapped_lun, *args, **kwargs): super(MappedLUNGroup, self).__init__(MappedLUNGroup._mapped_luns.fget) self._nag = nodeaclgroup self._mapped_lun = mapped_lun for na in self._nag._node_acls: MappedLUN(na, mapped_lun=mapped_lun, *args, **kwargs) @property def _mapped_luns(self): for na in self._nag._node_acls: for mlun in na.mapped_luns: if mlun.mapped_lun == self.mapped_lun: yield mlun @property def mapped_lun(self): ''' Get the integer MappedLUN mapped_lun index. ''' return self._mapped_lun @property def parent_nodeaclgroup(self): ''' Get the parent NodeACLGroup object. ''' return self._nag write_protect = property(partial(Group._get_prop, prop="write_protect"), partial(Group._set_prop, prop="write_protect"), doc="Get or set the boolean write protection.") tpg_lun = property(partial(Group._get_prop, prop="tpg_lun"), doc="Get the TPG LUN object the MappedLUN is pointing at.") def _test(): from doctest import testmod testmod() if __name__ == "__main__": _test()