''' Implements the RTS Target backstore and storage object classes. This file is part of RTSLib. Copyright (c) 2011-2013 by Datera, Inc Copyright (c) 2011-2014 by Red Hat, Inc. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. ''' import os import stat import re import glob import resource from six.moves import range from .alua import ALUATargetPortGroup from .node import CFSNode from .utils import fread, fwrite, generate_wwn, RTSLibError, RTSLibNotInCFS from .utils import convert_scsi_path_to_hctl, convert_scsi_hctl_to_path from .utils import is_dev_in_use, get_blockdev_type from .utils import get_size_for_blk_dev, get_size_for_disk_name class StorageObject(CFSNode): ''' This is an interface to storage objects in configFS. A StorageObject is identified by its backstore and its name. ''' # StorageObject private stuff def __repr__(self): return "<%s %s/%s>" % (self.__class__.__name__, self.plugin, self.name) def __init__(self, name, mode): super(StorageObject, self).__init__() if "/" in name or " " in name or "\t" in name or "\n" in name: raise RTSLibError("A storage object's name cannot contain " " /, newline or spaces/tabs") else: self._name = name self._backstore = _Backstore(name, type(self), mode) self._path = "%s/%s" % (self._backstore.path, self.name) self.plugin = self._backstore.plugin try: self._create_in_cfs_ine(mode) except: self._backstore.delete() raise def _configure(self, wwn=None): if not wwn: wwn = generate_wwn('unit_serial') self.wwn = wwn self._config_pr_aptpl() def __eq__(self, other): return self.plugin == other.plugin and self.name == other.name def __ne__(self, other): return not self == other def _config_pr_aptpl(self): """ LIO actually *writes* pr aptpl info to the filesystem, so we need to read it in and squirt it back into configfs when we configure the storage object. BLEH. """ aptpl_dir = "/var/target/pr" try: lines = fread("%s/aptpl_%s" % (aptpl_dir, self.wwn)).split() except: return if not lines[0].startswith("PR_REG_START:"): return reservations = [] for line in lines: if line.startswith("PR_REG_START:"): res_list = [] elif line.startswith("PR_REG_END:"): reservations.append(res_list) else: res_list.append(line.strip()) for res in reservations: fwrite(self.path + "/pr/res_aptpl_metadata", ",".join(res)) @classmethod def all(cls): for so_dir in glob.glob("%s/core/*_*/*" % cls.configfs_dir): if os.path.isdir(so_dir): yield cls.so_from_path(so_dir) @classmethod def so_from_path(cls, path): ''' Build a StorageObject of the correct type from a configfs path. ''' so_name = os.path.basename(path) so_type = path.split("/")[-2].rsplit("_", 1)[0] return so_mapping[so_type](so_name) def _get_wwn(self): self._check_self() if self.is_configured(): path = "%s/wwn/vpd_unit_serial" % self.path return fread(path).partition(":")[2].strip() else: raise RTSLibError("Cannot read a T10 WWN Unit Serial from " + "an unconfigured StorageObject") def _set_wwn(self, wwn): self._check_self() if self.is_configured(): path = "%s/wwn/vpd_unit_serial" % self.path fwrite(path, "%s\n" % wwn) else: raise RTSLibError("Cannot write a T10 WWN Unit Serial to " + "an unconfigured StorageObject") def _set_udev_path(self, udev_path): self._check_self() path = "%s/udev_path" % self.path fwrite(path, "%s" % udev_path) def _get_udev_path(self): self._check_self() path = "%s/udev_path" % self.path udev_path = fread(path) if not udev_path and self._backstore.plugin == "fileio": udev_path = self._parse_info('File').strip() return udev_path def _get_version(self): return self._backstore.version def _get_name(self): return self._name def _enable(self): self._check_self() path = "%s/enable" % self.path fwrite(path, "1\n") def _control(self, command): self._check_self() path = "%s/control" % self.path fwrite(path, "%s" % str(command).strip()) def _write_fd(self, contents): self._check_self() path = "%s/fd" % self.path fwrite(path, "%s" % str(contents).strip()) def _parse_info(self, key): self._check_self() info = fread("%s/info" % self.path) return re.search(".*%s: ([^: ]+).*" \ % key, ' '.join(info.split())).group(1) def _get_status(self): self._check_self() return self._parse_info('Status').lower() def _gen_attached_luns(self): ''' Fast scan of luns attached to a storage object. This is an order of magnitude faster than using root.luns and matching path on them. ''' isdir = os.path.isdir islink = os.path.islink listdir = os.listdir realpath = os.path.realpath path = self.path from .root import RTSRoot from .target import LUN, TPG, Target from .fabric import target_names_excludes for base, fm in ((fm.path, fm) for fm in RTSRoot().fabric_modules if fm.exists): for tgt_dir in listdir(base): if tgt_dir not in target_names_excludes: tpgts_base = "%s/%s" % (base, tgt_dir) for tpgt_dir in listdir(tpgts_base): luns_base = "%s/%s/lun" % (tpgts_base, tpgt_dir) if isdir(luns_base): for lun_dir in listdir(luns_base): links_base = "%s/%s" % (luns_base, lun_dir) for lun_file in listdir(links_base): link = "%s/%s" % (links_base, lun_file) if islink(link) and realpath(link) == path: val = (tpgt_dir + "_" + lun_dir) val = val.split('_') target = Target(fm, tgt_dir) yield LUN(TPG(target, val[1]), val[3]) def _list_attached_luns(self): ''' Generates all luns attached to a storage object. ''' self._check_self() for lun in self._gen_attached_luns(): yield lun def _list_alua_tpgs(self): ''' Generate all ALUA groups attach to a storage object. ''' self._check_self() for tpg in os.listdir("%s/alua" % self.path): if self.alua_supported: yield ALUATargetPortGroup(self, tpg) def _get_alua_supported(self): ''' Children should override and return false if ALUA setup is not supported. ''' self._check_self() return True # StorageObject public stuff def delete(self): ''' Recursively deletes a StorageObject object. This will delete all attached LUNs currently using the StorageObject object, and then the StorageObject itself. The underlying file and block storages will not be touched, but all ramdisk data will be lost. ''' self._check_self() for alua_tpg in self._list_alua_tpgs(): if alua_tpg.name != 'default_tg_pt_gp': alua_tpg.delete() # If we are called after a configure error, we can skip this if self.is_configured(): for lun in self._gen_attached_luns(): if self.status != 'activated': break else: lun.delete() super(StorageObject, self).delete() self._backstore.delete() def is_configured(self): ''' @return: True if the StorageObject is configured, else returns False ''' self._check_self() path = "%s/enable" % self.path try: configured = fread(path) except IOError: return True return bool(int(configured)) version = property(_get_version, doc="Get the version of the StorageObject's backstore") name = property(_get_name, doc="Get the StorageObject name as a string.") udev_path = property(_get_udev_path, doc="Get the StorageObject udev_path as a string.") wwn = property(_get_wwn, _set_wwn, doc="Get or set the StorageObject T10 WWN Serial as a string.") status = property(_get_status, doc="Get the storage object status, depending on whether or not it"\ + "is used by any LUN") attached_luns = property(_list_attached_luns, doc="Get the list of all LUN objects attached.") alua_tpgs = property(_list_alua_tpgs, doc="Get list of ALUA Target Port Groups attached.") alua_supported = property(_get_alua_supported, doc="Returns true if ALUA can be setup. False if not supported.") def dump(self): d = super(StorageObject, self).dump() d['name'] = self.name d['plugin'] = self.plugin d['alua_tpgs'] = [tpg.dump() for tpg in self.alua_tpgs] return d class PSCSIStorageObject(StorageObject): ''' An interface to configFS storage objects for pscsi backstore. ''' # PSCSIStorageObject private stuff def __init__(self, name, dev=None): ''' A PSCSIStorageObject can be instantiated in two ways: - B{Creation mode}: If I{dev} is specified, the underlying configFS object will be created with that parameter. No PSCSIStorageObject with the same I{name} can pre-exist in the parent PSCSIBackstore in that mode, or instantiation will fail. - B{Lookup mode}: If I{dev} is not set, then the PSCSIStorageObject will be bound to the existing configFS object in the parent PSCSIBackstore having the specified I{name}. The underlying configFS object must already exist in that mode, or instantiation will fail. @param name: The name of the PSCSIStorageObject. @type name: string @param dev: You have two choices: - Use the SCSI id of the device: I{dev="H:C:T:L"}. - Use the path to the SCSI device: I{dev="/path/to/dev"}. @type dev: string @return: A PSCSIStorageObject object. ''' if dev is not None: super(PSCSIStorageObject, self).__init__(name, 'create') try: self._configure(dev) except: self.delete() raise else: super(PSCSIStorageObject, self).__init__(name, 'lookup') def _configure(self, dev): self._check_self() # Use H:C:T:L format or use the path given by the user. try: # assume 'dev' is the path, try to get h:c:t:l values (hostid, channelid, targetid, lunid) = \ convert_scsi_path_to_hctl(dev) udev_path = dev.strip() except: # Oops, maybe 'dev' is in h:c:t:l format, try to get udev_path try: (hostid, channelid, targetid, lunid) = dev.split(':') hostid = int(hostid) channelid = int(channelid) targetid = int(targetid) lunid = int(lunid) except ValueError: raise RTSLibError("Cannot find SCSI device by " + "path, and dev " + "parameter not in H:C:T:L " + "format: %s" % dev) udev_path = convert_scsi_hctl_to_path(hostid, channelid, targetid, lunid) # -- now have all 5 values or have errored out -- if is_dev_in_use(udev_path): raise RTSLibError("Cannot configure StorageObject because " + "device %s (SCSI %d:%d:%d:%d) " % (udev_path, hostid, channelid, targetid, lunid) + "is already in use") self._control("scsi_host_id=%d," % hostid \ + "scsi_channel_id=%d," % channelid \ + "scsi_target_id=%d," % targetid \ + "scsi_lun_id=%d" % lunid) self._set_udev_path(udev_path) self._enable() super(PSCSIStorageObject, self)._configure() def _set_wwn(self, wwn): # pscsi doesn't support setting wwn pass def _get_model(self): self._check_self() info = fread("%s/info" % self.path) return str(re.search(".*Model:(.*)Rev:", ' '.join(info.split())).group(1)).strip() def _get_vendor(self): self._check_self() info = fread("%s/info" % self.path) return str(re.search(".*Vendor:(.*)Model:", ' '.join(info.split())).group(1)).strip() def _get_revision(self): self._check_self() return self._parse_info('Rev') def _get_channel_id(self): self._check_self() return int(self._parse_info('Channel ID')) def _get_target_id(self): self._check_self() return int(self._parse_info('Target ID')) def _get_lun(self): self._check_self() return int(self._parse_info('LUN')) def _get_host_id(self): self._check_self() return int(self._parse_info('Host ID')) def _get_alua_supported(self): self._check_self() return False # PSCSIStorageObject public stuff wwn = property(StorageObject._get_wwn, _set_wwn, doc="Get the StorageObject T10 WWN Unit Serial as a string." + " You cannot set it for pscsi-backed StorageObjects.") model = property(_get_model, doc="Get the SCSI device model string") vendor = property(_get_vendor, doc="Get the SCSI device vendor string") revision = property(_get_revision, doc="Get the SCSI device revision string") host_id = property(_get_host_id, doc="Get the SCSI device host id") channel_id = property(_get_channel_id, doc="Get the SCSI device channel id") target_id = property(_get_target_id, doc="Get the SCSI device target id") lun = property(_get_lun, doc="Get the SCSI device LUN") alua_supported = property(_get_alua_supported, doc="ALUA cannot be setup with rtslib, so False is returned."); def dump(self): d = super(PSCSIStorageObject, self).dump() d['dev'] = self.udev_path return d class RDMCPStorageObject(StorageObject): ''' An interface to configFS storage objects for rd_mcp backstore. ''' # RDMCPStorageObject private stuff def __init__(self, name, size=None, wwn=None, nullio=False): ''' A RDMCPStorageObject can be instantiated in two ways: - B{Creation mode}: If I{size} is specified, the underlying configFS object will be created with that parameter. No RDMCPStorageObject with the same I{name} can pre-exist in the parent Backstore in that mode, or instantiation will fail. - B{Lookup mode}: If I{size} is not set, then the RDMCPStorageObject will be bound to the existing configFS object in the parent Backstore having the specified I{name}. The underlying configFS object must already exist in that mode, or instantiation will fail. @param name: The name of the RDMCPStorageObject. @type name: string @param size: The size of the ramdrive to create, in bytes. @type size: int @param wwn: T10 WWN Unit Serial, will generate if None @type wwn: string @param nullio: If rd should be created w/o backing page store. @type nullio: boolean @return: A RDMCPStorageObject object. ''' if size is not None: super(RDMCPStorageObject, self).__init__(name, 'create') try: self._configure(size, wwn, nullio) except: self.delete() raise else: super(RDMCPStorageObject, self).__init__(name, 'lookup') def _configure(self, size, wwn, nullio): self._check_self() # convert to pages size = round(float(size)/resource.getpagesize()) if size == 0: size = 1 self._control("rd_pages=%d" % size) if nullio: self._control("rd_nullio=1") self._enable() super(RDMCPStorageObject, self)._configure(wwn) def _get_page_size(self): self._check_self() return int(self._parse_info("PAGES/PAGE_SIZE").split('*')[1]) def _get_pages(self): self._check_self() return int(self._parse_info("PAGES/PAGE_SIZE").split('*')[0]) def _get_size(self): self._check_self() size = self._get_page_size() * self._get_pages() return size def _get_nullio(self): self._check_self() # nullio not present before 3.10 try: return bool(int(self._parse_info('nullio'))) except AttributeError: return False # RDMCPStorageObject public stuff page_size = property(_get_page_size, doc="Get the ramdisk page size.") pages = property(_get_pages, doc="Get the ramdisk number of pages.") size = property(_get_size, doc="Get the ramdisk size in bytes.") nullio = property(_get_nullio, doc="Get the nullio status.") def dump(self): d = super(RDMCPStorageObject, self).dump() d['wwn'] = self.wwn d['size'] = self.size # only dump nullio if enabled if self.nullio: d['nullio'] = True return d class FileIOStorageObject(StorageObject): ''' An interface to configFS storage objects for fileio backstore. ''' # FileIOStorageObject private stuff def __init__(self, name, dev=None, size=None, wwn=None, write_back=False): ''' A FileIOStorageObject can be instantiated in two ways: - B{Creation mode}: If I{dev} and I{size} are specified, the underlying configFS object will be created with those parameters. No FileIOStorageObject with the same I{name} can pre-exist in the parent Backstore in that mode, or instantiation will fail. - B{Lookup mode}: If I{dev} and I{size} are not set, then the FileIOStorageObject will be bound to the existing configFS object in the parent Backstore having the specified I{name}. The underlying configFS object must already exist in that mode, or instantiation will fail. @param name: The name of the FileIOStorageObject. @type name: string @param dev: The path to the backend file or block device to be used. - Examples: I{dev="/dev/sda"}, I{dev="/tmp/myfile"} - The only block device type that is accepted I{TYPE_DISK}, or partitions of a I{TYPE_DISK} device. For other device types, use pscsi. @type dev: string @param size: Size of the object, if not a block device @type size: int @param wwn: T10 WWN Unit Serial, will generate if None @type wwn: string @param write_back: Should we create the StorageObject with write caching enabled? Disabled by default @type write_back: bool @return: A FileIOStorageObject object. ''' if dev is not None: super(FileIOStorageObject, self).__init__(name, 'create') try: self._configure(dev, size, wwn, write_back) except: self.delete() raise else: super(FileIOStorageObject, self).__init__(name, 'lookup') def _configure(self, dev, size, wwn, write_back): self._check_self() block_type = get_blockdev_type(dev) if block_type is None: # a file if os.path.exists(dev) and not os.path.isfile(dev): raise RTSLibError("Path not to a file or block device") if size is None: raise RTSLibError("Path is to a file, size needed") self._control("fd_dev_name=%s,fd_dev_size=%d" % (dev, size)) else: # a block device # size is ignored but we can't raise an exception because # dump() saves it and thus restore() will call us with it. if block_type != 0: raise RTSLibError("Device is not a TYPE_DISK block device") if is_dev_in_use(dev): raise RTSLibError("Device %s is already in use" % dev) self._control("fd_dev_name=%s" % dev) if write_back: self.set_attribute("emulate_write_cache", 1) self._control("fd_buffered_io=%d" % write_back) self._set_udev_path(dev) self._enable() super(FileIOStorageObject, self)._configure(wwn) def _get_wb_enabled(self): self._check_self() return bool(int(self.get_attribute("emulate_write_cache"))) def _get_size(self): self._check_self() if self.is_block: return (get_size_for_blk_dev(self._parse_info('File')) * int(self._parse_info('SectorSize'))) else: return int(self._parse_info('Size')) def _is_block(self): return get_blockdev_type(self.udev_path) is not None # FileIOStorageObject public stuff write_back = property(_get_wb_enabled, doc="True if write-back, False if write-through (write cache disabled)") size = property(_get_size, doc="Get the current FileIOStorage size in bytes") is_block = property(_is_block, doc="True if FileIoStorage is backed by a block device instead of a file") def dump(self): d = super(FileIOStorageObject, self).dump() d['write_back'] = self.write_back d['wwn'] = self.wwn d['dev'] = self.udev_path d['size'] = self.size return d class BlockStorageObject(StorageObject): ''' An interface to configFS storage objects for block backstore. ''' # BlockStorageObject private stuff def __init__(self, name, dev=None, wwn=None, readonly=False, write_back=False): ''' A BlockIOStorageObject can be instantiated in two ways: - B{Creation mode}: If I{dev} is specified, the underlying configFS object will be created with that parameter. No BlockIOStorageObject with the same I{name} can pre-exist in the parent Backstore in that mode. - B{Lookup mode}: If I{dev} is not set, then the BlockIOStorageObject will be bound to the existing configFS object in the parent Backstore having the specified I{name}. The underlying configFS object must already exist in that mode, or instantiation will fail. @param name: The name of the BlockIOStorageObject. @type name: string @param dev: The path to the backend block device to be used. - Example: I{dev="/dev/sda"}. - The only device type that is accepted I{TYPE_DISK}. For other device types, use pscsi. @type dev: string @param wwn: T10 WWN Unit Serial, will generate if None @type wwn: string @return: A BlockIOStorageObject object. ''' if dev is not None: super(BlockStorageObject, self).__init__(name, 'create') try: self._configure(dev, wwn, readonly) except: self.delete() raise else: super(BlockStorageObject, self).__init__(name, 'lookup') def _configure(self, dev, wwn, readonly): self._check_self() if get_blockdev_type(dev) != 0: raise RTSLibError("Device %s is not a TYPE_DISK block device" % dev) if is_dev_in_use(dev): raise RTSLibError("Cannot configure StorageObject because " + "device %s is already in use" % dev) self._set_udev_path(dev) self._control("udev_path=%s" % dev) self._control("readonly=%d" % readonly) self._enable() super(BlockStorageObject, self)._configure(wwn) def _get_major(self): self._check_self() return int(self._parse_info('Major')) def _get_minor(self): self._check_self() return int(self._parse_info('Minor')) def _get_size(self): # udev_path doesn't work here, what if LV gets renamed? return get_size_for_disk_name(self._parse_info('device')) * int(self._parse_info('SectorSize')) def _get_wb_enabled(self): self._check_self() return bool(int(self.get_attribute("emulate_write_cache"))) def _get_readonly(self): self._check_self() # 'readonly' not present before kernel 3.6 try: return bool(int(self._parse_info('readonly'))) except AttributeError: return False # BlockStorageObject public stuff major = property(_get_major, doc="Get the block device major number") minor = property(_get_minor, doc="Get the block device minor number") size = property(_get_size, doc="Get the block device size") write_back = property(_get_wb_enabled, doc="True if write-back, False if write-through (write cache disabled)") readonly = property(_get_readonly, doc="True if the device is read-only, False if read/write") def dump(self): d = super(BlockStorageObject, self).dump() d['write_back'] = self.write_back d['readonly'] = self.readonly d['wwn'] = self.wwn d['dev'] = self.udev_path return d class UserBackedStorageObject(StorageObject): ''' An interface to configFS storage objects for userspace-backed backstore. ''' def __init__(self, name, config=None, size=None, wwn=None): ''' @param name: The name of the UserBackedStorageObject. @type name: string @param config: user-handler-specific config string. - e.g. "rbd/machine1@snap4" @type config: string @param size: The size of the device to create, in bytes. @type size: int @param wwn: T10 WWN Unit Serial, will generate if None @type wwn: string @return: A UserBackedStorageObject object. ''' if size is not None: if config is None: raise RTSLibError("'size' and 'config' must be set when " "creating a new UserBackedStorageObject") if '/' not in config: raise RTSLibError("'config' must contain a '/' separating subtype " "from its configuration string") super(UserBackedStorageObject, self).__init__(name, 'create') try: self._configure(config, size, wwn) except: self.delete() raise else: super(UserBackedStorageObject, self).__init__(name, 'lookup') def _configure(self, config, size, wwn): self._check_self() if ':' in config: raise RTSLibError("':' not allowed in config string") self._control("dev_config=%s" % config) self._control("dev_size=%d" % size) self._enable() super(UserBackedStorageObject, self)._configure(wwn) def _get_size(self): self._check_self() return int(self._parse_info('Size')) def _get_config(self): self._check_self() val = self._parse_info('Config') if val == "NULL": return None return val def _get_alua_supported(self): self._check_self() return False size = property(_get_size, doc="Get the size in bytes.") config = property(_get_config, doc="Get the TCMU config.") alua_supported = property(_get_alua_supported, doc="ALUA cannot be setup with rtslib, so False is returned."); def dump(self): d = super(UserBackedStorageObject, self).dump() d['wwn'] = self.wwn d['size'] = self.size d['config'] = self.config return d class StorageObjectFactory(object): """ Create a storage object based on a given path. Only works for file & block. """ def __new__(cls, path): name = path.strip("/").replace("/", "-") if os.path.exists(path): s = os.stat(path) if stat.S_ISBLK(s.st_mode): return BlockStorageObject(name=name, dev=path) elif stat.S_ISREG(s.st_mode): return FileIOStorageObject(name=name, dev=path, size=s.st_size) raise RTSLibError("Can't create storageobject from path: %s" % path) # Used to convert either dirprefix or plugin to the SO. Instead of two # almost-identical dicts we just have some duplicate entries. so_mapping = { "pscsi": PSCSIStorageObject, "rd_mcp": RDMCPStorageObject, "ramdisk": RDMCPStorageObject, "fileio": FileIOStorageObject, "iblock": BlockStorageObject, "block": BlockStorageObject, "user": UserBackedStorageObject, } bs_params = { PSCSIStorageObject: dict(name='pscsi'), RDMCPStorageObject: dict(name='ramdisk', alt_dirprefix='rd_mcp'), FileIOStorageObject: dict(name='fileio'), BlockStorageObject: dict(name='block', alt_dirprefix='iblock'), UserBackedStorageObject: dict(name='user'), } bs_cache = {} class _Backstore(CFSNode): """ Backstore is needed as a level in the configfs hierarchy, but otherwise useless. 1:1 so:backstore. Created by storageobject ctor before SO configfs entry. """ def __init__(self, name, storage_object_cls, mode): super(_Backstore, self).__init__() self._so_cls = storage_object_cls self._plugin = bs_params[self._so_cls]['name'] dirp = bs_params[self._so_cls].get("alt_dirprefix", self._plugin) global bs_cache if not bs_cache: for dir in glob.iglob("%s/core/*_*/*/" % self.configfs_dir): parts = dir.split("/") bs_name = parts[-2] bs_dirp, bs_index = parts[-3].rsplit("_", 1) current_key = "%s/%s" % (bs_dirp, bs_name) bs_cache[current_key] = int(bs_index) # mapping in cache? self._lookup_key = "%s/%s" % (dirp, name) self._index = bs_cache.get(self._lookup_key, None) if self._index != None and mode == 'create': raise RTSLibError("Storage object %s/%s exists" % (self._plugin, name)) elif self._index == None: if mode == 'lookup': raise RTSLibNotInCFS("Storage object %s/%s not found" % (self._plugin, name)) else: # Allocate new index value indexes = set(bs_cache.values()) for index in range(1048576): if index not in indexes: self._index = index bs_cache[self._lookup_key] = self._index break else: raise RTSLibError("No available backstore index") self._path = "%s/core/%s_%d" % (self.configfs_dir, dirp, self._index) try: self._create_in_cfs_ine(mode) except: del bs_cache[self._lookup_key] raise def delete(self): super(_Backstore, self).delete() del bs_cache[self._lookup_key] def _get_index(self): return self._index def _parse_info(self, key): self._check_self() info = fread("%s/hba_info" % self.path) return re.search(".*%s: ([^: ]+).*" \ % key, ' '.join(info.split())).group(1) def _get_version(self): self._check_self() return self._parse_info("version") def _get_plugin(self): self._check_self() return self._plugin def _get_name(self): self._check_self() return "%s%d" % (self.plugin, self.index) plugin = property(_get_plugin, doc="Get the backstore plugin name.") index = property(_get_index, doc="Get the backstore index as an int.") version = property(_get_version, doc="Get the Backstore plugin version string.") name = property(_get_name, doc="Get the backstore name.") def _test(): import doctest doctest.testmod() if __name__ == "__main__": _test()