diff options
authorAnthon van der Neut <>2017-07-18 17:45:56 +0200
committerAnthon van der Neut <>2017-07-18 17:45:56 +0200
commite5cb9e35821bc49fa138b990cff7237db4d67193 (patch)
parentdda96c5a024bc77b312ea07f77467cbbb517e289 (diff)
removed _example, added contribution.ryd
5 files changed, 124 insertions, 130 deletions
diff --git a/_doc/ b/_doc/
index f194404..1ded3e1 100644
--- a/_doc/
+++ b/_doc/
@@ -141,7 +141,7 @@ html_theme = 'default'
# The name for this set of Sphinx documents. If None, it defaults to
# "<project> v<release> documentation".
-html_title = "python YAML package documentation"
+html_title = "Python YAML package documentation"
# A shorter title for the navigation bar. Default is the same as html_title.
# html_short_title = None
@@ -243,7 +243,7 @@ latex_elements = {
# (source start file, target name, title,
# author, documentclass [howto, manual, or own class]).
latex_documents = [
- (master_doc, 'yaml.tex', u'yaml Documentation',
+ (master_doc, 'yaml.tex', u'Python YAML package documentation',
u'Anthon van der Neut', 'manual'),
diff --git a/_doc/contributing.ryd b/_doc/contributing.ryd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3b093d1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/_doc/contributing.ryd
@@ -0,0 +1,122 @@
+version: 0.1
+output: rst
+fix_inline_single_backquotes: true
+pdf: true
+--- |
+Any contribution to ``ruamel.yaml`` is welcome, be it in the form of an
+email, a question on stackoverflow (I'll get notified of that when you tag it
+with ``ruamel.yaml``), an issue or pull-request (PR) on bitbucket.
+Contributing via stackoverflow is, for most, easiest to make. When I answer your
+question there and the answer warrants an extension to the documentation or
+code, I will include it in a documnetation update and/or future (normally the
+next) release of ``ruamel.yaml``.
+Please don't post support questions as an issue on Bitbucket.
+The documentation for ``ruamel.yaml`` is in YAML, more specifically in `ryd
+<>`_ ( /rɑɪt/, pronounced like the verb “write”
+). This is reStructuredText mixed with Python, each in separate YAML documents
+within a single file. If you know a bit of YAML, Python and reStructuredText it
+will be clear how that works.
+If you want to contribute to the documentation, you can sent me a clear
+description of the needed changes, e.g. as a unified diff. If the changes
+encompass multiple documents in a ``.ryd`` file, it is best to install ``ryd``
+(use a virtualenv!), clone the ``ruamel.yaml`` repository on Bitbucket, edit
+documentation, run ``ryd``::
+ ryd --pdf '**/*.ryd'
+(quoting might not be necessary depending on your shell), and once the PDF(s)
+look acceptable, submit a pull-request.
+``ryd`` will check your file for single backquotes (my most common mistake going
+back and forth between reStructuredText and other mark up).
+If you contribute example programs, note that ``ryd`` will automatically run you
+program (so it should be correct) and can include the output of the program in
+the resulting ``.rst`` (and PDF) file.
+Code changes are welcome as well, but anything beyond a minor change should be
+tested (``tox``/``pytest``), checked for typing conformance (``mypy``) and pass
+pep8 conformance (``flake8``).
+In my experience it is best to use two ``virtualenv`` environments, one with the
+latest Python from the 2.7 series, the other with 3.5 or 3.6. In the
+site-packages directory of each virtualenv make a soft link to the ruamel
+directory of your (cloned and checked out) copy of the repository. Do not under
+any circumstances run ``pip install -e .`` or ``python -e .`` it will
+not work (at least not until these commands are fixed to support packages with
+You can install ``tox``, ``pytest``, ``mypy`` and ``flake8`` in the Python3
+``virtualenv``, or in ``virtualenv``s of their own. If all of these commands
+pass without warning/error, you can create your pull-request.
+My ``~/.config/flake8`` file::
+ [flake8]
+ show-source = True
+ max-line-length = 95
+ ignore = F405
+The suppress of F405 is necessary to allow ``from xxx import *``, which I have
+not removed in all places (yet).
+First make sure your checked out source passes ``flake8`` without test (it should).
+Then make your changes pass without any warnings/errors.
+Wether you add something or fix some bug with your code changes, first add one
+or more tests that fail in the unmodified source when running ``tox``. Once that
+is in place add your code, which should have as a result that your added test(s)
+no longer fail, and neither should any other existing tests.
+If you add methods or functions to ``ruamel.yaml``, you will need to add Python
+2.7 compatible typing information in order for ``mypy`` to pass without error.
+I run ``mypy`` from the directory where the (link to) ruamel directory is
+ mypy --py2 --strict --follow-imports silent ruamel/yaml/*.py
+This should give no errors or warnings
+Generated files
+I use a minimal environment when developing, void of most artifacts needed for
+packaging, testing etc. These artifact files are *generated*, just before committing to
+Bitbucket and pushing to PyPI, with nuances coming from the ``_package_data``
+information in ````. Including changes in these files will
+automatically be reverted, even assuming your PR is accepted as is.
+Consider the following files **read-only** (if you think changes need to made these,
+contact me)::
+ tox.ini
+ _ryd/
+ -ryd/Makefile
diff --git a/_example/ b/_example/
deleted file mode 100644
index ab3486a..0000000
--- a/_example/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-import sys
-from ruamel.yaml import YAML
-yaml_str = """\
-first_name: Art
-occupation: Architect # This is an occupation comment
-about: Art Vandelay is a fictional character that George invents...
-yaml = YAML()
-data = yaml.load(yaml_str)
-data.insert(1, 'last name', 'Vandelay', comment="new key")
-yaml.dump(data, sys.stdout)
diff --git a/_example/ b/_example/
deleted file mode 100644
index 0dbcb0c..0000000
--- a/_example/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,63 +0,0 @@
-from __future__ import print_function
-import ruamel.yaml
-inp = """\
- show: true
- items:
- - widget: full_width.html # full width 1
- title: Some Title
- description: >
- Foobar.
- vimeo_id: 20913
- zoom_image: some_url.png
- - widget: 3x_container.html
- items:
- - widget: 3x.html
- title: Some Widget Title
- image: 'foobar.png'
- description: >
- Some Description.
- - widget: 3x.html
- title: Some new title here
- image: ajax_uploads/png1_2.png
- description: >
- Some Description.
-code = ruamel.yaml.load(inp, ruamel.yaml.RoundTripLoader)
-res = ruamel.yaml.dump(code, Dumper=ruamel.yaml.RoundTripDumper)
-print(res, end='')
-code2 = ruamel.yaml.load(res, ruamel.yaml.RoundTripLoader)
-res2 = ruamel.yaml.dump(code2, Dumper=ruamel.yaml.RoundTripDumper)
-assert res == res2
-inp = """\
- show: true
- items:
- # full width 1
- - widget: full_width.html
- title: Some Title
- description: >
- Foobar.
- vimeo_id: 20913
- zoom_image: some_url.png
- - widget: 3x_container.html
- items:
- - widget: 3x.html
- title: Some Widget Title
- image: 'foobar.png'
- description: >
- Some Description.
- - widget: 3x.html
- title: Some new title here
- image: ajax_uploads/png1_2.png
- description: >
- Some Description.
diff --git a/_example/ b/_example/
deleted file mode 100644
index af1fc2a..0000000
--- a/_example/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,52 +0,0 @@
-from __future__ import print_function
-# import sys
-import ruamel.yaml
-from ruamel.yaml.comments import CommentedMap
-# class MyObj():
-# name = "boby"
-# age = 34
-# print(ruamel.yaml.dump(MyObj())) # , Dumper=ruamel.yaml.RoundTripDumper), end='')
-# inp = """\
-# boby: # this is the name
-# age: 34 # in years
-# """
-# print('====', ruamel.yaml.load(inp))
-# data1 = ruamel.yaml.load(inp, Loader=ruamel.yaml.RoundTripLoader)
-# print('<<<',
-# print(ruamel.yaml.dump(data1, Dumper=ruamel.yaml.RoundTripDumper), end='')
-# print('----------------')
-class MyObj():
- name = "boby"
- age = 34
- def convert_to_yaml_struct(self):
- x = CommentedMap()
- a = CommentedMap()
- x[] = a
- x.yaml_add_eol_comment('this is the name', 'boby', 11)
- a['age'] = data.age
- a.yaml_add_eol_comment('in years', 'age', 11)
- print('>>>',
- return x
- @staticmethod
- def yaml_representer(dumper, data, flow_style=False):
- assert isinstance(dumper, ruamel.yaml.RoundTripDumper)
- return dumper.represent_dict(data.convert_to_yaml_struct())
-ruamel.yaml.RoundTripDumper.add_representer(MyObj, MyObj.yaml_representer)
-data = MyObj()
-print(ruamel.yaml.dump(data, Dumper=ruamel.yaml.RoundTripDumper), end='')