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diff --git a/_doc/api.rst b/_doc/api.rst
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index 1316b9f..0000000
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-Departure from previous API
-With version 0.15.0 ``ruamel.yaml`` starts to depart from the previous (PyYAML) way
-of loading and dumping. During a transition period the original
-``load()`` and ``dump()`` in its various formats will still be supported,
-but this is not guaranteed to be so with the transition to 1.0.
-At the latest with 1.0, but possible earlier transition error and
-warning messages will be issued, so any packages depending on
-ruamel.yaml should pin the version with which they are testing.
-Up to 0.15.0, the loaders (``load()``, ``safe_load()``,
-``round_trip_load()``, ``load_all``, etc.) took, apart from the input
-stream, a ``version`` argument to allow downgrading to YAML 1.1,
-sometimes needed for
-documents without directive. When round-tripping, there was an option to
-preserve quotes.
-Up to 0.15.0, the dumpers (``dump()``, ``safe_dump``,
-``round_trip_dump()``, ``dump_all()``, etc.) had a plethora of
-arguments, some inhereted from ``PyYAML``, some added in
-``ruamel.yaml``. The only required argument is the ``data`` to be
-dumped. If the stream argument is not provided to the dumper, then a
-string representation is build up in memory and returned to the
-Starting with 0.15.0 ``load()`` and ``dump()`` are methods on a
-``YAML`` instance and only take the stream,
-resp. the data and stram argument. All other parameters are set on the instance
-of ``YAML`` before calling ``load()`` or ``dump()``
-Before 0.15.0::
- from pathlib import Path
- from ruamel import yaml
- data = yaml.safe_load("abc: 1")
- out = Path('/tmp/out.yaml')
- with'w') as fp:
- yaml.safe_dump(data, fp, default_flow_style=False)
- from pathlib import Path
- from ruamel.yaml import YAML
- yaml = YAML(typ='safe')
- yaml.default_flow_style = False
- data = yaml.load("abc: 1")
- out = Path('/tmp/out.yaml')
- yaml.dump(data, out)
-If you previously used a keyword argument ``explicit_start=True`` you
-now do ``yaml.explicit_start = True`` before calling ``dump()``. The
-``Loader`` and ``Dumper`` keyword arguments are not supported that
-way. You can provide the ``typ`` keyword to ``rt`` (default),
-``safe``, ``unsafe`` or ``base`` (for round-trip load/dump, safe_load/dump,
-load/dump resp. using the BaseLoader / BaseDumper. More fine-control
-is possible by setting the attributes ``.Parser``, ``.Constructor``,
-``.Emitter``, etc., to the class of the type to create for that stage
-(typically a subclass of an existing class implementing that).
-The default loader (``t`` is a direct derivative of the safe loader, without the
-methods to construct arbitrary Python objects that make the ``unsafe`` loader
-unsafe, but with the changes needed for round-trip preservation of comments,
-etc.. For trusted Python classes a constructor can of course be added to the round-trip
-or safe-loader, but this has to be done explicitly (``add_constructor``).
-All data is dumped (not just for round-trip-mode) with ``.allow_unicode
-= True``
-You can of course have multiple YAML instances active at the same
-time, with different load and/or dump behaviour.
-Initially only the typical operations are supported, but in principle
-all functionality of the old interface will be available via
-``YAML`` instances (if you are using something that isn't let me know).
-Duplicate keys
-In JSON mapping keys should be unique, in YAML they must be unique.
-PyYAML never enforced this although the YAML 1.1 specification already
-required this.
-In the new API (starting 0.15.1) duplicate keys in mappings are no longer allowed by
-default. To allow duplicate keys in mappings::
- yaml = ruamel.yaml.YAML()
- yaml.allow_duplicate_keys = True
- yaml.load(stream)
-In the old API this is a warning starting with 0.15.2 and an error in
-On your ``YAML()`` instance you can set attributes e.g with::
- yaml = YAML(typ='safe', pure=True)
- yaml.allow_unicode = False
-available attributes include:
- Defaults to ``True`` if Python's Unicode size is larger than 2 bytes. Set to ``False`` to
- enforce output of the form ``\U0001f601`` (ignored if ``allow_unicode`` is ``False``)
-Transparent usage of new and old API
-If you have multiple packages depending on ``ruamel.yaml``, or install
-your utility together with other packages not under your control, then
-fixing your ``install_requires`` might not be so easy.
-Depending on your usage you might be able to "version" your usage to
-be compatible with both the old and the new. The following are some
-examples all assuming ``from ruamel import yaml`` somewhere at the top
-of your file and some ``istream`` and ``ostream`` apropriately opened
-for reading resp. writing.
-Loading and dumping using the ``SafeLoader``::
- if ruamel.yaml.version_info < (0, 15):
- data = yaml.safe_load(istream)
- yaml.safe_dump(data, ostream)
- else:
- yml = ruamel.yaml.YAML(typ='safe', pure=True) # 'safe' load and dump
- data = yml.load(istream)
- yml.dump(data, ostream)
-Loading with the ``CSafeLoader``, dumping with
-``RoundTripLoader``. You need two ``YAML`` instances, but each of them
-can be re-used::
- if ruamel.yaml.version_info < (0, 15):
- data = yaml.load(istream, Loader=yaml.CSafeLoader)
- yaml.round_trip_dump(data, ostream, width=1000, explicit_start=True)
- else:
- yml = ruamel.yaml.YAML(typ='safe')
- data = yml.load(istream)
- ymlo = ruamel.yaml.YAML() # or yaml.YAML(typ='rt')
- ymlo.width = 1000
- ymlo.explicit_start = True
- ymlo.dump(data, ostream)
-Loading and dumping from ``pathlib.Path`` instances using the
- # in
- if ruamel.yaml.version_info < (0, 15):
- class MyYAML(yaml.YAML):
- def __init__(self):
- yaml.YAML.__init__(self)
- self.preserve_quotes = True
- self.indent = 4
- self.block_seq_indent = 2
- # in your code
- try:
- from myyaml import MyYAML
- except (ModuleNotFoundError, ImportError):
- if ruamel.yaml.version_info >= (0, 15):
- raise
- # some pathlib.Path
- from pathlib import Path
- inf = Path('/tmp/in.yaml')
- outf = Path('/tmp/out.yaml')
- if ruamel.yaml.version_info < (0, 15):
- with as ifp:
- data = yaml.round_trip_load(ifp, preserve_quotes=True)
- with'w') as ofp:
- yaml.round_trip_dump(data, ofp, indent=4, block_seq_indent=2)
- else:
- yml = MyYAML()
- # no need for with statement when using pathlib.Path instances
- data = yml.load(inf)
- yml.dump(data, outf)
-Reason for API change
-``ruamel.yaml`` inherited the way of doing things from ``PyYAML``. In
-particular when calling the function ``load()`` or ``dump()`` a
-temporary instances of ``Loader()`` resp. ``Dumper()`` were
-created that were discarded on termination of the function.
-This way of doing things leads to several problems:
-- it is virtually impossible to return information to the caller apart from the
- constructed data structure. E.g. if you would get a YAML document
- version number from a directive, there is no way to let the caller
- know apart from handing back special data structures. The same
- problem exists when trying to do on the fly
- analysis of a document for indentation width.
-- these instances were composites of the various load/dump steps and
- if you wanted to enhance one of the steps, you needed e.g. subclass
- the emitter and make a new composite (dumper) as well, providing all
- of the parameters (i.e. copy paste)
- Alternatives, like making a class that returned a ``Dumper`` when
- called and sets attributes before doing so, is cumbersome for
- day-to-day use.
-- many routines (like ``add_representer()``) have a direct global
- impact on all of the following calls to ``dump()`` and those are
- difficult if not impossible to turn back. This forces the need to
- subclass ``Loaders`` and ``Dumpers``, a long time problem in PyYAML
- as some attributes were not ``deep_copied`` although a bug-report
- (and fix) had been available a long time.
-- If you want to set an attribute, e.g. to control whether literal
- block style scalars are allowed to have trailing spaces on a line
- instead of being dumped as double quoted scalars, you have to change
- the ``dump()`` family of routines, all of the ``Dumpers()`` as well
- as the actual functionality change in ``emitter.Emitter()``. The
- functionality change takes changing 4 (four!) lines in one file, and being able
- to enable that another 50+ line changes (non-contiguous) in 3 more files resulting
- in diff that is far over 200 lines long.
-- replacing libyaml with something that doesn't both support ``0o52``
- and ``052`` for the integer ``42`` (instead of ``52`` as per YAML 1.2)
- is difficult
-With ``ruamel.yaml>=0.15.0`` the various steps "know" about the
-``YAML`` instance and can pick up setting, as well as report back
-information via that instance. Representers, etc., are added to a
-reusable instance and different YAML instances can co-exists.
-This change eases development and helps prevent regressions.
diff --git a/_doc/basicuse.rst b/_doc/basicuse.rst
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--- a/_doc/basicuse.rst
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-Basic Usage
-*This is the new (0.15+) interface for ``ruamel.yaml``, it is still in
-the process of being fleshed out*. Please pin your dependency to
-``ruamel.yaml<0.15`` for production software.
-You load a YAML document using::
- from ruamel.yaml import YAML
- yaml=YAML(typ='safe') # default if not specfied is round-trip
- yaml.load(doc)
-in this ``doc`` can be a file pointer (i.e. an object that has the
-``.read()`` method, a string or a ``pathlib.Path()``. ``typ='safe'``
-accomplishes the same as what ``safe_load()`` did before: loading of a
-document without resolving unknow tags. Provide ``pure=True`` to
-enforce using the pure Python implementation (faster C libraries will be used
-when possible/available)
-Dumping works in the same way::
- from ruamel.yaml import YAML
- yaml=YAML()
- yaml.default_flow_style = False
- yaml.dump({'a': [1, 2]}, s)
-in this ``s`` can be a file pointer (i.e. an object that has the
-``.write()`` method, or a ``pathlib.Path()``. If you want to display
-your output, just stream to ``sys.stdout``.
-If you need to transform a string representation of the output provide
-a function that takes a string as input and returns one::
- def tr(s):
- return s.replace('\n', '<\n') # such output is not valid YAML!
- yaml.dump(data, sys.stdout, transform=tr)
-More examples
-Using the C based SafeLoader (at this time is inherited from
-libyaml/PyYAML and e.g. loads ``0o52`` as well as ``052`` load as integer ``42``)::
- from ruamel.yaml import YAML
- yaml=YAML(typ="safe")
- yaml.load("""a:\n b: 2\n c: 3\n""")
-Using the Python based SafeLoader (YAML 1.2 support, ``052`` loads as ``52``)::
- from ruamel.yaml import YAML
- yaml=YAML(typ="safe", pure=True)
- yaml.load("""a:\n b: 2\n c: 3\n""")
diff --git a/_doc/detail.rst b/_doc/detail.rst
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--- a/_doc/detail.rst
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-- support for simple lists as mapping keys by transforming these to tuples
-- ``!!omap`` generates ordereddict (C) on Python 2, collections.OrderedDict
- on Python 3, and ``!!omap`` is generated for these types.
-- Tests whether the C yaml library is installed as well as the header
- files. That library doesn't generate CommentTokens, so it cannot be used to
- do round trip editing on comments. It can be used to speed up normal
- processing (so you don't need to install ``ruamel.yaml`` and ``PyYaml``).
- See the section *Optional requirements*.
-- Basic support for multiline strings with preserved newlines and
- chomping ( '``|``', '``|+``', '``|-``' ). As this subclasses the string type
- the information is lost on reassignment. (This might be changed
- in the future so that the preservation/folding/chomping is part of the
- parent container, like comments).
-- anchors names that are hand-crafted (not of the form``idNNN``) are preserved
-- `merges <>`_ in dictionaries are preserved
-- adding/replacing comments on block-style sequences and mappings
- with smart column positioning
-- collection objects (when read in via RoundTripParser) have an ``lc``
- property that contains line and column info ``lc.line`` and ``lc.col``.
- Individual positions for mappings and sequences can also be retrieved
- (``lc.key('a')``, ``lc.value('a')`` resp. ``lc.item(3)``)
-- preservation of whitelines after block scalars. Contributed by Sam Thursfield.
-*In the following examples it is assumed you have done something like:*::
- from ruamel.yaml import YAML
- yaml = YAML()
-*if not explicitly specified.*
-Indentation of block sequences
-Although ruamel.yaml doesn't preserve individual indentations of block sequence
-items, it does properly dump::
- x:
- - b: 1
- - 2
-back to::
- x:
- - b: 1
- - 2
-if you specify ``yaml.indent = 4``.
-PyYAML (and older versions of ruamel.yaml) gives you non-indented
-scalars (when specifying default_flow_style=False)::
- x:
- - b: 1
- - 2
-The dump also observes an additional ``block_seq_indent`` settingr that
-can be used to push the dash inwards, *within the space defined by* ``indent``.
-The above example with the often seen ``yaml.indent = 4; yaml.block_seq_indent = 2``
- x:
- - b: 1
- - 2
-If the ``block_seq_indent`` equals ``indent``, there is not enough
-room for the dash and the space that has to follow. In that case the
-element itself would normally be pushed to the next line (and older versions
-of ruamel.yaml did so). But this is
-prevented from happening. However the ``indent`` level is what is used
-for calculating the cumulative indent for deeper levels and specifying
-``yaml.indent = 3`` resp. ``yaml.block_seq_indent = 2``, migth give correct, but counter
-intuitive results.
-**It is best to always have** ``indent >= block_seq_indent + 2``
-**but this is not enforced**. Depending on your structure, not following
-this advice **might lead to invalid output**.
-Positioning ':' in top level mappings, prefixing ':'
-If you want your toplevel mappings to look like::
- library version: 1
- comment : |
- this is just a first try
-then set ``yaml.top_level_colon_align = True``
-(and ``yaml.indent = 4``). ``True`` causes calculation based on the longest key,
-but you can also explicitly set a number.
-If you want an extra space between a mapping key and the colon specify
-``yaml.prefix_colon = ' '``::
- - https://myurl/abc.tar.xz : 23445
- # ^ extra space here
- - https://myurl/def.tar.xz : 944
-If you combine ``prefix_colon`` with ``top_level_colon_align``, the
-top level mapping doesn't get the extra prefix. If you want that
-anyway, specify ``yaml.top_level_colon_align = 12`` where ``12`` has to be an
-integer that is one more than length of the widest key.
-Document version support
-In YAML a document version can be explicitly set by using::
- %YAML 1.x
-before the document start (at the top or before a
-``---``). For ``ruamel.yaml`` x has to be 1 or 2. If no explicit
-version is set `version 1.2 <>`_
-is assumed (which has been released in 2009).
-The 1.2 version does **not** support:
-- sexagesimals like ``12:34:56``
-- octals that start with 0 only: like ``012`` for number 10 (``0o12`` **is**
- supported by YAML 1.2)
-- Unquoted Yes and On as alternatives for True and No and Off for False.
-If you cannot change your YAML files and you need them to load as 1.1
-you can load with ``yaml.version = (1, 1)``,
-or the equivalent (version can be a tuple, list or string) ``yaml.version = "1.1"``
-*If you cannot change your code, stick with ruamel.yaml==0.10.23 and let
-me know if it would help to be able to set an environment variable.*
-This does not affect dump as ruamel.yaml never emitted sexagesimals, nor
-octal numbers, and emitted booleans always as true resp. false
-Round trip including comments
-The major motivation for this fork is the round-trip capability for
-comments. The integration of the sources was just an initial step to
-make this easier.
-adding/replacing comments
-Starting with version 0.8, you can add/replace comments on block style
-collections (mappings/sequences resuting in Python dict/list). The basic
-for for this is::
- from __future__ import print_function
- import sys
- import ruamel.yaml
- yaml = ruamel.yaml.YAML() # defaults to round-trip
- inp = """\
- abc:
- - a # comment 1
- xyz:
- a: 1 # comment 2
- b: 2
- c: 3
- d: 4
- e: 5
- f: 6 # comment 3
- """
- data = yaml.load(inp)
- data['abc'].append('b')
- data['abc'].yaml_add_eol_comment('comment 4', 1) # takes column of comment 1
- data['xyz'].yaml_add_eol_comment('comment 5', 'c') # takes column of comment 2
- data['xyz'].yaml_add_eol_comment('comment 6', 'e') # takes column of comment 3
- data['xyz'].yaml_add_eol_comment('comment 7', 'd', column=20)
- yaml.dump(data, sys.stdout)
-Resulting in::
- abc:
- - a # comment 1
- - b # comment 4
- xyz:
- a: 1 # comment 2
- b: 2
- c: 3 # comment 5
- d: 4 # comment 7
- e: 5 # comment 6
- f: 6 # comment 3
-If the comment doesn't start with '#', this will be added. The key is
-the element index for list, the actual key for dictionaries. As can be seen
-from the example, the column to choose for a comment is derived
-from the previous, next or preceding comment column (picking the first one
-Config file formats
-There are only a few configuration file formats that are easily
-readable and editable: JSON, INI/ConfigParser, YAML (XML is to cluttered
-to be called easily readable).
-Unfortunately `JSON <>`_ doesn't support comments,
-and although there are some solutions with pre-processed filtering of
-comments, there are no libraries that support round trip updating of
-such commented files.
-INI files support comments, and the excellent `ConfigObj
-<>`_ library by Foord
-and Larosa even supports round trip editing with comment preservation,
-nesting of sections and limited lists (within a value). Retrieval of
-particular value format is explicit (and extensible).
-YAML has basic mapping and sequence structures as well as support for
-ordered mappings and sets. It supports scalars various types
-including dates and datetimes (missing in JSON).
-YAML has comments, but these are normally thrown away.
-Block structured YAML is a clean and very human readable
-format. By extending the Python YAML parser to support round trip
-preservation of comments, it makes YAML a very good choice for
-configuration files that are human readable and editable while at
-the same time interpretable and modifiable by a program.
-There are normally six files involved when extending the roundtrip
-capabilities: the reader, parser, composer and constructor to go from YAML to
-Python and the resolver, representer, serializer and emitter to go the other
-Extending involves keeping extra data around for the next process step,
-eventuallly resulting in a different Python object (subclass or alternative),
-that should behave like the original, but on the way from Python to YAML
-generates the original (or at least something much closer).
-When you use round-tripping, then the complex data you get are
-already subclasses of the built-in types. So you can patch
-in extra methods or override existing ones. Some methods are already
-included and you can do::
- yaml_str = """\
- a:
- - b:
- c: 42
- - d:
- f: 196
- e:
- g: 3.14
- """
- data = yaml.load(yaml_str)
- assert data.mlget(['a', 1, 'd', 'f'], list_ok=True) == 196
diff --git a/_doc/dumpcls.rst b/_doc/dumpcls.rst
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-Dumping Python classes
-Only ``yaml = YAML(typ='unsafe')`` loads and dumps Python objects out-of-the-box. And
-since it loads **any** Python object, this can be unsafe.
-If you have instances of some class(es) that you want to dump or load, it is
-easy to allow the YAML instance to that explicitly. You can either registering the
-class with the ``YAML`` instance or decorate the class.
-Registering is done with ``YAML.register_class()``::
- import sys
- import ruamel.yaml
- class User(object):
- def __init__(self, name, age):
- = name
- self.age = age
- yaml = ruamel.yaml.YAML()
- yaml.register_class(User)
- yaml.dump([User('Anthon', 18)], sys.stdout)
-which gives as output::
- - !User
- name: Anthon
- age: 18
-The tag ``!User`` originates from the name of the class.
-You can specify a different tag by adding the attribute ``yaml_tag``, and
-explicitly specify dump and/or load *classmethods* which have to be called
-``from_yaml`` resp. ``from_yaml``::
- import sys
- import ruamel.yaml
- class User:
- yaml_tag = u'!user'
- def __init__(self, name, age):
- = name
- self.age = age
- @classmethod
- def to_yaml(cls, representer, node):
- return representer.represent_scalar(cls.yaml_tag,
- u'{.name}-{.age}'.format(node, node))
- @classmethod
- def from_yaml(cls, constructor, node):
- return cls(*node.value.split('-'))
- yaml = ruamel.yaml.YAML()
- yaml.register_class(User)
- yaml.dump([User('Anthon', 18)], sys.stdout)
-which gives as output::
- - !user Anthon-18
-When using the decorator, which takes the ``YAML()`` instance as a parameter,
-the ``yaml = YAML()`` line needs to be moved up in the file::
- import sys
- from ruamel.yaml import YAML, yaml_object
- yaml = YAML()
- @yaml_object(yaml)
- class User:
- yaml_tag = u'!user'
- def __init__(self, name, age):
- = name
- self.age = age
- @classmethod
- def to_yaml(cls, representer, node):
- return representer.represent_scalar(cls.yaml_tag,
- u'{.name}-{.age}'.format(node, node))
- @classmethod
- def from_yaml(cls, constructor, node):
- return cls(*node.value.split('-'))
- yaml.dump([User('Anthon', 18)], sys.stdout)
-The ``yaml_tag``, ``from_yaml`` and ``to_yaml`` work in the same way as when using
diff --git a/_doc/example.rst b/_doc/example.rst
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--- a/_doc/example.rst
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-Basic round trip of parsing YAML to Python objects, modifying
-and generating YAML::
- import sys
- from ruamel.yaml import YAML
- inp = """\
- # example
- name:
- # details
- family: Smith # very common
- given: Alice # one of the siblings
- """
- yaml = YAML()
- code = yaml.load(inp)
- code['name']['given'] = 'Bob'
- yaml.dump(code, sys.stdout)
-Resulting in::
- # example
- name:
- # details
- family: Smith # very common
- given: Bob # one of the siblings
-with the old API::
- from __future__ import print_function
- import sys
- import ruamel.yaml
- inp = """\
- # example
- name:
- # details
- family: Smith # very common
- given: Alice # one of the siblings
- """
- code = ruamel.yaml.load(inp, ruamel.yaml.RoundTripLoader)
- code['name']['given'] = 'Bob'
- ruamel.yaml.dump(code, sys.stdout, Dumper=ruamel.yaml.RoundTripDumper)
- # the last statement can be done less efficient in time and memory with
- # leaving out the end='' would cause a double newline at the end
- # print(ruamel.yaml.dump(code, Dumper=ruamel.yaml.RoundTripDumper), end='')
-Resulting in ::
- # example
- name:
- # details
- family: Smith # very common
- given: Bob # one of the siblings
-YAML handcrafted anchors and references as well as key merging
-are preserved. The merged keys can transparently be accessed
-using ``[]`` and ``.get()``::
- from ruamel.yaml import YAML
- inp = """\
- - &CENTER {x: 1, y: 2}
- - &LEFT {x: 0, y: 2}
- - &BIG {r: 10}
- - &SMALL {r: 1}
- # All the following maps are equal:
- # Explicit keys
- - x: 1
- y: 2
- r: 10
- label: center/big
- # Merge one map
- - <<: *CENTER
- r: 10
- label: center/big
- # Merge multiple maps
- - <<: [*CENTER, *BIG]
- label: center/big
- # Override
- - <<: [*BIG, *LEFT, *SMALL]
- x: 1
- label: center/big
- """
- yaml = YAML()
- data = yaml.load(inp)
- assert data[7]['y'] == 2
-The ``CommentedMap``, which is the ``dict`` like construct one gets when round-trip loading,
-supports insertion of a key into a particular position, while optionally adding a comment::
- import sys
- from ruamel.yaml import YAML
- yaml_str = """\
- first_name: Art
- occupation: Architect # This is an occupation comment
- about: Art Vandelay is a fictional character that George invents...
- """
- yaml = YAML()
- data = yaml.load(yaml_str)
- data.insert(1, 'last name', 'Vandelay', comment="new key")
- yaml.dump(data, sys.stdout)
- first_name: Art
- last name: Vandelay # new key
- occupation: Architect # This is an occupation comment
- about: Art Vandelay is a fictional character that George invents...
-Please note that the comment is aligned with that of its neighbour (if available).
-The above was inspired by a `question <>`_
-posted by *demux* on StackOverflow.
-By default ``ruamel.yaml`` indents with two positions in block style, for
-both mappings and sequences. For sequences the indent is counted to the
-beginning of the scalar, with the dash taking the first position of the
-indented "space".
-The following program with three dumps::
- import sys
- from ruamel.yaml import YAML
- data = {1: {1: [{1: 1, 2: 2}, {1: 1, 2: 2}], 2: 2}, 2: 42}
- yaml = YAML()
- yaml.explicit_start = True
- yaml.dump(data, sys.stdout)
- yaml.indent = 4
- yaml.block_seq_indent = 2
- yaml.dump(data, sys.stdout)
- def sequence_indent_four(s):
- # this will fail on direclty nested lists: {1; [[2, 3], 4]}
- levels = []
- ret_val = ''
- for line in s.splitlines(True):
- ls = line.lstrip()
- indent = len(line) - len(ls)
- if ls.startswith('- '):
- if not levels or indent > levels[-1]:
- levels.append(indent)
- elif levels:
- if indent < levels[-1]:
- levels = levels[:-1]
- # same -> do nothing
- else:
- if levels:
- if indent <= levels[-1]:
- while levels and indent <= levels[-1]:
- levels = levels[:-1]
- ret_val += ' ' * len(levels) + line
- return ret_val
- yaml = YAML()
- yaml.explicit_start = True
- yaml.dump(data, sys.stdout, transform=sequence_indent_four)
-gives as output::
- ---
- 1:
- 1:
- - 1: 1
- 2: 2
- - 1: 1
- 2: 2
- 2: 2
- 2: 42
- ---
- 1:
- 1:
- - 1: 1
- 2: 2
- - 1: 1
- 2: 2
- 2: 2
- 2: 42
- ---
- 1:
- 1:
- - 1: 1
- 2: 2
- - 1: 1
- 2: 2
- 2: 2
- 2: 42
-The transform example was inspired by a `question
-<>`_ posted by *nowox* on
diff --git a/_doc/example.ryd b/_doc/example.ryd
index 2907048..11fa358 100644
--- a/_doc/example.ryd
+++ b/_doc/example.ryd
@@ -170,6 +170,6 @@ The following program with three dumps::
gives as output::
--- |
-The transform example was inspired by a `question
-<>`_ posted by *nowox* on
+The transform example was inspired by a `question posted by *nowox*
+<>`_ on
diff --git a/_doc/index.rst b/_doc/index.rst
deleted file mode 100644
index b0bd985..0000000
--- a/_doc/index.rst
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
-`BitBucket <>`_ |
-`PyPI <>`_
-.. toctree::
- :maxdepth: 2
- overview
- install
- basicuse
- dumpcls
- detail
- example
- api
- pyyaml
diff --git a/_doc/install.rst b/_doc/install.rst
deleted file mode 100644
index 3ee8ff9..0000000
--- a/_doc/install.rst
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,48 +0,0 @@
-Make sure you have a recent version of ``pip`` and ``setuptools``
-installed. The later needs environment marker support
-(``setuptools>=20.6.8``) and that is e.g. bundled with Python 3.4.6 but
-not with 3.4.4. It is probably best to do::
- pip install -U pip setuptools wheel
-in your environment (``virtualenv``, (Docker) container, etc) before
-installing ``ruamel.yaml``.
-``ruamel.yaml`` itself should be installed from PyPI_ using::
- pip install ruamel.yaml
-If you want to process jinja2/YAML templates (which are not valid YAML
-with the default jinja2 markers), do ``pip install
-ruamel.yaml[jinja2]`` (you might need to quote the last argument
-because of the ``[]``)
-There also is a commandline utility ``yaml`` available after installing::
- pip install ruamel.yaml.cmd
-that allows for round-trip testing/re-indenting and conversion of YAML
-files (JSON,INI,HTML tables)
-Optional requirements
-If you have the the header files for your Python executables installed
-then you can use the (non-roundtrip), but faster, C loader and emitter.
-On Debian systems you should use::
- sudo apt-get install python3-dev
-you can leave out ``python3-dev`` if you don't use python3
-For CentOS (7) based systems you should do::
- sudo yum install python-devel
-.. include:: links.rst
diff --git a/_doc/overview.rst b/_doc/overview.rst
deleted file mode 100644
index 777e343..0000000
--- a/_doc/overview.rst
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
-``ruamel.yaml`` is a YAML 1.2 loader/dumper package for Python. It is a
-derivative of Kirill Simonov's `PyYAML 3.11
-``ruamel.yaml`` supports `YAML 1.2`_ and has round-trip loaders and dumpers
-that preserves, among others:
-- comments
-- block style and key ordering are kept, so you can diff the round-tripped
- source
-- flow style sequences ( 'a: b, c, d') (based on request and test by
- Anthony Sottile)
-- anchor names that are hand-crafted (i.e. not of the form``idNNN``)
-- `merges <>`_ in dictionaries are preserved
-This preservation is normally not broken unless you severely alter
-the structure of a component (delete a key in a dict, remove list entries).
-Reassigning values or replacing list items, etc., is fine.
-For the specific 1.2 differences see :ref:`yaml-1-2-support`
-Although individual indentation of lines is not preserved, you can
-specify both indentation (counting for this does **not** include the
-dash for a sequence element) and specific offset of block sequence
-dashes within that indentation. There is a utility function that tries
-to determine the correct values for ``indent`` and
-``block_seq_indent`` that can then be passed to the dumper.
-Although ``ruamel.yaml`` still allows most of the PyYAML way of doing
-things, adding features required a different API then the transient
-nature of PyYAML's ``Loader`` and ``Dumper``. Starting with
-``ruamel.yaml`` version 0.15.0 this new API gets introduced. Old ways
-that get in the way will be removed, after first generating warnings
-on use, then generating an error. In general a warning in version 0.N.x will become an
-error in 0.N+1.0
-Many of the bugs filed against PyYAML, but that were never
-acted upon, have been fixed in ``ruamel.yaml``
-.. include:: links.rst
diff --git a/_doc/pyyaml.rst b/_doc/pyyaml.rst
deleted file mode 100644
index d9049f3..0000000
--- a/_doc/pyyaml.rst
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,79 +0,0 @@
-Differences with PyYAML
-.. parsed-literal::
- *If I have seen further, it is by standing on the shoulders of giants*.
- Isaac Newton (1676)
-``ruamel.yaml`` is a derivative of Kirill Simonov's `PyYAML 3.11
-<>`_ and would not exist without that
-excellent base to start from.
-The following a summary of the major differences with PyYAML 3.11
-.. _yaml-1-2-support:
-Defaulting to YAML 1.2 support
-PyYAML supports the `YAML 1.1`_ standard, ``ruamel.yaml`` supports
-`YAML 1.2`_ as released in 2009.
-- YAML 1.2 dropped support for several features unquoted ``Yes``,
- ``No``, ``On``, ``Off``
-- YAML 1.2 no longer accepts strings that start with a ``0`` and solely
- consist of number characters as octal, you need to specify such strings with
- ``0o[0-7]+`` (zero + lower-case o for octal + one or more octal characters).
-- YAML 1.2 no longer supports `sexagesimals
- <>`_, so the string scalar
- ``12:34:56`` doesn't need quoting.
-- ``\/`` escape for JSON compatibility
-- correct parsing of floating point scalars with exponentials
-unless the YAML document is loaded with an explicit ``version==1.1`` or
-the document starts with::
- % YAML 1.1
-, ``ruamel.yaml`` will load the document as version 1.2.
-PY2/PY3 reintegration
-``ruamel.yaml`` re-integrates the Python 2 and 3 sources, running on
-Python 2.7 (CPython, PyPy), 3.3, 3.4, 3.5 and 3.6 (support for 2.6 has been
-dropped mid 2016). It is more easy to extend and maintain as only a
-miniscule part of the code is Python version specific.
-- ``ruamel.yaml`` follows the ``indent`` keyword argument on scalars
- when dumping.
-- ``ruamel.yaml`` allows ``:`` in plain scalars, as long as these are not
- followed by a space (as per the specification)
-``ruamel.yaml`` is tested using `tox`_ and `py.test`_. In addition to
-new tests, the original PyYAML
-test framework is called from within ``tox`` runs.
-Before versions are pushed to PyPI, ``tox`` is invoked, and has to pass, on all
-supported Python versions, on PyPI as well as flake8/pep8
-Starting with 0.15 the API for using ``ruamel.yaml`` has diverged allowing easier
-addition of new features.
-.. include:: links.rst