--- version: 0.1 output: rst fix_inline_single_backquotes: true pdf: true --- | ************ Contributing ************ Any contribution to ``ruamel.yaml`` is welcome, be it in the form of an email, a question on stackoverflow (I'll get notified of that when you tag it with ``ruamel.yaml``), an issue or pull-request (PR) on bitbucket. Contributing via stackoverflow is, for most, easiest to make. When I answer your question there and the answer warrants an extension to the documentation or code, I will include it in a documnetation update and/or future (normally the next) release of ``ruamel.yaml``. Please don't post support questions as an issue on Bitbucket. Documentation ============= The documentation for ``ruamel.yaml`` is in YAML, more specifically in `ryd `_ ( /rɑɪt/, pronounced like the verb “write” ). This is reStructuredText mixed with Python, each in separate YAML documents within a single file. If you know a bit of YAML, Python and reStructuredText it will be clear how that works. If you want to contribute to the documentation, you can sent me a clear description of the needed changes, e.g. as a unified diff. If the changes encompass multiple documents in a ``.ryd`` file, it is best to install ``ryd`` (use a virtualenv!), clone the ``ruamel.yaml`` repository on Bitbucket, edit documentation, run ``ryd``:: ryd --pdf '**/*.ryd' (quoting might not be necessary depending on your shell), and once the PDF(s) look acceptable, submit a pull-request. ``ryd`` will check your file for single backquotes (my most common mistake going back and forth between reStructuredText and other mark up). If you contribute example programs, note that ``ryd`` will automatically run you program (so it should be correct) and can include the output of the program in the resulting ``.rst`` (and PDF) file. Code ==== Code changes are welcome as well, but anything beyond a minor change should be tested (``tox``/``pytest``), checked for typing conformance (``mypy``) and pass pep8 conformance (``flake8``). In my experience it is best to use two ``virtualenv`` environments, one with the latest Python from the 2.7 series, the other with 3.5 or 3.6. In the site-packages directory of each virtualenv make a soft link to the ruamel directory of your (cloned and checked out) copy of the repository. Do not under any circumstances run ``pip install -e .`` or ``python setup.py -e .`` it will not work (at least not until these commands are fixed to support packages with namespaces). You can install ``tox``, ``pytest``, ``mypy`` and ``flake8`` in the Python3 ``virtualenv``, or in a ``virtualenv`` of their own. If all of these commands pass without warning/error, you can create your pull-request. Flake +++++ My ``~/.config/flake8`` file:: [flake8] show-source = True max-line-length = 95 ignore = F405 The suppress of F405 is necessary to allow ``from xxx import *``, which I have not removed in all places (yet). First make sure your checked out source passes ``flake8`` without test (it should). Then make your changes pass without any warnings/errors. Tox/pytest ++++++++++ Whether you add something or fix some bug with your code changes, first add one or more tests that fail in the unmodified source when running ``tox``. Once that is in place add your code, which should have as a result that your added test(s) no longer fail, and neither should any other existing tests. Typing/mypy +++++++++++ If you add methods or functions to ``ruamel.yaml``, you will need to add Python 2.7 compatible typing information in order for ``mypy`` to pass without error. I run ``mypy`` from the directory where the (link to) ruamel directory is using:: mypy --py2 --strict --follow-imports silent ruamel/yaml/*.py This should give no errors or warnings Generated files =============== I use a minimal environment when developing, void of most artifacts needed for packaging, testing etc. These artifact files are *generated*, just before committing to Bitbucket and pushing to PyPI, with nuances coming from the ``_package_data`` information in ``__init__.py``. Including changes in these files will automatically be reverted, even assuming your PR is accepted as is. Consider the following files **read-only** (if you think changes need to made these, contact me):: setup.py tox.ini LICENSE _ryd/conf.py -ryd/Makefile Vulnerabilities =============== If you find a vulnerability in ``ruamel.yaml`` (e.g. that would show the ``safe`` and ``rt`` loader are not safe due to a bug in the software)), please contact me directly via email, or by leaving a comment on StackOverflow (below any of my posts), without going into the details of the vulnerability. After contact is estabilished I will work to eliminate the vulnerability in a timely fashion. After the vulnerability is removed, and affected parties notified to allow them to update versions, the vulnerability will be published, and your role in finding/resolving this properly attributed.