# coding: utf-8 from __future__ import print_function """ testing of anchors and the aliases referring to them """ import pytest from textwrap import dedent import platform from roundtrip import round_trip, dedent, round_trip_load, round_trip_dump, YAML # NOQA def load(s): return round_trip_load(dedent(s)) def compare(d, s): assert round_trip_dump(d) == dedent(s) class TestAnchorsAliases: def test_anchor_id_renumber(self): from ruamel.yaml.serializer import Serializer assert Serializer.ANCHOR_TEMPLATE == 'id%03d' data = load(""" a: &id002 b: 1 c: 2 d: *id002 """) compare( data, """ a: &id001 b: 1 c: 2 d: *id001 """, ) def test_template_matcher(self): """test if id matches the anchor template""" from ruamel.yaml.serializer import templated_id assert templated_id(u'id001') assert templated_id(u'id999') assert templated_id(u'id1000') assert templated_id(u'id0001') assert templated_id(u'id0000') assert not templated_id(u'id02') assert not templated_id(u'id000') assert not templated_id(u'x000') # def test_re_matcher(self): # import re # assert re.compile(u'id(?!000)\\d{3,}').match('id001') # assert not re.compile(u'id(?!000\\d*)\\d{3,}').match('id000') # assert re.compile(u'id(?!000$)\\d{3,}').match('id0001') def test_anchor_assigned(self): from ruamel.yaml.comments import CommentedMap data = load(""" a: &id002 b: 1 c: 2 d: *id002 e: &etemplate b: 1 c: 2 f: *etemplate """) d = data['d'] assert isinstance(d, CommentedMap) assert d.yaml_anchor() is None # got dropped as it matches pattern e = data['e'] assert isinstance(e, CommentedMap) assert e.yaml_anchor().value == 'etemplate' assert e.yaml_anchor().always_dump is False def test_anchor_id_retained(self): data = load(""" a: &id002 b: 1 c: 2 d: *id002 e: &etemplate b: 1 c: 2 f: *etemplate """) compare( data, """ a: &id001 b: 1 c: 2 d: *id001 e: &etemplate b: 1 c: 2 f: *etemplate """, ) @pytest.mark.skipif( platform.python_implementation() == 'Jython', reason='Jython throws RepresenterError' ) def test_alias_before_anchor(self): from ruamel.yaml.composer import ComposerError with pytest.raises(ComposerError): data = load(""" d: *id002 a: &id002 b: 1 c: 2 """) data = data def test_anchor_on_sequence(self): # as reported by Bjorn Stabell # https://bitbucket.org/ruamel/yaml/issue/7/anchor-names-not-preserved from ruamel.yaml.comments import CommentedSeq data = load(""" nut1: &alice - 1 - 2 nut2: &blake - some data - *alice nut3: - *blake - *alice """) r = data['nut1'] assert isinstance(r, CommentedSeq) assert r.yaml_anchor() is not None assert r.yaml_anchor().value == 'alice' merge_yaml = dedent(""" - &CENTER {x: 1, y: 2} - &LEFT {x: 0, y: 2} - &BIG {r: 10} - &SMALL {r: 1} # All the following maps are equal: # Explicit keys - x: 1 y: 2 r: 10 label: center/small # Merge one map - <<: *CENTER r: 10 label: center/medium # Merge multiple maps - <<: [*CENTER, *BIG] label: center/big # Override - <<: [*BIG, *LEFT, *SMALL] x: 1 label: center/huge """) def test_merge_00(self): data = load(self.merge_yaml) d = data[4] ok = True for k in d: for o in [5, 6, 7]: x = d.get(k) y = data[o].get(k) if not isinstance(x, int): x = x.split('/')[0] y = y.split('/')[0] if x != y: ok = False print('key', k, d.get(k), data[o].get(k)) assert ok def test_merge_accessible(self): from ruamel.yaml.comments import CommentedMap, merge_attrib data = load(""" k: &level_2 { a: 1, b2 } l: &level_1 { a: 10, c: 3 } m: <<: *level_1 c: 30 d: 40 """) d = data['m'] assert isinstance(d, CommentedMap) assert hasattr(d, merge_attrib) def test_merge_01(self): data = load(self.merge_yaml) compare(data, self.merge_yaml) def test_merge_nested(self): yaml = """ a: <<: &content 1: plugh 2: plover 0: xyzzy b: <<: *content """ data = round_trip(yaml) # NOQA def test_merge_nested_with_sequence(self): yaml = """ a: <<: &content <<: &y2 1: plugh 2: plover 0: xyzzy b: <<: [*content, *y2] """ data = round_trip(yaml) # NOQA def test_add_anchor(self): from ruamel.yaml.comments import CommentedMap data = CommentedMap() data_a = CommentedMap() data['a'] = data_a data_a['c'] = 3 data['b'] = 2 data.yaml_set_anchor('klm', always_dump=True) data['a'].yaml_set_anchor('xyz', always_dump=True) compare( data, """ &klm a: &xyz c: 3 b: 2 """, ) # this is an error in PyYAML def test_reused_anchor(self): from ruamel.yaml.error import ReusedAnchorWarning yaml = """ - &a x: 1 - <<: *a - &a x: 2 - <<: *a """ with pytest.warns(ReusedAnchorWarning): data = round_trip(yaml) # NOQA def test_issue_130(self): # issue 130 reported by Devid Fee import ruamel.yaml ys = dedent("""\ components: server: &server_component type: spark.server:ServerComponent host: port: 8000 shell: &shell_component type: spark.shell:ShellComponent services: server: &server_service <<: *server_component shell: &shell_service <<: *shell_component components: server: {<<: *server_service} """) data = ruamel.yaml.safe_load(ys) assert data['services']['shell']['components']['server']['port'] == 8000 def test_issue_130a(self): # issue 130 reported by Devid Fee import ruamel.yaml ys = dedent("""\ components: server: &server_component type: spark.server:ServerComponent host: port: 8000 shell: &shell_component type: spark.shell:ShellComponent services: server: &server_service <<: *server_component port: 4000 shell: &shell_service <<: *shell_component components: server: {<<: *server_service} """) data = ruamel.yaml.safe_load(ys) assert data['services']['shell']['components']['server']['port'] == 4000 class TestMergeKeysValues: yaml_str = dedent("""\ - &mx a: x1 b: x2 c: x3 - &my a: y1 b: y2 # masked by the one in &mx d: y4 - a: 1 <<: [*mx, *my] m: 6 """) # in the following d always has "expanded" the merges def test_merge_for(self): from ruamel.yaml import safe_load d = safe_load(self.yaml_str) data = round_trip_load(self.yaml_str) count = 0 for x in data[2]: count += 1 print(count, x) assert count == len(d[2]) def test_merge_keys(self): from ruamel.yaml import safe_load d = safe_load(self.yaml_str) data = round_trip_load(self.yaml_str) count = 0 for x in data[2].keys(): count += 1 print(count, x) assert count == len(d[2]) def test_merge_values(self): from ruamel.yaml import safe_load d = safe_load(self.yaml_str) data = round_trip_load(self.yaml_str) count = 0 for x in data[2].values(): count += 1 print(count, x) assert count == len(d[2]) def test_merge_items(self): from ruamel.yaml import safe_load d = safe_load(self.yaml_str) data = round_trip_load(self.yaml_str) count = 0 for x in data[2].items(): count += 1 print(count, x) assert count == len(d[2]) def test_len_items_delete(self): from ruamel.yaml import safe_load from ruamel.yaml.compat import PY3 d = safe_load(self.yaml_str) data = round_trip_load(self.yaml_str) x = data[2].items() print('d2 items', d[2].items(), len(d[2].items()), x, len(x)) ref = len(d[2].items()) print('ref', ref) assert len(x) == ref del data[2]['m'] if PY3: ref -= 1 assert len(x) == ref del data[2]['d'] if PY3: ref -= 1 assert len(x) == ref del data[2]['a'] if PY3: ref -= 1 assert len(x) == ref def test_issue_196_cast_of_dict(self, capsys): from ruamel.yaml import YAML yaml = YAML() mapping = yaml.load("""\ anchored: &anchor a : 1 mapping: <<: *anchor b: 2 """)['mapping'] for k in mapping: print('k', k) for k in mapping.copy(): print('kc', k) print('v', list(mapping.keys())) print('v', list(mapping.values())) print('v', list(mapping.items())) print(len(mapping)) print('-----') # print({**mapping}) # print(type({**mapping})) # assert 'a' in {**mapping} assert 'a' in mapping x = {} for k in mapping: x[k] = mapping[k] assert 'a' in x assert 'a' in mapping.keys() assert mapping['a'] == 1 assert mapping.__getitem__('a') == 1 assert 'a' in dict(mapping) assert 'a' in dict(mapping.items()) def test_values_of_merged(self): from ruamel.yaml import YAML yaml = YAML() data = yaml.load(dedent(self.yaml_str)) assert list(data[2].values()) == [1, 6, 'x2', 'x3', 'y4'] def test_issue_213_copy_of_merge(self): from ruamel.yaml import YAML yaml = YAML() d = yaml.load("""\ foo: &foo a: a foo2: <<: *foo b: b """)['foo2'] assert d['a'] == 'a' d2 = d.copy() assert d2['a'] == 'a' print('d', d) del d['a'] assert 'a' not in d assert 'a' in d2 class TestDuplicateKeyThroughAnchor: def test_duplicate_key_00(self): from ruamel.yaml import version_info from ruamel.yaml import safe_load, round_trip_load from ruamel.yaml.constructor import DuplicateKeyFutureWarning, DuplicateKeyError s = dedent("""\ &anchor foo: foo: bar *anchor : duplicate key baz: bat *anchor : duplicate key """) if version_info < (0, 15, 1): pass elif version_info < (0, 16, 0): with pytest.warns(DuplicateKeyFutureWarning): safe_load(s) with pytest.warns(DuplicateKeyFutureWarning): round_trip_load(s) else: with pytest.raises(DuplicateKeyError): safe_load(s) with pytest.raises(DuplicateKeyError): round_trip_load(s) def test_duplicate_key_01(self): # so issue https://stackoverflow.com/a/52852106/1307905 from ruamel.yaml import version_info from ruamel.yaml.constructor import DuplicateKeyError s = dedent("""\ - &name-name a: 1 - &help-name b: 2 - <<: *name-name <<: *help-name """) if version_info < (0, 15, 1): pass else: with pytest.raises(DuplicateKeyError): yaml = YAML(typ='safe') yaml.load(s) with pytest.raises(DuplicateKeyError): yaml = YAML() yaml.load(s) class TestFullCharSetAnchors: def test_master_of_orion(self): # https://bitbucket.org/ruamel/yaml/issues/72/not-allowed-in-anchor-names # submitted by Shalon Wood yaml_str = """ - collection: &Backend.Civilizations.RacialPerk items: - key: perk_population_growth_modifier - *Backend.Civilizations.RacialPerk """ data = load(yaml_str) # NOQA def test_roundtrip_00(self): yaml_str = """ - &dotted.words.here a: 1 b: 2 - *dotted.words.here """ data = round_trip(yaml_str) # NOQA def test_roundtrip_01(self): yaml_str = """ - &dotted.words.here[a, b] - *dotted.words.here """ data = load(yaml_str) # NOQA compare(data, yaml_str.replace('[', ' [')) # an extra space is inserted