# coding: utf-8 """ testing of anchors and the aliases referring to them """ import sys import pytest single_doc = """\ - a: 1 - b: - 2 - 3 """ single_data = [dict(a=1), dict(b=[2, 3])] multi_doc = """\ --- - abc - xyz --- - a: 1 - b: - 2 - 3 """ multi_doc_data = [['abc', 'xyz'], single_data] def get_yaml(): from ruamel.yaml import YAML return YAML() class TestOldStyle: def test_single_load(self): d = get_yaml().load(single_doc) print(d) print(type(d[0])) assert d == single_data def test_single_load_no_arg(self): with pytest.raises(TypeError): assert get_yaml().load() == single_data def test_multi_load(self): data = list(get_yaml().load_all(multi_doc)) assert data == multi_doc_data def test_single_dump(self, capsys): get_yaml().dump(single_data, sys.stdout) out, err = capsys.readouterr() assert out == single_doc def test_multi_dump(self, capsys): yaml = get_yaml() yaml.explicit_start = True yaml.dump_all(multi_doc_data, sys.stdout) out, err = capsys.readouterr() assert out == multi_doc class TestContextManager: def test_single_dump(self, capsys): from ruamel.yaml import YAML with YAML(output=sys.stdout) as yaml: yaml.dump(single_data) out, err = capsys.readouterr() print(err) assert out == single_doc def test_multi_dump(self, capsys): from ruamel.yaml import YAML with YAML(output=sys.stdout) as yaml: yaml.explicit_start = True yaml.dump(multi_doc_data[0]) yaml.dump(multi_doc_data[1]) out, err = capsys.readouterr() print(err) assert out == multi_doc # input is not as simple with a context manager # you need to indicate what you expect hence load and load_all # @pytest.mark.xfail(strict=True) # def test_single_load(self): # from ruamel.yaml import YAML # with YAML(input=single_doc) as yaml: # assert yaml.load() == single_data # # @pytest.mark.xfail(strict=True) # def test_multi_load(self): # from ruamel.yaml import YAML # with YAML(input=multi_doc) as yaml: # for idx, data in enumerate(yaml.load()): # assert data == multi_doc_data[0] def test_roundtrip(self, capsys): from ruamel.yaml import YAML with YAML(output=sys.stdout) as yaml: yaml.explicit_start = True for data in yaml.load_all(multi_doc): yaml.dump(data) out, err = capsys.readouterr() print(err) assert out == multi_doc