# coding: utf-8 import pytest # NOQA import json def load(s, typ=float): import ruamel.yaml yaml = ruamel.yaml.YAML() x = '{"low": %s }' % (s) print('input: [%s]' % (s), repr(x)) # just to check it is loadable json res = json.loads(x) assert isinstance(res['low'], typ) ret_val = yaml.load(x) print(ret_val) return ret_val['low'] class TestJSONNumbers: # based on http://stackoverflow.com/a/30462009/1307905 # yaml number regex: http://yaml.org/spec/1.2/spec.html#id2804092 # # -? [1-9] ( \. [0-9]* [1-9] )? ( e [-+] [1-9] [0-9]* )? # # which is not a superset of the JSON numbers def test_json_number_float(self): for x in ( y.split('#')[0].strip() for y in """ 1.0 # should fail on YAML spec on 1-9 allowed as single digit -1.0 1e-06 3.1e-5 3.1e+5 3.1e5 # should fail on YAML spec: no +- after e """.splitlines() ): if not x: continue res = load(x) assert isinstance(res, float) def test_json_number_int(self): for x in ( y.split('#')[0].strip() for y in """ 42 """.splitlines() ): if not x: continue res = load(x, int) assert isinstance(res, int)