from __future__ import print_function """ various test cases for YAML files """ import sys import pytest # NOQA import platform from roundtrip import round_trip, dedent, round_trip_load, round_trip_dump # NOQA class TestYAML: def test_backslash(self): round_trip( """ handlers: static_files: applications/\\1/static/\\2 """ ) def test_omap_out(self): # ordereddict mapped to !!omap from ruamel.yaml.compat import ordereddict import ruamel.yaml # NOQA x = ordereddict([('a', 1), ('b', 2)]) res = ruamel.yaml.dump(x, default_flow_style=False) assert res == dedent( """ !!omap - a: 1 - b: 2 """ ) def test_omap_roundtrip(self): round_trip( """ !!omap - a: 1 - b: 2 - c: 3 - d: 4 """ ) @pytest.mark.skipif(sys.version_info < (2, 7), reason='collections not available') def test_dump_collections_ordereddict(self): from collections import OrderedDict import ruamel.yaml # NOQA # OrderedDict mapped to !!omap x = OrderedDict([('a', 1), ('b', 2)]) res = ruamel.yaml.dump(x, Dumper=ruamel.yaml.RoundTripDumper, default_flow_style=False) assert res == dedent( """ !!omap - a: 1 - b: 2 """ ) @pytest.mark.skipif( sys.version_info >= (3, 0) or platform.python_implementation() != 'CPython', reason='ruamel.yaml not available', ) def test_dump_ruamel_ordereddict(self): from ruamel.ordereddict import ordereddict import ruamel.yaml # NOQA # OrderedDict mapped to !!omap x = ordereddict([('a', 1), ('b', 2)]) res = ruamel.yaml.dump(x, Dumper=ruamel.yaml.RoundTripDumper, default_flow_style=False) assert res == dedent( """ !!omap - a: 1 - b: 2 """ ) def test_CommentedSet(self): from ruamel.yaml.constructor import CommentedSet s = CommentedSet(['a', 'b', 'c']) s.remove('b') s.add('d') assert s == CommentedSet(['a', 'c', 'd']) s.add('e') s.add('f') s.remove('e') assert s == CommentedSet(['a', 'c', 'd', 'f']) def test_set_out(self): # preferable would be the shorter format without the ': null' import ruamel.yaml # NOQA x = set(['a', 'b', 'c']) res = ruamel.yaml.dump(x, default_flow_style=False) assert res == dedent( """ !!set a: null b: null c: null """ ) # @pytest.mark.xfail # ordering is not preserved in a set def test_set_compact(self): # this format is read and also should be written by default round_trip( """ !!set ? a ? b ? c """ ) def test_blank_line_after_comment(self): round_trip( """ # Comment with spaces after it. a: 1 """ ) def test_blank_line_between_seq_items(self): round_trip( """ # Seq with spaces in between items. b: - bar - baz """ ) @pytest.mark.skipif( platform.python_implementation() == 'Jython', reason='Jython throws RepresenterError' ) def test_blank_line_after_literal_chip(self): s = """ c: - | This item has a blank line following it. - | To visually separate it from this item. This item contains a blank line. """ d = round_trip_load(dedent(s)) print(d) round_trip(s) assert d['c'][0].split('it.')[1] == '\n' assert d['c'][1].split('line.')[1] == '\n' @pytest.mark.skipif( platform.python_implementation() == 'Jython', reason='Jython throws RepresenterError' ) def test_blank_line_after_literal_keep(self): """ have to insert an eof marker in YAML to test this""" s = """ c: - |+ This item has a blank line following it. - |+ To visually separate it from this item. This item contains a blank line. ... """ d = round_trip_load(dedent(s)) print(d) round_trip(s) assert d['c'][0].split('it.')[1] == '\n\n' assert d['c'][1].split('line.')[1] == '\n\n\n' @pytest.mark.skipif( platform.python_implementation() == 'Jython', reason='Jython throws RepresenterError' ) def test_blank_line_after_literal_strip(self): s = """ c: - |- This item has a blank line following it. - |- To visually separate it from this item. This item contains a blank line. """ d = round_trip_load(dedent(s)) print(d) round_trip(s) assert d['c'][0].split('it.')[1] == "" assert d['c'][1].split('line.')[1] == "" def test_load_all_perserve_quotes(self): import ruamel.yaml # NOQA s = dedent( """\ a: 'hello' --- b: "goodbye" """ ) data = [] for x in ruamel.yaml.round_trip_load_all(s, preserve_quotes=True): data.append(x) out = ruamel.yaml.dump_all(data, Dumper=ruamel.yaml.RoundTripDumper) print(type(data[0]['a']), data[0]['a']) # out = ruamel.yaml.round_trip_dump_all(data) print(out) assert out == s