# coding: utf-8 """ some helper functions that might be generally useful """ from __future__ import print_function from __future__ import absolute_import from .compat import text_type, binary_type # originally as comment # https://github.com/pre-commit/pre-commit/pull/211#issuecomment-186466605 # if you use this in your code, I suggest adding a test in your test suite # that check this routines output against a known piece of your YAML # before upgrades to this code break your round-tripped YAML def load_yaml_guess_indent(stream, **kw): """guess the indent and block sequence indent of yaml stream/string returns round_trip_loaded stream, indent level, block sequence indent - block sequence indent is the number of spaces before a dash relative to previous indent - if there are no block sequences, indent is taken from nested mappings, block sequence indent is unset (None) in that case """ from .main import round_trip_load # load a yaml file guess the indentation, if you use TABs ... def leading_spaces(l): idx = 0 while idx < len(l) and l[idx] == ' ': idx += 1 return idx if isinstance(stream, text_type): yaml_str = stream elif isinstance(stream, binary_type): yaml_str = stream.decode('utf-8') # most likely, but the Reader checks BOM for this else: yaml_str = stream.read() map_indent = None indent = None # default if not found for some reason block_seq_indent = None prev_line_key_only = None key_indent = 0 for line in yaml_str.splitlines(): rline = line.rstrip() lline = rline.lstrip() if lline.startswith('- '): l_s = leading_spaces(line) block_seq_indent = l_s - key_indent idx = l_s + 1 while line[idx] == ' ': # this will end as we rstripped idx += 1 if line[idx] == '#': # comment after - continue indent = idx - key_indent break if map_indent is None and prev_line_key_only is not None and rline: idx = 0 while line[idx] in ' -': idx += 1 if idx > prev_line_key_only: map_indent = idx - prev_line_key_only if rline.endswith(':'): key_indent = leading_spaces(line) idx = 0 while line[idx] == ' ': # this will end on ':' idx += 1 prev_line_key_only = idx continue prev_line_key_only = None if indent is None and map_indent is not None: indent = map_indent return round_trip_load(yaml_str, **kw), indent, block_seq_indent def configobj_walker(cfg): """ walks over a ConfigObj (INI file with comments) generating corresponding YAML output (including comments """ from configobj import ConfigObj assert isinstance(cfg, ConfigObj) for c in cfg.initial_comment: if c.strip(): yield c for s in _walk_section(cfg): if s.strip(): yield s for c in cfg.final_comment: if c.strip(): yield c def _walk_section(s, level=0): from configobj import Section assert isinstance(s, Section) indent = u' ' * level for name in s.scalars: for c in s.comments[name]: yield indent + c.strip() x = s[name] if u'\n' in x: i = indent + u' ' x = u'|\n' + i + x.strip().replace(u'\n', u'\n' + i) elif ':' in x: x = u"'" + x.replace(u"'", u"''") + u"'" line = u'{0}{1}: {2}'.format(indent, name, x) c = s.inline_comments[name] if c: line += u' ' + c yield line for name in s.sections: for c in s.comments[name]: yield indent + c.strip() line = u'{0}{1}:'.format(indent, name) c = s.inline_comments[name] if c: line += u' ' + c yield line for val in _walk_section(s[name], level=level+1): yield val # def config_obj_2_rt_yaml(cfg): # from .comments import CommentedMap, CommentedSeq # from configobj import ConfigObj # assert isinstance(cfg, ConfigObj) # #for c in cfg.initial_comment: # # if c.strip(): # # pass # cm = CommentedMap() # for name in s.sections: # cm[name] = d = CommentedMap() # # # #for c in cfg.final_comment: # # if c.strip(): # # yield c # return cm