ChangeLog ========= 2.5.0 (2016-02-12) ------------------ *Bugfix:* `#18 `_: According to SemVer 2.0.0, build numbers aren't ordered. * Remove specs of the ``Spec('<1.1.3+')`` form * Comparing ``Version('0.1.0')`` to ``Version('0.1.0+bcd')`` has new rules:: >>> Version('0.1.0+1') == Version('0.1.0+bcd') False >>> Version('0.1.0+1') != Version('0.1.0+bcd') True >>> Version('0.1.0+1') < Version('0.1.0+bcd') False >>> Version('0.1.0+1') > Version('0.1.0+bcd') False >>> Version('0.1.0+1') <= Version('0.1.0+bcd') False >>> Version('0.1.0+1') >= Version('0.1.0+bcd') False >>> compare(Version('0.1.0+1'), Version('0.1.0+bcd')) NotImplemented * :func:`` returns ``NotImplemented`` when its parameters differ only by build metadata * ``Spec('<=1.3.0')`` now matches ``Version('1.3.0+abde24fe883')`` * `#24 `_: Fix handling of bumping pre-release versions, thanks to @minchinweb. * `#30 `_: Add support for NPM-style ``^1.2.3`` and ``~2.3.4`` specs, thanks to @skwashd 2.4.2 (2015-07-02) ------------------ *Bugfix:* * Fix tests for Django 1.7+, thanks to @mhrivnak. 2.4.1 (2015-04-01) ------------------ *Bugfix:* * Fix packaging metadata (advertise Python 3.4 support) 2.4.0 (2015-04-01) ------------------ *New:* * `#16 `_: Add an API for bumping versions, by @RickEyre. 2.3.1 (2014-09-24) ------------------ *Bugfix:* * `#13 `_: Fix handling of files encoding in ````. 2.3.0 (2014-03-16) ------------------ *New:* * Handle the full ``semver-2.0.0`` specifications (instead of the ``2.0.0-rc2`` of previous releases) * `#8 `_: Allow ``'*'`` as a valid version spec 2.2.2 (2013-12-23) ------------------ *Bugfix:* * `#5 `_: Fix packaging (broken symlinks, old-style distutils, etc.) 2.2.1 (2013-10-29) ------------------ *Bugfix:* * `#2 `_: Properly expose :func:`~semantic_version.validate` as a top-level module function. 2.2.0 (2013-03-22) ------------------ *Bugfix:* * `#1 `_: Allow partial versions without minor or patch level *New:* * Add the :meth:`Version.coerce ` class method to :class:`~semantic_version.Version` class for mapping arbitrary version strings to semver. * Add the :func:`~semantic_version.validate` method to validate a version string against the SemVer rules. * Full Python3 support 2.1.2 (2012-05-22) ------------------ *Bugfix:* * Properly validate :class:`~semantic_version.django_fields.VersionField` and :class:`~semantic_version.django_fields.SpecField`. 2.1.1 (2012-05-22) ------------------ *New:* * Add introspection rules for south 2.1.0 (2012-05-22) ------------------ *New:* * Add :func:`semantic_version.Spec.filter` (filter a list of :class:`~semantic_version.Version`) * Add :func:`` (select the highest :class:`~semantic_version.Version` from a list) * Update :func:`semantic_version.Version.__repr__` 2.0.0 (2012-05-22) ------------------ *Backwards incompatible changes:* * Removed "loose" specification support * Cleanup :class:`~semantic_version.Spec` to be more intuitive. * Merge Spec and SpecList into :class:`~semantic_version.Spec`. * Remove :class:`~semantic_version.django_fields.SpecListField` 1.2.0 (2012-05-18) ------------------ *New:* * Allow split specifications when instantiating a :class:`~semantic_version.SpecList`:: >>> SpecList('>=0.1.1', '!=0.1.3') == SpecList('>=0.1.1,!=0.1.3') True 1.1.0 (2012-05-18) ------------------ *New:* * Improved "loose" specification support (``>~``, ``<~``, ``!~``) * Introduced "not equal" specifications (``!=``, ``!~``) * :class:`~semantic_version.SpecList` class combining many :class:`~semantic_version.Spec` * Add :class:`~semantic_version.django_fields.SpecListField` to store a :class:`~semantic_version.SpecList`. 1.0.0 (2012-05-17) ------------------ First public release. *New:* * :class:`~semantic_version.Version` and :class:`~semantic_version.Spec` classes * Related django fields: :class:`~semantic_version.django_fields.VersionField` and :class:`~semantic_version.django_fields.SpecField` .. vim:et:ts=4:sw=4:tw=79:ft=rst: