PACKAGE=semantic_version TESTS_DIR=tests DOC_DIR=docs # Use current python binary instead of system default. COVERAGE = python $(shell which coverage) FLAKE8 = flake8 all: default default: .PHONY: all default # Package management # ================== clean: find . -type f -name '*.pyc' -delete find . -type f -path '*/__pycache__/*' -delete find . -type d -empty -delete @rm -rf tmp_test/ update: pip install --upgrade pip setuptools pip install --upgrade -e .[dev,doc] pip freeze release: fullrelease .PHONY: clean update release # Tests and quality # ================= # DOC: Run tests for all supported versions (creates a set of virtualenvs) testall: tox # DOC: Run tests for the currently installed version test: python -Wdefault test # DOC: Perform code quality tasks lint: check-manifest flake8 # DOC: Verify that and .gitignore are consistent check-manifest: check-manifest # Note: we run the linter in two runs, because our files has specific warnings we want to exclude # DOC: Verify code quality flake8: $(FLAKE8) --exclude $(PACKAGE)/ $(PACKAGE) $(TESTS_DIR) $(FLAKE8) --ignore F401 $(PACKAGE)/ # DOC: Run tests with coverage collection coverage: $(COVERAGE) erase $(COVERAGE) run "--include=$(PACKAGE)/*.py,$(TESTS_DIR)/*.py" --branch test $(COVERAGE) report "--include=$(PACKAGE)/*.py,$(TESTS_DIR)/*.py" $(COVERAGE) html "--include=$(PACKAGE)/*.py,$(TESTS_DIR)/*.py" .PHONY: testall test lint check-manifest flake8 coverage # Documentation # ============= # DOC: Compile the documentation doc: $(MAKE) -C $(DOC_DIR) html # DOC: Show this help message help: @grep -A1 '^# DOC:' Makefile \ | awk ' \ BEGIN { FS="\n"; RS="--\n"; opt_len=0; } \ { \ doc=$$1; name=$$2; \ sub("# DOC: ", "", doc); \ sub(":", "", name); \ if (length(name) > opt_len) { \ opt_len = length(name) \ } \ opts[NR] = name; \ docs[name] = doc; \ } \ END { \ pat="%-" (opt_len + 4) "s %s\n"; \ asort(opts); \ for (i in opts) { \ opt=opts[i]; \ printf pat, opt, docs[opt] \ } \ }' .PHONY: doc help